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Revision: 21
Committed: Thu Feb 26 10:33:34 2015 UTC (9 years, 1 month ago) by tony
Content type: text/x-pascal
File size: 15171 byte(s)
Log Message:
Committing updates for Release R1-2-0

File Contents

# Content
1 {************************************************************************}
2 { }
3 { Borland Delphi Visual Component Library }
4 { InterBase Express core components }
5 { }
6 { Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Inprise Corporation }
7 { }
8 { InterBase Express is based in part on the product }
9 { Free IB Components, written by Gregory H. Deatz for }
10 { Hoagland, Longo, Moran, Dunst & Doukas Company. }
11 { Free IB Components is used under license. }
12 { }
13 { The contents of this file are subject to the InterBase }
14 { Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not }
15 { use this file except in compliance with the License. You }
16 { may obtain a copy of the License at }
17 { Software distributed under the License is distributed on }
18 { an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either }
19 { express or implied. See the License for the specific language }
20 { governing rights and limitations under the License. }
21 { The Original Code was created by InterBase Software Corporation }
22 { and its successors. }
23 { Portions created by Inprise Corporation are Copyright (C) Inprise }
24 { Corporation. All Rights Reserved. }
25 { Contributor(s): Jeff Overcash }
26 { }
27 { IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express) }
28 { Contributor: Tony Whyman, MWA Software }
29 { Portions created by MWA Software are copyright McCallum Whyman }
30 { Associates Ltd 2011 }
31 { }
32 {************************************************************************}
34 unit IB;
36 {$Mode Delphi}
38 interface
40 uses
42 Windows,
43 {$ELSE}
44 unix,
45 {$ENDIF}
46 SysUtils, Classes, IBExternals, IBUtils, DB, IBXConst;
48 type
49 TTraceFlag = (tfQPrepare, tfQExecute, tfQFetch, tfError, tfStmt, tfConnect,
50 tfTransact, tfBlob, tfService, tfMisc);
51 TTraceFlags = set of TTraceFlag;
53 EIBError = class(EDatabaseError)
54 private
55 FSQLCode: Long;
56 FIBErrorCode: Long;
57 public
58 constructor Create(ASQLCode: Long; Msg: string); overload;
59 constructor Create(ASQLCode: Long; AIBErrorCode: Long; Msg: string); overload;
60 property SQLCode: Long read FSQLCode;
61 property IBErrorCode: Long read FIBErrorCode;
62 end;
64 EIBInterBaseError = class(EIBError);
65 EIBClientError = class(EIBError);
67 TIBDataBaseErrorMessage = (ShowSQLCode,
68 ShowIBMessage,
69 ShowSQLMessage);
70 TIBDataBaseErrorMessages = set of TIBDataBaseErrorMessage;
71 TIBClientError = (
72 ibxeUnknownError,
73 ibxeInterBaseMissing,
74 ibxeInterBaseInstallMissing,
75 ibxeIB60feature,
76 ibxeNotSupported,
77 ibxeNotPermitted,
78 ibxeFileAccessError,
79 ibxeConnectionTimeout,
80 ibxeCannotSetDatabase,
81 ibxeCannotSetTransaction,
82 ibxeOperationCancelled,
83 ibxeDPBConstantNotSupported,
84 ibxeDPBConstantUnknown,
85 ibxeTPBConstantNotSupported,
86 ibxeTPBConstantUnknown,
87 ibxeDatabaseClosed,
88 ibxeDatabaseOpen,
89 ibxeDatabaseNameMissing,
90 ibxeNotInTransaction,
91 ibxeInTransaction,
92 ibxeTimeoutNegative,
93 ibxeNoDatabasesInTransaction,
94 ibxeUpdateWrongDB,
95 ibxeUpdateWrongTR,
96 ibxeDatabaseNotAssigned,
97 ibxeTransactionNotAssigned,
98 ibxeXSQLDAIndexOutOfRange,
99 ibxeXSQLDANameDoesNotExist,
100 ibxeEOF,
101 ibxeBOF,
102 ibxeInvalidStatementHandle,
