{************************************************************************} { } { Borland Delphi Visual Component Library } { InterBase Express core components } { } { Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Inprise Corporation } { } { InterBase Express is based in part on the product } { Free IB Components, written by Gregory H. Deatz for } { Hoagland, Longo, Moran, Dunst & Doukas Company. } { Free IB Components is used under license. } { } { The contents of this file are subject to the InterBase } { Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not } { use this file except in compliance with the License. You } { may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html } { Software distributed under the License is distributed on } { an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either } { express or implied. See the License for the specific language } { governing rights and limitations under the License. } { The Original Code was created by InterBase Software Corporation } { and its successors. } { Portions created by Inprise Corporation are Copyright (C) Inprise } { Corporation. All Rights Reserved. } { Contributor(s): Jeff Overcash } { } {************************************************************************} unit IBSQL; {$Mode Delphi} interface uses {$IFDEF LINUX } baseunix,unix, {$ELSE} {$DEFINE HAS_SQLMONITOR} Windows, {$ENDIF} SysUtils, Classes, Forms, Controls, IBHeader, IBErrorCodes, IBExternals, DB, IB, IBDatabase, IBUtils, IBXConst; type TIBSQL = class; TIBXSQLDA = class; { TIBXSQLVAR } TIBXSQLVAR = class(TObject) private FParent: TIBXSQLDA; FSQL: TIBSQL; FIndex: Integer; FModified: Boolean; FName: String; FXSQLVAR: PXSQLVAR; { Point to the PXSQLVAR in the owner object } function AdjustScale(Value: Int64; Scale: Integer): Double; function AdjustScaleToInt64(Value: Int64; Scale: Integer): Int64; function AdjustScaleToCurrency(Value: Int64; Scale: Integer): Currency; function GetAsCurrency: Currency; function GetAsInt64: Int64; function GetAsDateTime: TDateTime; function GetAsDouble: Double; function GetAsFloat: Float; function GetAsLong: Long; function GetAsPointer: Pointer; function GetAsQuad: TISC_QUAD; function GetAsShort: Short; function GetAsString: String; function GetAsVariant: Variant; function GetAsXSQLVAR: PXSQLVAR; function GetIsNull: Boolean; function GetIsNullable: Boolean; function GetSize: Integer; function GetSQLType: Integer; procedure SetAsCurrency(Value: Currency); procedure SetAsInt64(Value: Int64); procedure SetAsDate(Value: TDateTime); procedure SetAsTime(Value: TDateTime); procedure SetAsDateTime(Value: TDateTime); procedure SetAsDouble(Value: Double); procedure SetAsFloat(Value: Float); procedure SetAsLong(Value: Long); procedure SetAsPointer(Value: Pointer); procedure SetAsQuad(Value: TISC_QUAD); procedure SetAsShort(Value: Short); procedure SetAsString(Value: String); procedure SetAsVariant(Value: Variant); procedure SetAsXSQLVAR(Value: PXSQLVAR); procedure SetIsNull(Value: Boolean); procedure SetIsNullable(Value: Boolean); public constructor Create(Parent: TIBXSQLDA; Query: TIBSQL); procedure Assign(Source: TIBXSQLVAR); procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: String); procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); procedure SaveToFile(const FileName: String); procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); property AsDate: TDateTime read GetAsDateTime write SetAsDate; property AsTime: TDateTime read GetAsDateTime write SetAsTime; property AsDateTime: TDateTime read GetAsDateTime write SetAsDateTime; property AsDouble: Double read GetAsDouble write SetAsDouble; property AsFloat: Float read GetAsFloat write SetAsFloat; property AsCurrency: Currency read GetAsCurrency write SetAsCurrency; property AsInt64: Int64 read GetAsInt64 write SetAsInt64; property AsInteger: Integer read GetAsLong write SetAsLong; property AsLong: Long read GetAsLong write SetAsLong; property AsPointer: Pointer read GetAsPointer write SetAsPointer; property AsQuad: TISC_QUAD read GetAsQuad write SetAsQuad; property AsShort: Short read GetAsShort write SetAsShort; property AsString: String read GetAsString write SetAsString; property AsVariant: Variant read GetAsVariant write SetAsVariant; property AsXSQLVAR: PXSQLVAR read GetAsXSQLVAR write SetAsXSQLVAR; property Data: PXSQLVAR read FXSQLVAR write FXSQLVAR; property IsNull: Boolean read GetIsNull write SetIsNull; property IsNullable: Boolean read GetIsNullable write SetIsNullable; property Index: Integer read FIndex; property Modified: Boolean read FModified write FModified; property Name: String read FName; property Size: Integer read GetSize; property SQLType: Integer read GetSQLType; property Value: Variant read GetAsVariant write SetAsVariant; end; TIBXSQLVARArray = Array of TIBXSQLVAR; { TIBXSQLVAR } TIBXSQLDA = class(TObject) protected FSQL: TIBSQL; FCount: Integer; FNames: TStrings; FSize: Integer; FXSQLDA: PXSQLDA; FXSQLVARs: TIBXSQLVARArray; { array of IBXQLVARs } FUniqueRelationName: String; function GetModified: Boolean; function GetNames: String; function GetRecordSize: Integer; function GetXSQLDA: PXSQLDA; function GetXSQLVAR(Idx: Integer): TIBXSQLVAR; function GetXSQLVARByName(Idx: String): TIBXSQLVAR; procedure Initialize; procedure SetCount(Value: Integer); public constructor Create(Query: TIBSQL); destructor Destroy; override; procedure AddName(FieldName: String; Idx: Integer); function ByName(Idx: String): TIBXSQLVAR; property AsXSQLDA: PXSQLDA read GetXSQLDA; property Count: Integer read FCount write SetCount; property Modified: Boolean read GetModified; property Names: String read GetNames; property RecordSize: Integer read GetRecordSize; property Vars[Idx: Integer]: TIBXSQLVAR read GetXSQLVAR; default; property UniqueRelationName: String read FUniqueRelationName; end; { TIBBatch } TIBBatch = class(TObject) protected FFilename: String; FColumns: TIBXSQLDA; FParams: TIBXSQLDA; public procedure ReadyFile; virtual; abstract; property Columns: TIBXSQLDA read FColumns; property Filename: String read FFilename write FFilename; property Params: TIBXSQLDA read FParams; end; TIBBatchInput = class(TIBBatch) public function ReadParameters: Boolean; virtual; abstract; end; TIBBatchOutput = class(TIBBatch) public function WriteColumns: Boolean; virtual; abstract; end; { TIBOutputDelimitedFile } TIBOutputDelimitedFile = class(TIBBatchOutput) protected {$IFDEF LINUX} FHandle: cint; {$ELSE} FHandle: THandle; {$ENDIF} FOutputTitles: Boolean; FColDelimiter, FRowDelimiter: string; public destructor Destroy; override; procedure ReadyFile; override; function WriteColumns: Boolean; override; property ColDelimiter: string read FColDelimiter write FColDelimiter; property OutputTitles: Boolean read FOutputTitles write FOutputTitles; property RowDelimiter: string read FRowDelimiter write FRowDelimiter; end; { TIBInputDelimitedFile } TIBInputDelimitedFile = class(TIBBatchInput) protected FColDelimiter, FRowDelimiter: string; FEOF: Boolean; FFile: TFileStream; FLookAhead: Char; FReadBlanksAsNull: Boolean; FSkipTitles: Boolean; public destructor Destroy; override; function GetColumn(var Col: string): Integer; function ReadParameters: Boolean; override; procedure ReadyFile; override; property ColDelimiter: string read FColDelimiter write FColDelimiter; property ReadBlanksAsNull: Boolean read FReadBlanksAsNull write FReadBlanksAsNull; property RowDelimiter: string read FRowDelimiter write FRowDelimiter; property SkipTitles: Boolean read FSkipTitles write FSkipTitles; end; { TIBOutputRawFile } TIBOutputRawFile = class(TIBBatchOutput) protected {$IFDEF LINUX} FHandle: cint; {$ELSE} FHandle: THandle; {$ENDIF} public destructor Destroy; override; procedure ReadyFile; override; function WriteColumns: Boolean; override; end; { TIBInputRawFile } TIBInputRawFile = class(TIBBatchInput) protected {$IFDEF LINUX} FHandle: cint; {$ELSE} FHandle: THandle; {$ENDIF} public destructor Destroy; override; function ReadParameters: Boolean; override; procedure ReadyFile; override; end; { TIBSQL } TIBSQLTypes = (SQLUnknown, SQLSelect, SQLInsert, SQLUpdate, SQLDelete, SQLDDL, SQLGetSegment, SQLPutSegment, SQLExecProcedure, SQLStartTransaction, SQLCommit, SQLRollback, SQLSelectForUpdate, SQLSetGenerator); TIBSQL = class(TComponent) private FIBLoaded: Boolean; protected FBase: TIBBase; FBOF, { At BOF? } FEOF, { At EOF? } FGoToFirstRecordOnExecute, { Automatically position record on first record after executing } FOpen, { Is a cursor open? } FPrepared: Boolean; { Has the query been prepared? } FRecordCount: Integer; { How many records have been read so far? } FCursor: String; { Cursor name...