(* * Firebird Interface (fbintf). The fbintf components provide a set of * Pascal language bindings for the Firebird API. Although predominantly * a new development they include source code taken from IBX and may be * considered a derived product. This software thus also includes the copyright * notice and license conditions from IBX. * * Except for those parts dervied from IBX, contents of this file are subject * to the Initial Developer's Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a * copy of the License here: * * http://www.firebirdsql.org/index.php?op=doc&id=idpl * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights * and limitations under the License. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman. * * The Original Code is (C) 2016 Tony Whyman, MWA Software * (http://www.mwasoftware.co.uk). * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * *) {************************************************************************} { } { Borland Delphi Visual Component Library } { InterBase Express core components } { } { Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Inprise Corporation } { } { InterBase Express is based in part on the product } { Free IB Components, written by Gregory H. Deatz for } { Hoagland, Longo, Moran, Dunst & Doukas Company. } { Free IB Components is used under license. } { } { The contents of this file are subject to the InterBase } { Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not } { use this file except in compliance with the License. You } { may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html } { Software distributed under the License is distributed on } { an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either } { express or implied. See the License for the specific language } { governing rights and limitations under the License. } { The Original Code was created by InterBase Software Corporation } { and its successors. } { Portions created by Inprise Corporation are Copyright (C) Inprise } { Corporation. All Rights Reserved. } { Contributor(s): Jeff Overcash } { } { IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express) } { Contributor: Tony Whyman, MWA Software http://www.mwasoftware.co.uk } { Portions created by MWA Software are copyright McCallum Whyman } { Associates Ltd 2011 - 2015 } { } {************************************************************************} unit FBSQLData; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} {$DEFINE WINDOWS} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF FPC} {$mode delphi} {$codepage UTF8} {$interfaces COM} {$ENDIF} { This Unit was hacked out of the IBSQL unit and defines a class used as the base for interfaces accessing SQLDAVar data and Array Elements. The abstract methods are used to customise for an SQLDAVar or Array Element. The empty methods are needed for SQL parameters only. The string getters and setters are virtual as SQLVar and Array encodings of string data is different.} { $define ALLOWDIALECT3PARAMNAMES} {$ifndef ALLOWDIALECT3PARAMNAMES} { Note on SQL Dialects and SQL Parameter Names -------------------------------------------- Even when dialect 3 quoted format parameter names are not supported, IBX still processes parameter names case insensitive. This does result in some additional overhead due to a call to "AnsiUpperCase". This can be avoided by undefining "UseCaseInSensitiveParamName" below. Note: do not define "UseCaseSensitiveParamName" when "ALLOWDIALECT3PARAMNAMES" is defined. This will not give a useful result. } {$define UseCaseInSensitiveParamName} {$endif} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, IBExternals, IBHeader, IB, FBActivityMonitor; type { TSQLDataItem } TSQLDataItem = class(TFBInterfacedObject) private function AdjustScale(Value: Int64; aScale: Integer): Double; function AdjustScaleToInt64(Value: Int64; aScale: Integer): Int64; function AdjustScaleToCurrency(Value: Int64; aScale: Integer): Currency; procedure SetAsInteger(AValue: Integer); protected function AdjustScaleFromCurrency(Value: Currency; aScale: Integer): Int64; function AdjustScaleFromDouble(Value: Double; aScale: Integer): Int64; procedure CheckActive; virtual; function GetSQLDialect: integer; virtual; abstract; procedure Changed; virtual; procedure Changing; virtual; procedure InternalSetAsString(Value: AnsiString); virtual; function SQLData: PByte; virtual; abstract; function GetDataLength: cardinal; virtual; abstract; function GetCodePage: TSystemCodePage; virtual; abstract; function getCharSetID: cardinal; virtual; abstract; function Transliterate(s: AnsiString; CodePage: TSystemCodePage): RawByteString; procedure SetScale(aValue: integer); virtual; procedure SetDataLength(len: cardinal); virtual; procedure SetSQLType(aValue: cardinal); virtual; property DataLength: cardinal read GetDataLength write SetDataLength; public function GetSQLType: cardinal; virtual; abstract; function GetSQLTypeName: AnsiString; overload; class function GetSQLTypeName(SQLType: short): AnsiString; overload; function GetName: AnsiString; virtual; abstract; function GetScale: integer; virtual; abstract; function GetAsBoolean: boolean; function GetAsCurrency: Currency; function GetAsInt64: Int64; function GetAsDateTime: TDateTime; function GetAsDouble: Double; function GetAsFloat: Float; function GetAsLong: Long; function GetAsPointer: Pointer; function GetAsQuad: TISC_QUAD; function GetAsShort: short; function GetAsString: AnsiString; virtual; function GetIsNull: Boolean; virtual; function getIsNullable: boolean; virtual; function GetAsVariant: Variant; function GetModified: boolean; virtual; procedure SetAsBoolean(AValue: boolean); virtual; procedure SetAsCurrency(Value: Currency); virtual; procedure SetAsInt64(Value: Int64); virtual; procedure SetAsDate(Value: TDateTime); virtual; procedure SetAsLong(Value: Long); virtual; procedure SetAsTime(Value: TDateTime); virtual; procedure SetAsDateTime(Value: TDateTime); procedure SetAsDouble(Value: Double); virtual; procedure SetAsFloat(Value: Float); virtual; procedure SetAsPointer(Value: Pointer); procedure SetAsQuad(Value: TISC_QUAD); procedure SetAsShort(Value: short); virtual; procedure SetAsString(Value: AnsiString); virtual; procedure SetAsVariant(Value: Variant); procedure SetIsNull(Value: Boolean); virtual; procedure SetIsNullable(Value: Boolean); virtual; procedure SetName(aValue: AnsiString); virtual; property AsDate: TDateTime read GetAsDateTime write SetAsDate; property AsBoolean:boolean read GetAsBoolean write SetAsBoolean; property AsTime: TDateTime read GetAsDateTime write SetAsTime; property AsDateTime: TDateTime read GetAsDateTime write SetAsDateTime; property AsDouble: Double read GetAsDouble write SetAsDouble; property AsFloat: Float read GetAsFloat write SetAsFloat; property AsCurrency: Currency read GetAsCurrency write SetAsCurrency; property AsInt64: Int64 read GetAsInt64 write SetAsInt64; property AsInteger: Integer read GetAsLong write SetAsInteger; property AsLong: Long read GetAsLong write SetAsLong; property AsPointer: Pointer read GetAsPointer write SetAsPointer; property AsQuad: TISC_QUAD read GetAsQuad write SetAsQuad; property AsShort: short read GetAsShort write