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Comparing ibx/trunk/changelog (file contents):
Revision 31 by tony, Tue Jul 14 15:31:25 2015 UTC vs.
Revision 303 by tony, Fri Jul 17 22:29:57 2020 UTC

# Line 1 | Line 1
1 < IBX Change Log  version      (1.3-0) Tue, 14 Jul 2015 16:32:40 +0100
1 > FBINTF Change Log  version          (1.1-6 Build 12214) Fri, 17 Jul 2020 23:10:11 +0100
3 < 1.   OnCloseUp Event Handler added to TDBLookupProperties
3 > 1. GetImplementationVersion now correctly returns '3.0' for Firebird 3 API
4 >   with a Firebrid 3 client library.
6 < 2.   IBDynamicGrid: Call to OnEditorPanelHide is now last editor hide action - avoids
7 <     problem with row size when exception is called.
6 > 2. Linux Only: FIREBIRD environment variable is now checked when loading the client library.
7 >    If a client library path is not explicitly provided and the FIREBIRD environment
8 >    variable is set then the directory given by this variable and any 'lib' subdirectory
9 >    are searched for the Firebird client library. Only if none is found, is the default
10 >    client library used.
12 < 3.   IBLookupComboEditBox: Force pending autocomplete on combobox exit.
12 > 3.  IUtil.FormatStatus now used to format error messages when using new API
14 < 4.   IBDynamicGrid and DBControlGrid: Keyhandler now ignores up, down, escape and return keys if
11 <     in a TCustomComboBox and ignores return key if in a TCustomMemo
14 > 4.  Fixed Array SDL: array_desc_scale now correctly encoded as a signed integer.
16 < 5.   IBLookupComboEditBox: Ensure that KeyValue is set correctly when full text
17 <     keyed in i.e. when autocomplete not performed
16 > 5.  SQL_TEXT handling changed. When the value of an SQL_TEXT (i.e. fixed width string) column is
17 >    returned using GetAsString and the string codepage is UTF8, the string is truncated so
18 >    that the byte length corresponds to the number of characters specified for the column.
19 >    SQL_TEXT strings are no longer automatically trimmed to remove all trailing white space. This is
20 >    correct behaviour but may affect some implementations that relied upon automatic
21 >    trimming of trailing white space.
23 < 6.   Cleanup of "Uses" clauses and console mode support. IBX should now support
24 <     console mode applications with all LCL required functions centralised in the
25 <     IBDialogs unit. As long as "IBDialogs" is not included in your project, IBX
19 <     should compile and link with a console mode program. See consolemode example
20 <     for further guidence. DO NOT add the ibexpress package to a console mode
21 <     application or the IDE will automatically assume that you application is
22 <     GUI based. Instead, you should include the ibexpressconsolemode package.
23 > 6.  New IFirebirdAPI Calls:
24 >      function GetClientMajor: integer;
25 >      function GetClientMinor: integer;
24     IMPORTANT NOTE: IBDialogs must be included in GUI applications in order
25     to use the built in dialogs and cursor management. IBDialogs is
26     included by default if "ibexpress" is in your project source "uses" clause.
27     This should be the case for all projects created through the IDE. This is why
28     you do not want to add the ibexpress package to console mode applications. The
29     ibexpressconsolemode package has been created to allow console mode programs
30     to avoid adding LCL dependencies when using IBX, while still having the
31     unit search paths set up correctly.
28 <     You may find that in order for the IDE to recognise that ibexpressconsolemode
34 <     exists, you have to first open the package in the IDE and then close it. This
35 <     adds it to the most recently accessed packages list. To make it permanently
36 <     available, add the package name to lazarus' file.
28 > FBINTF Change Log  version          (1.1-5 Build 12044) Fri, 17 Apr 2020 12:30:01 +0100
30 <     Under Windows, the TISQLMonitor OnSQL Event Handler may require a new call to
31 <         Application.ProcessMessages in order to display an event journal correctly. See
40 <         example. This was previously called by TISQLMonitor itself but removed to avoid
41 <         a GUI dependency.
30 > 1. ISQLParams.GetHasCaseSensitiveParams added. Returns true if param names are
31 >   case sensitive
33 <         Thansk to Julio Jiménez for suggesting support of console mode.
33 > 2. Single line SQL comments starting with '--' are now recognised by SQL Parser.
