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Revision: 45
Committed: Tue Dec 6 10:33:46 2016 UTC (7 years, 4 months ago) by tony
Content type: text/x-pascal
File size: 13066 byte(s)
Log Message:
Committing updates for Release R2-0-0

File Contents

# Content
1 (*
2 * Firebird Interface (fbintf). The fbintf components provide a set of
3 * Pascal language bindings for the Firebird API. Although predominantly
4 * a new development they include source code taken from IBX and may be
5 * considered a derived product. This software thus also includes the copyright
6 * notice and license conditions from IBX.
7 *
8 * Except for those parts dervied from IBX, contents of this file are subject
9 * to the Initial Developer's Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you
10 * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
11 * copy of the License here:
12 *
13 *
14 *
15 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
16 * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
17 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights
18 * and limitations under the License.
19 *
20 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman.
21 *
22 * The Original Code is (C) 2016 Tony Whyman, MWA Software
23 * (
24 *
25 * All Rights Reserved.
26 *
27 * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
28 *
29 *)
30 {************************************************************************}
31 { }
32 { Borland Delphi Visual Component Library }
33 { InterBase Express core components }
34 { }
35 { Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Inprise Corporation }
36 { }
37 { InterBase Express is based in part on the product }
38 { Free IB Components, written by Gregory H. Deatz for }
39 { Hoagland, Longo, Moran, Dunst & Doukas Company. }
40 { Free IB Components is used under license. }
41 { }
42 { The contents of this file are subject to the InterBase }
43 { Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not }
44 { use this file except in compliance with the License. You }
45 { may obtain a copy of the License at }
46 { Software distributed under the License is distributed on }
47 { an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either }
48 { express or implied. See the License for the specific language }
49 { governing rights and limitations under the License. }
50 { The Original Code was created by InterBase Software Corporation }
51 { and its successors. }
52 { Portions created by Inprise Corporation are Copyright (C) Inprise }
53 { Corporation. All Rights Reserved. }
54 { Contributor(s): Jeff Overcash }
55 { }
56 { IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express) }
57 { Contributor: Tony Whyman, MWA Software }
58 { Portions created by MWA Software are copyright McCallum Whyman }
59 { Associates Ltd 2011 - 2015 }
60 { }
61 {************************************************************************}
62 unit FB25Blob;
65 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
66 {$interfaces COM}
67 {$ENDIF}
69 interface
71 uses
72 Classes, SysUtils, IB, IBHeader,IBExternals, FBClientAPI, FB25ClientAPI, FB25Attachment,
73 FB25Transaction, FBActivityMonitor, FBBlob;
75 type
77 { TFB25BlobMetaData }
79 TFB25BlobMetaData = class(TFBBlobMetaData, IBlobMetaData)
80 private
81 FHasFullMetaData: boolean;
82 FAttachment: TFB25Attachment;
83 FTransaction: TFB25Transaction;
84 protected
85 procedure NeedFullMetadata; override;
86 public
87 constructor Create(Attachment: TFB25Attachment; Transaction: TFB25Transaction;
88 RelationName, ColumnName: string); overload;
89 constructor Create(Attachment: TFB25Attachment; Transaction: TFB25Transaction;
90 RelationName, ColumnName: string; SubType: integer); overload;
91 end;
94 { TFB25Blob }
96 TFB25Blob = class(TFBBlob,IBlob)
97 private
99 FEOB: boolean;
100 protected
101 procedure CheckReadable; override;
102 procedure CheckWritable; override;
103 function GetIntf: IBlob; override;
104 procedure InternalClose(Force: boolean); override;
105 procedure InternalCancel(Force: boolean); override;
106 public
107 constructor Create(Attachment: TFB25Attachment; Transaction: TFB25Transaction;
