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Revision: 362
Committed: Tue Dec 7 13:27:39 2021 UTC (3 years ago) by tony
File size: 13367 byte(s)
Log Message:
initiate test release

File Contents

# Content
1 (*
2 * IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express)
3 *
4 * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial Developer's
5 * Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
6 * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
7 * of the License here:
8 *
9 *
10 *
11 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
12 * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
13 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights
14 * and limitations under the License.
15 *
16 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman.
17 *
18 * The Original Code is (C) 2014 Tony Whyman, MWA Software
19 * (
20 *
21 * All Rights Reserved.
22 *
23 * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
24 *
25 *)
26 program fbsql;
28 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
30 uses
31 {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFDEF UseCThreads}
32 cthreads,
34 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} Windows, {$ENDIF}
35 Classes, SysUtils, CustApp
36 { you can add units after this }
37 ,IBDatabase, ibxscript, IBExtract, DB, IBVersion,
38 IBDataOutput, RegExpr
39 {$IFDEF UNIX} ,TermIO, IOStream {$ENDIF}
41 ;
43 const
44 FExceptionTrapped: boolean = false;
46 type
47 TInteractiveSQLProcessor = class;
49 { TFBSQL }
51 TFBSQL = class(TCustomApplication)
52 private
53 FIBDatabase: TIBDatabase;
54 FIBTransaction: TIBTransaction;
55 FIBXScript: TIBXScript;
56 FISQLProcessor: TInteractiveSQLProcessor;
57 FExtract: TIBExtract;
58 FOutputFile: TStream;
59 FDataOutputFormatter: TDataOutputFormatter;
60 FPromptedForPassword: string;
61 procedure LogHandler(Sender: TObject; Msg: string);
62 procedure ErrorLogHandler(Sender: TObject; Msg: string);
63 procedure loginPrompt(Database: TIBDatabase; LoginParams: TStrings);
64 protected
65 procedure DoRun; override;
66 procedure ShowException(E: Exception); override;
67 public
68 constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
69 procedure WriteHelp; virtual;
70 end;
72 { TInteractiveSQLProcessor }
74 {This is a TCustomIBXScript descendent that uses the console for input/output.
75 It additionally supports QUIT/EXIT Commands. The log file can either be redirected
76 to the console or sent to a separate file.}
78 TInteractiveSQLProcessor = class(TCustomIBXScript)
79 private
80 FUseLogFile: boolean;
81 protected
82 procedure Add2Log(const Msg: string; IsError: boolean=true); override;
83 function ProcessStatement(stmt: string): boolean; override;
84 public
85 constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent); override;
86 procedure Run;
87 property UseLogFile: boolean read FUseLogFile write FUseLogFile;
88 end;
91 function getpassword: string;
92 var oldattr, newattr: termios;
93 stdinStream: TIOStream;
94 c: char;
95 begin
96 Result := '';
97 stdinStream := TIOStream.Create(iosInput);
98 try
99 TCGetAttr(stdinStream.Handle, oldattr);
100 newattr := oldattr;
101 newattr.c_lflag := newattr.c_lflag and not (ICANON or ECHO);
102 TCSetAttr( stdinStream.Handle, TCSANOW, newattr );
103 try
104 repeat
105 read(c);
106 if c = #10 then break;
107 write('*');
108 Result += c;
109 until false;
110 writeln;
111 finally
112 TCSetAttr( stdinStream.Handle, TCSANOW, oldattr );
113 end;
114 finally
