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Revision: 56
Committed: Mon Mar 6 10:20:02 2017 UTC (7 years, 1 month ago) by tony
Content type: text/x-pascal
File size: 25336 byte(s)
Log Message:
Committing updates for Trunk

File Contents

# Content
1 (*
2 * Firebird Interface (fbintf). The fbintf components provide a set of
3 * Pascal language bindings for the Firebird API. Although predominantly
4 * a new development they include source code taken from IBX and may be
5 * considered a derived product. This software thus also includes the copyright
6 * notice and license conditions from IBX.
7 *
8 * Except for those parts dervied from IBX, contents of this file are subject
9 * to the Initial Developer's Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you
10 * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
11 * copy of the License here:
12 *
13 *
14 *
15 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
16 * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
17 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights
18 * and limitations under the License.
19 *
20 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman.
21 *
22 * The Original Code is (C) 2016 Tony Whyman, MWA Software
23 * (
24 *
25 * All Rights Reserved.
26 *
27 * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
28 *
29 *)
30 {************************************************************************}
31 { }
32 { Borland Delphi Visual Component Library }
33 { InterBase Express core components }
34 { }
35 { Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Inprise Corporation }
36 { }
37 { InterBase Express is based in part on the product }
38 { Free IB Components, written by Gregory H. Deatz for }
39 { Hoagland, Longo, Moran, Dunst & Doukas Company. }
40 { Free IB Components is used under license. }
41 { }
42 { The contents of this file are subject to the InterBase }
43 { Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not }
44 { use this file except in compliance with the License. You }
45 { may obtain a copy of the License at }
46 { Software distributed under the License is distributed on }
47 { an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either }
48 { express or implied. See the License for the specific language }
49 { governing rights and limitations under the License. }
50 { The Original Code was created by InterBase Software Corporation }
51 { and its successors. }
52 { Portions created by Inprise Corporation are Copyright (C) Inprise }
53 { Corporation. All Rights Reserved. }
54 { Contributor(s): Jeff Overcash }
55 { }
56 { IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express) }
57 { Contributor: Tony Whyman, MWA Software }
58 { Portions created by MWA Software are copyright McCallum Whyman }
59 { Associates Ltd 2011 - 2015 }
60 { }
61 {************************************************************************}
62 unit FB25ClientAPI;
65 {$ENDIF}
68 {$mode delphi}
69 {$interfaces COM}
70 {$ENDIF}
72 interface
74 uses
75 Classes, SysUtils, FBClientAPI, IBHeader, IBExternals, IB;
77 const
78 FBClientInterfaceVersion = '2.5';
80 type
82 { TFB25Status }
84 TFB25Status = class(TFBStatus,IStatus)
85 public
86 function StatusVector: PStatusVector; override;
87 end;
89 { TFB25ClientAPI }
91 TFB25ClientAPI = class(TFBClientAPI,IFirebirdAPI)
92 private
93 FIBServiceAPIPresent: boolean;
94 FStatus: TFB25Status;
95 FStatusIntf: IStatus; {Keep a reference to the interface - automatic destroy
96 when this class is freed and last reference to IStatus