108 MetaData: IBlobMetaData; BPB: IBPB); overload;
109 constructor Create(Attachment: TFB25Attachment; Transaction: TFB25Transaction;
110 SubType: integer; CharSetID: cardinal; BPB: IBPB); overload;
111 constructor Create(Attachment: TFB25Attachment; Transaction: TFB25Transaction;
112 MetaData: IBlobMetaData; BlobID: TISC_QUAD; BPB: IBPB); overload;
113 property Handle: TISC_BLOB_HANDLE read FHandle;
115 public
116 procedure GetInfo(var NumSegments: Int64; var MaxSegmentSize, TotalSize: Int64;
117 var BlobType: TBlobType); override;
118 function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
119 function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
120 end;
122 implementation
124 uses IBErrorCodes, FBMessages, FBParamBlock;
126 { TFB25BlobMetaData }
128 procedure TFB25BlobMetaData.NeedFullMetadata;
129 var
130 BlobDesc: TISC_BLOB_DESC;
131 Global: array [0..31] of char;
132 begin
133 if FHasFullMetaData then Exit;
135 FCharSetID := 0;
136 FSegmentSize := 80;
137 FUnconfirmedCharacterSet := false;
138 if (GetColumnName <> '') and (GetRelationName <> '') then
139 begin
140 with Firebird25ClientAPI do
141 Call(isc_blob_lookup_desc(StatusVector,@(FAttachment.Handle),
142 @(FTransaction.Handle),
143 PChar(AnsiUpperCase(GetRelationName)),PChar(AnsiUpperCase(GetColumnName)),@BlobDesc,@Global));
144 FCharSetID := BlobDesc.blob_desc_charset;
145 FSubType := BlobDesc.blob_desc_subtype;
146 FSegmentSize := BlobDesc.blob_desc_segment_size ;
147 end
148 else
149 FUnconfirmedCharacterSet := true;
151 if (FCharSetID > 1) and FAttachment.HasDefaultCharSet then
152 begin
153 FCharSetID := FAttachment.CharSetID;
154 FUnconfirmedCharacterSet := false;
155 end;
158 FHasFullMetaData := true;
159 FHasSubType := true;
160 end;
162 constructor TFB25BlobMetaData.Create(Attachment: TFB25Attachment;
163 Transaction: TFB25Transaction; RelationName, ColumnName: string);
164 begin
165 inherited Create(Transaction,RelationName,ColumnName);
166 FAttachment := Attachment;
167 FTransaction := Transaction;
168 end;
170 constructor TFB25BlobMetaData.Create(Attachment: TFB25Attachment;
171 Transaction: TFB25Transaction; RelationName, ColumnName: string;
172 SubType: integer);
173 begin
174 Create(Attachment,Transaction,RelationName,ColumnName);
175 FSubType := SubType;
176 FHasSubType := true;
177 end;
179 { TFB25Blob }
181 procedure TFB25Blob.CheckReadable;
182 begin
183 if FCreating or (FHandle = nil) then
184 IBError(ibxeBlobCannotBeRead, [nil]);
185 end;
187 procedure TFB25Blob.CheckWritable;
188 begin
189 if not FCreating or (FHandle = nil) then
190 IBError(ibxeBlobCannotBeWritten, [nil]);
191 end;
193 function TFB25Blob.GetIntf: IBlob;
194 begin
195 Result := self;
196 end;
198 procedure TFB25Blob.InternalClose(Force: boolean);
199 begin
200 if FHandle = nil then
201 Exit;
202 with Firebird25ClientAPI do
203 Call(isc_close_blob(StatusVector, @FHandle), not Force);
204 FHandle := nil;
205 end;
207 procedure TFB25Blob.InternalCancel(Force: boolean);
208 begin
209 if FHandle = nil then
210 Exit;
211 with Firebird25ClientAPI do
212 Call(isc_cancel_blob(StatusVector,@FHandle),not Force);
213 FHandle := nil;
214 end;
216 constructor TFB25Blob.Create(Attachment: TFB25Attachment; Transaction: TFB25Transaction;
217 MetaData: IBlobMetaData; BPB: IBPB);
218 var DBHandle: TISC_DB_HANDLE;
220 begin
221 inherited Create(Attachment,Transaction,MetaData,BPB);
222 DBHandle := Attachment.Handle;
223 TRHandle := Transaction.Handle;
224 with Firebird25ClientAPI do
225 if BPB = nil then
226 Call(isc_create_blob2(StatusVector, @DBHandle, @TRHandle, @FHandle, @FBlobID,
227 0, nil))
228 else
229 with BPB as TBPB do
230 Call(isc_create_blob2(StatusVector, @DBHandle, @TRHandle, @FHandle, @FBlobID,
231 getDataLength, getBuffer));
232 end;
234 constructor TFB25Blob.Create(Attachment: TFB25Attachment;
235 Transaction: TFB25Transaction; SubType: integer; CharSetID: cardinal;
236 BPB: IBPB);
237 var DBHandle: TISC_DB_HANDLE;
239 MetaData: TFB25BlobMetaData;
240 begin
241 MetaData := TFB25BlobMetaData.Create(Attachment,Transaction,'','',SubType);
