{************************************************************************} { } { Borland Delphi Visual Component Library } { InterBase Express core components } { } { Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Inprise Corporation } { } { InterBase Express is based in part on the product } { Free IB Components, written by Gregory H. Deatz for } { Hoagland, Longo, Moran, Dunst & Doukas Company. } { Free IB Components is used under license. } { } { The contents of this file are subject to the InterBase } { Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not } { use this file except in compliance with the License. You } { may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html } { Software distributed under the License is distributed on } { an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either } { express or implied. See the License for the specific language } { governing rights and limitations under the License. } { The Original Code was created by InterBase Software Corporation } { and its successors. } { Portions created by Inprise Corporation are Copyright (C) Inprise } { Corporation. All Rights Reserved. } { Contributor(s): Jeff Overcash } { } { IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express) } { Contributor: Tony Whyman, MWA Software http://www.mwasoftware.co.uk } { Portions created by MWA Software are copyright McCallum Whyman } { Associates Ltd 2011 } { } {************************************************************************} unit IBUtils; {$IFDEF FPC} {$Mode Delphi} {$codepage UTF8} {$ENDIF} interface uses {$IFDEF WINDOWS } Windows, {$ELSE} unix, {$ENDIF} Classes, SysUtils; const CRLF = #13 + #10; CR = #13; LF = #10; TAB = #9; NULL_TERMINATOR = #0; sqlReservedWords: array [0..166] of string = ( 'ADD','ADMIN','ALL','ALTER','AND','ANY','AS','AT','AVG','BEGIN','BETWEEN','BIGINT','BIT_LENGTH','BLOB','BOTH', 'BY','CASE','CAST','CHAR','CHAR_LENGTH','CHARACTER','CHARACTER_LENGTH','CHECK','CLOSE','COLLATE','COLUMN', 'COMMIT','CONNECT','CONSTRAINT','COUNT','CREATE','CROSS','CURRENT','CURRENT_CONNECTION','CURRENT_DATE', 'CURRENT_ROLE','CURRENT_TIME','CURRENT_TIMESTAMP','CURRENT_TRANSACTION','CURRENT_USER','CURSOR','DATE', 'DAY','DEC','DECIMAL','DECLARE','DEFAULT','DELETE','DISCONNECT','DISTINCT','DOUBLE','DROP','ELSE','END', 'ESCAPE','EXECUTE','EXISTS','EXTERNAL','EXTRACT','FETCH','FILTER','FLOAT','FOR','FOREIGN','FROM','FULL', 'FUNCTION','GDSCODE','GLOBAL','GRANT','GROUP','HAVING','HOUR','IN','INDEX','INNER','INSENSITIVE','INSERT', 'INT','INTEGER','INTO','IS','JOIN','LEADING','LEFT','LIKE','LONG','LOWER','MAX','MAXIMUM_SEGMENT','MERGE', 'MIN','MINUTE','MONTH','NATIONAL','NATURAL','NCHAR','NO','NOT','NULL','NUMERIC','OCTET_LENGTH','OF','ON', 'ONLY','OPEN','OR','ORDER','OUTER','PARAMETER','PLAN','POSITION','POST_EVENT','PRECISION','PRIMARY', 'PROCEDURE','RDB$DB_KEY','REAL','RECORD_VERSION','RECREATE','RECURSIVE','REFERENCES','RELEASE','RETURNING_VALUES', 'RETURNS','REVOKE','RIGHT','ROLLBACK','ROW_COUNT','ROWS','SAVEPOINT','SECOND','SELECT','SENSITIVE', 'SET','SIMILAR','SMALLINT','SOME','SQLCODE','SQLSTATE','START','SUM','TABLE','THEN','TIME', 'TIMESTAMP','TO','TRAILING','TRIGGER','TRIM','UNION','UNIQUE','UPDATE','UPPER','USER','USING', 'VALUE','VALUES','VARCHAR','VARIABLE','VARYING','VIEW','WHEN','WHERE','WHILE','WITH','YEAR'); function Max(n1, n2: Integer): Integer; function Min(n1, n2: Integer): Integer; function RandomString(iLength: Integer): String; function RandomInteger(iLow, iHigh: Integer): Integer; function StripString(st: String; CharsToStrip: String): String; function FormatIdentifier(Dialect: Integer; Value: String): String; function FormatIdentifierValue(Dialect: Integer; Value: String): String; function FormatIdentifierValueNC(Dialect: Integer; Value: String): String; function ExtractIdentifier(Dialect: Integer; Value: String): String; function QuoteIdentifier(Dialect: Integer; Value: String): String; function QuoteIdentifierIfNeeded(Dialect: Integer; Value: String): String; function Space2Underscore(s: string): string; implementation function Max(n1, n2: Integer): Integer; begin if (n1 > n2) then result := n1 else result := n2; end; function Min(n1, n2: Integer): Integer; begin if (n1 < n2) then result := n1 else result := n2; end; function RandomString(iLength: Integer): String; begin result := ''; while Length(result) < iLength do result := result + IntToStr(RandomInteger(0, High(Integer))); if Length(result) > iLength then result := Copy(result, 1, iLength); end; function RandomInteger(iLow, iHigh: Integer): Integer; begin result := Trunc(Random(iHigh - iLow)) + iLow; end; function StripString(st: String; CharsToStrip: String): String; var i: Integer; begin result := ''; for i := 1 to Length(st) do begin if AnsiPos(st[i], CharsToStrip) = 0 then result := result + st[i]; end; end; function FormatIdentifier(Dialect: Integer; Value: String): String; begin Value := Trim(Value); if Dialect = 1 then Value := AnsiUpperCase(Value) else if (Value <> '') and (Value[1] = '"') then Value := '"' + StringReplace (TrimRight(Value), '"', '""', [rfReplaceAll]) + '"' else Value := AnsiUpperCase(Value); Result := Value; end; function FormatIdentifierValue(Dialect: Integer; Value: String): String; begin Value := Trim(Value); if Dialect = 1 then Value := AnsiUpperCase(Value) else begin if (Value <> '') and (Value[1] = '"') then begin Delete(Value, 1, 1); Delete(Value, Length(Value), 1); Value := StringReplace (Value, '""', '"', [rfReplaceAll]); end else Value := AnsiUpperCase(Value); end; Result := Value; end; function FormatIdentifierValueNC(Dialect: Integer; Value: String): String; begin Value := Trim(Value); if Dialect = 1 then Value := AnsiUpperCase(Value) else begin if (Value <> '') and (Value[1] = '"') then begin Delete(Value, 1, 1); Delete(Value, Length(Value), 1); Value := AnsiUpperCase(StringReplace (Value, '""', '"', [rfReplaceAll])); end else Value := AnsiUpperCase(Value); end; Result := Value; end; function ExtractIdentifier(Dialect: Integer; Value: String): String; begin Value := Trim(Value); if Dialect = 1 then Value := AnsiUpperCase(Value) else begin if (Value <> '') and (Value[1] = '"') then begin Delete(Value, 1, 1); Delete(Value, Length(Value), 1); Value := StringReplace (Value, '""', '"', [rfReplaceAll]); end else Value := AnsiUpperCase(Value); end; Result := Value; end; function IsReservedWord(w: string): boolean; var i: integer; begin Result := true; for i := 0 to Length(sqlReservedWords) - 1 do if w = sqlReservedWords[i] then Exit; Result := false; end; function QuoteIdentifier(Dialect: Integer; Value: String): String; begin if Dialect = 1 then Value := AnsiUpperCase(Trim(Value)) else Value := '"' + Value + '"'; Result := Value; end; function QuoteIdentifierIfNeeded(Dialect: Integer; Value: String): String; begin if (Dialect = 3) and ((AnsiUpperCase(Value) <> Value) or IsReservedWord(Value)) then Result := '"' + Value + '"' else Result := Value end; function Space2Underscore(s: string): string; var k: integer; begin Result := s; for k := 1 to Length(s) do if not (Result[k] in ['0'..'9','A'..'Z','_','$']) then Result[k] := '_'; end; end.