{************************************************************************} { } { Borland Delphi Visual Component Library } { InterBase Express core components } { } { Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Inprise Corporation } { } { InterBase Express is based in part on the product } { Free IB Components, written by Gregory H. Deatz for } { Hoagland, Longo, Moran, Dunst & Doukas Company. } { Free IB Components is used under license. } { } { The contents of this file are subject to the InterBase } { Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not } { use this file except in compliance with the License. You } { may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html } { Software distributed under the License is distributed on } { an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either } { express or implied. See the License for the specific language } { governing rights and limitations under the License. } { Portions created by Inprise Corporation are Copyright (C) Inprise } { Corporation. All Rights Reserved. } { Contributor(s): Jeff Overcash } { } { IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express) } { Contributor: Tony Whyman, MWA Software http://www.mwasoftware.co.uk } { Portions created by MWA Software are copyright McCallum Whyman } { Associates Ltd 2011 } { } {************************************************************************} unit IBDatabaseInfo; {$Mode Delphi} interface uses SysUtils, Classes, IBHeader, IBExternals, IB, IBDatabase; type TIBDatabaseInfo = class(TComponent) protected FIBLoaded: Boolean; FDatabase: TIBDatabase; FUserNames : TStringList; FBackoutCount: TStringList; FDeleteCount: TStringList; FExpungeCount: TStringList; FInsertCount: TStringList; FPurgeCount: TStringList; FReadIdxCount: TStringList; FReadSeqCount: TStringList; FUpdateCount: TStringList; function GetAllocation: Long; function GetBaseLevel: Long; function GetDBFileName: String; function GetDBSiteName: String; function GetDBImplementationNo: Long; function GetDBImplementationClass: Long; function GetNoReserve: Long; function GetODSMinorVersion: Long; function GetODSMajorVersion: Long; function GetPageSize: Long; function GetVersion: String; function GetCurrentMemory: Long; function GetForcedWrites: Long; function GetMaxMemory: Long; function GetNumBuffers: Long; function GetSweepInterval: Long; function GetUserNames: TStringList; function GetFetches: Long; function GetMarks: Long; function GetReads: Long; function GetWrites: Long; function GetBackoutCount: TStringList; function GetDeleteCount: TStringList; function GetExpungeCount: TStringList; function GetInsertCount: TStringList; function GetPurgeCount: TStringList; function GetReadIdxCount: TStringList; function GetReadSeqCount: TStringList; function GetUpdateCount: TStringList; function GetOperationCounts(DBInfoCommand: Integer; FOperation: TStringList): TStringList; function GetReadOnly: Long; function GetStringDatabaseInfo(DatabaseInfoCommand: Integer): String; function GetDBSQLDialect: Long; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; function Call(ErrCode: ISC_STATUS; RaiseError: Boolean): ISC_STATUS; function GetLongDatabaseInfo(DatabaseInfoCommand: Integer): Long; property Allocation: Long read GetAllocation; property BaseLevel: Long read GetBaseLevel; property DBFileName: String read GetDBFileName; property DBSiteName: String read GetDBSiteName; property DBImplementationNo: Long read GetDBImplementationNo; property DBImplementationClass: Long read GetDBImplementationClass; property NoReserve: Long read GetNoReserve; property ODSMinorVersion: Long read GetODSMinorVersion; property ODSMajorVersion: Long read GetODSMajorVersion; property PageSize: Long read GetPageSize; property Version: String read GetVersion; property CurrentMemory: Long read GetCurrentMemory; property ForcedWrites: Long read GetForcedWrites; property MaxMemory: Long read GetMaxMemory; property NumBuffers: Long read GetNumBuffers; property SweepInterval: Long read GetSweepInterval; property UserNames: TStringList read GetUserNames; property Fetches: Long read GetFetches; property Marks: Long read GetMarks; property Reads: Long read GetReads; property Writes: Long read GetWrites; property BackoutCount: TStringList read GetBackoutCount; property DeleteCount: TStringList read GetDeleteCount; property ExpungeCount: TStringList read GetExpungeCount; property InsertCount: TStringList read GetInsertCount; property PurgeCount: TStringList read GetPurgeCount; property ReadIdxCount: TStringList read GetReadIdxCount; property ReadSeqCount: TStringList read GetReadSeqCount; property UpdateCount: TStringList read GetUpdateCount; property DBSQLDialect : Long read GetDBSQLDialect; property ReadOnly: Long read GetReadOnly; published property Database: TIBDatabase read FDatabase write FDatabase; end; implementation uses IBIntf; { TIBDatabaseInfo } constructor TIBDatabaseInfo.