97 goes out of scope.}
98 protected
100 function GetFirebirdLibList: string; override;
101 {$ENDIF}
102 procedure LoadInterface; override;
103 public
104 constructor Create;
105 destructor Destroy; override;
106 function StatusVector: PISC_STATUS;
107 property IBServiceAPIPresent: boolean read FIBServiceAPIPresent;
108 property Status: TFB25Status read FStatus;
110 public
112 {fbclient API}
113 BLOB_get: TBLOB_get;
114 BLOB_put: TBLOB_put;
115 isc_wait_for_event: Tisc_wait_for_event;
116 isc_vax_integer: Tisc_vax_integer;
117 isc_portable_integer: Tisc_portable_integer;
118 isc_blob_info: Tisc_blob_info;
119 isc_blob_lookup_desc: Tisc_blob_lookup_desc;
120 isc_open_blob2: Tisc_open_blob2;
121 isc_close_blob: Tisc_close_blob;
122 isc_get_segment: Tisc_get_segment;
123 isc_put_segment: Tisc_put_segment;
124 isc_create_blob2: Tisc_create_blob2;
125 isc_cancel_blob: Tisc_cancel_blob;
126 isc_service_attach: Tisc_service_attach;
127 isc_service_detach: Tisc_service_detach;
128 isc_service_query: Tisc_service_query;
129 isc_service_start: Tisc_service_start;
130 isc_decode_date: Tisc_decode_date;
131 isc_decode_sql_date: Tisc_decode_sql_date;
132 isc_decode_sql_time: Tisc_decode_sql_time;
133 isc_decode_timestamp: Tisc_decode_timestamp;
134 isc_encode_date: Tisc_encode_date;
135 isc_encode_sql_date: Tisc_encode_sql_date;
136 isc_encode_sql_time: Tisc_encode_sql_time;
137 isc_encode_timestamp: Tisc_encode_timestamp;
138 isc_dsql_free_statement: Tisc_dsql_free_statement;
139 isc_dsql_execute2: Tisc_dsql_execute2;
140 isc_dsql_execute: Tisc_dsql_execute;
141 isc_dsql_set_cursor_name: Tisc_dsql_set_cursor_name;
142 isc_dsql_fetch: Tisc_dsql_fetch;
143 isc_dsql_sql_info: Tisc_dsql_sql_info;
144 isc_dsql_alloc_statement2: Tisc_dsql_alloc_statement2;
145 isc_dsql_prepare: Tisc_dsql_prepare;
146 isc_dsql_describe_bind: Tisc_dsql_describe_bind;
147 isc_dsql_describe: Tisc_dsql_describe;
148 isc_dsql_execute_immediate: Tisc_dsql_execute_immediate;
149 isc_drop_database: Tisc_drop_database;
150 isc_detach_database: Tisc_detach_database;
151 isc_attach_database: Tisc_attach_database;
152 isc_database_info: Tisc_database_info;
153 isc_start_transaction: Tisc_start_transaction;
154 isc_start_multiple: Tisc_start_multiple;
155 isc_commit_transaction: Tisc_commit_transaction;
156 isc_commit_retaining: Tisc_commit_retaining;
157 isc_rollback_transaction: Tisc_rollback_transaction;
158 isc_rollback_retaining: Tisc_rollback_retaining;
159 isc_cancel_events: Tisc_cancel_events;
160 isc_que_events: Tisc_que_events;
161 isc_add_user : Tisc_add_user;
162 isc_delete_user: Tisc_delete_user;
163 isc_modify_user: Tisc_modify_user;
164 isc_array_lookup_bounds: Tisc_array_lookup_bounds;
165 isc_array_get_slice: Tisc_array_get_slice;
166 isc_array_put_slice: Tisc_array_put_slice;
167 isc_prepare_transaction: Tisc_prepare_transaction;
169 public
170 {Helper Functions}
171 function DecodeInteger(bufptr: PByte; len: short): integer; override;
172 procedure SQLEncodeDate(aDate: TDateTime; bufptr: PByte); override;
173 function SQLDecodeDate(bufptr: PByte): TDateTime; override;
174 procedure SQLEncodeTime(aTime: TDateTime; bufptr: PByte); override;
175 function SQLDecodeTime(bufptr: PByte): TDateTime; override;
176 procedure SQLEncodeDateTime(aDateTime: TDateTime; bufptr: PByte); override;
177 function SQLDecodeDateTime(bufptr: PByte): TDateTime; override;
179 public
180 {IFirebirdAPI}
182 {Database connections}
183 function AllocateDPB: IDPB;
