{************************************************************************} { } { Borland Delphi Visual Component Library } { InterBase Express core components } { } { Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Inprise Corporation } { } { InterBase Express is based in part on the product } { Free IB Components, written by Gregory H. Deatz for } { Hoagland, Longo, Moran, Dunst & Doukas Company. } { Free IB Components is used under license. } { } { The contents of this file are subject to the InterBase } { Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not } { use this file except in compliance with the License. You } { may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html } { Software distributed under the License is distributed on } { an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either } { express or implied. See the License for the specific language } { governing rights and limitations under the License. } { The Original Code was created by InterBase Software Corporation } { and its successors. } { Portions created by Inprise Corporation are Copyright (C) Inprise } { Corporation. All Rights Reserved. } { Contributor(s): Jeff Overcash } { } { IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express) } { Contributor: Tony Whyman, MWA Software http://www.mwasoftware.co.uk } { Portions created by MWA Software are copyright McCallum Whyman } { Associates Ltd 2011 } { } {************************************************************************} unit IBTable; {$Mode Delphi} interface uses SysUtils, Classes, DB, IB, IBCustomDataSet, IBHeader, IBSQL, IBUtils; type { TIBTable } TIBTableType = (ttSystem, ttView); TIBTableTypes = set of TIBTableType; TIndexName = String; TIBTable = class; TIBTable = class(TIBCustomDataSet) private FSystemTable: Boolean; FMultiTableView: Boolean; FMasterLink: TMasterDataLink; FMasterFieldsList: TStringList; FDetailFieldsList: TStringList; FStoreDefs: Boolean; FIndexDefs: TIndexDefs; FDefaultIndex: Boolean; FReadOnly: Boolean; FFieldsIndex: Boolean; FTableName: String; FIndexName: TIndexName; FRegenerateSQL: Boolean; FNameList: TStrings; FSwitchingIndex: Boolean; FPrimaryIndexFields: string; FTableTypes: TIBTableTypes; WhereAllRefreshSQL: TStrings; WhereDBKeyRefreshSQL: TStrings; WherePrimaryRefreshSQL: TStrings; function GetIndexFieldCount: Integer; function GetIndexField(Index: Integer): TField; procedure MasterChanged(Sender: TObject); procedure MasterDisabled(Sender: TObject); procedure SetDataSource(Value: TDataSource); procedure SetIndexField(Index: Integer; Value: TField); procedure SetIndexFieldNames(const Value: string); procedure GenerateSQL; procedure GenerateUpdateSQL; procedure SwitchToIndex(); procedure InternalTableRefresh(); function GetTableNames: TStrings; procedure GetTableNamesFromServer; procedure SetTableTypes( const Value: TIBTableTypes); function InternalGotoDBKey(DBKey: TIBDBKey): Boolean; function FormatFieldsList(Value: string): string; function GetCurrentDBKey: TIBDBKey; function InternalGetUpdatable: Boolean; function GetExists: Boolean; procedure SetIndexDefs(Value: TIndexDefs); procedure ExtractLinkFields; function FieldDefsStored: Boolean; function IndexDefsStored: Boolean; function GetMasterFields: string; procedure SetMasterFields(const Value: string); function GetIndexFieldNames: string; function GetIndexName: string; procedure SetIndexName(const Value: string); procedure SetParams; procedure SetReadOnly(Value: Boolean); procedure SetTableName(Value: String); procedure SetIndex(const Value: string; FieldsIndex: Boolean); procedure ResetSQLStatements; procedure Reopen; protected procedure DoOnNewRecord; override; procedure GetIndexParams(const IndexName: string; FieldsIndex: Boolean; var IndexedName: string); function GetCanModify: Boolean; override; procedure UpdateIndexDefs; override; procedure DataEvent(Event: TDataEvent; Info: Ptrint); override; procedure DefChanged(Sender: TObject); virtual; function GetDataSource: TDataSource; override; procedure InitFieldDefs; override; procedure InternalClose; override; procedure InternalOpen; override; procedure InternalRefresh; override; procedure SetFiltered(Value: Boolean); override; procedure SetFilterText(const Value: string); override; procedure SetFilterOptions(Value: TFilterOptions); override; procedure InternalRefreshRow; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure AddIndex(const Name, Fields: string; Options: TIndexOptions; const DescFields: string = ''); procedure CreateTable; procedure DeleteIndex(const Name: string); procedure DeleteTable; procedure EmptyTable; procedure GetDetailLinkFields(MasterFields, DetailFields: TList); virtual; procedure GetIndexNames(List: TStrings); procedure GotoCurrent(Table: TIBTable); property CurrentDBKey: TIBDBKey read GetCurrentDBKey; property Exists: Boolean read GetExists; property IndexFieldCount: Integer read GetIndexFieldCount; property IndexFields[Index: Integer]: TField read GetIndexField write SetIndexField; property TableNames: TStrings read GetTableNames; published