(* * IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express) * * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial Developer's * Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License here: * * http://www.firebirdsql.org/index.php?op=doc&id=idpl * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights * and limitations under the License. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman. * * The Original Code is (C) 2015 Tony Whyman, MWA Software * (http://www.mwasoftware.co.uk). * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * *) unit IBLookupComboEditBox; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, LResources, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, DbCtrls, ExtCtrls, IBSQLParser, DB, StdCtrls, IBCustomDataSet; type {TIBLookupComboEditBox is a TDBLookupComboBox descendent that implements "autocomplete" of typed in text and "autoinsert" of new entries. Autocomplete uses SQL manipulation to revise the available list and restrict it to items that are prefixed by the typed text (either case sensitive or case insenstive). Autoinsert allows a newly typed entry to be added to the list dataset and included in the available list items. } TAutoInsert = procedure(Sender: TObject; aText: string; var NewKeyValue: variant) of object; TCanAutoInsert = procedure (Sender: TObject; aText: string; var Accept: boolean) of object; TIBLookupComboEditBox = class; { TIBLookupComboDataLink } TIBLookupComboDataLink = class(TDataLink) private FOwner: TIBLookupComboEditBox; protected procedure ActiveChanged; override; procedure DataEvent(Event: TDataEvent; Info: Ptrint); override; procedure RecordChanged(Field: TField); override; procedure UpdateData; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TIBLookupComboEditBox); end; { TIBLookupControlLink } TIBLookupControlLink = class(TIBControlLink) private FOwner: TIBLookupComboEditBox; protected procedure UpdateSQL(Sender: TObject); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TIBLookupComboEditBox); end; { TIBLookupComboEditBox } TIBLookupComboEditBox = class(TDBLookupComboBox) private { Private declarations } FDataLink: TIBLookupComboDataLink; FIBLookupControlLink: TIBLookupControlLink; FAutoComplete: boolean; FAutoInsert: boolean; FKeyPressInterval: integer; FOnCanAutoInsert: TCanAutoInsert; FRelationName: string; FTimer: TTimer; FFiltered: boolean; FOnAutoInsert: TAutoInsert; FOriginalTextValue: string; FUpdating: boolean; FInserting: boolean; FExiting: boolean; FForceAutoComplete: boolean; FInCheckAndInsert: boolean; FLastKeyValue: variant; FCurText: string; FModified: boolean; procedure DoActiveChanged(Data: PtrInt); function GetAutoCompleteText: TComboBoxAutoCompleteText; function GetListSource: TDataSource; function GetRelationNameQualifier: string; procedure HandleTimer(Sender: TObject); procedure IBControlLinkChanged; procedure ResetParser; procedure RecordChanged(Sender: TObject; aField: TField); procedure SetAutoCompleteText(AValue: TComboBoxAutoCompleteText); procedure SetListSource(AValue: TDataSource); procedure UpdateList; procedure UpdateSQL(Sender: TObject; Parser: TSelectSQLParser); procedure HandleEnter(Data: PtrInt); procedure UpdateLinkData(Sender: TObject); protected { Protected declarations } procedure ActiveChanged(Sender: TObject); procedure CheckAndInsert; procedure DoEnter; override; procedure DoExit; override; procedure KeyUp(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override; procedure Loaded; override; procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; procedure SetItemIndex(const Val: integer); override; function SQLSafe(aText: string): string; procedure UpdateShowing; override; procedure UpdateData(Sender: TObject); override; public { Public declarations } constructor Create(TheComponent: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure EditingDone; override; published { Published declarations } property AutoInsert: boolean read FAutoInsert write FAutoInsert; property AutoComplete: boolean read FAutoComplete write FAutoComplete default true; property AutoCompleteText: TComboBoxAutoCompleteText read GetAutoCompleteText write SetAutoCompleteText; property ItemHeight; property ItemWidth; property ListSource: TDataSource read GetListSource write SetListSource; property KeyPressInterval: integer read FKeyPressInterval write FKeyPressInterval default 200; property RelationName: string read FRelationName write FRelationName; property OnAutoInsert: TAutoInsert read FOnAutoInsert write FOnAutoInsert; property OnCanAutoInsert: TCanAutoInsert read FOnCanAutoInsert write FOnCanAutoInsert; end; implementation uses LCLType, Variants, LCLProc, LazUTF8; { TIBLookupControlLink } constructor TIBLookupControlLink.Create(AOwner: TIBLookupComboEditBox); begin inherited Create; FOwner := AOwner; end; procedure TIBLookupControlLink.UpdateSQL(Sender: TObject); begin FOwner.UpdateSQL(self,TIBParserDataSet(Sender).Parser) end; { TIBLookupComboDataLink } procedure TIBLookupComboDataLink.ActiveChanged; begin FOwner.ActiveChanged(self) end; procedure TIBLookupComboDataLink.DataEvent(Event: TDataEvent; Info: Ptrint); begin inherited DataEvent(Event, Info); if Event = deLayoutChange then FOwner.LookupCache := FOwner.LookupCache; {sneaky way of calling UpdateLookup} end; procedure TIBLookupComboDataLink.RecordChanged(Field: TField); begin FOwner.RecordChanged(self,Field); end; procedure TIBLookupComboDataLink.UpdateData; begin FOwner.UpdateLinkData(self) end; constructor TIBLookupComboDataLink.Create(AOwner: TIBLookupComboEditBox); begin inherited Create; FOwner := AOwner end; { TIBLookupComboEditBox } procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.HandleTimer(Sender: TObject); begin FTimer.Interval := 0; FFiltered := Text <> ''; UpdateList end; procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.IBControlLinkChanged; begin if (ListSource <> nil) and (ListSource.DataSet <> nil) and (ListSource.DataSet is TIBParserDataSet) then FIBLookupControlLink.IBDataSet := TIBCustomDataSet(ListSource.DataSet) else FIBLookupControlLink.IBDataSet := nil; end; function TIBLookupComboEditBox.GetListSource: TDataSource; begin Result := inherited ListSource; end; function TIBLookupComboEditBox.GetRelationNameQualifier: string; begin if FRelationName <> '' then Result := FRelationName + '.' else Result := '' end; procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.ActiveChanged(Sender: TObject); begin if not FInserting and not FUpdating then Application.QueueAsyncCall(@DoActiveChanged,0); IBControlLinkChanged; end; procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.DoActiveChanged(Data: PtrInt); begin if AppDestroying in Application.Flags then Exit; if (DataSource = nil) and assigned(ListSource) and assigned(ListSource.DataSet) and ListSource.DataSet.Active then begin begin if varIsNull(FLastKeyValue) and (ItemIndex = -1) then KeyValue := ListSource.DataSet.FieldByName(KeyField).AsVariant else begin KeyValue := FLastKeyValue; UpdateData(self); {Force auto scroll} if varIsNull(KeyValue) then {Value not present} Text := ListSource.DataSet.FieldByName(ListField).AsString end; end; end else if (DataSource <> nil) and assigned(DataSource.DataSet) and (DataSource.DataSet.Active) and (DataField <> '') then begin ResetParser; KeyValue := Field.AsVariant; end else Text := ''; FOriginalTextValue := Text; end; function TIBLookupComboEditBox.GetAutoCompleteText: TComboBoxAutoCompleteText; begin Result := inherited AutoCompleteText; if AutoComplete then Result := Result + [cbactEnabled] end; procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.ResetParser; var curKeyValue: variant; begin if FFiltered then begin FFiltered := false; curKeyValue := KeyValue; Text := ''; {Ensure full list} UpdateList; KeyValue := curKeyValue; UpdateData(self); {Force Scroll} end; end; procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.RecordChanged(Sender: TObject; aField: TField); begin {Make sure that we are in sync with other data controls} if