184 function OpenDatabase(DatabaseName: AnsiString; DPB: IDPB; RaiseExceptionOnConnectError: boolean=true): IAttachment;
185 function CreateDatabase(DatabaseName: AnsiString; DPB: IDPB; RaiseExceptionOnError: boolean=true): IAttachment; overload;
186 function CreateDatabase(sql: AnsiString; aSQLDialect: integer; RaiseExceptionOnError: boolean=true): IAttachment; overload;
188 {Start Transaction against multiple databases}
189 function AllocateTPB: ITPB;
190 function StartTransaction(Attachments: array of IAttachment;
191 TPB: array of byte; DefaultCompletion: TTransactionCompletion): ITransaction; overload;
192 function StartTransaction(Attachments: array of IAttachment;
193 TPB: ITPB; DefaultCompletion: TTransactionCompletion): ITransaction; overload;
195 {Service Manager}
196 function AllocateSPB: ISPB;
197 function HasServiceAPI: boolean;
198 function GetServiceManager(ServerName: AnsiString; Protocol: TProtocol; SPB: ISPB): IServiceManager;
200 {Information}
201 function GetStatus: IStatus; override;
202 function HasRollbackRetaining: boolean;
203 function IsEmbeddedServer: boolean; override;
204 function GetImplementationVersion: AnsiString;
206 {Firebird 3 API}
207 function HasMasterIntf: boolean;
208 function GetIMaster: TObject;
210 end;
212 var
213 Firebird25ClientAPI: TFB25ClientAPI = nil;
215 implementation
217 uses FBMessages,
218 {$IFDEF WINDOWS}Windows, {$ENDIF}
219 {$IFDEF FPC} Dynlibs, {$ENDIF}
220 FB25Attachment, FB25Transaction, FB25Services, FBParamBlock,
221 IBUtils;
223 { Stubs for 6.0 only functions }
224 function isc_rollback_retaining_stub(status_vector : PISC_STATUS;
225 tran_handle : PISC_TR_HANDLE):
226 ISC_STATUS; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
227 begin
228 Result := 0;
229 IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_rollback_retaining']); {do not localize}
230 end;
232 function isc_service_attach_stub(status_vector : PISC_STATUS;
233 isc_arg2 : UShort;
234 isc_arg3 : PAnsiChar;
235 service_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE;
236 isc_arg5 : UShort;
237 isc_arg6 : PAnsiChar):
238 ISC_STATUS; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
239 begin
240 Result := 0;
241 IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_service_attach']); {do not localize}
242 end;
244 function isc_service_detach_stub(status_vector : PISC_STATUS;
245 service_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE):
246 ISC_STATUS; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
247 begin
248 Result := 0;
249 IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_service_detach']); {do not localize}
250 end;
252 function isc_service_query_stub(status_vector : PISC_STATUS;
253 service_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE;
254 recv_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE;
255 isc_arg4 : UShort;
256 isc_arg5 : PAnsiChar;
257 isc_arg6 : UShort;
258 isc_arg7 : PAnsiChar;
259 isc_arg8 : UShort;
260 isc_arg9 : PAnsiChar):
261 ISC_STATUS; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
262 begin
263 Result := 0;
264 IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_service_query']); {do not localize}
265 end;
267 function isc_service_start_stub(status_vector : PISC_STATUS;
268 service_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE;
269 recv_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE;
270 isc_arg4 : UShort;
271 isc_arg5 : PAnsiChar):
272 ISC_STATUS; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
273 begin
274 Result := 0;