35 < 7.   SQL Parser can now accept quoted strings that include new lines
35 > 3. New API Calls:
36 >        IColumnMetaData.GetStatement
37 >        IColumnMetaData.GetTransaction
38 >        ISQLData.GetStrLength
39 >        IResults.GetStatement
40 >        IAttachment.OpenBlob (using Blob metadata)
41 >        IAttachment.OpenArray (using array metadata)
43 < 8.   IBDynamicGrid: Lookup Cell Editor - the cursor is now positioned at end
48 <     of text on start of edit. This is particularly useful when tabbing to a
49 <     column and then inserting text.
43 > 4. FBMessages: removal of unused messages
45 < 9.   New Examples provided for IB Services and ISQLMonitor.
45 > 5. TFBArray.Create (2nd case): ensure that FFirebirdClientAPI is correctly set.
47 < 10. Fix error when writing to blob streams that recorded only the last buffer
54 <    write in the blob stream. In most cases, this did not cause a problem as the
55 <    IB Blob Stream is written in a single write. However, with the TDBImage, write
56 <    of a graphic type prefix was lost which caused a problem when the image could
57 <        not be automatically recognised.
47 > 6. TIBSQLStatementType: SQLSavePoint added to end of enumeration.
49 < 11. Improve generation of random cursor names in TIBSQL - avoid risk of "cursor
60 <    already open" errors due to random numbers being identical.
49 > FBINTF Change Log  version          (1.1-4 Build 11515)  Fri, 28 Dec 2018 10:04:19 +0000
51 < 12. IBTable: corrected error that could result in an "Index out of bounds" error
52 <    when opening the table and the Primary Key is the last or only column in the
64 <    table. Thanks to Rick Hoover for the fix.
51 > 1. Fix a problem with the SQL parameter parser that failed to recognise parameters
52 >   where the second character of the parameter name is a numeric.
54 < IBX Change Log  version                                                              (1.2-4) Sat, 09 May 2015 12:38:29 +0100
54 > 2. New method for IAttachment: procedure getFBVersion(version: TStrings);
55 >   This returns the isc_version connection information as one or more lines.
56 >   This is the same information as returned by isql with the -z option.
58 < 1.  Firebird Services: avoid List Index error when opening a service with an
59 <    empty Params property.
58 > 3. If -dFIREBIRD3APIONLY is used as a compiler option then the legacy Firebird API
59 >   is no longer compiled in. Likewise, if -dLEGACYFIREBIRDAPIONLY is used as a
60 >   compiler option then the Firebird 3 API is no longer compiled in.
62 < 2.  IBControls: Fix problem with new link mechanism introduced in 1.2.3.
72 <    Link now set up in Loaded method - avoids occasional failure to apply
73 <    SQL markup on initial open.
62 > 4. IColumnMetaData: new method.
64 < 3.  "Employees" example performance improvements when scrolling.
64 >   TIBDateTimeFormats = (dfTimestamp, {SQL TIMESTAMP}
65 >                        dfDateTime,   {SQL DATETIME}
66 >                        dfTime);
68 < 4.  DBControlGrid: Correctly handle edit panel removal when panel is child control of a
78 <    TFrame. Force recaching of selected frame to avoid GTK race (results in a
79 <    random image cached).
68 >   function GetDateTimeStrLength(DateTimeFormat: TIBDateTimeFormats): integer;
70 < 5.  DBControlGrid: Should now react to changes in panel height at run time.
70 >   This returns the max. number of characters returned by the "AsString" method
71 >   when the SQL type of the column is respectively TIMESTAMP, DATETIME or TIME.
73 < 6.  IBDynamicGrid: Redraws rows below on panel editor hide - avoids blank space at end of grid  
74 <    even when further rows exist.
73 > 5. Additional argument for IAttachment.PrepareWithNamedParameters -
74 >     CaseSensitiveParams: boolean = false
76 < 7.  DBControlGrid: DefaultRowHeight is no longer a published property as it should
77 <    always be derived from panel height and setting this property can cause confusion.
78 <    Note for existing projects: to avoid a missing property error at run time,
89 <    each form using the DBControlGrid must be opened, updated and saved in the IDE
90 <    in order to remove the property value from the lfm.
76 >   If this argument is set to true then SQL parameter names are assumed to be case
77 >   sensitive and must be referenced (using ISQLParams.ByName) using the case
78 >   sensitive name.
