{$IFDEF FPC} {$PACKRECORDS C} {$ENDIF} { * MODULE: consts_pub.h * DESCRIPTION: Public constants' definitions * * The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public * License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation * and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are * Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation. * * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * * 18.08.2006 Dimitry Sibiryakov: Extracted it from ibase.h * } {$ifndef FIREBIRD_IMPL_CONSTS_PUB_H} {$define FIREBIRD_IMPL_CONSTS_PUB_H} {******************************** } { Database parameter block stuff } {******************************** } const isc_dpb_version1 = 1; isc_dpb_version2 = 2; isc_dpb_cdd_pathname = 1; isc_dpb_allocation = 2; isc_dpb_journal = 3; isc_dpb_page_size = 4; isc_dpb_num_buffers = 5; isc_dpb_buffer_length = 6; isc_dpb_debug = 7; isc_dpb_garbage_collect = 8; isc_dpb_verify = 9; isc_dpb_sweep = 10; isc_dpb_enable_journal = 11; isc_dpb_disable_journal = 12; isc_dpb_dbkey_scope = 13; isc_dpb_number_of_users = 14; isc_dpb_trace = 15; isc_dpb_no_garbage_collect = 16; isc_dpb_damaged = 17; isc_dpb_license = 18; isc_dpb_sys_user_name = 19; isc_dpb_encrypt_key = 20; isc_dpb_activate_shadow = 21; isc_dpb_sweep_interval = 22; isc_dpb_delete_shadow = 23; isc_dpb_force_write = 24; isc_dpb_begin_log = 25; isc_dpb_quit_log = 26; isc_dpb_no_reserve = 27; isc_dpb_user_name = 28; isc_dpb_password = 29; isc_dpb_password_enc = 30; isc_dpb_sys_user_name_enc = 31; isc_dpb_interp = 32; isc_dpb_online_dump = 33; isc_dpb_old_file_size = 34; isc_dpb_old_num_files = 35; isc_dpb_old_file = 36; isc_dpb_old_start_page = 37; isc_dpb_old_start_seqno = 38; isc_dpb_old_start_file = 39; isc_dpb_drop_walfile = 40; isc_dpb_old_dump_id = 41; isc_dpb_wal_backup_dir = 42; isc_dpb_wal_chkptlen = 43; isc_dpb_wal_numbufs = 44; isc_dpb_wal_bufsize = 45; isc_dpb_wal_grp_cmt_wait = 46; isc_dpb_lc_messages = 47; isc_dpb_lc_ctype = 48; isc_dpb_cache_manager = 49; isc_dpb_shutdown = 50; isc_dpb_online = 51; isc_dpb_shutdown_delay = 52; isc_dpb_reserved = 53; isc_dpb_overwrite = 54; isc_dpb_sec_attach = 55; isc_dpb_disable_wal = 56; isc_dpb_connect_timeout = 57; isc_dpb_dummy_packet_interval = 58; isc_dpb_gbak_attach = 59; isc_dpb_sql_role_name = 60; isc_dpb_set_page_buffers = 61; isc_dpb_working_directory = 62; isc_dpb_sql_dialect = 63; isc_dpb_set_db_readonly = 64; isc_dpb_set_db_sql_dialect = 65; isc_dpb_gfix_attach = 66; isc_dpb_gstat_attach = 67; isc_dpb_set_db_charset = 68; { deprecated } isc_dpb_gsec_attach = 69; isc_dpb_address_path = 70; isc_dpb_process_id = 71; isc_dpb_no_db_triggers = 72; isc_dpb_trusted_auth = 73; isc_dpb_process_name = 74; isc_dpb_trusted_role = 75; isc_dpb_org_filename = 76; isc_dpb_utf8_filename = 77; isc_dpb_ext_call_depth = 78; isc_dpb_auth_block = 79; isc_dpb_client_version = 80; isc_dpb_remote_protocol = 81; isc_dpb_host_name = 82; isc_dpb_os_user = 83; isc_dpb_specific_auth_data = 84; isc_dpb_auth_plugin_list = 85; isc_dpb_auth_plugin_name = 86; isc_dpb_config = 87; isc_dpb_nolinger = 88; isc_dpb_reset_icu = 89; isc_dpb_map_attach = 90; isc_dpb_session_time_zone = 91; isc_dpb_set_db_replica = 92; isc_dpb_set_bind = 93; isc_dpb_decfloat_round = 94; isc_dpb_decfloat_traps = 95; {************************************************ } { clumplet tags used inside isc_dpb_address_path } { and isc_spb_address_path } {************************************************ } { Format of this clumplet is the following: ::= isc_dpb_address_path ::= | ::= isc_dpb_address ::= | ::= isc_dpb_addr_protocol | isc_dpb_addr_endpoint | isc_dpb_addr_flags | isc_dpb_addr_crypt ::= "TCPv4" | "TCPv6" | "XNET" | "WNET" | .... ::= "Arc4" | "ChaCha" | .... ::= | // such