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Revision: 37
Committed: Mon Feb 15 14:44:25 2016 UTC (8 years, 2 months ago) by tony
Content type: text/x-pascal
File size: 21025 byte(s)
Log Message:
Committing updates for Release R1-4-0

File Contents

# Content
1 (*
2 * IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express)
3 *
4 * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial Developer's
5 * Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
6 * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
7 * of the License here:
8 *
9 *
10 *
11 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
12 * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
13 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights
14 * and limitations under the License.
15 *
16 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman.
17 *
18 * The Original Code is (C) 2014 Tony Whyman, MWA Software
19 * (
20 *
21 * All Rights Reserved.
22 *
23 * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
24 *
25 *)
26 unit ibxscript;
28 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
30 interface
32 uses Classes, IBDatabase, IBSQL, IBHeader;
34 type
35 TSQLSymbol = (sqNone,sqSpace,sqSemiColon,sqSingleQuotes,sqDoubleQuotes,
36 sqEnd,sqBegin,sqCommit,sqRollback,sqString,sqCommentStart,
37 sqCommentEnd,sqCommentLine,sqAsterisk,sqForwardSlash,
38 sqDeclare,sqEOL,sqTerminator, sqReconnect);
40 TSQLStates = (stInit, stError, stInSQL, stNested,stInSingleQuotes,
41 stInDoubleQuotes, stInComment, stInCommentLine,
42 stInDeclaration, stInCommit, stInReconnect);
44 TGetParamValue = procedure(Sender: TObject; ParamName: string; var BlobID: TISC_QUAD) of object;
45 TLogEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Msg: string) of Object;
46 TOnProgressEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Reset: boolean; value: integer) of object;
47 TOnSelectSQL = procedure (Sender: TObject; SQLText: string) of object;
49 {
50 TIBXScript: runs an SQL script in the specified file or stream. The text is parsed
51 into SQL statements which are executed in turn. The intention is to be ISQL
52 compatible but with extensions:
54 * SET TERM and Set AutoDDL are both supported
56 * New Command: RECONNECT. Performs a commit followed by disconnecting and
57 reconnecting to the database.
59 * Procedure Bodies (BEGIN .. END blocks) are self-delimiting and do not need
60 an extra terminator. If a terminator is present, this is treated as an
61 empty statement. The result is ISQL compatible, but does not require the
62 use of SET TERM.
64 * DML statements may have arguments in IBX format (e.g UPDATE MYTABLE Set data = :mydata).
65 Arguments are valid only for BLOB columns and are resolved using the GetParamValue
66 event. This returns the blobid to be used. A typical use of the event is to
67 read binary data from a file, save it in a blob stream and return the blob id.
69 Select SQL statements are not directly supported but can be handled by an external
70 handler (OnSelectSQL event). If the handler is not present then an exception
71 is raised if a Select SQL statement is found.
73 Properties:
75 * Database: Link to TIBDatabase component
76 * Transaction: Link to Transaction. Defaults to internaltransaction (concurrency, wait)
77 * Echo: boolean. When true, all SQL statements are echoed to log
78 * StopOnFirstError: boolean. When true the script engine terminates on the first
79 SQL Error.
80 * IgnoreGrants: When true, grant statements are silently discarded. This can be
81 useful when applying a script using the Embedded Server.
84 Events:
86 * GetParamValue: called when an SQL parameter is found (in PSQL :name format).
87 This is only called for blob fields. Handler should return the BlobID to be
88 used as the parameter value. If not present an exception is raised when a
89 parameter is found.
90 * OnOutputLog: Called to write SQL Statements to the log (stdout)
91 * OnErrorLog: Called to write all other messages to the log (stderr)
92 * OnProgressEvent: Progress bar support. If Reset is true the value is maximum
93 value of progress bar. Otherwise called to step progress bar.
94 * OnSelectSQL: handler for select SQL statements. If not present, select SQL
95 statements result in an exception.
97 The PerformUpdate function is used to execute an SQL Script and may be called
98 multiple times.