115 stdinStream.Free;
116 end;
117 end;
118 {$ENDIF}
120 function getpassword: string;
121 var oldmode, newmode: DWORD;
122 c: char;
123 begin
124 Result := '';
125 GetConsoleMode(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), oldmode);
126 newmode := oldmode - ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT - ENABLE_LINE_INPUT;
127 SetConsoleMode(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE),newmode);
128 try
129 repeat
130 read(c);
131 if c = #13 then break;
132 write('*');
133 Result += c;
134 until false;
135 writeln;
136 finally
137 SetConsoleMode(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE),oldmode);
138 end
139 end;
140 {$ENDIF}
142 { TInteractiveSQLProcessor }
144 procedure TInteractiveSQLProcessor.Add2Log(const Msg: string; IsError: boolean);
145 begin
146 if UseLogFile then
147 inherited Add2Log(Msg,IsError)
148 else
149 if IsError then
150 writeln(stderr,msg)
151 else
152 writeln(msg);
153 end;
155 function TInteractiveSQLProcessor.ProcessStatement(stmt: string): boolean;
156 var RegexObj: TRegExpr;
157 Terminator: char;
158 ucStmt: string;
159 begin
160 Result := inherited ProcessStatement(stmt);
161 if not Result then
162 begin
163 Terminator := SQLStatementReader.Terminator;
164 ucStmt := AnsiUpperCase(stmt);
165 RegexObj := TRegExpr.Create;
166 try
167 RegexObj.Expression := '^ *(QUIT|EXIT) *(\' + Terminator + '|)';
168 if RegexObj.Exec(ucStmt) then
169 begin
170 TInteractiveSQLStatementReader(SQLStatementReader).Terminated := true;
171 Result := true;
172 end;
173 finally
174 RegexObj.Free;
175 end;
176 end;
177 end;
179 constructor TInteractiveSQLProcessor.Create(aOwner: TComponent);
180 begin
181 inherited Create(aOwner);
182 SetSQLStatementReader(TInteractiveSQLStatementReader.Create);
183 Echo := true;
184 end;
186 procedure TInteractiveSQLProcessor.Run;
187 begin
188 ProcessStream;
189 end;
191 { TFBSQL }
193 procedure TFBSQL.LogHandler(Sender: TObject; Msg: string);
194 begin
195 if FOutputFile <> nil then
196 FOutputFile.WriteAnsiString(Msg + LineEnding)
197 else
198 writeln( Msg);
199 end;
201 procedure TFBSQL.ErrorLogHandler(Sender: TObject; Msg: string);
202 begin
203 writeln(stderr, Msg);
204 end;
206 procedure TFBSQL.loginPrompt(Database: TIBDatabase; LoginParams: TStrings);
207 var password: string;
208 begin
209 if LoginParams.Values['password'] <> '' then Exit;
210 write(LoginParams.Values['user_name'] + '''s Password:');
211 password := getpassword;
212 if password <> '' then
213 LoginParams.Values['password'] := password;
214 end;
216 procedure TFBSQL.DoRun;
217 var
218 ErrorMsg: String;
219 SQLFileName: string;
220 DoExtract: boolean;
221 OutputFileName: string;
222 i: integer;
223 ExtractTypes: TExtractTypes;
224 Opts,NonOpts: TStrings;
225 OutputFormat: string;
226 SQLStatement: string;
227 begin
228 writeln(stderr,'fbsql: an SQL interpreter for Firebird');
229 writeln(stderr,'Built using IBX ' + IBX_VERSION);
230 writeln(stderr,'Copyright (c) MWA Software ' + system.copy({$I %DATE%},1,4));
232 // quick check parameters
233 Opts := TStringList.Create;
234 NonOpts := TStringList.Create;
235 try
236 ErrorMsg := CheckOptions('aAhbegu:i:o:p:r:s:t:c:',['help','user','pass','role'],Opts,NonOpts);
237 {Database name is last parameter if given and not an option}
238 if (NonOpts.Count > 0) and ((Opts.Count = 0) or
239 ((Opts.ValueFromIndex[Opts.Count-1] <> NonOpts[NonOpts.Count-1])) or
240 (ParamCount = 1) or (ParamStr(ParamCount-1)[2] in ['!','A','h','b','e','g']))then
