unit Test7; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} {$codepage utf8} {Test 7: Create and read back an Array} { 1. Create an empty database and populate with a single table including an array of integer column. 2. Select all and show metadata including array metadata. 3. Insert a row but leave array null 4. Show result. 5. Update row with a populated array and show results. 7. Reopen cursor but before fetching array, shrink bounds 8. Fetch and print array with reduced bounds. } interface uses Classes, SysUtils, TestManager, IB; type { TTest7 } TTest7 = class(TTestBase) private procedure UpdateDatabase(Attachment: IAttachment); public function TestTitle: string; override; procedure RunTest(CharSet: string; SQLDialect: integer); override; end; implementation const sqlCreateTable = 'Create Table TestData ('+ 'RowID Integer not null,'+ 'Title VarChar(32) Character Set UTF8,'+ 'Dated TIMESTAMP, '+ 'Notes VarChar(64) Character Set ISO8859_1,'+ 'MyArray Integer [0:16],'+ 'Primary Key(RowID)'+ ')'; sqlInsert = 'Insert into TestData(RowID,Title,Dated,Notes) Values(:RowID,:Title,:Dated,:Notes)'; sqlUpdate = 'Update TestData Set MyArray = :MyArray Where RowID = 1'; { TTest7 } procedure TTest7.UpdateDatabase(Attachment: IAttachment); var Transaction: ITransaction; Statement: IStatement; ResultSet: IResultSet; i,j: integer; ar: IArray; begin Transaction := Attachment.StartTransaction([isc_tpb_write,isc_tpb_nowait,isc_tpb_concurrency],taCommit); Statement := Attachment.Prepare(Transaction,'Select * from TestData'); PrintMetaData(Statement.GetMetaData); Statement := Attachment.PrepareWithNamedParameters(Transaction,sqlInsert); ParamInfo(Statement.GetSQLParams); with Statement.GetSQLParams do begin for i := 0 to GetCount - 1 do writeln(OutFile,'Param Name = ',Params[i].getName); ByName('rowid').AsInteger := 1; ByName('title').AsString := 'Blob Test ©€'; ByName('Notes').AsString := 'Écoute moi'; ByName('Dated').AsDateTime := EncodeDate(2016,4,1) + EncodeTime(9,30,0,100); end; Statement.Execute; Statement := Attachment.Prepare(Transaction,'Select * from TestData'); ReportResults(Statement); Statement := Attachment.PrepareWithNamedParameters(Transaction,sqlUpdate); ParamInfo(Statement.GetSQLParams); Transaction.CommitRetaining; ar := Attachment.CreateArray(Transaction,'TestData','MyArray'); j := 100; for i := 0 to 16 do begin ar.SetAsInteger([i],j); dec(j); end; Statement.SQLParams[0].AsArray := ar; Statement.Execute; Statement := Attachment.Prepare(Transaction,'Select * from TestData'); ReportResults(Statement); ResultSet := Statement.OpenCursor; if Resultset.FetchNext then begin ar := ResultSet.ByName('MyArray').AsArray; ar.SetBounds(0,10,2); writeln(OutFile,'Shrink to 2:10'); WriteArray(ar); end else writeln(OutFile,'Unable to reopen cursor'); {Now update the reduced slice} writeln(OutFile,'Write updated reduced slice'); ar.SetAsInteger([2],1000); Statement := Attachment.PrepareWithNamedParameters(Transaction,sqlUpdate); Statement.SQLParams[0].AsArray := ar; Statement.Execute; writeln(OutFile,'Show update array'); Statement := Attachment.Prepare(Transaction,'Select * from TestData'); ReportResults(Statement); Transaction.Commit; end; function TTest7.TestTitle: string; begin Result := 'Test 7: Create and read back an Array'; end; procedure TTest7.RunTest(CharSet: string; SQLDialect: integer); var DPB: IDPB; Attachment: IAttachment; begin DPB := FirebirdAPI.AllocateDPB; DPB.Add(isc_dpb_user_name).setAsString(Owner.GetUserName); DPB.Add(isc_dpb_password).setAsString(Owner.GetPassword); DPB.Add(isc_dpb_lc_ctype).setAsString(CharSet); DPB.Add(isc_dpb_set_db_SQL_dialect).setAsByte(SQLDialect); Attachment := FirebirdAPI.CreateDatabase(Owner.GetNewDatabaseName,DPB); Attachment.ExecImmediate([isc_tpb_write,isc_tpb_wait,isc_tpb_consistency],sqlCreateTable); UpdateDatabase(Attachment); Attachment.DropDatabase; end; initialization RegisterTest(TTest7); end.