80 + 6. Bug fix: when setting a query parameter, it is now possible, when the parameter
81 +   is of type VarChar or Char to set the parameter to a numeric value (e.g. using
82 +   .AsCurrency) and then subsequently to update the value to a non-numeric string
83 +   using .AsString.
93 IBX Change Log  version                                                          (1.2-3) Tue, 14 Apr 2015 14:11:17 +0100
95 1.  TIBStoredProc. Prepare now called by ParamByName to avoid need to always
96    call Prepare before setting parameter values.
87 < 2.  Error message on ParamByName (all cases) not found now includes name of missing parameter.
87 > FBINTF Change Log  version                  (1.1-3) Wed, 05 Dec 2018 14:28:10 +0000
89 < 3.  Code tidyup and more robust handling of dsql information result vector.
89 > 1. DARWIN only syntax error: fix missing semi-colon in TFBClientAPI.LoadIBLibrary
91 < 4.  Support for centralised handling of transaction status changes. TIBTransaction
92 <    has been given additional events "AfterEdit", "AfterInsert", "AfterDelete", "AfterPost"
104 <    and "AfterExecQuery". The first three are called after the same event is called
105 <    for an IBCustomDataSet descendent using the Transaction. The fourth is called
106 <    after a call to TIBSQL.ExecQuery, again using this transaction. These new events
107 <    enable monitoring of transaction status changes for a given transaction to be
108 <    handled in a single place. For example, when a change to the dataset occurs
109 <    an indicator can be set that shows the user that in order to save changes,
110 <    the transaction should be committed.  Rather than doing this per dataset, this
111 <    can now be done per transaction.
91 > 2. Restrict IsMultiThread check to Unix only for compatibility with
92 >
94 < 5.  TDataSet.CheckBrowseMode automatically posts changes to the current row when
95 <    the dataset is scrolled. However, any changes to the current row are, by default,
96 <    discarded when the dataset is closed. TIBDataSet, TIBQuery and TIBTable now
116 <    have a new property "DataSetCloseAction" that adds automatic posting of changes
117 <    on dataset close. If this property is set to dcDiscardChanges (default) then the
118 <    behaviour is unchanged from previous versions. if the value is set to dcSaveChanges
119 <    then IBX will attempt to post any unsaved changes before the dataset is closed
120 <    (and after the BeforeClose event handler is called). The exception is when the
121 <    dataset is being closed as a result of a transaction rollback. In this case,
122 <    no action is taken and any unsaved  changes are discarded. This avoids both
123 <    unnecessary overhead and the risk that a validation error may occur in the Post
124 <    raising an exception and thereby preventing a rollback.
94 > 3. New SQL Tokeniser added to IBUtils. This is used to pre-process SQL with
95 >   named parameters and is intended to avoid problems with (e.g.) Execute Block
96 >   and processing internal parameters as statement parameters.
98 < 6.  String Field sizes and Display Widths should now be correct for multi-byte character sets.
99 <    In earlier versions, the Display Width was set to the maximum byte width rather than the character
128 <    width. Display Widths are now corrected by dividing by the max byte width per character.
129 <    For UTF8 character sets, the byte width is four and hence the Display Width will be
130 <    the byte width divided by 4. The byte width of each character set is determined
131 <    dynamically when the database connection is estabished from the RDB$CHARACTER_SETS
132 <    system table. (see also
98 > 4. New interface IFirebirdLibrary provides access to the underlying firebird DLL
99 >   or shared object. Available via a new member (GetFBLibrary) of IFirebirdAPI.
101 < 7.  SQLParser will now correctly parse SQL Text which contains ':' within quoted string.
101 > 5. New function added to IB.pas
103 < 8.  IBLookupComboEditBox: List should now always be restored to full list when the
137 <    control loses focus. Default Key press default interval reduced to 200ms.
103 >   function LoadFBLibrary(aLibPathName: string): IFirebirdLibrary
105 < 9.  DBControlGrid: Ensure that selection is changed to newly appended row, even
106 <    when dataset rows are less than visible rows.
105 >   This allows a Firebird Library to be loaded from an explicit path. use the
106 >   IFirebirdLibrary.GetFirebirdAPI member function to get the Firebird API using
107 >   the library. It is possible to load Firebird libraries from different locations
108 >   simultaneously, each with a distinct IFirebirdAPI.
