{$IFDEF FPC} {$PACKRECORDS C} {$ENDIF} { * PROGRAM: C preprocessor * MODULE: blr.h * DESCRIPTION: BLR constants * * The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public * License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation * and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are * Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation. * * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * * Claudio Valderrama: 2001.6.18: Add blr_current_role. * 2002.09.28 Dmitry Yemanov: Reworked internal_info stuff, enhanced * exception handling in SPs/triggers, * implemented ROWS_AFFECTED system variable * 2002.10.21 Nickolay Samofatov: Added support for explicit pessimistic locks * 2002.10.29 Nickolay Samofatov: Added support for savepoints * 2003.10.05 Dmitry Yemanov: Added support for explicit cursors in PSQL * Adriano dos Santos Fernandes } {$ifndef FIREBIRD_IMPL_BLR_H} {$define FIREBIRD_IMPL_BLR_H} (* error #define BLR_WORD(x) UCHAR(x), UCHAR((x) >> 8) in define line 36 *) { WARNING: if you add a new BLR representing a data type, and the value * is greater than the numerically greatest value which now * represents a data type, you must change the define for * DTYPE_BLR_MAX in jrd/align.h, and add the necessary entries * to all the arrays in that file. } const blr_text = 14; { added in 3.2 JPN } blr_text2 = 15; blr_short = 7; blr_long = 8; blr_quad = 9; blr_float = 10; blr_double = 27; blr_d_float = 11; blr_timestamp = 35; blr_varying = 37; { added in 3.2 JPN } blr_varying2 = 38; blr_blob = 261; blr_cstring = 40; { added in 3.2 JPN } blr_cstring2 = 41; { added from gds.h } blr_blob_id = 45; blr_sql_date = 12; blr_sql_time = 13; blr_int64 = 16; blr_blob2 = 17; blr_domain_name = 18; blr_domain_name2 = 19; blr_not_nullable = 20; blr_column_name = 21; blr_column_name2 = 22; blr_bool = 23; blr_dec64 = 24; blr_dec128 = 25; blr_int128 = 26; blr_sql_time_tz = 28; blr_timestamp_tz = 29; blr_ex_time_tz = 30; blr_ex_timestamp_tz = 31; { first sub parameter for blr_domain_name[2] } blr_domain_type_of = 0; blr_domain_full = 1; { Historical alias for pre V6 applications } blr_date = blr_timestamp; blr_inner = 0; blr_left = 1; blr_right = 2; blr_full = 3; blr_gds_code = 0; blr_sql_code = 1; blr_exception = 2; blr_trigger_code = 3; blr_default_code = 4; blr_raise = 5; blr_exception_msg = 6; blr_exception_params = 7; blr_sql_state = 8; blr_version4 = 4; blr_version5 = 5; {#define blr_version6 6 } blr_eoc = 76; blr_end = 255; blr_assignment = 1; blr_begin = 2; { added from gds.h } blr_dcl_variable = 3; blr_message = 4; blr_erase = 5; blr_fetch = 6; blr_for = 7; blr_if = 8; blr_loop = 9; blr_modify = 10; blr_handler = 11; blr_receive = 12; blr_select = 13; blr_send = 14; blr_store = 15; blr_label = 17; blr_leave = 18; blr_store2 = 19; blr_post = 20; blr_literal = 21; blr_dbkey = 22; blr_field = 23; blr_fid = 24; blr_parameter = 25; blr_variable = 26; blr_average = 27; blr_count = 28; blr_maximum = 29; blr_minimum = 30; blr_total = 31; blr_receive_batch = 32; { unused code: 33 } blr_add = 34; blr_subtract = 35; blr_multiply = 36; blr_divide = 37; blr_negate = 38; blr_concatenate = 39; blr_substring = 40; blr_parameter2 = 41; blr_from = 42; blr_via = 43; { added from gds.h } blr_user_name = 44; blr_null = 45; blr_equiv = 46; blr_eql = 47; blr_neq = 48; blr_gtr = 49; blr_geq = 50; blr_lss = 51; blr_leq = 52; blr_containing = 53; blr_matching = 54; blr_starting = 55; blr_between = 56; blr_or = 57; blr_and = 58; blr_not = 59; blr_any = 60; blr_missing = 61; blr_unique = 62; blr_like = 63; { unused codes: 64..66 } blr_rse = 67; blr_first = 68; blr_project = 69; blr_sort = 70; blr_boolean = 71; blr_ascending = 72; blr_descending = 73; blr_relation = 74; blr_rid = 75; blr_union = 76; blr_map = 77; blr_group_by = 78; blr_aggregate = 79; blr_join_type = 80; { unused codes: 81..82 } blr_agg_count = 83; blr_agg_max = 84; blr_agg_min = 85; blr_agg_total = 86; blr_agg_average = 87; { same as Rdb definition } blr_parameter3 = 88; { unsupported #define blr_run_max 89 #define blr_run_min 90 #define blr_run_total 91 #define blr_run_average 92 } blr_agg_count2 = 93; blr_agg_count_distinct = 94; blr_agg_total_distinct = 95; blr_agg_average_distinct = 96; { unused codes: 97..99 } blr_function = 100; blr_gen_id = 101; {/#define blr_prot_mask 102 } blr_upcase = 103; {/#define blr_lock_state 104 } blr_value_if = 105; blr_matching2 = 106; blr_index = 107; blr_ansi_like = 108; blr_scrollable = 109; { unused codes: 110..117 } { changed from 88 to avoid conflict with