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Revision: 345
Committed: Mon Aug 23 14:22:29 2021 UTC (3 years, 3 months ago) by tony
Content type: text/x-pascal
Original Path: ibx/trunk/fbintf/client/FBAttachment.pas
File size: 39751 byte(s)
Log Message:
Merged into public release

File Contents

# Content
1 (*
2 * Firebird Interface (fbintf). The fbintf components provide a set of
3 * Pascal language bindings for the Firebird API.
4 *
5 * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial Developer's
6 * Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
7 * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
8 * of the License here:
9 *
10 *
11 *
12 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
13 * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
14 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights
15 * and limitations under the License.
16 *
17 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman.
18 *
19 * The Original Code is (C) 2016 Tony Whyman, MWA Software
20 * (
21 *
22 * All Rights Reserved.
23 *
24 * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
25 *
26 *)
27 unit FBAttachment;
30 {$ENDIF}
33 {$mode delphi}
34 {$interfaces COM}
35 {$define HASREQEX}
36 {$ENDIF}
38 interface
40 uses
41 Classes, SysUtils, {$IFDEF WINDOWS} windows, {$ENDIF} IB, FBParamBlock,
42 FBActivityMonitor, FBClientAPI;
44 const
45 DefaultMaxInlineBlobLimit = 8192;
47 type
48 TCharsetMap = record
49 CharsetID: integer;
50 CharSetName: AnsiString;
51 CharSetWidth: integer;
52 CodePage: TSystemCodePage;
53 AllowReverseLookup: boolean; {used to ensure that lookup of CP_UTF* does not return UNICODE_FSS}
54 end;
56 { TFBAttachment }
58 TFBAttachment = class(TActivityHandler)
59 private
61 FFirebirdAPI: IFirebirdAPI;
62 FODSMajorVersion: integer;
63 FODSMinorVersion: integer;
64 FUserCharSetMap: array of TCharSetMap;
65 FSecDatabase: AnsiString;
66 FInlineBlobLimit: integer;
67 protected
68 FDatabaseName: AnsiString;
69 FRaiseExceptionOnConnectError: boolean;
70 FSQLDialect: integer;
71 FHasDefaultCharSet: boolean;
72 FCharSetID: integer;
73 FCodePage: TSystemCodePage;
74 FRemoteProtocol: AnsiString;
75 FAuthMethod: AnsiString;
76 constructor Create(api: TFBClientAPI; DatabaseName: AnsiString; DPB: IDPB;
77 RaiseExceptionOnConnectError: boolean);
78 procedure CheckHandle; virtual; abstract;
79 function GenerateCreateDatabaseSQL(DatabaseName: AnsiString; aDPB: IDPB): AnsiString;
80 procedure GetODSAndConnectionInfo;
81 function GetDBInfo(ReqBuffer: PByte; ReqBufLen: integer): IDBInformation; virtual; abstract;
82 function IsConnected: boolean; virtual; abstract;
83 procedure EndAllTransactions;
84 procedure DPBFromCreateSQL(CreateSQL: AnsiString);
85 procedure SetParameters(SQLParams: ISQLParams; params: array of const);
86 procedure UseServerICUChanged; virtual;
87 public
88 destructor Destroy; override;
89 function getFirebirdAPI: IFirebirdAPI;
90 function getDPB: IDPB;
91 function AllocateBPB: IBPB;
92 function AllocateDIRB: IDIRB;
93 function StartTransaction(TPB: array of byte; DefaultCompletion: TTransactionCompletion): ITransaction; overload; virtual; abstract;
94 function StartTransaction(TPB: ITPB; DefaultCompletion: TTransactionCompletion): ITransaction; overload; virtual; abstract;
95 procedure Disconnect(Force: boolean=false); virtual; abstract;
96 procedure ExecImmediate(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString; aSQLDialect: integer); overload; virtual; abstract;
97 procedure ExecImmediate(TPB: array of byte; sql: AnsiString; aSQLDialect: integer); overload;
98 procedure ExecImmediate(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString); overload;
99 procedure ExecImmediate(TPB: array of byte; sql: AnsiString); overload;
100 function ExecuteSQL(TPB: array of byte; sql: AnsiString; SQLDialect: integer; params: array of const): IResults; overload;
101 function ExecuteSQL(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString; SQLDialect: integer; params: array of const): IResults; overload;
102 function ExecuteSQL(TPB: array of byte; sql: AnsiString; params: array of const): IResults; overload;
103 function ExecuteSQL(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString; params: array of const): IResults; overload;
104 function OpenCursor(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString; aSQLDialect: integer): IResultSet; overload;
105 function OpenCursor(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString; aSQLDialect: integer;
106 params: array of const): IResultSet; overload;
107 function OpenCursor(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString): IResultSet; overload;
108 function OpenCursor(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString;
109 params: array of const): IResultSet; overload;
110 function OpenCursorAtStart(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString; aSQLDialect: integer): IResultSet; overload;
111 function OpenCursorAtStart(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString; aSQLDialect: integer;
112 params: array of const): IResultSet; overload;
113 function OpenCursorAtStart(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString): IResultSet; overload;