property Active; property BufferChunks; property CachedUpdates; // property Constraints stored ConstraintsStored; property DefaultIndex: Boolean read FDefaultIndex write FDefaultIndex default True; property FieldDefs stored FieldDefsStored; property Filter; property Filtered; property IndexDefs: TIndexDefs read FIndexDefs write SetIndexDefs stored IndexDefsStored; property IndexFieldNames: string read GetIndexFieldNames write SetIndexFieldNames; property IndexName: string read GetIndexName write SetIndexName; property MasterFields: string read GetMasterFields write SetMasterFields; property MasterSource: TDataSource read GetDataSource write SetDataSource; property ReadOnly: Boolean read FReadOnly write SetReadOnly default False; property StoreDefs: Boolean read FStoreDefs write FStoreDefs default False; property TableName: String read FTableName write SetTableName; property TableTypes: TIBTableTypes read FTableTypes write SetTableTypes default []; property UpdateObject; property UniDirectional; property BeforeDatabaseDisconnect; property AfterDatabaseDisconnect; property DatabaseFree; property BeforeTransactionEnd; property AfterTransactionEnd; property TransactionFree; property OnFilterRecord; end; implementation { TIBTable } constructor TIBTable.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FNameList := TStringList.Create; FSwitchingIndex := False; FIndexDefs := TIndexDefs.Create(Self); WhereAllRefreshSQL := TStringList.Create; WhereDBKeyRefreshSQL := TStringList.Create; WherePrimaryRefreshSQL := TStringList.Create; FDefaultIndex := True; FRegenerateSQL := True; FMasterFieldsList := TStringList.Create; FDetailFieldsList := TStringList.Create; FMasterLink := TMasterDataLink.Create(Self); FMasterLink.OnMasterChange := MasterChanged; FMasterLink.OnMasterDisable := MasterDisabled; QRefresh.OnSQLChanging := nil; QDelete.OnSQLChanging := nil; QInsert.OnSQLChanging := nil; QModify.OnSQLChanging := nil; end; destructor TIBTable.Destroy; begin FNameList.Free; FIndexDefs.Free; FMasterFieldsList.Free; FDetailFieldsList.Free; FMasterLink.Free; WhereAllRefreshSQL.Free; WhereDBKeyRefreshSQL.Free; WherePrimaryRefreshSQL.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TIBTable.InternalClose; begin DataEvent(dePropertyChange, 0); inherited InternalClose; end; procedure TIBTable.InternalOpen; begin if FTableName = '' then IBError(ibxeNoTableName, [nil]); ActivateConnection; ActivateTransaction; if FRegenerateSQL then begin InternalUnprepare; GenerateSQL; if not FReadOnly then GenerateUpdateSQL; FRegenerateSQL := False; end; SetParams; inherited InternalOpen; end; procedure TIBTable.InternalRefresh; var DBKey: TIBDBKey; begin DBKey := CurrentDBKey; Reopen; if DBKey.DBKey[0] <> 0 then InternalGotoDBKey(DBKey); end; procedure TIBTable.SetFiltered(Value: Boolean); begin if(Filtered <> Value) then begin inherited SetFiltered(value); if Active then InternalTableRefresh; end else inherited SetFiltered(value); end; procedure TIBTable.SetFilterText(const Value: string); begin if Filtered and (Value <> Filter) then begin inherited SetFilterText(value); InternalTableRefresh; end else inherited SetFilterText(value); end; procedure TIBTable.SetFilterOptions(Value: TFilterOptions); begin if Value <> [] then IBError(ibxeNotSupported, [nil]); end; procedure TIBTable.InternalRefreshRow; begin if CurrentDBKey.DBKey[0] <> 0 then QRefresh.SQL.Assign(WhereDBKeyRefreshSQL) else if WherePrimaryRefreshSQL.Text <> '' then QRefresh.SQL.Assign(WherePrimaryRefreshSQL) else QRefresh.SQL.Assign(WhereAllRefreshSQL); inherited InternalRefreshRow; end; procedure TIBTable.DefChanged(Sender: TObject); begin StoreDefs := True; end; procedure TIBTable.InitFieldDefs; var sqlscale: Integer; Query: TIBSQL; begin if FTableName = '' then IBError(ibxeNoTableName, [nil]); if (InternalPrepared) then InternalInitFieldDefs else begin Database.InternalTransaction.StartTransaction; Query := TIBSQL.Create(self); try Query.GoToFirstRecordOnExecute := False; Query.Database := DataBase; Query.Transaction := Database.InternalTransaction; Query.SQL.Text := 'Select R.RDB$FIELD_NAME, R.RDB$FIELD_POSITION, ' + {do not localize} 'F.RDB$COMPUTED_BLR, F.RDB$DEFAULT_VALUE, ' + {do not localize} 'F.RDB$NULL_FLAG, ' + {do not localize} 'F.RDB$FIELD_LENGTH, F.RDB$FIELD_SCALE, ' + {do not localize} 'F.RDB$FIELD_TYPE, F.RDB$FIELD_SUB_TYPE, ' + {do not localize} 'F.RDB$EXTERNAL_LENGTH, F.RDB$EXTERNAL_SCALE, F.RDB$EXTERNAL_TYPE ' + {do not localize} 'from RDB$RELATION_FIELDS R, RDB$FIELDS F ' + {do not localize} 'where R.RDB$RELATION_NAME = ' + {do not localize} '''' + FormatIdentifierValue(Database.SQLDialect, QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, FTableName)) + ''' ' + 'and R.RDB$FIELD_SOURCE = F.RDB$FIELD_NAME '+ {do not localize} 'order by R.RDB$FIELD_POSITION'; {do not localize} Query.Prepare; Query.ExecQuery; FieldDefs.BeginUpdate; FieldDefs.Clear; while (not Query.EOF) and (Query.Next <> nil) do begin with FieldDefs.AddFieldDef do begin (* FieldNo := Query.Current.ByName('RDB$FIELD_POSITION').AsInteger; {do not