241 FIBDatabase.DatabaseName := ParamStr(ParamCount);
242 finally
243 Opts.Free;
244 NonOpts.Free;
245 end;
246 if ErrorMsg<>'' then begin
247 ShowException(Exception.Create(ErrorMsg));
248 Terminate;
249 Exit;
250 end;
252 // parse parameters
253 if HasOption('h','help') then
254 begin
255 WriteHelp;
256 Terminate;
257 Exit;
258 end;
260 SQLFileName := '';
261 OutputFileName := '';
262 DoExtract := false;
263 ExtractTypes := [];
264 FDataOutputFormatter := TIBBlockFormatOut;
265 SQLStatement := '';
267 {Initialise user_name and password from environment if available}
269 if GetEnvironmentVariable('ISC_USER') <> '' then
270 FIBDatabase.Params.Add('user_name=' + GetEnvironmentVariable('ISC_USER'));
272 if GetEnvironmentVariable('ISC_PASSWORD') <> '' then
273 FIBDatabase.Params.Add('password=' + GetEnvironmentVariable('ISC_PASSWORD'));
275 {Process Command line options}
277 if HasOption('a') then
278 begin
279 DoExtract := true;
280 end;
282 if HasOption('A') then
283 begin
284 DoExtract := true;
285 ExtractTypes := [etData];
286 end;
288 if not HasOption('b') then
289 begin
290 FIBXScript.StopOnFirstError := false;
291 FISQLProcessor.StopOnFirstError := false;
292 end;
294 if not HasOption('e') then
295 FIBXScript.Echo := false;
297 if HasOption('i') then
298 SQLFileName := GetOptionValue('i');
300 if HasOption('g')then
301 ExtractTypes += [etGrantsToUser];
303 if HasOption('o') then
304 begin
305 OutputFileName := GetOptionValue('o');
306 FISQLProcessor.UseLogFile := true;
307 end;
309 if HasOption('p','pass') then
310 FIBDatabase.Params.Values['password'] := GetOptionValue('p','pass');
312 if HasOption('r','role') then
313 FIBDatabase.Params.Values['sql_role_name'] := GetOptionValue('r','role');
315 if HasOption('s') then
316 SQLStatement := GetOptionValue('s');
318 if HasOption('t') then
319 begin
320 OutputFormat := GetOptionValue('t');
321 if OutputFormat = 'CSV' then
322 FDataOutputFormatter := TIBCSVDataOut
323 else
324 if OutputFormat = 'INS' then
325 FDataOutputFormatter := TIBInsertStmtsOut
326 else
327 if OutputFormat = 'BLK' then
328 FDataOutputFormatter := TIBBlockFormatOut
329 else
330 raise Exception.CreateFmt('Unrecognised data output format "%s"',[OutputFormat]);
331 end;
333 if HasOption('u','user') then
334 FIBDatabase.Params.Values['user_name'] := GetOptionValue('u','user');
336 if HasOption('c','charset') then
337 FIBDatabase.Params.Values['lc_ctype'] := GetOptionValue('c','charset');
339 {Validation}
341 FIBDatabase.LoginPrompt := (FIBDatabase.Params.IndexOfName('user_name') <> -1) and
342 (FIBDatabase.Params.Values['password'] = '');
344 if not DoExtract then
345 begin
346 if (SQLStatement <> '') and (SQLFileName <> '') then
347 raise Exception.Create('An SQL Script File and text cannot be simultaneously requested');
349 if (SQLStatement = '') and (SQLFileName <> '') and not FileExists(SQLFileName) then
350 raise Exception.CreateFmt('SQL File "%s" not found!',[SQLFileName]);
352 end;
354 if DoExtract and ((SQLFileName <> '') or (SQLStatement <> '')) then
355 raise Exception.Create('Extract and script execution cannot be simulateously requested');
357 {This is where it all happens}
359 FIBXScript.DataOutputFormatter := FDataOutputFormatter.Create(self);
360 FISQLProcessor.DataOutputFormatter := FDataOutputFormatter.Create(self);
362 if OutputFileName <> '' then
363 FOutputFile := TFileStream.Create(OutputFileName,fmCreate);
365 FIBDatabase.Connected := FIBDatabase.DatabaseName <> '';
