const MonitorHookNames: array[0..5] of String = ( 'FB.SQL.MONITOR.Mutex1_0', 'FB.SQL.MONITOR.SharedMem1_0', 'FB.SQL.MONITOR.WriteEvent1_0', 'FB.SQL.MONITOR.WriteFinishedEvent1_0', 'FB.SQL.MONITOR.ReadEvent1_0', 'FB.SQL.MONITOR.ReadFinishedEvent1_0' ); cDefaultTimeout = 1000; { 1 seconds } type TGlobalInterface = class; {Interprocess Communication Objects. All platform dependent IPC is abstracted into this set of objects } { TIpcCommon } TIpcCommon = class private function GetSa: PSecurityAttributes; protected class var FInitialiser: boolean; FSa : TSecurityAttributes; private Sd : TSecurityDescriptor; public constructor Create; property Sa : PSecurityAttributes read GetSa; end; { TSharedMemory } { The shared memory segment is used for interprocess communication and holds both a message buffer and a number of shared variables. Shared memory is allocated to each shared variable using the Allocate function. An underlying assumption is that each process using the shared memory calls "Allocate" in the same order and for the same memory sizes. Windows: The Windows implementation uses Windows shared memory. This is identified by a global name known to every process. There is no security with the windows implementation and the shared memory can be read by any active process. } TSharedMemory = class(TIpcCommon) private FBuffer: PChar; FLastAllocationSize: integer; FUnused: integer; FBufptr: PChar; FSharedBuffer: THandle; procedure GetSharedMemory(MemSize: integer); public constructor Create(MemSize: integer); destructor Destroy; override; function Allocate(Size: integer): PChar; property LastAllocationSize: integer read FLastAllocationSize; end; {TMutex} TMutex = class(TIpcCommon) private FMutex: THandle; public constructor Create(MutexName: string); destructor Destroy; override; procedure Lock; procedure Unlock; end; { TSingleLockGate } { A single lock gate is either open or closed. When open, any thread can pass through it while, when closed, all threads are blocked as they try to pass through the gate. When the gate is opened, all blocked threads are resumed. There is an implementation assumption that only one writer thread at a time (i.e. the thread which locks or unlocks the gate) can have access to it at any one time. I.e. an external Mutex prevents race conditions. Windows: In the Windows implementation, a Windows Event is used to implement the "gate". No additional functionality is required as the behaviour of a Windows event meets the requirement. Always initialised to the Unlocked state } TSingleLockGate = class(TIpcCommon) private FOwner: TGlobalInterface; FEvent: THandle; public constructor Create(EventName: string; AOwner: TGlobalInterface); destructor Destroy; override; procedure PassthroughGate; procedure Unlock; procedure Lock; end; { TMultilockGate } { This type of Gate is used where several reader threads must pass through the gate before it can be opened for a writer thread. The reader threads register their interest by each locking the gate. The writer thread then waits on the locked gate until all the reader threads have separately unlocked the gate. There is an underlying assumption of a single writer. A Mutex must be used to control access to the gate from the writer side if this assumption is invalid. Windows: The Windows implementation uses an IPC Event and shared memory to hold an integer - the reader count. The readers lock the gate by resetting the event and incrementing the reader count. They unlock the gate by decrementing the reader count and calling set event when the reader count reaches zero. The writer waits on the event for the gate to open. This is a timed wait to avoid the writer being left in an indefinite wait state should a reader terminate abnormally. Always initialised to the Unlocked state } TMultilockGate = class(TIpcCommon) private FOnGateTimeout: TNotifyEvent; FOwner: TGlobalInterface; FEvent: THandle; FLockCount: PInteger; FMutex: TMutex; function GetLockCount: integer; public constructor Create(EventName: string; AOwner: TGlobalInterface); destructor Destroy; override; procedure Lock; procedure Unlock; procedure PassthroughGate; property LockCount: integer read GetLockCount; property OnGateTimeout: TNotifyEvent read FOnGateTimeout write FOnGateTimeout; end; { TGlobalInterface } TGlobalInterface = class(TIpcCommon) private FMaxBufferSize: integer; FSharedMemory: TSharedMemory; FWriteLock: TMutex; FBuffer: PChar; FTraceDataType, FBufferSize: PInteger; FTimeStamp: PDateTime; FReadReadyEvent: TMultiLockGate; FReadFinishedEvent: TMultiLockGate; FDataAvailableEvent: TSingleLockGate; FWriterBusyEvent: TSingleLockGate; FMonitorCount: PInteger; procedure HandleGateTimeout(Sender: TObject); function GetMonitorCount: integer; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure IncMonitorCount; procedure DecMonitorCount; procedure SendTrace(TraceObject: TTraceObject); procedure ReceiveTrace(TraceObject: TTraceObject); property DataAvailableEvent: TSingleLockGate read FDataAvailableEvent; property WriterBusyEvent: TSingleLockGate read FWriterBusyEvent; property ReadReadyEvent: TMultiLockGate read FReadReadyEvent; property ReadFinishedEvent: TMultiLockGate read FReadFinishedEvent; property WriteLock: TMutex read FWriteLock; property MonitorCount: integer read GetMonitorCount; property SharedMemory: TSharedMemory read FSharedMemory; property MaxBufferSize: integer read FMaxBufferSize; end; { TSharedMemory } procedure TSharedMemory.GetSharedMemory(MemSize: integer); begin FSharedBuffer := CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, sa, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, MemSize, PChar(MonitorHookNames[1])); if GetLastError = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS then FSharedBuffer := OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, false, PChar(MonitorHookNames[1])) else FInitialiser := true; if (FSharedBuffer = 0) then IBError(ibxeCannotCreateSharedResource, [GetLastError]); end; constructor TSharedMemory.Create(MemSize: integer); begin inherited Create; FInitialiser := false; GetSharedMemory(MemSize); FBuffer := MapViewOfFile(FSharedBuffer, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0); if FBuffer = nil then IBError(ibxeCannotCreateSharedResource, [GetLastError]); FBufPtr := FBuffer; FUnused := MemSize end; destructor TSharedMemory.Destroy; begin UnmapViewOfFile(FBuffer); CloseHandle(FSharedBuffer); inherited Destroy; end; function TSharedMemory.Allocate(Size: integer): PChar; begin if Size > FUnused then IBError(ibxeCannotCreateSharedResource, ['Not enough shared memory']); Result := FBufPtr; if Size = 0 then begin FLastAllocationSize := FUnused; FUnused := 0 end else begin FLastAllocationSize := Size; Dec(FUnused,Size); end; Inc(FBufPtr,Size) end; { TIpcCommon } function TIpcCommon.GetSa: PSecurityAttributes; begin Result := @FSa end; constructor TIpcCommon.Create; begin { Setup Security so anyone can connect to the MMF/Mutex/Event. This is needed when IBX is used in a Service. } InitializeSecurityDescriptor(@Sd,SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(@Sd,true,nil,false); FSa.nLength := SizeOf(FSa); FSa.lpSecurityDescriptor := @Sd; FSa.bInheritHandle := true; end; { TMutex } constructor TMutex.Create(MutexName: string); begin inherited Create; if FInitialiser then FMutex := CreateMutex(sa, False, PChar(MutexName)) else FMutex := OpenMutex(MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS, False, PChar(MutexName)); if FMutex = 0 then IBError(ibxeCannotCreateSharedResource, [GetLastError]) end; destructor TMutex.Destroy; begin CloseHandle(FMutex); inherited Destroy; end; { Obtain ownership of the Mutex and prevent other threads from accessing protected resource } procedure TMutex.Lock; begin WaitForSingleObject(FMutex, INFINITE); end; {Give up ownership of the Mutex and allow other threads access } procedure TMutex.Unlock; begin ReleaseMutex(FMutex); end; { TSingleLockGate } constructor TSingleLockGate.Create(EventName: string; AOwner: TGlobalInterface); begin inherited Create; FOwner := AOwner; if FInitialiser then FEvent := CreateEvent(sa, true, true, PChar(EventName)) else FEvent := OpenEvent(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, true, PChar(EventName)); if FEvent = 0 then IBError(ibxeCannotCreateSharedResource, [GetLastError]) end; destructor TSingleLockGate.Destroy; begin CloseHandle(FEvent); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TSingleLockGate.PassthroughGate; begin