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Revision: 45
Committed: Tue Dec 6 10:33:46 2016 UTC (8 years ago) by tony
Content type: text/x-pascal
Original Path: ibx/trunk/ibcontrols/IBArrayGrid.pas
File size: 21933 byte(s)
Log Message:
Committing updates for Release R2-0-0

File Contents

# Content
1 (*
2 * IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express)
3 *
4 * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial Developer's
5 * Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
6 * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
7 * of the License here:
8 *
9 *
10 *
11 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
12 * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
13 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights
14 * and limitations under the License.
15 *
16 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman.
17 *
18 * The Original Code is (C) 2015 Tony Whyman, MWA Software
19 * (
20 *
21 * All Rights Reserved.
22 *
23 * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
24 *
25 *)
26 unit IBArrayGrid;
28 {$mode objfpc} {$H+}
30 interface
32 uses
33 Classes, SysUtils, LResources, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, Grids,
34 Db, DBCtrls, IBCustomDataSet, IB;
36 type
38 (*
39 This is a data aware control derived from TCustomStringGrid and which may be used
40 to display/edit the contents of a one or two dimensional Firebird array.
42 Firebird Arrays are defined in the same way as any other database column e.g.
44 Alter Table MyData (
45 ...
46 MyArray VarChar(16) [0:16, -1:7] Character Set UTF8
47 );
49 An array may have a different set of values for each row. In the above example,
50 a two dimensional array of strings is defined. The first index may vary from
51 0 to 16 and the second from -1 to 7.
53 IBX defines the TField descendent 'TIBArrayField' and this may be used to access
54 the array element in each row of a query/table when using TQuery, TIBDataSet or
55 TIBTable. The SQL used to select/update/insert tables with array data is the
56 same as for any other SQL type. In any given row, the array field may be null or
57 have a set of values. Note that individual array elements cannot themselves be null.
59 TIBArrayGrid is a visual control that can be linked to a TIBArrayField and used
60 to display/edit the contents of a one or two dimensional Firebird array. It may be
61 found in the “Firebird Data Controls” palette.
63 To use a TIBArrayGrid, simply drop it onto a form and set the DataSource property
64 to the source dataset and the DataField property to the name of an array field.
65 The grid should then be automatically sized to match the dimensions of the array.
66 Note that the array bounds can be refreshed at any time in the IDE, by right clicking
67 on the control and selecting "Update Layout" from the pop up menu.
69 At runtime, the TIBArrayGrid will always display/edit the value of the array element
70 in the current row. If this element is null then the array is empty. However,
71 data can be inserted into the array. When the row is posted, the field will be
72 set to the new/updated array.
74 Properties
75 ==========
77 Most TIBArrayGrid properties are the same as for TStringGrid. The following
78 are specific to TIBArrayGrid. Note that you cannot set the Row or column counts
79 directly as these are always set to match the array field.
81 Public:
82 ArrayIntf: Provides direct access to the array itself.
83 DataSet: The DataSet provided by the DataSource (read only).
84 Field: The source field
86 Published:
87 DataField: name of array column.
88 DataSource: The data source providing the source table.
89 ReadOnly: Set to true to prevent editing
90 ColumnLabels: A string list that provides the labels for each
91 column in the grid. Provide one line per column.
92 If non empty then a column label row is created.
93 ColumnLabelAlignment: Sets the text alignment for column Labels
94 ColumnLabelFont: Sets the font used for column labels
95 RowLabels: A string list that provides the labels for each
96 row in the grid. Provide one line per row.
97 If non empty then a row label row is created.
98 RowLabelAlignment: Sets the text alignment for row Labels
99 RowLabelFont: Sets the font used for row labels
100 RowLabelColumnWidth: Width of the Fixed Column used for row labels.
101 TextAlignment: Alignment of all cells other that those containing
102 labels.
