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Comparing ibx/trunk/fbintf/changelog (file contents):
Revision 45 by tony, Tue Dec 6 10:33:46 2016 UTC vs.
Revision 350 by tony, Wed Oct 20 14:58:56 2021 UTC

# Line 1 | Line 1
1 + FBINTF Change Log  version          (1.3-2 Build 12850) Wed, 20 Oct 2021 15:12:15 +0100
2 +
3 + 1. TFBClientAPI.GetProcAddr. Add check for nil reference.
4 +
5 + 2. IStatement: new methods:
6 +    procedure SetStaleReferenceChecks(Enable:boolean); {default true}
7 +    function GetStaleReferenceChecks: boolean;
8 +
9 +   In previous versions, stale reference checks were always enabled. This allows the
10 +   user to disable them on a per statement basis. Note this can risk out-of-date
11 +   statement BLR. See User Guide.
12 +
13 + 3. IBUtils: TSQLwithNamedParamsTokeniser now recognises a CASE...END block within a
14 +   stored procedure and hence avoids replacing named parameters within a containing
15 +   BEGIN..END block.
16 +
17 + 4. ISQLParam: using a string value to set an integer field with a scale factor of
18 +   zero is now treated as a special case to avoid the risk of floating point
19 +   rounding errors affecting pure integers.
20 +
21 + 5. ISQLParam:  Review and tidy-up of SetAsString for numeric types.
22 +
23 + 6. ISQLParam is now subclassed from IParamMetaData, which provides access to the mutable
24 +   SQL Parameter metadata (methods moved from ISQLParam).
25 +
26 + 7. ISQLParam: new method
27 +     function getColMetadata: IParamMetaData;
28 +   This instance of IParamMetaData returns the original column metadata which is unmutable.
29 +   Note: ISQLParam metadata can change after a parameter value has been set e.g when
30 +   setting a VARCHAR column to an integer value.
31 +
32 + 8. IStatement: can now set cursor name when opening a cursor. New overloaded method:
33 +    procedure Prepare(CursorName: AnsiString; aTransaction: ITransaction=nil); overload;
34 +   also IAttachment:
35 +    function Prepare(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString; aSQLDialect: integer; CursorName: AnsiString=''): IStatement; overload;
36 +    function Prepare(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString; CursorName: AnsiString=''): IStatement; overload;
37 +    function PrepareWithNamedParameters(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString;
38 +                       aSQLDialect: integer; GenerateParamNames: boolean=false;
39 +                       CaseSensitiveParams: boolean = false; CursorName: AnsiString=''): IStatement; overload;
40 +    function PrepareWithNamedParameters(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString;
41 +                       GenerateParamNames: boolean=false;
42 +                       CaseSensitiveParams: boolean = false; CursorName: AnsiString=''): IStatement; overload;
43 +
44 + 9. Support for scrollable cursors added. New/updated methods:
45 +   IFirebirdAPI:
46 +     function HasScollableCursors: boolean;
47 +   IAttachment:
48 +    function OpenCursor(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString; aSQLDialect: integer;
49 +                             Scrollable: boolean=false): IResultSet; overload;
50 +    function OpenCursor(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString; Scrollable: boolean=false): IResultSet; overload;
51 +    function OpenCursor(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString; aSQLDialect: integer; Scrollable: boolean;
52 +                             params: array of const): IResultSet; overload;
53 +    function OpenCursor(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString; Scrollable: boolean=false;
54 +                             params: array of const): IResultSet; overload;
55 +    function OpenCursorAtStart(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString; aSQLDialect: integer; Scrollable: boolean;
56 +                             params: array of const): IResultSet; overload;
