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Revision: 33
Committed: Sat Jul 18 12:30:52 2015 UTC (8 years, 9 months ago) by tony
Content type: text/x-pascal
File size: 21711 byte(s)
Log Message:
Committing updates for Release R1-3-1

File Contents

# Content
1 {************************************************************************}
2 { }
3 { Borland Delphi Visual Component Library }
4 { InterBase Express core components }
5 { }
6 { Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Inprise Corporation }
7 { }
8 { InterBase Express is based in part on the product }
9 { Free IB Components, written by Gregory H. Deatz for }
10 { Hoagland, Longo, Moran, Dunst & Doukas Company. }
11 { Free IB Components is used under license. }
12 { }
13 { The contents of this file are subject to the InterBase }
14 { Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not }
15 { use this file except in compliance with the License. You }
16 { may obtain a copy of the License at }
17 { Software distributed under the License is distributed on }
18 { an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either }
19 { express or implied. See the License for the specific language }
20 { governing rights and limitations under the License. }
21 { The Original Code was created by InterBase Software Corporation }
22 { and its successors. }
23 { Portions created by Inprise Corporation are Copyright (C) Inprise }
24 { Corporation. All Rights Reserved. }
25 { Contributor(s): Jeff Overcash }
26 { }
27 { IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express) }
28 { Contributor: Tony Whyman, MWA Software }
29 { Portions created by MWA Software are copyright McCallum Whyman }
30 { Associates Ltd 2011 }
31 { }
32 {************************************************************************}
34 unit IBIntf;
36 {$Mode Delphi}
38 interface
40 uses
42 Windows,
43 {$ELSE}
44 unix,
45 {$ENDIF}
46 IBHeader,IBExternals;
48 var
49 BLOB_get: TBLOB_get;
50 BLOB_put: TBLOB_put;
51 isc_sqlcode: Tisc_sqlcode;
52 isc_sql_interprete: Tisc_sql_interprete;
53 isc_interprete: Tisc_interprete;
54 isc_vax_integer: Tisc_vax_integer;
55 isc_portable_integer: Tisc_portable_integer;
56 isc_blob_info: Tisc_blob_info;
57 isc_open_blob2: Tisc_open_blob2;
58 isc_close_blob: Tisc_close_blob;
59 isc_get_segment: Tisc_get_segment;
60 isc_put_segment: Tisc_put_segment;
61 isc_create_blob2: Tisc_create_blob2;
62 isc_service_attach: Tisc_service_attach;
63 isc_service_detach: Tisc_service_detach;
64 isc_service_query: Tisc_service_query;
65 isc_service_start: Tisc_service_start;
66 isc_decode_date: Tisc_decode_date;
67 isc_decode_sql_date: Tisc_decode_sql_date;
68 isc_decode_sql_time: Tisc_decode_sql_time;
69 isc_decode_timestamp: Tisc_decode_timestamp;
70 isc_encode_date: Tisc_encode_date;
71 isc_encode_sql_date: Tisc_encode_sql_date;
72 isc_encode_sql_time: Tisc_encode_sql_time;
73 isc_encode_timestamp: Tisc_encode_timestamp;
74 isc_dsql_free_statement: Tisc_dsql_free_statement;
75 isc_dsql_execute2: Tisc_dsql_execute2;
76 isc_dsql_execute: Tisc_dsql_execute;
77 isc_dsql_set_cursor_name: Tisc_dsql_set_cursor_name;
78 isc_dsql_fetch: Tisc_dsql_fetch;
79 isc_dsql_sql_info: Tisc_dsql_sql_info;
80 isc_dsql_alloc_statement2: Tisc_dsql_alloc_statement2;
81 isc_dsql_prepare: Tisc_dsql_prepare;
82 isc_dsql_describe_bind: Tisc_dsql_describe_bind;
