(* * Firebird Interface (fbintf). The fbintf components provide a set of * Pascal language bindings for the Firebird API. * * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial Developer's * Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License here: * * http://www.firebirdsql.org/index.php?op=doc&id=idpl * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights * and limitations under the License. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman. * * The Original Code is (C) 2016 Tony Whyman, MWA Software * (http://www.mwasoftware.co.uk). * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * *) unit FB30Events; {$IFDEF FPC} {$mode objfpc}{$H+} {$interfaces COM} {$ENDIF} interface uses {$IFDEF WINDOWS}Windows, {$ENDIF} Classes, SysUtils, Firebird, IB, FB30ClientAPI, FB30Attachment, syncobjs, FBEvents; type TFB30Events = class; { TEventhandlerInterface } TEventhandlerInterface = class(Firebird.IEventCallbackImpl) private FOwner: TFB30Events; FName: string; FRef: integer; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} {Make direct use of Windows API as TEventObject don't seem to work under Windows!} FEventHandler: THandle; {$ELSE} FEventWaiting: TEventObject; {$ENDIF} public constructor Create(aOwner: TFB30Events; aName: string); destructor Destroy; override; procedure addRef(); override; function release(): Integer; override; procedure eventCallbackFunction(length: Cardinal; events: BytePtr); override; procedure WaitForEvent; procedure CancelWait; end; { TFB30Events } TFB30Events = class(TFBEvents,IEvents) private FAttachmentIntf: Firebird.IAttachment; FEventHandlerThread: TObject; FEventsIntf: Firebird.IEvents; FAsyncEventCallback: TEventhandlerInterface; FSyncEventCallback: TEventhandlerInterface; procedure InternalAsyncWaitForEvent(EventHandler: TEventHandler; EventCallBack: TEventhandlerInterface); procedure ReleaseIntf; protected procedure CancelEvents(Force: boolean = false); override; function GetIEvents: IEvents; override; public constructor Create(DBAttachment: TFB30Attachment; Events: TStrings); destructor Destroy; override; {IEvents} procedure WaitForEvent; procedure AsyncWaitForEvent(EventHandler: TEventHandler); override; end; implementation uses FBMessages, FBClientAPI; type { TEventHandlerThread } TEventHandlerThread = class(TThread) private FOwner: TFB30Events; FEventHandler: TEventhandlerInterface; protected procedure Execute; override; public constructor Create(Owner: TFB30Events; EventHandler: TEventhandlerInterface); procedure Terminate; end; constructor TEventhandlerInterface.Create(aOwner: TFB30Events; aName: string); var PSa : PSecurityAttributes; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} Sd : TSecurityDescriptor; Sa : TSecurityAttributes; begin InitializeSecurityDescriptor(@Sd,SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(@Sd,true,nil,false); Sa.nLength := SizeOf(Sa); Sa.lpSecurityDescriptor := @Sd; Sa.bInheritHandle := true; PSa := @Sa; {$ELSE} GUID : TGUID; begin PSa:= nil; {$ENDIF} inherited Create; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} FEventHandler := CreateEvent(PSa,false,false,nil); {$ELSE} CreateGuid(GUID); FEventWaiting := TEventObject.Create(PSa,false,false,GUIDToString(GUID)); {$ENDIF} FOWner := aOwner; FName := aName; addRef; end; destructor TEventhandlerInterface.Destroy; begin {$IFDEF WINDOWS} CloseHandle(FEventHandler); {$ELSE} if assigned(FEventWaiting) then FEventWaiting.Free; {$ENDIF} inherited Destroy; end; procedure TEventhandlerInterface.addRef; begin Inc(FRef); // writeln(FName,': ref count = ',FRef); end; function TEventhandlerInterface.release: Integer; begin Dec(FRef); // writeln(FName,': ref