57 +    function OpenCursorAtStart(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString; aSQLDialect: integer;
58 +                             Scrollable: boolean=false): IResultSet; overload;
59 +    function OpenCursorAtStart(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString; Scrollable: boolean=false): IResultSet; overload;
60 +    function OpenCursorAtStart(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString; Scrollable: boolean;
61 +                             params: array of const): IResultSet; overload;
62 +    function OpenCursorAtStart(sql: AnsiString; Scrollable: boolean=false): IResultSet; overload;
63 +    function OpenCursorAtStart(sql: AnsiString; Scrollable: boolean;
64 +                             params: array of const): IResultSet; overload;
65 +   IStatement:
66 +     function OpenCursor(Scrollable: boolean; CursorName: AnsiString =''; aTransaction: ITransaction=nil): IResultSet; overload;
67 +   IResultSet:
68 +    function FetchPrior: boolean; {fetch previous record}
69 +    function FetchFirst:boolean; {fetch first record}
70 +    function FetchLast: boolean; {fetch last record}
71 +    function FetchAbsolute(position: Integer): boolean; {fetch record by its absolute position in result set}
72 +    function FetchRelative(offset: Integer): boolean; {fetch record by position relative to current}
73 +    function IsBof: boolean;
74 +
75 +
76 +
77 + FBINTF Change Log  version          (1.3-1 Build 12776) Mon, 23 Aug 2021 11:09:33 +0100
78 +
79 + 1. Integer decodes in information blocks (e.g. IDBInfoItem) widened from 32 bit to 64-bit integers.
80 +
81 + 2. Support for inline blob encoding. Blob values pass using the "SetAsString" method
82 +   will now be encoded inline (i.e. as part of the parameter buffer) if they are
83 +   shorter than a pre-set limit. Longer values continue to be saved as blobs as a
84 +   separate server interaction. This is intended as a performance optimisation.
85 +
86 +   The pre-set limit defaults to 8192 bytes and can be inspected/modified using the new
87 +   IAttachment interface functions:
88 +
89 +    function GetInlineBlobLimit: integer;
90 +    procedure SetInlineBlobLimit(limit: integer);
91 +
92 + 3. Support for Firebird 4 IBatch interface added. This is largely transparent to the API
93 +   user as the functionality is embedded in the implementation of the IStatement
94 +   interface. Three new functions are defined:
95 +
96 +    procedure AddToBatch;
97 +    function ExecuteBatch(aTransaction: ITransaction=nil): IBatchCompletion;
98 +    procedure CancelBatch;
99 +    function GetBatchCompletion: IBatchCompletion;
100 +    function GetBatchRowLimit: integer;
101 +    procedure SetBatchRowLimit(aLimit: integer);
102 +
103 +   Also
104 +
105 +    function IsInBatchMode: boolean;        {true after call to execute(eaDefer)}
106 +    function HasBatchMode: boolean;         {true if and only if IBatch Supported}
107 +
108 +   For more information see the User Guide.
109 +
110 + 4. Default error message contents. Now aligned with User Guide section 10.2 i.e. error messages
111 +   provided with the EIBInterBaseError now include all three parts.
112 +
113 + 5. Firebird.pas and include files updated to Firebird 4.0.0
114 +
115 + 6. New IStatement method: function GetSQLStatementTypeName: AnsiString;
116 +   Returns SQL Statement type as a text string;
117 +
118 + 7. ISQLData.AsInteger and AsInt64 now use "Round" to convert a float field to
119 +   an integer instead of "trunc". This is for compatibility with TFloatField.AsInteger.
120 +
121 + FBINTF Change Log  version          (1.2-1 Build 12552) Wed, 09 Jun 2021 13:05:40 +0100
122 +
123 + 1. Big fix for Firebird 4.0. A internal change in Firebird 4.0.0 from RC1 flushed out a
124 +   typo in FB30Statement.pas that caused an unknown parameter error.
125 +
126 + FBINTF Change Log  version          (1.2-0 Build 12520) Fri, 19 Feb 2021 13:27:23 +0000
127 +
128 + 1. Imported (Firebird) constants updated for Firebird 4.
