{************************************************************************} { } { Borland Delphi Visual Component Library } { InterBase Express core components } { } { Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Inprise Corporation } { } { InterBase Express is based in part on the product } { Free IB Components, written by Gregory H. Deatz for } { Hoagland, Longo, Moran, Dunst & Doukas Company. } { Free IB Components is used under license. } { } { The contents of this file are subject to the InterBase } { Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not } { use this file except in compliance with the License. You } { may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html } { Software distributed under the License is distributed on } { an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either } { express or implied. See the License for the specific language } { governing rights and limitations under the License. } { The Original Code was created by InterBase Software Corporation } { and its successors. } { Portions created by Inprise Corporation are Copyright (C) Inprise } { Corporation. All Rights Reserved. } { Contributor(s): Jeff Overcash } { } { IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express) } { Contributor: Tony Whyman, MWA Software http://www.mwasoftware.co.uk } { Portions created by MWA Software are copyright McCallum Whyman } { Associates Ltd 2011 } { } {************************************************************************} unit IBUtils; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} {$DEFINE WINDOWS} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF FPC} {$Mode Delphi} {$codepage UTF8} {$ENDIF} { $IF declared(CompilerVersion) and (CompilerVersion >= 22)} { $define HASDELPHIREQEX} { $IFEND} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, IB; type TSQLTokens = ( {Reserved Words} sqltAdd, sqltAdmin, sqltAll, sqltAlter, sqltAnd, sqltAny, sqltAs, sqltAt, sqltAvg, sqltBegin, sqltBetween, sqltBigint, sqltBit_Length, sqltBlob, sqltBoolean, sqltBoth, sqltBy, sqltCase, sqltCast, sqltChar, sqltChar_Length, sqltCharacter, sqltCharacter_Length, sqltCheck, sqltClose, sqltCollate, sqltColumn, sqltCommit, sqltConnect, sqltConstraint, sqltCorr, sqltCount, sqltCovar_Pop, sqltCovar_Samp, sqltCreate, sqltCross, sqltCurrent, sqltCurrent_Connection, sqltCurrent_Date, sqltCurrent_Role, sqltCurrent_Time, sqltCurrent_Timestamp, sqltCurrent_Transaction, sqltCurrent_User, sqltCursor, sqltDate, sqltDay, sqltDec, sqltDecimal, sqltDeclare, sqltDefault, sqltDelete, sqltDeleting, sqltDeterministic, sqltDisconnect, sqltDistinct, sqltDouble, sqltDrop, sqltElse, sqltEnd, sqltEscape, sqltExecute, sqltExists, sqltExternal, sqltExtract, sqltFalse, sqltFetch, sqltFilter, sqltFloat, sqltFor, sqltForeign, sqltFrom, sqltFull, sqltFunction, sqltGdscode, sqltGlobal, sqltGrant, sqltGroup, sqltHaving, sqltHour, sqltIn, sqltIndex, sqltInner, sqltInsensitive, sqltInsert, sqltInserting, sqltInt, sqltInteger, sqltInto, sqltIs, sqltJoin, sqltKey, sqltLeading, sqltLeft, sqltLike, sqltLong, sqltLower, sqltMax, sqltMaximum_Segment, sqltMerge, sqltMin, sqltMinute, sqltMonth, sqltNational, sqltNatural, sqltNchar, sqltNo, sqltNot, sqltNull, sqltNumeric, sqltOctet_Length, sqltOf, sqltOffset, sqltOn, sqltOnly, sqltOpen, sqltOr, sqltOrder, sqltOuter, sqltOver, sqltParameter, sqltPlan, sqltPosition, sqltPost_Event, sqltPrecision, sqltPrimary, sqltProcedure, sqltRdbDb_Key, sqltRdbRecord_Version, sqltReal, sqltRecord_Version, sqltRecreate, sqltRecursive, sqltReferences, sqltRegr_Avgx, sqltRegr_Avgy, sqltRegr_Count, sqltRegr_Intercept, sqltRegr_R2, sqltRegr_Slope, sqltRegr_Sxx, sqltRegr_Sxy, sqltRegr_Syy, sqltRelease, sqltReturn, sqltReturning_Values, sqltReturns, sqltRevoke, sqltRight, sqltRollback, sqltRow, sqltRows, sqltRow_Count, sqltSavepoint, sqltScroll, sqltSecond, sqltSelect, sqltSensitive, sqltSet, sqltSimilar, sqltSmallint, sqltSome, sqltSqlcode, sqltSqlstate, sqltStart, sqltStddev_Pop, sqltStddev_Samp, sqltSum, sqltTable, sqltThen, sqltTime, sqltTimestamp, sqltTo, sqltTrailing, sqltTrigger, sqltTrim, sqltTrue, sqltUnion, sqltUnique, sqltUnknown, sqltUpdate, sqltUpdating, sqltUpper, sqltUser, sqltUsing, sqltValue, sqltValues, sqltVar_Pop, sqltVar_Samp, sqltVarchar, sqltVariable, sqltVarying, sqltView, sqltWhen, sqltWhere, sqltWhile, sqltWith, sqltYear, {symbols} sqltSpace, sqltSemiColon, sqltPlaceholder, sqltSingleQuotes, sqltDoubleQuotes, sqltBackslash, sqltComma, sqltPeriod, sqltEquals, sqltOtherCharacter, sqltIdentifier, sqltIdentifierInDoubleQuotes, sqltNumberString, sqltString, sqltParam, sqltQuotedParam, sqltColon, sqltComment, sqltCommentLine, sqltQuotedString, sqltAsterisk, sqltForwardSlash, sqltOpenSquareBracket, sqltCloseSquareBracket, sqltOpenBracket, sqltCloseBracket, sqltPipe, sqltMinus, sqltConcatSymbol, sqltLT, sqltGT, sqltCR, sqltEOL, sqltEOF, sqltInit ); TSQLReservedWords = sqltAdd..sqltYear; const CRLF = #13 + #10; CR = #13; LF = #10; TAB = #9; NULL_TERMINATOR = #0; {$IFNDEF FPC} LineEnding = CRLF; {$ENDIF} {SQL Reserved words in alphabetical order} sqlReservedWords: array [TSQLReservedWords] of string = ( 'ADD', 'ADMIN', 'ALL', 'ALTER', 'AND', 'ANY', 'AS', 'AT', 'AVG', 'BEGIN', 'BETWEEN', 'BIGINT', 'BIT_LENGTH', 'BLOB', 'BOOLEAN', 'BOTH', 'BY', 'CASE', 'CAST', 'CHAR', 'CHAR_LENGTH', 'CHARACTER', 'CHARACTER_LENGTH', 'CHECK', 'CLOSE', 'COLLATE', 'COLUMN', 'COMMIT', 'CONNECT', 'CONSTRAINT', 'CORR', 'COUNT', 'COVAR_POP', 'COVAR_SAMP', 'CREATE', 'CROSS', 'CURRENT', 'CURRENT_CONNECTION', 'CURRENT_DATE', 'CURRENT_ROLE', 'CURRENT_TIME', 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'CURRENT_TRANSACTION', 'CURRENT_USER', 'CURSOR', 'DATE', 'DAY', 'DEC', 'DECIMAL', 'DECLARE', 'DEFAULT', 'DELETE', 'DELETING', 'DETERMINISTIC', 'DISCONNECT', 'DISTINCT', 'DOUBLE', 'DROP', 'ELSE', 'END', 'ESCAPE', 'EXECUTE', 'EXISTS', 'EXTERNAL', 'EXTRACT', 'FALSE', 'FETCH', 'FILTER', 'FLOAT', 'FOR', 'FOREIGN', 'FROM', 'FULL', 'FUNCTION', 'GDSCODE', 'GLOBAL', 'GRANT', 'GROUP', 'HAVING', 'HOUR', 'IN', 'INDEX', 'INNER', 'INSENSITIVE', 'INSERT', 'INSERTING', 'INT', 'INTEGER', 'INTO', 'IS', 'JOIN', 'KEY', 'LEADING', 'LEFT', 'LIKE', 'LONG', 'LOWER', 'MAX', 'MAXIMUM_SEGMENT', 'MERGE', 'MIN', 'MINUTE', 'MONTH', 'NATIONAL', 'NATURAL', 'NCHAR', 'NO', 'NOT', 'NULL', 'NUMERIC', 'OCTET_LENGTH', 'OF', 'OFFSET', 'ON', 'ONLY', 'OPEN', 'OR', 'ORDER', 'OUTER', 'OVER', 'PARAMETER', 'PLAN', 'POSITION', 'POST_EVENT', 'PRECISION', 'PRIMARY', 'PROCEDURE', 'RDB$DB_KEY', 'RDB$RECORD_VERSION', 'REAL', 'RECORD_VERSION', 'RECREATE', 'RECURSIVE', 'REFERENCES', 'REGR_AVGX', 'REGR_AVGY', 'REGR_COUNT', 'REGR_INTERCEPT', 'REGR_R2', 'REGR_SLOPE', 'REGR_SXX', 'REGR_SXY', 'REGR_SYY', 'RELEASE', 'RETURN', 'RETURNING_VALUES', 'RETURNS', 'REVOKE', 'RIGHT', 'ROLLBACK', 'ROW', 'ROWS', 'ROW_COUNT', 'SAVEPOINT', 'SCROLL', 'SECOND', 'SELECT', 'SENSITIVE', 'SET', 'SIMILAR', 'SMALLINT', 'SOME', 'SQLCODE', 'SQLSTATE', 'START', 'STDDEV_POP', 'STDDEV_SAMP', 'SUM', 'TABLE', 'THEN', 'TIME', 'TIMESTAMP', 'TO', 'TRAILING', 'TRIGGER', 'TRIM', 'TRUE', 'UNION', 'UNIQUE', 'UNKNOWN', 'UPDATE', 'UPDATING', 'UPPER', 'USER', 'USING', 'VALUE', 'VALUES', 'VAR_POP', 'VAR_SAMP', 'VARCHAR', 'VARIABLE', 'VARYING', 'VIEW', 'WHEN', 'WHERE', 'WHILE', 'WITH', 'YEAR' ); type {The TSQLTokeniser class provides a common means to parse an SQL statement, or even a stream of SQL Statements. The TSQLStringTokeniser class is instantiated with a single SQL statement or a set of concatenated statements. The TSQLStreamTokeniser is instantiated with a stream from which the SQL statements are read. Successive calls to GetNextToken then return each SQL token. The TokenText contains either the single character, the identifier or reserved word, the string or comment.} { TSQLTokeniser } TSQLTokeniser = class private const TokenQueueMaxSize = 64; type TLexState = (stDefault, stInCommentLine, stInComment, stSingleQuoted, stDoubleQuoted, stInIdentifier, stInNumeric); TTokenQueueItem = record token: TSQLTokens; text: AnsiString; end; TTokenQueueState = (tsHold, tsRelease); private FLastChar: AnsiChar; FState: TLexState; FSkipNext: boolean; function GetNext: TSQLTokens; {The token Queue is available for use by descendents so that they can hold back tokens in order to lookahead by token rather than just a single character} private FTokenQueue: array[0..TokenQueueMaxSize] of TTokenQueueItem; FQueueState: TTokenQueueState; FQFirst: integer; {first and last pointers first=last => queue empty} FQLast: integer; FEOF: boolean; procedure PopQueue(var token: TSQLTokens); protected FString: AnsiString; FNextToken: TSQLTokens; procedure Assign(source: TSQLTokeniser); virtual; function GetChar: AnsiChar; virtual; abstract; function TokenFound(var token: TSQLTokens): boolean; virtual; function InternalGetNextToken: TSQLTokens; virtual; procedure Reset; virtual; {Token stack} procedure QueueToken(token: TSQLTokens; text:AnsiString); overload; procedure QueueToken(token: TSQLTokens); overload; procedure ResetQueue; overload; procedure ResetQueue(token: TSQLTokens; text:AnsiString); overload; procedure ResetQueue(token: TSQLTokens); overload; procedure ReleaseQueue(var token: TSQLTokens); overload; procedure ReleaseQueue; overload; function GetQueuedText: AnsiString; procedure SetTokenText(text: AnsiString); public const DefaultTerminator = ';'; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function GetNextToken: TSQLTokens; property EOF: boolean read FEOF; property TokenText: AnsiString read