Example: fbsql ============== fbsql is more than just a simple example and is an ISQL replacement console mode program for both interactive and non-interactive use. fbsql uses TIBXScript as its SQL Script Engine and TIBExtract to extract metadata from the database. Select queries are handled by by outputing the query results to stdout in CSV format suitable for loading into a spreadsheet, as insert statements, or in a block format. It can be used to dump an entire database in text (SQL) format including metadata and user data, with binary blobs and array data encoded in a simple XML format. It can also be used to create a datbase from an SQL dump. This format is less compact that gbak but allows for metadata editing, simplifying complex metadata changes where there are many nested dependencies to resolve. Usage: fbsql Options: -a write database metadata to stdout -A write database metadata and table data to stdout -b stop on first error -e echo sql statements to stdout -g include grants to normal users in database metadata -h show this information -i execute SQL script from file -o output to this file instead of stdout -p provide password on command line (insecure) -r open database with this rolename -s Execute SQL text -t specify output format for SQL Statements BLK (default) for block format CSV for CSV format INS for Insert Statement format -u open database with this username (defaults to SYSDBA) Environment Variables: ISC_USER Login user Name ISC_PASSWORD Login password Saving the username and/or password as environment variables avoids having to enter them on the command line and is a more secure means of provding the password. If no password is provided on the command line or through the environment, then the user is prompted for a password to be entered securely. If neither an "-s" or a "-i" option is provided on the command line, then fbsql runs interactively. fbsql uses IBX in console mode. Before opening this project you should tell the Lazarus IDE about the ibexpressconsolemode package. All you need to do in the IDE is to select "Packages->Open Package File" and open ibexpressconsolemode.lpk which you can find in the ibx root directory. You should then close it again immediately afterwards. There is no need to install or compile it. Opening the package is sufficient for Lazarus to remember it. SQL Statements Supported ======================== All DML and DDL Statements are supported. CREATE DATABASE, DROP DATABASE, CONNECT and COMMIT are supported. Additionally, RECONNECT is interpreted as dropping the connection and reconnecting. ISQL Command Support ==================== SET SQL DIALECT SET TERM SET AUTODDL SET BAIL SET ECHO SET COUNT SET STATS SET NAMES SET HEADING SET ROWCOUNT SET PLAN SET PLAN ONLY QUIT EXIT Examples ======== To use, compile the program in the Lazarus IDE and run it from the command line. The above gives the command line parameters. For example: fbsql -a -u SYSDBA -p masterkey employee will write out the metadata for the local employee database to stdout (assuming default password). fbsql -a -g -u SYSDBA -p masterkey employee as above metadata will include grants to normal users (and not just to PUBLIC). fbsql -A -u SYSDBA -p masterkey -o employeedump.sql employee will dump the employee database to a text file (employeedump.sql). fbsql -u SYSDBA -p masterkey -i employeedump.sql will recreate the database dumped in the file "employeedump.sql". Note that the "CREATE DATABASE" statement is at the start of this file and should be edited to identify the database file that is to be created. Alternatively, fbsql -u SYSDBA -p masterkey -i employeedump.sql new-employee.fdb will restore the database to the database file 'new-employee.fdb' provided that it has already been created as an empty database. Note that in this case, the "CREATE DATABASE" statement should remain commented out. fbsql -s "Select * From EMPLOYEE" -u SYSDBA -p masterkey employee will write out the contents of the EMPLOYEE table in the local employee database to stdout (assuming default password). fbsql -b -e ../scriptengine/tests/CreateCountriesTable.sql -u SYSDBA -p masterkey employee will run the script CreateCountriesTable.sql from the script engine test suite and apply it to the local employee database. Each statement will be echoed to stdout and processing will stop on the first error. Note that on Linux, to run a program from the command line that is not on the PATH, you need to: cd to the example directory "ibx/examples/fbsql" run the program as "./fbsql" e.g. ./fbsql -a -u SYSDBA -p masterkey employee