129 +
130 + 2. Firebird.pas from Firebird 4 integrated into source code tree.
131 +
132 + 3. Added Support for TIMETAMP WITH TIME ZONE and TIME WITH TIME ZONE data types.
133 +
134 + 4. Added Support for SQL_DEC16, SQL_DEC34 and extended NUMERIC precision.
135 +
136 + 5. New unit 'FBClientLib.pas' added and provides new interface IFBIMasterProvider.
137 +   QueryInterface may be used to coerce this interface from IFirebirdAPI. The
138 +   interface provides a single method "function GetIMasterIntf: IMaster". This provides
139 +   type safe access to the Firebird IMaster interface and avoids the need to turn
140 +   off object checks when coercing "function GetIMaster: TObject" to IMaster.
141 +
142 + 6. New IFirebirdAPI Calls:
143 +    function HasLocalTZDB: boolean;
144 +    function HasTimeZoneSupport: boolean;
145 +    function HasExtendedTZSupport: boolean;
146 +    procedure SQLDecFloatEncode(aValue: tBCD; SQLType: cardinal; bufptr: PByte);
147 +    function SQLDecFloatDecode(SQLType: cardinal; scale: integer; bufptr: PByte): tBCD;
148 +
149 + 7. New IAttachment Calls:
150 +    function HasDecFloatSupport: boolean;
151 +    function GetTimeZoneServices: ITimeZoneServices;
152 +    function HasTimeZoneSupport: boolean;
153 +
154 + 8. New Interface ITimeZoneServices.
155 +
156 + 9. New ISQLData API Calls:
157 +    procedure GetAsDateTime(var aDateTime: TDateTime; var dstOffset: smallint; var aTimezoneID: TFBTimeZoneID); overload;
158 +    procedure GetAsDateTime(var aDateTime: TDateTime; var dstOffset: smallint; var aTimezone: AnsiString); overload;
159 +    procedure GetAsTime(var aTime: TDateTime; var dstOffset: smallint; var aTimezoneID: TFBTimeZoneID; OnDate: TDateTime); overload;
160 +    procedure GetAsTime(var aTime: TDateTime; var dstOffset: smallint; var aTimezone: AnsiString; OnDate: TDateTime); overload;
161 +    function GetAsUTCDateTime: TDateTime;
162 +    function GetAsBCD: tBCD;
163 +
164 + 10. New ISQLParam API Calls
165 +    procedure GetAsDateTime(var aDateTime: TDateTime; var dstOffset: smallint; var aTimezoneID: TFBTimeZoneID); overload;
166 +    procedure GetAsDateTime(var aDateTime: TDateTime; var dstOffset: smallint; var aTimezone: AnsiString); overload;
167 +    procedure GetAsTime(var aTime: TDateTime; var dstOffset: smallint; var aTimezoneID: TFBTimeZoneID; OnDate: TDateTime); overload;
168 +    procedure GetAsTime(var aTime: TDateTime; var dstOffset: smallint; var aTimezone: AnsiString; OnDate: TDateTime); overload;
169 +    function GetAsUTCDateTime: TDateTime;
170 +    function GetAsBCD: tBCD;
171 +    function GetStatement: IStatement;
172 +    function GetTransaction: ITransaction;
173 +    procedure SetAsTime(aValue: TDateTime; OnDate: TDateTime; aTimeZoneID: TFBTimeZoneID); overload;
174 +    procedure SetAsTime(aValue: TDateTime; OnDate: TDateTime; aTimeZone: AnsiString); overload;
175 +    procedure SetAsDateTime(aValue: TDateTime; aTimeZoneID: TFBTimeZoneID); overload;
176 +    procedure SetAsDateTime(aValue: TDateTime; aTimeZone: AnsiString); overload;
177 +    procedure SetAsUTCDateTime(aUTCTime: TDateTime);
178 +    procedure SetAsBcd(aValue: tBCD);
179 +
180 + 11. New IArray API Calls