114 function OpenCursorAtStart(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString;
115 params: array of const): IResultSet; overload;
116 function OpenCursorAtStart(sql: AnsiString): IResultSet; overload;
117 function OpenCursorAtStart(sql: AnsiString;
118 params: array of const): IResultSet; overload;
119 function Prepare(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString; aSQLDialect: integer): IStatement; overload; virtual; abstract;
120 function Prepare(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString): IStatement; overload;
121 function PrepareWithNamedParameters(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString;
122 aSQLDialect: integer; GenerateParamNames: boolean=false;
123 CaseSensitiveParams: boolean = false): IStatement; overload; virtual; abstract;
124 function PrepareWithNamedParameters(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString;
125 GenerateParamNames: boolean=false;
126 CaseSensitiveParams: boolean = false): IStatement; overload;
127 function GetEventHandler(Events: TStrings): IEvents; overload; virtual; abstract;
128 function GetEventHandler(Event: AnsiString): IEvents; overload;
130 function GetSQLDialect: integer;
131 function CreateBlob(transaction: ITransaction; RelationName, ColumnName: AnsiString; BPB: IBPB=nil): IBlob; overload;
132 function CreateBlob(transaction: ITransaction; BlobMetaData: IBlobMetaData; BPB: IBPB=nil): IBlob; overload; virtual; abstract;
133 function OpenBlob(transaction: ITransaction; BlobMetaData: IBlobMetaData; BlobID: TISC_QUAD; BPB: IBPB=nil): IBlob; overload; virtual; abstract;
134 function OpenBlob(transaction: ITransaction; RelationName, ColumnName: AnsiString; BlobID: TISC_QUAD; BPB: IBPB=nil): IBlob; overload;
135 function OpenBlob(transaction: ITransaction; Field: ISQLData; BPB: IBPB=nil): IBlob; overload;
136 function CreateArray(transaction: ITransaction; RelationName, ColumnName: AnsiString
137 ): IArray; overload;
138 function CreateArray(transaction: ITransaction; ArrayMetaData: IArrayMetaData): IArray; overload; virtual; abstract;
139 function OpenArray(transaction: ITransaction; RelationName, ColumnName: AnsiString; ArrayID: TISC_QUAD): IArray; overload;
140 function OpenArray(transaction: ITransaction; ArrayMetaData: IArrayMetaData; ArrayID: TISC_QUAD): IArray; overload; virtual; abstract;
141 property SQLDialect: integer read FSQLDialect;
142 property DPB: IDPB read FDPB;
143 public
144 function GetDBInformation(Requests: array of byte): IDBInformation; overload;
145 function GetDBInformation(Request: byte): IDBInformation; overload;
146 function GetDBInformation(Requests: IDIRB): IDBInformation; overload;
147 function GetConnectString: AnsiString;
148 function GetRemoteProtocol: AnsiString;
149 function GetAuthenticationMethod: AnsiString;
150 function GetSecurityDatabase: AnsiString;
151 function GetODSMajorVersion: integer;
152 function GetODSMinorVersion: integer;
153 function HasDecFloatSupport: boolean; virtual;
154 function GetInlineBlobLimit: integer;
155 procedure SetInlineBlobLimit(limit: integer);
156 function HasBatchMode: boolean; virtual;
158 public
159 {Character Sets}
160 function HasDefaultCharSet: boolean;
161 function GetDefaultCharSetID: integer;
162 function GetCharsetName(CharSetID: integer): AnsiString;
163 function CharSetID2CodePage(CharSetID: integer; var CodePage: TSystemCodePage): boolean;
164 function CodePage2CharSetID(CodePage: TSystemCodePage; var CharSetID: integer): boolean;
165 function CharSetName2CharSetID(CharSetName: AnsiString; var CharSetID: integer): boolean;
166 function CharSetWidth(CharSetID: integer; var Width: integer): boolean;
167 procedure RegisterCharSet(CharSetName: AnsiString; CodePage: TSystemCodePage;
168 AllowReverseLookup:boolean; out CharSetID: integer);
169 function GetBlobMetaData(Transaction: ITransaction; tableName, columnName: AnsiString): IBlobMetaData; virtual; abstract;
170 function GetArrayMetaData(Transaction: ITransaction; tableName, columnName: AnsiString): IArrayMetaData; virtual; abstract;
171 property CharSetID: integer read FCharSetID;
172 property CodePage: TSystemCodePage read FCodePage;
174 public
175 {Time Zone Support}
176 function GetTimeZoneServices: ITimeZoneServices; virtual;
177 function HasTimeZoneSupport: boolean; virtual;
179 end;
181 { TDPBItem }
183 TDPBItem = class(TParamBlockItem,IDPBItem)
184 public
185 function getParamTypeName: AnsiString; override;
186 end;
188 { TDPB }
190 TDPB = class (TCustomParamBlock<TDPBItem,IDPBItem>, IDPB)
191 protected
192 function LookupItemType(ParamTypeName: AnsiString): byte; override;
193 public
194 constructor Create(api: TFBClientAPI);
195 function GetParamTypeName(ParamType: byte): Ansistring;
196 {$IFDEF FPC}
197 function IDPB.GetDPBParamTypeName = GetParamTypeName;
198 {$ELSE}
199 function GetDPBParamTypeName(ParamType: byte): Ansistring;
200 {$ENDIF}
201 end;
203 implementation
205 uses FBMessages, IBUtils, FBTransaction {$IFDEF HASREQEX}, RegExpr{$ENDIF};
207 const
208 CharSetMap: array [0..69] of TCharsetMap = (
209 (CharsetID: 0; CharSetName: 'NONE'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: CP_ACP; AllowReverseLookup: true),
