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Revision: 5
Committed: Fri Feb 18 16:26:16 2011 UTC (13 years, 2 months ago) by tony
File size: 2161 byte(s)
Log Message:
Committing updates for Release pre-release

File Contents

# Content
1 object IBInsertSQLEditorForm: TIBInsertSQLEditorForm
2 Left = 330
3 Height = 438
4 Top = 215
5 Width = 749
6 ActiveControl = TableNamesCombo
7 Caption = 'Insert SQL Editor'
8 ClientHeight = 438
9 ClientWidth = 749
10 OnShow = FormShow
11 LCLVersion = ''
12 object Label1: TLabel
13 Left = 16
14 Height = 19
15 Top = 16
16 Width = 87
17 Caption = 'Table Name'
18 ParentColor = False
19 end
20 object Label2: TLabel
21 Left = 19
22 Height = 19
23 Top = 84
24 Width = 41
25 Caption = 'Fields'
26 ParentColor = False
27 end
28 object Label3: TLabel
29 Left = 279
30 Height = 19
31 Top = 16
32 Width = 29
33 Caption = 'SQL'
34 ParentColor = False
35 end
36 object SQLText: TMemo
37 Left = 279
38 Height = 328
39 Top = 36
40 Width = 439
41 ScrollBars = ssVertical
42 TabOrder = 0
43 end
44 object Button1: TButton
45 Left = 552
46 Height = 30
47 Top = 380
48 Width = 72
49 Caption = 'OK'
50 Default = True
51 ModalResult = 1
52 TabOrder = 1
53 end
54 object Button2: TButton
55 Left = 640
56 Height = 30
57 Top = 380
58 Width = 72
59 Cancel = True
60 Caption = 'Cancel'
61 ModalResult = 2
62 TabOrder = 2
63 end
64 object TableNamesCombo: TComboBox
65 Left = 24
66 Height = 30
67 Top = 38
68 Width = 201
69 ItemHeight = 0
70 OnCloseUp = TableNamesComboCloseUp
71 TabOrder = 3
72 end
73 object FieldList: TListBox
74 Left = 21
75 Height = 258
76 Hint = 'Select Fields to include in Insert Statement, or leave unselected to select all'
77 Top = 102
78 Width = 204
79 ItemHeight = 0
80 MultiSelect = True
81 OnDblClick = FieldListDblClick
82 ParentShowHint = False
83 ShowHint = True
84 TabOrder = 4
85 TopIndex = -1
86 end
87 object Button3: TButton
88 Left = 280
89 Height = 30
90 Top = 380
91 Width = 112
92 AutoSize = True
93 Caption = 'Generate SQL'
94 OnClick = Button3Click
95 TabOrder = 5
96 end
97 object Button4: TButton
98 Left = 416
99 Height = 30
100 Top = 380
101 Width = 66
102 Caption = 'Test'
103 OnClick = Button4Click
104 TabOrder = 6
105 end
106 object QuoteFields: TCheckBox
107 Left = 16
108 Height = 22
109 Top = 380
110 Width = 144
111 Caption = '&Quote Identifiers'
112 TabOrder = 7
113 end
114 end