181 +    procedure GetAsDateTime(index: array of integer; var aDateTime: TDateTime; var dstOffset: smallint; var aTimezoneID: TFBTimeZoneID); overload;
182 +    procedure GetAsDateTime(index: array of integer; var aDateTime: TDateTime; var dstOffset: smallint; var aTimezone: AnsiString); overload;
183 +    procedure GetAsTime(index: array of integer; var aTime: TDateTime; var dstOffset: smallint; var aTimezoneID: TFBTimeZoneID; OnDate: TDateTime); overload;
184 +    procedure GetAsTime(index: array of integer; var aTime: TDateTime; var dstOffset: smallint; var aTimezone: AnsiString; OnDate: TDateTime); overload;
185 +    function GetAsUTCDateTime(index: array of integer): TDateTime;
186 +    procedure SetAsDateTime(index: array of integer; aValue: TDateTime; aTimeZoneID: TFBTimeZoneID); overload;
187 +    procedure SetAsDateTime(index: array of integer; aValue: TDateTime; aTimeZone: AnsiString); overload;
188 +    procedure SetAsTime(index: array of integer; aValue: TDateTime; OnDate: TDateTime; aTimeZoneID: TFBTimeZoneID); overload;
189 +    procedure SetAsTime(index: array of integer; aValue: TDateTime; OnDate: TDateTime; aTimeZone: AnsiString); overload;
190 +
191 + 12. Utility functions in IBUtils
192 +    function ParseDateTimeTZString(aDateTimeStr: Ansistring; var aDateTime: TDateTime;
193 +              var aTimezone: AnsiString; aFormatSettings: TFormatSettings; TimeOnly: boolean=false): boolean;
194 +    procedure FBDecodeTime(aTime: TDateTime; var Hour, Minute, Second: word; var DeciMillisecond: cardinal);
195 +    function FBEncodeTime(Hour, Minute, Second, DeciMillisecond: cardinal): TDateTime;
196 +    function FBFormatDateTime(fmt: AnsiString; aDateTime: TDateTime): AnsiString;
197 +    function FormatTimeZoneOffset(EffectiveTimeOffsetMins: integer): AnsiString;
198 +    function DecodeTimeZoneOffset(TZOffset: AnsiString; var dstOffset: integer): boolean;
199 +
200 + 13. IDPB, ITPB and ISPB: new interface method
201 +      function AddByTypeName(ParamTypeName: AnsiString): IDPBItem/ITPBItem/ISPBItem;
202 +    This is used to add a parameter block item by the string equivalent of its
203 +    symbolic type name. e.g. DPB.AddByTypeName('isc_dpb_user_name').AsString := '...'
204 +
205 + 14. IDPBItem/ITPBItem/ISPBItem: new interface method:
206 +      function getParamTypeName: AnsiString;
207 +
208 + 15. fb_shutdown now called before unloading Firebird library. This can avoid a
209 +     SIGEVENT error when a programme using the embeded server is unloaded.
210 +
211 + FBINTF Change Log  version          (1.1-6 Build 12237) Tue, 21 Jul 2020 08:54:21 +0100
212 +
213 + 1. GetImplementationVersion now correctly returns '3.0' for Firebird 3 API
214 +   with a Firebrid 3 client library.
215 +
216 + 2. Linux Only: FIREBIRD environment variable is now checked when loading the client library.
217 +    If a client library path is not explicitly provided and the FIREBIRD environment
218 +    variable is set then the directory given by this variable and any 'lib' subdirectory
219 +    are searched for the Firebird client library. Only if none is found, is the default
220 +    client library used.
221 +
222 + 3.  IUtil.FormatStatus now used to format error messages when using new API
223 +
224 + 4.  Fixed Array SDL: array_desc_scale now correctly encoded as a signed integer.