83 isc_dsql_describe: Tisc_dsql_describe;
84 isc_dsql_execute_immediate: Tisc_dsql_execute_immediate;
85 isc_drop_database: Tisc_drop_database;
86 isc_detach_database: Tisc_detach_database;
87 isc_attach_database: Tisc_attach_database;
88 isc_database_info: Tisc_database_info;
89 isc_start_multiple: Tisc_start_multiple;
90 isc_commit_transaction: Tisc_commit_transaction;
91 isc_commit_retaining: Tisc_commit_retaining;
92 isc_rollback_transaction: Tisc_rollback_transaction;
93 isc_rollback_retaining: Tisc_rollback_retaining;
94 isc_cancel_events: Tisc_cancel_events;
95 isc_que_events: Tisc_que_events;
96 isc_event_counts: Tisc_event_counts;
97 isc_event_block: Tisc_event_block;
98 isc_free: Tisc_free;
99 isc_add_user : Tisc_add_user;
100 isc_delete_user: Tisc_delete_user;
101 isc_modify_user: Tisc_modify_user;
104 { Library Initialization }
105 procedure LoadIBLibrary;
106 procedure FreeIBLibrary;
107 function TryIBLoad: Boolean;
108 procedure CheckIBLoaded;
110 { Stubs for 6.0 only functions }
111 function isc_rollback_retaining_stub(status_vector : PISC_STATUS;
112 tran_handle : PISC_TR_HANDLE):
113 ISC_STATUS; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
114 function isc_service_attach_stub(status_vector : PISC_STATUS;
115 isc_arg2 : UShort;
116 isc_arg3 : PChar;
117 service_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE;
118 isc_arg5 : UShort;
119 isc_arg6 : PChar):
120 ISC_STATUS; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
121 function isc_service_detach_stub(status_vector : PISC_STATUS;
122 service_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE):
123 ISC_STATUS; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
124 function isc_service_query_stub(status_vector : PISC_STATUS;
125 service_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE;
126 recv_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE;
127 isc_arg4 : UShort;
128 isc_arg5 : PChar;
129 isc_arg6 : UShort;
130 isc_arg7 : PChar;
131 isc_arg8 : UShort;
132 isc_arg9 : PChar):
133 ISC_STATUS; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
134 function isc_service_start_stub(status_vector : PISC_STATUS;
135 service_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE;
136 recv_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE;
137 isc_arg4 : UShort;
138 isc_arg5 : PChar):
139 ISC_STATUS; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
141 procedure isc_encode_sql_date_stub(tm_date : PCTimeStructure;
142 ib_date : PISC_DATE);
143 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
145 procedure isc_encode_sql_time_stub(tm_date : PCTimeStructure;
146 ib_time : PISC_TIME);
147 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
149 procedure isc_encode_timestamp_stub(tm_date : PCTimeStructure;
150 ib_timestamp : PISC_TIMESTAMP);
151 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
153 procedure isc_decode_sql_date_stub(ib_date : PISC_DATE;
154 tm_date : PCTimeStructure);
155 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
157 procedure isc_decode_sql_time_stub(ib_time : PISC_TIME;
158 tm_date : PCTimeStructure);
159 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
161 procedure isc_decode_timestamp_stub(ib_timestamp : PISC_TIMESTAMP;
162 tm_date : PCTimeStructure);
163 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
