{************************************************************************} { } { Borland Delphi Visual Component Library } { InterBase Express core components } { } { Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Inprise Corporation } { } { InterBase Express is based in part on the product } { Free IB Components, written by Gregory H. Deatz for } { Hoagland, Longo, Moran, Dunst & Doukas Company. } { Free IB Components is used under license. } { } { The contents of this file are subject to the InterBase } { Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not } { use this file except in compliance with the License. You } { may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html } { Software distributed under the License is distributed on } { an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either } { express or implied. See the License for the specific language } { governing rights and limitations under the License. } { The Original Code was created by InterBase Software Corporation } { and its successors. } { Portions created by Inprise Corporation are Copyright (C) Inprise } { Corporation. All Rights Reserved. } { Contributor(s): Jeff Overcash } { } { IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express) } { Contributor: Tony Whyman, MWA Software http://www.mwasoftware.co.uk } { Portions created by MWA Software are copyright McCallum Whyman } { Associates Ltd 2011 } { } {************************************************************************} unit IBStoredProc; {$Mode Delphi} interface uses SysUtils, Classes, DB, IB, IBDatabase, IBCustomDataSet, IBHeader, IBSQL, IBUtils; { TIBStoredProc } type TIBStoredProc = class(TIBCustomDataSet) private FIBLoaded: Boolean; FStmtHandle: TISC_STMT_HANDLE; FProcName: string; FParams: TParams; FPrepared: Boolean; FNameList: TStrings; procedure SetParamsList(Value: TParams); procedure FreeStatement; function GetStoredProcedureNames: TStrings; procedure GetStoredProcedureNamesFromServer; procedure CreateParamDesc; procedure SetParams; procedure SetParamsFromCursor; procedure GenerateSQL; procedure FetchDataIntoOutputParams; procedure ReadParamData(Reader: TReader); procedure WriteParamData(Writer: TWriter); protected procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override; procedure SetFiltered(Value: Boolean); override; function GetParamsCount: Word; procedure SetPrepared(Value: Boolean); procedure SetPrepare(Value: Boolean); procedure SetProcName(Value: string); procedure Disconnect; override; procedure InternalOpen; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure CopyParams(Value: TParams); procedure ExecProc; function ParamByName(const Value: string): TParam; procedure Prepare; procedure UnPrepare; property ParamCount: Word read GetParamsCount; property StmtHandle: TISC_STMT_HANDLE read FStmtHandle; property Prepared: Boolean read FPrepared write SetPrepare; property StoredProcedureNames: TStrings read GetStoredProcedureNames; published property StoredProcName: string read FProcName write SetProcName; property Params: TParams read FParams write SetParamsList; property Filtered; property BeforeDatabaseDisconnect; property AfterDatabaseDisconnect; property DatabaseFree; property BeforeTransactionEnd; property AfterTransactionEnd; property TransactionFree; property OnFilterRecord; end; implementation uses IBIntf; { TIBStoredProc } constructor TIBStoredProc.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FIBLoaded := False; CheckIBLoaded; FIBLoaded := True; FParams := TParams.Create (self); FNameList := TStringList.Create; end; destructor TIBStoredProc.Destroy; begin if FIBLoaded then begin Destroying; Disconnect; FParams.Free; FNameList.Destroy; end; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TIBStoredProc.Disconnect; begin Close; UnPrepare; end; procedure TIBStoredProc.ExecProc; var DidActivate: Boolean; begin CheckInActive; if StoredProcName = '' then IBError(ibxeNoStoredProcName, [nil]); ActivateConnection; DidActivate := ActivateTransaction; try SetPrepared(True); if DataSource <> nil then SetParamsFromCursor; if FParams.Count > 0 then SetParams; InternalExecQuery; FetchDataIntoOutputParams; finally if DidActivate then