225 +
226 + 5.  SQL_TEXT handling changed. When the value of an SQL_TEXT (i.e. fixed width string) column is
227 +    returned using GetAsString and the string codepage is UTF8, the string is truncated so
228 +    that the byte length corresponds to the number of characters specified for the column.
229 +    SQL_TEXT strings are no longer automatically trimmed to remove all trailing white space. This is
230 +    correct behaviour but may affect some implementations that relied upon automatic
231 +    trimming of trailing white space.
232 +
233 + 6.  New IFirebirdAPI Calls:
234 +      function GetClientMajor: integer;
235 +      function GetClientMinor: integer;
236 +
237 + 7.  IColumnMetaData and IArrayMetaData: new method
238 +      function GetCharSetWidth: integer;
239 +
240 + FBINTF Change Log  version          (1.1-5 Build 12022) Fri, 17 Apr 2020 10:35:55 +0100
241 +
242 + 1. ISQLParams.GetHasCaseSensitiveParams added. Returns true if param names are
243 +   case sensitive
244 +
245 + 2. Single line SQL comments starting with '--' are now recognised by SQL Parser.
246 +
247 + 3. New API Calls:
248 +        IColumnMetaData.GetStatement
249 +        IColumnMetaData.GetTransaction
250 +        ISQLData.GetStrDataLength
251 +        IResults.GetStatement
252 +        IAttachment.OpenBlob (using Blob metadata)
253 +        IAttachment.OpenArray (using array metadata)
254 +
255 + 4. FBMessages: removal of unused messages
256 +
257 + 5. TFBArray.Create (2nd case): ensure that FFirebirdClientAPI is correctly set.
258 +
259 + 6. TIBSQLStatementType: SQLSavePoint added to end of enumeration.
260 +
261 + FBINTF Change Log  version          (1.1-4 Build 11515)  Fri, 28 Dec 2018 10:04:19 +0000
262 +
263 + 1. Fix a problem with the SQL parameter parser that failed to recognise parameters
264 +   where the second character of the parameter name is a numeric.
265 +
266 + 2. New method for IAttachment: procedure getFBVersion(version: TStrings);
267 +   This returns the isc_version connection information as one or more lines.
268 +   This is the same information as returned by isql with the -z option.
269 +
270 + 3. If -dFIREBIRD3APIONLY is used as a compiler option then the legacy Firebird API
271 +   is no longer compiled in. Likewise, if -dLEGACYFIREBIRDAPIONLY is used as a
272 +   compiler option then the Firebird 3 API is no longer compiled in.
273 +
274 + 4. IColumnMetaData: new method.
275 +
276 +   TIBDateTimeFormats = (dfTimestamp, {SQL TIMESTAMP}
277 +                        dfDateTime,   {SQL DATETIME}
278 +                        dfTime);
279 +
280 +   function GetDateTimeStrLength(DateTimeFormat: TIBDateTimeFormats): integer;
281 +
282 +   This returns the max. number of characters returned by the "AsString" method
283 +   when the SQL type of the column is respectively TIMESTAMP, DATETIME or TIME.
284 +
285 + 5. Additional argument for IAttachment.PrepareWithNamedParameters -
286 +     CaseSensitiveParams: boolean = false
287 +
288 +   If this argument is set to true then SQL parameter names are assumed to be case
289 +   sensitive and must be referenced (using ISQLParams.ByName) using the case
290 +   sensitive name.
291 +
292 + 6. Bug fix: when setting a query parameter, it is now possible, when the parameter
293 +   is of type VarChar or Char to set the parameter to a numeric value (e.g. using
294 +   .AsCurrency) and then subsequently to update the value to a non-numeric string
295 +   using .AsString.
