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Revision: 209
Committed: Wed Mar 14 12:48:51 2018 UTC (6 years, 1 month ago) by tony
File size: 5264 byte(s)
Log Message:
Fixes Merged

File Contents

# Content
1 object Form1: TForm1
2 Left = 777
3 Height = 556
4 Top = 253
5 Width = 656
6 Caption = 'IBStoredProc Demo'
7 ClientHeight = 556
8 ClientWidth = 656
9 DefaultMonitor = dmPrimary
10 OnCreate = FormCreate
11 OnShow = FormShow
12 Position = poDefaultSizeOnly
13 LCLVersion = ''
14 object Label1: TLabel
15 Left = 26
16 Height = 14
17 Top = 8
18 Width = 77
19 Caption = 'Output Table'
20 ParentColor = False
21 end
22 object IBDynamicGrid1: TIBDynamicGrid
23 Left = 26
24 Height = 145
25 Top = 26
26 Width = 606
27 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
28 Color = clWindow
29 Columns = <
30 item
31 Title.Alignment = taCenter
32 Title.Caption = 'Line No.'
33 Width = 100
34 FieldName = 'LINE_NUM'
35 AutoSizeColumn = False
36 InitialSortColumn = False
37 DBLookupProperties.ItemHeight = 0
38 DBLookupProperties.ItemWidth = 0
39 DBLookupProperties.AutoCompleteText = [cbactEnabled, cbactEndOfLineComplete, cbactSearchAscending]
40 end
41 item
42 Title.Alignment = taCenter
43 Title.Caption = 'Content'
44 Width = 150
45 FieldName = 'CONTENT'
46 AutoSizeColumn = True
47 InitialSortColumn = False
48 DBLookupProperties.ItemHeight = 0
49 DBLookupProperties.ItemWidth = 0
50 DBLookupProperties.AutoCompleteText = [cbactEnabled, cbactEndOfLineComplete, cbactSearchAscending]
51 end>
52 DataSource = DataSource1
53 Scrollbars = ssAutoVertical
54 TabOrder = 0
55 ExpandEditorPanelBelowRow = False
56 Descending = False
57 EditorBorderStyle = bsSingle
58 DefaultPositionAtEnd = False
59 end
60 object Label2: TLabel
61 Left = 26
62 Height = 14
63 Top = 176
64 Width = 31
65 Caption = 'Lines'
66 ParentColor = False
67 end
68 object Memo1: TMemo
69 Left = 26
70 Height = 120
71 Top = 192
72 Width = 598
73 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
74 Lines.Strings = (
75 'Memo1'
76 )
77 ScrollBars = ssAutoBoth
78 TabOrder = 1
79 end
80 object Button1: TButton
81 Left = 520
82 Height = 28
83 Top = 351
84 Width = 107
85 Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
86 Caption = 'Populate Table'
87 OnClick = Button1Click
88 TabOrder = 2
89 end
90 object GetLinesBtn: TButton
91 Left = 520
92 Height = 28
93 Top = 390
94 Width = 107
95 Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
96 Caption = 'Get Lines'
97 OnClick = GetLinesBtnClick
98 TabOrder = 3
99 end
100 object Label3: TLabel
101 Left = 35
102 Height = 231
103 Top = 319
104 Width = 477
105 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
106 AutoSize = False
107 Caption = 'This demonstrates the use of TIBStoredProc with the Firebird 3 packages example provided with the Firebird 3 source code. A database is created in a temporary location when the application is first run. Once this completes, click on "Populate Table". This uses IBStoredProc2 to call the global stored procedure "test", which populates the temporary table displayed above.'#10#10'Now click on Get Lines. This uses IBStoredProc1 to call the GET_LINES procedure in the FB$OUT package. It returns a text blob which is then shown in the TMemo control.'#10#10'After the database has been created you can inspect the TIBStoredProc properties. '
108 ParentColor = False
109 WordWrap = True
110 end
111 object IBDatabase1: TIBDatabase
112 Connected = False
113 CreateIfNotExists = True
114 AllowStreamedConnected = False
115 DatabaseName = '$DATADIR$sptest.fdb'
116 Params.Strings = (
117 'user_name=SYSDBA'
118 )
119 DefaultTransaction = IBTransaction1
120 IdleTimer = 0
121 TraceFlags = []
122 UseDefaultSystemCodePage = False
123 OnCreateDatabase = IBDatabase1CreateDatabase
124 left = 130
125 top = 65
126 end
127 object IBTransaction1: TIBTransaction
128 Active = False
129 DefaultDatabase = IBDatabase1
130 left = 240
131 top = 65
132 end
133 object IBStoredProc1: TIBStoredProc
134 AllowAutoActivateTransaction = False
135 Database = IBDatabase1
136 Transaction = IBTransaction1
137 PackageName = 'FB$OUT'
138 StoredProcName = 'GET_LINES'
139 Params = <
140 item
141 DataType = ftBlob
142 Name = 'LINES'
143 ParamType = ptOutput
144 end>
145 left = 454
146 top = 68
147 ParamData = <
148 item
149 DataType = ftBlob
150 Name = 'LINES'
151 ParamType = ptOutput
152 end>
153 end
154 object IBStoredProc2: TIBStoredProc
155 AllowAutoActivateTransaction = False
156 Database = IBDatabase1
157 Transaction = IBTransaction1
158 StoredProcName = 'TEST'
159 Params = <>
160 left = 551
161 top = 70
162 end
163 object IBQuery1: TIBQuery
164 AllowAutoActivateTransaction = False
165 Database = IBDatabase1
166 Transaction = IBTransaction1
167 BufferChunks = 1000
168 CachedUpdates = False
169 EnableStatistics = False
170 GenerateParamNames = False
171 GeneratorField.ApplyOnEvent = gaeOnNewRecord
172 MasterDetailDelay = 0
173 SQL.Strings = (
175 )
176 Params = <>
177 DataSetCloseAction = dcDiscardChanges
178 left = 133
179 top = 128
180 end
181 object DataSource1: TDataSource
182 DataSet = IBQuery1
183 left = 56
184 top = 129
185 end
186 object ApplicationProperties1: TApplicationProperties
187 OnIdle = ApplicationProperties1Idle
188 left = 239
189 top = 131
190 end
191 object IBDatabaseInfo1: TIBDatabaseInfo
192 Database = IBDatabase1
193 left = 368
194 top = 130
195 end
196 end