localize}*) Name := TrimRight(Query.Current.ByName('RDB$FIELD_NAME').AsString); {do not localize} case Query.Current.ByName('RDB$FIELD_TYPE').AsInteger of {do not localize} blr_varying, blr_text: begin DataType := ftString; Size := Query.Current.ByName('RDB$FIELD_LENGTH').AsInteger; {do not localize} end; blr_float, blr_double, blr_d_float: DataType := ftFloat; blr_short: begin sqlscale := Query.Current.ByName('RDB$FIELD_SCALE').AsInteger; {do not localize} if (sqlscale = 0) then DataType := ftSmallInt else begin DataType := ftBCD; Precision := 4; end; end; blr_long: begin sqlscale := Query.Current.ByName('RDB$FIELD_SCALE').AsInteger; {do not localize} if (sqlscale = 0) then DataType := ftInteger else if (sqlscale >= (-4)) then begin DataType := ftBCD; Precision := 9; end else DataType := ftFloat; end; blr_int64: begin sqlscale := Query.Current.ByName('RDB$FIELD_SCALE').AsInteger; {do not localize} if (sqlscale = 0) then DataType := ftLargeInt else if (sqlscale >= (-4)) then begin DataType := ftBCD; Precision := 18; end else DataType := ftFloat; end; blr_timestamp: DataType := ftDateTime; blr_sql_time: DataType := ftTime; blr_sql_date: DataType := ftDate; blr_blob: if (Query.Current.ByName('RDB$FIELD_SUB_TYPE').AsInteger = 1) then {do not localize} DataType := ftMemo else DataType := ftBlob; blr_quad: begin DataType := ftUnknown; Size := sizeof (TISC_QUAD); end; else DataType := ftUnknown; end; if not (Query.Current.ByName('RDB$COMPUTED_BLR').IsNull) then {do not localize} begin Attributes := [faReadOnly]; InternalCalcField := True end else InternalCalcField := False; if ((not InternalCalcField) and Query.Current.ByName('RDB$DEFAULT_VALUE').IsNull and {do not localize} (Query.Current.ByName('RDB$NULL_FLAG').AsInteger = 1) )then {do not localize} begin Attributes := [faRequired]; Required := True; end; end; end; FieldDefs.EndUpdate; finally Query.free; Database.InternalTransaction.Commit; end; end; end; { Index / Ranges / Keys } procedure TIBTable.AddIndex(const Name, Fields: string; Options: TIndexOptions; const DescFields: string); var Query: TIBSQL; FieldList: string; begin FieldDefs.Update; if Active then begin CheckBrowseMode; CursorPosChanged; end; Query := TIBSQL.Create(self); try Query.Database := DataBase; Query.Transaction := Transaction; FieldList := FormatFieldsList(Fields); if (ixPrimary in Options) then begin Query.SQL.Text := 'Alter Table ' + {do not localize} QuoteIdentifier(Database.SQLDialect, FTableName) + ' Add CONSTRAINT ' + {do not localize} QuoteIdentifier(Database.SQLDialect, Name) + ' Primary Key (' + {do not localize} FormatFieldsList(Fields) + ')'; end else if ([ixUnique, ixDescending] * Options = [ixUnique, ixDescending]) then Query.SQL.Text := 'Create unique Descending Index ' + {do not localize} QuoteIdentifier(Database.SQLDialect, Name) + ' on ' + {do not localize} QuoteIdentifier(Database.SQLDialect, FTableName) + ' (' + FieldList + ')' else if (ixUnique in Options) then Query.SQL.Text := 'Create unique Index ' + {do not localize} QuoteIdentifier(Database.SQLDialect, Name) + ' on ' + {do not localize} QuoteIdentifier(Database.SQLDialect, FTableName) + ' (' + FieldList + ')' else if (ixDescending in Options) then Query.SQL.Text := 'Create Descending Index ' + {do not localize} QuoteIdentifier(Database.SQLDialect, Name) + ' on ' + {do not localize} QuoteIdentifier(Database.SQLDialect, FTableName) + ' (' + FieldList + ')' else Query.SQL.Text := 'Create Index ' + {do not localize} QuoteIdentifier(Database.SQLDialect, Name) + ' on ' + {do not localize} QuoteIdentifier(Database.SQLDialect, FTableName) + ' (' + FieldList + ')'; Query.Prepare; Query.ExecQuery; IndexDefs.Updated := False; finally Query.free end; end; procedure TIBTable.DeleteIndex(const Name: string); var Query: TIBSQL; procedure DeleteByIndex; begin Query := TIBSQL.Create(self); try Query.Database := DataBase; Query.Transaction := Transaction; Query.SQL.Text := 'Drop index ' + {do not localize} QuoteIdentifier(Database.SQLDialect, Name); Query.Prepare; Query.ExecQuery; IndexDefs.Updated := False; finally Query.Free; end; end; function DeleteByConstraint: Boolean; begin Result := False; Query := TIBSQL.Create(self); try Query.Database := DataBase; Query.Transaction := Transaction; Query.SQL.Text := 'Select ''foo'' from RDB$RELATION_CONSTRAINTS ' + 'where RDB$RELATION_NAME = ' + '''' + FormatIdentifierValue(Database.SQLDialect, QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, FTableName)) + ''' ' + ' AND RDB$CONSTRAINT_NAME = ' + '''' + FormatIdentifierValue(Database.SQLDialect, QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, Name)) + ''' ' + 'AND RDB$CONSTRAINT_TYPE = ''PRIMARY KEY'''; Query.Prepare; Query.ExecQuery; if not Query.EOF then begin Query.Close; Query.SQL.Text := 'Alter Table ' + {do not localize} QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, FTableName) + ' Drop Constraint ' + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, Name); Query.Prepare; Query.ExecQuery; IndexDefs.Updated := False; Result := True; end; finally Query.Free; end; end; procedure