296 +
297 +
298 +
299 + FBINTF Change Log  version                  (1.1-3) Wed, 05 Dec 2018 14:28:10 +0000
300 +
301 + 1. DARWIN only syntax error: fix missing semi-colon in TFBClientAPI.LoadIBLibrary
302 +
303 + 2. Restrict IsMultiThread check to Unix only for compatibility with
304 +
305 +
306 + 3. New SQL Tokeniser added to IBUtils. This is used to pre-process SQL with
307 +   named parameters and is intended to avoid problems with (e.g.) Execute Block
308 +   and processing internal parameters as statement parameters.
309 +
310 + 4. New interface IFirebirdLibrary provides access to the underlying firebird DLL
311 +   or shared object. Available via a new member (GetFBLibrary) of IFirebirdAPI.
312 +
313 + 5. New function added to IB.pas
314 +
315 +   function LoadFBLibrary(aLibPathName: string): IFirebirdLibrary
316 +
317 +   This allows a Firebird Library to be loaded from an explicit path. use the
318 +   IFirebirdLibrary.GetFirebirdAPI member function to get the Firebird API using
319 +   the library. It is possible to load Firebird libraries from different locations
320 +   simultaneously, each with a distinct IFirebirdAPI.
321 +
322 + FBINTF Change Log  version               (1.1-2) Mon, 16 Apr 2018 09:30:32 +0100
323 +
324 + 1. Firebird.pas: {$OBJECTCHECKS OFF} added to file to avoid runtime error when
325 +   program compiled with -CR command line switch.
326 +
327 + 2. IServiceManager additions (informational):
328 +    function getProtocol: TProtocol;
329 +    function getPortNo: AnsiString;
330 +
331 + 3. IServiceManager improved error handling. Interfaces changed:
332 +    function Start(Request: ISRB; RaiseExceptionOnError: boolean=true): boolean;
333 +    function Query(SQPB: ISQPB; Request: ISRB; RaiseExceptionOnError: boolean=true) :IServiceQueryResults; overload;
334 +    function Query(Request: ISRB; RaiseExceptionOnError: boolean=true) :IServiceQueryResults; overload;
335 +
336 + 4. IAttachment addition (informational)
337 +    function GetSecurityDatabase: AnsiString;
338 +
339 + 5. IStatement: performance counters now updated after each Fetch. GetPerfStatistics
340 +   thus now returns accumulated stats for a select statement from opening a cursor
341 +   up to the last fetch.
342 +
343 + 6. DARWIN: bug fix. Many thanks to Luigi Naimi for correcting
344 +   the problem.
345 +
346 + 7. Type change: "TPerfCounters = array[TPerfStats] of Int64". Note "Int64"
347 +   replaces deprecated "comp" type.
348 +
349 + 10. Testsuite Test10 updated to include thread synchronisation for event reporting.
350 +
351 + 11. URL Connection Strings: inet4 and inet6 now recognised.
352 +
353 + 12. IBUtils: Parse and Make Connect String now recognise URL style loopback syntax.
354 +
355 + 13. IAttachment.CharSetName2CharSetID is now performed case insensitive.
356 +
357 +
358 + FBINTF Change Log  version (1.1-1) Tue, 27 Feb 2018 16:51:16 +0000
359 +
360 + 1. IBUtils.QuoteIdentifierIfNeeded: Add check for space character.
361 +
362 + 2. IAttachment: add two new methods
363 +     function HasDefaultCharSet: boolean;
364 +     function GetDefaultCharSetID: integer;
365 +
366 +   These return, respectively, true if a connection default character set was
367 +   specified and the character set id of the connection default character set.
368 +   The DefaultCharSetID is cached when the connection is opened and hence does not
369 +   require a database lookup.
370 +
371 + 3. Avoid exception when a text blob is a stored procedure parameter.
372 +
373 + 4. Update test suite to include a test for a stored proc returning a text blob.
374 +
375 + 5. IAttachment: add
376 +      function GetRemoteProtocol: AnsiString;
377 +      function GetODSMajorVersion: integer;
378 +      function GetODSMinorVersion: integer;
379 +      function GetAuthenticationMethod: AnsiString;
380 +
381 +   These results are cached when the connection is opened and hence do not
382 +   require a database lookup.