103 *)
105 { TIBArrayGrid }
107 TIBArrayGrid = class(TCustomStringGrid)
108 private
109 { Private declarations }
110 FColumnLabelAlignment: TAlignment;
111 FColumnLabelFont: TFont;
112 FDataLink: TFieldDataLink;
113 FArray: IArray;
114 FActive: boolean;
115 FRowLabelAlignment: TAlignment;
116 FRowLabelColumnWidth: integer;
117 FRowLabelFont: TFont;
118 FRowLabels: TStrings;
119 FColumnLabels: TStrings;
120 FTextAlignment: TAlignment;
121 FTextChanged: boolean;
122 procedure ActiveChange(Sender: TObject);
123 procedure ColumnLabelChanged(Sender: TObject);
124 procedure DataChange(Sender: TObject);
125 function GetDataField: string;
126 function GetDataSet: TDataSet;
127 function GetDataSource: TDataSource;
128 function GetField: TField;
129 function GetReadOnly: Boolean;
130 procedure LoadGridData(ArrayDimensions: integer; ArrayBounds: TArrayBounds);
131 procedure ReadColCount(Reader: TReader);
132 procedure ReadRowCount(Reader: TReader);
133 procedure RowLabelChanged(Sender: TObject);
134 procedure SetColumnLabelAlignment(AValue: TAlignment);
135 procedure SetColumnLabelFont(AValue: TFont);
136 procedure SetColumnLabels(AValue: TStrings);
137 procedure SetDataField(AValue: string);
138 procedure SetDataSource(AValue: TDataSource);
139 procedure SetReadOnly(AValue: Boolean);
140 procedure SetRowLabelAlignment(AValue: TAlignment);
141 procedure SetRowLabelColumnWidth(AValue: integer);
142 procedure SetRowLabelFont(AValue: TFont);
143 procedure SetRowLabels(AValue: TStrings);
144 procedure UpdateLabels;
145 procedure UpdateData(Sender: TObject);
146 procedure WriteColCount(Writer: TWriter);
147 procedure WriteRowCount(Writer: TWriter);
148 protected
149 { Protected declarations }
150 procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override;
151 procedure DefineCellsProperty(Filer: TFiler); override;
152 procedure DrawCellText(aCol,aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect; aState: TGridDrawState; aText: String); override;
153 procedure EditorHide; override;
154 function EditorIsReadOnly: boolean; override;
155 procedure Loaded; override;
156 procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override;
157 procedure ResetSizes; override;
158 procedure SetEditText(aCol, aRow: Longint; const aValue: string); override;
159 public
160 { Public declarations }
161 constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
162 destructor Destroy; override;
163 procedure UpdateLayout;
164 property ArrayIntf: IArray read FArray;
165 property DataSet: TDataSet read GetDataSet;
166 property Field: TField read GetField;
167 published
168 { Published declarations }
169 property DataField: string read GetDataField write SetDataField;
170 property DataSource: TDataSource read GetDataSource write SetDataSource;
171 property ReadOnly: Boolean read GetReadOnly write SetReadOnly default False;
172 property ColumnLabelAlignment: TAlignment read FColumnLabelAlignment
173 write SetColumnLabelAlignment default taCenter;
174 property ColumnLabels: TStrings read FColumnLabels write SetColumnLabels;
175 property ColumnLabelFont: TFont read FColumnLabelFont write SetColumnLabelFont;
176 property RowLabels: TStrings read FRowLabels write SetRowLabels;
177 property RowLabelAlignment: TAlignment read FRowLabelAlignment
178 write SetRowLabelAlignment default taLeftJustify;