SetAsShort; property AsString: AnsiString read GetAsString write SetAsString; property AsVariant: Variant read GetAsVariant write SetAsVariant; property Modified: Boolean read getModified; property IsNull: Boolean read GetIsNull write SetIsNull; property IsNullable: Boolean read GetIsNullable write SetIsNullable; property Scale: integer read GetScale write SetScale; property SQLType: cardinal read GetSQLType write SetSQLType; end; TSQLVarData = class; TStatementStatus = (ssPrepared, ssExecuteResults, ssCursorOpen, ssBOF, ssEOF); { TSQLDataArea } TSQLDataArea = class private function GetColumn(index: integer): TSQLVarData; function GetCount: integer; protected FUniqueRelationName: AnsiString; FColumnList: array of TSQLVarData; function GetStatement: IStatement; virtual; abstract; function GetPrepareSeqNo: integer; virtual; abstract; function GetTransactionSeqNo: integer; virtual; abstract; procedure SetCount(aValue: integer); virtual; abstract; procedure SetUniqueRelationName; public procedure Initialize; virtual; function IsInputDataArea: boolean; virtual; abstract; {Input to Database} procedure PreprocessSQL(sSQL: AnsiString; GenerateParamNames: boolean; var sProcessedSQL: AnsiString); function ColumnsInUseCount: integer; virtual; function ColumnByName(Idx: AnsiString): TSQLVarData; function CheckStatementStatus(Request: TStatementStatus): boolean; virtual; abstract; procedure GetData(index: integer; var IsNull: boolean; var len: short; var data: PByte); virtual; procedure RowChange; function StateChanged(var ChangeSeqNo: integer): boolean; virtual; abstract; property Count: integer read GetCount; property Column[index: integer]: TSQLVarData read GetColumn; property UniqueRelationName: AnsiString read FUniqueRelationName; property Statement: IStatement read GetStatement; property PrepareSeqNo: integer read GetPrepareSeqNo; property TransactionSeqNo: integer read GetTransactionSeqNo; end; { TSQLVarData } TSQLVarData = class private FParent: TSQLDataArea; FName: AnsiString; FIndex: integer; FModified: boolean; FUniqueName: boolean; FVarString: RawByteString; function GetStatement: IStatement; procedure SetName(AValue: AnsiString); protected function GetSQLType: cardinal; virtual; abstract; function GetSubtype: integer; virtual; abstract; function GetAliasName: AnsiString; virtual; abstract; function GetFieldName: AnsiString; virtual; abstract; function GetOwnerName: AnsiString; virtual; abstract; function GetRelationName: AnsiString; virtual; abstract; function GetScale: integer; virtual; abstract; function GetCharSetID: cardinal; virtual; abstract; function GetCodePage: TSystemCodePage; virtual; abstract; function GetIsNull: Boolean; virtual; abstract; function GetIsNullable: boolean; virtual; abstract; function GetSQLData: PByte; virtual; abstract; function GetDataLength: cardinal; virtual; abstract; procedure SetIsNull(Value: Boolean); virtual; abstract; procedure SetIsNullable(Value: Boolean); virtual; abstract; procedure SetSQLData(AValue: PByte; len: cardinal); virtual; abstract; procedure SetScale(aValue: integer); virtual; abstract; procedure SetDataLength(len: cardinal); virtual; abstract; procedure SetSQLType(aValue: cardinal); virtual; abstract; procedure SetCharSetID(aValue: cardinal); virtual; abstract; public constructor Create(aParent: TSQLDataArea; aIndex: integer); procedure SetString(aValue: AnsiString); procedure Changed; virtual; procedure RowChange; virtual; function GetAsArray(Array_ID: TISC_QUAD): IArray; virtual; abstract; function GetAsBlob(Blob_ID: TISC_QUAD; BPB: IBPB): IBlob; virtual; abstract; function CreateBlob: IBlob; virtual; abstract; function GetArrayMetaData: IArrayMetaData; virtual; abstract; function GetBlobMetaData: IBlobMetaData; virtual; abstract; procedure Initialize; virtual; public property AliasName: AnsiString read GetAliasName; property FieldName: AnsiString read GetFieldName; property OwnerName: AnsiString read GetOwnerName; property RelationName: AnsiString read GetRelationName; property Parent: TSQLDataArea read FParent; property Index: integer read FIndex; property Name: AnsiString read FName write SetName; property CharSetID: cardinal read GetCharSetID write SetCharSetID; property SQLType: cardinal read GetSQLType write SetSQLType; property SQLSubtype: integer read GetSubtype; property SQLData: PByte read GetSQLData; property DataLength: cardinal read GetDataLength write SetDataLength; property IsNull: Boolean read GetIsNull write SetIsNull; property IsNullable: Boolean read GetIsNullable write SetIsNullable; property Scale: integer read GetScale write SetScale; public property Modified: Boolean read FModified; property Statement: IStatement read GetStatement; property UniqueName: boolean read FUniqueName write FUniqueName; end; { TColumnMetaData } TColumnMetaData = class(TSQLDataItem,IColumnMetaData) private FIBXSQLVAR: TSQLVarData; FOwner: IUnknown; {Keep reference to ensure Metadata/statement not discarded} FPrepareSeqNo: integer; FStatement: IStatement; FChangeSeqNo: integer; protected procedure CheckActive; override; function SQLData: PByte; override; function GetDataLength: cardinal; override; function GetCodePage: TSystemCodePage; override; public constructor Create(aOwner: IUnknown; aIBXSQLVAR: TSQLVarData); destructor Destroy; override; function GetSQLDialect: integer; override; property Statement: IStatement read FStatement; public {IColumnMetaData} function GetIndex: integer; function GetSQLType: cardinal; override; function getSubtype: integer; function getRelationName: AnsiString; function getOwnerName: AnsiString; function getSQLName: AnsiString; {Name of the column} function getAliasName: AnsiString; {Alias Name of column or Column Name if not alias} function GetName: AnsiString; override; {Disambiguated uppercase Field Name} function GetScale: integer; override; function getCharSetID: cardinal; override; function GetIsNullable: boolean; override; function GetSize: cardinal; function GetArrayMetaData: IArrayMetaData; function GetBlobMetaData: IBlobMetaData; property Name: AnsiString read GetName; property Size: cardinal read GetSize; property CharSetID: cardinal read getCharSetID; property SQLSubtype: integer read getSubtype; property IsNullable: Boolean read GetIsNullable; end; { TIBSQLData } TIBSQLData = class(TColumnMetaData,ISQLData) protected procedure CheckActive; override; public function GetIsNull: Boolean; override; function GetAsArray: IArray; function GetAsBlob: IBlob; overload; function GetAsBlob(BPB: IBPB): IBlob; overload; function GetAsString: AnsiString; override; property AsBlob: IBlob read GetAsBlob; end; { TSQLParam } TSQLParam = class(TIBSQLData,ISQLParam) protected procedure CheckActive; override; procedure Changed; override; procedure InternalSetAsString(Value: AnsiString); override; procedure SetScale(aValue: integer); override; procedure SetDataLength(len: cardinal); override; procedure SetSQLType(aValue: cardinal); override; public procedure Clear; function GetModified: boolean; override; function GetAsPointer: Pointer; procedure SetName(Value: AnsiString); override; procedure SetIsNull(Value: Boolean); override; procedure SetIsNullable(Value: Boolean); override; procedure