166 var IBServiceAPIPresent: boolean;
168 type
169 TOnGetLibraryName = procedure(var libname: string);
171 const
172 OnGetLibraryName: TOnGetLibraryName = nil;
175 implementation
177 uses Sysutils, IB, Dynlibs, Classes
179 , Registry
180 {$ENDIF}
181 ;
183 var
184 IBLibrary: TLibHandle;
186 procedure LoadIBLibrary;
188 function GetProcAddr(ProcName: PChar): Pointer;
189 begin
190 Result := GetProcAddress(IBLibrary, ProcName);
191 if not Assigned(Result) then
192 raise Exception.Create('Unable to load Firebird Client Library');
193 end;
194 {$IFDEF UNIX }
195 function FindLibrary(LibNameList: string): TLibHandle;
196 var LibNames: TStringList;
197 i: integer;
198 begin
199 Result := NilHandle;
200 LibNames := TStringList.Create;
201 try
202 LibNames.Delimiter := ':';
203 LibNames.StrictDelimiter := true;
204 LibNames.DelimitedText := LibNameList; {Split list on semi-colon}
205 for i := 0 to LibNames.Count - 1 do
206 begin
207 Result := LoadLibrary(LibNames[i]);
208 if Result <> NilHandle then Exit;
209 end;
210 finally
211 LibNames.Free;
212 end;
213 end;
215 function InternalLoadLibrary: TLibHandle;
216 var LibName: string;
217 begin
218 //Use default unless FBLIB overrides
219 LibName := GetEnvironmentVariable('FBLIB');
220 if LibName = '' then
221 begin
222 if assigned(OnGetLibraryName) then
223 OnGetLibraryName(LibName)
224 else
225 LibName := FIREBIRD_SO2;
226 end;
227 Result := FindLibrary(LibName);
229 if Result = NilHandle then
230 begin
231 {See
232 Try loading direct from Firebird Framework}
234 LibName := '/Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/Firebird';
235 Result := LoadLibrary(LibName);
236 end
237 {$ENDIF}
238 end;
239 {$ENDIF}
241 function InternalLoadLibrary: TLibHandle;
242 var InstallDir: string;
243 dllPathName: string;
244 begin
245 if assigned(OnGetLibraryName) then
246 begin
247 OnGetLibraryName(dllPathName);
248 Result := LoadLibrary(dllPathName);
249 Exit
250 end;
252 //First look for Firebird Embedded Server in installation dir
253 InstallDir := ExtractFilePath(Paramstr(0)); {Using ParamStr(0) assumes windows conventions}
254 if FileExists(InstallDir + FIREBIRD_EMBEDDED) then
255 begin
256 dllPathName := InstallDir + FIREBIRD_EMBEDDED;
257 Result := LoadLibrary(dllPathName)
258 end
259 else
260 //Otherwise look for Firebird Client in installation dir
261 if FileExists(InstallDir + FIREBIRD_CLIENT) then
262 begin
263 //assume firebird.conf and firebird.msg in same dir
264 SetEnvironmentVariable('FIREBIRD',PChar(InstallDir));
265 dllPathName := InstallDir +FIREBIRD_CLIENT;
266 Result := LoadLibrary(dllPathName)
267 end
268 else
269 //Use Registry key if it exists to locate library
270 begin
271 with TRegistry.Create do
272 try
274 if OpenKey('SOFTWARE\Firebird Project\Firebird Server\Instances',false) then
275 begin
276 if ValueExists('DefaultInstance') then
277 begin
278 dllPathName := ReadString('DefaultInstance') + 'bin' + DirectorySeparator + FIREBIRD_CLIENT;
279 if FileExists(dllPathName) then
280 begin
281 Result := LoadLibrary(dllPathName);
282 Exit
283 end
284 end
285 end
286 finally
287 Free
288 end;
290 //Otherwise see if Firebird client is in path
291 //and rely on registry for location of firebird.conf and firebird.msg
292 Result := LoadLibrary(FIREBIRD_CLIENT);
293 if Result <= HINSTANCE_ERROR then
294 //well maybe InterBase is present...