blr_parameter3 } blr_run_count = 118; blr_rs_stream = 119; blr_exec_proc = 120; { unused codes: 121..123 } blr_procedure = 124; blr_pid = 125; blr_exec_pid = 126; blr_singular = 127; blr_abort = 128; blr_block = 129; blr_error_handler = 130; blr_cast = 131; blr_pid2 = 132; blr_procedure2 = 133; blr_start_savepoint = 134; blr_end_savepoint = 135; { unused codes: 136..138 } { access plan items } blr_plan = 139; blr_merge = 140; blr_join = 141; blr_sequential = 142; blr_navigational = 143; blr_indices = 144; blr_retrieve = 145; blr_relation2 = 146; blr_rid2 = 147; { unused codes: 148..149 } blr_set_generator = 150; { required for NULL handling } blr_ansi_any = 151; { required for NULL handling } blr_exists = 152; { unused codes: 153 } { get tid of record } blr_record_version = 154; { fake server stall } blr_stall = 155; { unused codes: 156..157 } { required for NULL handling } blr_ansi_all = 158; blr_extract = 159; { sub parameters for blr_extract } blr_extract_year = 0; blr_extract_month = 1; blr_extract_day = 2; blr_extract_hour = 3; blr_extract_minute = 4; blr_extract_second = 5; blr_extract_weekday = 6; blr_extract_yearday = 7; blr_extract_millisecond = 8; blr_extract_week = 9; blr_extract_timezone_hour = 10; blr_extract_timezone_minute = 11; blr_current_date = 160; blr_current_timestamp = 161; blr_current_time = 162; { These codes reuse BLR code space } blr_post_arg = 163; blr_exec_into = 164; blr_user_savepoint = 165; blr_dcl_cursor = 166; blr_cursor_stmt = 167; blr_current_timestamp2 = 168; blr_current_time2 = 169; blr_agg_list = 170; blr_agg_list_distinct = 171; blr_modify2 = 172; { unused codes: 173 } { FB 1.0 specific BLR } blr_current_role = 174; blr_skip = 175; { FB 1.5 specific BLR } blr_exec_sql = 176; blr_internal_info = 177; blr_nullsfirst = 178; blr_writelock = 179; blr_nullslast = 180; { FB 2.0 specific BLR } blr_lowcase = 181; blr_strlen = 182; { sub parameter for blr_strlen } blr_strlen_bit = 0; blr_strlen_char = 1; blr_strlen_octet = 2; blr_trim = 183; { first sub parameter for blr_trim } blr_trim_both = 0; blr_trim_leading = 1; blr_trim_trailing = 2; { second sub parameter for blr_trim } blr_trim_spaces = 0; blr_trim_characters = 1; { These codes are actions for user-defined savepoints } blr_savepoint_set = 0; blr_savepoint_release = 1; blr_savepoint_undo = 2; blr_savepoint_release_single = 3; { These codes are actions for cursors } blr_cursor_open = 0; blr_cursor_close = 1; blr_cursor_fetch = 2; blr_cursor_fetch_scroll = 3; { scroll options } blr_scroll_forward = 0; blr_scroll_backward = 1; blr_scroll_bof = 2; blr_scroll_eof = 3; blr_scroll_absolute = 4; blr_scroll_relative = 5; { FB 2.1 specific BLR } blr_init_variable = 184; blr_recurse = 185; blr_sys_function = 186; { FB 2.5 specific BLR } blr_auto_trans = 187; blr_similar = 188; blr_exec_stmt = 189; { subcodes of blr_exec_stmt } blr_exec_stmt_inputs = 1; { input parameters count } blr_exec_stmt_outputs = 2; { output parameters count } blr_exec_stmt_sql = 3; blr_exec_stmt_proc_block = 4; blr_exec_stmt_data_src = 5; blr_exec_stmt_user = 6; blr_exec_stmt_pwd = 7; blr_exec_stmt_tran = 8; { not implemented yet } blr_exec_stmt_tran_clone = 9; { make transaction parameters equal to current transaction } blr_exec_stmt_privs = 10; blr_exec_stmt_in_params = 11; { not named input parameters } blr_exec_stmt_in_params2 = 12; { named input parameters } blr_exec_stmt_out_params = 13; { output parameters } blr_exec_stmt_role = 14; blr_exec_stmt_in_excess = 15; { excess input params numbers } blr_stmt_expr = 190; blr_derived_expr = 191; { FB 3.0 specific BLR } blr_procedure3 = 192; blr_exec_proc2 = 193; blr_function2 = 194; blr_window = 195; blr_partition_by = 196; blr_continue_loop = 197; blr_procedure4 = 198; blr_agg_function = 199; blr_substring_similar = 200; blr_bool_as_value = 201; blr_coalesce = 202; blr_decode = 203; blr_exec_subproc = 204; blr_subproc_decl = 205; blr_subproc = 206; blr_subfunc_decl = 207; blr_subfunc = 208; blr_record_version2 = 209; blr_gen_id2 = 210; { NEXT VALUE FOR generator } { FB 4.0 specific BLR } blr_window_win = 211; { subcodes of blr_window_win } blr_window_win_partition = 1; blr_window_win_order = 2; blr_window_win_map = 3; blr_window_win_extent_unit = 4; blr_window_win_extent_frame_bound = 5; blr_window_win_extent_frame_value = 6; blr_window_win_exclusion = 7; blr_default = 212; blr_store3 = 213; blr_local_timestamp = 214; blr_local_time = 215; blr_at = 216; { subcodes of blr_at } blr_at_local = 0; blr_at_zone = 1; blr_marks = 217; {$endif} { FIREBIRD_IMPL_BLR_H }