DeleteByKey; begin Query := TIBSQL.Create(self); try Query.Database := DataBase; Query.Transaction := Transaction; Query.SQL.Text := 'Select RDB$CONSTRAINT_NAME from RDB$RELATION_CONSTRAINTS ' + 'where RDB$RELATION_NAME = ' + '''' + FormatIdentifierValue(Database.SQLDialect, QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, FTableName)) + ''' ' + 'AND RDB$INDEX_NAME = ' + '''' + FormatIdentifierValue(Database.SQLDialect, QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, Name)) + ''' ' + 'AND RDB$CONSTRAINT_TYPE = ''PRIMARY KEY'''; Query.Prepare; Query.ExecQuery; if not Query.EOF then begin Query.Close; Query.SQL.Text := 'Alter Table ' + {do not localize} QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, FTableName) + ' Drop Constraint ' + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, Query.Current.ByName('RDB$CONSTRAINT_NAME').AsString); Query.Prepare; Query.ExecQuery; IndexDefs.Updated := False; end; finally Query.Free; end; end; begin if Active then CheckBrowseMode; IndexDefs.Update; if (Pos('RDB$PRIMARY', Name) <> 0 ) then {do not localize} {mbcs ok} DeleteByKey else if not DeleteByConstraint then DeleteByIndex; end; function TIBTable.GetIndexFieldNames: string; begin if FFieldsIndex then Result := FIndexName else Result := ''; end; function TIBTable.GetIndexName: string; begin if FFieldsIndex then Result := '' else Result := FIndexName; end; procedure TIBTable.GetIndexNames(List: TStrings); begin IndexDefs.Update; IndexDefs.GetItemNames(List); end; procedure TIBTable.GetIndexParams(const IndexName: string; FieldsIndex: Boolean; var IndexedName: string); var IndexStr: TIndexName; begin if IndexName <> '' then begin IndexDefs.Update; IndexStr := IndexName; if FieldsIndex then IndexStr := IndexDefs.FindIndexForFields(IndexName).Name; end; IndexedName := IndexStr; end; procedure TIBTable.SetIndexDefs(Value: TIndexDefs); begin IndexDefs.Assign(Value); end; procedure TIBTable.SetIndex(const Value: string; FieldsIndex: Boolean); begin if Active then CheckBrowseMode; if (FIndexName <> Value) or (FFieldsIndex <> FieldsIndex) then begin FIndexName := Value; FFieldsIndex := FieldsIndex; if Active then begin SwitchToIndex; end; end; end; procedure TIBTable.SetIndexFieldNames(const Value: string); begin SetIndex(Value, Value <> ''); end; procedure TIBTable.SetIndexName(const Value: string); begin SetIndex(Value, False); end; procedure TIBTable.UpdateIndexDefs; var Opts: TIndexOptions; Flds: string; Query, SubQuery: TIBSQL; begin if not (csReading in ComponentState) then begin if not Active and not FSwitchingIndex then FieldDefs.Update; IndexDefs.Clear; Database.InternalTransaction.StartTransaction; Query := TIBSQL.Create(self); try FPrimaryIndexFields := ''; Query.GoToFirstRecordOnExecute := False; Query.Database := DataBase; Query.Transaction := Database.InternalTransaction; Query.SQL.Text := 'Select I.RDB$INDEX_NAME, I.RDB$UNIQUE_FLAG, I.RDB$INDEX_TYPE, ' + {do not localize} 'I.RDB$SEGMENT_COUNT, S.RDB$FIELD_NAME from RDB$INDICES I, ' + {do not localize} 'RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS S where I.RDB$INDEX_NAME = S.RDB$INDEX_NAME '+ {do not localize} 'and I.RDB$RELATION_NAME = ' + '''' + {do not localize} FormatIdentifierValue(Database.SQLDialect, QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, FTableName)) + ''''; Query.Prepare; Query.ExecQuery; while (not Query.EOF) and (Query.Next <> nil) do begin with IndexDefs.AddIndexDef do begin Name := TrimRight(Query.Current.ByName('RDB$INDEX_NAME').AsString); {do not localize} Opts := []; if Pos ('RDB$PRIMARY', Name) = 1 then Include(Opts, ixPrimary); {do not localize} {mbcs ok} if Query.Current.ByName('RDB$UNIQUE_FLAG').AsInteger = 1 then Include(Opts, ixUnique); {do not localize} if Query.Current.ByName('RDB$INDEX_TYPE').AsInteger = 2 then Include(Opts, ixDescending); {do not localize} Options := Opts; if (Query.Current.ByName('RDB$SEGMENT_COUNT').AsInteger = 1) then {do not localize} Fields := Trim(Query.Current.ByName('RDB$FIELD_NAME').AsString) {do not localize} else begin SubQuery := TIBSQL.Create(self); try SubQuery.GoToFirstRecordOnExecute := False; SubQuery.Database := DataBase; SubQuery.Transaction := Database.InternalTransaction; SubQuery.SQL.Text := 'Select RDB$FIELD_NAME from RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS where RDB$INDEX_NAME = ' + {do not localize} '''' + FormatIdentifierValue(Database.SQLDialect, QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, Name)) + '''' + 'ORDER BY RDB$FIELD_POSITION'; {do not localize} SubQuery.Prepare; SubQuery.ExecQuery; Flds := ''; while (not SubQuery.EOF) and (SubQuery.Next <> nil) do begin if (Flds = '') then Flds := TrimRight(SubQuery.Current.ByName('RDB$FIELD_NAME').AsString) {do not localize} else begin Query.Next; Flds := Flds + ';' + TrimRight(SubQuery.Current[0].AsString); end; end; Fields := Flds; finally SubQuery.Free; end; end; if (ixDescending in Opts) then DescFields := Fields; if ixPrimary in Opts then FPrimaryIndexFields := Fields; end; end; finally