SetAsArray(anArray: IArray); {overrides} procedure SetAsBoolean(AValue: boolean); procedure SetAsCurrency(AValue: Currency); procedure SetAsInt64(AValue: Int64); procedure SetAsDate(AValue: TDateTime); procedure SetAsLong(AValue: Long); procedure SetAsTime(AValue: TDateTime); procedure SetAsDateTime(AValue: TDateTime); procedure SetAsDouble(AValue: Double); procedure SetAsFloat(AValue: Float); procedure SetAsPointer(AValue: Pointer); procedure SetAsShort(AValue: Short); procedure SetAsString(AValue: AnsiString); override; procedure SetAsVariant(AValue: Variant); procedure SetAsBlob(aValue: IBlob); procedure SetAsQuad(AValue: TISC_QUAD); procedure SetCharSetID(aValue: cardinal); property AsBlob: IBlob read GetAsBlob write SetAsBlob; property IsNullable: Boolean read GetIsNullable write SetIsNullable; end; { TMetaData } TMetaData = class(TInterfaceOwner,IMetaData) private FPrepareSeqNo: integer; FMetaData: TSQLDataArea; FStatement: IStatement; {ensure FStatement not destroyed until no longer needed} procedure CheckActive; public constructor Create(aMetaData: TSQLDataArea); destructor Destroy; override; public {IMetaData} function GetUniqueRelationName: AnsiString; function getCount: integer; function getColumnMetaData(index: integer): IColumnMetaData; function ByName(Idx: AnsiString): IColumnMetaData; end; { TSQLParams } TSQLParams = class(TInterfaceOwner,ISQLParams) private FPrepareSeqNo: integer; FChangeSeqNo: integer; FSQLParams: TSQLDataArea; FStatement: IStatement; {ensure FStatement not destroyed until no longer needed} procedure CheckActive; public constructor Create(aSQLParams: TSQLDataArea); destructor Destroy; override; public {ISQLParams} function getCount: integer; function getSQLParam(index: integer): ISQLParam; function ByName(Idx: AnsiString): ISQLParam ; function GetModified: Boolean; end; { TResults } TResults = class(TInterfaceOwner,IResults) private FPrepareSeqNo: integer; FTransactionSeqNo: integer; FChangeSeqNo: integer; FResults: TSQLDataArea; FStatement: IStatement; {ensure FStatement not destroyed until no longer needed} function GetISQLData(aIBXSQLVAR: TSQLVarData): ISQLData; protected procedure CheckActive; public constructor Create(aResults: TSQLDataArea); {IResults} function getCount: integer; function ByName(Idx: AnsiString): ISQLData; function getSQLData(index: integer): ISQLData; procedure GetData(index: integer; var IsNull:boolean; var len: short; var data: PByte); function GetTransaction: ITransaction; virtual; procedure SetRetainInterfaces(aValue: boolean); end; implementation uses FBMessages, FBClientAPI, variants, IBUtils, FBTransaction; { TSQLDataArea } function TSQLDataArea.GetColumn(index: integer): TSQLVarData; begin if (index < 0) or (index >= Count) then IBError(ibxeInvalidColumnIndex,[nil]); Result := FColumnList[index]; end; function TSQLDataArea.GetCount: integer; begin Result := Length(FColumnList); end; procedure TSQLDataArea.SetUniqueRelationName; var i: Integer; bUnique: Boolean; RelationName: AnsiString; begin bUnique := True; for i := 0 to ColumnsInUseCount - 1 do begin RelationName := Column[i].RelationName; {First get the unique relation name, if any} if bUnique and (RelationName <> '') then begin if FUniqueRelationName = '' then FUniqueRelationName := RelationName else if RelationName <> FUniqueRelationName then begin FUniqueRelationName := ''; bUnique := False; end; end; end; end; procedure TSQLDataArea.Initialize; var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to ColumnsInUseCount - 1 do Column[i].Initialize; end; procedure TSQLDataArea.PreprocessSQL(sSQL: AnsiString; GenerateParamNames: boolean; var sProcessedSQL: AnsiString); var cCurChar, cNextChar, cQuoteChar: AnsiChar; sParamName: AnsiString; j, i, iLenSQL, iSQLPos: Integer; iCurState {$ifdef ALLOWDIALECT3PARAMNAMES}, iCurParamState {$endif}: Integer; iParamSuffix: Integer; slNames: TStrings; StrBuffer: PByte; found: boolean; const DefaultState = 0; CommentState = 1; QuoteState = 2; ParamState = 3; ArrayDimState = 4; {$ifdef ALLOWDIALECT3PARAMNAMES} ParamDefaultState = 0; ParamQuoteState = 1; {$endif} procedure AddToProcessedSQL(cChar: AnsiChar); begin StrBuffer[iSQLPos] := byte(cChar); Inc(iSQLPos); end; begin if not IsInputDataArea then IBError(ibxeNotPermitted,[nil]); sParamName := ''; iLenSQL := Length(sSQL); GetMem(StrBuffer,iLenSQL + 1); slNames := TStringList.Create; try { Do some initializations of variables } iParamSuffix := 0; cQuoteChar := ''''; i := 1; iSQLPos := 0; iCurState := DefaultState; {$ifdef ALLOWDIALECT3PARAMNAMES} iCurParamState := ParamDefaultState; {$endif} { Now, traverse through the SQL string, character by character, picking out the parameters and formatting correctly for InterBase } while (i <= iLenSQL) do begin { Get the current token and a look-ahead } cCurChar := sSQL[i]; if i = iLenSQL then cNextChar := #0 else cNextChar := sSQL[i + 1]; { Now act based on the current state } case iCurState of DefaultState: begin case cCurChar of '''', '"': begin cQuoteChar := cCurChar; iCurState := QuoteState; end; '?', ':': begin iCurState := ParamState; AddToProcessedSQL('?'); end; '/': if (cNextChar = '*') then begin AddToProcessedSQL(cCurChar); Inc(i); iCurState := CommentState; end; '[': begin AddToProcessedSQL(cCurChar); Inc(i); iCurState := ArrayDimState; end; end; end; ArrayDimState: begin case cCurChar of ':',',','0'..'9',' ',#9,#10,#13: begin AddToProcessedSQL(cCurChar); Inc(i); end; else begin AddToProcessedSQL(cCurChar); Inc(i); iCurState := DefaultState; end; end; end; CommentState: begin if (cNextChar = #0) then IBError(ibxeSQLParseError, [SEOFInComment]) else if (cCurChar = '*') then begin if (cNextChar = '/') then iCurState := DefaultState; end; end; QuoteState: begin if cNextChar = #0 then IBError(ibxeSQLParseError, [SEOFInString]) else if (cCurChar = cQuoteChar) then begin if (cNextChar = cQuoteChar) then begin AddToProcessedSQL(cCurChar); Inc(i); end else iCurState := DefaultState; end; end; ParamState: begin { collect the name of the parameter } {$ifdef ALLOWDIALECT3PARAMNAMES} if iCurParamState = ParamDefaultState then begin if cCurChar = '"' then iCurParamState := ParamQuoteState else {$endif} if (cCurChar in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_', '$']) then sParamName := sParamName + cCurChar else if GenerateParamNames then begin sParamName := 'IBXParam' + IntToStr(iParamSuffix); {do not localize} Inc(iParamSuffix); iCurState := DefaultState; slNames.AddObject(sParamName,self); //Note local convention //add pointer to self to mark entry sParamName := ''; end else IBError(ibxeSQLParseError, [SParamNameExpected]); {$ifdef ALLOWDIALECT3PARAMNAMES} end else begin { determine if Quoted parameter name is finished } if cCurChar = '"' then begin Inc(i); slNames.Add(sParamName); SParamName := ''; iCurParamState := ParamDefaultState; iCurState := DefaultState; end else sParamName := sParamName + cCurChar end; {$endif} { determine if the unquoted parameter name is finished } if {$ifdef ALLOWDIALECT3PARAMNAMES}(iCurParamState <> ParamQuoteState) and {$endif} (iCurState <> DefaultState) then begin if not (cNextChar in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_', '$']) then begin Inc(i); iCurState := DefaultState; slNames.Add(sParamName); sParamName := ''; end; end; end; end; if (iCurState <> ParamState) and (i <= iLenSQL) then AddToProcessedSQL(sSQL[i]); Inc(i); end; AddToProcessedSQL(#0); sProcessedSQL := strpas(PAnsiChar(StrBuffer)); SetCount(slNames.Count); for i := 0 to slNames.Count - 1 do begin Column[i].Name := slNames[i]; Column[i].UniqueName := (slNames.Objects[i] <> nil); end; for i := 0 to Count - 1 do begin if not Column[i].UniqueName then begin found := false; for j := i + 1 to Count - 1 do if Column[i].Name = Column[j].Name then begin found := true; break; end; Column[i].UniqueName := not found; end; end; finally slNames.Free; FreeMem(StrBuffer); end; end; function TSQLDataArea.ColumnsInUseCount: integer; begin Result := Count; end; function TSQLDataArea.ColumnByName(Idx: AnsiString): TSQLVarData; var s: AnsiString; i: Integer; begin {$ifdef UseCaseInSensitiveParamName} s := AnsiUpperCase(Idx); {$else} s := Idx; {$endif} for i := 0 to Count - 1 do if Column[i].Name = s then begin Result := Column[i]; Exit; end; Result := nil; end; procedure TSQLDataArea.GetData(index: integer; var IsNull: boolean; var len: short; var data: PByte); begin //Do Nothing end; procedure TSQLDataArea.RowChange; var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to Count - 1 do Column[i].RowChange; end; {TSQLVarData} function TSQLVarData.GetStatement: IStatement; begin Result := FParent.Statement; end; procedure TSQLVarData.SetName(AValue: AnsiString); begin if FName = AValue then Exit; {$ifdef UseCaseInSensitiveParamName} if Parent.IsInputDataArea then FName := AnsiUpperCase(AValue) else {$endif} FName := AValue; end; constructor TSQLVarData.Create(aParent: TSQLDataArea; aIndex: integer); begin inherited Create; FParent := aParent; FIndex := aIndex; FUniqueName := true; end; procedure TSQLVarData.SetString(aValue: AnsiString); begin {we take full advantage here of reference counted strings. When setting a string value, a reference is kept in FVarString and a pointer to it placed in the SQLVar. This avoids string copies. Note that PAnsiChar is guaranteed to point to a zero byte when the string is empty, neatly avoiding a nil pointer error.} FVarString := aValue; SQLType := SQL_TEXT; SetSQLData(PByte(PAnsiChar(FVarString)),Length(aValue)); end; procedure TSQLVarData.Changed; begin FModified := true; end; procedure TSQLVarData.RowChange; begin FModified := false; FVarString := ''; end; procedure TSQLVarData.Initialize; function FindVarByName(idx: AnsiString; limit: integer): TSQLVarData; var k: integer; begin for k := 0 to limit do if Parent.Column[k].Name = idx then begin Result := Parent.Column[k]; Exit; end; Result := nil; end; var j, j_len: Integer; st: AnsiString; sBaseName: AnsiString; begin RowChange; {If an output SQLDA then copy the aliasname to the FName. Ensure that they are all upper case only and disambiguated. } if not Parent.IsInputDataArea then begin st := Space2Underscore(AnsiUppercase(AliasName)); if st = '' then begin sBaseName := 'F_'; {do not localize} j := 1; j_len := 1; st := sBaseName + IntToStr(j); end else begin j := 0; j_len := 0; sBaseName := st; end; {Look for other columns with the same name and make unique} while FindVarByName(st,Index-1) <> nil do begin Inc(j); j_len := Length(IntToStr(j)); if j_len + Length(sBaseName) > 31 then st := system.Copy(sBaseName, 1, 31 - j_len) + IntToStr(j) else st := sBaseName + IntToStr(j); end; Name := st; end; end; {TSQLDataItem} function TSQLDataItem.AdjustScale(Value: Int64; aScale: Integer): Double; var Scaling : Int64; i: Integer; Val: Double; begin Scaling := 1; Val := Value; if aScale > 0 then begin for i := 1 to aScale do Scaling := Scaling * 10; result := Val * Scaling; end else if aScale < 0 then begin for i := -1 downto aScale do Scaling := Scaling * 10; result := Val / Scaling; end else result := Val; end; function TSQLDataItem.AdjustScaleToInt64(Value: Int64; aScale: Integer): Int64; var Scaling : Int64; i: Integer; Val: Int64; begin Scaling := 1; Val := Value; if aScale > 0 then begin for i := 1 to aScale do Scaling := Scaling * 10; result := Val * Scaling; end else if aScale < 0 then begin for i := -1 downto aScale do Scaling := Scaling * 10; result := Val div Scaling; end else result := Val; end; function TSQLDataItem.AdjustScaleToCurrency(Value: Int64; aScale: Integer ): Currency; var Scaling : Int64; i : Integer; FractionText, PadText, CurrText: AnsiString; begin Result := 0; Scaling := 1; PadText := ''; if aScale > 0 then begin for i := 1 to aScale do Scaling := Scaling * 10; result := Value * Scaling; end else if aScale < 0 then begin for i := -1 downto aScale do Scaling := Scaling * 10; FractionText := IntToStr(abs(Value mod Scaling)); for i := Length(FractionText) to -aScale -1 do PadText := '0' + PadText; {$IF declared(DefaultFormatSettings)} with DefaultFormatSettings do {$ELSE} {$IF declared(FormatSettings)} with FormatSettings do {$IFEND} {$IFEND} if Value < 0 then CurrText := '-' + IntToStr(Abs(Value div Scaling)) + DecimalSeparator + PadText + FractionText else CurrText := IntToStr(Abs(Value div Scaling)) + DecimalSeparator + PadText + FractionText; try result := StrToCurr(CurrText); except on E: Exception do IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end else result := Value; end; procedure TSQLDataItem.SetAsInteger(AValue: Integer); begin SetAsLong(aValue); end; function TSQLDataItem.AdjustScaleFromCurrency(Value: Currency; aScale: Integer ): Int64; var Scaling : Int64; i : Integer; begin Result := 0; Scaling := 1; if aScale < 0 then begin for i := -1 downto aScale do Scaling := Scaling * 10; result := trunc(Value * Scaling); end else if aScale > 0 then begin for i := 1 to aScale do Scaling := Scaling * 10; result := trunc(Value / Scaling); end else result := trunc(Value); end; function TSQLDataItem.AdjustScaleFromDouble(Value: Double; aScale: Integer ): Int64; var Scaling : Int64; i : Integer; begin Result := 0; Scaling := 1; if aScale < 0 then begin for i := -1 downto aScale do Scaling := Scaling * 10; result := trunc(Value * Scaling); end else if aScale > 0 then begin for i := 1 to aScale do Scaling := Scaling * 10; result := trunc(Value / Scaling); end else result := trunc(Value); end; procedure TSQLDataItem.CheckActive; begin //Do nothing by default end; procedure TSQLDataItem.Changed; begin //Do nothing by default end; procedure TSQLDataItem.Changing; begin //Do nothing by default end; procedure TSQLDataItem.InternalSetAsString(Value: AnsiString); begin //Do nothing by default end; function TSQLDataItem.Transliterate(s: AnsiString; CodePage: TSystemCodePage ): RawByteString; begin Result := s; if StringCodePage(Result) <> CodePage then SetCodePage(Result,CodePage,CodePage <> CP_NONE); end; procedure TSQLDataItem.SetScale(aValue: integer); begin //Do nothing by default end; procedure TSQLDataItem.SetDataLength(len: cardinal); begin //Do nothing by default end; procedure TSQLDataItem.SetSQLType(aValue: cardinal); begin //Do nothing by default end; function TSQLDataItem.GetSQLTypeName: AnsiString; begin Result := GetSQLTypeName(GetSQLType); end; class function TSQLDataItem.GetSQLTypeName(SQLType: short): AnsiString; begin Result := 'Unknown'; case SQLType of SQL_VARYING: Result := 'SQL_VARYING'; SQL_TEXT: Result := 'SQL_TEXT'; SQL_DOUBLE: Result := 'SQL_DOUBLE'; SQL_FLOAT: Result := 'SQL_FLOAT'; SQL_LONG: Result := 'SQL_LONG'; SQL_SHORT: Result := 'SQL_SHORT'; SQL_TIMESTAMP: Result := 'SQL_TIMESTAMP'; SQL_BLOB: Result := 'SQL_BLOB'; SQL_D_FLOAT: Result := 'SQL_D_FLOAT'; SQL_ARRAY: Result := 'SQL_ARRAY'; SQL_QUAD: Result := 'SQL_QUAD'; SQL_TYPE_TIME: Result := 'SQL_TYPE_TIME'; SQL_TYPE_DATE: Result := 'SQL_TYPE_DATE'; SQL_INT64: Result := 'SQL_INT64'; end; end; function TSQLDataItem.GetAsBoolean: boolean; begin CheckActive; result := false; if not IsNull then begin if SQLType = SQL_BOOLEAN then result := PByte(SQLData)^ = ISC_TRUE else IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end end; function TSQLDataItem.GetAsCurrency: Currency; begin CheckActive; result := 0; if GetSQLDialect < 3 then result := GetAsDouble else begin if not IsNull then case SQLType of SQL_TEXT, SQL_VARYING: begin try result := StrtoCurr(AsString); except on E: Exception do IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; SQL_SHORT: result := AdjustScaleToCurrency(Int64(PShort(SQLData)^), Scale); SQL_LONG: result := AdjustScaleToCurrency(Int64(PLong(SQLData)^), Scale); SQL_INT64: result := AdjustScaleToCurrency(PInt64(SQLData)^, Scale); SQL_DOUBLE, SQL_FLOAT, SQL_D_FLOAT: result := Trunc(AsDouble); else IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; end; function TSQLDataItem.GetAsInt64: Int64; begin CheckActive; result := 0; if not IsNull then case SQLType of SQL_TEXT, SQL_VARYING: begin try result := StrToInt64(AsString); except on E: Exception do IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; SQL_SHORT: result := AdjustScaleToInt64(Int64(PShort(SQLData)^), Scale); SQL_LONG: result := AdjustScaleToInt64(Int64(PLong(SQLData)^), Scale); SQL_INT64: result := AdjustScaleToInt64(PInt64(SQLData)^, Scale); SQL_DOUBLE, SQL_FLOAT, SQL_D_FLOAT: result := Trunc(AsDouble); else IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; function TSQLDataItem.GetAsDateTime: TDateTime; begin CheckActive; result := 0; if not IsNull then with FirebirdClientAPI do case SQLType of SQL_TEXT, SQL_VARYING: begin try result := StrToDate(AsString); except on E: EConvertError do IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; SQL_TYPE_DATE: result := SQLDecodeDate(SQLData); SQL_TYPE_TIME: result := SQLDecodeTime(SQLData); SQL_TIMESTAMP: result := SQLDecodeDateTime(SQLData); else IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; function TSQLDataItem.GetAsDouble: Double; begin CheckActive; result := 0; if not IsNull then begin case SQLType of SQL_TEXT, SQL_VARYING: begin try result := StrToFloat(AsString); except on E: Exception do IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; SQL_SHORT: result := AdjustScale(Int64(PShort(SQLData)^), Scale); SQL_LONG: result := AdjustScale(Int64(PLong(SQLData)^), Scale); SQL_INT64: result := AdjustScale(PInt64(SQLData)^, Scale); SQL_FLOAT: result := PFloat(SQLData)^; SQL_DOUBLE, SQL_D_FLOAT: result := PDouble(SQLData)^; else IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; if Scale <> 0 then result := StrToFloat(FloatToStrF(result, fffixed, 15, Abs(Scale) )); end; end; function TSQLDataItem.GetAsFloat: Float; begin CheckActive; result := 0; try result := AsDouble; except on E: EOverflow do IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; function TSQLDataItem.GetAsLong: Long; begin CheckActive; result := 0; if not IsNull then case SQLType of SQL_TEXT, SQL_VARYING: begin try result := StrToInt(AsString); except on E: Exception do IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; SQL_SHORT: result := Trunc(AdjustScale(Int64(PShort(SQLData)^), Scale)); SQL_LONG: result := Trunc(AdjustScale(Int64(PLong(SQLData)^), Scale)); SQL_INT64: result := Trunc(AdjustScale(PInt64(SQLData)^, Scale)); SQL_DOUBLE, SQL_FLOAT, SQL_D_FLOAT: result := Trunc(AsDouble); else IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; function TSQLDataItem.GetAsPointer: Pointer; begin CheckActive; if not IsNull then result := SQLData else result := nil; end; function TSQLDataItem.GetAsQuad: TISC_QUAD; begin CheckActive; result.gds_quad_high := 0; result.gds_quad_low := 0; if not IsNull then case SQLType of SQL_BLOB, SQL_ARRAY, SQL_QUAD: result := PISC_QUAD(SQLData)^; else IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; function TSQLDataItem.GetAsShort: short; begin CheckActive; result := 0; try result := AsLong; except on E: Exception do IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; function TSQLDataItem.GetAsString: AnsiString; var sz: PByte; str_len: Integer; rs: RawByteString; begin CheckActive; result := ''; { Check null, if so return a default string } if not IsNull then with FirebirdClientAPI do case SQLType of SQL_BOOLEAN: if AsBoolean then Result := sTrue else Result := SFalse; SQL_TEXT, SQL_VARYING: begin sz := SQLData; if (SQLType = SQL_TEXT) then str_len := DataLength else begin str_len := DecodeInteger(SQLData, 2); Inc(sz, 2); end; SetString(rs, PAnsiChar(sz), str_len); SetCodePage(rs,GetCodePage,false); if (SQLType = SQL_TEXT) and (GetCharSetID <> 1) then Result := TrimRight(rs) else Result := rs end; SQL_TYPE_DATE: case GetSQLDialect of 1 : result := DateTimeToStr(AsDateTime); 3 : result := DateToStr(AsDateTime); end; SQL_TYPE_TIME : result := TimeToStr(AsDateTime); SQL_TIMESTAMP: {$IF declared(DefaultFormatSettings)} with DefaultFormatSettings do {$ELSE} {$IF declared(FormatSettings)} with FormatSettings do {$IFEND} {$IFEND} result := FormatDateTime(ShortDateFormat + ' ' + LongTimeFormat+'.zzz',AsDateTime); SQL_SHORT, SQL_LONG: if Scale = 0 then result := IntToStr(AsLong) else if Scale >= (-4) then result := CurrToStr(AsCurrency) else result := FloatToStr(AsDouble); SQL_INT64: if Scale = 0 then result := IntToStr(AsInt64) else if Scale >= (-4) then result := CurrToStr(AsCurrency) else result := FloatToStr(AsDouble); SQL_DOUBLE, SQL_FLOAT, SQL_D_FLOAT: result := FloatToStr(AsDouble); else IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; function TSQLDataItem.GetIsNull: Boolean; begin CheckActive; Result := false; end; function TSQLDataItem.getIsNullable: boolean; begin CheckActive; Result := false; end; function TSQLDataItem.GetAsVariant: Variant; begin CheckActive; if IsNull then result := NULL { Check null, if so return a default string } else case SQLType of SQL_ARRAY: result := '(Array)'; {do not localize} SQL_BLOB, SQL_TEXT, SQL_VARYING: result := AsString; SQL_TIMESTAMP, SQL_TYPE_DATE, SQL_TYPE_TIME: result := AsDateTime; SQL_SHORT, SQL_LONG: if Scale = 0 then result := AsLong else if Scale >= (-4) then result := AsCurrency else result := AsDouble; SQL_INT64: if Scale = 0 then result := AsInt64 else if Scale >= (-4) then result := AsCurrency else result := AsDouble; SQL_DOUBLE, SQL_FLOAT, SQL_D_FLOAT: result := AsDouble; SQL_BOOLEAN: result := AsBoolean; else IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; function TSQLDataItem.GetModified: boolean; begin Result := false; end; procedure TSQLDataItem.SetIsNull(Value: Boolean); begin //ignore unless overridden end; procedure TSQLDataItem.SetIsNullable(Value: Boolean); begin //ignore unless overridden