99 }
102 { TIBXScript }
104 TIBXScript = class(TComponent)
105 private
106 FDatabase: TIBDatabase;
107 FEcho: boolean;
108 FIgnoreGrants: boolean;
109 FOnErrorLog: TLogEvent;
110 FOnProgressEvent: TOnProgressEvent;
111 FOnSelectSQL: TOnSelectSQL;
112 FStopOnFirstError: boolean;
113 FTransaction: TIBTransaction;
114 FInternalTransaction: TIBTransaction;
115 FState: TSQLStates;
116 FString: string;
118 FLastSymbol: TSQLSymbol;
119 FNested: integer;
120 FLastChar: char;
121 FSQLText: string;
122 FHasBegin: boolean;
123 FStack: array [0..16] of TSQLStates;
124 FStackindex: integer;
125 FGetParamValue: TGetParamValue;
126 FOnOutputLog: TLogEvent;
127 FTerminator: char;
128 FAutoDDL: boolean;
129 procedure Add2Log(const Msg: string; IsError: boolean=true);
130 procedure AddToSQL(const Symbol: string);
131 function AnalyseSQL(Lines: TStringList): boolean;
132 procedure AnalyseLine(const Line: string);
133 procedure DoCommit;
134 procedure DoReconnect;
135 procedure ExecSQL;
136 function GetNextSymbol(C: char): TSQLSymbol;
137 function GetSymbol(const Line: string; var index: integer): TSQLSymbol;
138 function GetTransaction: TIBTransaction;
139 procedure SetDatabase(AValue: TIBDatabase);
140 procedure SetParamValue(SQLVar: TIBXSQLVAR);
141 procedure SetState(AState: TSQLStates);
142 procedure ClearStatement;
143 function PopState: TSQLStates;
144 function ProcessSetStatement(stmt: string): boolean;
145 public
146 constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent); override;
147 destructor Destroy; override;
148 function PerformUpdate(const SQLFile: string; AutoDDL: boolean): boolean; overload;
149 function PerformUpdate(const SQLStream: TStream; AutoDDL: boolean): boolean; overload;
150 published
151 property Database: TIBDatabase read FDatabase write SetDatabase;
152 property Echo: boolean read FEcho write FEcho default true; {Echo Input to Log}
153 property IgnoreGrants: boolean read FIgnoreGrants write FIgnoreGrants;
154 property Transaction: TIBTransaction read FTransaction write FTransaction;
155 property StopOnFirstError: boolean read FStopOnFirstError write FStopOnFirstError default true;
156 property GetParamValue: TGetParamValue read FGetParamValue write FGetParamValue; {resolve parameterized queries}
157 property OnOutputLog: TLogEvent read FOnOutputLog write FOnOutputLog; {Log handler}
158 property OnErrorLog: TLogEvent read FOnErrorLog write FOnErrorLog;
159 property OnProgressEvent: TOnProgressEvent read FOnProgressEvent write FOnProgressEvent; {Progress Bar Support}
160 property OnSelectSQL: TOnSelectSQL read FOnSelectSQL write FOnSelectSQL; {Handle Select SQL Statements}
161 end;
163 implementation
165 uses Sysutils, IB, RegExpr;
167 resourcestring
168 sTerminatorUnknownState = 'Statement Terminator in unexpected state (%d)';
169 sUnterminatedString = 'Unterminated string';
170 sUnknownSymbol = 'Unknown Symbol %d';
171 sNoSelectSQL = 'Select SQL Statements are not supported';
172 sStackUnderflow = 'Stack Underflow';
173 sInvalidAutoDDL = 'Invalid AUTODDL Statement - %s';
174 sNoParamQueries = 'Parameterised Queries are not supported';
175 sStackOverFlow = 'Stack Overflow';
176 sResolveQueryParam = 'Resolving Query Parameter: %s';
177 sNoCommit = 'Commit not allowed here';
178 sNoReconnect = 'Reconnect not allowed here';