Query.Free; Database.InternalTransaction.Commit; end; end; end; function TIBTable.GetExists: Boolean; var Query: TIBSQL; begin Result := Active; if Result or (TableName = '') then Exit; Database.InternalTransaction.StartTransaction; Query := TIBSQL.Create(self); try Query.Database := DataBase; Query.Transaction := Database.InternalTransaction; Query.SQL.Text := 'Select USER from RDB$RELATIONS where RDB$RELATION_NAME = ' + {do not localize} '''' + FormatIdentifierValue(Database.SQLDialect, QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, FTableName)) + ''''; Query.Prepare; Query.ExecQuery; Result := not Query.EOF; finally Query.Free; Database.InternalTransaction.Commit; end; end; procedure TIBTable.GotoCurrent(Table: TIBTable); begin CheckBrowseMode; Table.CheckBrowseMode; if (Database <> Table.Database) or (CompareText(TableName, Table.TableName) <> 0) then IBError(ibxeTableNameMismatch, [nil]); Table.UpdateCursorPos; InternalGotoDBKey(Table.CurrentDBKey); DoBeforeScroll; Resync([rmExact, rmCenter]); DoAfterScroll; end; procedure TIBTable.CreateTable; var FieldList: string; procedure InitFieldsList; var I: Integer; begin InitFieldDefsFromFields; for I := 0 to FieldDefs.Count - 1 do begin if ( I > 0) then FieldList := FieldList + ', '; with FieldDefs[I] do begin case DataType of ftString: FieldList := FieldList + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, Name) + ' VARCHAR(' + IntToStr(Size) + ')'; {do not localize} ftFixedChar: FieldList := FieldList + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, Name) + ' CHAR(' + IntToStr(Size) + ')'; {do not localize} ftBoolean, ftSmallint, ftWord: FieldList := FieldList + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, Name) + ' SMALLINT'; {do not localize} ftInteger: FieldList := FieldList + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, Name) + ' INTEGER'; {do not localize} ftFloat, ftCurrency: FieldList := FieldList + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, Name) + ' DOUBLE PRECISION'; {do not localize} ftBCD: begin if (Database.SQLDialect = 1) then begin if (Precision > 9) then IBError(ibxeFieldUnsupportedType,[nil]); if (Precision <= 4) then Precision := 9; end; if (Precision <= 4 ) then FieldList := FieldList + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, Name) + ' Numeric(18, 4)' {do not localize} else FieldList := FieldList + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, Name) + ' Numeric(' + IntToStr(Precision) + ', 4)'; {do not localize} end; ftDate: FieldList := FieldList + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, Name) + ' DATE'; {do not localize} ftTime: FieldList := FieldList + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, Name) + ' TIME'; {do not localize} ftDateTime: if (Database.SQLDialect = 1) then FieldList := FieldList + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, Name) + ' DATE' {do not localize} else FieldList := FieldList + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, Name) + ' TIMESTAMP'; {do not localize} ftLargeInt: if (Database.SQLDialect = 1) then IBError(ibxeFieldUnsupportedType,[nil]) else FieldList := FieldList + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, Name) + ' Numeric(18, 0)'; {do not localize} ftBlob, ftMemo: FieldList := FieldList + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, Name) + ' BLOB SUB_TYPE 1'; {do not localize} ftBytes, ftVarBytes, ftGraphic..ftTypedBinary: FieldList := FieldList + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, Name) + ' BLOB SUB_TYPE 0'; {do not localize} ftUnknown, ftADT, ftArray, ftReference, ftDataSet, ftCursor, ftWideString, ftAutoInc: IBError(ibxeFieldUnsupportedType,[nil]); else IBError(ibxeFieldUnsupportedType,[nil]); end; if faRequired in Attributes then FieldList := FieldList + ' NOT NULL'; {do not localize} end; end; end; procedure InternalCreateTable; var I: Integer; Query: TIBSQL; begin if (FieldList = '') then IBError(ibxeFieldUnsupportedType,[nil]); Query := TIBSQL.Create(self); try Query.Database := Database; Query.transaction := Transaction; Query.SQL.Text := 'Create Table ' + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, FTableName) + ' (' + FieldList; {do not localize} for I := 0 to IndexDefs.Count - 1 do with IndexDefs[I] do if ixPrimary in Options then begin Query.SQL.Text := Query.SQL.Text + ', CONSTRAINT ' + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, Name) + ' Primary Key (' + FormatFieldsList(Fields) + ')'; end; Query.SQL.Text := Query.SQL.Text + ')'; Query.Prepare; Query.ExecQuery; finally Query.Free; end; end; procedure InternalCreateIndex; var I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to IndexDefs.Count - 1 do with IndexDefs[I] do if not (ixPrimary in Options) then AddIndex(Name, Fields, Options); end; begin CheckInactive; InitFieldsList; InternalCreateTable; InternalCreateIndex; end; procedure TIBTable.DeleteTable; var Query: TIBSQL; begin CheckInactive; Query := TIBSQL.Create(self); try Query.Database := DataBase; Query.Transaction := Transaction; Query.SQL.Text := 'drop table ' + {do not