103 ibxeSQLOpen,
104 ibxeSQLClosed,
105 ibxeDatasetOpen,
106 ibxeDatasetClosed,
107 ibxeUnknownSQLDataType,
108 ibxeInvalidColumnIndex,
109 ibxeInvalidParamColumnIndex,
110 ibxeInvalidDataConversion,
111 ibxeColumnIsNotNullable,
112 ibxeBlobCannotBeRead,
113 ibxeBlobCannotBeWritten,
114 ibxeEmptyQuery,
115 ibxeCannotOpenNonSQLSelect,
116 ibxeNoFieldAccess,
117 ibxeFieldReadOnly,
118 ibxeFieldNotFound,
119 ibxeNotEditing,
120 ibxeCannotInsert,
121 ibxeCannotPost,
122 ibxeCannotUpdate,
123 ibxeCannotDelete,
124 ibxeCannotRefresh,
125 ibxeBufferNotSet,
126 ibxeCircularReference,
127 ibxeSQLParseError,
128 ibxeUserAbort,
129 ibxeDataSetUniDirectional,
130 ibxeCannotCreateSharedResource,
131 ibxeWindowsAPIError,
132 ibxeColumnListsDontMatch,
133 ibxeColumnTypesDontMatch,
134 ibxeCantEndSharedTransaction,
135 ibxeFieldUnsupportedType,
136 ibxeCircularDataLink,
137 ibxeEmptySQLStatement,
138 ibxeIsASelectStatement,
139 ibxeRequiredParamNotSet,
140 ibxeNoStoredProcName,
141 ibxeIsAExecuteProcedure,
142 ibxeUpdateFailed,
143 ibxeNotCachedUpdates,
144 ibxeNotLiveRequest,
145 ibxeNoProvider,
146 ibxeNoRecordsAffected,
147 ibxeNoTableName,
148 ibxeCannotCreatePrimaryIndex,
149 ibxeCannotDropSystemIndex,
150 ibxeTableNameMismatch,
151 ibxeIndexFieldMissing,
152 ibxeInvalidCancellation,
153 ibxeInvalidEvent,
154 ibxeMaximumEvents,
155 ibxeNoEventsRegistered,
156 ibxeInvalidQueueing,
157 ibxeInvalidRegistration,
158 ibxeInvalidBatchMove,
159 ibxeSQLDialectInvalid,
160 ibxeSPBConstantNotSupported,
161 ibxeSPBConstantUnknown,
162 ibxeServiceActive,
163 ibxeServiceInActive,
164 ibxeServerNameMissing,
165 ibxeQueryParamsError,
166 ibxeStartParamsError,
167 ibxeOutputParsingError,
168 ibxeUseSpecificProcedures,
169 ibxeSQLMonitorAlreadyPresent,
170 ibxeCantPrintValue,
171 ibxeEOFReached,
172 ibxeEOFInComment,
173 ibxeEOFInString,
174 ibxeParamNameExpected,
175 ibxeSuccess,
176 ibxeDelphiException,
177 ibxeNoOptionsSet,
178 ibxeNoDestinationDirectory,
179 ibxeNosourceDirectory,
180 ibxeNoUninstallFile,
181 ibxeOptionNeedsClient,
182 ibxeOptionNeedsServer,
183 ibxeInvalidOption,
184 ibxeInvalidOnErrorResult,
185 ibxeInvalidOnStatusResult,
186 ibxeDPBConstantUnknownEx,
187 ibxeTPBConstantUnknownEx,
188 ibxeSV5APIError,
189 ibxeThreadFailed,
190 ibxeFieldSizeError,
191 ibxTransactionNotEnding
192 );
194 TStatusVector = array[0..19] of ISC_STATUS;
195 PStatusVector = ^TStatusVector;
198 const
199 IBPalette1 = 'Firebird'; {do not localize}
200 IBPalette2 = 'Firebird Admin'; {do not localize}
201 IBPalette3 = 'Firebird Data Controls'; {do not localize}
203 IBLocalBufferLength = 512;
204 IBBigLocalBufferLength = IBLocalBufferLength * 2;
205 IBHugeLocalBufferLength = IBBigLocalBufferLength * 20;
207 IBErrorMessages: array[TIBClientError] of string = (
208 SUnknownError,
209 SInterBaseMissing,
210 SInterBaseInstallMissing,
211 SIB60feature,
212 SNotSupported,
213 SNotPermitted,
214 SFileAccessError,
215 SConnectionTimeout,
216 SCannotSetDatabase,
217 SCannotSetTransaction,
218 SOperationCancelled,
219 SDPBConstantNotSupported,
220 SDPBConstantUnknown,
221 STPBConstantNotSupported,
222 STPBConstantUnknown,
223 SDatabaseClosed,
224 SDatabaseOpen,
225 SDatabaseNameMissing,
226 SNotInTransaction,
227 SInTransaction,
228 STimeoutNegative,
229 SNoDatabasesInTransaction,
230 SUpdateWrongDB,
231 SUpdateWrongTR,
232 SDatabaseNotAssigned,
233 STransactionNotAssigned,
234 SXSQLDAIndexOutOfRange,
235 SXSQLDANameDoesNotExist,
236 SEOF,
237 SBOF,