110 < 10. IBDynamicGrid: Editor Panel is not shown on indicator click if Datasource
143 <    does not exist or DataSet is empty. More responsive on dataset open. New event
144 <    OnRestorePosition. Column sort disabled if no header row.
110 > FBINTF Change Log  version               (1.1-2) Mon, 16 Apr 2018 09:30:32 +0100
112 < 11. IBTreeView: improved handling of response to "Add Node". Avoid scrolling dataset
113 <    while dataset state is dsInsert. Avoids posting errors.
112 > 1. Firebird.pas: {$OBJECTCHECKS OFF} added to file to avoid runtime error when
113 >   program compiled with -CR command line switch.
115 < 12. IBControls: New mechanism for distributing UpdateSQL and UpdateParams events. This is to
116 <    avoid conflict with DisableControls/EnableControls with Master/Detail linked tables.
115 > 2. IServiceManager additions (informational):
116 >    function getProtocol: TProtocol;
117 >    function getPortNo: AnsiString;
119 < 13. IBLookupComboEditBox: Now avoids SQL Errors when combo box text contains single quotes.
119 > 3. IServiceManager improved error handling. Interfaces changed:
120 >    function Start(Request: ISRB; RaiseExceptionOnError: boolean=true): boolean;
121 >    function Query(SQPB: ISQPB; Request: ISRB; RaiseExceptionOnError: boolean=true) :IServiceQueryResults; overload;
122 >    function Query(Request: ISRB; RaiseExceptionOnError: boolean=true) :IServiceQueryResults; overload;
124 < 14. TIBDataSet and TIBQuery: new Event - OnValidatePost. This event has been introduced
125 <    to solve a specific problem. That is when the dataset cursor is moved (e.g. by
156 <    a grid mouse click and the current row is being edited or inserted. In this case, TDataset
157 <    always "posts" the current record regardless or whether or not it may be more appropriate
158 <    to cancel any changes; the post occurs before the "BeforeScroll" event fires due to the way the
159 <    "MoveBy" function is implemented by TDataSet. The OnValidatePost event is called
160 <    as the first action of the "Post" method and allows the handler to convert the Post
161 <    into a Cancel if that is the appropriate action on moving to a different row. This is
162 <    achieved by returning with "CancelPost" argument set to true. Note that an exception could be
163 <    raised here, but it may still be more appropriate to validate a post and signal
164 <    a problem in the "BeforePost" event handler. See readme.automaticposts.xhtml)
124 > 4. IAttachment addition (informational)
125 >    function GetSecurityDatabase: AnsiString;
127 < 15. On Unix derived systems, the Firebird library name can now be given as a colon
128 <    separated list. Each library name on the list is tried in turn, in left to right
129 <    order with the first found being used as the firebird library. By default, on Linux,
169 <    the library name list is ''. This can be
170 <    overidden by the FBLIB environment variable or the OnGetLibraryName function.
127 > 5. IStatement: performance counters now updated after each Fetch. GetPerfStatistics
128 >   thus now returns accumulated stats for a select statement from opening a cursor
129 >   up to the last fetch.
131 <    Note: when using the, if you prefix the database name with "localhost:"
132 <    then it will still attempt to access the database via the Firebird Server and will
174 <    require a username and password. If only the pathname is given, then the username
175 <    and password should be omitted and the unix file permissions are used to grant
176 <    access.
131 > 6. DARWIN: bug fix. Many thanks to Luigi Naimi for correcting
132 >   the problem.
134 < IBX Change Log  version                                                    (1.2-2) Sat, 14 Mar 2015 11:35:04 +0000
134 > 7. Type change: "TPerfCounters = array[TPerfStats] of Int64". Note "Int64"
135 >   replaces deprecated "comp" type.
137 < 1.  A new IBControl - TDBControlGrid has been added. TDBControlGrid a lookalike
181 <    rather than a clone for the Delphi TDBCrtlGrid. TDBControlGrid is a single column grid
182 <    that replicates a TWinControl - typically a TPanel or a TFrame in each row. Each row
183 <    corresponds to a row of the linked DataSource. Any data aware control on the
184 <    replicated (e.g.) TPanel will then appear to have the appropriate value for the row.
137 > 10. Testsuite Test10 updated to include thread synchronisation for event reporting.
139 < 2. As suggested by Julio Jiménez, a new property "SQLHourGlass" has been added to TIBDatabase.