275 IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_service_start']); {do not localize}
276 end;
278 procedure isc_encode_sql_date_stub(tm_date : PCTimeStructure;
279 ib_date : PISC_DATE);
280 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
281 begin
282 IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_encode_sql_date']); {do not localize}
283 end;
285 procedure isc_encode_sql_time_stub(tm_date : PCTimeStructure;
286 ib_time : PISC_TIME);
287 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
288 begin
289 IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_encode_sql_time']); {do not localize}
290 end;
292 procedure isc_encode_timestamp_stub(tm_date : PCTimeStructure;
293 ib_timestamp : PISC_TIMESTAMP);
294 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
295 begin
296 IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_encode_sql_timestamp']); {do not localize}
297 end;
299 procedure isc_decode_sql_date_stub(ib_date : PISC_DATE;
300 tm_date : PCTimeStructure);
301 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
302 begin
303 IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_decode_sql_date']); {do not localize}
304 end;
306 procedure isc_decode_sql_time_stub(ib_time : PISC_TIME;
307 tm_date : PCTimeStructure);
308 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
309 begin
310 IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_decode_sql_time']); {do not localize}
311 end;
313 procedure isc_decode_timestamp_stub(ib_timestamp : PISC_TIMESTAMP;
314 tm_date : PCTimeStructure);
315 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
316 begin
317 IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_decode_timestamp']); {do not localize}
318 end;
320 { TFB25Status }
322 threadvar
323 FStatusVector: TStatusVector;
325 function TFB25Status.StatusVector: PStatusVector;
326 begin
327 Result := @FStatusVector;
328 end;
331 { TFB25ClientAPI }
334 function TFB25ClientAPI.GetFirebirdLibList: string;
335 begin
336 Result := '';
337 end;
338 {$ENDIF}
340 procedure TFB25ClientAPI.LoadInterface;
341 begin
342 inherited LoadInterface;
343 BLOB_get := GetProcAddr('BLOB_get'); {do not localize}
344 BLOB_put := GetProcAddr('BLOB_put'); {do not localize}
345 isc_wait_for_event := GetProcAddr('isc_wait_for_event'); {do not localize}
346 isc_vax_integer := GetProcAddr('isc_vax_integer'); {do not localize}
347 isc_portable_integer := GetProcAddr('isc_portable_integer'); {do not localize}
348 isc_blob_info := GetProcAddr('isc_blob_info'); {do not localize}
349 isc_blob_lookup_desc := GetProcAddr('isc_blob_lookup_desc'); {do not localize}
350 isc_open_blob2 := GetProcAddr('isc_open_blob2'); {do not localize}
351 isc_close_blob := GetProcAddr('isc_close_blob'); {do not localize}
352 isc_get_segment := GetProcAddr('isc_get_segment'); {do not localize}
353 isc_put_segment := GetProcAddr('isc_put_segment'); {do not localize}
354 isc_create_blob2 := GetProcAddr('isc_create_blob2'); {do not localize}
355 isc_cancel_blob := GetProcAddr('isc_cancel_blob'); {do not localize}
356 isc_decode_date := GetProcAddr('isc_decode_date'); {do not localize}
357 isc_encode_date := GetProcAddr('isc_encode_date'); {do not localize}
358 isc_dsql_free_statement := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_free_statement'); {do not localize}
359 isc_dsql_execute2 := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_execute2'); {do not localize}
360 isc_dsql_execute := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_execute'); {do not localize}