} FHandle: TISC_STMT_HANDLE; { Once prepared, this accesses the SQL Query } FOnSQLChanging: TNotifyEvent; { Call this when the SQL is changing } FSQL: TStrings; { SQL Query (by user) } FParamCheck: Boolean; { Check for parameters? (just like TQuery) } FProcessedSQL: TStrings; { SQL Query (pre-processed for param labels) } FSQLParams, { Any parameters to the query } FSQLRecord: TIBXSQLDA; { The current record } FSQLType: TIBSQLTypes; { Select, update, delete, insert, create, alter, etc...} FGenerateParamNames: Boolean; { Auto generate param names ?} procedure DoBeforeDatabaseDisconnect(Sender: TObject); function GetDatabase: TIBDatabase; function GetDBHandle: PISC_DB_HANDLE; function GetEOF: Boolean; function GetFields(const Idx: Integer): TIBXSQLVAR; function GetFieldIndex(FieldName: String): Integer; function GetPlan: String; function GetRecordCount: Integer; function GetRowsAffected: Integer; function GetSQLParams: TIBXSQLDA; function GetTransaction: TIBTransaction; function GetTRHandle: PISC_TR_HANDLE; procedure PreprocessSQL; procedure SetDatabase(Value: TIBDatabase); procedure SetSQL(Value: TStrings); procedure SetTransaction(Value: TIBTransaction); procedure SQLChanging(Sender: TObject); procedure BeforeTransactionEnd(Sender: TObject); public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure BatchInput(InputObject: TIBBatchInput); procedure BatchOutput(OutputObject: TIBBatchOutput); function Call(ErrCode: ISC_STATUS; RaiseError: Boolean): ISC_STATUS; procedure CheckClosed; { raise error if query is not closed. } procedure CheckOpen; { raise error if query is not open.} procedure CheckValidStatement; { raise error if statement is invalid.} procedure Close; function Current: TIBXSQLDA; procedure ExecQuery; function FieldByName(FieldName: String): TIBXSQLVAR; function ParamByName(ParamName: String): TIBXSQLVAR; procedure FreeHandle; function Next: TIBXSQLDA; procedure Prepare; function GetUniqueRelationName: String; property Bof: Boolean read FBOF; property DBHandle: PISC_DB_HANDLE read GetDBHandle; property Eof: Boolean read GetEOF; property Fields[const Idx: Integer]: TIBXSQLVAR read GetFields; property FieldIndex[FieldName: String]: Integer read GetFieldIndex; property Open: Boolean read FOpen; property Params: TIBXSQLDA read GetSQLParams; property Plan: String read GetPlan; property Prepared: Boolean read FPrepared; property RecordCount: Integer read GetRecordCount; property RowsAffected: Integer read GetRowsAffected; property SQLType: TIBSQLTypes read FSQLType; property TRHandle: PISC_TR_HANDLE read GetTRHandle; property Handle: TISC_STMT_HANDLE read FHandle; property GenerateParamNames: Boolean read FGenerateParamNames write FGenerateParamNames; property UniqueRelationName: String read GetUniqueRelationName; published property Database: TIBDatabase read GetDatabase write SetDatabase; property GoToFirstRecordOnExecute: Boolean read FGoToFirstRecordOnExecute write FGoToFirstRecordOnExecute default True; property ParamCheck: Boolean read FParamCheck write FParamCheck; property SQL: TStrings read FSQL write SetSQL; property Transaction: TIBTransaction read GetTransaction write SetTransaction; property OnSQLChanging: TNotifyEvent read FOnSQLChanging write FOnSQLChanging; end; implementation uses IBIntf, IBBlob, Variants {$IFDEF HAS_SQLMONITOR}, IBSQLMonitor {$ENDIF}; { TIBXSQLVAR } constructor TIBXSQLVAR.Create(Parent: TIBXSQLDA; Query: TIBSQL); begin inherited Create; FParent := Parent; FSQL := Query; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.Assign(Source: TIBXSQLVAR); var szBuff: PChar; s_bhandle, d_bhandle: TISC_BLOB_HANDLE; bSourceBlob, bDestBlob: Boolean; iSegs, iMaxSeg, iSize: Long; iBlobType: Short; begin szBuff := nil; bSourceBlob := True; bDestBlob := True; s_bhandle := nil; d_bhandle := nil; try if (Source.IsNull) then begin IsNull := True; exit; end else if (FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and (not 1) = SQL_ARRAY) or (Source.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and (not 1) = SQL_ARRAY) then exit; { arrays not supported } if (FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and (not 1) <> SQL_BLOB) and (Source.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and (not 1) <> SQL_BLOB) then begin AsXSQLVAR := Source.AsXSQLVAR; exit; end else if (Source.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and (not 1) <> SQL_BLOB) then begin szBuff := nil; IBAlloc(szBuff, 0, Source.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen); Move(Source.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata[0], szBuff[0], Source.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen); bSourceBlob := False; iSize := Source.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen; end else if (FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and (not 1) <> SQL_BLOB) then bDestBlob := False; if bSourceBlob then begin { read the blob } Source.FSQL.Call(isc_open_blob2(StatusVector, Source.FSQL.DBHandle, Source.FSQL.TRHandle, @s_bhandle, PISC_QUAD(Source.FXSQLVAR.sqldata), 0, nil), True); try IBBlob.GetBlobInfo(@s_bhandle, iSegs, iMaxSeg, iSize, iBlobType); szBuff := nil; IBAlloc(szBuff, 0, iSize); IBBlob.ReadBlob(@s_bhandle, szBuff, iSize); finally Source.FSQL.Call(isc_close_blob(StatusVector, @s_bhandle), True); end; end; if bDestBlob then begin { write the blob } FSQL.Call(isc_create_blob2(StatusVector, FSQL.DBHandle, FSQL.TRHandle, @d_bhandle, PISC_QUAD(FXSQLVAR.sqldata), 0, nil), True); try IBBlob.WriteBlob(@d_bhandle, szBuff, iSize); finally FSQL.Call(isc_close_blob(StatusVector, @d_bhandle), True); end; end else begin { just copy the buffer } FXSQLVAR.sqltype := SQL_TEXT; FXSQLVAR.sqllen := iSize; IBAlloc(FXSQLVAR.sqldata, iSize, iSize); Move(szBuff[0], FXSQLVAR^.sqldata[0], iSize); end; finally FreeMem(szBuff); end; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.AdjustScale(Value: Int64; Scale: Integer): Double; var Scaling : Int64; i: Integer; Val: Double; begin Scaling := 1; Val := Value; if Scale > 0 then begin for i := 1 to Scale do Scaling := Scaling * 10; result := Val * Scaling; end else if Scale < 0 then begin for i := -1 downto Scale do Scaling := Scaling * 10; result := Val / Scaling; end else result := Val; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.AdjustScaleToInt64(Value: Int64; Scale: Integer): Int64; var Scaling : Int64; i: Integer; Val: Int64; begin Scaling := 1; Val := Value; if Scale > 0 then begin for i := 1 to Scale do Scaling := Scaling * 10; result := Val * Scaling; end else if Scale < 0 then begin for i := -1 downto Scale do Scaling := Scaling * 10; result := Val div Scaling; end else result := Val; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.AdjustScaleToCurrency(Value: Int64; Scale: Integer): Currency; var Scaling : Int64; i : Integer; FractionText, PadText, CurrText: string; begin Result := 0; Scaling := 1; if Scale > 0 then begin for i := 1 to Scale do Scaling := Scaling * 10; result := Value * Scaling; end else if Scale < 0 then begin for i := -1 downto Scale do Scaling := Scaling * 10; FractionText := IntToStr(abs(Value mod Scaling)); for i := Length(FractionText) to -Scale -1 do PadText := '0' + PadText; if Value < 0 then CurrText := '-' + IntToStr(Abs(Value div Scaling)) + DecimalSeparator + PadText + FractionText else CurrText := IntToStr(Abs(Value div Scaling)) + DecimalSeparator + PadText + FractionText; try result := StrToCurr(CurrText); except on E: Exception do IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end else result := Value; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetAsCurrency: Currency; begin result := 0; if FSQL.Database.SQLDialect < 3 then result := GetAsDouble