295 Result := LoadLibrary(IBASE_DLL);
296 end
297 end;
298 {$ENDIF}
300 begin
301 IBLibrary := InternalLoadLibrary;
302 if (IBLibrary <> NilHandle) then
303 begin
304 BLOB_get := GetProcAddr('BLOB_get'); {do not localize}
305 BLOB_put := GetProcAddr('BLOB_put'); {do not localize}
306 isc_sqlcode := GetProcAddr('isc_sqlcode'); {do not localize}
307 isc_sql_interprete := GetProcAddr('isc_sql_interprete'); {do not localize}
308 isc_interprete := GetProcAddr('isc_interprete'); {do not localize}
309 isc_vax_integer := GetProcAddr('isc_vax_integer'); {do not localize}
310 isc_portable_integer := GetProcAddr('isc_portable_integer'); {do not localize}
311 isc_blob_info := GetProcAddr('isc_blob_info'); {do not localize}
312 isc_open_blob2 := GetProcAddr('isc_open_blob2'); {do not localize}
313 isc_close_blob := GetProcAddr('isc_close_blob'); {do not localize}
314 isc_get_segment := GetProcAddr('isc_get_segment'); {do not localize}
315 isc_put_segment := GetProcAddr('isc_put_segment'); {do not localize}
316 isc_create_blob2 := GetProcAddr('isc_create_blob2'); {do not localize}
317 isc_decode_date := GetProcAddr('isc_decode_date'); {do not localize}
318 isc_encode_date := GetProcAddr('isc_encode_date'); {do not localize}
319 isc_dsql_free_statement := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_free_statement'); {do not localize}
320 isc_dsql_execute2 := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_execute2'); {do not localize}
321 isc_dsql_execute := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_execute'); {do not localize}
322 isc_dsql_set_cursor_name := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_set_cursor_name'); {do not localize}
323 isc_dsql_fetch := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_fetch'); {do not localize}
324 isc_dsql_sql_info := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_sql_info'); {do not localize}
325 isc_dsql_alloc_statement2 := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_alloc_statement2'); {do not localize}
326 isc_dsql_prepare := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_prepare'); {do not localize}
327 isc_dsql_describe_bind := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_describe_bind'); {do not localize}
328 isc_dsql_describe := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_describe'); {do not localize}
329 isc_dsql_execute_immediate := GetProcAddr('isc_dsql_execute_immediate'); {do not localize}
330 isc_drop_database := GetProcAddr('isc_drop_database'); {do not localize}
331 isc_detach_database := GetProcAddr('isc_detach_database'); {do not localize}
332 isc_attach_database := GetProcAddr('isc_attach_database'); {do not localize}
333 isc_database_info := GetProcAddr('isc_database_info'); {do not localize}
334 isc_start_multiple := GetProcAddr('isc_start_multiple'); {do not localize}
335 isc_commit_transaction := GetProcAddr('isc_commit_transaction'); {do not localize}
336 isc_commit_retaining := GetProcAddr('isc_commit_retaining'); {do not localize}
337 isc_rollback_transaction := GetProcAddr('isc_rollback_transaction'); {do not localize}
338 isc_cancel_events := GetProcAddr('isc_cancel_events'); {do not localize}
339 isc_que_events := GetProcAddr('isc_que_events'); {do not localize}
340 isc_event_counts := GetProcAddr('isc_event_counts'); {do not localize}
341 isc_event_block := GetProcAddr('isc_event_block'); {do not localize}
342 isc_free := GetProcAddr('isc_free'); {do not localize}
343 isc_add_user := GetProcAddr('isc_add_user'); {do not localize}
344 isc_delete_user := GetProcAddr('isc_delete_user'); {do not localize}
345 isc_modify_user := GetProcAddr('isc_modify_user'); {do not localize}
347 IBServiceAPIPresent := true;
348 isc_rollback_retaining := GetProcAddress(IBLibrary, 'isc_rollback_retaining'); {do not localize}
349 if Assigned(isc_rollback_retaining) then
350 begin
351 isc_service_attach := GetProcAddr('isc_service_attach'); {do not localize}
352 isc_service_detach := GetProcAddr('isc_service_detach'); {do not localize}
353 isc_service_query := GetProcAddr('isc_service_query'); {do not localize}
354 isc_service_start := GetProcAddr('isc_service_start'); {do not localize}
355 isc_decode_sql_date := GetProcAddr('isc_decode_sql_date'); {do not localize}
356 isc_decode_sql_time := GetProcAddr('isc_decode_sql_time'); {do not localize}
357 isc_decode_timestamp := GetProcAddr('isc_decode_timestamp'); {do not localize}
358 isc_encode_sql_date := GetProcAddr('isc_encode_sql_date'); {do not localize}
359 isc_encode_sql_time := GetProcAddr('isc_encode_sql_time'); {do not localize}
360 isc_encode_timestamp := GetProcAddr('isc_encode_timestamp'); {do not localize}
361 end else
362 begin
363 IBServiceAPIPresent := false;