383 +
384 + 6. IAttachment: add "function GetConnectString: AnsiString;" This returns the
385 +   connect string used to create/connect to the database.
386 +
387 + 7. IAttachment: Create Database using SQL statement. The username and password
388 +   are now extracted and used to populate a DPB made available via IAttachment.getDPB.
389 +   It is now possible to use IAttachment disconnect/connect to reconnect to
390 +   a database for which the initial connection was established by a create
391 +   database sql statement. Available in FPC only.
392 +
393 + 8. Update Test 1 to test 5, 6 and 7 above.
394 +
395 + 9. IBUtils code tidy up.
396 +
397 + 10. Parameter Block interfaces "find" method. As documented, this should have
398 +   returned a nil interface when the item could not be found. Instead, an empty
399 +   interface item was returned. "Find" now works as documented and will return
400 +   a nil interface if the item cannot be found.
401 +
402 + 11. DBInformation: support added for isc_info_active_tran_count and isc_info_creation_date.
403 +
404 + 12. DBInformation: New interfaces: IDIRB and IDIRBItem added to support DB Information
405 +    requests with additional parameters. This is to enable support for fb_info_page_contents
406 +    (return of page contents). Response to fb_info_page_contents returned as
407 +    a string with code page CP_NONE.
408 +
409 + 13. DBInformation: Support for fb_info_pages_used and fb_info_pages_free added, plus
410 +    test suite updated.
411 +
412 + 14. DBInformation: Support for fb_info_crypt_key (Firebird 3.0.3 onwards) added as
413 +    a string type, and fb_info_conn_flags (Firebird 3.0.3 onwards) added as an integer type.
414 +
415 + 15. Service Manager: List of protocols supported expanded to include inet, wnet and xnet.
416 +    An overloaded version of IIFirebirdAPI.GetServiceManager also allows a non
417 +    default connection port to be specified.
418 +
419 + FBINTF Change Log  version                             (1.1-0) Sun, 07 Jan 2018 15:20:02 +0000
420 +
421 + 1. Fix issues with setting SQL Param values using SetAsString with Numeric types.
422 +   Scale is no longer ignored.
423 +
424 + 2. Fix issues with setting SQL Param values using SetAsString with Date values
425 +   not in locale format but which are recognised by Firebird. Date values that
426 +   cannot be converted to a string using Pascal library are now passed through
427 +   to Firebird as Text Strings.
428 +
429 + 3. Lookup character set name by codepage amended to ensure that CP_UTF8 returns
430 +   UTF8 and not UNICODE_FSS.
431 +
432 + 4. Charset ID problem. When using Firebird 3, with no default database character set
433 +   and a column has a non-default collation specified, an incorrect character set
434 +   id was being reported that could result in a 'division by zero' error when
435 +   used by IBX. This has now been fixed.
436 +
437 + 5. Move GetCharsetName, CharSetID2CodePage, CodePage2CharSetID, CharSetName2CharSetID,
438 +   CharSetWidth from IFirebirdAPI to IAttachment. This is a better data model as
439 +   the character sets supported can be updated on a per database basis. That is
440 +   it is possible to add a (Firebird) user defined character set to a database.
441 +
442 + 6. Add RegisterCharSet to IAttachment. This is used to register a user defined character
443 +   set supported by Firebird with the API.
444 +
445 + 7. Add missing isc_info_db_read_only to list of decoded Database Information items
446 +   in FBOutputBlock.pas and update test suite to include this item.
447 +
448 + 8. FB30Client: avoid always using "StartMultiple" when only a single database attachment.
449 +
450 + 9. Loading Windows fbclient.dll: when using the FIREBIRD variable to locate the client
451 +   library or finding it by disk location, the PATH environment variable is now also set to
452 +   include the FIREBIRD directory. This is to ensure that the correct dlls in the
453 +   firebird client library dependencies are loaded.