180 { TIBXScript }
182 procedure TIBXScript.Add2Log(const Msg: string; IsError: boolean);
183 begin
184 if IsError then
185 begin
186 if assigned(OnErrorLog) then OnErrorLog(self,Msg)
187 end
188 else
189 if assigned(FOnOutputLog) then FOnOutputLog(self,Msg)
190 end;
192 procedure TIBXScript.AddToSQL(const Symbol: string);
193 begin
194 FSQLText := FSQLText + Symbol
195 end;
197 procedure TIBXScript.AnalyseLine(const Line: string);
198 var index: integer;
199 Symbol: TSQLSymbol;
200 NonSpace: boolean;
201 begin
202 index := 1;
203 NonSpace := false;
204 while true do
205 begin
206 if FState = stError then
207 raise Exception.Create('Entered Error State');
208 Symbol := GetSymbol(Line,index);
209 if not (Symbol in [sqSpace,sqEOL]) then
210 NonSpace := true;
211 case Symbol of
212 sqSpace:
213 if not (FState in [stInComment,stInCommentLine]) then
214 AddToSQL(' ');
216 sqTerminator:
217 if not (FState in [stInComment,stInCommentLine]) then
218 case FState of
219 stInit: {ignore empty statement};
221 stInSQL:
222 ExecSQL;
224 stInCommit:
225 DoCommit;
227 stInReconnect:
228 DoReconnect;
230 stNested, stInSingleQuotes, stInDoubleQuotes:
231 AddToSQL(FTerminator);
233 stInDeclaration:
234 begin
235 FState := PopState;
236 AddToSQL(FTerminator);
237 end;
239 else
240 raise Exception.CreateFmt(sTerminatorUnknownState,[FState]);
241 end;
243 sqSemiColon:
244 begin
245 if FState = stInDeclaration then
246 FState := PopState;
247 AddToSQL(';');
248 end;
250 sqAsterisk:
251 if not (FState in [stInComment,stInCommentLine]) then
252 begin
253 AddToSQL('*');
254 if FState = stInit then
255 FState := stInSQL
256 end;
258 sqForwardSlash:
259 if not (FState in [stInComment,stInCommentLine]) then
260 begin
261 AddToSQL('/');
262 if FState = stInit then
263 FState := stInSQL
264 end;
266 sqCommentStart:
267 if not (FState in [stInComment,stInCommentLine]) then
268 SetState(stInComment);
270 sqCommentEnd:
271 if FState = stInComment then
272 begin
273 AddToSQL('/* ' + Trim(FString) + ' */');
274 FState := PopState
275 end
276 else
277 FState := stError;
279 sqCommentLine:
280 if not (FState in [stInComment,stInCommentLine]) then
281 SetState(stInCommentLine);
283 sqSingleQuotes:
284 if not (FState in [stInComment,stInCommentLine]) then
285 begin
286 case FState of
287 stInSingleQuotes:
288 FState := PopState;
289 stInDoubleQuotes:
290 {Ignore};
291 else
292 SetState(stInSingleQuotes)
293 end;
294 AddToSQL('''')
295 end;
297 sqDoubleQuotes:
298 if not (FState in [stInComment,stInCommentLine]) then
299 begin
300 case FState of
301 stInSingleQuotes:
302 {Ignore};
303 stInDoubleQuotes:
304 FState := PopState;
305 else
306 SetState(stInDoubleQuotes)
307 end;
308 AddToSQL('"')
309 end;
311 sqEnd:
312 if not (FState in [stInComment,stInCommentLine]) then
313 begin
314 AddToSQL(FString);
315 case FState of
316 stInSingleQuotes,
317 stInDoubleQuotes:
318 {Ignore};
319 stNested:
320 begin
321 if FNested = 0 then
322 begin
323 PopState;
324 FState := stInit;
325 ExecSQL
326 end
327 else
328 Dec(FNested)
329 end;
330 {Otherwise ignore}
331 end
332 end;
334 sqBegin:
335 if not (FState in [stInComment,stInCommentLine]) then
336 begin
337 FHasBegin := true;
338 AddToSQL(FString);
339 case FState of
340 stInSingleQuotes,
341 stInDoubleQuotes:
342 {Ignore};
343 stNested:
344 Inc(FNested);
346 stInSQL,
347 stInit:
348 SetState(stNested);
349 end
350 end;
352 sqDeclare:
353 if not (FState in [stInComment,stInCommentLine]) then
354 begin
355 AddToSQL(FString);
356 if FState in [stInit,stInSQL] then
357 SetState(stInDeclaration)
358 end;
360 sqCommit:
361 if not (FState in [stInComment,stInCommentLine]) then
362 begin
363 if FState = stInit then
364 FState := stInCommit
365 else
366 raise Exception.Create(sNoCommit)
367 end;
369 sqReconnect:
370 if not (FState in [stInComment,stInCommentLine]) then
371 begin
372 if FState = stInit then
373 FState := stInReconnect
374 else
375 raise Exception.Create(sNoReconnect)
376 end;
378 sqString:
379 if not (FState in [stInComment,stInCommentLine]) then
380 begin
381 AddToSQL(FString);
382 if FState = stInit then
383 FState := stInSQL
384 end;
386 sqEOL:
387 begin
388 case FState of
389 stInCommentLine:
390 begin
391 AddToSQL('/* ' + Trim(FString) + ' */');
392 FState := PopState;
393 end;
394 stInDoubleQuotes,
395 stInSingleQuotes:
396 raise Exception.Create(sUnterminatedString);
397 end;
398 if NonSpace then AddToSQL(#13#10);
399 Exit;
400 end;
401 else
402 raise Exception.CreateFmt(sUnknownSymbol,[Symbol]);
403 end
404 end
405 end;
407 function TIBXScript.AnalyseSQL(Lines: TStringList): boolean;
408 var I: integer;
409 begin
410 Result := true;
411 ClearStatement;
412 FLastSymbol := sqNone;
413 for I := 0 to Lines.Count - 1 do
414 begin
415 if Echo then Add2Log(Lines[I],false);
416 if assigned(OnProgressEvent) then
417 OnProgressEvent(self,false,1);
418 try
419 AnalyseLine(Lines[I]);
420 except on E:Exception do
421 begin
422 Add2Log(E.Message);
423 Result := false;
424 if StopOnFirstError then Exit;
425 ClearStatement;
426 FLastSymbol := sqNone;
427 end
428 end;
429 end;
430 if FState <> stInit then
431 AnalyseLine(';');
432 Result := (FStackIndex = 0) and (FState = stInit)
433 end;
435 constructor TIBXScript.Create(aOwner: TComponent);
436 begin
437 inherited;
438 FStopOnFirstError := true;
439 FEcho := true;
440 FState := stInit;
441 FISQL := TIBSQL.Create(self);
442 FISQL.ParamCheck := true;
443 FInternalTransaction := TIBTransaction.Create(self);
444 FInternalTransaction.Params.Clear;
445 FInternalTransaction.Params.Add('concurrency');
446 FInternalTransaction.Params.Add('wait');
447 ClearStatement;
448 end;
450 destructor TIBXScript.Destroy;
451 begin
452 if FISQL <> nil then FISQL.Free;
453 if FInternalTransaction <> nil then FInternalTransaction.Free;
454 inherited;
455 end;
457 procedure TIBXScript.DoCommit;
458 begin
459 with GetTransaction do
460 if InTransaction then Commit;
461 if not GetTransaction.InTransaction then
462 GetTransaction.StartTransaction;
463 ClearStatement;
464 end;
466 procedure TIBXScript.DoReconnect;
467 begin
468 with GetTransaction do
469 if InTransaction then Commit;
470 Database.Connected := false;
471 Database.Connected := true;
472 if not GetTransaction.InTransaction then
473 GetTransaction.StartTransaction;
474 ClearStatement;
475 end;
477 procedure TIBXScript.ExecSQL;
478 var DDL: boolean;
479 I: integer;
480 begin
481 if FSQLText <> '' then
482 begin
483 if ProcessSetStatement(FSQLText) then {Handle Set Statement}
484 begin
485 ClearStatement;
486 Exit;
487 end;