end; procedure TSQLDataItem.SetName(aValue: AnsiString); begin //ignore unless overridden end; procedure TSQLDataItem.SetAsCurrency(Value: Currency); begin CheckActive; if GetSQLDialect < 3 then AsDouble := Value else begin Changing; if IsNullable then IsNull := False; SQLType := SQL_INT64; Scale := -4; DataLength := SizeOf(Int64); PCurrency(SQLData)^ := Value; Changed; end; end; procedure TSQLDataItem.SetAsInt64(Value: Int64); begin CheckActive; Changing; if IsNullable then IsNull := False; SQLType := SQL_INT64; Scale := 0; DataLength := SizeOf(Int64); PInt64(SQLData)^ := Value; Changed; end; procedure TSQLDataItem.SetAsDate(Value: TDateTime); begin CheckActive; if GetSQLDialect < 3 then begin AsDateTime := Value; exit; end; Changing; if IsNullable then IsNull := False; SQLType := SQL_TYPE_DATE; DataLength := SizeOf(ISC_DATE); with FirebirdClientAPI do SQLEncodeDate(Value,SQLData); Changed; end; procedure TSQLDataItem.SetAsTime(Value: TDateTime); begin CheckActive; if GetSQLDialect < 3 then begin AsDateTime := Value; exit; end; Changing; if IsNullable then IsNull := False; SQLType := SQL_TYPE_TIME; DataLength := SizeOf(ISC_TIME); with FirebirdClientAPI do SQLEncodeTime(Value,SQLData); Changed; end; procedure TSQLDataItem.SetAsDateTime(Value: TDateTime); begin CheckActive; if IsNullable then IsNull := False; Changing; SQLType := SQL_TIMESTAMP; DataLength := SizeOf(ISC_TIME) + sizeof(ISC_DATE); with FirebirdClientAPI do SQLEncodeDateTime(Value,SQLData); Changed; end; procedure TSQLDataItem.SetAsDouble(Value: Double); begin CheckActive; if IsNullable then IsNull := False; Changing; SQLType := SQL_DOUBLE; DataLength := SizeOf(Double); Scale := 0; PDouble(SQLData)^ := Value; Changed; end; procedure TSQLDataItem.SetAsFloat(Value: Float); begin CheckActive; if IsNullable then IsNull := False; Changing; SQLType := SQL_FLOAT; DataLength := SizeOf(Float); Scale := 0; PSingle(SQLData)^ := Value; Changed; end; procedure TSQLDataItem.SetAsLong(Value: Long); begin CheckActive; if IsNullable then IsNull := False; Changing; SQLType := SQL_LONG; DataLength := SizeOf(Long); Scale := 0; PLong(SQLData)^ := Value; Changed; end; procedure TSQLDataItem.SetAsPointer(Value: Pointer); begin CheckActive; Changing; if IsNullable and (Value = nil) then IsNull := True else begin IsNull := False; SQLType := SQL_TEXT; Move(Value^, SQLData^, DataLength); end; Changed; end; procedure TSQLDataItem.SetAsQuad(Value: TISC_QUAD); begin CheckActive; Changing; if IsNullable then IsNull := False; if (SQLType <> SQL_BLOB) and (SQLType <> SQL_ARRAY) then IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); DataLength := SizeOf(TISC_QUAD); PISC_QUAD(SQLData)^ := Value; Changed; end; procedure TSQLDataItem.SetAsShort(Value: short); begin CheckActive; Changing; if IsNullable then IsNull := False; SQLType := SQL_SHORT; DataLength := SizeOf(Short); Scale := 0; PShort(SQLData)^ := Value; Changed; end; procedure TSQLDataItem.SetAsString(Value: AnsiString); begin InternalSetAsString(Value); end; procedure TSQLDataItem.SetAsVariant(Value: Variant); begin CheckActive; if VarIsNull(Value) then IsNull := True else case VarType(Value) of varEmpty, varNull: IsNull := True; varSmallint, varInteger, varByte, varWord, varShortInt: AsLong := Value; varInt64: AsInt64 := Value; varSingle, varDouble: AsDouble := Value; varCurrency: AsCurrency := Value; varBoolean: AsBoolean := Value; varDate: AsDateTime := Value; varOleStr, varString: AsString := Value; varArray: IBError(ibxeNotSupported, [nil]); varByRef, varDispatch, varError, varUnknown, varVariant: IBError(ibxeNotPermitted, [nil]); end; end; procedure TSQLDataItem.SetAsBoolean(AValue: boolean); begin CheckActive; Changing; if IsNullable then IsNull := False; SQLType := SQL_BOOLEAN; DataLength := 1; Scale := 0; if AValue then PByte(SQLData)^ := ISC_TRUE else PByte(SQLData)^ := ISC_FALSE; Changed; end; {TColumnMetaData} procedure TColumnMetaData.CheckActive; begin if not FIBXSQLVAR.Parent.StateChanged(FChangeSeqNo) then Exit; if FPrepareSeqNo < FIBXSQLVAR.Parent.GetPrepareSeqNo then IBError(ibxeInterfaceOutofDate,[nil]); if not FIBXSQLVAR.Parent.CheckStatementStatus(ssPrepared) then IBError(ibxeStatementNotPrepared, [nil]); end; function TColumnMetaData.SQLData: PByte; begin Result := FIBXSQLVAR.SQLData; end; function TColumnMetaData.GetDataLength: cardinal; begin Result := FIBXSQLVAR.DataLength; end; function TColumnMetaData.GetCodePage: TSystemCodePage; begin Result := FIBXSQLVAR.GetCodePage; end; constructor TColumnMetaData.Create(aOwner: IUnknown; aIBXSQLVAR: TSQLVarData); begin inherited Create; FIBXSQLVAR := aIBXSQLVAR; FOwner := aOwner; FPrepareSeqNo := FIBXSQLVAR.Parent.PrepareSeqNo; FIBXSQLVAR.Parent.StateChanged(FChangeSeqNo) end; destructor TColumnMetaData.Destroy; begin (FOwner as TInterfaceOwner).Remove(self); inherited Destroy; end; function TColumnMetaData.GetSQLDialect: integer; begin Result := FIBXSQLVAR.Statement.GetSQLDialect; end; function TColumnMetaData.GetIndex: integer; begin Result := FIBXSQLVAR.Index; end; function TColumnMetaData.GetSQLType: cardinal; begin CheckActive; result := FIBXSQLVAR.SQLType; end; function TColumnMetaData.getSubtype: integer; begin CheckActive; result := FIBXSQLVAR.SQLSubtype; end; function TColumnMetaData.getRelationName: AnsiString; begin CheckActive; result := FIBXSQLVAR.RelationName; end; function TColumnMetaData.getOwnerName: AnsiString; begin CheckActive; result := FIBXSQLVAR.OwnerName; end; function TColumnMetaData.getSQLName: AnsiString; begin CheckActive; result := FIBXSQLVAR.FieldName; end; function TColumnMetaData.getAliasName: AnsiString; begin CheckActive; result := FIBXSQLVAR.AliasName; end; function TColumnMetaData.GetName: AnsiString; begin CheckActive; Result := FIBXSQLVAR. Name; end; function TColumnMetaData.GetScale: integer; begin CheckActive; result := FIBXSQLVAR.Scale; end; function TColumnMetaData.getCharSetID: cardinal; begin CheckActive; Result := FIBXSQLVAR.CharSetID; end; function TColumnMetaData.GetIsNullable: boolean; begin CheckActive; result := FIBXSQLVAR.IsNullable; end; function TColumnMetaData.GetSize: cardinal; begin CheckActive; result := FIBXSQLVAR.DataLength; end; function TColumnMetaData.GetArrayMetaData: IArrayMetaData; begin CheckActive; result := FIBXSQLVAR.GetArrayMetaData; end; function TColumnMetaData.GetBlobMetaData: IBlobMetaData; begin CheckActive; result := FIBXSQLVAR.GetBlobMetaData; end; { TIBSQLData } procedure TIBSQLData.CheckActive; begin if not FIBXSQLVAR.Parent.StateChanged(FChangeSeqNo) then Exit; inherited CheckActive; if not FIBXSQLVAR.Parent.CheckStatementStatus(ssCursorOpen) and not FIBXSQLVAR.Parent.CheckStatementStatus(ssExecuteResults) then IBError(ibxeSQLClosed, [nil]); if FIBXSQLVAR.Parent.CheckStatementStatus(ssEOF) then IBError(ibxeEOF,[nil]); if FIBXSQLVAR.Parent.CheckStatementStatus(ssBOF) then IBError(ibxeBOF,[nil]); end; function TIBSQLData.GetIsNull: Boolean; begin CheckActive; result := FIBXSQLVAR.IsNull; end; function TIBSQLData.GetAsArray: IArray; begin CheckActive; result := FIBXSQLVAR.GetAsArray(AsQuad); end; function TIBSQLData.GetAsBlob: IBlob; begin CheckActive; result := FIBXSQLVAR.GetAsBlob(AsQuad,nil); end; function TIBSQLData.GetAsBlob(BPB: IBPB): IBlob; begin CheckActive; result := FIBXSQLVAR.GetAsBlob(AsQuad,BPB); end; function TIBSQLData.GetAsString: AnsiString; begin CheckActive; Result := ''; { Check null, if so return a default string } if not IsNull then case SQLType of SQL_ARRAY: result := SArray; SQL_BLOB: Result := FIBXSQLVAR.GetAsBlob(AsQuad,nil).GetAsString; else Result := inherited GetAsString; end; end; { TSQLParam } procedure TSQLParam.InternalSetAsString(Value: AnsiString); var b: IBlob; begin CheckActive; if IsNullable then IsNull := False; case SQLTYPE of SQL_BOOLEAN: if AnsiCompareText(Value,STrue) = 0 then AsBoolean := true else if AnsiCompareText(Value,SFalse) = 0 then AsBoolean := false else IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion,[nil]); SQL_BLOB: begin Changing; b := FIBXSQLVAR.CreateBlob; b.SetAsString(Value); AsBlob := b; Changed; end; SQL_VARYING, SQL_TEXT: begin Changing; FIBXSQLVar.SetString(Transliterate(Value,GetCodePage)); Changed; end; SQL_SHORT, SQL_LONG, SQL_INT64: SetAsInt64(StrToInt(Value)); SQL_D_FLOAT, SQL_DOUBLE, SQL_FLOAT: SetAsDouble(StrToFloat(Value)); SQL_TIMESTAMP: SetAsDateTime(StrToDateTime(Value)); SQL_TYPE_DATE: SetAsDate(StrToDateTime(Value)); SQL_TYPE_TIME: SetAsTime(StrToDateTime(Value)); else IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion,[nil]); end; end; procedure TSQLParam.CheckActive; begin if not FIBXSQLVAR.Parent.StateChanged(FChangeSeqNo) then Exit; if FPrepareSeqNo < FIBXSQLVAR.Parent.GetPrepareSeqNo then IBError(ibxeInterfaceOutofDate,[nil]); if not FIBXSQLVAR.Parent.CheckStatementStatus(ssPrepared) then IBError(ibxeStatementNotPrepared, [nil]); end; procedure TSQLParam.SetScale(aValue: integer); begin CheckActive; FIBXSQLVAR.Scale := aValue; end; procedure TSQLParam.SetDataLength(len: cardinal); begin CheckActive; FIBXSQLVAR.DataLength := len; end; procedure TSQLParam.SetSQLType(aValue: cardinal); begin CheckActive; FIBXSQLVAR.SQLType := aValue; end; procedure TSQLParam.Clear; begin IsNull := true; end; function TSQLParam.GetModified: boolean; begin CheckActive; Result := FIBXSQLVAR.Modified; end; function TSQLParam.GetAsPointer: Pointer; begin IsNull := false; {Assume that we get the pointer in order to set a value} Changed; Result := inherited GetAsPointer; end; procedure TSQLParam.SetName(Value: AnsiString); begin CheckActive; FIBXSQLVAR.Name := Value; end; procedure TSQLParam.SetIsNull(Value: Boolean); var i: integer; begin CheckActive; if FIBXSQLVAR.UniqueName then FIBXSQLVAR.IsNull := Value else with FIBXSQLVAR.Parent do begin for i := 0 to Count - 1 do if Column[i].Name = Name then Column[i].IsNull := Value; end end; procedure TSQLParam.SetIsNullable(Value: Boolean); var i: integer; begin CheckActive; if FIBXSQLVAR.UniqueName then FIBXSQLVAR.IsNullable := Value else with FIBXSQLVAR.Parent do begin for i := 0 to Count - 1 do if Column[i].Name = Name then Column[i].IsNullable := Value; end end; procedure TSQLParam.SetAsArray(anArray: IArray); begin CheckActive; if GetSQLType <> SQL_ARRAY then IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion,[nil]); if not FIBXSQLVAR.UniqueName then IBError(ibxeDuplicateParamName,[FIBXSQLVAR.Name]); SetAsQuad(AnArray.GetArrayID); end; procedure TSQLParam.Changed; begin FIBXSQLVAR.Changed; end; procedure TSQLParam.SetAsBoolean(AValue: boolean); var i: integer; OldSQLVar: TSQLVarData; begin if FIBXSQLVAR.UniqueName then inherited SetAsBoolean(AValue) else with FIBXSQLVAR.Parent do begin for i := 0 to Count - 1 do if Column[i].Name = Name then begin OldSQLVar := FIBXSQLVAR; FIBXSQLVAR := Column[i]; try inherited SetAsBoolean(AValue); finally FIBXSQLVAR := OldSQLVar; end; end; end; end; procedure TSQLParam.SetAsCurrency(AValue: Currency); var i: integer; OldSQLVar: TSQLVarData; begin if FIBXSQLVAR.UniqueName then inherited SetAsCurrency(AValue) else with FIBXSQLVAR.Parent do begin for i := 0 to Count - 1 do if Column[i].Name = Name then begin OldSQLVar := FIBXSQLVAR; FIBXSQLVAR := Column[i]; try inherited SetAsCurrency(AValue); finally FIBXSQLVAR := OldSQLVar; end; end; end; end; procedure TSQLParam.SetAsInt64(AValue: Int64); var i: integer; OldSQLVar: TSQLVarData; begin if FIBXSQLVAR.UniqueName then inherited SetAsInt64(AValue) else with FIBXSQLVAR.Parent do begin for i := 0 to Count - 1 do if Column[i].Name = Name then begin OldSQLVar := FIBXSQLVAR; FIBXSQLVAR := Column[i]; try inherited SetAsInt64(AValue); finally FIBXSQLVAR := OldSQLVar; end; end; end; end; procedure TSQLParam.SetAsDate(AValue: TDateTime); var i: integer; OldSQLVar: TSQLVarData; begin if FIBXSQLVAR.UniqueName then inherited SetAsDate(AValue) else with FIBXSQLVAR.Parent do begin for i := 0 to Count - 1 do if Column[i].Name = Name then begin OldSQLVar := FIBXSQLVAR; FIBXSQLVAR := Column[i]; try inherited SetAsDate(AValue); finally FIBXSQLVAR := OldSQLVar; end; end; end; end; procedure TSQLParam.SetAsLong(AValue: Long); var i: integer; OldSQLVar: TSQLVarData; begin if FIBXSQLVAR.UniqueName then inherited SetAsLong(AValue) else with FIBXSQLVAR.Parent do begin for i := 0 to Count - 1 do if Column[i].Name = Name then begin OldSQLVar := FIBXSQLVAR; FIBXSQLVAR := Column[i]; try inherited SetAsLong(AValue); finally FIBXSQLVAR := OldSQLVar; end; end; end; end; procedure TSQLParam.SetAsTime(AValue: TDateTime); var i: integer; OldSQLVar: TSQLVarData; begin if FIBXSQLVAR.UniqueName then inherited SetAsTime(AValue) else with FIBXSQLVAR.Parent do begin for i := 0 to Count - 1 do if Column[i].Name = Name then begin OldSQLVar := FIBXSQLVAR; FIBXSQLVAR := Column[i]; try inherited SetAsTime(AValue); finally FIBXSQLVAR := OldSQLVar; end; end; end; end; procedure TSQLParam.SetAsDateTime(AValue: TDateTime); var i: integer; OldSQLVar: TSQLVarData; begin if FIBXSQLVAR.UniqueName then inherited SetAsDateTime(AValue) else with FIBXSQLVAR.Parent do begin for i := 0 to Count - 1 do if Column[i].Name = Name then begin OldSQLVar := FIBXSQLVAR; FIBXSQLVAR := Column[i]; try inherited SetAsDateTime(AValue); finally FIBXSQLVAR := OldSQLVar; end; end; end; end; procedure TSQLParam.SetAsDouble(AValue: Double); var i: integer; OldSQLVar: TSQLVarData; begin if FIBXSQLVAR.UniqueName then inherited SetAsDouble(AValue) else with FIBXSQLVAR.Parent do begin for i := 0 to Count - 1 do if Column[i].Name = Name then begin OldSQLVar := FIBXSQLVAR; FIBXSQLVAR := Column[i]; try inherited SetAsDouble(AValue); finally FIBXSQLVAR := OldSQLVar; end; end; end; end; procedure TSQLParam.SetAsFloat(AValue: Float); var i: integer; OldSQLVar: TSQLVarData; begin if FIBXSQLVAR.UniqueName then inherited SetAsFloat(AValue) else with FIBXSQLVAR.Parent do begin for i := 0 to Count - 1 do if Column[i].Name = Name then begin OldSQLVar := FIBXSQLVAR; FIBXSQLVAR := Column[i]; try inherited SetAsFloat(AValue); finally FIBXSQLVAR := OldSQLVar; end; end; end; end; procedure TSQLParam.SetAsPointer(AValue: Pointer); var i: integer; OldSQLVar: TSQLVarData; begin if FIBXSQLVAR.UniqueName then inherited SetAsPointer(AValue) else with FIBXSQLVAR.Parent do begin for i := 0 to Count - 1 do if Column[i].Name = Name then begin OldSQLVar := FIBXSQLVAR; FIBXSQLVAR := Column[i]; try inherited SetAsPointer(AValue); finally FIBXSQLVAR := OldSQLVar; end; end; end; end; procedure