187 <   When set to false (default true), the Hour Glass cursor is supcpressed and no cursor change
188 <   takes place during database access. This may be useful when there are performance issues with
189 <   the change of cursor. Setting the property to false suppresses the change of cursor.
139 > 11. URL Connection Strings: inet4 and inet6 now recognised.
141 < 3. As suggested by Julio Jiménez, a new property "AutoCommit" has been added to TIBDataSet, TIBQuery
192 <   and TIBTable. When set to acCommitRetaining (Default: acDisabled), a call is made to
193 <   Transaction.CommitRetaining immediately after every Post or Delete. This has the effect of
194 <   making all changes permanent immediately rather than when the transaction is explicitly
195 <   committed.
141 > 12. IBUtils: Parse and Make Connect String now recognise URL style loopback syntax.
143 < 4. Experimental support for the Firebird 3 SQL_BOOLEAN type has been added while still
198 <   using the legacy Firebird API. Thanks to Gabor Boros for helping to test this feature.
143 > 13. IAttachment.CharSetName2CharSetID is now performed case insensitive.
200 IBX Change Log  version                                                   (1.2-1) Fri, 13 Mar 2015 11:14:15 +0000
146 < Development version only.
146 > FBINTF Change Log  version (1.1-1) Tue, 27 Feb 2018 16:51:16 +0000
148 < IBX Change Log  version                                      (1.2-0) Thu, 26 Feb 2015 10:34:04 +0000
148 > 1. IBUtils.QuoteIdentifierIfNeeded: Add check for space character.
150 < 1. An internal select SQL Parser is now available for TIBCustomDataset descendents.
151 <   This is typically used during an "OnBeforeOpen" event handler to manipulate the
152 <   "Where" and "Having" clauses to implement user specified filters of arbitrary
209 <   complexity.
150 > 2. IAttachment: add two new methods
151 >     function HasDefaultCharSet: boolean;
152 >     function GetDefaultCharSetID: integer;
154 < 2. A new Component Palette entry "Firebird Data Controls" is now available. This has
155 <   three new data aware controls dependent on IBX and which make use of the SQL Parser.
156 <   These are:
154 >   These return, respectively, true if a connection default character set was
155 >   specified and the character set id of the connection default character set.
156 >   The DefaultCharSetID is cached when the connection is opened and hence does not
157 >   require a database lookup.
159 <   - TIBLookupComboEditBox
216 <   - TIBDynamicGrid
217 <   - TIBTreeview
159 > 3. Avoid exception when a text blob is a stored procedure parameter.
161 <   TIBLookupComboEditBox is a TDBLookupComboBox descendent that implements "autocomplete"
220 <   of typed in text and "autoinsert" of new entries. Autocomplete uses SQL manipulation
221 <   to revise the available list and restrict it to items that are prefixed by the
222 <   typed text (either case sensitive or case insensitive). Autoinsert allows a
223 <   newly typed entry to be added to the list dataset and included in the available
224 <   list items.
161 > 4. Update test suite to include a test for a stored proc returning a text blob.
163 <   TIBDynamicGrid is a TDBGrid descendent that provides for:
164 <   - automatic resizing of selected columns to fill the available row length
165 <   - automatic positioning and sizing of a "totals" control, typically at the
166 <     column footer, on a per column basis.
167 <   - DataSet resorting on header row click, sorting the dataset by the selected column.
231 <     A second click on the same header cell reversed the sort order.
232 <   - Support for a "Panel Editor". That is on clicking the indicator column, the row
233 <     is automatically expanded and a panel superimposed on it. The panel can have any
234 <     number of child controls, typically data aware controls with the same datasource
235 <     as the grid allowing for editing of additional fields and more complex editors.
236 <   - Reselection of the same row following resorting.
237 <   - A new cell editor that provides the same functionality as TIBLookupComboEditBox.
238 <     Its properties are specified on a per column basis and allows for one or more
239 <     columns to have their values selected from a list provided by a dataset.
240 <     Autocomplete and autoinsert are also available. The existing picklist editor
241 <     is unaffected by the extension.
163 > 5. IAttachment: add
164 >      function GetRemoteProtocol: AnsiString;
165 >      function GetODSMajorVersion: integer;
166 >      function GetODSMinorVersion: integer;
167 >      function GetAuthenticationMethod: AnsiString;
169 <   TIBTreeView is a data aware TCustomTreeView.