179 property RowLabelFont: TFont read FRowLabelFont write SetRowLabelFont;
180 property RowLabelColumnWidth: integer read FRowLabelColumnWidth write SetRowLabelColumnWidth;
181 property TextAlignment:TAlignment read FTextAlignment
182 write FTextAlignment default taLeftJustify;
183 property Align;
184 property AlternateColor;
185 property Anchors;
186 property AutoAdvance;
187 property AutoEdit;
188 property AutoFillColumns;
189 property BiDiMode;
190 property BorderSpacing;
191 property BorderStyle;
192 property CellHintPriority;
193 property Color;
194 property ColumnClickSorts;
195 property Constraints;
196 property DefaultColWidth;
197 property DefaultDrawing;
198 property DefaultRowHeight;
199 property DragCursor;
200 property DragKind;
201 property DragMode;
202 property Enabled;
203 property ExtendedSelect;
204 property FixedColor;
205 property Flat;
206 property Font;
207 property GridLineWidth;
208 property HeaderHotZones;
209 property HeaderPushZones;
210 property MouseWheelOption;
211 property Options;
212 property ParentBiDiMode;
213 property ParentColor default false;
214 property ParentFont;
215 property ParentShowHint;
216 property PopupMenu;
217 property RangeSelectMode;
218 property ScrollBars;
219 property ShowHint;
220 property TabAdvance;
221 property TabOrder;
222 property TabStop;
223 property TitleFont;
224 property TitleImageList;
225 property TitleStyle;
226 property UseXORFeatures;
227 property Visible;
228 property VisibleColCount;
229 property VisibleRowCount;
231 property OnBeforeSelection;
232 property OnChangeBounds;
233 property OnCheckboxToggled;
234 property OnClick;
235 property OnCompareCells;
236 property OnContextPopup;
237 property OnDragDrop;
238 property OnDragOver;
239 property OnDblClick;
240 property OnDrawCell;
241 property OnButtonClick;
242 property OnEditingDone;
243 property OnEndDock;
244 property OnEndDrag;
245 property OnEnter;
246 property OnExit;
247 property OnGetCellHint;
248 property OnGetCheckboxState;
249 property OnGetEditMask;
250 property OnGetEditText;
251 property OnHeaderClick;
252 property OnHeaderSized;
253 property OnHeaderSizing;
254 property OnKeyDown;
255 property OnKeyPress;
256 property OnKeyUp;
257 property OnMouseDown;
258 property OnMouseEnter;
259 property OnMouseLeave;
260 property OnMouseMove;
261 property OnMouseUp;
262 property OnMouseWheel;
263 property OnMouseWheelDown;
264 property OnMouseWheelUp;
265 property OnPickListSelect;
266 property OnPrepareCanvas;
267 property OnResize;
268 property OnSelectEditor;
269 property OnSelection;
270 property OnSelectCell;
271 property OnSetCheckboxState;
272 property OnSetEditText;
273 property OnShowHint;
274 property OnStartDock;
275 property OnStartDrag;
276 property OnTopLeftChanged;
277 property OnUserCheckboxBitmap;
278 property OnUTF8KeyPress;
279 property OnValidateEntry;
280 end;
283 implementation
285 resourcestring
286 sArrayDimensionsOutofRange = 'Array Dimensions (%d) out of range';
287 sNotAnArrayField = '%s is not an Array Field';
289 { TIBArrayGrid }
291 procedure TIBArrayGrid.ActiveChange(Sender: TObject);
292 begin
293 try
294 if (DataSet <> nil) and DataSet.Active then
295 begin
296 FActive := true;
297 if Field = nil then
298 raise Exception.CreateFmt(sNotAnArrayField,['Unknown']);
299 if not (Field is TIBArrayField) then