489 FISQL.SQL.Text := FSQLText;
490 FISQL.Transaction := GetTransaction;
491 with FISQL.Transaction do
492 if not InTransaction then StartTransaction;
493 FISQL.ParamCheck := not FHasBegin; {Probably PSQL}
494 FISQL.Prepare;
495 if FISQL.SQLType in [SQLInsert, SQLUpdate, SQLDelete] then
496 begin
497 {Interpret parameters}
498 for I := 0 to FISQL.Params.Count - 1 do
499 SetParamValue(FISQL.Params[I]);
500 end;
502 if FISQL.SQLType = SQLSelect then
503 begin
504 if assigned(OnSelectSQL) then
505 OnSelectSQL(self,FSQLText)
506 else
507 raise Exception.Create(sNoSelectSQL);
508 end
509 else
510 begin
512 if not DDL or not FIgnoreGrants or (Pos('GRANT',AnsiUpperCase(Trim(FSQLText))) <> 1) then
513 FISQL.ExecQuery;
514 if FAutoDDL and DDL then
515 FISQL.Transaction.Commit;
516 FISQL.Close;
517 end;
518 FISQL.SQL.Clear;
519 ClearStatement;
520 end
521 end;
525 function TIBXScript.GetNextSymbol(C: char): TSQLSymbol;
526 begin
527 if C = FTerminator then
528 Result := sqTerminator
529 else
530 case C of
531 ' ',#9:
532 Result := sqSpace;
533 ';':
534 Result := sqSemiColon;
535 '"':
536 Result := sqDoubleQuotes;
537 '''':
538 Result := sqSingleQuotes;
539 '/':
540 Result := sqForwardSlash;
541 '*':
542 Result := sqAsterisk;
543 else
544 begin
545 Result := sqString;
546 FLastChar := C
547 end
548 end;
549 end;
551 function TIBXScript.GetSymbol(const Line: string; var index: integer): TSQLSymbol;
552 begin
553 Result := sqNone;
554 if FLastSymbol <> sqNone then
555 begin
556 Result := FLastSymbol;
557 if Result = sqString then
558 FString := FLastChar;
559 FLastSymbol := sqNone
560 end;
562 while (index <= Length(Line)) and (FLastSymbol = sqNone) do
563 begin
564 FLastSymbol := GetNextSymbol(Line[index]);
565 {combine if possible}
566 case Result of
567 sqNone:
568 begin
569 Result := FLastSymbol;
570 if FLastSymbol = sqString then
571 FString := FLastChar;
572 FLastSymbol := sqNone
573 end;
575 sqForwardSlash:
576 if FLastSymbol = sqAsterisk then
577 begin
578 Result := sqCommentStart;
579 FLastSymbol := sqNone
580 end
581 else
582 if FLastSymbol = sqForwardSlash then
583 begin
584 Result := sqCommentLine;
585 FLastSymbol := sqNone
586 end;
588 sqAsterisk:
589 if FLastSymbol = sqForwardSlash then
590 begin
591 Result := sqCommentEnd;
592 FLastSymbol := sqNone
593 end;
595 sqString:
596 if FLastSymbol = sqString then
597 begin
598 FString := FString + FLastChar;
599 FLastSymbol := sqNone
600 end;
601 end;
602 Inc(index)
603 end;
605 if (index > Length(Line)) then
606 if Result = sqNone then
607 Result := sqEOL
608 else
609 if (FLastSymbol = sqNone) and (Result <> sqEOL) then
610 FLastSymbol := sqEOL;
612 if Result = sqString then
613 begin
614 if FString <> '' then
615 if CompareText(FString,'begin') = 0 then
616 Result := sqBegin
617 else
618 if CompareText(FString,'end') = 0 then
619 Result := sqEnd
620 else
621 if CompareText(FString,'declare') = 0 then
622 Result := sqDeclare
623 else
624 if CompareText(FString,'commit') = 0 then
625 Result := sqCommit
626 else
627 if CompareText(FString,'reconnect') = 0 then
628 Result := sqReconnect;
629 end
630 end;
632 function TIBXScript.GetTransaction: TIBTransaction;
633 begin
634 if FTransaction = nil then
635 Result := FInternalTransaction
636 else
637 Result := FTransaction;
638 end;
