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Revision: 7
Committed: Sun Aug 5 18:28:19 2012 UTC (12 years, 4 months ago) by tony
Original Path: ibx/trunk/design/ibselectsqleditor.lfm
File size: 4981 byte(s)
Log Message:
Committing updates for Release R1-0-0

File Contents

# Content
1 object IBSelectSQLEditorForm: TIBSelectSQLEditorForm
2 Left = 272
3 Height = 437
4 Top = 457
5 Width = 747
6 ActiveControl = PageControl
7 Caption = 'Select SQL Editor'
8 ClientHeight = 437
9 ClientWidth = 747
10 OnShow = FormShow
11 LCLVersion = '0.9.30'
12 object Label3: TLabel
13 Left = 279
14 Height = 18
15 Top = 16
16 Width = 26
17 Caption = 'SQL'
18 ParentColor = False
19 end
20 object SQLText: TMemo
21 Left = 279
22 Height = 327
23 Top = 36
24 Width = 437
25 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
26 ScrollBars = ssAutoBoth
27 TabOrder = 0
28 end
29 object Button1: TButton
30 Left = 550
31 Height = 30
32 Top = 379
33 Width = 72
34 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
35 Caption = 'OK'
36 Default = True
37 ModalResult = 1
38 TabOrder = 1
39 end
40 object Button2: TButton
41 Left = 638
42 Height = 30
43 Top = 379
44 Width = 72
45 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
46 Cancel = True
47 Caption = 'Cancel'
48 ModalResult = 2
49 TabOrder = 2
50 end
51 object GenerateBtn: TButton
52 Left = 278
53 Height = 30
54 Top = 379
55 Width = 101
56 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
57 Caption = 'Generate SQL'
58 OnClick = GenerateBtnClick
59 TabOrder = 3
60 end
61 object TestBtn: TButton
62 Left = 414
63 Height = 30
64 Top = 379
65 Width = 66
66 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
67 Caption = 'Test'
68 OnClick = TestBtnClick
69 TabOrder = 4
70 end
71 object QuoteFields: TCheckBox
72 Left = 16
73 Height = 22
74 Top = 380
75 Width = 132
76 Caption = '&Quote Identifiers'
77 TabOrder = 5
78 end
79 object PageControl: TPageControl
80 Left = 24
81 Height = 335
82 Top = 28
83 Width = 232
84 ActivePage = SelectPage
85 TabIndex = 0
86 TabOrder = 6
87 object SelectPage: TTabSheet
88 Caption = 'Tables'
89 ClientHeight = 300
90 ClientWidth = 226
91 OnShow = SelectPageShow
92 object Label1: TLabel
93 Left = 7
94 Height = 18
95 Top = 4
96 Width = 78
97 Caption = 'Table Name'
98 ParentColor = False
99 end
100 object Label2: TLabel
101 Left = 7
102 Height = 18
103 Top = 72
104 Width = 39
105 Caption = 'Fields'
106 ParentColor = False
107 end
108 object Label4: TLabel
109 Left = 7
110 Height = 18
111 Top = 244
112 Width = 87
113 Caption = 'Primary Keys'
114 ParentColor = False
115 end
116 object TableNamesCombo: TComboBox
117 Left = 7
118 Height = 29
119 Top = 20
120 Width = 201
121 ItemHeight = 0
122 OnCloseUp = TableNamesComboCloseUp
123 TabOrder = 0
124 end
125 object FieldList: TListBox
126 Left = 7
127 Height = 138
128 Hint = 'Select Fields to include in Select Statements, or leave unselected to select all'
129 Top = 92
130 Width = 204
131 ItemHeight = 0
132 MultiSelect = True
133 OnDblClick = FieldListDblClick
134 ParentShowHint = False
135 ShowHint = True
136 TabOrder = 1
137 TopIndex = -1
138 end
139 object PrimaryKeyList: TListBox
140 Left = 7
141 Height = 28
142 Top = 260
143 Width = 200
144 ItemHeight = 0
145 OnDblClick = PrimaryKeyListDblClick
146 TabOrder = 2
147 TopIndex = -1
148 end
149 end
150 object ExecutePage: TTabSheet
151 Caption = 'Procedures'
152 ClientHeight = 300
153 ClientWidth = 226
154 OnShow = ExecutePageShow
155 object Label16: TLabel
156 Left = 7
157 Height = 18
158 Top = 3
159 Width = 109
160 Caption = 'Procedure Name'
161 ParentColor = False
162 end
163 object Label17: TLabel
164 Left = 7
165 Height = 18
166 Top = 60
167 Width = 112
168 Caption = 'Input Parameters'
169 ParentColor = False
170 end
171 object Label18: TLabel
172 Left = 8
173 Height = 18
174 Top = 172
175 Width = 123
176 Caption = 'Output Parameters'
177 ParentColor = False
178 end
179 object ProcedureNames: TComboBox
180 Left = 7
181 Height = 29
182 Top = 20
183 Width = 201
184 ItemHeight = 0
185 OnCloseUp = ProcedureNamesCloseUp
186 ParentColor = True
187 TabOrder = 0
188 end
189 object ProcInputList: TListBox
190 Left = 7
191 Height = 80
192 Top = 81
193 Width = 198
194 IntegralHeight = True
195 ItemHeight = 0
196 TabOrder = 1
197 TopIndex = -1
198 end
199 object ProcOutputList: TListBox
200 Left = 7
201 Height = 80
202 Top = 192
203 Width = 198
204 IntegralHeight = True
205 ItemHeight = 0
206 TabOrder = 2
207 TopIndex = -1
208 end
209 object SelectProcedure: TLabel
210 Left = 7
211 Height = 15
212 Top = 280
213 Width = 127
214 Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
215 Caption = 'Is ''Select Procedure'''
216 Font.Height = -11
217 Font.Style = [fsBold]
218 ParentColor = False
219 ParentFont = False
220 Visible = False
221 end
222 end
223 end
224 object IBTransaction1: TIBTransaction
225 Active = False
226 left = 212
227 top = 390
228 end
229 end