else begin if not IsNull then case FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and (not 1) of SQL_TEXT, SQL_VARYING: begin try result := StrtoCurr(AsString); except on E: Exception do IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; SQL_SHORT: result := AdjustScaleToCurrency(Int64(PShort(FXSQLVAR^.sqldata)^), FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale); SQL_LONG: result := AdjustScaleToCurrency(Int64(PLong(FXSQLVAR^.sqldata)^), FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale); SQL_INT64: result := AdjustScaleToCurrency(PInt64(FXSQLVAR^.sqldata)^, FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale); SQL_DOUBLE, SQL_FLOAT, SQL_D_FLOAT: result := Trunc(AsDouble); else IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetAsInt64: Int64; begin result := 0; if not IsNull then case FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and (not 1) of SQL_TEXT, SQL_VARYING: begin try result := StrToInt64(AsString); except on E: Exception do IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; SQL_SHORT: result := AdjustScaleToInt64(Int64(PShort(FXSQLVAR^.sqldata)^), FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale); SQL_LONG: result := AdjustScaleToInt64(Int64(PLong(FXSQLVAR^.sqldata)^), FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale); SQL_INT64: result := AdjustScaleToInt64(PInt64(FXSQLVAR^.sqldata)^, FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale); SQL_DOUBLE, SQL_FLOAT, SQL_D_FLOAT: result := Trunc(AsDouble); else IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetAsDateTime: TDateTime; var tm_date: TCTimeStructure; begin result := 0; if not IsNull then case FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and (not 1) of SQL_TEXT, SQL_VARYING: begin try result := StrToDate(AsString); except on E: EConvertError do IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; SQL_TYPE_DATE: begin isc_decode_sql_date(PISC_DATE(FXSQLVAR^.sqldata), @tm_date); try result := EncodeDate(Word(tm_date.tm_year + 1900), Word(tm_date.tm_mon + 1), Word(tm_date.tm_mday)); except on E: EConvertError do begin IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; end; SQL_TYPE_TIME: begin isc_decode_sql_time(PISC_TIME(FXSQLVAR^.sqldata), @tm_date); try result := EncodeTime(Word(tm_date.tm_hour), Word(tm_date.tm_min), Word(tm_date.tm_sec), 0) except on E: EConvertError do begin IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; end; SQL_TIMESTAMP: begin isc_decode_date(PISC_QUAD(FXSQLVAR^.sqldata), @tm_date); try result := EncodeDate(Word(tm_date.tm_year + 1900), Word(tm_date.tm_mon + 1), Word(tm_date.tm_mday)); if result >= 0 then result := result + EncodeTime(Word(tm_date.tm_hour), Word(tm_date.tm_min), Word(tm_date.tm_sec), 0) else result := result - EncodeTime(Word(tm_date.tm_hour), Word(tm_date.tm_min), Word(tm_date.tm_sec), 0) except on E: EConvertError do begin IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; end; else IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetAsDouble: Double; begin result := 0; if not IsNull then begin case FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and (not 1) of SQL_TEXT, SQL_VARYING: begin try result := StrToFloat(AsString); except on E: Exception do IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; SQL_SHORT: result := AdjustScale(Int64(PShort(FXSQLVAR^.sqldata)^), FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale); SQL_LONG: result := AdjustScale(Int64(PLong(FXSQLVAR^.sqldata)^), FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale); SQL_INT64: result := AdjustScale(PInt64(FXSQLVAR^.sqldata)^, FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale); SQL_FLOAT: result := PFloat(FXSQLVAR^.sqldata)^; SQL_DOUBLE, SQL_D_FLOAT: result := PDouble(FXSQLVAR^.sqldata)^; else IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; if FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale <> 0 then result := StrToFloat(FloatToStrF(result, fffixed, 15, Abs(FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale) )); end; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetAsFloat: Float; begin result := 0; try result := AsDouble; except on E: EOverflow do IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetAsLong: Long; begin result := 0; if not IsNull then case FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and (not 1) of SQL_TEXT, SQL_VARYING: begin try result := StrToInt(AsString); except on E: Exception do IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; SQL_SHORT: result := Trunc(AdjustScale(Int64(PShort(FXSQLVAR^.sqldata)^), FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale)); SQL_LONG: result := Trunc(AdjustScale(Int64(PLong(FXSQLVAR^.sqldata)^), FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale)); SQL_INT64: result := Trunc(AdjustScale(PInt64(FXSQLVAR^.sqldata)^, FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale)); SQL_DOUBLE, SQL_FLOAT, SQL_D_FLOAT: result := Trunc(AsDouble); else IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetAsPointer: Pointer; begin if not IsNull then result := FXSQLVAR^.sqldata else result := nil; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetAsQuad: TISC_QUAD; begin result.gds_quad_high := 0; result.gds_quad_low := 0; if not IsNull then case FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and (not 1) of SQL_BLOB, SQL_ARRAY, SQL_QUAD: result := PISC_QUAD(FXSQLVAR^.sqldata)^; else IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetAsShort: Short; begin result := 0; try result := AsLong; except on E: Exception do IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetAsString: String; var sz: PChar; str_len: Integer; ss: TStringStream; begin result := ''; { Check null, if so return a default string } if not IsNull then case FXSQLVar^.sqltype and (not 1) of SQL_ARRAY: result := '(Array)'; {do not localize} SQL_BLOB: begin ss := TStringStream.Create(''); SaveToStream(ss); result := ss.DataString; ss.Free; end; SQL_TEXT, SQL_VARYING: begin sz := FXSQLVAR^.sqldata; if (FXSQLVar^.sqltype and (not 1) = SQL_TEXT) then str_len := FXSQLVar^.sqllen else begin str_len := isc_vax_integer(FXSQLVar^.sqldata, 2); Inc(sz, 2); end; SetString(result, sz, str_len); if ((FXSQLVar^.sqltype and (not 1)) = SQL_TEXT) then result := TrimRight(result); end; SQL_TYPE_DATE: case FSQL.Database.SQLDialect of 1 : result := DateTimeToStr(AsDateTime); 3 : result := DateToStr(AsDateTime); end; SQL_TYPE_TIME : result := TimeToStr(AsDateTime); SQL_TIMESTAMP: result := DateTimeToStr(AsDateTime); SQL_SHORT, SQL_LONG: if FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale = 0 then result := IntToStr(AsLong) else if FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale >= (-4) then result := CurrToStr(AsCurrency) else result := FloatToStr(AsDouble); SQL_INT64: if FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale = 0 then result := IntToStr(AsInt64) else if FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale >= (-4) then result := CurrToStr(AsCurrency) else result := FloatToStr(AsDouble); SQL_DOUBLE, SQL_FLOAT, SQL_D_FLOAT: result := FloatToStr(AsDouble); else IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetAsVariant: Variant; begin if IsNull then result := NULL { Check null, if so return a default string } else case FXSQLVar^.sqltype and (not 1) of SQL_ARRAY: result := '(Array)'; {do not localize} SQL_BLOB: result := '(Blob)'; {do not localize} SQL_TEXT, SQL_VARYING: result := AsString; SQL_TIMESTAMP, SQL_TYPE_DATE, SQL_TYPE_TIME: result := AsDateTime; SQL_SHORT, SQL_LONG: if FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale = 0 then result := AsLong else if FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale >= (-4) then result := AsCurrency else result := AsDouble; SQL_INT64: if FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale = 0 then IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]) else if FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale >= (-4) then result := AsCurrency else result := AsDouble; SQL_DOUBLE, SQL_FLOAT, SQL_D_FLOAT: result := AsDouble; else IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); end; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetAsXSQLVAR: PXSQLVAR; begin result := FXSQLVAR; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetIsNull: Boolean; begin result := IsNullable and (FXSQLVAR^.sqlind^ = -1); end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetIsNullable: Boolean; begin result := (FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and 1 = 1); end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.LoadFromFile(const FileName: String); var fs: TFileStream; begin fs := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite); try LoadFromStream(fs); finally fs.Free; end; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); var bs: TIBBlobStream; begin bs := TIBBlobStream.Create; try bs.Mode := bmWrite; bs.Database := FSQL.Database; bs.Transaction := FSQL.Transaction; Stream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); bs.LoadFromStream(Stream); bs.Finalize; AsQuad := bs.BlobID; finally bs.Free; end; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.SaveToFile(const FileName: String); var fs: TFileStream; begin fs := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate or fmShareExclusive); try SaveToStream(fs); finally fs.Free; end; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); var bs: TIBBlobStream; begin bs := TIBBlobStream.Create; try bs.Mode := bmRead; bs.Database := FSQL.Database; bs.Transaction := FSQL.Transaction; bs.BlobID := AsQuad; bs.SaveToStream(Stream); finally bs.Free; end; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetSize: Integer; begin result := FXSQLVAR^.sqllen; end; function TIBXSQLVAR.GetSQLType: Integer; begin result := FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and (not 1); end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.SetAsCurrency(Value: Currency); var xvar: TIBXSQLVAR; i: Integer; begin if FSQL.Database.SQLDialect < 3 then AsDouble := Value else begin if IsNullable then IsNull := False; for i := 0 to FParent.FCount - 1 do if FParent.FNames[i] = FName then begin xvar := FParent[i]; xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype := SQL_INT64 or (xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and 1); xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale := -4; xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen := SizeOf(Int64); IBAlloc(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata, 0, xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen); PCurrency(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata)^ := Value; xvar.FModified := True; end; end; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.SetAsInt64(Value: Int64); var i: Integer; xvar: TIBXSQLVAR; begin if IsNullable then IsNull := False; for i := 0 to FParent.FCount - 1 do if FParent.FNames[i] = FName then begin xvar := FParent[i]; xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype := SQL_INT64 or (xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and 1); xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale := 0; xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen := SizeOf(Int64); IBAlloc(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata, 0, xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen); PInt64(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata)^ := Value; xvar.FModified := True; end; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.SetAsDate(Value: TDateTime); var i: Integer; tm_date: TCTimeStructure; Yr, Mn, Dy: Word; xvar: TIBXSQLVAR; begin if FSQL.Database.SQLDialect < 3 then begin AsDateTime := Value; exit; end; if IsNullable then IsNull := False; for i := 0 to FParent.FCount - 1 do if FParent.FNames[i] = FName then begin xvar := FParent[i]; xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype := SQL_TYPE_DATE or (xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and 1); DecodeDate(Value, Yr, Mn, Dy); with tm_date do begin tm_sec := 0; tm_min := 0; tm_hour := 0; tm_mday := Dy; tm_mon := Mn - 1; tm_year := Yr - 1900; end; xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen := SizeOf(ISC_DATE); IBAlloc(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata, 0, xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen); isc_encode_sql_date(@tm_date, PISC_DATE(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata)); xvar.FModified := True; end; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.SetAsTime(Value: TDateTime); var i: Integer; tm_date: TCTimeStructure; Hr, Mt, S, Ms: Word; xvar: TIBXSQLVAR; begin if FSQL.Database.SQLDialect < 3 then begin AsDateTime := Value; exit; end; if IsNullable then IsNull := False; for i := 0 to FParent.FCount - 1 do if FParent.FNames[i] = FName then begin xvar := FParent[i]; xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype := SQL_TYPE_TIME or (xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and 1); DecodeTime(Value, Hr, Mt, S, Ms); with tm_date do begin tm_sec := S; tm_min := Mt; tm_hour := Hr; tm_mday := 0; tm_mon := 0; tm_year := 0; end; xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen := SizeOf(ISC_TIME); IBAlloc(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata, 0, xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen); isc_encode_sql_time(@tm_date, PISC_TIME(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata)); xvar.FModified := True; end; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.SetAsDateTime(Value: TDateTime); var i: Integer; tm_date: TCTimeStructure; Yr, Mn, Dy, Hr, Mt, S, Ms: Word; xvar: TIBXSQLVAR; begin if IsNullable then IsNull := False; for i := 0 to FParent.FCount - 1 do if FParent.FNames[i] = FName then begin xvar := FParent[i]; xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype := SQL_TIMESTAMP or (xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and 1); DecodeDate(Value, Yr, Mn, Dy); DecodeTime(Value, Hr, Mt, S, Ms); with tm_date do begin tm_sec := S; tm_min := Mt; tm_hour := Hr; tm_mday := Dy; tm_mon := Mn - 1; tm_year := Yr - 1900; end; xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen := SizeOf(TISC_QUAD); IBAlloc(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata, 0, xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen); isc_encode_date(@tm_date, PISC_QUAD(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata)); xvar.FModified := True; end; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.SetAsDouble(Value: Double); var i: Integer; xvar: TIBXSQLVAR; begin if IsNullable then IsNull := False; for i := 0 to FParent.FCount - 1 do if FParent.FNames[i] = FName then begin xvar := FParent[i]; xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype := SQL_DOUBLE or (xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and 1); xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen := SizeOf(Double); xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale := 0; IBAlloc(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata, 0, xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen); PDouble(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata)^ := Value; xvar.FModified := True; end; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.SetAsFloat(Value: Float); var i: Integer; xvar: TIBXSQLVAR; begin if IsNullable then IsNull := False; for i := 0 to FParent.FCount - 1 do if FParent.FNames[i] = FName then begin xvar := FParent[i]; xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype := SQL_FLOAT or (xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and 1); xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen := SizeOf(Float); xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale := 0; IBAlloc(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata, 0, xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen); PSingle(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata)^ := Value; xvar.FModified := True; end; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.SetAsLong(Value: Long); var i: Integer; xvar: TIBXSQLVAR; begin if IsNullable then IsNull := False; for i := 0 to FParent.FCount - 1 do if FParent.FNames[i] = FName then begin xvar := FParent[i]; xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype := SQL_LONG or (xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and 1); xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen := SizeOf(Long); xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale := 0; IBAlloc(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata, 0, xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen); PLong(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata)^ := Value; xvar.FModified := True; end; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.SetAsPointer(Value: Pointer); var i: Integer; xvar: TIBXSQLVAR; begin if IsNullable and (Value = nil) then IsNull := True else begin IsNull := False; for i := 0 to FParent.FCount - 1 do if FParent.FNames[i] = FName then begin xvar := FParent[i]; xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype := SQL_TEXT or (FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and 1); Move(Value^, xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata^, xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen); xvar.FModified := True; end; end; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.SetAsQuad(Value: TISC_QUAD); var i: Integer; xvar: TIBXSQLVAR; begin if IsNullable then IsNull := False; for i := 0 to FParent.FCount - 1 do if FParent.FNames[i] = FName then begin xvar := FParent[i]; if (xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and (not 1) <> SQL_BLOB) and (xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and (not 1) <> SQL_ARRAY) then IBError(ibxeInvalidDataConversion, [nil]); xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen := SizeOf(TISC_QUAD); IBAlloc(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata, 0, xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen); PISC_QUAD(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata)^ := Value; xvar.FModified := True; end; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.SetAsShort(Value: Short); var i: Integer; xvar: TIBXSQLVAR; begin if IsNullable then IsNull := False; for i := 0 to FParent.FCount - 1 do if FParent.FNames[i] = FName then begin xvar := FParent[i]; xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype := SQL_SHORT or (xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and 1); xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen := SizeOf(Short); xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale := 0; IBAlloc(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata, 0, xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen); PShort(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata)^ := Value; xvar.FModified := True; end; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.SetAsString(Value: String); var stype: Integer; ss: TStringStream; procedure SetStringValue; var i: Integer; xvar: TIBXSQLVAR; begin for i := 0 to FParent.FCount - 1 do if FParent.FNames[i] = FName then begin xvar := FParent[i]; if (xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqlname = 'DB_KEY') or {do not localize} (xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqlname = 'RDB$DB_KEY') then {do not localize} Move(Value[1], xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata^, xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen) else begin xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype := SQL_TEXT or (FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and 1); xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen := Length(Value); IBAlloc(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata, 0, xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen + 1); if (Length(Value) > 0) then Move(Value[1], xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata^, xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen); end; xvar.FModified := True; end; end; begin if IsNullable then IsNull := False; stype := FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and (not 1); if (stype = SQL_TEXT) or (stype = SQL_VARYING) then SetStringValue else begin if (stype = SQL_BLOB) then begin ss := TStringStream.Create(Value); try LoadFromStream(ss); finally ss.Free; end; end else if Value = '' then IsNull := True else if (stype = SQL_TIMESTAMP) or (stype = SQL_TYPE_DATE) or (stype = SQL_TYPE_TIME) then SetAsDateTime(StrToDateTime(Value)) else SetStringValue; end; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.SetAsVariant(Value: Variant); begin if VarIsNull(Value) then IsNull := True else case VarType(Value) of varEmpty, varNull: IsNull := True; varSmallint, varInteger, varByte: AsLong := Value; varSingle, varDouble: AsDouble := Value; varCurrency: AsCurrency := Value; varBoolean: if Value then AsLong := ISC_TRUE else AsLong := ISC_FALSE; varDate: AsDateTime := Value; varOleStr, varString: AsString := Value; varArray: IBError(ibxeNotSupported, [nil]); varByRef, varDispatch, varError, varUnknown, varVariant: IBError(ibxeNotPermitted, [nil]); end; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.SetAsXSQLVAR(Value: PXSQLVAR); var i: Integer; xvar: TIBXSQLVAR; sqlind: PShort; sqldata: PChar; local_sqllen: Integer; begin for i := 0 to FParent.FCount - 1 do if FParent.FNames[i] = FName then begin xvar := FParent[i]; sqlind := xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqlind; sqldata := xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata; Move(Value^, xvar.FXSQLVAR^, SizeOf(TXSQLVAR)); xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqlind := sqlind; xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata := sqldata; if (Value^.sqltype and 1 = 1) then begin if (xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqlind = nil) then IBAlloc(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqlind, 0, SizeOf(Short)); xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqlind^ := Value^.sqlind^; end else if (xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqlind <> nil) then ReallocMem(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqlind, 0); if ((xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and (not 1)) = SQL_VARYING) then local_sqllen := xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen + 2 else local_sqllen := xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqllen; FXSQLVAR^.sqlscale := Value^.sqlscale; IBAlloc(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata, 0, local_sqllen); Move(Value^.sqldata[0], xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqldata[0], local_sqllen); xvar.FModified := True; end; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.SetIsNull(Value: Boolean); var i: Integer; xvar: TIBXSQLVAR; begin if Value then begin if not IsNullable then IsNullable := True; for i := 0 to FParent.FCount - 1 do if FParent.FNames[i] = FName then begin xvar := FParent[i]; if Assigned(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqlind) then xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqlind^ := -1; xvar.FModified := True; end; end else if ((not Value) and IsNullable) then begin for i := 0 to FParent.FCount - 1 do if FParent.FNames[i] = FName then begin xvar := FParent[i]; if Assigned(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqlind) then xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqlind^ := 0; xvar.FModified := True; end; end; end; procedure TIBXSQLVAR.SetIsNullable(Value: Boolean); var i: Integer; xvar: TIBXSQLVAR; begin for i := 0 to FParent.FCount - 1 do if FParent.FNames[i] = FName then begin xvar := FParent[i]; if (Value <> IsNullable) then begin if Value then begin xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype := xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype or 1; IBAlloc(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqlind, 0, SizeOf(Short)); end else begin xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype := xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqltype and (not 1); ReallocMem(xvar.FXSQLVAR^.sqlind, 0); end; end; end; end; { TIBXSQLDA } constructor TIBXSQLDA.Create(Query: TIBSQL); begin inherited Create; FSQL := Query; FNames := TStringList.Create; FSize := 0; FUniqueRelationName := ''; end; destructor TIBXSQLDA.Destroy; var i: Integer; begin FNames.Free; if FXSQLDA <> nil then begin for i := 0 to FSize - 1 do begin