366 try
367 if DoExtract then
368 begin
369 FExtract.ExtractObject(eoDatabase,'',ExtractTypes);
370 if FOutputFile <> nil then
371 FExtract.Items.SaveToStream(FOutputFile)
372 else
373 for i := 0 to FExtract.Items.Count - 1 do
374 writeln(FExtract.Items[i]);
375 end
376 else
377 if SQLFileName <> '' then
378 FIBXScript.RunScript(SQLFileName)
379 else
380 if SQLStatement <> '' then
381 FIBXScript.ExecSQLScript(SQLStatement)
382 else
383 FISQLProcessor.Run;
384 finally
385 FIBDatabase.Connected := false;
386 if FOutputFile <> nil then
387 FOutputFile.Free;
388 end;
391 // stop program loop
392 Terminate;
393 end;
395 procedure TFBSQL.ShowException(E: Exception);
396 begin
397 FExceptionTrapped := true;
398 writeln(stderr,'Error: ' + E.Message);
399 end;
401 constructor TFBSQL.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
402 begin
403 inherited Create(TheOwner);
404 StopOnException:=True;
406 { Create Components }
407 FIBDatabase := TIBDatabase.Create(self);
408 FIBDatabase.OnLogin := @loginPrompt;
409 FIBDatabase.Params.Clear;
410 FIBDatabase.Params.Values['lc_ctype'] := 'UTF8';
411 FIBTransaction := TIBTransaction.Create(self);
412 FIBTransaction.DefaultDatabase := FIBDatabase;
413 FIBXScript := TIBXScript.Create(self);
414 FIBXScript.Database := FIBDatabase;
415 FIBXScript.Transaction := FIBTransaction;
416 FIBXScript.OnOutputLog := @LogHandler;
417 FIBXScript.OnErrorLog := @ErrorLogHandler;
418 FISQLProcessor := TInteractiveSQLProcessor.Create(self);
419 FISQLProcessor.Database := FIBDatabase;
420 FISQLProcessor.Transaction := FIBTransaction;
421 FISQLProcessor.OnOutputLog := @LogHandler;
422 FISQLProcessor.OnErrorLog := @ErrorLogHandler;
423 FExtract := TIBExtract.Create(self);
424 FExtract.Database := FIBDatabase;
425 FExtract.Transaction := FIBTransaction;
427 FIBTransaction.Params.Add('concurrency');
428 FIBTransaction.Params.Add('wait');
430 end;
432 procedure TFBSQL.WriteHelp;
433 begin
434 writeln(stderr,'Usage: ',ExtractFileName(ExeName),' <options> <database name>');
435 writeln(stderr,'Options:');
436 writeln(stderr,'-a write database metadata to stdout');
437 writeln(stderr,'-A write database metadata and table data to stdout');
438 writeln(stderr,'-b stop on first error');
439 writeln(stderr,'-e echo sql statements to stdout');
440 writeln(stderr,'-g include grants to normal users in database metadata');
441 writeln(stderr,'-i <filename> execute SQL script from file');
442 writeln(stderr,'-h show this information');
443 writeln(stderr,'-o <filename> output to this file instead of stdout');
444 writeln(stderr,'-p <password> provide password on command line (insecure)');
445 writeln(stderr,'-r <rolename> open database with this rolename');
446 writeln(stderr,'-s <sql> Execute SQL text');
447 writeln(stderr,'-t specify output format for SQL Statements');
448 writeln(stderr,' BLK (default) for block format');
449 writeln(stderr,' CSV for CSV format');
450 writeln(stderr,' INS for Insert Statement format');
451 writeln(stderr,'-u <username> open database with this username (defaults to SYSDBA)');
452 writeln(stderr,'-c <character set name> connection charset');
453 writeln;
454 writeln(stderr,'Environment Variables:');
455 writeln(stderr,'ISC_USER Login user Name');
456 writeln(stderr,'ISC_PASSWORD Login password');
457 end;
459 var
460 Application: TFBSQL;
461 begin
462 Application:=TFBSQL.Create(nil);
463 Application.Run;
464 Application.Free;
465 if FExceptionTrapped then
466 Halt(1);
467 end.