TSQLParam.SetAsShort(AValue: Short); var i: integer; OldSQLVar: TSQLVarData; begin if FIBXSQLVAR.UniqueName then inherited SetAsShort(AValue) else with FIBXSQLVAR.Parent do begin for i := 0 to Count - 1 do if Column[i].Name = Name then begin OldSQLVar := FIBXSQLVAR; FIBXSQLVAR := Column[i]; try inherited SetAsShort(AValue); finally FIBXSQLVAR := OldSQLVar; end; end; end; end; procedure TSQLParam.SetAsString(AValue: AnsiString); var i: integer; OldSQLVar: TSQLVarData; begin if FIBXSQLVAR.UniqueName then InternalSetAsString(AValue) else with FIBXSQLVAR.Parent do begin for i := 0 to Count - 1 do if Column[i].Name = Name then begin OldSQLVar := FIBXSQLVAR; FIBXSQLVAR := Column[i]; try InternalSetAsString(AValue); finally FIBXSQLVAR := OldSQLVar; end; end; end; end; procedure TSQLParam.SetAsVariant(AValue: Variant); var i: integer; OldSQLVar: TSQLVarData; begin if FIBXSQLVAR.UniqueName then inherited SetAsVariant(AValue) else with FIBXSQLVAR.Parent do begin for i := 0 to Count - 1 do if Column[i].Name = Name then begin OldSQLVar := FIBXSQLVAR; FIBXSQLVAR := Column[i]; try inherited SetAsVariant(AValue); finally FIBXSQLVAR := OldSQLVar; end; end; end; end; procedure TSQLParam.SetAsBlob(aValue: IBlob); begin with FIBXSQLVAR do if not UniqueName then IBError(ibxeDuplicateParamName,[Name]); CheckActive; Changing; aValue.Close; if aValue.GetSubType <> GetSubType then IBError(ibxeIncompatibleBlob,[GetSubType,aValue.GetSubType]); AsQuad := aValue.GetBlobID; Changed; end; procedure TSQLParam.SetAsQuad(AValue: TISC_QUAD); var i: integer; OldSQLVar: TSQLVarData; begin if FIBXSQLVAR.UniqueName then inherited SetAsQuad(AValue) else with FIBXSQLVAR.Parent do begin for i := 0 to Count - 1 do if Column[i].Name = Name then begin OldSQLVar := FIBXSQLVAR; FIBXSQLVAR := Column[i]; try inherited SetAsQuad(AValue); finally FIBXSQLVAR := OldSQLVar; end; end; end; end; procedure TSQLParam.SetCharSetID(aValue: cardinal); begin FIBXSQLVAR.SetCharSetID(aValue); end; { TMetaData } procedure TMetaData.CheckActive; begin if FPrepareSeqNo < FMetaData.PrepareSeqNo then IBError(ibxeInterfaceOutofDate,[nil]); if not FMetaData.CheckStatementStatus(ssPrepared) then IBError(ibxeStatementNotPrepared, [nil]); end; constructor TMetaData.Create(aMetaData: TSQLDataArea); begin inherited Create(aMetaData.Count); FMetaData := aMetaData; FStatement := aMetaData.Statement; FPrepareSeqNo := aMetaData.PrepareSeqNo; end; destructor TMetaData.Destroy; begin (FStatement as TInterfaceOwner).Remove(self); inherited Destroy; end; function TMetaData.GetUniqueRelationName: AnsiString; begin CheckActive; Result := FMetaData.UniqueRelationName; end; function TMetaData.getCount: integer; begin CheckActive; Result := FMetaData.ColumnsInUseCount; end; function TMetaData.getColumnMetaData(index: integer): IColumnMetaData; begin CheckActive; if (index < 0) or (index >= getCount) then IBError(ibxeInvalidColumnIndex,[nil]); if FMetaData.Count = 0 then Result := nil else begin if not HasInterface(index) then AddInterface(index,TColumnMetaData.Create(self,FMetaData.Column[index])); Result := TColumnMetaData(GetInterface(index)); end; end; function TMetaData.ByName(Idx: AnsiString): IColumnMetaData; var aIBXSQLVAR: TSQLVarData; begin CheckActive; aIBXSQLVAR := FMetaData.ColumnByName(Idx); if aIBXSQLVAR = nil then IBError(ibxeFieldNotFound,[Idx]); Result := getColumnMetaData(aIBXSQLVAR.index); end; { TSQLParams } procedure TSQLParams.CheckActive; begin if not FSQLParams.StateChanged(FChangeSeqNo) then Exit; if FPrepareSeqNo < FSQLParams.PrepareSeqNo then IBError(ibxeInterfaceOutofDate,[nil]); if not FSQLParams.CheckStatementStatus(ssPrepared) then IBError(ibxeStatementNotPrepared, [nil]); end; constructor TSQLParams.Create(aSQLParams: TSQLDataArea); begin inherited Create(aSQLParams.Count); FSQLParams := aSQLParams; FStatement := aSQLParams.Statement; FPrepareSeqNo := aSQLParams.PrepareSeqNo; FSQLParams.StateChanged(FChangeSeqNo); end; destructor TSQLParams.Destroy; begin (FStatement as TInterfaceOwner).Remove(self); inherited Destroy; end; function TSQLParams.getCount: integer; begin CheckActive; Result := FSQLParams.ColumnsInUseCount; end; function TSQLParams.getSQLParam(index: integer): ISQLParam; begin CheckActive; if (index < 0) or (index >= getCount) then IBError(ibxeInvalidColumnIndex,[nil]); if getCount = 0 then Result := nil else begin if not HasInterface(index) then AddInterface(index, TSQLParam.Create(self,FSQLParams.Column[index])); Result := TSQLParam(GetInterface(index)); end; end; function TSQLParams.ByName(Idx: AnsiString): ISQLParam; var aIBXSQLVAR: TSQLVarData; begin CheckActive; aIBXSQLVAR := FSQLParams.ColumnByName(Idx); if aIBXSQLVAR = nil then IBError(ibxeFieldNotFound,[Idx]); Result := getSQLParam(aIBXSQLVAR.index); end; function TSQLParams.GetModified: Boolean; var i: Integer; begin CheckActive; result := False; with FSQLParams do for i := 0 to Count - 1 do if Column[i].Modified then begin result := True; exit; end; end; { TResults } procedure TResults.CheckActive; begin if not FResults.StateChanged(FChangeSeqNo) then Exit; if FPrepareSeqNo < FResults.PrepareSeqNo then IBError(ibxeInterfaceOutofDate,[nil]); if not FResults.CheckStatementStatus(ssPrepared) then IBError(ibxeStatementNotPrepared, [nil]); with GetTransaction as TFBTransaction do if not InTransaction or (FResults.TransactionSeqNo <> FTransactionSeqNo) then IBError(ibxeInterfaceOutofDate,[nil]); end; function TResults.GetISQLData(aIBXSQLVAR: TSQLVarData): ISQLData; begin if (aIBXSQLVAR.Index < 0) or (aIBXSQLVAR.Index >= getCount) then IBError(ibxeInvalidColumnIndex,[nil]); if not HasInterface(aIBXSQLVAR.Index) then AddInterface(aIBXSQLVAR.Index, TIBSQLData.Create(self,aIBXSQLVAR)); Result := TIBSQLData(GetInterface(aIBXSQLVAR.Index)); end; constructor TResults.Create(aResults: TSQLDataArea); begin inherited Create(aResults.Count); FResults := aResults; FStatement := aResults.Statement; FPrepareSeqNo := aResults.PrepareSeqNo; FTransactionSeqNo := aResults.TransactionSeqNo; FResults.StateChanged(FChangeSeqNo); end; function TResults.getCount: integer; begin CheckActive; Result := FResults.Count; end; function TResults.ByName(Idx: AnsiString): ISQLData; var col: TSQLVarData; begin Result := nil; CheckActive; if FResults.CheckStatementStatus(ssBOF) then IBError(ibxeBOF,[nil]); if FResults.CheckStatementStatus(ssEOF) then IBError(ibxeEOF,[nil]); if FResults.Count > 0 then begin col := FResults.ColumnByName(Idx); if col <> nil then Result := GetISQLData(col); end; end; function TResults.getSQLData(index: integer): ISQLData; begin CheckActive; if FResults.CheckStatementStatus(ssBOF) then IBError(ibxeBOF,[nil]); if FResults.CheckStatementStatus(ssEOF) then IBError(ibxeEOF,[nil]); if (index < 0) or (index >= FResults.Count) then IBError(ibxeInvalidColumnIndex,[nil]); Result := GetISQLData(FResults.Column[index]); end; procedure TResults.GetData(index: integer; var IsNull: boolean; var len: short; var data: PByte); begin CheckActive; FResults.GetData(index,IsNull, len,data); end; function TResults.GetTransaction: ITransaction; begin Result := FStatement.GetTransaction; end; procedure TResults.SetRetainInterfaces(aValue: boolean); begin RetainInterfaces := aValue; end; end.