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Revision: 158
Committed: Thu Mar 1 11:23:33 2018 UTC (6 years, 1 month ago) by tony
File size: 8318 byte(s)
Log Message:
Repository resync

File Contents

# Content
1 object RestoreDlg: TRestoreDlg
2 Left = 749
3 Height = 448
4 Top = 314
5 Width = 440
6 Caption = 'Restore Database'
7 ClientHeight = 448
8 ClientWidth = 440
9 OnClose = FormClose
10 OnShow = FormShow
11 Position = poMainFormCenter
12 LCLVersion = ''
13 object Button1: TButton
14 Left = 128
15 Height = 25
16 Top = 415
17 Width = 75
18 Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
19 Caption = 'OK'
20 Default = True
21 ModalResult = 1
22 TabOrder = 0
23 end
24 object Button2: TButton
25 Left = 223
26 Height = 25
27 Top = 415
28 Width = 75
29 Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
30 Cancel = True
31 Caption = 'Cancel'
32 ModalResult = 2
33 TabOrder = 1
34 end
35 object PageControl1: TPageControl
36 Left = 9
37 Height = 398
38 Top = 10
39 Width = 423
40 ActivePage = SelectTab
41 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
42 ShowTabs = False
43 TabIndex = 0
44 TabOrder = 2
45 object SelectTab: TTabSheet
46 Caption = 'SelectTab'
47 ClientHeight = 392
48 ClientWidth = 417
49 object Label2: TLabel
50 Left = 12
51 Height = 14
52 Top = 7
53 Width = 39
54 Caption = 'Server'
55 ParentColor = False
56 end
57 object Edit1: TEdit
58 Left = 12
59 Height = 24
60 Top = 24
61 Width = 180
62 ReadOnly = True
63 TabOrder = 0
64 end
65 object Label1: TLabel
66 Left = 12
67 Height = 14
68 Top = 56
69 Width = 95
70 Caption = 'Database Name'
71 ParentColor = False
72 end
73 object DBName: TEdit
74 Left = 12
75 Height = 24
76 Top = 72
77 Width = 396
78 ReadOnly = True
79 TabOrder = 1
80 end
81 object RadioButton1: TRadioButton
82 Left = 12
83 Height = 22
84 Top = 112
85 Width = 93
86 Caption = 'Server Side'
87 Checked = True
88 TabOrder = 2
89 TabStop = True
90 end
91 object RadioButton2: TRadioButton
92 Left = 134
93 Height = 22
94 Top = 112
95 Width = 88
96 Caption = 'Client Side'
97 TabOrder = 3
98 end
99 object Label3: TLabel
100 Left = 12
101 Height = 14
102 Top = 192
103 Width = 68
104 Caption = 'Backup File'
105 ParentColor = False
106 end
107 object SourceArchive: TEdit
108 Left = 12
109 Height = 24
110 Top = 208
111 Width = 364
112 TabOrder = 6
113 end
114 object SpeedButton1: TSpeedButton
115 Left = 384
116 Height = 25
117 Top = 208
118 Width = 25
119 Glyph.Data = {
120 36040000424D3604000000000000360000002800000010000000100000000100
121 2000000000000004000064000000640000000000000000000000000000000000
122 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
123 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
124 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
125 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
126 00002D88D8FF2D87D8FF2D88D8FF2D88D8FF2D88D8FF2D88D8FF2D88D8FF2D88
127 D8FF2D88D8FF2D88D8FF2D87D8FF2D88D8FF2C86D8FF0000000000000000338E
129 F2FF72D2F1FF6CD0F1FF69CFF1FFC2EAF8FF338ED9FF00000000000000003594
131 F3FF39D0F2FF2ECDF1FF26CBF0FFCAF2FBFF3594DAFF0000000000000000369A
133 F4FF49D4F3FF3BD1F2FF30CEF1FFCCF2FBFF3598DAFF000000000000000036A1
135 F6FF5DD9F5FF4FD6F4FF44D3F3FFD0F3FCFF359FDAFF000000000000000037A6
137 F7FF76DFF6FF68DBF5FF5CD8F4FFD7F4FCFF35A4DAFF000000000000000035AB
145 E3FF6BC7E3FF6BC7E3FF79CDE6FF74CAE5FF00000000000000000000000034B4