FString; end; { TSQLwithNamedParamsTokeniser } TSQLwithNamedParamsTokeniser = class(TSQLTokeniser) private type TSQLState = (stInit,stInParam,stInBlock, stInArrayDim); private FState: TSQLState; FNested: integer; protected procedure Assign(source: TSQLTokeniser); override; procedure Reset; override; function TokenFound(var token: TSQLTokens): boolean; override; end; { TSQLParamProcessor } TSQLParamProcessor = class(TSQLwithNamedParamsTokeniser) private const sIBXParam = 'IBXParam'; {do not localize} private FInString: AnsiString; FIndex: integer; function DoExecute(GenerateParamNames: boolean; var slNames: TStrings): AnsiString; protected function GetChar: AnsiChar; override; public class function Execute(sSQL: AnsiString; GenerateParamNames: boolean; var slNames: TStrings): AnsiString; end; function Max(n1, n2: Integer): Integer; function Min(n1, n2: Integer): Integer; function RandomString(iLength: Integer): AnsiString; function RandomInteger(iLow, iHigh: Integer): Integer; function StripString(st: AnsiString; CharsToStrip: AnsiString): AnsiString; function ExtractIdentifier(Dialect: Integer; Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; function FindReservedWord(w: AnsiString; var token: TSQLTokens): boolean; function IsReservedWord(w: AnsiString): boolean; function QuoteIdentifier(Dialect: Integer; Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; function QuoteIdentifierIfNeeded(Dialect: Integer; Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; function Space2Underscore(s: AnsiString): AnsiString; function SQLSafeString(const s: AnsiString): AnsiString; function IsSQLIdentifier(Value: AnsiString): boolean; function ExtractConnectString(const CreateSQL: AnsiString; var ConnectString: AnsiString): boolean; function MakeConnectString(ServerName, DatabaseName: AnsiString; Protocol: TProtocol; PortNo: AnsiString = ''): AnsiString; function ParseConnectString(ConnectString: AnsiString; var ServerName, DatabaseName: AnsiString; var Protocol: TProtocolAll; var PortNo: AnsiString): boolean; function GetProtocol(ConnectString: AnsiString): TProtocolAll; {$IF declared(TFormatSettings)} function ParseDateTimeTZString(aDateTimeStr: Ansistring; var aDateTime: TDateTime; var aTimezone: AnsiString; aFormatSettings: TFormatSettings; TimeOnly: boolean=false): boolean; overload; {$IFEND} function ParseDateTimeTZString(aDateTimeStr: Ansistring; var aDateTime: TDateTime; var aTimezone: AnsiString; TimeOnly: boolean=false): boolean; overload; procedure FBDecodeTime(aTime: TDateTime; var Hour, Minute, Second: word; var DeciMillisecond: cardinal); function FBEncodeTime(Hour, Minute, Second, DeciMillisecond: cardinal): TDateTime; function FBFormatDateTime(fmt: AnsiString; aDateTime: TDateTime): AnsiString; function FormatTimeZoneOffset(EffectiveTimeOffsetMins: integer): AnsiString; function DecodeTimeZoneOffset(TZOffset: AnsiString; var dstOffset: integer): boolean; function StripLeadingZeros(Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; implementation uses FBMessages {$IFDEF FPC} ,RegExpr {$ELSE} {$IF declared(CompilerVersion) and (CompilerVersion >= 22)} , RegularExpressions {$IFEND} {$ENDIF}; function Max(n1, n2: Integer): Integer; begin if (n1 > n2) then result := n1 else result := n2; end; function Min(n1, n2: Integer): Integer; begin if (n1 < n2) then result := n1 else result := n2; end; function RandomString(iLength: Integer): AnsiString; begin result := ''; while Length(result) < iLength do result := result + IntToStr(RandomInteger(0, High(Integer))); if Length(result) > iLength then result := Copy(result, 1, iLength); end; function RandomInteger(iLow, iHigh: Integer): Integer; begin result := Trunc(Random(iHigh - iLow)) + iLow; end; function StripString(st: AnsiString; CharsToStrip: AnsiString): AnsiString; var i: Integer; begin result := ''; for i := 1 to Length(st) do begin if AnsiPos(st[i], CharsToStrip) = 0 then result := result + st[i]; end; end; {Extracts SQL Identifier typically from a Dialect 3 encoding} function ExtractIdentifier(Dialect: Integer; Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; begin Value := Trim(Value); if Dialect = 1 then Value := AnsiUpperCase(Value) else begin if (Value <> '') and (Value[1] = '"') then begin Delete(Value, 1, 1); Delete(Value, Length(Value), 1); Value := StringReplace (Value, '""', '"', [rfReplaceAll]); end else Value := AnsiUpperCase(Value); end; Result := Value; end; {Returns true if "w" is a Firebird SQL reserved word, and the corresponding TSQLTokens value.