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Revision: 19
Committed: Mon Jul 7 13:00:15 2014 UTC (10 years, 2 months ago) by tony
Content type: text/x-pascal
File size: 5145 byte(s)
Log Message:
Committing updates for Release R1-1-0

File Contents

# User Rev Content
1 tony 17 (*
2     * IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express)
3     *
4     * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial Developer's
5     * Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
6     * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
7     * of the License here:
8     *
9     *
10     *
11     * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
12     * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
13     * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights
14     * and limitations under the License.
15     *
16     * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman.
17     *
18     * The Original Code is (C) 2011 Tony Whyman, MWA Software
19     * (
20     *
21     * All Rights Reserved.
22     *
23     * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
24     *
25     *)
27     unit ibinsertsqleditor;
29     {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
31     interface
33     uses
34     Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs,
35 tony 19 StdCtrls, IBSystemTables, IBDatabase, IBCustomDataSet;
36 tony 17
37     type
39     { TIBInsertSQLEditorForm }
41     TIBInsertSQLEditorForm = class(TForm)
42     Button1: TButton;
43     Button2: TButton;
44     GenerateBtn: TButton;
45 tony 19 GenerateParams: TCheckBox;
46 tony 17 TestBtn: TButton;
47     FieldList: TListBox;
48     IBTransaction1: TIBTransaction;
49     Label1: TLabel;
50     Label2: TLabel;
51     Label3: TLabel;
52     QuoteFields: TCheckBox;
53     SQLText: TMemo;
54     TableNamesCombo: TComboBox;
55     procedure GenerateBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
56     procedure TestBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
57     procedure FieldListDblClick(Sender: TObject);
58     procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
59     procedure TableNamesComboCloseUp(Sender: TObject);
60     private
61     { private declarations }
62     FIBSystemTables: TIBSystemTables;
63     public
64     { public declarations }
65     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
66     destructor Destroy; override;
67     procedure SetDatabase(Database: TIBDatabase);
68     end;
70     var
71     IBInsertSQLEditorForm: TIBInsertSQLEditorForm;
73 tony 19 function EditSQL(DataSet: TIBCustomDataSet; SelectSQL: TStrings): boolean;
74 tony 17
75     implementation
77     {$R *.lfm}
79 tony 19 function EditSQL(DataSet: TIBCustomDataSet; SelectSQL: TStrings): boolean;
80 tony 17 begin
81     Result := false;
83 tony 19 if assigned(DataSet) and assigned(DataSet.Database) then
84 tony 17 try
85 tony 19 DataSet.Database.Connected := true;
86 tony 17 except on E: Exception do
87     ShowMessage(E.Message)
88     end;
90     with TIBInsertSQLEditorForm.Create(Application) do
91     try
92 tony 19 if assigned(DataSet) then
93     begin
94     SetDatabase(DataSet.Database);
95     GenerateParams.Checked := DataSet.GenerateParamNames;
96     end;
97 tony 17 SQLText.Lines.Assign(SelectSQL);
98     Result := ShowModal = mrOK;
99     if Result then
100 tony 19 begin
101     SelectSQL.Assign(SQLText.Lines);
102     if assigned(DataSet) then
103     DataSet.GenerateParamNames := GenerateParams.Checked
104     end;
105 tony 17 finally
106     Free
107     end;
108     end;
110     { TIBInsertSQLEditorForm }
112     procedure TIBInsertSQLEditorForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
113     var TableName: string;
114     begin
115     GenerateBtn.Enabled := (IBTransaction1.DefaultDatabase <> nil) and IBTransaction1.DefaultDatabase.Connected;
116     TestBtn.Enabled := (IBTransaction1.DefaultDatabase <> nil) and IBTransaction1.DefaultDatabase.Connected;
117     TableNamesCombo.Items.Clear;
118     try
119     FIBSystemTables.GetTableNames(TableNamesCombo.Items);
120     if TableNamesCombo.Items.Count > 0 then
121     begin
122     TableNamesCombo.ItemIndex := 0;
123     if Trim(SQLText.Text) <> '' then
124     begin
125     FIBSystemTables.GetTableAndColumns(SQLText.Text,TableName,nil);
126     TableNamesCombo.ItemIndex := TableNamesCombo.Items.IndexOf(TableName)
127     end;
128     FIBSystemTables.GetFieldNames(TableNamesCombo.Text,FieldList.Items,true,false);
129     end;
130     except {ignore}
131     end;
132     end;
134     procedure TIBInsertSQLEditorForm.FieldListDblClick(Sender: TObject);
135     begin
136     SQLText.SelText := FieldList.Items[FieldList.ItemIndex];
137     SQLText.SetFocus
138     end;
140     procedure TIBInsertSQLEditorForm.GenerateBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
141     var FieldNames: TStrings;
142     begin
143     FieldNames := FIBSystemTables.GetFieldNames(FieldList);
144     try
145     FIBSystemTables.GenerateInsertSQL(TableNamesCombo.Text,QuoteFields.Checked,
146     FieldNames,SQLText.Lines)
147     finally
148     FieldNames.Free
149     end;
150     end;
152     procedure TIBInsertSQLEditorForm.TestBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
153     begin
154 tony 19 FIBSystemTables.TestSQL(SQLText.Lines.Text,GenerateParams.Checked)
155 tony 17 end;
157     procedure TIBInsertSQLEditorForm.TableNamesComboCloseUp(Sender: TObject);
158     begin
159     FIBSystemTables.GetFieldNames(TableNamesCombo.Text,FieldList.Items,true,false);
160     end;
162     constructor TIBInsertSQLEditorForm.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
163     begin
164     inherited Create(TheOwner);
165     FIBSystemTables := TIBSystemTables.Create;
166     end;
168     destructor TIBInsertSQLEditorForm.Destroy;
169     begin
170     if assigned(FIBSystemTables) then FIBSystemTables.Free;
171     inherited Destroy;
172     end;
174     procedure TIBInsertSQLEditorForm.SetDatabase(Database: TIBDatabase);
175     begin
176     IBTransaction1.DefaultDatabase := Database;
177     FIBSystemTables.SelectDatabase(Database,IBTransaction1)
178     end;
180     end.
181 tony 19