DeactivateTransaction; end; end; procedure TIBStoredProc.SetProcName(Value: string); begin if not (csReading in ComponentState) then begin CheckInactive; if Value <> FProcName then begin FProcName := Value; FreeStatement; FParams.Clear; if (Value <> '') and (Database <> nil) then GenerateSQL; end; end else begin FProcName := Value; if (Value <> '') and (Database <> nil) then GenerateSQL; end; end; function TIBStoredProc.GetParamsCount: Word; begin Result := FParams.Count; end; procedure TIBStoredProc.SetFiltered(Value: Boolean); begin if(Filtered <> Value) then begin inherited SetFiltered(value); if Active then begin Close; Open; end; end else inherited SetFiltered(value); end; procedure TIBStoredProc.GenerateSQL; var Query : TIBSQL; input : string; begin ActivateConnection; Database.InternalTransaction.StartTransaction; Query := TIBSQL.Create(self); try Query.Database := DataBase; Query.Transaction := Database.InternalTransaction; Query.SQL.Text := 'SELECT RDB$PARAMETER_NAME, RDB$PARAMETER_TYPE ' + {do not localize} 'FROM RDB$PROCEDURE_PARAMETERS ' + {do not localize} 'WHERE RDB$PROCEDURE_NAME = ' + {do not localize} '''' + FormatIdentifierValue(Database.SQLDialect, FProcName) + '''' + ' ORDER BY RDB$PARAMETER_NUMBER'; {do not localize} Query.Prepare; Query.GoToFirstRecordOnExecute := False; Query.ExecQuery; while (not Query.EOF) and (Query.Next <> nil) do begin if (Query.Current.ByName('RDB$PARAMETER_TYPE').AsInteger = 0) then begin {do not localize} if (input <> '') then input := input + ', :' + FormatIdentifier(Database.SQLDialect, Query.Current.ByName('RDB$PARAMETER_NAME').AsString) else {do not localize} input := ':' + FormatIdentifier(Database.SQLDialect, Query.Current.ByName('RDB$PARAMETER_NAME').AsString); {do not localize} end end; SelectSQL.Text := 'Execute Procedure ' + {do not localize} FormatIdentifier(Database.SQLDialect, FProcName) + ' ' + input; finally Query.Free; Database.InternalTransaction.Commit; end; end; procedure TIBStoredProc.CreateParamDesc; var i : integer; DataType : TFieldType; begin DataType := ftUnknown; for i := 0 to QSelect.Current.Count - 1 do begin case QSelect.Fields[i].SQLtype of SQL_TYPE_DATE: DataType := ftDate; SQL_TYPE_TIME: DataType := ftTime; SQL_TIMESTAMP: DataType := ftDateTime; SQL_SHORT: if ((QSelect.Fields[i].AsXSQLVar)^.sqlscale = 0) then DataType := ftSmallInt else DataType := ftBCD; SQL_LONG: if ((QSelect.Fields[i].AsXSQLVar)^.sqlscale = 0) then DataType := ftInteger else if ((QSelect.Fields[i].AsXSQLVar)^.sqlscale >= (-4)) then DataType := ftBCD else DataType := ftFloat; SQL_INT64: if ((QSelect.Fields[i].AsXSQLVar)^.sqlscale = 0) then DataType := ftLargeInt else if ((QSelect.Fields[i].AsXSQLVar)^.sqlscale >= (-4)) then DataType := ftBCD else DataType := ftFloat; SQL_DOUBLE, SQL_FLOAT, SQL_D_FLOAT: DataType := ftFloat; SQL_TEXT: DataType := ftString; SQL_VARYING: if ((QSelect.Fields[i].AsXSQLVar)^.sqllen < 1024) then DataType := ftString else DataType := ftBlob; SQL_BLOB, SQL_ARRAY, SQL_QUAD: DataType := ftBlob; end; FParams.CreateParam(DataType, Trim(QSelect.Fields[i].Name), ptOutput); end; DataType := ftUnknown; for i := 0 to QSelect.Params.Count - 1 do begin case QSelect.Params[i].SQLtype of SQL_TYPE_DATE: DataType := ftDate; SQL_TYPE_TIME: DataType := ftTime; SQL_TIMESTAMP: DataType := ftDateTime; SQL_SHORT: if ((QSelect.Params[i].AsXSQLVar)^.sqlscale = 0) then DataType := ftSmallInt else DataType := ftBCD; SQL_LONG: if ((QSelect.Params[i].AsXSQLVar)^.sqlscale = 0) then DataType := ftInteger else if ((QSelect.Params[i].AsXSQLVar)^.sqlscale >= (-4)) then DataType := ftBCD else DataType := ftFloat; SQL_INT64: if ((QSelect.Params[i].AsXSQLVar)^.sqlscale = 0) then DataType := ftLargeInt else if ((QSelect.Params[i].AsXSQLVar)^.sqlscale >= (-4)) then DataType := ftBCD else DataType := ftFloat; SQL_DOUBLE, SQL_FLOAT, SQL_D_FLOAT: DataType := ftFloat; SQL_TEXT: DataType := ftString; SQL_VARYING: if ((QSelect.Params[i].AsXSQLVar)^.sqllen < 1024) then DataType := ftString else DataType := ftBlob; SQL_BLOB, SQL_ARRAY, SQL_QUAD: DataType := ftBlob; end; FParams.CreateParam(DataType, Trim(QSelect.Params[i].Name), ptInput); end; end; procedure TIBStoredProc.SetPrepared(Value: Boolean); begin if Prepared <> Value