210 (CharsetID: 1; CharSetName: 'OCTETS'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: CP_NONE; AllowReverseLookup: true),
211 (CharsetID: 2; CharSetName: 'ASCII'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: CP_ASCII; AllowReverseLookup: true),
212 (CharsetID: 3; CharSetName: 'UNICODE_FSS'; CharSetWidth: 3; CodePage: CP_UTF8; AllowReverseLookup: false),
213 (CharsetID: 4; CharSetName: 'UTF8'; CharSetWidth: 4; CodePage: CP_UTF8; AllowReverseLookup: true),
214 (CharsetID: 5; CharSetName: 'SJIS_0208'; CharSetWidth: 2; CodePage: 20932; AllowReverseLookup: true),
215 (CharsetID: 6; CharSetName: 'EUCJ_0208'; CharSetWidth: 2; CodePage: 20932; AllowReverseLookup: true),
216 (CharsetID: 7; CharSetName: 'Unknown'; CharSetWidth: 0; CodePage: CP_NONE; AllowReverseLookup: true),
217 (CharsetID: 8; CharSetName: 'Unknown'; CharSetWidth: 0; CodePage: CP_NONE; AllowReverseLookup: true),
218 (CharsetID: 9; CharSetName: 'DOS737'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 737; AllowReverseLookup: true),
219 (CharsetID: 10; CharSetName: 'DOS437'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 437; AllowReverseLookup: true),
220 (CharsetID: 11; CharSetName: 'DOS850'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 850; AllowReverseLookup: true),
221 (CharsetID: 12; CharSetName: 'DOS865'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 865; AllowReverseLookup: true),
222 (CharsetID: 13; CharSetName: 'DOS860'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 860; AllowReverseLookup: true),
223 (CharsetID: 14; CharSetName: 'DOS863'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 863; AllowReverseLookup: true),
224 (CharsetID: 15; CharSetName: 'DOS775'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 775; AllowReverseLookup: true),
225 (CharsetID: 16; CharSetName: 'DOS858'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 858; AllowReverseLookup: true),
226 (CharsetID: 17; CharSetName: 'DOS862'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 862; AllowReverseLookup: true),
227 (CharsetID: 18; CharSetName: 'DOS864'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 864; AllowReverseLookup: true),
228 (CharsetID: 19; CharSetName: 'NEXT'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: CP_NONE; AllowReverseLookup: true),
229 (CharsetID: 20; CharSetName: 'Unknown'; CharSetWidth: 0; CodePage: CP_NONE; AllowReverseLookup: true),
230 (CharsetID: 21; CharSetName: 'ISO8859_1'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 28591; AllowReverseLookup: true),
231 (CharsetID: 22; CharSetName: 'ISO8859_2'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 28592; AllowReverseLookup: true),
232 (CharsetID: 23; CharSetName: 'ISO8859_3'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 28593; AllowReverseLookup: true),
233 (CharsetID: 24; CharSetName: 'Unknown'; CharSetWidth: 0; CodePage: CP_NONE; AllowReverseLookup: false),
234 (CharsetID: 25; CharSetName: 'Unknown'; CharSetWidth: 0; CodePage: CP_NONE; AllowReverseLookup: false),
235 (CharsetID: 26; CharSetName: 'Unknown'; CharSetWidth: 0; CodePage: CP_NONE; AllowReverseLookup: false),
236 (CharsetID: 27; CharSetName: 'Unknown'; CharSetWidth: 0; CodePage: CP_NONE; AllowReverseLookup: false),
237 (CharsetID: 28; CharSetName: 'Unknown'; CharSetWidth: 0; CodePage: CP_NONE; AllowReverseLookup: false),
238 (CharsetID: 29; CharSetName: 'Unknown'; CharSetWidth: 0; CodePage: CP_NONE; AllowReverseLookup: false),
239 (CharsetID: 30; CharSetName: 'Unknown'; CharSetWidth: 0; CodePage: CP_NONE; AllowReverseLookup: false),
240 (CharsetID: 31; CharSetName: 'Unknown'; CharSetWidth: 0; CodePage: CP_NONE; AllowReverseLookup: false),
241 (CharsetID: 32; CharSetName: 'Unknown'; CharSetWidth: 0; CodePage: CP_NONE; AllowReverseLookup: false),
242 (CharsetID: 33; CharSetName: 'Unknown'; CharSetWidth: 0; CodePage: CP_NONE; AllowReverseLookup: false),
243 (CharsetID: 34; CharSetName: 'ISO8859_4'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 28594; AllowReverseLookup: true),
244 (CharsetID: 35; CharSetName: 'ISO8859_5'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 28595; AllowReverseLookup: true),
245 (CharsetID: 36; CharSetName: 'ISO8859_6'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 28596; AllowReverseLookup: true),
246 (CharsetID: 37; CharSetName: 'ISO8859_7'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 28597; AllowReverseLookup: true),
247 (CharsetID: 38; CharSetName: 'ISO8859_8'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 28598; AllowReverseLookup: true),
248 (CharsetID: 39; CharSetName: 'ISO8859_9'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 28599; AllowReverseLookup: true),
249 (CharsetID: 40; CharSetName: 'ISO8859_13'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 28603; AllowReverseLookup: true),
250 (CharsetID: 41; CharSetName: 'Unknown'; CharSetWidth: 0; CodePage: CP_NONE; AllowReverseLookup: false),
251 (CharsetID: 42; CharSetName: 'Unknown'; CharSetWidth: 0; CodePage: CP_NONE; AllowReverseLookup: false),
252 (CharsetID: 43; CharSetName: 'Unknown'; CharSetWidth: 0; CodePage: CP_NONE; AllowReverseLookup: false),
253 (CharsetID: 44; CharSetName: 'KSC_5601'; CharSetWidth: 2; CodePage: 949; AllowReverseLookup: true),