238 SInvalidStatementHandle,
239 SSQLOpen,
240 SSQLClosed,
241 SDatasetOpen,
242 SDatasetClosed,
243 SUnknownSQLDataType,
244 SInvalidColumnIndex,
245 SInvalidParamColumnIndex,
246 SInvalidDataConversion,
247 SColumnIsNotNullable,
248 SBlobCannotBeRead,
249 SBlobCannotBeWritten,
250 SEmptyQuery,
251 SCannotOpenNonSQLSelect,
252 SNoFieldAccess,
253 SFieldReadOnly,
254 SFieldNotFound,
255 SNotEditing,
256 SCannotInsert,
257 SCannotPost,
258 SCannotUpdate,
259 SCannotDelete,
260 SCannotRefresh,
261 SBufferNotSet,
262 SCircularReference,
263 SSQLParseError,
264 SUserAbort,
265 SDataSetUniDirectional,
266 SCannotCreateSharedResource,
267 SWindowsAPIError,
268 SColumnListsDontMatch,
269 SColumnTypesDontMatch,
270 SCantEndSharedTransaction,
271 SFieldUnsupportedType,
272 SCircularDataLink,
273 SEmptySQLStatement,
274 SIsASelectStatement,
275 SRequiredParamNotSet,
276 SNoStoredProcName,
277 SIsAExecuteProcedure,
278 SUpdateFailed,
279 SNotCachedUpdates,
280 SNotLiveRequest,
281 SNoProvider,
282 SNoRecordsAffected,
283 SNoTableName,
284 SCannotCreatePrimaryIndex,
285 SCannotDropSystemIndex,
286 STableNameMismatch,
287 SIndexFieldMissing,
288 SInvalidCancellation,
289 SInvalidEvent,
290 SMaximumEvents,
291 SNoEventsRegistered,
292 SInvalidQueueing,
293 SInvalidRegistration,
294 SInvalidBatchMove,
295 SSQLDialectInvalid,
296 SSPBConstantNotSupported,
297 SSPBConstantUnknown,
298 SServiceActive,
299 SServiceInActive,
300 SServerNameMissing,
301 SQueryParamsError,
302 SStartParamsError,
303 SOutputParsingError,
304 SUseSpecificProcedures,
305 SSQLMonitorAlreadyPresent,
306 SCantPrintValue,
307 SEOFReached,
308 SEOFInComment,
309 SEOFInString,
310 SParamNameExpected,
311 SSuccess,
312 SDelphiException,
313 SNoOptionsSet,
314 SNoDestinationDirectory,
315 SNosourceDirectory,
316 SNoUninstallFile,
317 SOptionNeedsClient,
318 SOptionNeedsServer,
319 SInvalidOption,
320 SInvalidOnErrorResult,
321 SInvalidOnStatusResult,
322 SDPBConstantUnknownEx,
323 STPBConstantUnknownEx,
324 SSV5APIError,
325 SThreadFailed,
326 SFieldSizeError,
327 STransactionNotEnding
328 );
330 var
331 IBCS: TRTLCriticalSection;
333 procedure IBAlloc(var P; OldSize, NewSize: Integer);
335 procedure IBError(ErrMess: TIBClientError; const Args: array of const);
336 procedure IBDataBaseError;
338 function StatusVector: PISC_STATUS;
339 function StatusVectorArray: PStatusVector;
340 function CheckStatusVector(ErrorCodes: array of ISC_STATUS): Boolean;
341 function StatusVectorAsText: string;
343 procedure SetIBDataBaseErrorMessages(Value: TIBDataBaseErrorMessages);
344 function GetIBDataBaseErrorMessages: TIBDataBaseErrorMessages;
346 implementation
348 uses
349 IBIntf;
351 var
352 IBDataBaseErrorMessages: TIBDataBaseErrorMessages;
353 threadvar
354 FStatusVector : TStatusVector;
356 procedure IBAlloc(var P; OldSize, NewSize: Integer);
357 var
358 i: Integer;
359 begin
360 ReallocMem(Pointer(P), NewSize);
361 for i := OldSize to NewSize - 1 do PChar(P)[i] := #0;
362 end;
364 procedure IBError(ErrMess: TIBClientError; const Args: array of const);
365 begin
366 raise EIBClientError.Create(Ord(ErrMess),
367 Format(IBErrorMessages[ErrMess], Args));
368 end;
370 procedure IBDataBaseError;
371 var
372 sqlcode: Long;
373 IBErrorCode: Long;
374 local_buffer: array[0..IBHugeLocalBufferLength - 1] of char;
375 usr_msg: string;
376 status_vector: PISC_STATUS;
377 IBDataBaseErrorMessages: TIBDataBaseErrorMessages;
378 begin
379 usr_msg := '';
381 { Get a local reference to the status vector.