count = ',FRef); if FRef = 0 then Free; Result := FRef; end; procedure TEventhandlerInterface.eventCallbackFunction(length: Cardinal; events: BytePtr); begin FOwner.FCriticalSection.Enter; try if FOwner.FResultBuffer <> nil then Move(events[0], FOwner.FResultBuffer[0], Length); finally FOwner.FCriticalSection.Leave end; // writeln('Set Event'); {$IFDEF WINDOWS} SetEvent(FEventHandler); {$ELSE} FEventWaiting.SetEvent; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TEventhandlerInterface.WaitForEvent; begin {$IFDEF WINDOWS} WaitForSingleObject(FEventHandler,INFINITE); {$ELSE} FEventWaiting.WaitFor(INFINITE); {$ENDIF} // writeln('Event Wait Ends'); end; procedure TEventhandlerInterface.CancelWait; begin {$IFDEF WINDOWS} SetEvent(FEventHandler); {$ELSE} FEventWaiting.SetEvent; {$ENDIF} end; { TEventHandlerThread } procedure TEventHandlerThread.Execute; begin while not Terminated do begin FEventHandler.WaitForEvent; if not Terminated then FOwner.EventSignaled; end; end; constructor TEventHandlerThread.Create(Owner: TFB30Events; EventHandler: TEventhandlerInterface); begin inherited Create(true); FOwner := Owner; FEventHandler := EventHandler; FreeOnTerminate := true; Start; end; procedure TEventHandlerThread.Terminate; begin inherited Terminate; FEventHandler.CancelWait; end; { TFB30Events } procedure TFB30Events.CancelEvents(Force: boolean); begin FCriticalSection.Enter; try if not FInWaitState then Exit; if FEventsIntf <> nil then with Firebird30ClientAPI do begin FEventsIntf.Cancel(StatusIntf); if not Force then Check4DataBaseError; end; FInWaitState := false; ReleaseIntf; inherited CancelEvents(Force); finally FCriticalSection.Leave end; end; function TFB30Events.GetIEvents: IEvents; begin Result := self; end; procedure TFB30Events.InternalAsyncWaitForEvent(EventHandler: TEventHandler; EventCallBack: TEventhandlerInterface); begin FCriticalSection.Enter; try if FInWaitState then IBError(ibxeInEventWait,[nil]); FEventHandler := EventHandler; ReleaseIntf; with Firebird30ClientAPI do begin FEventsIntf := FAttachmentIntf.queEvents( StatusIntf,EventCallBack, FEventBufferLen, BytePtr(FEventBuffer)); Check4DataBaseError; end; FInWaitState := true; finally FCriticalSection.Leave end; end; procedure TFB30Events.ReleaseIntf; begin if FEventsIntf <> nil then FEventsIntf.release; FEventsIntf := nil; end; constructor TFB30Events.Create(DBAttachment: TFB30Attachment; Events: TStrings); begin inherited Create(DBAttachment,DBAttachment,Events); FAttachmentIntf := DBAttachment.AttachmentIntf; FSyncEventCallback := TEventhandlerInterface.Create(self,'Sync'); end; destructor TFB30Events.Destroy; begin CancelEvents(true); if assigned(FEventHandlerThread) then TEventHandlerThread(FEventHandlerThread).Terminate; if assigned(FAsyncEventCallback) then TEventhandlerInterface(FAsyncEventCallback).release; if assigned(FSyncEventCallback) then TEventhandlerInterface(FSyncEventCallback).release; ReleaseIntf; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TFB30Events.AsyncWaitForEvent(EventHandler: TEventHandler); begin {Seems like we have to create a new callback object each time to avoid empty events} if assigned(FEventHandlerThread) then TEventHandlerThread(FEventHandlerThread).Terminate; if assigned(FAsyncEventCallback) then TEventhandlerInterface(FAsyncEventCallback).release; FAsyncEventCallback := TEventhandlerInterface.Create(self,'Async'); FEventHandlerThread := TEventHandlerThread.Create(self,FAsyncEventCallback); InternalAsyncWaitForEvent(EventHandler,FAsyncEventCallback); end; procedure TFB30Events.WaitForEvent; begin InternalAsyncWaitForEvent(nil,FSyncEventCallback); FSyncEventCallback.WaitForEvent; end; end.