254 (CharsetID: 45; CharSetName: 'DOS852'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 852; AllowReverseLookup: true),
255 (CharsetID: 46; CharSetName: 'DOS857'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 857; AllowReverseLookup: true),
256 (CharsetID: 47; CharSetName: 'DOS861'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 861; AllowReverseLookup: true),
257 (CharsetID: 48; CharSetName: 'DOS866'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 866; AllowReverseLookup: true),
258 (CharsetID: 49; CharSetName: 'DOS869'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 869; AllowReverseLookup: true),
259 (CharsetID: 50; CharSetName: 'CYRL'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 1251; AllowReverseLookup: true),
260 (CharsetID: 51; CharSetName: 'WIN1250'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 1250; AllowReverseLookup: true),
261 (CharsetID: 52; CharSetName: 'WIN1251'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 1251; AllowReverseLookup: true),
262 (CharsetID: 53; CharSetName: 'WIN1252'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 1252; AllowReverseLookup: true),
263 (CharsetID: 54; CharSetName: 'WIN1253'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 1253; AllowReverseLookup: true),
264 (CharsetID: 55; CharSetName: 'WIN1254'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 1254; AllowReverseLookup: true),
265 (CharsetID: 56; CharSetName: 'BIG_5'; CharSetWidth: 2; CodePage: 950; AllowReverseLookup: true),
266 (CharsetID: 57; CharSetName: 'GB_2312'; CharSetWidth: 2; CodePage: 936; AllowReverseLookup: true),
267 (CharsetID: 58; CharSetName: 'WIN1255'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 1255; AllowReverseLookup: true),
268 (CharsetID: 59; CharSetName: 'WIN1256'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 1256; AllowReverseLookup: true),
269 (CharsetID: 60; CharSetName: 'WIN1257'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 1257; AllowReverseLookup: true),
270 (CharsetID: 61; CharSetName: 'Unknown'; CharSetWidth: 0; CodePage: CP_NONE; AllowReverseLookup: false),
271 (CharsetID: 62; CharSetName: 'Unknown'; CharSetWidth: 0; CodePage: CP_NONE; AllowReverseLookup: false),
272 (CharsetID: 63; CharSetName: 'KOI8R'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 20866; AllowReverseLookup: true),
273 (CharsetID: 64; CharSetName: 'KOI8U'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 21866; AllowReverseLookup: true),
274 (CharsetID: 65; CharSetName: 'WIN1258'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 1258; AllowReverseLookup: true),
275 (CharsetID: 66; CharSetName: 'TIS620'; CharSetWidth: 1; CodePage: 874; AllowReverseLookup: true),
276 (CharsetID: 67; CharSetName: 'GBK'; CharSetWidth: 2; CodePage: 936; AllowReverseLookup: true),
277 (CharsetID: 68; CharSetName: 'CP943C'; CharSetWidth: 2; CodePage: 943; AllowReverseLookup: true),
278 (CharsetID: 69; CharSetName: 'GB18030'; CharSetWidth: 4; CodePage: 54936; AllowReverseLookup: true)
279 );
281 const
282 isc_dpb_last_dpb_constant = isc_dpb_decfloat_traps;
284 DPBConstantNames: array[1..isc_dpb_last_dpb_constant] of string = (
285 'cdd_pathname',
286 'allocation',
287 'journal',
288 'page_size',
289 'num_buffers',
290 'buffer_length',
291 'debug',
292 'garbage_collect',
293 'verify',
294 'sweep',
295 'enable_journal',
296 'disable_journal',
297 'dbkey_scope',
298 'number_of_users',
299 'trace',
300 'no_garbage_collect',
301 'damaged',
302 'license',
303 'sys_user_name',
304 'encrypt_key',
305 'activate_shadow',
306 'sweep_interval',
307 'delete_shadow',
308 'force_write',
309 'begin_log',
310 'quit_log',
311 'no_reserve',
312 'user_name',
313 'password',
314 'password_enc',
315 'sys_user_name_enc',
316 'interp',
317 'online_dump',
318 'old_file_size',
319 'old_num_files',
320 'old_file',
321 'old_start_page',
322 'old_start_seqno',
323 'old_start_file',
324 'drop_walfile',
325 'old_dump_id',
326 'wal_backup_dir',
327 'wal_chkptlen',
328 'wal_numbufs',
329 'wal_bufsize',
330 'wal_grp_cmt_wait',
331 'lc_messages',
332 'lc_ctype',
333 'cache_manager',
334 'shutdown',
335 'online',
336 'shutdown_delay',
337 'reserved',
338 'overwrite',
339 'sec_attach',
340 'disable_wal',
341 'connect_timeout',
342 'dummy_packet_interval',
343 'gbak_attach',
344 'sql_role_name',
345 'set_page_buffers',
346 'working_directory',
347 'sql_dialect',
348 'set_db_readonly',
349 'set_db_sql_dialect',
350 'gfix_attach',
351 'gstat_attach',
352 'set_db_charset',
353 'gsec_attach',
354 'address_path' ,
355 'process_id',
356 'no_db_triggers',
357 'trusted_auth',
358 'process_name',
359 'trusted_role',
360 'org_filename',
361 'utf8_ilename',
362 'ext_call_depth',
363 'auth_block',
364 'client_version',
365 'remote_protocol',
366 'host_name',
367 'os_user',
368 'specific_auth_data',
369 'auth_plugin_list',
370 'auth_plugin_name',
371 'config',
372 'nolinger',
373 'reset_icu',
374 'map_attach',
375 'session_time_zone',
376 'set_db_replica',
377 'set_bind',
378 'decfloat_round',
379 'decfloat_traps'
380 );
384 { TFBAttachment }
386 procedure TFBAttachment.GetODSAndConnectionInfo;
387 var DBInfo: IDBInformation;
388 i: integer;