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FIBLoaded := False; CheckIBLoaded; FIBLoaded := True; FUserNames := TStringList.Create; FBackoutCount := nil; FDeleteCount := nil; FExpungeCount := nil; FInsertCount := nil; FPurgeCount := nil; FReadIdxCount := nil; FReadSeqCount := nil; FUpdateCount := nil; end; destructor TIBDatabaseInfo.Destroy; begin if FIBLoaded then begin FUserNames.Free; FBackoutCount.Free; FDeleteCount.Free; FExpungeCount.Free; FInsertCount.Free; FPurgeCount.Free; FReadIdxCount.Free; FReadSeqCount.Free; FUpdateCount.Free; end; inherited Destroy; end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.Call(ErrCode: ISC_STATUS; RaiseError: Boolean): ISC_STATUS; begin result := ErrCode; if RaiseError and (ErrCode > 0) then IBDataBaseError; end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetAllocation: Long; begin result := GetLongDatabaseInfo(isc_info_allocation); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetBaseLevel: Long; var local_buffer: array[0..IBLocalBufferLength - 1] of Char; DatabaseInfoCommand: Char; begin DatabaseInfoCommand := Char(isc_info_base_level); Call(isc_database_info(StatusVector, @FDatabase.Handle, 1, @DatabaseInfoCommand, IBLocalBufferLength, local_buffer), True); result := isc_vax_integer(@local_buffer[4], 1); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetDBFileName: String; var local_buffer: array[0..IBLocalBufferLength - 1] of Char; DatabaseInfoCommand: Char; begin DatabaseInfoCommand := Char(isc_info_db_id); Call(isc_database_info(StatusVector, @FDatabase.Handle, 1, @DatabaseInfoCommand, IBLocalBufferLength, local_buffer), True); local_buffer[5 + Int(local_buffer[4])] := #0; result := String(PChar(@local_buffer[5])); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetDBSiteName: String; var local_buffer: array[0..IBBigLocalBufferLength - 1] of Char; p: PChar; DatabaseInfoCommand: Char; begin DatabaseInfoCommand := Char(isc_info_db_id); Call(isc_database_info(StatusVector, @FDatabase.Handle, 1, @DatabaseInfoCommand, IBLocalBufferLength, local_buffer), True); p := @local_buffer[5 + Int(local_buffer[4])]; { DBSiteName Length } p := p + Int(p^) + 1; { End of DBSiteName } p^ := #0; { Null it } result := String(PChar(@local_buffer[6 + Int(local_buffer[4])])); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetDBImplementationNo: Long; var local_buffer: array[0..IBLocalBufferLength - 1] of Char; DatabaseInfoCommand: Char; begin DatabaseInfoCommand := Char(isc_info_implementation); Call(isc_database_info(StatusVector, @FDatabase.Handle, 1, @DatabaseInfoCommand, IBLocalBufferLength, local_buffer), True); result := isc_vax_integer(@local_buffer[3], 1); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetDBImplementationClass: Long; var local_buffer: array[0..IBLocalBufferLength - 1] of Char; DatabaseInfoCommand: Char; begin DatabaseInfoCommand := Char(isc_info_implementation); Call(isc_database_info(StatusVector, @FDatabase.Handle, 1, @DatabaseInfoCommand, IBLocalBufferLength, local_buffer), True); result := isc_vax_integer(@local_buffer[4], 1); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetNoReserve: Long; begin result := GetLongDatabaseInfo(isc_info_no_reserve); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetODSMinorVersion: Long; begin result := GetLongDatabaseInfo(isc_info_ods_minor_version); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetODSMajorVersion: Long; begin result := GetLongDatabaseInfo(isc_info_ods_version); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetPageSize: Long; begin result := GetLongDatabaseInfo(isc_info_page_size); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetVersion: String; var local_buffer: array[0..IBBigLocalBufferLength - 1] of Char; DatabaseInfoCommand: Char; begin DatabaseInfoCommand := Char(isc_info_version); Call(isc_database_info(StatusVector, @FDatabase.Handle, 1, @DatabaseInfoCommand, IBBigLocalBufferLength, local_buffer), True); local_buffer[5 + Int(local_buffer[4])] := #0; result := String(PChar(@local_buffer[5])); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetCurrentMemory: Long; begin result := GetLongDatabaseInfo(isc_info_current_memory); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetForcedWrites: Long; begin result := GetLongDatabaseInfo(isc_info_forced_writes); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetMaxMemory: Long; begin result := GetLongDatabaseInfo(isc_info_max_memory); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetNumBuffers: Long; begin result := GetLongDatabaseInfo(isc_info_num_buffers); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetSweepInterval: Long; begin result := GetLongDatabaseInfo(isc_info_sweep_interval); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetUserNames: TStringList; var local_buffer: array[0..IBHugeLocalBufferLength - 1] of Char; temp_buffer: array[0..IBLocalBufferLength - 2] of Char; DatabaseInfoCommand: Char; i, user_length: Integer; begin result := FUserNames; DatabaseInfoCommand := Char(isc_info_user_names); Call(isc_database_info(StatusVector, @FDatabase.Handle, 1, @DatabaseInfoCommand, IBHugeLocalBufferLength, local_buffer), True); FUserNames.Clear; i := 0; while local_buffer[i] = Char(isc_info_user_names) do begin Inc(i, 3); { skip "isc_info_user_names byte" & two unknown bytes of structure (see below) } user_length := Long(local_buffer[i]); Inc(i,1); Move(local_buffer[i], temp_buffer[0], user_length); Inc(i, user_length); temp_buffer[user_length] := #0; FUserNames.Add(String(temp_buffer)); end; end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetFetches: Long; begin result := GetLongDatabaseInfo(isc_info_fetches); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetMarks: Long; begin result := GetLongDatabaseInfo(isc_info_marks); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetReads: Long; begin result := GetLongDatabaseInfo(isc_info_reads); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetWrites: Long; begin result := GetLongDatabaseInfo(isc_info_writes); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetOperationCounts(DBInfoCommand: Integer; FOperation: TStringList): TStringList; var local_buffer: array[0..IBHugeLocalBufferLength - 1] of Char; DatabaseInfoCommand: Char; i, qtd_tables, id_table, qtd_operations: Integer; begin if FOperation = nil then FOperation := TStringList.Create; result := FOperation; DatabaseInfoCommand := Char(DBInfoCommand); Call(isc_database_info(StatusVector, @FDatabase.Handle, 1, @DatabaseInfoCommand, IBHugeLocalBufferLength, local_buffer), True); FOperation.Clear; { 1. 1 byte specifying the item type requested (e.g., isc_info_insert_count). 2. 2 bytes telling how many bytes compose the subsequent value pairs. 3. A pair of values for each table in the database on wich the requested type of operation has occurred since the database was last attached. Each pair consists of: 1. 2 bytes specifying the table ID. 2. 4 bytes listing the number of operations (e.g., inserts) done on that table. } qtd_tables := trunc(isc_vax_integer(@local_buffer[1],2)/6); for i := 0 to qtd_tables - 1 do begin id_table := isc_vax_integer(@local_buffer[3+(i*6)],2); qtd_operations := isc_vax_integer(@local_buffer[5+(i*6)],4); FOperation.Add(IntToStr(id_table)+'='+IntToStr(qtd_operations)); end; end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetBackoutCount: TStringList; begin result := GetOperationCounts(isc_info_backout_count,FBackoutCount); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetDeleteCount: TStringList; begin result := GetOperationCounts(isc_info_delete_count,FDeleteCount); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetExpungeCount: TStringList; begin result := GetOperationCounts(isc_info_expunge_count,FExpungeCount); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetInsertCount: TStringList; begin result := GetOperationCounts(isc_info_insert_count,FInsertCount); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetPurgeCount: TStringList; begin result := GetOperationCounts(isc_info_purge_count,FPurgeCount); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetReadIdxCount: TStringList; begin result := GetOperationCounts(isc_info_read_idx_count,FReadIdxCount); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetReadSeqCount: TStringList; begin result := GetOperationCounts(isc_info_read_seq_count,FReadSeqCount); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetUpdateCount: TStringList; begin result := GetOperationCounts(isc_info_update_count,FUpdateCount); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetReadOnly: Long; begin result := GetLongDatabaseInfo(isc_info_db_read_only); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetLongDatabaseInfo(DatabaseInfoCommand: Integer): Long; var local_buffer: array[0..IBLocalBufferLength - 1] of Char; length: Integer; _DatabaseInfoCommand: Char; begin _DatabaseInfoCommand := Char(DatabaseInfoCommand); Call(isc_database_info(StatusVector, @FDatabase.Handle, 1, @_DatabaseInfoCommand, IBLocalBufferLength, local_buffer), True); length := isc_vax_integer(@local_buffer[1], 2); result := isc_vax_integer(@local_buffer[3], length); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetStringDatabaseInfo(DatabaseInfoCommand: Integer): String; var local_buffer: array[0..IBBigLocalBufferLength - 1] of Char; _DatabaseInfoCommand: Char; begin _DatabaseInfoCommand := Char(DatabaseInfoCommand); Call(isc_database_info(StatusVector, @FDatabase.Handle, 1, @_DatabaseInfoCommand, IBBigLocalBufferLength, local_buffer), True); local_buffer[4 + Int(local_buffer[3])] := #0; result := String(PChar(@local_buffer[4])); end; function TIBDatabaseInfo.GetDBSQLDialect: Integer; var local_buffer: array[0..IBLocalBufferLength - 1] of Char; length: Integer; DatabaseInfoCommand: Char; begin DatabaseInfoCommand := Char(isc_info_db_SQL_Dialect); Call(isc_database_info(StatusVector, @FDatabase.Handle, 1, @DatabaseInfoCommand, IBLocalBufferLength, local_buffer), True); if (local_buffer[0] <> Char(isc_info_db_SQL_dialect)) then result := 1 else begin length := isc_vax_integer(@local_buffer[1], 2); result := isc_vax_integer(@local_buffer[3], length); end; end; end.