(* * Firebird Interface (fbintf). The fbintf components provide a set of * Pascal language bindings for the Firebird API. * * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial Developer's * Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License here: * * http://www.firebirdsql.org/index.php?op=doc&id=idpl * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights * and limitations under the License. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman. * * The Original Code is (C) 2016 Tony Whyman, MWA Software * (http://www.mwasoftware.co.uk). * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * *) unit FBArray; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} {$DEFINE WINDOWS} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF FPC} {$mode delphi} {$codepage UTF8} {$interfaces COM} {$ENDIF} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, IB, IBHeader, FBTransaction, FBSQLData, FBClientAPI, IBExternals, FBActivityMonitor; (* COMMENTS (copied from IBPP) 1) For an array column of type CHAR(X), the internal type returned or expected is blr_text. In such case, the byte array received or submitted to get/put_slice is formatted in elements of X bytes, which correspond to what is reported in array_desc_length. The elements are not '\0' terminated but are right-padded with spaces ' '. 2) For an array column of type VARCHAR(X), the internal type is blr_varying. The underlying format is rather curious and different than what is used in XSQLDA. The element size is reported in array_desc_length as X. Yet each element of the byte array is expected to be of size X+2 (just as if we were to stuff a short in the first 2 bytes to store the length (as is done with XSQLDA). No. The string of X characters maximum has to be stored in the chunks of X+2 bytes as a zero-terminated c-string. Note that the buffer is indeed one byte too large. Internally, the API probably convert in-place in these chunks the zero-terminated string to a variable-size string with a short in front and the string data non zero-terminated behind. *) type TFBArray = class; { TFBArrayElement } TFBArrayElement = class(TSQLDataItem) private FBufPtr: PByte; FArray: TFBArray; protected function GetSQLDialect: integer; override; procedure Changing; override; procedure Changed; override; function SQLData: PByte; override; function GetDataLength: cardinal; override; function GetCodePage: TSystemCodePage; override; function getCharSetID: cardinal; override; procedure SetDataLength(len: cardinal); override; procedure SetSQLType(aValue: cardinal); override; public constructor Create(anArray: TFBArray; P: PByte); function GetSQLType: cardinal; override; function GetName: AnsiString; override; function GetScale: integer; override; function GetSize: integer; function GetAsString: AnsiString; override; procedure SetAsLong(Value: Long); override; procedure SetAsShort(Value: Short); override; procedure SetAsInt64(Value: Int64); override; procedure SetAsString(Value: AnsiString); override; procedure SetAsDouble(Value: Double); override; procedure SetAsFloat(Value: Float); override; procedure SetAsCurrency(Value: Currency); override; end; { TFBArrayMetaData } TFBArrayMetaData = class(TFBInterfacedObject,IArrayMetaData) private function GetDType(SQLType: cardinal): UChar; protected FArrayDesc: TISC_ARRAY_DESC; FCharSetID: integer; procedure LoadMetaData(aAttachment: IAttachment; aTransaction: ITransaction; relationName, columnName: AnsiString); virtual; abstract; function NumOfElements: integer; public constructor Create(aAttachment: IAttachment; aTransaction: ITransaction; relationName, columnName: AnsiString); overload; constructor Create(SQLType: cardinal; tableName: AnsiString; columnName: AnsiString; Scale: integer; size: cardinal; charSetID: cardinal; dimensions: cardinal; bounds: TArrayBounds); overload; function GetCodePage: TSystemCodePage; virtual; abstract; public {IArrayMetaData} function GetSQLType: cardinal; function GetSQLTypeName: AnsiString; function GetScale: integer; function GetSize: cardinal; function GetCharSetID: cardinal; virtual; abstract; function GetTableName: AnsiString; function GetColumnName: AnsiString; function GetDimensions: integer; function GetBounds: TArrayBounds; end; { TFBArray } TFBArray = class(TActivityReporter,IArray) private FMetaData: IArrayMetaData; FIsNew: boolean; FLoaded: boolean; FModified: boolean; FAttachment: IAttachment; FTransactionIntf: ITransaction; FTransactionSeqNo: integer; FSQLDialect: integer; FOffsets: array of integer; FElement: TFBArrayElement; FElementIntf: IUnknown; FElementSize: integer; FEventHandlers: array of TArrayEventHandler; procedure GetArraySlice; procedure PutArraySlice(Force: boolean=false); function GetOffset(index: array of integer): PByte; function GetDataLength: short; protected FBuffer: PByte; FBufSize: ISC_LONG; FArrayID: TISC_QUAD; procedure AllocateBuffer; virtual; procedure Changing; procedure Changed; function GetArrayDesc: PISC_ARRAY_DESC; procedure InternalGetSlice; virtual; abstract; procedure InternalPutSlice(Force: boolean); virtual; abstract; public constructor Create(aAttachment: IAttachment; aTransaction: TFBTransaction; aField: IArrayMetaData); overload; constructor Create(aAttachment: IAttachment; aTransaction: TFBTransaction; aField: IArrayMetaData; ArrayID: TISC_QUAD); overload; destructor Destroy; override; function GetSQLDialect: integer; procedure TransactionEnding(aTransaction: ITransaction; Force: boolean); public {IArrayMetaData} function GetSQLType: cardinal; function GetSQLTypeName: AnsiString; function GetScale: integer; function GetSize: cardinal; function GetCharSetID: cardinal; function GetTableName: AnsiString; function GetColumnName: AnsiString; function GetDimensions: integer; function GetBounds: TArrayBounds; {IArray} function GetArrayID: TISC_QUAD; procedure Clear; function IsEmpty: boolean; procedure PreLoad; procedure CancelChanges; procedure SaveChanges; function GetAsInteger(index: array of integer): integer; function GetAsBoolean(index: array of integer): boolean; function GetAsCurrency(index: array of integer): Currency; function GetAsInt64(index: array of integer): Int64; function GetAsDateTime(index: array of integer): TDateTime; function GetAsDouble(index: array of integer): Double; function GetAsFloat(index: array of integer): Float; function GetAsLong(index: array of integer): Long; function GetAsShort(index: array of integer): Short; function GetAsString(index: array of integer): AnsiString; function GetAsVariant(index: array of integer): Variant; procedure SetAsInteger(index: array of integer; AValue: integer); procedure SetAsBoolean(index: array of integer; AValue: boolean); procedure SetAsCurrency(index: array of integer; Value: Currency); procedure SetAsInt64(index: array of integer; Value: Int64); procedure SetAsDate(index: array of integer; Value: TDateTime); procedure SetAsLong(index: array of integer; Value: Long); procedure SetAsTime(index: array of integer; Value: TDateTime); procedure SetAsDateTime(index: array of integer; Value: TDateTime); procedure SetAsDouble(index: array of integer; Value: Double); procedure SetAsFloat(index: array of integer; Value: Float); procedure SetAsShort(index: array of integer; Value: Short); procedure SetAsString(index: array of integer; Value: AnsiString); procedure SetAsVariant(index: array of integer; Value: Variant); procedure SetBounds(dim, UpperBound, LowerBound: integer); function GetAttachment: IAttachment; function