382 Get a local copy of the IBDataBaseErrorMessages options.
383 Get the SQL error code }
384 status_vector := StatusVector;
385 IBErrorCode := StatusVectorArray[1];
386 IBDataBaseErrorMessages := GetIBDataBaseErrorMessages;
387 sqlcode := isc_sqlcode(status_vector);
389 if (ShowSQLCode in IBDataBaseErrorMessages) then
390 usr_msg := usr_msg + 'SQLCODE: ' + IntToStr(sqlcode); {do not localize}
391 Exclude(IBDataBaseErrorMessages, ShowSQLMessage);
392 if (ShowSQLMessage in IBDataBaseErrorMessages) then
393 begin
394 isc_sql_interprete(sqlcode, local_buffer, IBLocalBufferLength);
395 if (ShowSQLCode in IBDataBaseErrorMessages) then
396 usr_msg := usr_msg + CRLF;
397 usr_msg := usr_msg + strpas(local_buffer);
398 end;
400 if (ShowIBMessage in IBDataBaseErrorMessages) then
401 begin
402 if (ShowSQLCode in IBDataBaseErrorMessages) or
403 (ShowSQLMessage in IBDataBaseErrorMessages) then
404 usr_msg := usr_msg + CRLF;
405 while (isc_interprete(local_buffer, @status_vector) > 0) do
406 begin
407 if (usr_msg <> '') and (usr_msg[Length(usr_msg)] <> LF) then
408 usr_msg := usr_msg + CRLF;
409 usr_msg := usr_msg + strpas(local_buffer);
410 end;
411 end;
412 if (usr_msg <> '') and (usr_msg[Length(usr_msg)] = '.') then
413 Delete(usr_msg, Length(usr_msg), 1);
414 raise EIBInterBaseError.Create(sqlcode, IBErrorCode, usr_msg);
415 end;
417 { Return the status vector for the current thread }
418 function StatusVector: PISC_STATUS;
419 begin
420 result := @FStatusVector;
421 end;
423 function StatusVectorArray: PStatusVector;
424 begin
425 result := @FStatusVector;
426 end;
428 function CheckStatusVector(ErrorCodes: array of ISC_STATUS): Boolean;
429 var
431 i: Integer;
432 procedure NextP(i: Integer);
433 begin
434 p := PISC_STATUS(PChar(p) + (i * SizeOf(ISC_STATUS)));
435 end;
436 begin
437 p := @FStatusVector;
438 result := False;
439 while (p^ <> 0) and (not result) do
440 case p^ of
441 3: NextP(3);
442 1, 4:
443 begin
444 NextP(1);
445 i := 0;
446 while (i <= High(ErrorCodes)) and (not result) do
447 begin
448 result := p^ = ErrorCodes[i];
449 Inc(i);
450 end;
451 NextP(1);
452 end;
453 else
454 NextP(2);
455 end;
456 end;
458 function StatusVectorAsText: string;
459 var
461 function NextP(i: Integer): PISC_STATUS;
462 begin
463 p := PISC_STATUS(PChar(p) + (i * SizeOf(ISC_STATUS)));
464 result := p;
465 end;
466 begin
467 p := @FStatusVector;
468 result := '';
469 while (p^ <> 0) do
470 if (p^ = 3) then
471 begin
472 result := result + Format('%d %d %d', [p^, NextP(1)^, NextP(1)^]) + CRLF;
473 NextP(1);
474 end
475 else begin
476 result := result + Format('%d %d', [p^, NextP(1)^]) + CRLF;
477 NextP(1);
478 end;
479 end;
482 { EIBError }
483 constructor EIBError.Create(ASQLCode: Long; Msg: string);
484 begin
485 inherited Create(Msg);
486 FSQLCode := ASQLCode;
487 end;
489 constructor EIBError.Create(ASQLCode: Long; AIBErrorCode: Long; Msg: string);
490 begin
491 inherited Create(Msg);
492 FSQLCode := ASQLCode;
493 FIBErrorCode := AIBErrorCode;
494 end;
496 procedure SetIBDataBaseErrorMessages(Value: TIBDataBaseErrorMessages);
497 begin
498 EnterCriticalSection(IBCS);
499 try
500 IBDataBaseErrorMessages := Value;
501 finally
502 LeaveCriticalSection(IBCS);
503 end;
504 end;
506 function GetIBDataBaseErrorMessages: TIBDataBaseErrorMessages;
507 begin
508 EnterCriticalSection(IBCS);
509 try
510 result := IBDataBaseErrorMessages;
511 finally
512 LeaveCriticalSection(IBCS);
513 end;
514 end;
516 initialization
517 // IsMultiThread := True;
518 InitCriticalSection(IBCS);
519 IBDataBaseErrorMessages := [ShowSQLMessage, ShowIBMessage];
521 finalization
522 DoneCriticalSection(IBCS);
524 end.