389 Stmt: IStatement;
390 ResultSet: IResultSet;
391 Param: IDPBItem;
392 begin
393 if not IsConnected then Exit;
394 DBInfo := GetDBInformation([isc_info_db_id,isc_info_ods_version,isc_info_ods_minor_version,
395 isc_info_db_SQL_Dialect]);
396 for i := 0 to DBInfo.GetCount - 1 do
397 with DBInfo[i] do
398 case getItemType of
399 isc_info_ods_minor_version:
400 FODSMinorVersion := getAsInteger;
401 isc_info_ods_version:
402 FODSMajorVersion := getAsInteger;
403 isc_info_db_SQL_Dialect:
404 FSQLDialect := getAsInteger;
405 end;
407 FCharSetID := 0;
408 FRemoteProtocol := '';
409 FAuthMethod := 'Legacy_Auth';
410 FSecDatabase := 'Default';
411 if FODSMajorVersion > 11 then
412 begin
413 Stmt := Prepare(StartTransaction([isc_tpb_read,isc_tpb_nowait,isc_tpb_concurrency],taCommit),
416 ResultSet := Stmt.OpenCursor;
417 if ResultSet.FetchNext then
418 begin
419 FCharSetID := ResultSet[0].AsInteger;
420 FRemoteProtocol := Trim(ResultSet[1].AsString);
421 FAuthMethod := Trim(ResultSet[2].AsString);
422 FSecDatabase := Trim(ResultSet[3].AsString);
423 end
424 end
425 else
426 if (FODSMajorVersion = 11) and (FODSMinorVersion >= 1) then
427 begin
428 Stmt := Prepare(StartTransaction([isc_tpb_read,isc_tpb_nowait,isc_tpb_concurrency],taCommit),
431 ResultSet := Stmt.OpenCursor;
432 if ResultSet.FetchNext then
433 begin
434 FCharSetID := ResultSet[0].AsInteger;
435 FRemoteProtocol := Trim(ResultSet[1].AsString);
436 end
437 end
438 else
439 if DPB <> nil then
440 begin
441 Param := DPB.Find(isc_dpb_lc_ctype);
442 if (Param = nil) or not CharSetName2CharSetID(Param.AsString,FCharSetID) then
443 FCharSetID := 0;
444 case GetProtocol(FDatabaseName) of
445 TCP: FRemoteProtocol := 'TCPv4';
446 Local: FRemoteProtocol := '';
447 NamedPipe: FRemoteProtocol := 'Netbui';
448 SPX: FRemoteProtocol := 'SPX'
449 end;
450 end;
451 FHasDefaultCharSet := CharSetID2CodePage(FCharSetID,FCodePage) and (FCharSetID > 1);
452 end;
454 constructor TFBAttachment.Create(api: TFBClientAPI; DatabaseName: AnsiString;
455 DPB: IDPB; RaiseExceptionOnConnectError: boolean);
456 begin
457 inherited Create;
458 FFirebirdAPI := api.GetAPI; {Keep reference to interface}
459 FSQLDialect := 3;
460 FDatabaseName := DatabaseName;
461 FDPB := DPB;
462 SetLength(FUserCharSetMap,0);
463 FRaiseExceptionOnConnectError := RaiseExceptionOnConnectError;
464 FODSMajorVersion := 0;
465 FODSMinorVersion := 0;
466 FInlineBlobLimit := DefaultMaxInlineBlobLimit;
467 end;
469 function TFBAttachment.GenerateCreateDatabaseSQL(DatabaseName: AnsiString; aDPB: IDPB): AnsiString;
470 var CreateParams: AnsiString;
471 DPBItem: IDPBItem;
472 begin
473 CreateParams := '';
475 if aDPB <> nil then
476 begin
477 DPBItem := aDPB.Find(isc_dpb_user_name);
478 if DPBItem <> nil then
479 CreateParams := CreateParams + ' USER ''' + DPBItem.AsString + '''';
481 DPBItem := aDPB.Find(isc_dpb_password);
482 if DPBItem <> nil then
483 CreateParams := CreateParams + ' Password ''' + DPBItem.AsString + '''';
485 DPBItem := aDPB.Find(isc_dpb_page_size);
486 if DPBItem <> nil then
487 CreateParams := CreateParams + ' PAGE_SIZE ' + DPBItem.AsString;
489 DPBItem := aDPB.Find(isc_dpb_lc_ctype);
490 if DPBItem <> nil then
491 CreateParams := CreateParams + ' DEFAULT CHARACTER SET ' + DPBItem.AsString;
493 DPBItem := aDPB.Find(isc_dpb_sql_dialect);
494 if DPBItem <> nil then
495 FSQLDialect := DPBItem.AsInteger;
496 end;
498 Result := 'CREATE DATABASE ''' + DatabaseName + ''' ' + CreateParams; {do not localize}
499 end;
501 procedure TFBAttachment.EndAllTransactions;
502 var i: integer;
503 intf: TInterfacedObject;
504 begin
505 for i := 0 to InterfaceCount - 1 do
506 begin
507 intf := GetInterface(i);
508 if (intf <> nil) and (intf is TFBTransaction) then
509 TFBTransaction(intf).DoDefaultTransactionEnd(true);
510 end;
511 end;
514 procedure TFBAttachment.DPBFromCreateSQL(CreateSQL: AnsiString);
515 var RegexObj: TRegExpr;
516 begin
517 FDPB := FFirebirdAPI.AllocateDPB;
518 RegexObj := TRegExpr.Create;
519 try
520 {extact database file spec}
521 RegexObj.ModifierG := false; {turn off greedy matches}
522 RegexObj.ModifierI := true; {case insensitive match}
523 RegexObj.Expression := '^ *CREATE +(DATABASE|SCHEMA) +''.*'' +USER +''(.+)'' PASSWORD +''(.+)''';
524 if RegexObj.Exec(CreateSQL) then
525 begin
526 DPB.Add(isc_dpb_user_name).AsString := system.copy(CreateSQL,RegexObj.MatchPos[2],RegexObj.MatchLen[2]);
527 DPB.Add(isc_dpb_password).AsString := system.copy(CreateSQL,RegexObj.MatchPos[3],RegexObj.MatchLen[3]);
528 end
529 else
530 begin
531 RegexObj.Expression := '^ *CREATE +(DATABASE|SCHEMA) +(''.*'') +USER +''(.+)''';
532 if RegexObj.Exec(CreateSQL) then
533 DPB.Add(isc_dpb_user_name).AsString := system.copy(CreateSQL,RegexObj.MatchPos[2],RegexObj.MatchLen[2]);
534 end;
535 finally
536 RegexObj.Free;
537 end;
538 if FCharSetID > 0 then
539 DPB.Add(isc_dpb_lc_ctype).AsString := GetCharSetName(FCharSetID);
540 DPB.Add(isc_dpb_set_db_SQL_dialect).setAsByte(FSQLDialect);
541 end;
542 {$ELSE}
543 procedure TFBAttachment.DPBFromCreateSQL(CreateSQL: AnsiString);
544 begin
545 FDPB := FFirebirdAPI.AllocateDPB;
546 if FCharSetID > 0 then
547 DPB.Add(isc_dpb_lc_ctype).AsString := GetCharSetName(FCharSetID);