GetTransaction: ITransaction; procedure AddEventHandler(Handler: TArrayEventHandler); procedure RemoveEventHandler(Handler: TArrayEventHandler); end; implementation uses FBMessages; { TFBArrayElement } function TFBArrayElement.GetSQLDialect: integer; begin Result := FArray.GetSQLDialect; end; procedure TFBArrayElement.Changing; begin inherited Changing; FArray.Changing; end; procedure TFBArrayElement.Changed; begin inherited Changed; FArray.Changed; end; function TFBArrayElement.SQLData: PByte; begin Result := FBufPtr; end; function TFBArrayElement.GetDataLength: cardinal; begin Result := FArray.GetDataLength end; function TFBArrayElement.GetCodePage: TSystemCodePage; begin Result := (FArray.FMetaData as TFBArrayMetaData).GetCodePage; end; function TFBArrayElement.getCharSetID: cardinal; begin Result := (FArray.FMetaData as TFBArrayMetaData).GetCharSetID; end; procedure TFBArrayElement.SetDataLength(len: cardinal); begin if len > GetDataLength then IBError(ibxeArrayElementOverFlow,[nil]); end; constructor TFBArrayElement.Create(anArray: TFBArray; P: PByte); begin inherited Create; FArray := anArray; FBufPtr := P; end; function TFBArrayElement.GetSQLType: cardinal; begin Result := FArray.FMetaData.GetSQLType; end; function TFBArrayElement.GetName: AnsiString; begin Result := FArray.FMetaData.GetColumnName; end; function TFBArrayElement.GetScale: integer; begin Result := FArray.FMetaData.GetScale; end; function TFBArrayElement.GetSize: integer; begin Result := GetDataLength; end; function TFBArrayElement.GetAsString: AnsiString; var rs: RawByteString; begin case GetSQLType of SQL_VARYING: begin rs := strpas(PAnsiChar(FBufPtr)); SetCodePage(rs,GetCodePage,false); Result := rs; end; SQL_TEXT: begin SetString(rs,PAnsiChar(FBufPtr),GetDataLength); SetCodePage(rs,GetCodePage,false); Result := rs; end else Result := inherited GetAsString; end; end; procedure TFBArrayElement.SetAsLong(Value: Long); begin AsInt64 := Value; end; procedure TFBArrayElement.SetAsShort(Value: Short); begin AsInt64 := Value; end; procedure TFBArrayElement.SetAsInt64(Value: Int64); begin CheckActive; case GetSQLType of SQL_LONG: PLong(SQLData)^ := Value; SQL_SHORT: PShort(SQLData)^ := Value; SQL_INT64: PInt64(SQLData)^ := Value; SQL_TEXT, SQL_VARYING: SetAsString(IntToStr(Value)); SQL_D_FLOAT, SQL_DOUBLE: PDouble(SQLData)^ := Value; SQL_FLOAT: PSingle(SQLData)^ := Value; else IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; Changed; end; procedure TFBArrayElement.SetAsString(Value: AnsiString); var len: integer; ElementSize: integer; begin CheckActive; case GetSQLType of SQL_BOOLEAN: if AnsiCompareText(Value,STrue) = 0 then AsBoolean := true else if AnsiCompareText(Value,SFalse) = 0 then AsBoolean := false else IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion,[nil]); SQL_VARYING: begin Value := Transliterate(Value,GetCodePage); len := Length(Value); ElementSize := GetDataLength; if len > ElementSize - 2 then len := ElementSize - 2; if Len > 0 then Move(Value[1],FBufPtr^,len); if Len < ElementSize - 2 then (FBufPtr+len)^ := 0; Changed; end; SQL_TEXT: begin Value := Transliterate(Value,GetCodePage); ElementSize := GetDataLength; FillChar(FBufPtr^,ElementSize,' '); len := Length(Value); if len > ElementSize - 1 then len := ElementSize - 1; Move(Value[1],FBufPtr^,len); Changed; end; SQL_SHORT, SQL_LONG, SQL_INT64: if trim(Value) = '' then SetAsInt64(0) else SetAsInt64(StrToInt(Value)); SQL_D_FLOAT, SQL_DOUBLE, SQL_FLOAT: if trim(Value) = '' then SetAsDouble(0) else SetAsDouble(StrToFloat(Value)); SQL_TIMESTAMP: SetAsDateTime(StrToDateTime(Value)); SQL_TYPE_DATE: SetAsDate(StrToDateTime(Value)); SQL_TYPE_TIME: SetAsTime(StrToDateTime(Value)); else IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion,[nil]); end; end; procedure TFBArrayElement.SetAsDouble(Value: Double); begin CheckActive; case GetSQLType of SQL_D_FLOAT, SQL_DOUBLE: PDouble(SQLData)^ := Value; SQL_FLOAT: PSingle(SQLData)^ := Value; SQL_SHORT: if Scale < 0 then PShort(SQLData)^ := AdjustScaleFromDouble(Value,Scale) else IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); SQL_LONG: if Scale < 0 then PLong(SQLData)^ := AdjustScaleFromDouble(Value,Scale) else IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); SQL_INT64: if Scale < 0 then PInt64(SQLData)^ := AdjustScaleFromDouble(Value,Scale) else IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); SQL_TEXT, SQL_VARYING: AsString := FloatToStr(Value); else IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; Changed; end; procedure TFBArrayElement.SetAsFloat(Value: Float); begin AsDouble := Value; end; procedure TFBArrayElement.SetAsCurrency(Value: Currency); begin CheckActive; if (GetSQLDialect < 3) or (SQLType <> SQL_INT64) then AsDouble := Value else begin if Scale = -4 then PCurrency(SQLData)^ := Value else PInt64(SQLData)^ := AdjustScaleFromCurrency(Value,Scale); Changed; end end; procedure TFBArrayElement.SetSQLType(aValue: cardinal); begin if aValue = GetSQLType then IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; {TFBArrayMetaData} constructor TFBArrayMetaData.Create(aAttachment: IAttachment; aTransaction: ITransaction; relationName, columnName: AnsiString); begin inherited Create; LoadMetaData(aAttachment,aTransaction,relationName, columnName); end; constructor TFBArrayMetaData.Create(SQLType: cardinal; tableName: AnsiString; columnName: AnsiString; Scale: integer; size: cardinal; charSetID: cardinal; dimensions: cardinal; bounds: TArrayBounds); var i: integer; begin inherited Create; with FArrayDesc do begin array_desc_dtype := GetDType(SQLType); array_desc_scale := Scale; array_desc_length := UShort(size); StrPLCopy(array_desc_field_name,columnName,sizeof(array_desc_field_name)); StrPLCopy(array_desc_relation_name,tableName,sizeof(array_desc_relation_name)); array_desc_dimensions := dimensions; array_desc_flags := 0; FCharSetID := charSetID; for i := 0 to Length(bounds) - 1 do begin array_desc_bounds[i].array_bound_lower := bounds[i].LowerBound; array_desc_bounds[i].array_bound_upper := bounds[i].UpperBound; end; end; end; function TFBArrayMetaData.GetSQLType: cardinal; begin case FArrayDesc.array_desc_dtype of blr_cstring, blr_cstring2, blr_text,blr_text2: Result := SQL_TEXT; blr_short: Result := SQL_SHORT; blr_long: Result := SQL_LONG; blr_quad, blr_blob_id: Result := SQL_QUAD; blr_float: Result := SQL_FLOAT; blr_double,blr_d_float: Result := SQL_D_FLOAT; blr_timestamp: Result := SQL_TIMESTAMP; blr_varying,blr_varying2: Result := SQL_VARYING; blr_sql_date: Result := SQL_TYPE_DATE; blr_sql_time: Result := SQL_TYPE_TIME; blr_int64: Result := SQL_INT64; end; end; function TFBArrayMetaData.GetSQLTypeName: AnsiString; begin Result := TSQLDataItem.GetSQLTypeName(GetSQLType); end; function TFBArrayMetaData.GetScale: integer; begin Result := byte(FArrayDesc.array_desc_scale); end; function TFBArrayMetaData.GetSize: cardinal; begin Result := FArrayDesc.array_desc_length; end; function TFBArrayMetaData.GetTableName: AnsiString; begin with FArrayDesc do SetString(Result,PAnsiChar(@array_desc_relation_name),sizeof(array_desc_relation_name)); Result := trim(Result); end; function TFBArrayMetaData.GetColumnName: AnsiString; begin with FArrayDesc do SetString(Result,PAnsiChar(@FArrayDesc.array_desc_field_name),sizeof(array_desc_field_name)); Result := trim(Result); end; function TFBArrayMetaData.GetDimensions: integer; begin Result := FArrayDesc.array_desc_dimensions; end; function TFBArrayMetaData.GetBounds: TArrayBounds; var i: integer; begin SetLength(Result,GetDimensions); for i := 0 to GetDimensions - 1 do begin Result[i].UpperBound := FArrayDesc.array_desc_bounds[i].array_bound_upper; Result[i].LowerBound := FArrayDesc.array_desc_bounds[i].array_bound_lower; end; end; function TFBArrayMetaData.GetDType(SQLType: cardinal): UChar; begin case SQLType of SQL_TEXT: Result := blr_text; SQL_SHORT: Result := blr_short; SQL_LONG: Result := blr_long; SQL_QUAD: Result := blr_quad; SQL_FLOAT: Result := blr_float; SQL_D_FLOAT: Result := blr_double; SQL_TIMESTAMP: Result := blr_timestamp; SQL_VARYING: Result := blr_varying; SQL_TYPE_DATE: Result := blr_sql_date; SQL_TYPE_TIME: Result := blr_sql_time; SQL_INT64: Result := blr_int64; end; end; function TFBArrayMetaData.NumOfElements: integer; var i: integer; Bounds: TArrayBounds; begin Result := 1; Bounds := GetBounds; for i := 0 to Length(Bounds) - 1 do Result := Result * (Bounds[i].UpperBound - Bounds[i].LowerBound + 1); end; { TFBArray } procedure TFBArray.AllocateBuffer; var i: integer; l: integer; Bounds: TArrayBounds; Dims: integer; begin SetLength(FOffsets,0); FreeMem(FBuffer); FBuffer := nil; FLoaded := false; with FMetaData as TFBArrayMetaData do begin l := NumOfElements; FElementSize := FArrayDesc.array_desc_length; case GetSQLType of SQL_VARYING: FElementSize := FElementSize + 2; SQL_TEXT: FElementSize := FElementSize + 1; end; FBufSize := FElementSize * l; with FirebirdClientAPI do IBAlloc(FBuffer,0,FBufSize); Dims := GetDimensions; SetLength(FOffsets,GetDimensions); Bounds := GetBounds; if FArrayDesc.array_desc_flags = 0 {row major} then begin FOffsets[0] := 1; for i := 0 to Dims - 2 do FOffsets[i+1] := FOffsets[i] * (Bounds[i].UpperBound - Bounds[i].LowerBound + 1); end else begin {column major} FOffsets[Dims-1] := 1; for i := Dims - 1 downto 1 do FOffsets[i-1] := FOffsets[i] * (Bounds[i].UpperBound - Bounds[i].LowerBound + 1); end; end; end; procedure TFBArray.Changing; var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to Length(FEventHandlers) - 1 do FEventHandlers[i](self,arChanging); end; procedure TFBArray.Changed; var i: integer; begin FModified := true; for i := 0 to Length(FEventHandlers) - 1 do FEventHandlers[i](self,arChanged); end; procedure TFBArray.GetArraySlice; begin if FIsNew or FLoaded then Exit; InternalGetSlice; FLoaded := true; end; procedure TFBArray.PutArraySlice(Force: boolean); begin if not FModified or not FTransactionIntf.InTransaction or (FTransactionSeqNo < (FTransactionIntf as TFBTransaction).TransactionSeqNo) then Exit; InternalPutSlice(Force); FModified := false; FIsNew := false; end; function TFBArray.GetOffset(index: array of integer): PByte; var i: integer; Bounds: TArrayBounds; FlatIndex: integer; begin if FMetaData.GetDimensions <> Length(index) then IBError(ibxeInvalidArrayDimensions,[Length(index)]); FlatIndex := 0; Bounds := FMetaData.GetBounds; for i := 0 to Length(index) - 1 do begin if (index[i] < Bounds[i].LowerBound) or (index[i] > Bounds[i].UpperBound) then IBError(ibxeInvalidSubscript,[index[i],i]); FlatIndex := FlatIndex + FOffsets[i]*(index[i] - Bounds[i].LowerBound); end; Result := FBuffer + FlatIndex*FElementSize; end; function TFBArray.GetDataLength: short; begin Result := FElementSize; end; function TFBArray.GetArrayDesc: PISC_ARRAY_DESC; begin Result := @((FMetaData as TFBArrayMetaData).FArrayDesc); end; constructor TFBArray.Create(aAttachment: IAttachment; aTransaction: TFBTransaction; aField: IArrayMetaData); begin inherited Create(aTransaction); FMetaData := aField; FAttachment := aAttachment; FTransactionIntf := aTransaction; FTransactionSeqNo := aTransaction.TransactionSeqNo; FIsNew := true; FModified := false; FSQLDialect := aAttachment.GetSQLDialect; AllocateBuffer; FElement := TFBArrayElement.Create(self,FBuffer); FElementIntf := FElement; Setlength(FEventHandlers,0); end; constructor TFBArray.Create(aAttachment: IAttachment; aTransaction: TFBTransaction; aField: IArrayMetaData; ArrayID: TISC_QUAD); begin inherited Create(aTransaction); FMetaData := aField; FArrayID := ArrayID; FAttachment := aAttachment; FTransactionIntf := aTransaction; FTransactionSeqNo := aTransaction.TransactionSeqNo; FIsNew := false; FModified := false; FSQLDialect := aAttachment.GetSQLDialect; AllocateBuffer; FElement := TFBArrayElement.Create(self,FBuffer); FElementIntf := FElement; Setlength(FEventHandlers,0); end; destructor TFBArray.Destroy; begin FreeMem(FBuffer); inherited Destroy; end; function TFBArray.GetArrayID: TISC_QUAD; begin PutArraySlice; Result := FArrayID; end; procedure TFBArray.Clear; begin FIsNew := true; FModified := false; FArrayID.gds_quad_high := 0; FArrayID.gds_quad_low := 0; AllocateBuffer; end; function TFBArray.IsEmpty: boolean; begin Result := FIsNew and not FModified; end; procedure TFBArray.PreLoad; begin GetArraySlice; end; procedure TFBArray.CancelChanges; begin FModified := false; AllocateBuffer; end; procedure TFBArray.SaveChanges; begin PutArraySlice; end; function TFBArray.GetSQLDialect: integer; begin Result := FSQLDialect; end; procedure TFBArray.TransactionEnding(aTransaction: ITransaction; Force: boolean ); begin if (aTransaction = FTransactionIntf) and FModified and not FIsNew then PutArraySlice(Force); end; function TFBArray.GetSQLType: cardinal; begin Result := FMetaData.GetSQLType; end; function TFBArray.GetSQLTypeName: AnsiString; begin Result := FMetaData.GetSQLTypeName; end; function TFBArray.GetScale: integer; begin Result := FMetaData.GetScale; end; function TFBArray.GetSize: cardinal; begin Result := FMetaData.GetSize; end; function TFBArray.GetCharSetID: cardinal; begin Result := FMetaData.GetCharSetID; end; function TFBArray.GetTableName: AnsiString; begin Result := FMetaData.GetTableName; end; function TFBArray.GetColumnName: AnsiString; begin Result := FMetaData.GetColumnName; end; function TFBArray.GetDimensions: integer; begin Result := FMetaData.GetDimensions; end; function TFBArray.GetBounds: TArrayBounds; begin Result := FMetaData.GetBounds; end; function TFBArray.GetAsInteger(index: array of integer): integer; begin GetArraySlice; FElement.FBufPtr := GetOffset(index); Result := FElement.GetAsLong; end; function TFBArray.GetAsBoolean(index: array of integer): boolean; begin GetArraySlice; FElement.FBufPtr := GetOffset(index); Result := FElement.GetAsBoolean; end; function TFBArray.GetAsCurrency(index: array of integer): Currency; begin GetArraySlice; FElement.FBufPtr := GetOffset(index); Result := FElement.GetAsCurrency; end; function TFBArray.GetAsInt64(index: array of integer): Int64; begin GetArraySlice; FElement.FBufPtr := GetOffset(index); Result := FElement.GetAsInt64; end; function TFBArray.GetAsDateTime(index: array of integer): TDateTime; begin GetArraySlice; FElement.FBufPtr := GetOffset(index); Result := FElement.GetAsDateTime; end; function TFBArray.GetAsDouble(index: array of integer): Double; begin GetArraySlice; FElement.FBufPtr := GetOffset(index); Result := FElement.GetAsDouble; end; function TFBArray.GetAsFloat(index: array of integer): Float; begin GetArraySlice; FElement.FBufPtr := GetOffset(index); Result := FElement.GetAsFloat; end; function TFBArray.GetAsLong(index: array of integer): Long; begin GetArraySlice; FElement.FBufPtr := GetOffset(index); Result := FElement.GetAsLong; end; function TFBArray.GetAsShort(index: array of integer): Short; begin GetArraySlice; FElement.FBufPtr := GetOffset(index); Result := FElement.GetAsShort; end; function TFBArray.GetAsString(index: array of