169 >   These results are cached when the connection is opened and hence do not
170 >   require a database lookup.
172 < 3. When getting a field value using FieldByName.AsVariant, an SQL_INT64 with a
173 <   zero scale will no longer return an error. An Int64 will be returned instead.
172 > 6. IAttachment: add "function GetConnectString: AnsiString;" This returns the
173 >   connect string used to create/connect to the database.
175 < 4. TIBTransaction now has events for Before and After Transaction End and a new function
176 <   "GetEndAction" allowing the EndAction to be accessed by these event handlers.
175 > 7. IAttachment: Create Database using SQL statement. The username and password
176 >   are now extracted and used to populate a DPB made available via IAttachment.getDPB.
177 >   It is now possible to use IAttachment disconnect/connect to reconnect to
178 >   a database for which the initial connection was established by a create
179 >   database sql statement. Available in FPC only.
181 < 5. TIBQuery can now handle correctly queries which contain the same keyword parameter
252 <   repeated multiple times.
181 > 8. Update Test 1 to test 5, 6 and 7 above.
183 < 6. TIBUpdateSQL will no longer return an error when "RowsAffected" is <> 1. This error
255 <   check used to get in the way of using Stored Procedures, and "Update or Insert"
256 <   statements.
183 > 9. IBUtils code tidy up.
185 < 7. Insert, Modify and Delete property Editors now support Query Generation from
186 <   Stored Procedures.
185 > 10. Parameter Block interfaces "find" method. As documented, this should have
186 >   returned a nil interface when the item could not be found. Instead, an empty
187 >   interface item was returned. "Find" now works as documented and will return
188 >   a nil interface if the item cannot be found.
190 < 8. Three new examples illustrate the use of the new IB Controls
190 > 11. DBInformation: support added for isc_info_active_tran_count and isc_info_creation_date.
192 + 12. DBInformation: New interfaces: IDIRB and IDIRBItem added to support DB Information
193 +    requests with additional parameters. This is to enable support for fb_info_page_contents
194 +    (return of page contents). Response to fb_info_page_contents returned as
195 +    a string with code page CP_NONE.
197 < IBX Change Log  version                      (1.1-0) Mon, 07 Jul 2014 14:01:07 +0100
197 > 13. DBInformation: Support for fb_info_pages_used and fb_info_pages_free added, plus
198 >    test suite updated.
200 < 1. TIBXSQLVAR code clean up and optimisation to improve client side "prepare" and parameter
201 <   setting performance. See "readme.field+param.names in the doc folder.(Thanks to
268 <   Gabor Boros for reporting this problem and for testing the improvements).
200 > 14. DBInformation: Support for fb_info_crypt_key (Firebird 3.0.3 onwards) added as
201 >    a string type, and fb_info_conn_flags (Firebird 3.0.3 onwards) added as an integer type.
203 < 2. IBX can now support dialect 3 quoted column names that contain spaces and which differ only in their case.
204 <   See readme.field+param.names in the doc folder.
203 > 15. Service Manager: List of protocols supported expanded to include inet, wnet and xnet.
204 >    An overloaded version of IIFirebirdAPI.GetServiceManager also allows a non
205 >    default connection port to be specified.
207 < 3. IBX SQL Editors will now automatically add double quotes around column names when the database
274 <   dialect is "3" and the column name contains spaces or is a Firebird 2.5 SQL Reserved Word.
207 > FBINTF Change Log  version                             (1.1-0) Sun, 07 Jan 2018 15:20:02 +0000
209 < 4. Param Type LargeInt now supported in TIBQuery and TIBStoredProc
209 > 1. Fix issues with setting SQL Param values using SetAsString with Numeric types.
210 >   Scale is no longer ignored.
212 < 5. TIBSQL.ExecQuery retry on failure removed to avoid problems with "at most once"
213 <   actions.
212 > 2. Fix issues with setting SQL Param values using SetAsString with Date values
213 >   not in locale format but which are recognised by Firebird. Date values that
214 >   cannot be converted to a string using Pascal library are now passed through
215 >   to Firebird as Text Strings.
217 < 6. TIBTransaction.SetDefaultDatabase uses SetObjectProp instead of mis-using SetOrdProp (with
218 <   thanks to Yuriy Kopnin for pointing this out).