242 MetaData.FCharSetID := CharSetID;
243 MetaData.FHasFullMetaData := true;
244 inherited Create(Attachment,Transaction,MetaData,BPB);
245 DBHandle := Attachment.Handle;
246 TRHandle := Transaction.Handle;
247 with Firebird25ClientAPI do
248 if BPB = nil then
249 Call(isc_create_blob2(StatusVector, @DBHandle, @TRHandle, @FHandle, @FBlobID,
250 0, nil))
251 else
252 with BPB as TBPB do
253 Call(isc_create_blob2(StatusVector, @DBHandle, @TRHandle, @FHandle, @FBlobID,
254 getDataLength, getBuffer));
255 end;
257 constructor TFB25Blob.Create(Attachment: TFB25Attachment;
258 Transaction: TFB25Transaction; MetaData: IBlobMetaData; BlobID: TISC_QUAD; BPB: IBPB);
259 var DBHandle: TISC_DB_HANDLE;
261 begin
262 inherited Create(Attachment,Transaction,MetaData,BlobID,BPB);
263 DBHandle := Attachment.Handle;
264 TRHandle := Transaction.Handle;
265 if (BlobID.gds_quad_high = 0) and (BlobID.gds_quad_low = 0) then
266 Exit;
268 with Firebird25ClientAPI do
269 if BPB = nil then
270 Call(isc_open_blob2(StatusVector, @DBHandle, @TRHandle, @FHandle,
271 @FBlobID, 0, nil))
272 else
273 with BPB as TBPB do
274 Call(isc_open_blob2(StatusVector, @DBHandle, @TRHandle, @FHandle,
275 @FBlobID, getDataLength, getBuffer));
276 end;
278 procedure TFB25Blob.GetInfo(var NumSegments: Int64; var MaxSegmentSize,
279 TotalSize: Int64; var BlobType: TBlobType);
280 var
281 items: array[0..3] of Char;
282 results: array[0..99] of Char;
283 i, item_length: Integer;
284 item: Integer;
285 begin
286 if FHandle = nil then
287 IBError(ibxeBlobNotOpen,[nil]);
289 items[0] := Char(isc_info_blob_num_segments);
290 items[1] := Char(isc_info_blob_max_segment);
291 items[2] := Char(isc_info_blob_total_length);
292 items[3] := Char(isc_info_blob_type);
294 with Firebird25ClientAPI do
295 begin
296 Call(isc_blob_info(StatusVector, @FHandle, 4, @items[0], SizeOf(results),
297 @results[0]));
298 i := 0;
299 while (i < SizeOf(results)) and (results[i] <> Char(isc_info_end)) do
300 begin
301 item := Integer(results[i]); Inc(i);
302 item_length := isc_portable_integer(@results[i], 2); Inc(i, 2);
303 case item of
304 isc_info_blob_num_segments:
305 NumSegments := isc_portable_integer(@results[i], item_length);
306 isc_info_blob_max_segment:
307 MaxSegmentSize := isc_portable_integer(@results[i], item_length);
308 isc_info_blob_total_length:
309 TotalSize := isc_portable_integer(@results[i], item_length);
310 isc_info_blob_type:
311 if isc_portable_integer(@results[i], item_length) = 0 then
312 BlobType := btSegmented
313 else
314 BlobType := btStream;
315 end;
316 Inc(i, item_length);
317 end;
318 end;
319 end;
321 function TFB25Blob.Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
322 var
323 BytesRead : UShort;
324 LocalBuffer: PChar;
325 returnCode: long;
326 localCount: uShort;
327 begin
328 CheckReadable;
329 Result := 0;
330 if FEOB then
331 Exit;
333 LocalBuffer := PChar(@Buffer);
334 repeat
335 if Count > MaxuShort then
336 localCount := MaxuShort
337 else
338 localCount := Count;
339 with Firebird25ClientAPI do
340 returnCode := isc_get_segment(StatusVector, @FHandle, @BytesRead, localCount,
341 LocalBuffer);
342 Inc(LocalBuffer,BytesRead);
343 Inc(Result,BytesRead);
344 Dec(Count,BytesRead);
345 until ((returncode <> 0) and (returnCode <> isc_segment)) or (Count = 0);
347 FEOB := returnCode = isc_segstr_eof;
348 ClearStringCache;
349 if (returnCode <> 0) and (returnCode <> isc_segment) and (returnCode <> isc_segstr_eof) then
350 Firebird25ClientAPI.IBDataBaseError
351 end;
353 function TFB25Blob.Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
354 var
355 LocalBuffer: PChar;
356 localCount: uShort;
357 begin
358 CheckWritable;
359 LocalBuffer := PChar(@Buffer);
360 Result := 0;
361 if Count = 0 then Exit;
363 repeat
364 if Count > MaxuShort then
365 localCount := MaxuShort
366 else
367 localCount := Count;
368 with Firebird25ClientAPI do
369 Call(isc_put_segment(StatusVector,@FHandle,localCount,LocalBuffer));
370 Dec(Count,localCount);
371 Inc(LocalBuffer,localCount);
372 Inc(Result,localCount);
373 until Count = 0;
374 ClearStringCache;
375 end;
378 end.