localize} QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, FTableName); Query.Prepare; Query.ExecQuery; finally Query.Free; end; end; procedure TIBTable.EmptyTable; var Query: TIBSQL; begin if Active then CheckBrowseMode; Query := TIBSQL.Create(self); try Query.Database := DataBase; Query.Transaction := Transaction; Query.SQL.Text := 'delete from ' + {do not localize} QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, FTableName); Query.Prepare; Query.ExecQuery; if Active then begin ClearBuffers; DataEvent(deDataSetChange, 0); end; finally Query.Free; end; end; procedure TIBTable.DataEvent(Event: TDataEvent; Info: Ptrint); begin if Event = dePropertyChange then begin IndexDefs.Updated := False; FRegenerateSQL := True; end; inherited DataEvent(Event, Info); end; { Informational & Property } function TIBTable.GetCanModify: Boolean; begin Result := True; if (FTableName = '') or FReadOnly or FSystemTable or FMultiTableView then Result := False; end; function TIBTable.InternalGetUpdatable: Boolean; var Query : TIBSQL; begin Database.InternalTransaction.StartTransaction; Query := TIBSQL.Create(self); try Query.Database := DataBase; Query.Transaction := Database.InternalTransaction; Query.SQL.Text := 'Select RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG, RDB$DBKEY_LENGTH ' + {do not localize} 'from RDB$RELATIONS where RDB$RELATION_NAME = ' + {do not localize} '''' + FormatIdentifierValue(Database.SQLDialect, QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, FTableName)) + ''''; Query.Prepare; Query.ExecQuery; if (Query.Current[0].AsInteger <> 0) or (Query.Current[1].AsInteger <> 8) then Result := False else Result := True; finally Query.Free; Database.InternalTransaction.Commit; end; end; function TIBTable.FieldDefsStored: Boolean; begin Result := StoreDefs and (FieldDefs.Count > 0); end; function TIBTable.IndexDefsStored: Boolean; begin Result := StoreDefs and (IndexDefs.Count > 0); end; procedure TIBTable.SetParams; var i: Integer; begin if (MasterSource = nil) or (MasterSource.DataSet = nil) or (not MasterSource.DataSet.Active) or (FMasterFieldsList.Count = 0) then exit; for i := 0 to FMasterFieldsList.Count - 1 do QSelect.Params.ByName(FMasterFieldsList.Strings[i]).Value := MasterSource.DataSet.FieldByName(FMasterFieldsList.Strings[i]).Value; end; procedure TIBTable.MasterChanged(Sender: TObject); begin CheckBrowseMode; SetParams; ReQuery; end; procedure TIBTable.MasterDisabled(Sender: TObject); begin DataEvent(dePropertyChange, 0); ReQuery; end; function TIBTable.GetDataSource: TDataSource; begin Result := FMasterLink.DataSource; end; procedure TIBTable.SetDataSource(Value: TDataSource); begin if IsLinkedTo(Value) then IBError(ibxeCircularDataLink, [Self]); if FMasterLink.DataSource <> Value then DataEvent(dePropertyChange, 0); FMasterLink.DataSource := Value; end; function TIBTable.GetMasterFields: string; begin Result := FMasterLink.FieldNames; end; procedure TIBTable.SetMasterFields(const Value: string); begin if FMasterLink.FieldNames <> Value then DataEvent(dePropertyChange, 0); FMasterLink.FieldNames := Value; end; procedure TIBTable.DoOnNewRecord; var I: Integer; begin if FMasterLink.Active and (FMasterLink.Fields.Count > 0) then for I := 0 to FMasterLink.Fields.Count - 1 do IndexFields[I] := TField(FMasterLink.Fields[I]); inherited DoOnNewRecord; end; function TIBTable.FormatFieldsList(Value: String): String; var FieldName: string; i: Integer; begin if Database.SQLDialect = 1 then begin Value := QuoteIdentifier(Database.SQLDialect, Value); Result := StringReplace (Value, ';', ', ', [rfReplaceAll]); end else begin i := 1; Result := ''; while i <= Length(Value) do begin FieldName := ExtractFieldName(Value, i); if Result = '' then Result := QuoteIdentifier(Database.SQLDialect, FieldName) else Result := Result + ', ' + QuoteIdentifier(Database.SQLDialect, FieldName); end; end; end; procedure TIBTable.ExtractLinkFields; var i: Integer; DetailFieldNames: String; begin FMasterFieldsList.Clear; FDetailFieldsList.Clear; i := 1; while i <= Length(MasterFields) do FMasterFieldsList.Add(ExtractFieldName(MasterFields, i)); i := 1; if IndexFieldNames = '' then DetailFieldNames := FPrimaryIndexFields else DetailFieldNames := IndexFieldNames; while i <= Length(DetailFieldNames) do FDetailFieldsList.Add(ExtractFieldName(DetailFieldNames, i)); end; procedure TIBTable.GetDetailLinkFields(MasterFields, DetailFields: TList); var i: Integer; Idx: TIndexDef; begin MasterFields.Clear; DetailFields.Clear; if (MasterSource <> nil) and (MasterSource.DataSet <> nil) and (Self.MasterFields <> '') then begin Idx := nil; MasterSource.DataSet.GetFieldList(MasterFields, Self.MasterFields); UpdateIndexDefs; if IndexName <> '' then Idx := IndexDefs.Find(IndexName) else if IndexFieldNames <> '' then Idx := IndexDefs.GetIndexForFields(IndexFieldNames, False) else for i := 0 to IndexDefs.Count - 1 do if ixPrimary in IndexDefs[i].Options then begin Idx := IndexDefs[i]; break; end; if Idx <> nil then GetFieldList(DetailFields, Idx.Fields); end; end; procedure