217 > 3. Lookup character set name by codepage amended to ensure that CP_UTF8 returns
218 >   UTF8 and not UNICODE_FSS.
220 < 7. GenerateParamName is now a published property of TIBSQL, TIBQuery and TIBDataSet.
220 > 4. Charset ID problem. When using Firebird 3, with no default database character set
221 >   and a column has a non-default collation specified, an incorrect character set
222 >   id was being reported that could result in a 'division by zero' error when
223 >   used by IBX. This has now been fixed.
225 < 8. varWord, varShortInt and varInt64 added to TIBXSQLVAR.SetAsVariant and hence now available as variant types
226 <   for both fields and parameter setting.
225 > 5. Move GetCharsetName, CharSetID2CodePage, CodePage2CharSetID, CharSetName2CharSetID,
226 >   CharSetWidth from IFirebirdAPI to IAttachment. This is a better data model as
227 >   the character sets supported can be updated on a per database basis. That is
228 >   it is possible to add a (Firebird) user defined character set to a database.
230 < 9. Changes to the Select SQL in an IBCustomDataset descendent should now be
231 <   visible in the Fields Editor immediately afterwards - rather than only after cycling the "active" property.
230 > 6. Add RegisterCharSet to IAttachment. This is used to register a user defined character
231 >   set supported by Firebird with the API.
233 < 10. TIBSQL SQL editor will operate correctly and not report an SQL syntax error on SQL test,
234 <    when DSQL ('?') parameter placeholders are used and the TIBSQL.GenerateParamNames property is set to true.
233 > 7. Add missing isc_info_db_read_only to list of decoded Database Information items
234 >   in FBOutputBlock.pas and update test suite to include this item.
236 < 11. TIBTable now has a property editor for "MasterFields"
236 > 8. FB30Client: avoid always using "StartMultiple" when only a single database attachment.
238 < 12. SQL Property Editors now include a checkbox "Allow DSQL Placeholder". This corresponds to the
239 <    GenerateParamNames property and should be set when using DSQL (i.e. '?') style parameters.
238 > 9. Loading Windows fbclient.dll: when using the FIREBIRD variable to locate the client
239 >   library or finding it by disk location, the PATH environment variable is now also set to
240 >   include the FIREBIRD directory. This is to ensure that the correct dlls in the
241 >   firebird client library dependencies are loaded.
243 < 13. The IBTransaction editor now has a radio button ("Unspecified") which is set when the combination
301 <    of settings is unrecognised. Selecting this radio button has no effect on the settings.
302 <  
243 > 10. Testsuite: Ensure consistent UTF-8 output on Windows console.
245 < IBX Change Log  version                 (1.0-5) Sat, 28 Dec 2013 19:22:23 +0000
245 > 11. Testsuite: Update Windows script to include FPC 3.0.4 in search path.
247 < 1. TBookmark change conditional compile changed to >= 2.7.0 to match revised availability of change.
247 > 12. FB30Statement: Protect call to "Move" and avoid calling with a nil pointer
249 < IBX Change Log  version          (1.0-4) Thu, 28 Feb 2013 16:56:13 +0000
249 > 13. FB30Statement: A check has been added to ensure that all SQL Parameters
250 >    have been given a value (including NULL). Previously, failing to set the
251 >    value of an SQL Parameter could give rise to unpredictable results or
252 >    an SQLDA error.
254 < 1. In a TIBCustomDataset descendent, a generator now only sets the value when
311 <   it is null. This allows for alternative user defined setting of the generator
254 > 14. FB30Statement/FB25Statement: Set SQLParam "modified" when string value set.
256 <   Many thanks to Julio Jiménez for this fix
256 > 15. FBAttachment: Avoid string reference count error when processing an Ansistring
257 >    parameter in an array of const passed to IAttachment.OpenCursor, etc.
259 < 2. An Error Dialog is now displayed in the Lazarus IDE if IBX cannot find the Firebird Library
260 <   and suggests that the user may have forgotten to install it.
259 > 16. FBAttachment: Allow for WideString and UnicodeString parameters in an array
260 >    of const passed to IAttachment.OpenCursor, etc.
318 IBX Change Log  version         (1.0-3) Thu, 22 Nov 2012 22:53:39 +0000
263 < 1. Conditional compilation used to limit registration of TIntegerField to
321 <   Lazarus versions less than 1.1
263 > FBINTF Change Log  version             (1.0-2) Sat, 04 Mar 2017 14:43:56 +0000
265 < 2. When a database connection is created, character set is now by default set
324 <   to UTF8 (Unix) or to the current Windows code page (Windows) if in the range
325 <   1250 to 1254.