FreeMem(FXSQLVARs[i].FXSQLVAR^.sqldata); FreeMem(FXSQLVARs[i].FXSQLVAR^.sqlind); FXSQLVARs[i].Free ; end; FreeMem(FXSQLDA); FXSQLDA := nil; FXSQLVARs := nil; end; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TIBXSQLDA.AddName(FieldName: String; Idx: Integer); var fn: String; begin fn := FormatIdentifierValue(FSQL.Database.SQLDialect, FieldName); while FNames.Count <= Idx do FNames.Add(''); FNames[Idx] := fn; FXSQLVARs[Idx].FName := fn; FXSQLVARs[Idx].FIndex := Idx; end; function TIBXSQLDA.GetModified: Boolean; var i: Integer; begin result := False; for i := 0 to FCount - 1 do if FXSQLVARs[i].Modified then begin result := True; exit; end; end; function TIBXSQLDA.GetNames: String; begin result := FNames.Text; end; function TIBXSQLDA.GetRecordSize: Integer; begin result := SizeOf(TIBXSQLDA) + XSQLDA_LENGTH(FSize); end; function TIBXSQLDA.GetXSQLDA: PXSQLDA; begin result := FXSQLDA; end; function TIBXSQLDA.GetXSQLVAR(Idx: Integer): TIBXSQLVAR; begin if (Idx < 0) or (Idx >= FCount) then IBError(ibxeXSQLDAIndexOutOfRange, [nil]); result := FXSQLVARs[Idx] end; function TIBXSQLDA.ByName(Idx: String): TIBXSQLVAR; begin result := GetXSQLVARByName(Idx); if result = nil then IBError(ibxeFieldNotFound, [Idx]); end; function TIBXSQLDA.GetXSQLVARByName(Idx: String): TIBXSQLVAR; var s: String; i, Cnt: Integer; begin s := FormatIdentifierValue(FSQL.Database.SQLDialect, Idx); i := 0; Cnt := FNames.Count; while (i < Cnt) and (FNames[i] <> s) do Inc(i); if i = Cnt then result := nil else result := GetXSQLVAR(i); end; procedure TIBXSQLDA.Initialize; var i, j, j_len: Integer; NamesWereEmpty: Boolean; st: String; bUnique: Boolean; begin bUnique := True; NamesWereEmpty := (FNames.Count = 0); if FXSQLDA <> nil then begin for i := 0 to FCount - 1 do begin with FXSQLVARs[i].Data^ do begin if bUnique and (strpas(relname) <> '') then begin if FUniqueRelationName = '' then FUniqueRelationName := strpas(relname) else if strpas(relname) <> FUniqueRelationName then begin FUniqueRelationName := ''; bUnique := False; end; end; if NamesWereEmpty then begin st := strpas(aliasname); if st = '' then begin st := 'F_'; {do not localize} aliasname_length := 2; j := 1; j_len := 1; StrPCopy(aliasname, st + IntToStr(j)); end else begin StrPCopy(aliasname, st); j := 0; j_len := 0; end; while GetXSQLVARByName(strpas(aliasname)) <> nil do begin Inc(j); j_len := Length(IntToStr(j)); if j_len + aliasname_length > 31 then StrPCopy(aliasname, Copy(st, 1, 31 - j_len) + IntToStr(j)) else StrPCopy(aliasname, st + IntToStr(j)); end; Inc(aliasname_length, j_len); AddName(strpas(aliasname), i); end; case sqltype and (not 1) of SQL_TEXT, SQL_TYPE_DATE, SQL_TYPE_TIME, SQL_TIMESTAMP, SQL_BLOB, SQL_ARRAY, SQL_QUAD, SQL_SHORT, SQL_LONG, SQL_INT64, SQL_DOUBLE, SQL_FLOAT, SQL_D_FLOAT: begin if (sqllen = 0) then { Make sure you get a valid pointer anyway select '' from foo } IBAlloc(sqldata, 0, 1) else IBAlloc(sqldata, 0, sqllen) end; SQL_VARYING: begin IBAlloc(sqldata, 0, sqllen + 2); end; else IBError(ibxeUnknownSQLDataType, [sqltype and (not 1)]) end; if (sqltype and 1 = 1) then IBAlloc(sqlind, 0, SizeOf(Short)) else if (sqlind <> nil) then ReallocMem(sqlind, 0); end; end; end; end; procedure TIBXSQLDA.SetCount(Value: Integer); var i, OldSize: Integer; p : PXSQLVAR; begin FNames.Clear; FCount := Value; if FCount = 0 then FUniqueRelationName := '' else begin if FSize > 0 then OldSize := XSQLDA_LENGTH(FSize) else OldSize := 0; if FCount > FSize then begin IBAlloc(FXSQLDA, OldSize, XSQLDA_LENGTH(FCount)); SetLength(FXSQLVARs, FCount); FXSQLDA^.version := SQLDA_VERSION1; p := @FXSQLDA^.sqlvar[0]; for i := 0 to FCount - 1 do begin if i >= FSize then FXSQLVARs[i] := TIBXSQLVAR.Create(self, FSQL); FXSQLVARs[i].FXSQLVAR := p; p := Pointer(PChar(p) + sizeof(FXSQLDA^.sqlvar)); end; FSize := FCount; end; if FSize > 0 then begin FXSQLDA^.sqln := Value; FXSQLDA^.sqld := Value; end; end; end; { TIBOutputDelimitedFile } destructor TIBOutputDelimitedFile.Destroy; begin {$IFDEF LINUX} if FHandle <> -1 then fpclose(FHandle); {$ELSE} if FHandle <> 0 then begin FlushFileBuffers(FHandle); CloseHandle(FHandle); end; {$ENDIF} inherited Destroy; end; procedure TIBOutputDelimitedFile.ReadyFile; var i: Integer; {$IFDEF LINUX} BytesWritten: cint; {$ELSE} BytesWritten: DWORD; {$ENDIF} st: string; begin if FColDelimiter = '' then FColDelimiter := TAB; if FRowDelimiter = '' then FRowDelimiter := CRLF; {$IFDEF LINUX} FHandle := FpOpen(Filename,O_WrOnly or O_Creat); {$ELSE} FHandle := CreateFile(PChar(Filename), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if FHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then FHandle := 0; {$ENDIF} if FOutputTitles then begin for i := 0 to Columns.Count - 1 do if i = 0 then st := strpas(Columns[i].Data^.aliasname) else st := st + FColDelimiter + strpas(Columns[i].Data^.aliasname); st := st + FRowDelimiter; {$IFDEF LINUX} if FHandle <> -1 then BytesWritten := FpWrite(FHandle,st[1],Length(st)); if BytesWritten = -1 then raise Exception.Create('File Write Error'); {$ELSE} WriteFile(FHandle, PChar(st[1]), Length(st), BytesWritten, nil); {$ENDIF} end; end; function TIBOutputDelimitedFile.WriteColumns: Boolean; var i: Integer; {$IFDEF LINUX} BytesWritten: cint; {$ELSE} BytesWritten: DWORD; {$ENDIF} st: string; begin result := False; {$IFDEF LINUX} if FHandle <> -1 then {$ELSE} if FHandle <> 0 then {$ENDIF} begin st := ''; for i := 0 to Columns.Count - 1 do begin if i > 0 then st := st + FColDelimiter; st := st + StripString(Columns[i].AsString, FColDelimiter + FRowDelimiter); end; st := st + FRowDelimiter; {$IFDEF LINUX} BytesWritten := FpWrite(FHandle,st[1],Length(st)); {$ELSE} WriteFile(FHandle, st[1], Length(st), BytesWritten, nil); {$ENDIF} if BytesWritten = DWORD(Length(st)) then result := True; end end; { TIBInputDelimitedFile } destructor TIBInputDelimitedFile.Destroy; begin FFile.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TIBInputDelimitedFile.GetColumn(var Col: string): Integer; var c: Char; BytesRead: Integer; procedure ReadInput; begin if FLookAhead <> NULL_TERMINATOR then begin c := FLookAhead; BytesRead := 1; FLookAhead := NULL_TERMINATOR; end else BytesRead := FFile.Read(c, 1); end; procedure CheckCRLF(Delimiter: string); begin if (c = CR) and (Pos(LF, Delimiter) > 0) then {mbcs ok} begin BytesRead := FFile.Read(c, 1); if (BytesRead = 1) and (c <> #10) then FLookAhead := c end; end; begin Col := ''; result := 0; ReadInput; while BytesRead <> 0 do begin if Pos(c, FColDelimiter) > 0 then {mbcs ok} begin CheckCRLF(FColDelimiter); result := 1; break; end else if Pos(c, FRowDelimiter) > 0 then {mbcs ok} begin CheckCRLF(FRowDelimiter); result := 2; break; end else Col := Col + c; ReadInput; end; end; function TIBInputDelimitedFile.ReadParameters: Boolean; var i, curcol: Integer; Col: string; begin result := False; if not FEOF then begin curcol := 0; repeat i := GetColumn(Col); if (i = 0) then FEOF := True; if (curcol < Params.Count) then begin try if (Col = '') and (ReadBlanksAsNull) then Params[curcol].IsNull := True else Params[curcol].AsString := Col; Inc(curcol); except on E: Exception do begin if not (FEOF and (curcol = Params.Count)) then raise; end; end; end; until (FEOF) or (i = 2); result := ((FEOF) and (curcol = Params.Count)) or (not FEOF); end; end; procedure TIBInputDelimitedFile.ReadyFile; begin if FColDelimiter = '' then FColDelimiter := TAB; if FRowDelimiter = '' then FRowDelimiter := CRLF; FLookAhead := NULL_TERMINATOR; FEOF := False; if FFile <> nil then FFile.Free; FFile := TFileStream.Create(FFilename, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite); if FSkipTitles then ReadParameters; end; { TIBOutputRawFile } destructor TIBOutputRawFile.Destroy; begin {$IFDEF LINUX} if FHandle <> -1 then fpclose(FHandle); {$ELSE} if FHandle <> 0 then begin FlushFileBuffers(FHandle); CloseHandle(FHandle); end; {$ENDIF} inherited Destroy; end; procedure TIBOutputRawFile.ReadyFile; begin {$IFDEF LINUX} FHandle := FpOpen(Filename,O_WrOnly or O_Creat); {$ELSE} FHandle := CreateFile(PChar(Filename), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if FHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then FHandle := 0; {$ENDIF} end; function