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File (rev) Last Change
runtime/ 80 (6 years ago) by tony: Fixes merged into public release
iblocaldb/ 80 (6 years ago) by tony: Fixes merged into public release
ibcontrols/ 80 (6 years ago) by tony: Fixes merged into public release
fbintf/ 70 (6 years ago) by tony: FBAttachment: Avoid string reference count error when processing an Ansistring parameter in an array of const passed to IAttachment.OpenCursor, etc. FBAttachment: Allow for WideString and UnicodeString parameters in an array of const passed to IAttachment.OpenCursor, etc.
examples/ 82 (6 years ago) by tony: Add table name info to database info example
doc/ 68 (6 years ago) by tony: IBX: Editor Positioning tidy up FBINTF: Trap uninitialised SQL parameters on SQL Exec. Avoids Unknown SQL Type errors. Consistent setting of Modified (SQLParam).
design/ 81 (6 years ago) by tony: Protect missing database name error in property editor
readme.txt 21 (9 years ago) by tony: Committing updates for Release R1-2-0
iblocaldb.pas 80 (6 years ago) by tony: Fixes merged into public release
iblocaldb.lpk 80 (6 years ago) by tony: Fixes merged into public release
ibexpressconsolemode.pas 47 (7 years ago) by tony: Committing updates for Release R2-0-1
ibexpressconsolemode.lpk 68 (6 years ago) by tony: IBX: Editor Positioning tidy up FBINTF: Trap uninitialised SQL parameters on SQL Exec. Avoids Unknown SQL Type errors. Consistent setting of Modified (SQLParam).
ibexpress.pas 80 (6 years ago) by tony: Fixes merged into public release
ibexpress.lpk 80 (6 years ago) by tony: Fixes merged into public release
ibcontrols.pas 45 (7 years ago) by tony: Committing updates for Release R2-0-0
ibcontrols.lpk 80 (6 years ago) by tony: Fixes merged into public release
fbintf.lpk 68 (6 years ago) by tony: IBX: Editor Positioning tidy up FBINTF: Trap uninitialised SQL parameters on SQL Exec. Avoids Unknown SQL Type errors. Consistent setting of Modified (SQLParam).
dclibx.pas 80 (6 years ago) by tony: Fixes merged into public release
dclibx.lpk 80 (6 years ago) by tony: Fixes merged into public release
changelog 80 (6 years ago) by tony: Fixes merged into public release
IPLicense.txt 17 (10 years ago) by tony: Committing updates for Release R1-0-5
IDPLicense.txt 17 (10 years ago) by tony: Committing updates for Release R1-0-5
7 directories and 15 files shown