364 isc_rollback_retaining := isc_rollback_retaining_stub;
365 isc_service_attach := isc_service_attach_stub;
366 isc_service_detach := isc_service_detach_stub;
367 isc_service_query := isc_service_query_stub;
368 isc_service_start := isc_service_start_stub;
369 isc_decode_sql_date := isc_decode_sql_date_stub;
370 isc_decode_sql_time := isc_decode_sql_time_stub;
371 isc_decode_timestamp := isc_decode_timestamp_stub;
372 isc_encode_sql_date := isc_encode_sql_date_stub;
373 isc_encode_sql_time := isc_encode_sql_time_stub;
374 isc_encode_timestamp := isc_encode_timestamp_stub;
375 end;
376 end;
377 end;
379 procedure FreeIBLibrary;
380 begin
381 if IBLibrary <> NilHandle then
382 begin
383 FreeLibrary(IBLibrary);
384 IBLibrary := 0;
385 end;
386 end;
388 function TryIBLoad: Boolean;
389 begin
390 if (IBLibrary = NilHandle) then
391 LoadIBLibrary;
392 if (IBLibrary = NilHandle) then
393 result := False
394 else
395 result := True;
396 end;
398 procedure CheckIBLoaded;
399 begin
400 if not TryIBLoad then
401 IBError(ibxeInterBaseMissing, [nil]);
402 end;
405 function isc_rollback_retaining_stub(status_vector : PISC_STATUS;
406 tran_handle : PISC_TR_HANDLE):
407 ISC_STATUS; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
408 begin
409 Result := 0;
410 IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_rollback_retaining']); {do not localize}
411 end;
413 function isc_service_attach_stub(status_vector : PISC_STATUS;
414 isc_arg2 : UShort;
415 isc_arg3 : PChar;
416 service_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE;
417 isc_arg5 : UShort;
418 isc_arg6 : PChar):
419 ISC_STATUS; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
420 begin
421 Result := 0;
422 IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_service_attach']); {do not localize}
423 end;
425 function isc_service_detach_stub(status_vector : PISC_STATUS;
426 service_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE):
427 ISC_STATUS; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
428 begin
429 Result := 0;
430 IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_service_detach']); {do not localize}
431 end;
433 function isc_service_query_stub(status_vector : PISC_STATUS;
434 service_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE;
435 recv_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE;
436 isc_arg4 : UShort;
437 isc_arg5 : PChar;
438 isc_arg6 : UShort;
439 isc_arg7 : PChar;
440 isc_arg8 : UShort;
441 isc_arg9 : PChar):
442 ISC_STATUS; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
443 begin
444 Result := 0;
445 IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_service_query']); {do not localize}
446 end;
448 function isc_service_start_stub(status_vector : PISC_STATUS;
449 service_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE;
450 recv_handle : PISC_SVC_HANDLE;
451 isc_arg4 : UShort;
452 isc_arg5 : PChar):
453 ISC_STATUS; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
454 begin
455 Result := 0;
456 IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_service_start']); {do not localize}
457 end;
459 procedure isc_encode_sql_date_stub(tm_date : PCTimeStructure;
460 ib_date : PISC_DATE);
461 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
462 begin
463 IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_encode_sql_date']); {do not localize}
464 end;
466 procedure isc_encode_sql_time_stub(tm_date : PCTimeStructure;
467 ib_time : PISC_TIME);
468 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
469 begin
470 IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_encode_sql_time']); {do not localize}
471 end;
473 procedure isc_encode_timestamp_stub(tm_date : PCTimeStructure;
474 ib_timestamp : PISC_TIMESTAMP);
475 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
476 begin
477 IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_encode_sql_timestamp']); {do not localize}
478 end;
480 procedure isc_decode_sql_date_stub(ib_date : PISC_DATE;
481 tm_date : PCTimeStructure);
482 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
483 begin
484 IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_decode_sql_date']); {do not localize}
485 end;
487 procedure isc_decode_sql_time_stub(ib_time : PISC_TIME;
488 tm_date : PCTimeStructure);
489 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
490 begin
491 IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_decode_sql_time']); {do not localize}
492 end;
494 procedure isc_decode_timestamp_stub(ib_timestamp : PISC_TIMESTAMP;
495 tm_date : PCTimeStructure);
496 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
497 begin
498 IBError(ibxeIB60feature, ['isc_decode_timestamp']); {do not localize}
499 end;
500 initialization
502 finalization
503 FreeIBLibrary;
504 end.