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Revision: 1
Committed: Mon Jul 31 16:43:00 2000 UTC (23 years, 9 months ago) by tony
Content type: text/x-pascal
File size: 9582 byte(s)
Log Message:
Borland IBX Open Source Release

File Contents

# Content
1 {************************************************************************}
2 { }
3 { Borland Delphi Visual Component Library }
4 { InterBase Express core components }
5 { }
6 { Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Inprise Corporation }
7 { }
8 { InterBase Express is based in part on the product }
9 { Free IB Components, written by Gregory H. Deatz for }
10 { Hoagland, Longo, Moran, Dunst & Doukas Company. }
11 { Free IB Components is used under license. }
12 { }
13 { The contents of this file are subject to the InterBase }
14 { Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not }
15 { use this file except in compliance with the License. You }
16 { may obtain a copy of the License at }
17 { Software distributed under the License is distributed on }
18 { an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either }
19 { express or implied. See the License for the specific language }
20 { governing rights and limitations under the License. }
21 { The Original Code was created by InterBase Software Corporation }
22 { and its successors. }
23 { Portions created by Inprise Corporation are Copyright (C) Inprise }
24 { Corporation. All Rights Reserved. }
25 { Contributor(s): Jeff Overcash }
26 { }
27 {************************************************************************}
29 unit IBXConst;
31 interface
33 uses IBUtils;
35 resourcestring
36 { generic strings used in code }
37 SIBDatabaseEditor = 'Da&tabase Editor...';
38 SIBTransactionEditor = '&Transaction Editor...';
39 SDatabaseFilter = 'Database Files (*.gdb)|*.gdb|All files (*.*)|*.*';
40 SDisconnectDatabase = 'Database is currently connected. Disconnect and continue?';
41 SCommitTransaction = 'Transaction is currently Active. Rollback and continue?';
42 SExecute = 'E&xecute';
43 SNoDataSet = 'No dataset association';
44 SSQLGenSelect = 'Must select at least one key field and one update field';
45 SSQLNotGenerated = 'Update SQL statements not generated, exit anyway?';
46 SIBUpdateSQLEditor = '&UpdateSQL Editor...';
47 SIBDataSetEditor = '&Dataset Editor...';
48 SSQLDataSetOpen = 'Unable to determine field names for %s';
49 SDefaultTransaction = '%s, Default';
51 { strings used in error messages}
52 SUnknownError = 'Unknown error';
53 SInterBaseMissing = 'InterBase library gds32.dll not found in the path. Please install InterBase to use this functionality';
54 SInterBaseInstallMissing = 'InterBase Install DLL ibinstall.dll not found in the path. Please install InterBase 6 to use this functionality';
55 SIB60feature = '%s is an InterBase 6 function. Please upgrade to InterBase 6 to use this functonality';
56 SNotSupported = 'Unsupported feature';
57 SNotPermitted = 'Not permitted';
58 SFileAccessError = 'Temporary file access error';
59 SConnectionTimeout = 'Database connection timed out';
60 SCannotSetDatabase = 'Cannot set database';
61 SCannotSetTransaction = 'Cannot set transaction';
62 SOperationCancelled = 'Operation cancelled at user''s request';
63 SDPBConstantNotSupported = 'DPB Constant (isc_dpb_%s) is unsupported';
64 SDPBConstantUnknown = 'DPB Constant (%d) is unknown';
65 STPBConstantNotSupported = 'TPB Constant (isc_tpb_%s) is unsupported';
66 STPBConstantUnknown = 'TPB Constant (%d) is unknown';
67 SDatabaseClosed = 'Cannot perform operation -- DB is not open';
68 SDatabaseOpen = 'Cannot perform operation -- DB is currently open';
69 SDatabaseNameMissing = 'Database name is missing';
70 SNotInTransaction = 'Transaction is not active';
71 SInTransaction = 'Transaction is active';
72 STimeoutNegative = 'Timeout values cannot be negative';
73 SNoDatabasesInTransaction = 'No databases are listed in transaction component';
74 SUpdateWrongDB = 'Updating wrong database';
75 SUpdateWrongTR = 'Updating wrong transaction. Unique transaction expected in set';
76 SDatabaseNotAssigned = 'Database not assigned';
77 STransactionNotAssigned = 'Transaction not assigned';
78 SXSQLDAIndexOutOfRange = 'XSQLDA index out of range';
79 SXSQLDANameDoesNotExist = 'XSQLDA name does not exist (%s)';
80 SEOF = 'End of file';
81 SBOF = 'Beginning of file';
82 SInvalidStatementHandle = 'Invalid statement handle';
83 SSQLOpen = 'IBSQL Open';
84 SSQLClosed = 'IBSQL Closed';
85 SDatasetOpen = 'Dataset open';
86 SDatasetClosed = 'Dataset closed';
87 SUnknownSQLDataType = 'Unknown SQL Data type (%d)';
88 SInvalidColumnIndex = 'Invalid column index (index exceeds permitted range)';
