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Comparing ibx/trunk/changelog (file contents):
Revision 20 by tony, Mon Jul 7 13:00:15 2014 UTC vs.
Revision 21 by tony, Thu Feb 26 10:33:34 2015 UTC

# Line 1 | Line 1
1 + IBX Change Log  version                                      (1.2-0) Thu, 26 Feb 2015 10:34:04 +0000
2 +
3 + 1. An internal select SQL Parser is now available for TIBCustomDataset descendents.
4 +   This is typically used during an "OnBeforeOpen" event handler to manipulate the
5 +   "Where" and "Having" clauses to implement user specified filters of arbitrary
6 +   complexity.
7 +
8 + 2. A new Component Palette entry "Firebird Data Controls" is now available. This has
9 +   three new data aware controls dependent on IBX and which make use of the SQL Parser.
10 +   These are:
11 +
12 +   - TIBLookupComboEditBox
13 +   - TIBDynamicGrid
14 +   - TIBTreeview
15 +
16 +   TIBLookupComboEditBox is a TDBLookupComboBox descendent that implements "autocomplete"
17 +   of typed in text and "autoinsert" of new entries. Autocomplete uses SQL manipulation
18 +   to revise the available list and restrict it to items that are prefixed by the
19 +   typed text (either case sensitive or case insenstive). Autoinsert allows a
20 +   newly typed entry to be added to the list dataset and included in the available
21 +   list items.
22 +
23 +   TIBDynamicGrid is a TDBGrid descendent that provides for:
24 +   - automatic resizing of selected columns to fill the available row length
25 +   - automatic positioning and sizing of a "totals" control, typically at the
26 +     column footer, on a per column basis.
27 +   - DataSet resorting on header row click, sorting the dataset by the selected column.
28 +     A second click on the same header cell reversed the sort order.
29 +   - Support for a "Panel Editor". That is on clicking the indicator column, the row
30 +     is automatically expanded and a panel superimposed on it. The panel can have any
31 +     number of child controls, typically data aware controls with the same datasource
32 +     as the grid allowing for editing of additional fields and more complex editors.
33 +   - Reselection of the same row following resorting.
34 +   - A new cell editor that provides the same functionality as TIBLookupComboEditBox.
35 +     Its properties are specified on a per column basis and allows for one or more
36 +     columns to have their values selected from a list provided by a dataset.
37 +     Autocomplete and autoinsert are also available. The existing picklist editor
38 +     is unaffected by the extension.
39 +
40 +   TIBTreeView is a data aware TCustomTreeView.
41 +
42 + 3. When getting a field value using FieldByName.AsVariant, an SQL_INT64 with a
43 +   zero scale will no longer return an error. An Int64 will be returned instead.
44 +
45 + 4. TIBTransaction now has events for Before and After Transaction End and a new function
46 +   "GetEndAction" allowing the EndAction to be accessed by these event handlers.
47 +
48 + 5. TIBQuery can now handle correctly queries which contain the same keyword parameter
49 +   repeated multiple times.
50 +
51 + 6. TIBUpdateSQL will no longer return an error when "RowsAffected" is <> 1. This error
52 +   check used to get in the way of using Stored Procedures, and "Update or Insert"
53 +   statements.
54 +
55 + 7. Insert, Modify and Delete property Editors now support Query Generation from
56 +   Stored Procedures.
57 +
58 + 8. Three new examples illustrate the use of the new IB Controls
59 +
60 +
61   IBX Change Log  version                      (1.1-0) Mon, 07 Jul 2014 14:01:07 +0100
63   1. TIBXSQLVAR code clean up and optimisation to improve client side "prepare" and parameter

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