as "" | // such as "2001:0:13FF:09FF::1" | // such as "17864" ... ::= bitmask of possible flags } isc_dpb_address = 1; isc_dpb_addr_protocol = 1; isc_dpb_addr_endpoint = 2; isc_dpb_addr_flags = 3; isc_dpb_addr_crypt = 4; { possible addr flags } isc_dpb_addr_flag_conn_compressed = $01; isc_dpb_addr_flag_conn_encrypted = $02; {******************************* } { isc_dpb_verify specific flags } {******************************* } isc_dpb_pages = 1; isc_dpb_records = 2; isc_dpb_indices = 4; isc_dpb_transactions = 8; isc_dpb_no_update = 16; isc_dpb_repair = 32; isc_dpb_ignore = 64; {********************************* } { isc_dpb_shutdown specific flags } {********************************* } isc_dpb_shut_cache = $1; isc_dpb_shut_attachment = $2; isc_dpb_shut_transaction = $4; isc_dpb_shut_force = $8; isc_dpb_shut_mode_mask = $70; isc_dpb_shut_default = $0; isc_dpb_shut_normal = $10; isc_dpb_shut_multi = $20; isc_dpb_shut_single = $30; isc_dpb_shut_full = $40; {*************************************** } { isc_dpb_set_db_replica specific flags } {*************************************** } isc_dpb_replica_none = 0; isc_dpb_replica_read_only = 1; isc_dpb_replica_read_write = 2; {************************************ } { Bit assignments in RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG } {************************************ } RDB_system = 1; RDB_id_assigned = 2; { 2 is for QLI. See jrd/constants.h for more Firebird-specific values. } {*********************************** } { Transaction parameter block stuff } {*********************************** } isc_tpb_version1 = 1; isc_tpb_version3 = 3; isc_tpb_consistency = 1; isc_tpb_concurrency = 2; isc_tpb_shared = 3; isc_tpb_protected = 4; isc_tpb_exclusive = 5; isc_tpb_wait = 6; isc_tpb_nowait = 7; isc_tpb_read = 8; isc_tpb_write = 9; isc_tpb_lock_read = 10; isc_tpb_lock_write = 11; isc_tpb_verb_time = 12; isc_tpb_commit_time = 13; isc_tpb_ignore_limbo = 14; isc_tpb_read_committed = 15; isc_tpb_autocommit = 16; isc_tpb_rec_version = 17; isc_tpb_no_rec_version = 18; isc_tpb_restart_requests = 19; isc_tpb_no_auto_undo = 20; isc_tpb_lock_timeout = 21; isc_tpb_read_consistency = 22; isc_tpb_at_snapshot_number = 23; {********************** } { Blob Parameter Block } {********************** } isc_bpb_version1 = 1; isc_bpb_source_type = 1; isc_bpb_target_type = 2; isc_bpb_type = 3; isc_bpb_source_interp = 4; isc_bpb_target_interp = 5; isc_bpb_filter_parameter = 6; isc_bpb_storage = 7; isc_bpb_type_segmented = $0; isc_bpb_type_stream = $1; isc_bpb_storage_main = $0; isc_bpb_storage_temp = $2; {******************************* } { Service parameter block stuff } {******************************* } isc_spb_version1 = 1; isc_spb_current_version = 2; isc_spb_version = isc_spb_current_version; isc_spb_version3 = 3; isc_spb_user_name = isc_dpb_user_name; isc_spb_sys_user_name = isc_dpb_sys_user_name; isc_spb_sys_user_name_enc = isc_dpb_sys_user_name_enc; isc_spb_password = isc_dpb_password; isc_spb_password_enc = isc_dpb_password_enc; isc_spb_command_line = 105; isc_spb_dbname = 106; isc_spb_verbose = 107; isc_spb_options = 108; isc_spb_address_path = 109; isc_spb_process_id = 110; isc_spb_trusted_auth = 111; isc_spb_process_name = 112; isc_spb_trusted_role = 113; isc_spb_verbint = 114; isc_spb_auth_block = 115; isc_spb_auth_plugin_name = 116; isc_spb_auth_plugin_list = 117; isc_spb_utf8_filename = 118; isc_spb_client_version = 119; isc_spb_remote_protocol = 120; isc_spb_host_name = 121; isc_spb_os_user = 122; isc_spb_config = 123; isc_spb_expected_db = 124; isc_spb_connect_timeout = isc_dpb_connect_timeout; isc_spb_dummy_packet_interval = isc_dpb_dummy_packet_interval; isc_spb_sql_role_name = isc_dpb_sql_role_name; { This will not be used in protocol 13, therefore may be reused } isc_spb_specific_auth_data = isc_spb_trusted_auth; {**************************** * Service action items * **************************** } { Starts database backup process on the server } isc_action_svc_backup = 1; { Starts database restore process on the server } isc_action_svc_restore = 2; { Starts database repair process on the server } isc_action_svc_repair = 3; { Adds a new user to the security database } isc_action_svc_add_user = 4; { Deletes a user record from the security database } isc_action_svc_delete_user = 5; { Modifies a user record in the security database } isc_action_svc_modify_user = 6; { Displays a user record from the security database } isc_action_svc_display_user = 7; { Sets database properties } isc_action_svc_properties = 8; { Adds a license to the license file } isc_action_svc_add_license = 9; { Removes a license from the license file } isc_action_svc_remove_license = 10; { Retrieves database statistics } isc_action_svc_db_stats = 11; { Retrieves the InterBase log file from the server } isc_action_svc_get_ib_log = 12; { Retrieves the Firebird log file from the server } isc_action_svc_get_fb_log = 12; { Incremental nbackup } isc_action_svc_nbak = 20; { Incremental database restore } isc_action_svc_nrest = 21; isc_action_svc_trace_start = 22; { Start trace session } isc_action_svc_trace_stop = 23; { Stop trace session } isc_action_svc_trace_suspend = 24; { Suspend trace session } isc_action_svc_trace_resume = 25; { Resume trace session } isc_action_svc_trace_list = 26; { List existing sessions } isc_action_svc_set_mapping = 27; { Set auto admins mapping in security database } isc_action_svc_drop_mapping = 28; { Drop auto admins mapping in security database } isc_action_svc_display_user_adm = 29; { Displays user(s) from security database with admin info } isc_action_svc_validate = 30; { Starts database online validation } isc_action_svc_nfix = 31; { Fixup database after file system copy } isc_action_svc_last = 32; { keep it last ! } {**************************** * Service information items * **************************** } { Retrieves the number of attachments and databases } isc_info_svc_svr_db_info = 50; { Retrieves all license keys and IDs from the license file } isc_info_svc_get_license = 51; { Retrieves a bitmask representing licensed options on the server } isc_info_svc_get_license_mask = 52; { Retrieves the parameters and values for IB_CONFIG } isc_info_svc_get_config = 53; { Retrieves the version of the services manager } isc_info_svc_version = 54; { Retrieves the version of the Firebird server } isc_info_svc_server_version = 55; { Retrieves the implementation of the Firebird server } isc_info_svc_implementation = 56; { Retrieves a bitmask representing the server's capabilities } isc_info_svc_capabilities = 57; { Retrieves the path to the security database in use by the server } isc_info_svc_user_dbpath = 58; { Retrieves the setting of $FIREBIRD } isc_info_svc_get_env = 59; { Retrieves the setting of $FIREBIRD_LOCK } isc_info_svc_get_env_lock = 60; { Retrieves the setting of $FIREBIRD_MSG } isc_info_svc_get_env_msg = 61; { Retrieves 1 line of service output per call } isc_info_svc_line = 62; { Retrieves as much of the server output as will fit in the supplied buffer } isc_info_svc_to_eof = 63; { Sets / signifies a timeout value for reading service information } isc_info_svc_timeout = 64; { Retrieves the number of users licensed for accessing the server } isc_info_svc_get_licensed_users = 65; { Retrieve the limbo transactions } isc_info_svc_limbo_trans = 66; { Checks to see if a service is running on an attachment } isc_info_svc_running = 67; { Returns the user information from isc_action_svc_display_users } isc_info_svc_get_users = 68; { Sets authentication block for service query() call } isc_info_svc_auth_block = 69; { Returns maximum size of data, needed as stdin for service } isc_info_svc_stdin = 78; {***************************************************** * Parameters for isc_action_add|del|mod|disp)_user * ***************************************************** } isc_spb_sec_userid = 5; isc_spb_sec_groupid = 6; isc_spb_sec_username = 7; isc_spb_sec_password = 8; isc_spb_sec_groupname = 9; isc_spb_sec_firstname = 10; isc_spb_sec_middlename = 11; isc_spb_sec_lastname = 12; isc_spb_sec_admin = 13; {****************************************************** * Parameters for isc_action_svc_(add|remove)_license, * * isc_info_svc_get_license * ****************************************************** } isc_spb_lic_key = 5; isc_spb_lic_id = 6; isc_spb_lic_desc = 7; {**************************************** * Parameters for isc_action_svc_backup * **************************************** } isc_spb_bkp_file = 5; isc_spb_bkp_factor = 6; isc_spb_bkp_length = 7; isc_spb_bkp_skip_data = 8; isc_spb_bkp_stat = 15; isc_spb_bkp_keyholder = 16; isc_spb_bkp_keyname = 17; isc_spb_bkp_crypt = 18; isc_spb_bkp_include_data = 19; isc_spb_bkp_ignore_checksums = $01; isc_spb_bkp_ignore_limbo = $02; isc_spb_bkp_metadata_only = $04; isc_spb_bkp_no_garbage_collect = $08; isc_spb_bkp_old_descriptions = $10; isc_spb_bkp_non_transportable = $20; isc_spb_bkp_convert = $40; isc_spb_bkp_expand = $80; isc_spb_bkp_no_triggers = $8000; isc_spb_bkp_zip = $010000; {******************************************* * Parameters for isc_action_svc_properties * ******************************************* } isc_spb_prp_page_buffers = 5; isc_spb_prp_sweep_interval = 6; isc_spb_prp_shutdown_db = 7; isc_spb_prp_deny_new_attachments = 9; isc_spb_prp_deny_new_transactions = 10; isc_spb_prp_reserve_space = 11; isc_spb_prp_write_mode = 12; isc_spb_prp_access_mode = 13; isc_spb_prp_set_sql_dialect = 14; isc_spb_prp_activate = $0100; isc_spb_prp_db_online = $0200; isc_spb_prp_nolinger = $0400; isc_spb_prp_force_shutdown = 41; isc_spb_prp_attachments_shutdown = 42; isc_spb_prp_transactions_shutdown = 43; isc_spb_prp_shutdown_mode = 44; isc_spb_prp_online_mode = 45; isc_spb_prp_replica_mode = 46; {******************************************* * Parameters for isc_spb_prp_shutdown_mode * * and isc_spb_prp_online_mode * ******************************************* } isc_spb_prp_sm_normal = 0; isc_spb_prp_sm_multi = 1; isc_spb_prp_sm_single = 2; isc_spb_prp_sm_full = 3; {******************************************* * Parameters for isc_spb_prp_reserve_space * ******************************************* } isc_spb_prp_res_use_full = 35; isc_spb_prp_res = 36; {***************************************** * Parameters for isc_spb_prp_write_mode * ***************************************** } isc_spb_prp_wm_async = 37; isc_spb_prp_wm_sync = 38; {***************************************** * Parameters for isc_spb_prp_access_mode * ***************************************** } isc_spb_prp_am_readonly = 39; isc_spb_prp_am_readwrite = 40; {****************************************** * Parameters for isc_spb_prp_replica_mode * ****************************************** } isc_spb_prp_rm_none = 0; isc_spb_prp_rm_readonly = 1; isc_spb_prp_rm_readwrite = 2; {**************************************** * Parameters for isc_action_svc_repair * **************************************** } isc_spb_rpr_commit_trans = 15; isc_spb_rpr_rollback_trans = 34; isc_spb_rpr_recover_two_phase = 17; isc_spb_tra_id = 18; isc_spb_single_tra_id = 19; isc_spb_multi_tra_id = 20; isc_spb_tra_state = 21; isc_spb_tra_state_limbo = 22; isc_spb_tra_state_commit = 23; isc_spb_tra_state_rollback = 24; isc_spb_tra_state_unknown = 25; isc_spb_tra_host_site = 26; isc_spb_tra_remote_site = 27; isc_spb_tra_db_path = 28; isc_spb_tra_advise = 29; isc_spb_tra_advise_commit = 30; isc_spb_tra_advise_rollback = 31; isc_spb_tra_advise_unknown = 33; isc_spb_tra_id_64 = 46; isc_spb_single_tra_id_64 = 47; isc_spb_multi_tra_id_64 = 48; isc_spb_rpr_commit_trans_64 = 49; isc_spb_rpr_rollback_trans_64 = 50; isc_spb_rpr_recover_two_phase_64 = 51; isc_spb_rpr_validate_db = $01; isc_spb_rpr_sweep_db = $02; isc_spb_rpr_mend_db = $04; isc_spb_rpr_list_limbo_trans = $08; isc_spb_rpr_check_db = $10; isc_spb_rpr_ignore_checksum = $20; isc_spb_rpr_kill_shadows = $40; isc_spb_rpr_full = $80; isc_spb_rpr_icu = $0800; {**************************************** * Parameters for isc_action_svc_restore * **************************************** } isc_spb_res_skip_data = isc_spb_bkp_skip_data; isc_spb_res_include_data = isc_spb_bkp_include_data; isc_spb_res_buffers = 9; isc_spb_res_page_size = 10; isc_spb_res_length = 11; isc_spb_res_access_mode = 12; isc_spb_res_fix_fss_data = 13; isc_spb_res_fix_fss_metadata = 14; isc_spb_res_keyholder = isc_spb_bkp_keyholder; isc_spb_res_keyname = isc_spb_bkp_keyname; isc_spb_res_crypt = isc_spb_bkp_crypt; isc_spb_res_stat = isc_spb_bkp_stat; isc_spb_res_metadata_only = isc_spb_bkp_metadata_only; isc_spb_res_deactivate_idx = $0100; isc_spb_res_no_shadow = $0200; isc_spb_res_no_validity = $0400; isc_spb_res_one_at_a_time = $0800; isc_spb_res_replace = $1000; isc_spb_res_create = $2000; isc_spb_res_use_all_space = $4000; isc_spb_res_replica_mode = 20; {**************************************** * Parameters for isc_action_svc_validate * **************************************** } isc_spb_val_tab_incl = 1; { include filter based on regular expression } isc_spb_val_tab_excl = 2; { exclude filter based on regular expression } isc_spb_val_idx_incl = 3; { regexp of indices to validate } isc_spb_val_idx_excl = 4; { regexp of indices to NOT validate } isc_spb_val_lock_timeout = 5; { how long to wait for table lock } {***************************************** * Parameters for isc_spb_res_access_mode * ***************************************** } isc_spb_res_am_readonly = isc_spb_prp_am_readonly; isc_spb_res_am_readwrite = isc_spb_prp_am_readwrite; {****************************************** * Parameters for isc_spb_res_replica_mode * ****************************************** } isc_spb_res_rm_none = isc_spb_prp_rm_none; isc_spb_res_rm_readonly = isc_spb_prp_rm_readonly; isc_spb_res_rm_readwrite = isc_spb_prp_rm_readwrite; {****************************************** * Parameters for isc_info_svc_svr_db_info * ****************************************** } isc_spb_num_att = 5; isc_spb_num_db = 6; {**************************************** * Parameters for isc_info_svc_db_stats * **************************************** } isc_spb_sts_table = 64; isc_spb_sts_data_pages = $01; isc_spb_sts_db_log = $02; isc_spb_sts_hdr_pages = $04; isc_spb_sts_idx_pages = $08; isc_spb_sts_sys_relations = $10; isc_spb_sts_record_versions = $20; {#define isc_spb_sts_table 0x40 } isc_spb_sts_nocreation = $80; isc_spb_sts_encryption = $100; {********************************* } { Server configuration key values } {********************************* } { Not available in Firebird 1.5 } {************************************** * Parameters for isc_action_svc_nbak * ************************************** } isc_spb_nbk_level = 5; isc_spb_nbk_file = 6; isc_spb_nbk_direct = 7; isc_spb_nbk_guid = 8; isc_spb_nbk_no_triggers = $01; isc_spb_nbk_inplace = $02; isc_spb_nbk_sequence = $04; {************************************** * Parameters for isc_action_svc_trace * ************************************** } isc_spb_trc_id = 1; isc_spb_trc_name = 2; isc_spb_trc_cfg = 3; {**************************************** } { Array slice description language (SDL) } {**************************************** } isc_sdl_version1 = 1; isc_sdl_eoc = 255; isc_sdl_relation = 2; isc_sdl_rid = 3; isc_sdl_field = 4; isc_sdl_fid = 5; isc_sdl_struct = 6; isc_sdl_variable = 7; isc_sdl_scalar = 8; isc_sdl_tiny_integer = 9; isc_sdl_short_integer = 10; isc_sdl_long_integer = 11; {#define isc_sdl_literal 12 } isc_sdl_add = 13; isc_sdl_subtract = 14; isc_sdl_multiply = 15; isc_sdl_divide = 16; isc_sdl_negate = 17; { only used in pretty.cpp; nobody generates it } {#define isc_sdl_eql 18 } {#define isc_sdl_neq 19 } {#define isc_sdl_gtr 20 } {#define isc_sdl_geq 21 } {#define isc_sdl_lss 22 } {#define isc_sdl_leq 23 } {#define isc_sdl_and 24 } {#define isc_sdl_or 25 } {#define isc_sdl_not 26 } {#define isc_sdl_while 27 } {#define isc_sdl_assignment 28 } {#define isc_sdl_label 29 } {#define isc_sdl_leave 30 } isc_sdl_begin = 31; { only used in pretty.cpp; nobody generates it } isc_sdl_end = 32; isc_sdl_do3 = 33; isc_sdl_do2 = 34; isc_sdl_do1 = 35; isc_sdl_element = 36; {****************************************** } { International text interpretation values } {****************************************** } {#define isc_interp_eng_ascii 0 } {#define isc_interp_jpn_sjis 5 } {#define isc_interp_jpn_euc 6 } {*************** } { Blob Subtypes } {*************** } { types less than zero are reserved for customer use } isc_blob_untyped = 0; { internal subtypes } isc_blob_text = 1; isc_blob_blr = 2; isc_blob_acl = 3; isc_blob_ranges = 4; isc_blob_summary = 5; isc_blob_format = 6; isc_blob_tra = 7; isc_blob_extfile = 8; isc_blob_debug_info = 9; isc_blob_max_predefined_subtype = 10; { the range 20-30 is reserved for dBASE and Paradox types } {#define isc_blob_formatted_memo 20 } {#define isc_blob_paradox_ole 21 } {#define isc_blob_graphic 22 } {#define isc_blob_dbase_ole 23 } {#define isc_blob_typed_binary 24 } {*************** } { Text Subtypes } {*************** } fb_text_subtype_text = 0; fb_text_subtype_binary = 1; { Deprecated definitions maintained for compatibility only } {#define isc_info_db_SQL_dialect 62 } {#define isc_dpb_SQL_dialect 63 } {#define isc_dpb_set_db_SQL_dialect 65 } {********************************* } { Masks for fb_shutdown_callback } {********************************* } fb_shut_confirmation = 1; fb_shut_preproviders = 2; fb_shut_postproviders = 4; fb_shut_finish = 8; fb_shut_exit = 16; {************************************** } { Shutdown reasons, used by engine } { Users should provide positive values } {************************************** } fb_shutrsn_svc_stopped = -(1); fb_shutrsn_no_connection = -(2); fb_shutrsn_app_stopped = -(3); {#define fb_shutrsn_device_removed -4 } fb_shutrsn_signal = -(5); fb_shutrsn_services = -(6); fb_shutrsn_exit_called = -(7); fb_shutrsn_emergency = -(8); {************************************** } { Cancel types for fb_cancel_operation } {************************************** } fb_cancel_disable = 1; fb_cancel_enable = 2; fb_cancel_raise = 3; fb_cancel_abort = 4; {****************************************** } { Debug information items } {****************************************** } fb_dbg_version = 1; fb_dbg_end = 255; fb_dbg_map_src2blr = 2; fb_dbg_map_varname = 3; fb_dbg_map_argument = 4; fb_dbg_subproc = 5; fb_dbg_subfunc = 6; fb_dbg_map_curname = 7; { sub code for fb_dbg_map_argument } fb_dbg_arg_input = 0; fb_dbg_arg_output = 1; {$endif} { ifndef FIREBIRD_IMPL_CONSTS_PUB_H }