TIBOutputRawFile.WriteColumns: Boolean; var i: Integer; BytesWritten: DWord; begin result := False; if FHandle <> 0 then begin for i := 0 to Columns.Count - 1 do begin {$IFDEF LINUX} BytesWritten := FpWrite(FHandle,Columns[i].Data^.sqldata^, Columns[i].Data^.sqllen); {$ELSE} WriteFile(FHandle, Columns[i].Data^.sqldata^, Columns[i].Data^.sqllen, BytesWritten, nil); {$ENDIF} if BytesWritten <> DWORD(Columns[i].Data^.sqllen) then exit; end; result := True; end; end; { TIBInputRawFile } destructor TIBInputRawFile.Destroy; begin {$IFDEF LINUX} if FHandle <> -1 then fpclose(FHandle); {$ELSE} if FHandle <> 0 then CloseHandle(FHandle); {$ENDIF} inherited Destroy; end; function TIBInputRawFile.ReadParameters: Boolean; var i: Integer; BytesRead: DWord; begin result := False; {$IFDEF LINUX} if FHandle <> -1 then {$ELSE} if FHandle <> 0 then {$ENDIF} begin for i := 0 to Params.Count - 1 do begin {$IFDEF LINUX} BytesRead := FpRead(FHandle,Params[i].Data^.sqldata^,Params[i].Data^.sqllen); {$ELSE} ReadFile(FHandle, Params[i].Data^.sqldata^, Params[i].Data^.sqllen); BytesRead, nil); {$ENDIF} if BytesRead <> DWORD(Params[i].Data^.sqllen) then exit; end; result := True; end; end; procedure TIBInputRawFile.ReadyFile; begin {$IFDEF LINUX} if FHandle <> -1 then fpclose(FHandle); FHandle := FpOpen(Filename,O_RdOnly); if FHandle = -1 then raise Exception.CreateFmt('Unable to open file %s',[Filename]); {$ELSE} if FHandle <> 0 then CloseHandle(FHandle); FHandle := CreateFile(PChar(Filename), GENERIC_READ, 0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, 0); if FHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then FHandle := 0; {$ENDIF} end; { TIBSQL } constructor TIBSQL.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FIBLoaded := False; CheckIBLoaded; FIBLoaded := True; FGenerateParamNames := False; FGoToFirstRecordOnExecute := True; FBase := TIBBase.Create(Self); FBase.BeforeDatabaseDisconnect := DoBeforeDatabaseDisconnect; FBase.BeforeTransactionEnd := BeforeTransactionEnd; FBOF := False; FEOF := False; FPrepared := False; FRecordCount := 0; FSQL := TStringList.Create; TStringList(FSQL).OnChanging := SQLChanging; FProcessedSQL := TStringList.Create; FHandle := nil; FSQLParams := TIBXSQLDA.Create(self); FSQLRecord := TIBXSQLDA.Create(self); FSQLType := SQLUnknown; FParamCheck := True; FCursor := Name + RandomString(8); if AOwner is TIBDatabase then Database := TIBDatabase(AOwner) else if AOwner is TIBTransaction then Transaction := TIBTransaction(AOwner); end; destructor TIBSQL.Destroy; begin if FIBLoaded then begin if (FOpen) then Close; if (FHandle <> nil) then FreeHandle; FSQL.Free; FProcessedSQL.Free; FBase.Free; FSQLParams.Free; FSQLRecord.Free; end; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TIBSQL.BatchInput(InputObject: TIBBatchInput); begin if not Prepared then Prepare; InputObject.FParams := Self.FSQLParams; InputObject.ReadyFile; if FSQLType in [SQLInsert, SQLUpdate, SQLDelete, SQLExecProcedure] then while InputObject.ReadParameters do ExecQuery; end; procedure TIBSQL.BatchOutput(OutputObject: TIBBatchOutput); begin CheckClosed; if not Prepared then Prepare; if FSQLType = SQLSelect then begin try ExecQuery; OutputObject.FColumns := Self.FSQLRecord; OutputObject.ReadyFile; if not FGoToFirstRecordOnExecute then Next; while (not Eof) and (OutputObject.WriteColumns) do Next; finally Close; end; end; end; procedure TIBSQL.CheckClosed; begin if FOpen then IBError(ibxeSQLOpen, [nil]); end; procedure TIBSQL.CheckOpen; begin if not FOpen then IBError(ibxeSQLClosed, [nil]); end; procedure TIBSQL.CheckValidStatement; begin FBase.CheckTransaction; if (FHandle = nil) then IBError(ibxeInvalidStatementHandle, [nil]); end; procedure TIBSQL.Close; var isc_res: ISC_STATUS; begin try if (FHandle <> nil) and (SQLType = SQLSelect) and FOpen then begin isc_res := Call( isc_dsql_free_statement(StatusVector, @FHandle, DSQL_close), False); if (StatusVector^ = 1) and (isc_res > 0) and not CheckStatusVector( [isc_bad_stmt_handle, isc_dsql_cursor_close_err]) then IBDatabaseError; end; finally FEOF := False; FBOF := False; FOpen := False; FRecordCount := 0; end; end; function TIBSQL.Call(ErrCode: ISC_STATUS; RaiseError: Boolean): ISC_STATUS; begin result := 0; if Transaction <> nil then result := Transaction.Call(ErrCode, RaiseError) else if RaiseError and (ErrCode > 0) then IBDataBaseError; end; function TIBSQL.Current: TIBXSQLDA; begin result := FSQLRecord; end; procedure TIBSQL.DoBeforeDatabaseDisconnect(Sender: TObject); begin if (FHandle <> nil) then begin Close; FreeHandle; end; end; procedure TIBSQL.ExecQuery; var fetch_res: ISC_STATUS; begin CheckClosed; if not Prepared then Prepare; CheckValidStatement; case FSQLType of SQLSelect: begin Call(isc_dsql_execute2(StatusVector, TRHandle, @FHandle, Database.SQLDialect, FSQLParams.AsXSQLDA, nil), True); Call( isc_dsql_set_cursor_name(StatusVector, @FHandle, PChar(FCursor), 0), True); FOpen := True; FBOF := True; FEOF := False; FRecordCount := 0; if FGoToFirstRecordOnExecute then Next; end; SQLExecProcedure: begin fetch_res := Call(isc_dsql_execute2(StatusVector, TRHandle, @FHandle, Database.SQLDialect, FSQLParams.AsXSQLDA, FSQLRecord.AsXSQLDA), False); if (fetch_res <> 0) and (fetch_res <> isc_deadlock) then begin { Sometimes a prepared stored procedure appears to get off sync on the server ....This code is meant to try to work around the problem simply by "retrying". This need to be reproduced and fixed. } isc_dsql_prepare(StatusVector, TRHandle, @FHandle, 0, PChar(FProcessedSQL.Text), 1, nil); Call(isc_dsql_execute2(StatusVector, TRHandle, @FHandle, Database.SQLDialect, FSQLParams.AsXSQLDA, FSQLRecord.AsXSQLDA), True); end; end else Call(isc_dsql_execute(StatusVector, TRHandle, @FHandle, Database.SQLDialect, FSQLParams.AsXSQLDA), True) end; {$IFDEF HAS_SQLMONITOR} if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then MonitorHook.SQLExecute(Self); {$ENDIF} end; function TIBSQL.GetEOF: Boolean; begin result := FEOF or not FOpen; end; function TIBSQL.FieldByName(FieldName: String): TIBXSQLVAR; var i: Integer; begin i := GetFieldIndex(FieldName); if (i < 0) then IBError(ibxeFieldNotFound, [FieldName]); result := GetFields(i); end; function TIBSQL.ParamByName(ParamName: String): TIBXSQLVAR; begin Result := Params.ByName(ParamName); end; function TIBSQL.GetFields(const Idx: Integer): TIBXSQLVAR; begin if (Idx < 0) or (Idx >= FSQLRecord.Count) then IBError(ibxeFieldNotFound, [IntToStr(Idx)]); result := FSQLRecord[Idx]; end; function TIBSQL.GetFieldIndex(FieldName: String): Integer; begin if (FSQLRecord.GetXSQLVarByName(FieldName) = nil) then result := -1 else result := FSQLRecord.GetXSQLVarByName(FieldName).Index; end; function TIBSQL.Next: TIBXSQLDA; var fetch_res: ISC_STATUS; begin result := nil; if not FEOF then begin CheckOpen; { Go to the next record... } fetch_res := Call(isc_dsql_fetch(StatusVector, @FHandle, Database.SQLDialect, FSQLRecord.AsXSQLDA), False); if (fetch_res = 100) or (CheckStatusVector([isc_dsql_cursor_err])) then begin FEOF := True; end else if (fetch_res > 0) then begin try IBDataBaseError; except Close; raise; end; end else begin Inc(FRecordCount); FBOF := False; result := FSQLRecord; end; {$IFDEF HAS_SQLMONITOR} if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then MonitorHook.SQLFetch(Self); {$ENDIF} end; end; procedure TIBSQL.FreeHandle; var isc_res: ISC_STATUS; begin try { The following two lines merely set the SQLDA count variable FCount to 0, but do not deallocate That way the allocations can be reused for a new query sring in the same SQL instance } FSQLRecord.Count := 0; FSQLParams.Count := 0; if FHandle <> nil then begin isc_res := Call(isc_dsql_free_statement(StatusVector, @FHandle, DSQL_drop), False); if (StatusVector^ = 1) and (isc_res > 0) and (isc_res <> isc_bad_stmt_handle) then IBDataBaseError; end; finally FPrepared := False; FHandle := nil; end; end; function TIBSQL.GetDatabase: TIBDatabase; begin result := FBase.Database; end; function TIBSQL.GetDBHandle: PISC_DB_HANDLE; begin result := FBase.DBHandle; end; function TIBSQL.GetPlan: String; var result_buffer: array[0..16384] of Char; result_length, i: Integer; info_request: Char; begin