WaitForSingleObject(FEvent,INFINITE) end; procedure TSingleLockGate.Unlock; begin SetEvent(FEvent) //Event State set to "signaled" end; procedure TSingleLockGate.Lock; begin ResetEvent(FEvent) //Event State set to "unsignaled" end; { TMultilockGate } constructor TMultilockGate.Create(EventName: string; AOwner: TGlobalInterface); begin inherited Create; FOwner := AOwner; FLockCount := PInteger(FOwner.SharedMemory.Allocate(sizeof(FLockCount))); FMutex := TMutex.Create(EventName + '.Mutex'); if FInitialiser then begin FEvent := CreateEvent(sa, true, true, PChar(EventName)); FLockCount^ := 0; end else FEvent := OpenEvent(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, true, PChar(EventName)); if FEvent = 0 then IBError(ibxeCannotCreateSharedResource, [GetLastError]) end; destructor TMultilockGate.Destroy; begin if assigned(FMutex) then FMutex.Free; CloseHandle(FEvent); inherited Destroy; end; function TMultilockGate.GetLockCount: integer; begin Result := FLockCount^ end; procedure TMultilockGate.Lock; begin FMutex.Lock; try Inc(FLockCount^); ResetEvent(FEvent); finally FMutex.Unlock; end; //writeln('Lock '+IntToStr(FLockCount^)); end; procedure TMultilockGate.Unlock; begin //writeln('Start UnLock '+IntToStr(FLockCount^)); FMutex.Lock; try Dec(FLockCount^); if FLockCount^ <= 0 then begin SetEvent(FEvent); FLockCount^ := 0 end; finally FMutex.Unlock; end; //writeln('UnLock '+IntToStr(FLockCount^)); end; procedure TMultilockGate.PassthroughGate; begin if FLockCount^ = 0 then Exit; while WaitForSingleObject(FEvent,cDefaultTimeout)= WAIT_TIMEOUT do { If we have timed out then we have lost a reader } begin if FLockCount^ > 0 then begin UnLock; if assigned(FOnGateTimeout) then OnGateTimeout(self) end end; end; { TGlobalInterface } function TGlobalInterface.GetMonitorCount: integer; begin Result := FMonitorCount^ end; procedure TGlobalInterface.HandleGateTimeout(Sender: TObject); begin //writeln(ClassName+': Gate TimeOut'); DecMonitorCount end; constructor TGlobalInterface.Create; begin inherited Create; FSharedMemory := TSharedMemory.Create(cMonitorHookSize); FWriteLock := TMutex.Create(PChar(MonitorHookNames[0])); FDataAvailableEvent := TSingleLockGate.Create(MonitorHookNames[2],self); FWriterBusyEvent := TSingleLockGate.Create(MonitorHookNames[3],self); FReadReadyEvent := TMultiLockGate.Create(MonitorHookNames[4],self); FReadReadyEvent.OnGateTimeout := HandleGateTimeout; FReadFinishedEvent := TMultiLockGate.Create(MonitorHookNames[5],self); FReadFinishedEvent.OnGateTimeout := HandleGateTimeout; FMonitorCount := PInteger(FSharedMemory.Allocate(sizeof(FMonitorCount))); if FInitialiser then FMonitorCount^ := 0; FTraceDataType := PInteger(FSharedMemory.Allocate(sizeof(Integer))); FTimeStamp := PDateTime(FSharedMemory.Allocate(sizeof(TDateTime))); FBufferSize := PInteger(FSharedMemory.Allocate(sizeof(Integer))); FBuffer := FSharedMemory.Allocate(0); //All remaining FMaxBufferSize := FSharedMemory.LastAllocationSize; if FInitialiser then begin FBufferSize^ := 0; FDataAvailableEvent.Lock end; end; destructor TGlobalInterface.Destroy; begin if assigned(FWriteLock) then FWriteLock.Free; if assigned(FDataAvailableEvent) then FDataAvailableEvent.Free; if assigned(FWriterBusyEvent) then FWriterBusyEvent.Free; if assigned(FReadReadyEvent) then FReadReadyEvent.Free; if assigned(FReadFinishedEvent) then FReadFinishedEvent.Free; if assigned(FSharedMemory) then FSharedMemory.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TGlobalInterface.IncMonitorCount; begin InterlockedIncrement(FMonitorCount^) end; procedure TGlobalInterface.DecMonitorCount; begin InterlockedDecrement(FMonitorCount^) end; procedure TGlobalInterface.SendTrace(TraceObject: TTraceObject); begin FTraceDataType^ := Integer(TraceObject.FDataType); FTimeStamp^ := TraceObject.FTimeStamp; FBufferSize^ := Min(Length(TraceObject.FMsg), MaxBufferSize); Move(TraceObject.FMsg[1], FBuffer^, FBufferSize^); end; procedure TGlobalInterface.ReceiveTrace(TraceObject: TTraceObject); begin SetString(TraceObject.FMsg, FBuffer, FBufferSize^); TraceObject.FDataType := TTraceFlag(FTraceDataType^); TraceObject.FTimeStamp := TDateTime(FTimeStamp^); end;