} function FindReservedWord(w: AnsiString; var token: TSQLTokens): boolean; var i: TSQLTokens; begin Result := true; w := AnsiUpperCase(Trim(w)); for i := Low(TSQLReservedWords) to High(TSQLReservedWords) do begin if w = sqlReservedWords[i] then begin token := i; Exit; end; if w < sqlReservedWords[i] then break; end; Result := false; end; {Returns true if "w" is a Firebird SQL reserved word} function IsReservedWord(w: AnsiString): boolean; var token: TSQLTokens; begin Result := FindReservedWord(w,token); end; {Format an SQL Identifier according to SQL Dialect} function QuoteIdentifier(Dialect: Integer; Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; begin Value := TrimRight(Value); if Dialect = 1 then Value := AnsiUpperCase(Value) else Value := '"' + StringReplace (Value, '""', '"', [rfReplaceAll]) + '"'; Result := Value; end; const ValidSQLIdentifierChars = ['A'..'Z','a'..'z','0'..'9','_','$']; {Returns true if the value is a valid SQL Identifier - note lower case accepted} function IsSQLIdentifier(Value: AnsiString): boolean; var i: integer; begin Result := false; for i := 1 to Length(Value) do if not (Value[i] in ValidSQLIdentifierChars) then Exit; Result := true; end; function SchemeToProtocol(scheme: AnsiString): TProtocolAll; begin scheme := AnsiUpperCase(scheme); if scheme = 'INET' then Result := inet else if scheme = 'INET4' then Result := inet4 else if scheme = 'INET6' then Result := inet6 else if scheme = 'XNET' then Result := xnet else if scheme = 'WNET' then Result := wnet end; {Extracts the Database Connect string from a Create Database Statement} {$IF declared(TRegexpr)} function ExtractConnectString(const CreateSQL: AnsiString; var ConnectString: AnsiString): boolean; var RegexObj: TRegExpr; begin RegexObj := TRegExpr.Create; try {extact database file spec} RegexObj.ModifierG := false; {turn off greedy matches} RegexObj.ModifierI := true; {case insensitive match} RegexObj.Expression := '^ *CREATE +(DATABASE|SCHEMA) +''(.*)'''; Result := RegexObj.Exec(CreateSQL); if Result then ConnectString := RegexObj.Match[2]; finally RegexObj.Free; end; end; function ParseConnectString(ConnectString: AnsiString; var ServerName, DatabaseName: AnsiString; var Protocol: TProtocolAll; var PortNo: AnsiString ): boolean; var RegexObj: TRegExpr; begin ServerName := ''; DatabaseName := ConnectString; PortNo := ''; Protocol := unknownProtocol; RegexObj := TRegExpr.Create; try {extact database file spec} RegexObj.ModifierG := false; {turn off greedy matches} RegexObj.Expression := '^([a-zA-Z46]+)://([a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]*)(|:[0-9a-zA-Z\-]+)/(.*)$'; Result := RegexObj.Exec(ConnectString); if Result then begin {URL type connect string} Protocol := SchemeToProtocol(RegexObj.Match[1]); ServerName := RegexObj.Match[2]; if RegexObj.MatchLen[3] > 0 then PortNo := system.Copy(ConnectString,RegexObj.MatchPos[3]+1,RegexObj.MatchLen[3]-1); DatabaseName := RegexObj.Match[4]; if ServerName = '' then DatabaseName := '/' + DatabaseName; end else begin {URL type connect string - local loop} RegexObj.Expression := '^([a-zA-Z46]+)://(.*)$'; Result := RegexObj.Exec(ConnectString); if Result then begin Protocol := SchemeToProtocol(RegexObj.Match[1]); DatabaseName := RegexObj.Match[2]; end else begin RegexObj.Expression := '^([a-zA-Z]:\\.*)'; Result := RegexObj.Exec(ConnectString); if Result then Protocol := Local {Windows with leading drive ID} else begin RegexObj.Expression := '^([a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+)(|/[0-9a-zA-Z\-]+):(.*)$'; Result := RegexObj.Exec(ConnectString); if Result then begin {Legacy TCP Format} ServerName := RegexObj.Match[1]; if RegexObj.MatchLen[2] > 0 then PortNo := system.Copy(ConnectString,RegexObj.MatchPos[2]+1,RegexObj.MatchLen[2]-1); DatabaseName := RegexObj.Match[3]; Protocol := TCP; end else begin RegexObj.Expression := '^\\\\([a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+)(|@[0-9a-zA-Z\-]+)\\(.*)$'; Result := RegexObj.Exec(ConnectString); if Result then begin {Netbui} ServerName := RegexObj.Match[1]; if RegexObj.MatchLen[2] > 0 then PortNo := system.Copy(ConnectString,RegexObj.MatchPos[2]+1,RegexObj.MatchLen[2]-1); DatabaseName := RegexObj.Match[3]; Protocol := NamedPipe end else begin Result := true; Protocol := Local; {Assume local} end; end; end; end; end; finally RegexObj.Free; end; end; {$ELSE} {$IF declared(TRegex)} function ExtractConnectString(const CreateSQL: AnsiString; var ConnectString: AnsiString): boolean; var Regex: TRegEx; Match: TMatch; begin Regex := TRegEx.Create('^ *CREATE +(DATABASE|SCHEMA) +''(.*)''',[roIgnoreCase]); {extact database file spec} Match := Regex.Match(CreateSQL); Result := Match.Success and (Match.Groups.Count = 3); if Result then ConnectString := Match.Groups[2].Value; end; function ParseConnectString(ConnectString: AnsiString; var ServerName, DatabaseName: AnsiString; var Protocol: TProtocolAll; var PortNo: AnsiString ): boolean; var Regex: TRegEx; Match: TMatch; begin ServerName := ''; DatabaseName := ConnectString; PortNo := ''; Protocol := unknownProtocol; {extact database file spec} Match := Regex.Match(ConnectString,'^([a-zA-Z46]+)://([a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]*)(|:[0-9a-zA-Z\-]+)/(.