640 procedure TIBXScript.SetDatabase(AValue: TIBDatabase);
641 begin
642 if FDatabase = AValue then Exit;
643 FDatabase := AValue;
644 FISQL.Database := AValue;
645 FInternalTransaction.DefaultDatabase := AValue;
646 end;
648 function TIBXScript.PerformUpdate(const SQLFile: string;
649 AutoDDL: boolean): boolean;
650 var F: TFileStream;
651 begin
652 F := TFileStream.Create(SQLFile,fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
653 try
654 Result := PerformUpdate(F,AutoDDL)
655 finally
656 F.Free
657 end;
658 end;
660 function TIBXScript.PerformUpdate(const SQLStream: TStream; AutoDDL: boolean): boolean;
661 var Lines: TStringList;
662 FNotConnected: boolean;
663 begin
664 FTerminator := ';';
665 FAutoDDL := AutoDDL;
666 FNotConnected := not Database.Connected;
667 Database.Connected := true;
668 try
669 Lines := TStringList.Create;
670 Lines.LoadFromStream(SQLStream);
671 try
672 if assigned(OnProgressEvent) then
673 OnProgressEvent(self,true,Lines.Count);
675 Result := AnalyseSQL(Lines)
676 finally
677 Lines.Free
678 end;
679 except on E:Exception do
680 begin
681 Add2Log(E.Message);
682 with GetTransaction do
683 if InTransaction then Rollback;
684 Result := false
685 end
686 end;
687 with GetTransaction do
688 if InTransaction then Commit;
689 if FNotConnected then
690 Database.Connected := false;
691 end;
693 function TIBXScript.PopState: TSQLStates;
694 begin
695 if FStackIndex = 0 then
696 raise Exception.Create(sStackUnderflow);
697 Dec(FStackIndex);
698 Result := FStack[FStackIndex]
699 end;
701 function TIBXScript.ProcessSetStatement(stmt: string): boolean;
702 var RegexObj: TRegExpr;
703 begin
704 Result := false;
705 RegexObj := TRegExpr.Create;
706 try
707 {Process Set Term}
708 RegexObj.Expression := 'SET +TERM +(.) *(\' + FTerminator + '|)';
709 if RegexObj.Exec(AnsiUpperCase(stmt)) then
710 begin
711 FTerminator := RegexObj.Match[1][1];
712 Result := true;
713 Exit;
714 end;
716 {Process AutoDDL}
717 RegexObj.Expression := 'SET +AUTODDL +([a-zA-Z]+) *(\' + FTerminator + '|)';
718 if RegexObj.Exec(AnsiUpperCase(stmt)) then
719 begin
720 if AnsiUpperCase(RegexObj.Match[1]) = 'ON' then
721 FAutoDDL := true
722 else
723 if AnsiUpperCase(RegexObj.Match[1]) = 'OFF' then
724 FAutoDDL := false
725 else
726 raise Exception.CreateFmt(sInvalidAutoDDL, [RegexObj.Match[0]]);
728 Result := true;
729 end;
730 finally
731 RegexObj.Free;
732 end;
733 end;
736 procedure TIBXScript.SetParamValue(SQLVar: TIBXSQLVAR);
737 var BlobID: TISC_QUAD;
738 begin
739 if assigned(FGetParamValue) and (SQLVar.SQLType = SQL_BLOB) then
740 begin
741 Add2Log(Format(sResolveQueryParam,[SQLVar.Name]));
742 GetParamValue(self,SQLVar.Name,BlobID);
743 if (BlobID.gds_quad_high = 0) and (BlobID.gds_quad_low = 0) then
744 SQLVar.Clear
745 else
746 SQLVar.AsQuad := BlobID
747 end
748 else
749 raise Exception.Create(sNoParamQueries);
750 end;
752 procedure TIBXScript.SetState(AState: TSQLStates);
753 begin
754 if FStackIndex > 16 then
755 raise Exception.Create(sStackOverFlow);
756 FStack[FStackIndex] := FState;
757 Inc(FStackIndex);
758 FState := AState
759 end;
761 procedure TIBXScript.ClearStatement;
762 begin
763 FSQLText := '';
764 FState := stInit;
765 FHasBegin := false;
766 FLastChar := ' ';
767 FLastSymbol := sqNone;
768 end;
770 end.