146 D9FF5EC2E1FF60C3E2FF60C3E2FF60C3E2FF5FC3E2FF3CB6DBFF000000000000
147 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
148 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
149 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
150 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
151 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
152 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
153 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
154 }
155 OnClick = SpeedButton1Click
156 end
157 object Label4: TLabel
158 Left = 12
159 Height = 14
160 Top = 144
161 Width = 56
162 Caption = 'Page Size'
163 ParentColor = False
164 end
165 object PageSize: TEdit
166 Left = 12
167 Height = 24
168 Top = 160
169 Width = 104
170 NumbersOnly = True
171 TabOrder = 4
172 Text = 'PageSize'
173 end
174 object Label5: TLabel
175 Left = 120
176 Height = 14
177 Top = 165
178 Width = 33
179 Caption = 'bytes'
180 ParentColor = False
181 end
182 object DeActivateIndexes: TCheckBox
183 Left = 17
184 Height = 22
185 Top = 241
186 Width = 139
187 Caption = 'Deactivate Indexes'
188 TabOrder = 7
189 end
190 object NoShadow: TCheckBox
191 Left = 17
192 Height = 22
193 Top = 264
194 Width = 286
195 Caption = 'Do not recreate shadow files during restore'
196 TabOrder = 8
197 end
198 object NoValidityCheck: TCheckBox
199 Left = 17
200 Height = 22
201 Top = 288
202 Width = 316
203 Caption = 'Do not enforce validity conditions during restore'
204 TabOrder = 9
205 end
206 object OneRelationAtATime: TCheckBox
207 Left = 17
208 Height = 22
209 Top = 312
210 Width = 303
211 Caption = 'Commit after completing restore of each table'
212 TabOrder = 10
213 end
214 object RestoreMetaDataOnly: TCheckBox
215 Left = 17
216 Height = 22
217 Top = 336
218 Width = 160
219 Caption = 'Restore MetaData Only'
220 TabOrder = 11
221 end
222 object UseAllSpace: TCheckBox
223 Left = 17
224 Height = 22
225 Top = 360
226 Width = 397
227 Caption = 'Do not reserve 20% of each data page for future rec. versions'
228 TabOrder = 12
229 end
230 object Label6: TLabel
231 Left = 197
232 Height = 14
233 Top = 144
234 Width = 122
235 Caption = 'No. of Cache Buffers'
236 ParentColor = False
237 end
238 object PageBuffers: TEdit
239 Left = 197
240 Height = 24
241 Top = 160
242 Width = 107
243 NumbersOnly = True
244 TabOrder = 5
245 Text = 'PageBuffers'
246 end
247 end
248 object ReportTab: TTabSheet
249 Caption = 'ReportTab'
250 ClientHeight = 392
251 ClientWidth = 417
252 OnShow = ReportTabShow
253 object Report: TMemo
254 Left = 0
255 Height = 248
256 Top = 0
257 Width = 331
258 Align = alClient
259 Lines.Strings = (
260 'Report'
261 )
262 ScrollBars = ssAutoBoth
263 TabOrder = 0
264 end
265 end
266 end
267 object OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog
268 Title = 'Open existing backup file'
269 DefaultExt = '.gbk'
270 Filter = 'Backup Files|*.gbk|All Files|*.*'
271 Options = [ofFileMustExist, ofEnableSizing, ofViewDetail]
272 left = 368
273 top = 24
274 end
275 object IBRestoreService1: TIBRestoreService
276 ServerName = 'localhost'
277 Protocol = TCP
278 Params.Strings = (
279 'user_name=SYSDBA'
280 )
281 TraceFlags = []
282 Verbose = True
283 StatisticsRequested = [bsTotalTime]
284 BackupFileLocation = flClientSide
285 DatabaseName.Strings = (
286 '/tmp/mytest.fdb'
287 )
288 PageSize = 0
289 PageBuffers = 0
290 Options = [Replace]
291 left = 272
292 top = 16
293 end
294 end