*)$',[roIgnoreCase]); Result := Match.Success and (Match.Groups.Count = 5); if Result then begin {URL type connect string} Protocol := SchemeToProtocol(Match.Groups[1].Value); ServerName := Match.Groups[2].Value; PortNo := Match.Groups[3].Value; DatabaseName := Match.Groups[4].Value; if ServerName = '' then DatabaseName := '/' + DatabaseName; end else begin {URL type connect string - local loop} Match := Regex.Match(ConnectString,'^([a-zA-Z46]+)://(.*)$',[roIgnoreCase]); Result := Match.Success and (Match.Groups.Count = 3); if Result then begin Protocol := SchemeToProtocol(Match.Groups[1].Value); DatabaseName := Match.Groups[2].Value; end else begin Match := Regex.Match(ConnectString,'^([a-zA-Z]:\\.*)',[roIgnoreCase]); Result := Match.Success; if Result then Protocol := Local {Windows with leading drive ID} else begin Match := Regex.Match(ConnectString,'^([a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+)(|/[0-9a-zA-Z\-]+):(.*)$',[roIgnoreCase]); Result := Match.Success and (Match.Groups.Count = 4); if Result then begin {Legacy TCP Format} ServerName := Match.Groups[1].Value; PortNo := Match.Groups[2].Value; DatabaseName := Match.Groups[3].Value; Protocol := TCP; end else begin Match := Regex.Match(ConnectString,'^\\\\([a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+)(|@[0-9a-zA-Z\-]+)\\(.*)$',[roIgnoreCase]); Result := Match.Success and (Match.Groups.Count = 4); if Result then begin {Netbui} ServerName := Match.Groups[1].Value; PortNo := Match.Groups[2].Value; DatabaseName := Match.Groups[3].Value; Protocol := NamedPipe end else begin Result := true; Protocol := Local; {Assume local} end; end; end; end; end; end; {$ELSE} {cruder version of above for Delphi < XE. Older versions lack regular expression handling.} function ExtractConnectString(const CreateSQL: AnsiString; var ConnectString: AnsiString): boolean; var i: integer; begin Result := false; i := Pos('''',CreateSQL); if i > 0 then begin ConnectString := CreateSQL; delete(ConnectString,1,i); i := Pos('''',ConnectString); if i > 0 then begin delete(ConnectString,i,Length(ConnectString)-i+1); Result := true; end; end; end; function ParseConnectString(ConnectString: AnsiString; var ServerName, DatabaseName: AnsiString; var Protocol: TProtocolAll; var PortNo: AnsiString): boolean; begin Result := false; end; {$IFEND} {$IFEND} function GetProtocol(ConnectString: AnsiString): TProtocolAll; var ServerName, DatabaseName: AnsiString; PortNo: AnsiString; begin if not ParseConnectString(ConnectString,ServerName,DatabaseName,Result,PortNo) then Result := unknownProtocol; end; {Make a connect string in format appropriate protocol} function MakeConnectString(ServerName, DatabaseName: AnsiString; Protocol: TProtocol; PortNo: AnsiString): AnsiString; function FormatURL: AnsiString; begin if (ServerName = '') and (Pos('/',DatabaseName) <= 1) then Result := DatabaseName else Result := ServerName + '/' + DatabaseName; end; begin if ServerName = '' then ServerName := 'localhost'; if PortNo <> '' then case Protocol of NamedPipe: ServerName := ServerName + '@' + PortNo; Local, SPX, xnet: {do nothing}; TCP: ServerName := ServerName + '/' + PortNo; else ServerName := ServerName + ':' + PortNo; end; case Protocol of TCP: Result := ServerName + ':' + DatabaseName; {do not localize} SPX: Result := ServerName + '@' + DatabaseName; {do not localize} NamedPipe: Result := '\\' + ServerName + '\' + DatabaseName; {do not localize} Local: Result := DatabaseName; {do not localize} inet: Result := 'inet://' + FormatURL; {do not localize} inet4: Result := 'inet4://' + FormatURL; {do not localize} inet6: Result := 'inet6://' + FormatURL; {do not localize} wnet: Result := 'wnet://' + FormatURL; {do not localize} xnet: Result := 'xnet://' + FormatURL; {do not localize} end; end; {Format an SQL Identifier according to SQL Dialect with encapsulation if necessary} function QuoteIdentifierIfNeeded(Dialect: Integer; Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; begin Value := TrimRight(Value); if (Dialect = 3) and (IsReservedWord(Value) or not IsSQLIdentifier(Value) or (AnsiUpperCase(Value) <> Value)) then Result := '"' + StringReplace (TrimRight(Value), '"', '""', [rfReplaceAll]) + '"' else Result := Value end; {Replaces unknown characters in a string with underscores} function Space2Underscore(s: AnsiString): AnsiString; var k: integer; begin Result := s; for k := 1 to Length(s) do if not (Result[k] in ValidSQLIdentifierChars) then Result[k] := '_'; end; {Reformats an SQL string with single quotes duplicated.