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Comparing ibx/trunk/changelog (file contents):
Revision 35 by tony, Tue Jan 26 14:38:47 2016 UTC vs.
Revision 39 by tony, Tue May 17 08:14:52 2016 UTC

# Line 1 | Line 1
1 + IBX Change Log  version                                 (1.4-1) Tue, 17 May 2016 09:14:51 +0100
2 +
3 + 1. No character set specified for connection: when a text blob is retrieved, the
4 +  character set is determined by looking up the native character set using then
5 +  Firebird API. Otherwise a text mode blob is assumed to have the same character
6 +  set as the connection.
7 +
8 + 2. TIBGUIInterface: this is an internal interface. Minor type changes to allow
9 +   for Login Dialog returing a change to the database path.
10 +
11 + 3. Design Time Database and Server login Dialogs now allow the Database Name/Server Name
12 +   to be changed from that given in the TIBDatabase/TIBServer component and for the
13 +   entered value to be saved on a project specific basis (design time only).
14 +
15 + 4. IBDynamicGrid: TDBLookupCellEditor now compares its DataFieldName with the
16 +   column fieldname. If they are the same then it is acts as a look up for the KeyValue
17 +   Otherwise, it sets the column text to the selected ListField Value.
18 +
19 + 5. IBDynamicGrid: Only visible columns are now taken into account When recalculating
20 +   column width.
21 +
22 + 6. IBLookupComboEditBox: Fix error with autocomplete query when a RelationName is given
23 +   and a case insensitive search is requested.
24 +
25 + 7. IBDynamicGrid: No longer ignores notifications removing Column Totals controls
26 +   or column ListSource.
27 +
28 + 8. IBQuery: no longer performs unnecessary refresh of SQL Text (and hence avoids an
29 +   unprepare) when closing and the text has not changed.
30 +
31 + 9. IBSQL: Base the cursor name on a GUID instead of a hexstr version of the class pointer.
32 +   Less likely to cause a cursor re-use error on Windows.
33 +
34 + 10.SV5IPC: include workaround for OSX. FPC 3.0.0 has broken ipc module for darwin.
35 +   Expected to be fixed in 3.0.2. Hence workaround only applies to 3.0.0.
36 +
37 + 11. TIBTreeView: Guard against nil destination on record changed
38 +
39 + 12. AnsiString Code page support: TIBStringField.AsString and TIBMemoField.AsString now return a
40 +    string type with the code page set to reflect the returned field encoding after
41 +    Firebird driver transliteration, if any.  FPC 3.0.0 onwards only. Behaviour unchanged for
42 +    earlier versions.
43 +
44 + 13. AnsiString Code page support: Assigning to TIBStringField.AsString and TIBMemoField.AsString
45 +    will now result in transliteration to the code page specified for the Firebird driver
46 +    if the assigned string has a different code page. FPC 3.0.0 onwards only.
47 +
48 + 14. TIBDatabase: new property UseDefaultSystemCodePage. When set any lc_ctype parameter
49 +    is ignored and the lc_ctype value, when the database is opened, is set to align with
50 +    the DefaultSystemCodePage (FPC 3.0.0 onwards). Normally, this is what you want and should ensure
51 +    platform independence. Note: this applies to FPC 3.0.0 and earlier versions. Pre FPC
52 +    3.0.0, when this property is true, the lc_ctype is UTF8 except under windows when
53 +    the GETACP is used to determine the Windows code page.
54 +
55 + 15. TIBDatabase: new property DefaultCharSetName. This is the Firebird character set
56 +    name used as the lc_ctype when the database was opened. Only valid while the
57 +    Database is connected.
58 +
59 + 16. TIBDatabase: new property DefaultCodePage (FPC >=3.0.0 only). This is the codepage
60 +    id that corresponds to the DefaultCharSetName.
61 +
62 + IBX Change Log  version                          (1.4-0) Mon, 15 Feb 2016 14:44:24 +0000
63 +
64 + 1. Unix: If Firebird Embedded Server shared object is loaded and a local database
65 +   path is given and database attach fails due to access permission issues on the
66 +   temp directory or security database, then the attach is retried with "localhost:"
67 +   prefixing the databasename. This should avoid problems when the database has to
68 +   be accessed by a local (e.g. classic) server and libfbembed is used.
69 +
70 + 2. Windows: revised search order for Firebird DLL:
71 +     i.   The Firebird Embedded Server in the application Directory.
72 +     ii.  If the FIREBIRD environment variable is set then the directory this
73 +          points to is searched for the FB Client DLL and then then underlying
74 +          "bin" directory.
75 +     iii. Registry Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Firebird Project\Firebird Server\Instances
76 +          is used to locate the Firebird installation directory and the underlying
77 +          "bin" directory is searched for the FB Client DLL.
78 +     iv.  The Default installation directories C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_x
79 +          are searched for the FB Client DLL.
80 +     v.   The PATH Environment variable is used to search for the FB Client DLL.
81 +     vi.  Finally the  PATH Environment variable is used to search for IBASE.DLL.
82 +
83 + 3. New Component: TIBXScript. This is an ISQL compatible SQL script execution engine.
84 +   See doc/readme.scriptengine and example applications.
85 +
86 + 4. New Component: TIBlocalDBSupport. This is a TIBDatabase support component intended to
87 +   simplify the use of the embedded firebird server on both Linux and Windows platforms.
88 +   See dpc/readme.localdatabase and example applications.
89 +
90 + 5. IBDynamicGrid: Reordering on column header click should now also work for
91 +   dynamic columns.
92 +
93 + 6. ISQLMonitor: (Windows only). Mutex added to TMultilockGate to avoid race condition
94 +   between incrementing/decrementing the lock count and signalling the event.
95 +
96   IBX Change Log  version           (1.3-2) Tue, 26 Jan 2016 14:39:54 +0000
98 + 1.3.2 was never formally released and only made available as beta copies.
99 +
100   1. DBControlGrid,IBDynamicGrid: Ignore down arrow and up arrow in TCustomMemo
102   2. IBDynamicGrid: Now deals correctly with a single column grid which has no indicator and autosize column
# Line 21 | Line 118 | IBX Change Log  version           (1.3-2
119   7. TIBStringField: Now has two new public properties: CharacterSetName: string and CharacterSetSize: integer;
120     These properties allow the (Firebird) character set name for the field and the max number of bytes per character
121 <   to be determined at runtime.
121 >   to be determined at runtime. See doc/readme.charactersets.html.
123   8. TIBWideStringField: This is a new field type with the same additional public properties as above and subclassed from
124 <   TWideStringField. This field type is used with the character size reported by Firebird is two.
124 >   TWideStringField. This field type is used with the character size reported by Firebird is two. See doc/readme.charactersets.html.
126   9. TIBMemoField and TIBWideMemoField: new field types with the same additional public properties as above and subclassed from
127     TMemoField and TWideMemoField respectively. These field types are used with Blob subtype 1 and a characterset size of
128 <   1, 3 or 4 (TIBMemoField) or 2 (TIBWideMemoField).
128 >   1, 3 or 4 (TIBMemoField) or 2 (TIBWideMemoField). See doc/readme.charactersets.html.
130     Both also have a new published property "DisplayTextAsClassName". If false (default) the displaytext is generated
131     from the blob text by truncating the string to the displaywidth (in characters not bytes). A displaywidth of zero

Diff Legend

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