integer): AnsiString; begin GetArraySlice; FElement.FBufPtr := GetOffset(index); Result := FElement.GetAsString; end; function TFBArray.GetAsVariant(index: array of integer): Variant; begin GetArraySlice; FElement.FBufPtr := GetOffset(index); Result := FElement.GetAsVariant; end; procedure TFBArray.SetAsInteger(index: array of integer; AValue: integer); begin FElement.FBufPtr := GetOffset(index); FElement.SetAsLong(AValue); end; procedure TFBArray.SetAsBoolean(index: array of integer; AValue: boolean); begin FElement.FBufPtr := GetOffset(index); FElement.SetAsBoolean(AValue); end; procedure TFBArray.SetAsCurrency(index: array of integer; Value: Currency); begin FElement.FBufPtr := GetOffset(index); FElement.SetAsCurrency(Value); end; procedure TFBArray.SetAsInt64(index: array of integer; Value: Int64); begin FElement.FBufPtr := GetOffset(index); FElement.SetAsInt64(Value); end; procedure TFBArray.SetAsDate(index: array of integer; Value: TDateTime); begin FElement.FBufPtr := GetOffset(index); FElement.SetAsDate(Value); end; procedure TFBArray.SetAsLong(index: array of integer; Value: Long); begin FElement.FBufPtr := GetOffset(index); FElement.SetAsLong(Value); end; procedure TFBArray.SetAsTime(index: array of integer; Value: TDateTime); begin FElement.FBufPtr := GetOffset(index); FElement.SetAsTime(Value); end; procedure TFBArray.SetAsDateTime(index: array of integer; Value: TDateTime); begin FElement.FBufPtr := GetOffset(index); FElement.SetAsDateTime(Value); end; procedure TFBArray.SetAsDouble(index: array of integer; Value: Double); begin FElement.FBufPtr := GetOffset(index); FElement.SetAsDouble(Value); end; procedure TFBArray.SetAsFloat(index: array of integer; Value: Float); begin FElement.FBufPtr := GetOffset(index); FElement.SetAsFloat(Value); end; procedure TFBArray.SetAsShort(index: array of integer; Value: Short); begin FElement.FBufPtr := GetOffset(index); FElement.SetAsShort(Value); end; procedure TFBArray.SetAsString(index: array of integer; Value: AnsiString); begin FElement.FBufPtr := GetOffset(index); FElement.SetAsString(Value); end; procedure TFBArray.SetAsVariant(index: array of integer; Value: Variant); begin FElement.FBufPtr := GetOffset(index); FElement.SetAsVariant(Value); end; procedure TFBArray.SetBounds(dim, UpperBound, LowerBound: integer); begin with (FMetaData as TFBArrayMetaData) do begin if (dim < 0) or (dim > GetDimensions) then IBError(ibxeInvalidArrayDimensions,[dim]); if (UpperBound > FArrayDesc.array_desc_bounds[dim].array_bound_upper) or (LowerBound < FArrayDesc.array_desc_bounds[dim].array_bound_lower) or (UpperBound < FArrayDesc.array_desc_bounds[dim].array_bound_lower) or (LowerBound > FArrayDesc.array_desc_bounds[dim].array_bound_upper) then IBError(ibxArrayBoundsCantIncrease,[nil]); PutArraySlice; {Save any changes} FArrayDesc.array_desc_bounds[dim].array_bound_upper := UpperBound; FArrayDesc.array_desc_bounds[dim].array_bound_lower := LowerBound; end; AllocateBuffer; end; function TFBArray.GetAttachment: IAttachment; begin Result := FAttachment; end; function TFBArray.GetTransaction: ITransaction; begin Result := FTransactionIntf; end; procedure TFBArray.AddEventHandler(Handler: TArrayEventHandler); begin SetLength(FEventHandlers,Length(FEventHandlers)+1); FEventHandlers[Length(FEventHandlers)-1] := Handler; end; procedure TFBArray.RemoveEventHandler(Handler: TArrayEventHandler); var i,j : integer; begin for i := Length(FEventHandlers) - 1 downto 0 do if (TMethod(FEventHandlers[i]).Code = TMethod(Handler).Code) and (TMethod(FEventHandlers[i]).Data = TMethod(Handler).Data) then begin for j := i to Length(FEventHandlers) - 2 do FEventHandlers[i] := FEventHandlers[i+1]; SetLength(FEventHandlers,Length(FEventHandlers) - 1); end; end; end.