(* * Firebird Interface (fbintf) Test suite. This program is used to * test the Firebird Pascal Interface and provide a semi-automated * pass/fail check for each test. * * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial Developer's * Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License here: * * http://www.firebirdsql.org/index.php?op=doc&id=idpl * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights * and limitations under the License. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman. * * The Original Code is (C) 2016 Tony Whyman, MWA Software * (http://www.mwasoftware.co.uk). * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * *) unit Test1; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} {$DEFINE WINDOWS} {$ENDIF} {Create and Drop a Database} { This test first attempts to create a database without specifying any parameters (should fail). It then goes on to create and drop a database, print out the parameters and then creates it again (will fail if the dropdatabase failed silently. Some basic database info is then accessed and printed. A basic query is performed and finally the database dropped. } {$IFDEF FPC} {$mode delphi} {$codepage utf8} {$define HASREQEX} {$ENDIF} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, TestApplication, FBTestApp, IB; type { TTest1 } TTest1 = class(TFBTestBase) private procedure DoQuery(Attachment: IAttachment); procedure WriteAttachmentInfo(Attachment: IAttachment); procedure GetFBVersion(Attachment: IAttachment); public function TestTitle: AnsiString; override; procedure RunTest(CharSet: AnsiString; SQLDialect: integer); override; end; implementation { TTest1 } procedure TTest1.DoQuery(Attachment: IAttachment); var Transaction: ITransaction; Statement: IStatement; ResultSet: IResultSet; i: integer; begin Transaction := Attachment.StartTransaction([isc_tpb_read,isc_tpb_nowait,isc_tpb_concurrency],taCommit); Statement := Attachment.Prepare(Transaction,'Select * from RDB$Database',3); ResultSet := Statement.OpenCursor; ResultSet.SetRetainInterfaces(true); try while ResultSet.FetchNext do begin for i := 0 to ResultSet.getCount - 1 do writeln(OutFile,ResultSet[i].Name,' = ',Trim(ResultSet[i].AsString)); end; finally ResultSet.Close; ResultSet.SetRetainInterfaces(false); end; end; procedure TTest1.WriteAttachmentInfo(Attachment: IAttachment); begin writeln(outfile,'DB Connect String = ',Attachment.GetConnectString); writeln(outfile,'DB Charset ID = ',Attachment.GetDefaultCharSetID); writeln(outfile,'DB SQL Dialect = ',Attachment.GetSQLDialect); writeln(outfile,'DB Remote Protocol = ', Attachment.GetRemoteProtocol); writeln(outfile,'DB ODS Major Version = ',Attachment.GetODSMajorVersion); writeln(outfile,'DB ODS Minor Version = ',Attachment.GetODSMinorVersion); writeln(outfile,'User Authentication Method = ',Attachment.GetAuthenticationMethod); writeln(outfile,'Firebird Library Path = ',Attachment.getFirebirdAPI.GetFBLibrary.GetLibraryFilePath); writeln(outfile,'DB Client Implementation Version = ',Attachment.getFirebirdAPI.GetImplementationVersion); end; procedure TTest1.GetFBVersion(Attachment: IAttachment); var Version: TStrings; i: integer; begin Version := TStringList.Create; try Attachment.getFBVersion(Version); for i := 0 to Version.Count - 1 do writeln(OutFile,Version[i]); finally Version.Free; end; end; function TTest1.TestTitle: AnsiString; begin Result := 'Test 1: Create and Drop a Database'; end; procedure TTest1.RunTest(CharSet: AnsiString; SQLDialect: integer); var DPB: IDPB; Attachment: IAttachment; createSQL: AnsiString; libpath: string; FBLibrary: IFirebirdLibrary; begin writeln(OutFile,'Creating a Database with empty parameters'); Attachment := FirebirdAPI.CreateDatabase('',nil,false); if Attachment = nil then writeln(OutFile,'Create Database fails (as expected): ',FirebirdAPI.GetStatus.GetMessage) else Attachment.DropDatabase; writeln(OutFile,'Creating a Database using an SQL Statement'); createSQL := Format('create database ''%s'' USER ''%s'' PASSWORD ''%s'' DEFAULT CHARACTER SET %s', [ExtractDBName(Owner.GetNewDatabaseName), Owner.GetUserName, Owner.GetPassword, CharSet]); Attachment := FirebirdAPI.CreateDatabase(createSQL,SQLDialect); WriteDBInfo(Attachment.GetDBInformation([isc_info_db_id,isc_info_db_SQL_Dialect])); WriteAttachmentInfo(Attachment); PrintDPB(Attachment.getDPB); writeln(OutFile,'Firebird Server Version Info'); GetFBVersion(Attachment); writeln(OutFile); {$IFDEF HASREQEX} {Demonstrate reconnect when database created with SQL Statement} try Attachment.Disconnect; Attachment.Connect; except on E:Exception do writeln(OutFile,'Error reconnecting to Database: ',E.Message); end; {$ENDIF} writeln(OutFile,'Dropping Database'); if Attachment <> nil then Attachment.DropDatabase; writeln(OutFile,'Creating a Database with a DPD'); DPB := FirebirdAPI.AllocateDPB; DPB.Add(isc_dpb_user_name).setAsString(Owner.GetUserName); DPB.Add(isc_dpb_password).setAsString(Owner.GetPassword); DPB.Add(isc_dpb_lc_ctype).setAsString(CharSet); DPB.Add(isc_dpb_set_db_SQL_dialect).setAsByte(SQLDialect); Attachment := FirebirdAPI.CreateDatabase(ExtractDBName(Owner.GetNewDatabaseName),DPB); WriteAttachmentInfo(Attachment); writeln(OutFile,'Dropping Database'); if Attachment <> nil then Attachment.DropDatabase; {Open Database} PrintDPB(DPB); writeln(OutFile,'Creating a Database with a DPD'); Attachment := FirebirdAPI.CreateDatabase(ExtractDBName(Owner.GetNewDatabaseName),DPB); if Attachment = nil then begin writeln(OutFile,'Create Database Failed'); Exit; end; WriteDBInfo(Attachment.GetDBInformation([isc_info_db_id,isc_info_ods_version,isc_info_ods_minor_version])); WriteAttachmentInfo(Attachment); {Querying Database} DoQuery(Attachment); writeln(OutFile,'Dropping Database'); Attachment.DropDatabase; libpath := GetEnvironmentVariable('TESTFIREBIRDLIBRARY'); if libpath <> '' then begin FBLibrary := LoadFBLibrary(libpath); writeln(OutFile,'Creating a Database with a DPD using Firebird Library in ',libpath); Attachment := FBLibrary.GetFirebirdAPI.CreateDatabase(ExtractDBName(Owner.GetNewDatabaseName),DPB); if Attachment = nil then begin writeln(OutFile,'Create Database Failed'); Exit; end; WriteDBInfo(Attachment.GetDBInformation([isc_info_db_id,isc_info_ods_version,isc_info_ods_minor_version])); WriteAttachmentInfo(Attachment); {Querying Database} DoQuery(Attachment); writeln(OutFile,'Dropping Database'); Attachment.DropDatabase; end; end; initialization RegisterTest(TTest1); end.