} function SQLSafeString(const s: AnsiString): AnsiString; begin Result := StringReplace(s,'''','''''',[rfReplaceAll]); end; { TSQLParamProcessor } function TSQLParamProcessor.DoExecute(GenerateParamNames: boolean; var slNames: TStrings): AnsiString; var token: TSQLTokens; iParamSuffix: Integer; begin Result := ''; iParamSuffix := 0; while not EOF do begin token := GetNextToken; case token of sqltParam, sqltQuotedParam: begin Result := Result + '?'; slNames.Add(TokenText); end; sqltPlaceHolder: if GenerateParamNames then begin Inc(iParamSuffix); slNames.AddObject(sIBXParam + IntToStr(iParamSuffix),self); //Note local convention //add pointer to self to mark entry Result := Result + '?'; end else IBError(ibxeSQLParseError, [SParamNameExpected]); sqltQuotedString: Result := Result + '''' + SQLSafeString(TokenText) + ''''; sqltIdentifierInDoubleQuotes: Result := Result + '"' + StringReplace(TokenText,'"','""',[rfReplaceAll]) + '"'; sqltComment: Result := Result + '/*' + TokenText + '*/'; sqltCommentLine: Result := Result + '--' + TokenText + LineEnding; sqltEOL: Result := Result + LineEnding; else Result := Result + TokenText; end; end; end; function TSQLParamProcessor.GetChar: AnsiChar; begin if FIndex <= Length(FInString) then begin Result := FInString[FIndex]; Inc(FIndex); end else Result := #0; end; class function TSQLParamProcessor.Execute(sSQL: AnsiString; GenerateParamNames: boolean; var slNames: TStrings): AnsiString; begin with self.Create do try FInString := sSQL; FIndex := 1; Result := DoExecute(GenerateParamNames,slNames); finally Free; end; end; { TSQLwithNamedParamsTokeniser } procedure TSQLwithNamedParamsTokeniser.Assign(source: TSQLTokeniser); begin inherited Assign(source); if source is TSQLwithNamedParamsTokeniser then begin FState := TSQLwithNamedParamsTokeniser(source).FState; FNested := TSQLwithNamedParamsTokeniser(source).FNested; end; end; procedure TSQLwithNamedParamsTokeniser.Reset; begin inherited Reset; FState := stInit; FNested := 0; end; function TSQLwithNamedParamsTokeniser.TokenFound(var token: TSQLTokens ): boolean; begin Result := inherited TokenFound(token); if not Result then Exit; case FState of stInit: begin case token of sqltColon: begin FState := stInParam; ResetQueue(token); end; sqltBegin: begin FState := stInBlock; FNested := 1; end; sqltOpenSquareBracket: FState := stInArrayDim; end; end; stInParam: begin case token of sqltIdentifier: token := sqltParam; sqltIdentifierInDoubleQuotes: token := sqltQuotedParam; else begin QueueToken(token); ReleaseQueue(token); end; end; FState := stInit; end; stInBlock: begin case token of sqltBegin, sqltCase: Inc(FNested); sqltEnd: begin Dec(FNested); if FNested = 0 then FState := stInit; end; end; end; stInArrayDim: begin if token = sqltCloseSquareBracket then FState := stInit; end; end; Result := (FState <> stInParam); end; { TSQLTokeniser } function TSQLTokeniser.GetNext: TSQLTokens; var C: AnsiChar; begin if EOF then Result := sqltEOF else begin C := GetChar; case C of #0: Result := sqltEOF; ' ',TAB: Result := sqltSpace; '0'..'9': Result := sqltNumberString; ';': Result := sqltSemiColon; '?': Result := sqltPlaceholder; '|': Result := sqltPipe; '"': Result := sqltDoubleQuotes; '''': Result := sqltSingleQuotes; '/': Result := sqltForwardSlash; '\': Result := sqltBackslash; '*': Result := sqltAsterisk; '(': Result := sqltOpenBracket; ')': Result := sqltCloseBracket; ':': Result := sqltColon; ',': Result := sqltComma; '.': Result := sqltPeriod; '=': Result := sqltEquals; '[': Result := sqltOpenSquareBracket; ']': Result := sqltCloseSquareBracket; '-': Result := sqltMinus; '<': Result := sqltLT; '>': Result := sqltGT; CR: Result := sqltCR; LF: Result := sqltEOL; else if C in ValidSQLIdentifierChars then Result := sqltIdentifier else Result := sqltOtherCharacter; end; FLastChar := C end; FNextToken := Result; end; procedure TSQLTokeniser.PopQueue(var token: TSQLTokens); begin if FQFirst = FQLast then IBError(ibxeTokenQueueUnderflow,[]); token := FTokenQueue[FQFirst].token; FString := FTokenQueue[FQFirst].text; Inc(FQFirst); if FQFirst = FQLast then FQueueState := tsHold; end; procedure TSQLTokeniser.Assign(source: TSQLTokeniser); begin FString := source.FString; FNextToken := source.FNextToken; FTokenQueue := source.FTokenQueue; FQueueState := source.FQueueState; FQFirst := source.FQFirst; FQLast := source.FQLast; end; function TSQLTokeniser.TokenFound(var token: TSQLTokens): boolean; begin Result := (FState = stDefault); if Result and (token = sqltIdentifier) then FindReservedWord(FString,token); end; procedure TSQLTokeniser.QueueToken(token: TSQLTokens; text: AnsiString); begin if FQLast > TokenQueueMaxSize then IBError(ibxeTokenQueueOverflow,[]); FTokenQueue[FQLast].token := token; FTokenQueue[FQLast].text := text; Inc(FQLast); end; procedure TSQLTokeniser.QueueToken(token: TSQLTokens); begin QueueToken(token,TokenText); end; procedure TSQLTokeniser.ResetQueue; begin FQFirst := 0; FQLast := 0; FQueueState := tsHold; end; procedure TSQLTokeniser.ResetQueue(token: TSQLTokens; text: AnsiString); begin ResetQueue; QueueToken(token,text); end; procedure TSQLTokeniser.ResetQueue(token: TSQLTokens); begin ResetQueue; QueueToken(token); end; procedure TSQLTokeniser.ReleaseQueue(var token: TSQLTokens); begin FQueueState := tsRelease; PopQueue(token); end; procedure TSQLTokeniser.ReleaseQueue; begin FQueueState := tsRelease; end; function TSQLTokeniser.GetQueuedText: AnsiString; var i: integer; begin Result := ''; for i := FQFirst to FQLast do Result := Result + FTokenQueue[i].text; end; procedure TSQLTokeniser.SetTokenText(text: AnsiString); begin FString := text; end; constructor TSQLTokeniser.Create; begin inherited Create; Reset; end; destructor TSQLTokeniser.Destroy; begin Reset; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TSQLTokeniser.Reset; begin FNextToken := sqltInit; FState := stDefault; FString := ''; FEOF := false; ResetQueue; end; function TSQLTokeniser.GetNextToken: TSQLTokens; begin if FQueueState = tsRelease then repeat PopQueue(Result); FEOF := Result = sqltEOF; if TokenFound(Result) then Exit; until FQueueState <> tsRelease; Result := InternalGetNextToken; end; {a simple lookahead one algorithm to extra the next symbol} function TSQLTokeniser.InternalGetNextToken: TSQLTokens; var C: AnsiChar; begin Result := sqltEOF; if FNextToken = sqltInit then GetNext; repeat Result := FNextToken; C := FLastChar; GetNext; if FSkipNext then begin FSkipNext := false; continue; end; case FState of stInComment: begin if (Result = sqltAsterisk) and (FNextToken = sqltForwardSlash) then begin FState := stDefault; Result := sqltComment; GetNext; end else FString := FString + C; end; stInCommentLine: begin case Result of sqltEOL: begin FState := stDefault; Result := sqltCommentLine; end; sqltCR: {ignore}; else FString := FString + C; end; end; stSingleQuoted: begin if (Result = sqltSingleQuotes) then begin if (FNextToken = sqltSingleQuotes) then begin FSkipNext := true; FString := FString + C; end else begin Result := sqltQuotedString; FState := stDefault; end; end else FString := FString + C; end; stDoubleQuoted: begin if (Result = sqltDoubleQuotes) then begin if (FNextToken = sqltDoubleQuotes) then begin FSkipNext := true; FString := FString + C; end else begin Result := sqltIdentifierInDoubleQuotes; FState := stDefault; end; end else FString := FString + C; end; stInIdentifier: begin FString := FString + C; Result := sqltIdentifier; if not (FNextToken in [sqltIdentifier,sqltNumberString]) then FState := stDefault end; stInNumeric: begin FString := FString + C; if (Result = sqltPeriod) and (FNextToken = sqltPeriod) then begin {malformed decimal} FState := stInIdentifier; Result := sqltIdentifier end else begin if not (FNextToken in [sqltNumberString,sqltPeriod]) then FState := stDefault; Result := sqltNumberString; end; end; else {stDefault} begin FString := C; case Result of sqltPipe: if FNextToken = sqltPipe then begin Result := sqltConcatSymbol; FString := C + FLastChar; GetNext; end; sqltForwardSlash: begin if FNextToken = sqltAsterisk then begin FString := ''; GetNext; FState := stInComment; end end; sqltMinus: begin if FNextToken = sqltMinus then begin FString := ''; GetNext; FState := stInCommentLine; end; end; sqltSingleQuotes: begin FString := ''; FState := stSingleQuoted; end; sqltDoubleQuotes: begin FString := ''; FState := stDoubleQuoted; end; sqltIdentifier: if FNextToken in [sqltIdentifier,sqltNumberString] then FState := stInIdentifier; sqltNumberString: if FNextToken in [sqltNumberString,sqltPeriod] then FState := stInNumeric; end; end; end; // writeln(FString); FEOF := Result = sqltEOF; until TokenFound(Result) or EOF; end; function ParseDateTimeTZString(aDateTimeStr: Ansistring; var aDateTime: TDateTime; var aTimezone: AnsiString; TimeOnly: boolean): boolean; {$IF declared(TFormatSettings)} begin {$IF declared(DefaultFormatSettings)} Result := ParseDateTimeTZString(aDateTimeStr,aDateTime,aTimeZone,DefaultFormatSettings,TimeOnly); {$ELSE} {$IF declared(FormatSettings)} Result := ParseDateTimeTZString(aDateTimeStr,aDateTime,aTimeZone,FormatSettings,TimeOnly); {$IFEND} {$IFEND} end; function ParseDateTimeTZString(aDateTimeStr: Ansistring; var aDateTime: TDateTime; var aTimezone: AnsiString; aFormatSettings: TFormatSettings; TimeOnly: boolean=false): boolean; {$IFEND} const whitespacechars = [' ',#$09,#$0A,#$0D]; var i,j,l: integer; aTime: TDateTime; DMs: longint; begin Result := false; aTimezone := ''; if aDateTimeStr <> '' then {$if declared(TFormatSettings)} with aFormatSettings do {$IFEND} begin aDateTime := 0; {Parse to get time zone info} i := 1; while (i <= length(aDateTimeStr)) and (aDateTimeStr[i] in whitespacechars) do inc(i); {skip white space} if not TimeOnly then begin {decode date} j := i; while (j <= length(aDateTimeStr)) and (aDateTimeStr[j] in ['0'..'9',DateSeparator]) do inc(j); if TryStrToDate(system.copy(aDateTimeStr,i,j-i),aDateTime) then i := j; {otherwise start again i.e. assume time only} end; while (i <= length(aDateTimeStr)) and (aDateTimeStr[i] in whitespacechars) do inc(i); {skip white space} {decode time} j := i; while (j <= length(aDateTimeStr)) and (aDateTimeStr[j] in ['0'..'9',TimeSeparator]) do inc(j); Result := TryStrToTime(system.copy(aDateTimeStr,i,j-i),aTime); if not Result then Exit; aDateTime := aDateTime + aTime; i := j; {is there a factional second part} if (i <= length(aDateTimeStr)) and (aDateTimeStr[i] = '.') then begin inc(i); inc(j); while (j <= Length(aDateTimeStr)) and (aDateTimeStr[j] in ['0'..'9']) do inc(j); if j > i then begin l := j-i; if l > 4 then l := 4; Result := TryStrToInt(system.copy(aDateTimeStr,i,l),DMs); if not Result then Exit; {adjust for number of significant digits} case l of 3: DMs := DMs * 10; 2: DMs := DMs * 100; 1: DMs := DMs * 1000; end; aDateTime := aDateTime + (DMs / (MsecsPerDay*10)); end; end; i := j; while (i <= length(aDateTimeStr)) and (aDateTimeStr[i] in whitespacechars) do inc(i); {skip white space} {decode time zone} if i < length(aDateTimeStr) then begin j := i; while (j <= length(aDateTimeStr)) and not (aDateTimeStr[j] in whitespacechars) do inc(j); aTimezone := system.copy(aDateTimeStr,i,j-i); end; Result := true; end end; {The following is similar to FPC DecodeTime except that the Firebird standard decimilliseconds is used instead of milliseconds for fractional seconds} procedure FBDecodeTime(aTime: TDateTime; var Hour, Minute, Second: word; var DeciMillisecond: cardinal); var D : Double; l : cardinal; begin {conversion to decimilliseconds hacked from FPC DateTimeToTimeStamp} D := aTime * MSecsPerDay *10; if D < 0 then D := D - 0.5 else D := D + 0.5; {rest hacked from FPC DecodeTIme} l := Abs(Trunc(D)) Mod (MSecsPerDay*10); Hour := l div 36000000; l := l mod 36000000; Minute := l div 600000; l := l mod 600000; Second := l div 10000; DeciMillisecond := l mod 10000; end; {The following is similar to FPC EncodeTime except that the Firebird standard decimilliseconds is used instead of milliseconds for fractional seconds} function FBEncodeTime(Hour, Minute, Second, DeciMillisecond: cardinal): TDateTime; const DMSecsPerDay = MSecsPerDay*10; var DMs: cardinal; D: Double; begin if (Hour<24) and (Minute<60) and (Second<60) and (DeciMillisecond<10000) then begin DMs := Hour*36000000+Minute*600000+Second*10000+DeciMillisecond; D := DMs/DMSecsPerDay; Result:=TDateTime(d) end else IBError(ibxeBadTimeSpecification,[Hour, Minute, Second, DeciMillisecond]); end; {The following is similar to FPC FormatDateTime except that it additionally allows the timstamp to have a fractional seconds component with a resolution of four decimal places. This is appended to the result for FormatDateTime if the format string contains a "zzzz' string.} function FBFormatDateTime(fmt: AnsiString; aDateTime: TDateTime): AnsiString; var Hour, Minute, Second: word; DeciMillisecond: cardinal; begin if Pos('zzzz',fmt) > 0 then begin FBDecodeTime(aDateTime, Hour, Minute, Second, DeciMillisecond); fmt := StringReplace(fmt, 'zzzz', Format('%.4d',[DeciMillisecond]), [rfReplaceAll]); end; Result := FormatDateTime(fmt,aDateTime); end; function FormatTimeZoneOffset(EffectiveTimeOffsetMins: integer): AnsiString; begin if EffectiveTimeOffsetMins > 0 then Result := Format('+%.2d:%.2d',[EffectiveTimeOffsetMins div 60,abs(EffectiveTimeOffsetMins mod 60)]) else Result := Format('%.2d:%.2d',[EffectiveTimeOffsetMins div 60,abs(EffectiveTimeOffsetMins mod 60)]); end; function DecodeTimeZoneOffset(TZOffset: AnsiString; var dstOffset: integer): boolean; var i: integer; begin Result := false; TZOffset := Trim(TZOffset); for i := 1 to Length(TZOffset) do if not (TZOffset[i] in ['0'..'9','-','+',':']) then Exit; Result := true; i := Pos(':',TZOffset); if i > 0 then dstOffset := StrToInt(copy(TZOffset,1,i-1)) * 60 + StrToInt(copy(TZOffset,i + 1)) else dstOffset := StrToInt(TZOffset) * 60; end; function StripLeadingZeros(Value: AnsiString): AnsiString; var i: Integer; start: integer; begin Result := ''; start := 1; if (Length(Value) > 0) and (Value[1] = '-') then begin Result := '-'; start := 2; end; for i := start to Length(Value) do if Value[i] <> '0' then begin Result := Result + system.copy(Value, i, MaxInt); Exit; end; end; end.