TIBTable.SetReadOnly(Value: Boolean); begin CheckInactive; FReadOnly := Value; end; procedure TIBTable.SetTableName(Value: String); begin if not (csReading in ComponentState) then begin CheckInactive; if Value <> FTableName then begin ResetSQLStatements; FRegenerateSQL := True; FTableName := Value; IndexName := ''; IndexFieldNames := ''; FPrimaryIndexFields := ''; DataEvent(dePropertyChange, 0); end; end else if Value <> FTableName then FTableName := Value; end; function TIBTable.GetIndexField(Index: Integer): TField; var I, Count: Integer; FieldNames, FieldName: String; begin Result := nil; FieldName := ''; FieldNames := IndexFieldNames; if FieldNames = '' then begin for I := 0 to IndexDefs.Count - 1 do if (IndexDefs[i].Name = FIndexName) then begin FieldNames := IndexDefs[i].Fields; break; end; end; for I := 0 to Index do begin Count := Pos(';', FieldNames); {mbcs OK} if Count = 0 then FieldName := FieldNames else begin FieldName := Copy(FieldNames, 0, Count - 1); System.Delete(FieldNames, 1, Count); end; end; if FieldName <> '' then Result := FieldByName(FieldName) else IBError(ibxeIndexFieldMissing, [nil]); end; procedure TIBTable.SetIndexField(Index: Integer; Value: TField); begin GetIndexField(Index).Assign(Value); end; function TIBTable.GetIndexFieldCount: Integer; var I, Index: Integer; FieldNames: String; done: Boolean; begin FieldNames := IndexFieldNames; if FieldNames = '' then begin for I := 0 to IndexDefs.Count - 1 do if (IndexDefs[i].Name = FIndexName) then begin FieldNames := IndexDefs[i].Fields; break; end; end; if FieldNames = '' then Result := 0 else begin done := False; Result := 1; while not done do begin Index := Pos(';', FieldNames); {mbcs ok} if Index <> 0 then begin System.Delete(FieldNames, 1, Index); Inc(Result); end else done := True; end; end; end; function TIBTable.GetTableNames: TStrings; begin FNameList.clear; GetTableNamesFromServer; Result := FNameList; end; procedure TIBTable.GetTableNamesFromServer; var Query : TIBSQL; begin if not (csReading in ComponentState) then begin ActivateConnection; Database.InternalTransaction.StartTransaction; Query := TIBSQL.Create(self); try Query.GoToFirstRecordOnExecute := False; Query.Database := DataBase; Query.Transaction := Database.InternalTransaction; if (TableTypes * [ttSystem, ttView] = [ttSystem, ttView]) then Query.SQL.Text := 'Select RDB$RELATION_NAME from RDB$RELATIONS' {do not localize} else if ttSystem in TableTypes then Query.SQL.Text := 'Select RDB$RELATION_NAME from RDB$RELATIONS' + {do not localize} ' where RDB$VIEW_BLR is NULL' {do not localize} else if ttView in TableTypes then Query.SQL.Text := 'Select RDB$RELATION_NAME from RDB$RELATIONS' + {do not localize} ' where RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG = 0' {do not localize} else Query.SQL.Text := 'Select RDB$RELATION_NAME from RDB$RELATIONS' + {do not localize} ' where RDB$VIEW_BLR is NULL and RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG = 0'; {do not localize} Query.Prepare; Query.ExecQuery; while (not Query.EOF) and (Query.Next <> nil) do FNameList.Add (TrimRight(Query.Current[0].AsString)); finally Query.Free; Database.InternalTransaction.Commit; end; end; end; procedure TIBTable.SwitchToIndex(); begin FSwitchingIndex := True; InternalTableRefresh; FSwitchingIndex := False; end; procedure TIBTable.InternalTableRefresh(); var DBKey: TIBDBKey; begin CheckActive; DBKey := CurrentDBKey; FRegenerateSQL := True; Reopen; if DBKey.DBKey[0] <> 0 then InternalGotoDBKey(DBKey); end; procedure TIBTable.GenerateSQL; var i: Integer; SQL: TStrings; OrderByStr: string; bWhereClausePresent: Boolean; begin bWhereClausePresent := False; Database.CheckActive; Transaction.CheckInTransaction; if IndexDefs.Updated = False then IndexDefs.Update; if IndexFieldNames <> '' then OrderByStr := FormatFieldsList(IndexFieldNames) else if IndexName <> '' then OrderByStr := FormatFieldsList(IndexDefs[IndexDefs.Indexof (IndexName)].Fields) else if FDefaultIndex and (FPrimaryIndexFields <> '') then OrderByStr := FormatFieldsList(FPrimaryIndexFields); SQL := TStringList.Create; SQL.Text := 'select ' + {do not localize} QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, FTableName) + '.*, ' {do not localize} + 'RDB$DB_KEY as IBX_INTERNAL_DBKEY from ' {do not localize} + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, FTableName); if Filtered and (Filter <> '') then begin SQL.Text := SQL.Text + ' where ' + Filter; {do not localize} bWhereClausePresent := True; end; if (MasterSource <> nil) and (MasterSource.DataSet <> nil) and (MasterFields <> '') then begin if bWhereClausePresent then SQL.Text := SQL.Text + ' AND ' {do not localize} else SQL.Text := SQL.Text + ' WHERE '; {do not localize} ExtractLinkfields; if FDetailFieldsList.Count < FMasterFieldsList.Count then IBError(ibxeUnknownError, [nil]); for i := 0 to FMasterFieldsList.Count - 1 do begin if i > 0 then SQL.Text := SQL.Text + 'AND '; SQL.Text := SQL.Text + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, FDetailFieldsList.Strings[i]) + ' = :' + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, FMasterFieldsList.Strings[i]); end; end; if OrderByStr <> '' then SQL.Text := SQL.Text + ' order by ' + OrderByStr; {do not localize} SelectSQL.Assign(SQL); RefreshSQL.Text := 'select ' + {do not localize} QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, FTableName) + '.