548 DPB.Add(isc_dpb_set_db_SQL_dialect).setAsByte(FSQLDialect);
549 end;
550 {$ENDIF}
552 procedure TFBAttachment.SetParameters(SQLParams: ISQLParams;
553 params: array of const);
554 var i: integer;
555 begin
556 if SQLParams.Count <> Length(params) then
557 IBError(ibxeInvalidParamCount,[SQLParams.Count,Length(params)]);
559 for i := 0 to High(params) do
560 begin
561 case params[i].vtype of
562 vtinteger :
563 SQLParams[i].AsInteger := params[i].vinteger;
564 vtInt64:
565 SQLParams[i].AsInt64 := params[i].VInt64^;
566 {$IF declared (vtQWord)}
567 vtQWord:
568 SQLParams[i].AsInt64 := params[i].VQWord^;
569 {$IFEND}
570 vtboolean :
571 SQLParams[i].AsBoolean := params[i].vboolean;
572 vtchar :
573 SQLParams[i].AsString := params[i].vchar;
574 vtextended :
575 SQLParams[i].AsDouble := params[i].VExtended^;
576 vtCurrency:
577 SQLParams[i].AsDouble := params[i].VCurrency^;
578 vtString :
579 SQLParams[i].AsString := strpas(PChar(params[i].VString));
580 vtPChar :
581 SQLParams[i].AsString := strpas(params[i].VPChar);
582 vtAnsiString :
583 SQLParams[i].AsString := strpas(PAnsiChar(params[i].VAnsiString));
584 vtVariant:
585 SQLParams[i].AsVariant := params[i].VVariant^;
586 vtWideChar:
587 SQLParams[i].AsString := UTF8Encode(WideCharLenToString(@params[i].VWideChar,1));
588 vtPWideChar:
589 SQLParams[i].AsString := UTF8Encode(strpas(PWideChar(params[i].VPWideChar)));
590 vtWideString:
591 SQLParams[i].AsString := UTF8Encode(strpas(PWideChar(params[i].VWideString)));
592 vtUnicodeString:
593 SQLParams[i].AsString := UTF8Encode(strpas(PWideChar(params[i].VUnicodeString)));
594 else
595 IBError(ibxeInvalidVariantType,[nil]);
596 end;
597 end;
598 end;
600 procedure TFBAttachment.UseServerICUChanged;
601 begin
602 // Do nothing by default
603 end;
605 destructor TFBAttachment.Destroy;
606 begin
607 Disconnect(true);
608 inherited Destroy;
609 end;
611 function TFBAttachment.getFirebirdAPI: IFirebirdAPI;
612 begin
613 Result := FFirebirdAPI;
614 end;
616 function TFBAttachment.getDPB: IDPB;
617 begin
618 Result := FDPB;
619 end;
621 function TFBAttachment.AllocateBPB: IBPB;
622 begin
623 Result := TBPB.Create(FFirebirdAPI as TFBClientAPI);
624 end;
626 function TFBAttachment.AllocateDIRB: IDIRB;
627 begin
628 Result := TDIRB.Create(FFirebirdAPI as TFBClientAPI);
629 end;
631 procedure TFBAttachment.ExecImmediate(TPB: array of byte; sql: AnsiString;
632 aSQLDialect: integer);
633 begin
634 ExecImmediate(StartTransaction(TPB,taCommit),sql,aSQLDialect);
635 end;
637 procedure TFBAttachment.ExecImmediate(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString);
638 begin
639 ExecImmediate(transaction,sql,FSQLDialect);
640 end;
642 procedure TFBAttachment.ExecImmediate(TPB: array of byte; sql: AnsiString);
643 begin
644 ExecImmediate(StartTransaction(TPB,taCommit),sql,FSQLDialect);
645 end;
647 function TFBAttachment.ExecuteSQL(TPB: array of byte; sql: AnsiString;
648 SQLDialect: integer; params: array of const): IResults;
649 begin
650 Result := ExecuteSQL(StartTransaction(TPB,taCommit),sql,SQLDialect,params);
651 end;
653 function TFBAttachment.ExecuteSQL(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString;
654 SQLDialect: integer; params: array of const): IResults;
655 begin
656 with Prepare(transaction,sql,SQLDialect) do
657 begin
658 SetParameters(SQLParams,params);
659 Result := Execute;
660 end;
661 end;
663 function TFBAttachment.ExecuteSQL(TPB: array of byte; sql: AnsiString;
664 params: array of const): IResults;
665 begin
666 Result := ExecuteSQL(StartTransaction(TPB,taCommit),sql,params);
667 end;
669 function TFBAttachment.ExecuteSQL(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString;
670 params: array of const): IResults;
671 begin
672 with Prepare(transaction,sql,FSQLDialect) do
673 begin
674 SetParameters(SQLParams,params);
675 Result := Execute;
676 end;
677 end;
679 function TFBAttachment.OpenCursor(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString;
680 aSQLDialect: integer): IResultSet;
681 begin
682 Result := OpenCursor(transaction,sql,aSQLDialect,[]);
683 end;
685 function TFBAttachment.OpenCursor(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString;
686 aSQLDialect: integer; params: array of const): IResultSet;
687 var Statement: IStatement;
688 begin
689 CheckHandle;
690 Statement := Prepare(transaction,sql,aSQLDialect);
691 SetParameters(Statement.SQLParams,params);
692 Result := Statement.OpenCursor;
693 end;
695 function TFBAttachment.OpenCursor(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString
696 ): IResultSet;
697 begin
698 Result := OpenCursor(transaction,sql,FSQLDialect,[]);
699 end;
701 function TFBAttachment.OpenCursor(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString;
702 params: array of const): IResultSet;
703 begin
704 Result := OpenCursor(transaction,sql,FSQLDialect,params);
705 end;
707 function TFBAttachment.OpenCursorAtStart(transaction: ITransaction;
708 sql: AnsiString; aSQLDialect: integer): IResultSet;
709 begin
710 Result := OpenCursor(transaction,sql,aSQLDialect,[]);
711 Result.FetchNext;
712 end;
714 function TFBAttachment.OpenCursorAtStart(transaction: ITransaction;