361 isc_dsql_set_cursor_name := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_set_cursor_name'); {do not localize}
362 isc_dsql_fetch := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_fetch'); {do not localize}
363 isc_dsql_sql_info := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_sql_info'); {do not localize}
364 isc_dsql_alloc_statement2 := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_alloc_statement2'); {do not localize}
365 isc_dsql_prepare := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_prepare'); {do not localize}
366 isc_dsql_describe_bind := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_describe_bind'); {do not localize}
367 isc_dsql_describe := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_describe'); {do not localize}
368 isc_dsql_execute_immediate := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_execute_immediate'); {do not localize}
369 isc_drop_database := GetProcAddr('isc_drop_database'); {do not localize}
370 isc_detach_database := GetProcAddr('isc_detach_database'); {do not localize}
371 isc_attach_database := GetProcAddr('isc_attach_database'); {do not localize}
372 isc_database_info := GetProcAddr('isc_database_info'); {do not localize}
373 isc_start_transaction := GetProcAddr('isc_start_transaction'); {do not localize}
374 isc_start_multiple := GetProcAddr('isc_start_multiple'); {do not localize}
375 isc_commit_transaction := GetProcAddr('isc_commit_transaction'); {do not localize}
376 isc_commit_retaining := GetProcAddr('isc_commit_retaining'); {do not localize}
377 isc_rollback_transaction := GetProcAddr('isc_rollback_transaction'); {do not localize}
378 isc_cancel_events := GetProcAddr('isc_cancel_events'); {do not localize}
379 isc_que_events := GetProcAddr('isc_que_events'); {do not localize}
380 isc_add_user := GetProcAddr('isc_add_user'); {do not localize}
381 isc_delete_user := GetProcAddr('isc_delete_user'); {do not localize}
382 isc_modify_user := GetProcAddr('isc_modify_user'); {do not localize}
383 isc_array_lookup_bounds := GetProcAddr('isc_array_lookup_bounds'); {do not localize}
384 isc_array_get_slice := GetProcAddr('isc_array_get_slice'); {do not localize}
385 isc_array_put_slice := GetProcAddr('isc_array_put_slice'); {do not localize}
386 isc_prepare_transaction := GetProcAddr('isc_prepare_transaction'); {do not localize}
388 FIBServiceAPIPresent := true;
389 isc_rollback_retaining := GetProcAddress(IBLibrary, 'isc_rollback_retaining'); {do not localize}
390 if Assigned(isc_rollback_retaining) then
391 begin
392 isc_service_attach := GetProcAddr('isc_service_attach'); {do not localize}
393 isc_service_detach := GetProcAddr('isc_service_detach'); {do not localize}
394 isc_service_query := GetProcAddr('isc_service_query'); {do not localize}
395 isc_service_start := GetProcAddr('isc_service_start'); {do not localize}
396 isc_decode_sql_date := GetProcAddr('isc_decode_sql_date'); {do not localize}
397 isc_decode_sql_time := GetProcAddr('isc_decode_sql_time'); {do not localize}
398 isc_decode_timestamp := GetProcAddr('isc_decode_timestamp'); {do not localize}
399 isc_encode_sql_date := GetProcAddr('isc_encode_sql_date'); {do not localize}
400 isc_encode_sql_time := GetProcAddr('isc_encode_sql_time'); {do not localize}
401 isc_encode_timestamp := GetProcAddr('isc_encode_timestamp'); {do not localize}
402 end else
403 begin
404 FIBServiceAPIPresent := false;
405 isc_rollback_retaining := @isc_rollback_retaining_stub;
406 isc_service_attach := @isc_service_attach_stub;