DataSource = nil then begin KeyValue := ListSource.DataSet.FieldByName(KeyField).AsVariant; if VarIsNull(KeyValue) then {Probable deletion} begin UpdateList; KeyValue := ListSource.DataSet.FieldByName(KeyField).AsVariant; end; end; end; procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.SetAutoCompleteText( AValue: TComboBoxAutoCompleteText); begin if AValue <> AutoCompleteText then begin FAutoComplete := cbactEnabled in AValue; inherited AutoCompleteText := AValue - [cbactEnabled] end; end; procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.SetListSource(AValue: TDataSource); begin if AValue <> inherited ListSource then begin FDataLink.DataSource := AValue; inherited ListSource := AValue; IBControlLinkChanged; end; end; procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.UpdateList; { Note: Algorithm taken from TCustomComboBox.KeyUp but modified to use the ListSource DataSet as the source for the autocomplete text. It also runs after a delay rather than immediately on keyup } var iSelStart: Integer; // char position sCompleteText, sPrefixText, sResultText: string; begin if assigned(ListSource) and assigned(ListSource.DataSet) and (ListSource.DataSet is TIBCustomDataSet) and ListSource.DataSet.Active then begin FCurText := Text; FUpdating := true; try iSelStart := SelStart;//Capture original cursor position if ((iSelStart < UTF8Length(Text)) and (cbactEndOfLineComplete in AutoCompleteText)) then Exit; sPrefixText := UTF8Copy(Text, 1, iSelStart); ListSource.DataSet.Active := false; ListSource.DataSet.Active := true; Text := FCurText; if not FExiting and (FForceAutoComplete or Focused) and (FCurText <> '')then begin if ListSource.DataSet.Active and (ListSource.DataSet.RecordCount > 0) then begin sCompleteText := ListSource.DataSet.FieldByName(ListField).AsString; if (sCompleteText <> FCurText) then begin sResultText := sCompleteText; if ((cbactEndOfLineComplete in AutoCompleteText) and (cbactRetainPrefixCase in AutoCompleteText)) then begin//Retain Prefix Character cases UTF8Delete(sResultText, 1, iSelStart); UTF8Insert(sPrefixText, sResultText, 1); end; Text := sResultText; SelStart := iSelStart; SelLength := UTF8Length(Text); end; KeyValue := ListSource.DataSet.FieldByName(KeyField).AsVariant; end else begin SelStart := iSelStart; SelLength := 0; end; end; finally FUpdating := false end; FModified := true; end; end; procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.UpdateSQL(Sender: TObject; Parser: TSelectSQLParser); var FieldPosition: integer; FilterText: string; begin if FFiltered then begin if FUpdating then FilterText := FCurText else FilterText := Text; if cbactSearchCaseSensitive in AutoCompleteText then Parser.Add2WhereClause(GetRelationNameQualifier + '"' + ListField + '" Like ''' + SQLSafe(FilterText) + '%''') else Parser.Add2WhereClause('Upper(' + GetRelationNameQualifier + '"' + ListField + '") Like Upper(''' + SQLSafe(FilterText) + '%'')'); if cbactSearchAscending in AutoCompleteText then begin FieldPosition := Parser.GetFieldPosition(ListField); if FieldPosition = 0 then Exit; Parser.OrderByClause := IntToStr(FieldPosition) + ' ascending'; end; end; end; procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.HandleEnter(Data: PtrInt); begin if AppDestroying in Application.Flags then Exit; SelectAll end; procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.UpdateLinkData(Sender: TObject); begin if FInserting then ListSource.DataSet.FieldByName(ListField).AsString := Text end; procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.CheckAndInsert; var Accept: boolean; NewKeyValue: variant; begin if FInCheckAndInsert then Exit; FInCheckAndInsert := true; try if AutoInsert and (Text <> '') and assigned(ListSource) and assigned(ListSource.DataSet) and ListSource.DataSet.Active and (ListSource.DataSet.RecordCount = 0) then try {Is it OK to insert a new list member?