715 sql: AnsiString; aSQLDialect: integer; params: array of const): IResultSet;
716 begin
717 Result := OpenCursor(transaction,sql,aSQLDialect,params);
718 Result.FetchNext;
719 end;
721 function TFBAttachment.OpenCursorAtStart(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString
722 ): IResultSet;
723 begin
724 Result := OpenCursorAtStart(transaction,sql,FSQLDialect,[]);
725 end;
727 function TFBAttachment.OpenCursorAtStart(transaction: ITransaction;
728 sql: AnsiString; params: array of const): IResultSet;
729 begin
730 Result := OpenCursorAtStart(transaction,sql,FSQLDialect,params);
731 end;
733 function TFBAttachment.OpenCursorAtStart(sql: AnsiString): IResultSet;
734 begin
735 Result := OpenCursorAtStart(sql,[]);
736 end;
738 function TFBAttachment.OpenCursorAtStart(sql: AnsiString;
739 params: array of const): IResultSet;
740 begin
741 Result := OpenCursorAtStart(StartTransaction([isc_tpb_read,isc_tpb_wait,isc_tpb_concurrency],taCommit),sql,FSQLDialect,params);
742 end;
744 function TFBAttachment.Prepare(transaction: ITransaction; sql: AnsiString
745 ): IStatement;
746 begin
747 Result := Prepare(transaction,sql,FSQLDialect);
748 end;
750 function TFBAttachment.PrepareWithNamedParameters(transaction: ITransaction;
751 sql: AnsiString; GenerateParamNames: boolean; CaseSensitiveParams: boolean): IStatement;
752 begin
753 Result := PrepareWithNamedParameters(transaction,sql,FSQLDialect,GenerateParamNames,CaseSensitiveParams);
754 end;
756 function TFBAttachment.GetEventHandler(Event: AnsiString): IEvents;
757 var S: TStringList;
758 begin
759 S := TStringList.Create;
760 try
761 S.Add(Event);
762 Result := GetEventHandler(S);
763 finally
764 S.Free;
765 end;
766 end;
768 function TFBAttachment.GetSQLDialect: integer;
769 begin
770 Result := FSQLDialect;
771 end;
773 function TFBAttachment.CreateBlob(transaction: ITransaction; RelationName,
774 ColumnName: AnsiString; BPB: IBPB): IBlob;
775 begin
776 Result := CreateBlob(transaction,GetBlobMetaData(Transaction,RelationName,ColumnName),BPB);
777 end;
779 function TFBAttachment.OpenBlob(transaction: ITransaction; RelationName,
780 ColumnName: AnsiString; BlobID: TISC_QUAD; BPB: IBPB): IBlob;
781 begin
782 Result := OpenBlob(Transaction,
783 GetBlobMetaData(Transaction,RelationName,ColumnName),
784 BlobID,BPB);
785 end;
787 function TFBAttachment.OpenBlob(transaction: ITransaction; Field: ISQLData;
788 BPB: IBPB): IBlob;
789 begin
790 Result := OpenBlob(Transaction,Field.GetBlobMetadata, Field.AsQuad,BPB);
791 end;
793 function TFBAttachment.CreateArray(transaction: ITransaction; RelationName,
794 ColumnName: AnsiString): IArray;
795 begin
796 Result := CreateArray(transaction,GetArrayMetaData(transaction,RelationName,ColumnName));
797 end;
799 function TFBAttachment.OpenArray(transaction: ITransaction; RelationName,
800 ColumnName: AnsiString; ArrayID: TISC_QUAD): IArray;
801 begin
802 Result := OpenArray(transaction,
803 GetArrayMetaData(transaction,RelationName,ColumnName),ArrayID);
804 end;
806 function TFBAttachment.GetDBInformation(Requests: array of byte
807 ): IDBInformation;
808 var ReqBuffer: PByte;
809 i: integer;
810 begin
811 CheckHandle;
812 if Length(Requests) = 1 then
813 Result := GetDBInformation(Requests[0])
814 else
815 begin
816 GetMem(ReqBuffer,Length(Requests));
817 try
818 for i := 0 to Length(Requests) - 1 do
819 ReqBuffer[i] := Requests[i];
821 Result := GetDBInfo(ReqBuffer,Length(Requests));
823 finally
824 FreeMem(ReqBuffer);
825 end;
826 end;
827 end;
829 function TFBAttachment.GetDBInformation(Request: byte): IDBInformation;
830 begin
831 CheckHandle;
832 Result := GetDBInfo(@Request,1);
833 end;
835 function TFBAttachment.GetDBInformation(Requests: IDIRB): IDBInformation;
836 begin
837 CheckHandle;
838 with Requests as TDIRB do
839 Result := GetDBInfo(getBuffer,getDataLength);
840 end;
842 function TFBAttachment.GetConnectString: AnsiString;
843 begin
844 Result := FDatabaseName;
845 end;
847 function TFBAttachment.GetRemoteProtocol: AnsiString;
848 begin
849 Result := FRemoteProtocol;
850 end;
852 function TFBAttachment.GetAuthenticationMethod: AnsiString;
853 begin
854 Result := FAuthMethod;
855 end;
857 function TFBAttachment.GetSecurityDatabase: AnsiString;
858 begin
859 Result := FSecDatabase;
860 end;
862 function TFBAttachment.GetODSMajorVersion: integer;
863 begin
864 Result := FODSMajorVersion;
865 end;
867 function TFBAttachment.GetODSMinorVersion: integer;
868 begin
869 Result := FODSMinorVersion;
870 end;
872 function TFBAttachment.HasDecFloatSupport: boolean;
873 begin
874 Result := false;
875 end;
877 function TFBAttachment.GetInlineBlobLimit: integer;
878 begin
879 Result := FInlineBlobLimit;
880 end;
882 procedure TFBAttachment.SetInlineBlobLimit(limit: integer);
883 begin
884 if limit > 32*1024 then
885 FInlineBlobLimit := 32*1024
886 else
887 FInlineBlobLimit := limit;
888 end;
890 function TFBAttachment.HasBatchMode: boolean;
891 begin
892 Result := false;
893 end;
895 function TFBAttachment.HasDefaultCharSet: boolean;
896 begin
897 Result := FHasDefaultCharSet
898 end;
900 function TFBAttachment.GetDefaultCharSetID: integer;
901 begin
902 Result := FCharsetID;
903 end;
905 function TFBAttachment.GetCharsetName(CharSetID: integer): AnsiString;