then begin if Value then try if SelectSQL.Text = '' then GenerateSQL; InternalPrepare; if FParams.Count = 0 then CreateParamDesc; FPrepared := True; except FreeStatement; raise; end else FreeStatement; end; end; procedure TIBStoredProc.Prepare; begin SetPrepared(True); end; procedure TIBStoredProc.UnPrepare; begin SetPrepared(False); end; procedure TIBStoredProc.FreeStatement; begin InternalUnPrepare; FPrepared := False; end; procedure TIBStoredProc.SetPrepare(Value: Boolean); begin if Value then Prepare else UnPrepare; end; procedure TIBStoredProc.CopyParams(Value: TParams); begin if not Prepared and (FParams.Count = 0) then try Prepare; Value.Assign(FParams); finally UnPrepare; end else Value.Assign(FParams); end; procedure TIBStoredProc.SetParamsList(Value: TParams); begin CheckInactive; if Prepared then begin SetPrepared(False); FParams.Assign(Value); SetPrepared(True); end else FParams.Assign(Value); end; function TIBStoredProc.ParamByName(const Value: string): TParam; begin Result := FParams.ParamByName(Value); end; function TIBStoredProc.GetStoredProcedureNames: TStrings; begin FNameList.clear; GetStoredProcedureNamesFromServer; Result := FNameList; end; procedure TIBStoredProc.GetStoredProcedureNamesFromServer; var Query : TIBSQL; begin if not (csReading in ComponentState) then begin ActivateConnection; Database.InternalTransaction.StartTransaction; Query := TIBSQL.Create(self); try Query.GoToFirstRecordOnExecute := False; Query.Database := DataBase; Query.Transaction := Database.InternalTransaction; Query.SQL.Text := 'Select RDB$PROCEDURE_NAME from RDB$PROCEDURES'; {do not localize} Query.Prepare; Query.ExecQuery; while (not Query.EOF) and (Query.Next <> nil) do FNameList.Add(TrimRight(Query.Current.ByName('RDB$PROCEDURE_NAME').AsString)); {do not localize} finally Query.Free; Database.InternalTransaction.Commit; end; end; end; procedure TIBStoredProc.SetParams; var i : integer; j: integer; begin i := 0; for j := 0 to FParams.Count - 1 do begin if (Params[j].ParamType <> ptInput) then continue; if not Params[j].Bound then IBError(ibxeRequiredParamNotSet, [nil]); if Params[j].IsNull then SQLParams[i].IsNull := True else begin SQLParams[i].IsNull := False; case Params[j].DataType of ftString: SQLParams[i].AsString := Params[j].AsString; ftBoolean, ftSmallint, ftWord: SQLParams[i].AsShort := Params[j].AsSmallInt; ftInteger: SQLParams[i].AsLong := Params[j].AsInteger; { ftLargeInt: SQLParams[i].AsInt64 := Params[j].AsLargeInt; } ftFloat, ftCurrency: SQLParams[i].AsDouble := Params[j].AsFloat; ftBCD: SQLParams[i].AsCurrency := Params[j].AsCurrency; ftDate: SQLParams[i].AsDate := Params[j].AsDateTime; ftTime: SQLParams[i].AsTime := Params[j].AsDateTime; ftDateTime: SQLParams[i].AsDateTime := Params[j].AsDateTime; ftBlob, ftMemo: SQLParams[i].AsString := Params[j].AsString; else IBError(ibxeNotSupported, [nil]); end; end; Inc(i); end; end; procedure TIBStoredProc.SetParamsFromCursor; var I: Integer; DataSet: TDataSet; begin if DataSource <> nil then begin DataSet := DataSource.DataSet; if DataSet <> nil then begin DataSet.FieldDefs.Update; for I := 0 to FParams.Count - 1 do with FParams[I] do if (not Bound) and ((ParamType = ptInput) or (ParamType = ptInputOutput)) then AssignField(DataSet.FieldByName(Name)); end; end; end; procedure TIBStoredProc.FetchDataIntoOutputParams; var i,j : Integer; begin j := 0; for i := 0 to FParams.Count - 1 do with Params[I] do if ParamType = ptOutput then begin Value := QSelect.Fields[j].Value; Inc(j); end; end; procedure TIBStoredProc.InternalOpen; begin IBError(ibxeIsAExecuteProcedure,[nil]); end; procedure TIBStoredProc.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); function WriteData: Boolean; begin if Filer.Ancestor <> nil then Result := not FParams.IsEqual(TIBStoredProc(Filer.Ancestor).FParams) else Result := FParams.Count > 0; end; begin inherited DefineProperties(Filer); Filer.DefineProperty('ParamData', ReadParamData, WriteParamData, WriteData); {do not localize} end; procedure TIBStoredProc.WriteParamData(Writer: TWriter); begin Writer.WriteCollection(Params); end; procedure TIBStoredProc.ReadParamData(Reader: TReader); begin Reader.ReadValue; Reader.ReadCollection(Params); end; end.