407 isc_service_detach := @isc_service_detach_stub;
408 isc_service_query := @isc_service_query_stub;
409 isc_service_start := @isc_service_start_stub;
410 isc_decode_sql_date := @isc_decode_sql_date_stub;
411 isc_decode_sql_time := @isc_decode_sql_time_stub;
412 isc_decode_timestamp := @isc_decode_timestamp_stub;
413 isc_encode_sql_date := @isc_encode_sql_date_stub;
414 isc_encode_sql_time := @isc_encode_sql_time_stub;
415 isc_encode_timestamp := @isc_encode_timestamp_stub;
416 end;
417 end;
419 constructor TFB25ClientAPI.Create;
420 begin
421 inherited;
422 FStatus := TFB25Status.Create(self);
423 FStatusIntf := FStatus;
424 Firebird25ClientAPI := self;
425 end;
427 destructor TFB25ClientAPI.Destroy;
428 begin
429 FStatusIntf := nil;
430 Firebird25ClientAPI := nil;
431 inherited Destroy;
432 end;
435 function TFB25ClientAPI.StatusVector: PISC_STATUS;
436 begin
437 Result := PISC_STATUS(FStatus.StatusVector);
438 end;
440 function TFB25ClientAPI.GetStatus: IStatus;
441 begin
442 Result := FStatus;
443 end;
445 function TFB25ClientAPI.AllocateDPB: IDPB;
446 begin
447 Result := TDPB.Create;
448 end;
450 function TFB25ClientAPI.OpenDatabase(DatabaseName: AnsiString; DPB: IDPB;
451 RaiseExceptionOnConnectError: boolean): IAttachment;
452 begin
453 Result := TFB25Attachment.Create(DatabaseName,DPB,RaiseExceptionOnConnectError);
454 if not Result.IsConnected then
455 Result := nil;
456 end;
458 function TFB25ClientAPI.CreateDatabase(DatabaseName: AnsiString; DPB: IDPB;
459 RaiseExceptionOnError: boolean): IAttachment;
460 begin
461 Result := TFB25Attachment.CreateDatabase(DatabaseName, DPB, RaiseExceptionOnError );
462 if (Result <> nil) and not Result.IsConnected then
463 Result := nil;
464 end;
466 function TFB25ClientAPI.CreateDatabase(sql: AnsiString; aSQLDialect: integer;
467 RaiseExceptionOnError: boolean): IAttachment;
468 begin
469 Result := TFB25Attachment.CreateDatabase(sql,aSQLDialect, RaiseExceptionOnError );
470 if (Result <> nil) and not Result.IsConnected then
471 Result := nil;
472 end;
474 function TFB25ClientAPI.AllocateSPB: ISPB;
475 begin
476 Result := TSPB.Create;
477 end;
479 function TFB25ClientAPI.AllocateTPB: ITPB;
480 begin
481 Result := TTPB.Create;
482 end;
484 function TFB25ClientAPI.GetServiceManager(ServerName: AnsiString;
485 Protocol: TProtocol; SPB: ISPB): IServiceManager;
486 begin
487 if HasServiceAPI then
488 Result := TFB25ServiceManager.Create(ServerName,Protocol,SPB)
489 else
490 Result := nil;
491 end;
493 function TFB25ClientAPI.StartTransaction(Attachments: array of IAttachment;
494 TPB: array of byte; DefaultCompletion: TTransactionCompletion): ITransaction;
495 begin
496 Result := TFB25Transaction.Create(Attachments,TPB,DefaultCompletion);
497 end;
499 function TFB25ClientAPI.StartTransaction(Attachments: array of IAttachment;
500 TPB: ITPB; DefaultCompletion: TTransactionCompletion): ITransaction;
501 begin
502 Result := TFB25Transaction.Create(Attachments,TPB,DefaultCompletion);
503 end;
505 function TFB25ClientAPI.HasServiceAPI: boolean;
506 begin
507 Result := IBServiceAPIPresent;
508 end;
510 function TFB25ClientAPI.HasRollbackRetaining: boolean;
511 begin
512 Result := assigned(isc_rollback_retaining);
513 end;
515 function TFB25ClientAPI.IsEmbeddedServer: boolean;
516 begin
517 Result := false;
519 Result := Pos('libfbembed',FFBLibraryName) = 1;
520 {$ENDIF}
522 Result := CompareText(FFBLibraryName,FIREBIRD_EMBEDDED) = 0;
523 {$ENDIF}
524 end;
526 function TFB25ClientAPI.HasMasterIntf: boolean;