906 var i: integer;
907 begin
908 Result := '';
909 if (CharSetID >= Low(CharSetMap)) and (CharSetID <= High(CharSetMap)) and
910 (CharSetMap[CharSetID].CharSetID = CharSetID) then
911 begin
912 Result := CharSetMap[CharSetID].CharSetName;
913 Exit;
914 end;
916 for i := 0 to Length(FUserCharSetMap) - 1 do
917 if FUserCharSetMap[i].CharSetID = CharSetID then
918 begin
919 Result := FUserCharSetMap[i].CharSetName;
920 Exit;
921 end;
922 end;
924 function TFBAttachment.CharSetID2CodePage(CharSetID: integer;
925 var CodePage: TSystemCodePage): boolean;
926 var i: integer;
927 begin
928 Result := (CharSetID >= Low(CharSetMap)) and (CharSetID <= High(CharSetMap))
929 and (CharSetMap[CharSetID].CharSetID = CharSetID);
930 if Result then
931 begin
932 CodePage := CharSetMap[CharSetID].CodePage;
933 Result := true;
934 Exit;
935 end;
937 for i := 0 to Length(FUserCharSetMap) - 1 do
938 if FUserCharSetMap[i].CharSetID = CharSetID then
939 begin
940 CodePage := FUserCharSetMap[i].CodePage;
941 Result := true;
942 Exit;
943 end;
944 end;
946 function TFBAttachment.CodePage2CharSetID(CodePage: TSystemCodePage;
947 var CharSetID: integer): boolean;
948 var i: integer;
949 begin
950 Result := false;
951 for i := Low(CharSetMap) to High(CharSetMap) do
952 if (CharSetMap[i].AllowReverseLookup) and (CharSetMap[i].CodePage = CodePage) then
953 begin
954 CharSetID := CharSetMap[i].CharSetID;
955 Result := true;
956 Exit;
957 end;
959 for i := 0 to Length(FUserCharSetMap) - 1 do
960 if (FUserCharSetMap[i].AllowReverseLookup) and (FUserCharSetMap[i].CodePage = CodePage) then
961 begin
962 CharSetID := FUserCharSetMap[i].CharSetID;
963 Result := true;
964 Exit;
965 end;
966 end;
968 function TFBAttachment.CharSetName2CharSetID(CharSetName: AnsiString;
969 var CharSetID: integer): boolean;
970 var i: integer;
971 begin
972 Result := false;
973 for i := Low(CharSetMap) to High(CharSetMap) do
974 if AnsiCompareText(CharSetMap[i].CharSetName, CharSetName) = 0 then
975 begin
976 CharSetID := CharSetMap[i].CharSetID;
977 Result := true;
978 Exit;
979 end;
981 for i := 0 to Length(FUserCharSetMap) - 1 do
982 if AnsiCompareText(FUserCharSetMap[i].CharSetName, CharSetName) = 0 then
983 begin
984 CharSetID := FUserCharSetMap[i].CharSetID;
985 Result := true;
986 Exit;
987 end;
988 end;
990 function TFBAttachment.CharSetWidth(CharSetID: integer; var Width: integer
991 ): boolean;
992 var i: integer;
993 begin
994 Result := (CharSetID >= Low(CharSetMap)) and (CharSetID <= High(CharSetMap))
995 and (CharSetMap[CharSetID].CharSetID = CharSetID);
996 if Result then
997 begin
998 Width := CharSetMap[CharSetID].CharSetWidth;
999 Result := true;
1000 Exit;
1001 end;
1003 for i := 0 to Length(FUserCharSetMap) - 1 do
1004 if FUserCharSetMap[i].CharSetID = CharSetID then
1005 begin
1006 Width := FUserCharSetMap[i].CharSetWidth;
1007 Result := true;
1008 Exit;
1009 end;
1010 end;
1012 const
1016 procedure TFBAttachment.RegisterCharSet(CharSetName: AnsiString;
1017 CodePage: TSystemCodePage; AllowReverseLookup: boolean; out CharSetID: integer
1018 );
1019 var CharSets: IResultSet;
1020 idx: integer;
1021 begin
1022 if CharSetName2CharSetID(CharSetName,CharSetID) then
1023 IBError(ibxeCharacterSetExists,[CharSetName]);
1025 CharSets := OpenCursorAtStart(sqlLookupCharSet,[CharSetName]);
1026 if CharSets.IsEof then
1027 IBError(ibxeUnknownUserCharSet,[CharSetName]);
1029 idx := Length(FUserCharSetMap);
1030 SetLength(FUserCharSetMap,idx+1);
1031 FUserCharSetMap[idx].AllowReverseLookup := AllowReverseLookup;
1032 FUserCharSetMap[idx].CharSetID := CharSets[0].AsInteger;
1033 FUserCharSetMap[idx].CharSetName := AnsiUpperCase(CharSetName);
1034 FUserCharSetMap[idx].CharSetWidth := CharSets[1].AsInteger;
1035 FUserCharSetMap[idx].CodePage := CodePage;
1036 CharSetID := CharSets[0].AsInteger;
1037 end;
1039 function TFBAttachment.GetTimeZoneServices: ITimeZoneServices;
1040 begin
1041 IBError(ibxeNotSupported,[]);
1042 end;
1044 function TFBAttachment.HasTimeZoneSupport: boolean;
1045 begin
1046 Result := false;
1047 end;
1049 { TDPBItem }
1051 function TDPBItem.getParamTypeName: AnsiString;
1052 begin
1053 Result := DPBPrefix + DPBConstantNames[getParamType];
1054 end;
1056 { TDPB }
1058 constructor TDPB.Create(api: TFBClientAPI);
1059 begin
1060 inherited Create(api);
1061 FDataLength := 1;
1062 FBuffer^ := isc_dpb_version1;
1063 end;
1065 function TDPB.GetParamTypeName(ParamType: byte): Ansistring;
1066 begin
1067 if ParamType <= isc_dpb_last_dpb_constant then
1068 Result := DPBConstantNames[ParamType]
1069 else
1070 Result := '';
1071 end;
1073 {$IFNDEF FPC}
1074 function TDPB.GetDPBParamTypeName(ParamType: byte): Ansistring;
1075 begin
1076 Result := GetParamTypeName(ParamType);
1077 end;
1078 {$ENDIF}
1080 function TDPB.LookupItemType(ParamTypeName: AnsiString): byte;
1081 var i: byte;
1082 begin
1083 Result := 0;
1084 ParamTypeName := LowerCase(ParamTypeName);
1085 if (Pos(DPBPrefix, ParamTypeName) = 1) then
1086 Delete(ParamTypeName, 1, Length(DPBPrefix));
1088 for i := 1 to isc_dpb_last_dpb_constant do
1089 if (ParamTypeName = DPBConstantNames[i]) then
1090 begin
1091 Result := i;
1092 break;
1093 end;
1094 end;
1096 end.