if (not Prepared) or (not (FSQLType in [SQLSelect, SQLSelectForUpdate, {TODO: SQLExecProcedure, } SQLUpdate, SQLDelete])) then result := '' else begin info_request := Char(isc_info_sql_get_plan); Call(isc_dsql_sql_info(StatusVector, @FHandle, 2, @info_request, SizeOf(result_buffer), result_buffer), True); if (result_buffer[0] <> Char(isc_info_sql_get_plan)) then IBError(ibxeUnknownError, [nil]); result_length := isc_vax_integer(@result_buffer[1], 2); SetString(result, nil, result_length); for i := 1 to result_length do result[i] := result_buffer[i + 2]; result := Trim(result); end; end; function TIBSQL.GetRecordCount: Integer; begin result := FRecordCount; end; function TIBSQL.GetRowsAffected: integer; var result_buffer: array[0..1048] of Char; info_request: Char; begin if not Prepared then result := -1 else begin info_request := Char(isc_info_sql_records); if isc_dsql_sql_info(StatusVector, @FHandle, 1, @info_request, SizeOf(result_buffer), result_buffer) > 0 then IBDatabaseError; if (result_buffer[0] <> Char(isc_info_sql_records)) then result := -1 else case SQLType of SQLUpdate: Result := isc_vax_integer(@result_buffer[6], 4); SQLDelete: Result := isc_vax_integer(@result_buffer[13], 4); SQLInsert: Result := isc_vax_integer(@result_buffer[27], 4); else Result := -1 ; end ; end; end; function TIBSQL.GetSQLParams: TIBXSQLDA; begin if not Prepared then Prepare; result := FSQLParams; end; function TIBSQL.GetTransaction: TIBTransaction; begin result := FBase.Transaction; end; function TIBSQL.GetTRHandle: PISC_TR_HANDLE; begin result := FBase.TRHandle; end; { Preprocess SQL Using FSQL, process the typed SQL and put the process SQL in FProcessedSQL and parameter names in FSQLParams } procedure TIBSQL.PreprocessSQL; var cCurChar, cNextChar, cQuoteChar: Char; sSQL, sProcessedSQL, sParamName: String; i, iLenSQL, iSQLPos: Integer; iCurState, iCurParamState: Integer; iParamSuffix: Integer; slNames: TStrings; const DefaultState = 0; CommentState = 1; QuoteState = 2; ParamState = 3; ParamDefaultState = 0; ParamQuoteState = 1; procedure AddToProcessedSQL(cChar: Char); begin sProcessedSQL[iSQLPos] := cChar; Inc(iSQLPos); end; begin slNames := TStringList.Create; try { Do some initializations of variables } iParamSuffix := 0; cQuoteChar := ''''; sSQL := FSQL.Text; iLenSQL := Length(sSQL); SetString(sProcessedSQL, nil, iLenSQL + 1); i := 1; iSQLPos := 1; iCurState := DefaultState; iCurParamState := ParamDefaultState; { Now, traverse through the SQL string, character by character, picking out the parameters and formatting correctly for InterBase } while (i <= iLenSQL) do begin { Get the current token and a look-ahead } cCurChar := sSQL[i]; if i = iLenSQL then cNextChar := #0 else cNextChar := sSQL[i + 1]; { Now act based on the current state } case iCurState of DefaultState: begin case cCurChar of '''', '"': begin cQuoteChar := cCurChar; iCurState := QuoteState; end; '?', ':': begin iCurState := ParamState; AddToProcessedSQL('?'); end; '/': if (cNextChar = '*') then begin AddToProcessedSQL(cCurChar); Inc(i); iCurState := CommentState; end; end; end; CommentState: begin if (cNextChar = #0) then IBError(ibxeSQLParseError, [SEOFInComment]) else if (cCurChar = '*') then begin if (cNextChar = '/') then iCurState := DefaultState; end; end; QuoteState: begin if cNextChar = #0 then IBError(ibxeSQLParseError, [SEOFInString]) else if (cCurChar = cQuoteChar) then begin if (cNextChar = cQuoteChar) then begin AddToProcessedSQL(cCurChar); Inc(i); end else iCurState := DefaultState; end; end; ParamState: begin { collect the name of the parameter } if iCurParamState = ParamDefaultState then begin if cCurChar = '"' then iCurParamState := ParamQuoteState else if (cCurChar in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_', '$']) then sParamName := sParamName + cCurChar else if FGenerateParamNames then begin sParamName := 'IBXParam' + IntToStr(iParamSuffix); {do not localize} Inc(iParamSuffix); iCurState := DefaultState; slNames.Add(sParamName); sParamName := ''; end else IBError(ibxeSQLParseError, [SParamNameExpected]); end else begin { determine if Quoted parameter name is finished } if cCurChar = '"' then begin Inc(i); slNames.Add(sParamName); SParamName := ''; iCurParamState := ParamDefaultState; iCurState := DefaultState; end else sParamName := sParamName + cCurChar end; { determine if the unquoted parameter name is finished } if (iCurParamState <> ParamQuoteState) and (iCurState <> DefaultState) then begin if not (cNextChar in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_', '$']) then begin Inc(i); iCurState := DefaultState; slNames.Add(sParamName); sParamName := ''; end; end; end; end; if iCurState <> ParamState then AddToProcessedSQL(sSQL[i]); Inc(i); end; AddToProcessedSQL(#0); FSQLParams.Count := slNames.Count; for i := 0 to slNames.Count - 1 do FSQLParams.AddName(slNames[i], i); FProcessedSQL.Text := sProcessedSQL; finally slNames.Free; end; end; procedure TIBSQL.SetDatabase(Value: TIBDatabase); begin FBase.Database := Value; end; procedure TIBSQL.Prepare; var stmt_len: Integer; res_buffer: array[0..7] of Char; type_item: Char; begin CheckClosed; FBase.CheckDatabase; FBase.CheckTransaction; if FPrepared then exit; if (FSQL.Text = '') then IBError(ibxeEmptyQuery, [nil]); if not ParamCheck then FProcessedSQL.Text := FSQL.Text else PreprocessSQL; if (FProcessedSQL.Text = '') then IBError(ibxeEmptyQuery, [nil]); try Call(isc_dsql_alloc_statement2(StatusVector, DBHandle, @FHandle), True); Call(isc_dsql_prepare(StatusVector, TRHandle, @FHandle, 0, PChar(FProcessedSQL.Text), Database.SQLDialect, nil), True); { After preparing the statement, query the stmt type and possibly create a FSQLRecord "holder" } { Get the type of the statement } type_item := Char(isc_info_sql_stmt_type); Call(isc_dsql_sql_info(StatusVector, @FHandle, 1, @type_item, SizeOf(res_buffer), res_buffer), True); if (res_buffer[0] <> Char(isc_info_sql_stmt_type)) then IBError(ibxeUnknownError, [nil]); stmt_len := isc_vax_integer(@res_buffer[1], 2); FSQLType := TIBSQLTypes(isc_vax_integer(@res_buffer[3], stmt_len)); { Done getting the type } case FSQLType of SQLGetSegment, SQLPutSegment, SQLStartTransaction: begin FreeHandle; IBError(ibxeNotPermitted, [nil]); end; SQLCommit, SQLRollback, SQLDDL, SQLSetGenerator, SQLInsert, SQLUpdate, SQLDelete, SQLSelect, SQLSelectForUpdate, SQLExecProcedure: begin { We already know how many inputs there are, so... } if (FSQLParams.FXSQLDA <> nil) and (Call(isc_dsql_describe_bind(StatusVector, @FHandle, Database.SQLDialect, FSQLParams.FXSQLDA), False) > 0) then IBDataBaseError; FSQLParams.Initialize; if FSQLType in [SQLSelect, SQLSelectForUpdate, SQLExecProcedure] then begin { Allocate an initial output descriptor (with one column) } FSQLRecord.Count := 1; { Using isc_dsql_describe, get the right size for the columns... } Call(isc_dsql_describe(StatusVector, @FHandle, Database.SQLDialect, FSQLRecord.FXSQLDA), True); if FSQLRecord.FXSQLDA^.sqld > FSQLRecord.FXSQLDA^.sqln then begin FSQLRecord.Count := FSQLRecord.FXSQLDA^.sqld; Call(isc_dsql_describe(StatusVector, @FHandle, Database.SQLDialect, FSQLRecord.FXSQLDA), True); end else if FSQLRecord.FXSQLDA^.sqld = 0 then FSQLRecord.Count := 0; FSQLRecord.Initialize; end; end; end; FPrepared := True; {$IFDEF HAS_SQLMONITOR} if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then MonitorHook.SQLPrepare(Self); {$ENDIF} except on E: Exception do begin if (FHandle <> nil) then FreeHandle; raise; end; end; end; function TIBSQL.GetUniqueRelationName: String; begin if FPrepared and (FSQLType = SQLSelect) then result := FSQLRecord.UniqueRelationName else result := ''; end; procedure TIBSQL.SetSQL(Value: TStrings); begin if FSQL.Text <> Value.Text then begin FSQL.BeginUpdate; try FSQL.Assign(Value); finally FSQL.EndUpdate; end; end; end; procedure TIBSQL.SetTransaction(Value: TIBTransaction); begin FBase.Transaction := Value; end; procedure TIBSQL.SQLChanging(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(OnSQLChanging) then OnSQLChanging(Self); if FHandle <> nil then FreeHandle; end; procedure TIBSQL.BeforeTransactionEnd(Sender: TObject); begin if (FOpen) then Close; end; end.