527 begin
528 Result := false;
529 end;
531 function TFB25ClientAPI.GetIMaster: TObject;
532 begin
533 Result := nil;
534 end;
536 function TFB25ClientAPI.GetImplementationVersion: AnsiString;
537 begin
538 Result := FBClientInterfaceVersion;
539 end;
541 function TFB25ClientAPI.DecodeInteger(bufptr: PByte; len: short): integer;
542 begin
543 Result := isc_portable_integer(bufptr,len);
544 end;
546 procedure TFB25ClientAPI.SQLEncodeDate(aDate: TDateTime; bufptr: PByte);
547 var
548 tm_date: TCTimeStructure;
549 Yr, Mn, Dy: Word;
550 begin
551 DecodeDate(aDate, Yr, Mn, Dy);
552 with tm_date do begin
553 tm_sec := 0;
554 tm_min := 0;
555 tm_hour := 0;
556 tm_mday := Dy;
557 tm_mon := Mn - 1;
558 tm_year := Yr - 1900;
559 end;
560 isc_encode_sql_date(@tm_date, PISC_DATE(bufptr));
561 end;
563 function TFB25ClientAPI.SQLDecodeDate(bufptr: PByte): TDateTime;
564 var
565 tm_date: TCTimeStructure;
566 begin
567 isc_decode_sql_date(PISC_DATE(bufptr), @tm_date);
568 try
569 result := EncodeDate(Word(tm_date.tm_year + 1900), Word(tm_date.tm_mon + 1),
570 Word(tm_date.tm_mday));
571 except
572 on E: EConvertError do begin
573 IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]);
574 end;
575 end;
576 end;
578 procedure TFB25ClientAPI.SQLEncodeTime(aTime: TDateTime; bufptr: PByte);
579 var
580 tm_date: TCTimeStructure;
581 Hr, Mt, S, Ms: Word;
582 begin
583 DecodeTime(aTime, Hr, Mt, S, Ms);
584 with tm_date do begin
585 tm_sec := S;
586 tm_min := Mt;
587 tm_hour := Hr;
588 tm_mday := 0;
589 tm_mon := 0;
590 tm_year := 0;
591 end;
592 with Firebird25ClientAPI do
593 isc_encode_sql_time(@tm_date, PISC_TIME(bufptr));
594 if Ms > 0 then
595 Inc(PISC_TIME(bufptr)^,Ms*10);
596 end;
598 function TFB25ClientAPI.SQLDecodeTime(bufptr: PByte): TDateTime;
599 var
600 tm_date: TCTimeStructure;
601 msecs: Word;
602 begin
603 isc_decode_sql_time(PISC_TIME(bufptr), @tm_date);
604 try
605 msecs := (PISC_TIME(bufptr)^ mod 10000) div 10;
606 result := EncodeTime(Word(tm_date.tm_hour), Word(tm_date.tm_min),
607 Word(tm_date.tm_sec), msecs)
608 except
609 on E: EConvertError do begin
610 IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]);
611 end;
612 end;
613 end;
615 procedure TFB25ClientAPI.SQLEncodeDateTime(aDateTime: TDateTime; bufptr: PByte);
616 var
617 tm_date: TCTimeStructure;
618 Yr, Mn, Dy, Hr, Mt, S, Ms: Word;
619 begin
620 DecodeDate(aDateTime, Yr, Mn, Dy);
621 DecodeTime(aDateTime, Hr, Mt, S, Ms);
622 with tm_date do begin
623 tm_sec := S;
624 tm_min := Mt;
625 tm_hour := Hr;
626 tm_mday := Dy;
627 tm_mon := Mn - 1;
628 tm_year := Yr - 1900;
629 end;
630 isc_encode_date(@tm_date, PISC_QUAD(bufptr));
631 if Ms > 0 then
632 Inc(PISC_TIMESTAMP(bufptr)^.timestamp_time,Ms*10);
633 end;
635 function TFB25ClientAPI.SQLDecodeDateTime(bufptr: PByte): TDateTime;
636 var
637 tm_date: TCTimeStructure;
638 msecs: Word;
639 begin
640 isc_decode_date(PISC_QUAD(bufptr), @tm_date);
641 try
642 result := EncodeDate(Word(tm_date.tm_year + 1900), Word(tm_date.tm_mon + 1),
643 Word(tm_date.tm_mday));
644 msecs := (PISC_TIMESTAMP(bufptr)^.timestamp_time mod 10000) div 10;
645 if result >= 0 then
646 result := result + EncodeTime(Word(tm_date.tm_hour), Word(tm_date.tm_min),
647 Word(tm_date.tm_sec), msecs)
648 else
649 result := result - EncodeTime(Word(tm_date.tm_hour), Word(tm_date.tm_min),
650 Word(tm_date.tm_sec), msecs)
651 except
652 on E: EConvertError do begin
653 IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]);
654 end;
655 end;
656 end;
658 end.