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Comparing ibx/trunk/changelog (file contents):
Revision 34 by tony, Sat Jul 18 12:30:52 2015 UTC vs.
Revision 35 by tony, Tue Jan 26 14:38:47 2016 UTC

# Line 1 | Line 1
1 + IBX Change Log  version           (1.3-2) Tue, 26 Jan 2016 14:39:54 +0000
2 +
3 + 1. DBControlGrid,IBDynamicGrid: Ignore down arrow and up arrow in TCustomMemo
4 +
5 + 2. IBDynamicGrid: Now deals correctly with a single column grid which has no indicator and autosize column
6 +
7 + 3. IBLookupComboEditBox: reset timer on each key press - avoids timer going off too early
8 +
9 + 4. IBDynamicGrid: Call event OnUpdateSortOrder even when aliasname not found in dataset
10 +   i.e. when it is a calculated field
11 +
12 + 5. IBDynamicGrid: Fix problem selecting a different row when expanded row at end of grid.
13 +   This problem was due to a race condition between recalculating row heights and
14 +   determining which row was selected by the mouse click. The row height calculation
15 +   is now deferred by an extra trip round the message loop allowing the row to
16 +   be always calculated on the current grid layout rather than risking it being
17 +   calculated on the grid layout after the expanded row has been shrunk.
18 +
19 + 6. IBLookupComboEditBox: avoid race condition between cm_killfocus and cm_exit on
20 +   Windows.
21 +
22 + 7. TIBStringField: Now has two new public properties: CharacterSetName: string and CharacterSetSize: integer;
23 +   These properties allow the (Firebird) character set name for the field and the max number of bytes per character
24 +   to be determined at runtime.
25 +
26 + 8. TIBWideStringField: This is a new field type with the same additional public properties as above and subclassed from
27 +   TWideStringField. This field type is used with the character size reported by Firebird is two.
28 +
29 + 9. TIBMemoField and TIBWideMemoField: new field types with the same additional public properties as above and subclassed from
30 +   TMemoField and TWideMemoField respectively. These field types are used with Blob subtype 1 and a characterset size of
31 +   1, 3 or 4 (TIBMemoField) or 2 (TIBWideMemoField).
32 +
33 +   Both also have a new published property "DisplayTextAsClassName". If false (default) the displaytext is generated
34 +   from the blob text by truncating the string to the displaywidth (in characters not bytes). A displaywidth of zero
35 +   implies no truncation.
36 +
37 + 10. IBLookupComboEditBox: Force autocomplete when EditingDone called and timer active.
38 +
39 + 11. IBDynamicGrid: Call DataSet.Append when entering edit mode and dataset empty and not in insert state
40 +   (avoids "Not in Edit Mode" error).
41 +
42 + 12. IBDynamicGrid: Correctly resize grid when one column width plus indicator.
43 +
44 + 13. IBDynamicGrid: Ensure Editor Panel has focus when shown - avoids Windows API calling
45 +    DBGrid.DoExit on subsequent mouse click (e.g. on child control such as a tabbed page control.
46 +
47 + 14. IBDynamicGrid: ignore up, down tab and return when editorpanel open and focus in a TCustomGrid descendent.
48 +
49 + 15. DBControlGrid: Stop flashing grid when dataset closed and then re-opened while DisabledControls
50 +
51 + 16. IBQuery: Bug fixed that prevented SQL being set programmatically once the Parser had been invoked.
52 +
53 + 17. IBCustomDataSet: On close, parser is now freed and Select SQL reverts to value before DataSet Opened.
54 +
55   IBX Change Log  version        (1.3-1) Sat, 18 Jul 2015 13:30:50 +0100
57   1.   OnCloseUp Event Handler added to TDBLookupProperties

Diff Legend

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> Changed lines