454 +
455 + 10. Testsuite: Ensure consistent UTF-8 output on Windows console.
456 +
457 + 11. Testsuite: Update Windows script to include FPC 3.0.4 in search path.
458 +
459 + 12. FB30Statement: Protect call to "Move" and avoid calling with a nil pointer
460 +
461 + 13. FB30Statement: A check has been added to ensure that all SQL Parameters
462 +    have been given a value (including NULL). Previously, failing to set the
463 +    value of an SQL Parameter could give rise to unpredictable results or
464 +    an SQLDA error.
465 +
466 + 14. FB30Statement/FB25Statement: Set SQLParam "modified" when string value set.
467 +
468 + 15. FBAttachment: Avoid string reference count error when processing an Ansistring
469 +    parameter in an array of const passed to IAttachment.OpenCursor, etc.
470 +
471 + 16. FBAttachment: Allow for WideString and UnicodeString parameters in an array
472 +    of const passed to IAttachment.OpenCursor, etc.
473 +
474 +
475 + FBINTF Change Log  version             (1.0-2) Sat, 04 Mar 2017 14:43:56 +0000
476 +
477 + 1. Change syntax to Mode Delphi
478 +
479 + 2. Change all uses of string type to explicit AnsiString in order to ensure
480 +   compatibility between Delphi and FPC.
481 +
482 + 3. Various syntax changes to ensure Delphi and FPC compilation including GUIDs
483 +   defined for each interface.
484 +
485 + 4. Generics syntax variations for Delphi added
486 +
487 + 5. PChar replaced with PByte expect where an actual string is being referenced,
488 +   where PAnsiChar is used instead.
489 +
490 + 6. Review of type definitions in IBExternals to ensure Delphi compatibility
491 +
492 + 7. Testsuite updated for Delphi
493 +
494 + FBINTF Change Log  version            (1.0-1) Fri, 24 Feb 2017 12:17:57 +0000
495 +
496 + 1. Limit maximum Blob segment read/write to MaxuShort. Avoids data loss with
497 +   large blobs and the FB3 API.
498 +
499 + 2. Update Event Handling algorithm to avoid looping due to recreation of the
500 +   event block.
501 +
502 + 3. Avoid invalid XSQLDA error when the only parameter is updated to null
503 +
504 + 4. Array Handling: fix problem with text arrays with character set none. When the
505 +   DB connection has a default character set (e.g. UTF8), an error is raised by
506 +   Firebird if the space allocated is not enough to allow for transliteration, even
507 +   though it is not required for character set none.
508 +
509 + 5. IBUtils: List of reserved words brought up-to-date
510 +
511 + 6. Add ISQL style performance statistics collection to IStatement
512 +
513 + 7. Add IFirebirdAPI.CreateDatabase variant to allow execution of user provided
514 +   CREATE DATABASE statement.
515 +
516 + 8. Update SQL Statement parsing to allow for Array Dimensions. That is so that the ':' in
517 +   an array dimension is not mistaken for a named parameter prefix.
518 +
519 + 9. Trim function no longer applied to result of GetAsString for SQL_TEXT
520 +   when Character set is octets. Avoids loss of non printable characters at start of string.
521 +
522 + 10. Add function GetPerfStatistics to IStatement. This returns ISQL like performance
523 +    statistics for the last action. Requires use of procedure IStatement.EnableStatistics
524 +    to enable stats gathering.
525 +
526 + 11. API Version information added as constants to IB.pas
527 +
528 + 12. BlobMetaData character set id should now be the same as that given by IColumnMetaData.GetCharSetID
529 +
530 + 13. Firebird Character set "NONE" now interpreted as codepage CP_ACP.
531 +
532   FBINTF Change Log  version                                      (1.0-0) Tue, 06 Dec 2016 10:33:47 +0000
534   1. Initial Release

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