} Accept := true; if assigned(FOnCanAutoInsert) then OnCanAutoInsert(self,Text,Accept); if not Accept then begin ResetParser; Text := FOriginalTextValue; SelectAll; Exit; end; FInserting := true; try {New Value} FFiltered := false; if assigned(FOnAutoInsert) then begin {In an OnAutoInsert handler, the client is expected to insert the new row into the List DataSet and to set the KeyValue property to the value of the primary key of the new row.} OnAutoInsert(self,Text,NewKeyValue); end else begin ListSource.DataSet.Append; {The new KeyValue should be determined by an external generator or in the "OnInsert" handler. If it is the same as the ListField, then it will be set from the UpdateLinkData method} try ListSource.DataSet.Post; except ListSource.DataSet.Cancel; raise; end; NewKeyValue := ListSource.DataSet.FieldByName(KeyField).AsVariant; end; Text := ''; {Ensure full list} UpdateList; KeyValue := NewKeyValue; UpdateData(nil); {Force sync with DataField} finally FInserting := false end; except Text := FOriginalTextValue; ResetParser; raise; end; finally FInCheckAndInsert := false end; end; procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.DoEnter; begin inherited DoEnter; FOriginalTextValue:= Text; ResetParser; Application.QueueAsyncCall(@HandleEnter,0); end; procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.DoExit; begin if FTimer.Interval <> 0 then HandleTimer(nil); FExiting := true; try CheckAndInsert; ResetParser; FTimer.Interval := 0; finally FExiting := false; end; inherited DoExit; end; procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.KeyUp(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin inherited KeyUp(Key, Shift); if Key = VK_RETURN then EditingDone else if Key = VK_ESCAPE then begin SelStart := UTF8Length(Text); {Ensure end of line selection} ResetParser; Text := FOriginalTextValue; SelectAll; end else begin FTimer.Interval := 0; if (IsEditableTextKey(Key) or (Key = VK_BACK)) and AutoComplete and (Style <> csDropDownList) and (not (cbactEndOfLineComplete in AutoCompleteText) or (SelStart = UTF8Length(Text))) then FTimer.Interval := FKeyPressInterval; end; end; procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.Loaded; begin inherited Loaded; IBControlLinkChanged; end; procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); begin inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation); if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = DataSource) then ListSource := nil; end; procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.SetItemIndex(const Val: integer); begin inherited SetItemIndex(Val); FLastKeyValue := KeyValue; end; function TIBLookupComboEditBox.SQLSafe(aText: string): string; var I: integer; begin Result := ''; for I := 1 to length(aText) do if aText[I] = '''' then Result := Result + '''''' else Result := Result + aText[I]; end; procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.UpdateShowing; begin inherited UpdateShowing; if Showing then {Ensure up-to-date as we were ignoring any changes} ActiveChanged(nil); end; procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.UpdateData(Sender: TObject); begin inherited UpdateData(Sender); FModified := false; end; constructor TIBLookupComboEditBox.Create(TheComponent: TComponent); begin inherited Create(TheComponent); FDataLink := TIBLookupComboDataLink.Create(self); FIBLookupControlLink := TIBLookupControlLink.Create(self); FKeyPressInterval := 200; FAutoComplete := true; FTimer := TTimer.Create(nil); FTimer.Interval := 0; FTimer.OnTimer := @HandleTimer; FLastKeyValue := NULL; end; destructor TIBLookupComboEditBox.Destroy; begin if assigned(FDataLink) then FDataLink.Free; if assigned(FIBLookupControlLink) then FIBLookupControlLink.Free; if assigned(FTimer) then FTimer.Free; Application.RemoveAsyncCalls(self); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TIBLookupComboEditBox.EditingDone; begin FForceAutoComplete := true; try if FTimer.Interval <> 0 then HandleTimer(nil); finally FForceAutoComplete := false; end; CheckAndInsert; if FModified then Change; {ensure Update} inherited EditingDone; end; end.