89 SInvalidParamColumnIndex = 'Invalid parameter index (index exceeds permitted range)';
90 SInvalidDataConversion = 'Invalid data conversion';
91 SColumnIsNotNullable = 'Column cannot be set to null (%s)';
92 SBlobCannotBeRead = 'Blob stream cannot be read';
93 SBlobCannotBeWritten = 'Blob stream cannot be written';
94 SEmptyQuery = 'Empty query';
95 SCannotOpenNonSQLSelect = 'Cannot "open" a non-select statement. Use ExecQuery';
96 SNoFieldAccess = 'No access to field "%s"';
97 SFieldReadOnly = 'Field "%s" is read-only';
98 SFieldNotFound = 'Field "%s" not found';
99 SNotEditing = 'Not in edit mode';
100 SCannotInsert = 'Cannot insert into dataset. (No insert query)';
101 SCannotPost = 'Cannot post. (No update/insert query)';
102 SCannotUpdate = 'Cannot update. (No update query)';
103 SCannotDelete = 'Cannot delete from dataset. (No delete query)';
104 SCannotRefresh = 'Cannot refresh row. (No refresh query)';
105 SBufferNotSet = 'Buffer not set';
106 SCircularReference = 'Circular references not permitted';
107 SSQLParseError = 'SQL Parse Error:' + CRLF + CRLF + '%s';
108 SUserAbort = 'User abort';
109 SDataSetUniDirectional = 'Data set is uni-directional';
110 SCannotCreateSharedResource = 'Cannot create shared resource. (Windows error %d)';
111 SWindowsAPIError = 'Windows API error. (Windows error %d [$%.8x])';
112 SColumnListsDontMatch = 'Column lists do not match';
113 SColumnTypesDontMatch = 'Column types don''t match. (From index: %d; To index: %d)';
114 SCantEndSharedTransaction = 'Can''t end a shared transaction unless it is forced and equal ' +
115 'to the transaction''s TimeoutAction';
116 SFieldUnsupportedType = 'Unsupported Field Type';
117 SCircularDataLink = 'Circular DataLink Reference';
118 SEmptySQLStatement = 'Empty SQL Statement';
119 SIsASelectStatement = 'use Open for a Select Statement';
120 SRequiredParamNotSet = 'Required Param value not set';
121 SNoStoredProcName = 'No Stored Procedure Name assigned';
122 SIsAExecuteProcedure = 'use ExecProc for Procedure; use TQuery for Select procedures';
123 SUpdateFailed = 'Update Failed';
124 SNotCachedUpdates = 'CachedUpdates not enabled';
125 SNotLiveRequest = 'Request is not live - cannot modify';
126 SNoProvider = 'No Provider';
127 SNoRecordsAffected = 'No Records Affected';
128 SNoTableName = 'No Table Name assigned';
129 SCannotCreatePrimaryIndex = 'Cannot Create Primary Index; are created automatically';
130 SCannotDropSystemIndex = 'Cannot Drop System Index';
131 STableNameMismatch = 'Table Name Mismatch';
132 SIndexFieldMissing = 'Index Field Missing';
133 SInvalidCancellation = 'Cannot Cancel events while processing';
134 SInvalidEvent = 'Invalid Event';
135 SMaximumEvents = 'Exceded Maximum Event limits';
136 SNoEventsRegistered = 'No Events Registered';
137 SInvalidQueueing = 'Invalid Queueing';
138 SInvalidRegistration = 'Invalid Registration';
139 SInvalidBatchMove = 'Invalid Batch Move';
140 SSQLDialectInvalid = 'SQL Dialect Invalid';
141 SSPBConstantNotSupported = 'SPB Constant Not supported';
142 SSPBConstantUnknown = 'SPB Constant Unknown';
143 SServiceActive = 'Cannot perform operation -- service is not attached';
144 SServiceInActive = 'Cannot perform operation -- service is attached';
145 SServerNameMissing = 'Server Name Missing';
146 SQueryParamsError = 'Query Parameters missing or incorrect';
147 SStartParamsError = 'start Parameters missing or incorrect';
148 SOutputParsingError = 'Unexpected Output buffer value';
149 SUseSpecificProcedures = 'Generic ServiceStart not applicable: Use Specific Procedures to set configuration params';
150 SSQLMonitorAlreadyPresent = 'SQL Monitor Instance is already present';
151 SCantPrintValue = 'Cannot print value';
152 SEOFReached = 'SEOFReached';
153 SEOFInComment = 'EOF in comment detected';
154 SEOFInString = 'EOF in string detected';
155 SParamNameExpected = 'Parameter name expected';
156 SSuccess = 'Successful execution';
157 SDelphiException = 'DelphiException %s';
158 SNoOptionsSet = 'No Install Options selected';
159 SNoDestinationDirectory = 'DestinationDirectory is not set';
160 SNosourceDirectory = 'SourceDirectory is not set';
161 SNoUninstallFile = 'Uninstall File Name is not set';
162 SOptionNeedsClient = '%s component requires Client to function properly';
163 SOptionNeedsServer = '%s component requires Server to function properly';
164 SInvalidOption = 'Invalid option specified';
165 SInvalidOnErrorResult = 'Unexpected onError return value';
166 SInvalidOnStatusResult = 'Unexpected onStatus return value';
168 SInterbaseExpressVersion = 'InterbaseExpress 4.2';
169 SEditSQL = 'Edit SQL';
171 implementation
173 end.