265 > 1. Change syntax to Mode Delphi
267 + 2. Change all uses of string type to explicit AnsiString in order to ensure
268 +   compatibility between Delphi and FPC.
270 < IBX Change Log  version     (1.0-2) Tue, 09 Oct 2012 09:10:30 +0100
270 > 3. Various syntax changes to ensure Delphi and FPC compilation including GUIDs
271 >   defined for each interface.
273 < 1. TBookmark change conditional compile changed to > 2.6.2 to match expected availability of change.
273 > 4. Generics syntax variations for Delphi added
275 + 5. PChar replaced with PByte expect where an actual string is being referenced,
276 +   where PAnsiChar is used instead.
278 < IBX Change Log  version    (1.0-1) Sun, 05 Aug 2012 20:00:04 +0100
278 > 6. Review of type definitions in IBExternals to ensure Delphi compatibility
280 < 1. In IBCustomDataset. Changed CurBookmark from string to TBookmark for compiler versions > 2.6.0
336 <   Necessary because of TBookmark type and TDataSet.Bookmark property change in fpc 2.7.1
280 > 7. Testsuite updated for Delphi
282 < 2. IBX now registers TIntegerField as a "No Icon" component. This may be removed if the fpc DB
339 <   package is changed to do this (which it should do).
282 > FBINTF Change Log  version            (1.0-1) Fri, 24 Feb 2017 12:17:57 +0000
284 < IBX Change Log  version (1.0-0)  Sat, 28 Apr 2012 16:43:00 +0100
284 > 1. Limit maximum Blob segment read/write to MaxuShort. Avoids data loss with
285 >   large blobs and the FB3 API.
287 < 1. Add "if active then active := false" to TIBCustomDataset destructor. (Avoid error on database close).
287 > 2. Update Event Handling algorithm to avoid looping due to recreation of the
288 >   event block.
290 < 2. Make use of $STATIC conditional in IBSQLMonitor (Needed for FPC 2.6.0 compliance)
290 > 3. Avoid invalid XSQLDA error when the only parameter is updated to null
292 < 3. Database Property Editor: Character Set drop down box now uses "OnChange" rather than "OnCloseUp" to react to changes
292 > 4. Array Handling: fix problem with text arrays with character set none. When the
293 >   DB connection has a default character set (e.g. UTF8), an error is raised by
294 >   Firebird if the space allocated is not enough to allow for transliteration, even
295 >   though it is not required for character set none.
297 < 4. Property editors should now correctly resize.
297 > 5. IBUtils: List of reserved words brought up-to-date
299 < 5. In IBDatabaseEdit.TestClick, the LoginPrompt is now set to the state of the LoginPrompt Checkbox
300 <   (restored original functionality)
299 > 6. Add ISQL style performance statistics collection to IStatement
300 >
301 > 7. Add IFirebirdAPI.CreateDatabase variant to allow execution of user provided
302 >   CREATE DATABASE statement.
303 >
304 > 8. Update SQL Statement parsing to allow for Array Dimensions. That is so that the ':' in
305 >   an array dimension is not mistaken for a named parameter prefix.
306 >
307 > 9. Trim function no longer applied to result of GetAsString for SQL_TEXT
308 >   when Character set is octets. Avoids loss of non printable characters at start of string.
309 >
310 > 10. Add function GetPerfStatistics to IStatement. This returns ISQL like performance
311 >    statistics for the last action. Requires use of procedure IStatement.EnableStatistics
312 >    to enable stats gathering.
313 >
314 > 11. API Version information added as constants to IB.pas
315 >
316 > 12. BlobMetaData character set id should now be the same as that given by IColumnMetaData.GetCharSetID
317 >
318 > 13. Firebird Character set "NONE" now interpreted as codepage CP_ACP.
319 >
320 > FBINTF Change Log  version                                      (1.0-0) Tue, 06 Dec 2016 10:33:47 +0000
321 >
322 > 1. Initial Release
354 6. Under OSX, if IBX fails to load libfbclient.dylib, it will now try and load the firebird
355   library using the absolute path /Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/Firebird.

Diff Legend

Removed lines
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> Changed lines