*, ' {do not localize} + 'RDB$DB_KEY as IBX_INTERNAL_DBKEY from ' {do not localize} + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, FTableName) + ' where RDB$DB_KEY = :IBX_INTERNAL_DBKEY'; {do not localize} WhereDBKeyRefreshSQL.Assign(RefreshSQL); InternalPrepare; SQL.Free; end; procedure TIBTable.GenerateUpdateSQL; var InsertFieldList, InsertParamList, UpdateFieldList: string; WherePrimaryFieldList, WhereAllFieldList: string; procedure GenerateFieldLists; var I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to FieldDefs.Count - 1 do begin with FieldDefs[I] do begin if not (InternalCalcField or (faReadOnly in Attributes) or (DataType = ftUnknown)) then begin if ( InsertFieldList <> '' ) then begin InsertFieldList := InsertFieldList + ', '; InsertParamList := InsertParamList + ', '; UpdateFieldList := UpdateFieldList + ', '; if (DataType <> ftBlob) and (DataType <>ftMemo) then WhereAllFieldList := WhereAllFieldList + ' AND '; end; InsertFieldList := InsertFieldList + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, Name); InsertParamList := InsertParamList + ':' + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, Name); UpdateFieldList := UpdateFieldList + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, Name) + ' = :' + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, Name); if (DataType <> ftBlob) and (DataType <>ftMemo) then WhereAllFieldList := WhereAllFieldList + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, Name) + ' = :' + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, Name);{do not localize} end; end; end; end; procedure GenerateWherePrimaryFieldList; var i: Integer; tmp: String; begin i := 1; while i <= Length(FPrimaryIndexFields) do begin tmp := ExtractFieldName(FPrimaryIndexFields, i); tmp := QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, tmp) + ' = :' + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, tmp);{do not localize} if WherePrimaryFieldList <> '' then WherePrimaryFieldList := WherePrimaryFieldList + ' AND ' + tmp else WherePrimaryFieldList := tmp; end; end; begin if InternalGetUpdatable = False then FReadOnly := True else begin DeleteSQL.Text := 'delete from ' + {do not localize} QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, FTableName) + ' where RDB$DB_KEY = ' + ':IBX_INTERNAL_DBKEY'; {do not localize} GenerateFieldLists; InsertSQL.Text := 'insert into ' + {do not localize} QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, FTableName) + ' (' + InsertFieldList + {do not localize} ') values (' + InsertParamList + ')'; {do not localize} ModifySQL.Text := 'update ' + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, FTableName) + ' set ' + UpdateFieldList + {do not localize} ' where RDB$DB_KEY = :IBX_INTERNAL_DBKEY'; {do not localize} WhereAllRefreshSQL.Text := 'select ' + {do not localize} QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, FTableName) + '.*, ' + 'RDB$DB_KEY as IBX_INTERNAL_DBKEY from ' {do not localize} + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, FTableName) + ' where ' + WhereAllFieldList; {do not localize} if FPrimaryIndexFields <> '' then begin GenerateWherePrimaryFieldList; WherePrimaryRefreshSQL.Text := 'select ' + {do not localize} QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, FTableName) + '.*, ' {do not localize} + 'RDB$DB_KEY as IBX_INTERNAL_DBKEY from ' {do not localize} + QuoteIdentifier(DataBase.SQLDialect, FTableName) + ' where ' + WherePrimaryFieldList; {do not localize} end; try InternalPrepare; except FReadonly := True; end; end; end; procedure TIBTable.ResetSQLStatements; begin SelectSQL.Text := ''; DeleteSQL.Text := ''; InsertSQL.Text := ''; ModifySQL.Text := ''; RefreshSQL.Text := ''; end; procedure TIBTable.SetTableTypes( const Value: TIBTableTypes); begin FTableTypes := Value; end; function TIBTable.InternalGotoDBKey(DBKey: TIBDBKey): Boolean; function DBKeyCompare (DBKey1, DBKey2: TIBDBKey): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to 7 do if (DBKey1.DBKey[i] <> DBKey2.DBKey[i]) then begin result := False; exit; end; result := True; end; begin CheckActive; DisableControls; try result := False; First; while ((not result) and (not EOF)) do begin if (DBKeyCompare (DBKey, PRecordData(GetActiveBuf)^.rdDBKey)) then result := True else Next; end; if not result then First else CursorPosChanged; finally EnableControls; end; end; function TIBTable.GetCurrentDBKey: TIBDBKey; var Buf: pChar; begin CheckActive; buf := GetActiveBuf; if Buf <> nil then Result := PRecordData(Buf)^.rdDBKey else Result.DBKey[0] := 0; end; procedure TIBTable.Reopen; begin DisableControls; try if Active then begin SetState(dsInactive); CloseCursor; OpenCursor(false); SetState(dsBrowse); end; finally EnableControls; end; end; end.