300 raise Exception.CreateFmt(sNotAnArrayField,[Field.Name]);
301 UpdateLayout;
302 DataChange(Sender);
303 end
304 else
305 begin
306 FActive := false;
307 FArray := nil;
308 Clean;
309 end;
310 except
311 FActive := false;
312 raise;
313 end;
314 end;
316 procedure TIBArrayGrid.ColumnLabelChanged(Sender: TObject);
317 begin
318 if csLoading in ComponentState then Exit;
319 if FColumnLabels.Count > 0 then
320 begin
321 FixedRows := 1;
322 RowCount := RowCount + FixedRows;
323 end
324 else
325 begin
326 RowCount := RowCount - FixedRows;
327 FixedRows := 0;
328 end;
329 UpdateLabels;
330 end;
332 procedure TIBArrayGrid.DataChange(Sender: TObject);
333 begin
334 if (DataSet <> nil) and DataSet.Active and FActive then
335 with TIBArrayField(Field) do
336 begin
337 FArray := ArrayIntf;
338 LoadGridData(ArrayDimensions,ArrayBounds);
339 end;
340 end;
342 function TIBArrayGrid.GetDataField: string;
343 begin
344 Result := FDataLink.FieldName;
345 end;
347 function TIBArrayGrid.GetDataSet: TDataSet;
348 begin
349 Result := FDataLink.DataSet;
350 end;
352 function TIBArrayGrid.GetDataSource: TDataSource;
353 begin
354 Result := FDataLink.DataSource;
355 end;
357 function TIBArrayGrid.GetField: TField;
358 begin
359 Result := FDataLink.Field;
360 end;
362 function TIBArrayGrid.GetReadOnly: Boolean;
363 begin
364 Result := FDataLink.ReadOnly;
365 end;
367 procedure TIBArrayGrid.LoadGridData(ArrayDimensions: integer;
368 ArrayBounds: TArrayBounds);
369 var i, j, k, l: integer;
370 begin
371 if (FArray = nil) or (FDataLink.Editing and not FArray.IsEmpty)
372 then Exit;
373 case ArrayDimensions of
374 1:
375 begin
376 if RowCount - FixedRows <> 1 then
377 raise Exception.CreateFmt(sArrayDimensionsOutofRange,[ArrayDimensions]);
379 with ArrayBounds[0] do
380 for i := LowerBound to UpperBound do
381 if (i - LowerBound >= 0) and (i - LowerBound < ColCount) then
382 Cells[i - LowerBound,FixedRows] := FArray.GetAsString([i]);
383 end;
385 2:
386 begin
387 with ArrayBounds[0] do
388 for i := LowerBound to UpperBound do
389 begin
390 k := i - LowerBound + FixedCols;
391 if (k >= 0) and (k < ColCount) then
392 begin
393 with ArrayBounds[1] do
394 for j := LowerBound to UpperBound do
395 begin
396 l := j - LowerBound + FixedRows;
397 if ( l >= 0) and (l < RowCount) then
398 Cells[k,l] := FArray.GetAsString([i,j]);
399 end;
400 end;
401 end;
402 end;
404 else
405 raise Exception.CreateFmt(sArrayDimensionsOutofRange,[ArrayDimensions]);
406 end;
407 end;
409 procedure TIBArrayGrid.ReadColCount(Reader: TReader);
410 begin
411 ColCount := Reader.ReadInteger;
412 end;
414 procedure TIBArrayGrid.ReadRowCount(Reader: TReader);
415 begin
416 RowCount := Reader.ReadInteger;
417 end;
419 procedure TIBArrayGrid.RowLabelChanged(Sender: TObject);
420 begin
421 if csLoading in ComponentState then Exit;
422 if FRowLabels.Count > 0 then
423 begin
424 FixedCols := 1;
425 ColCount := ColCount + FixedCols;
426 end
427 else
428 begin
429 if ColCount >= FixedCols then
430 ColCount := ColCount - FixedCols;
431 FixedCols := 0;
432 end;
433 UpdateLabels;
434 end;
436 procedure TIBArrayGrid.SetColumnLabelAlignment(AValue: TAlignment);
437 begin
438 if FColumnLabelAlignment = AValue then Exit;
439 FColumnLabelAlignment := AValue;
440 UpdateLabels;
441 end;
443 procedure TIBArrayGrid.SetColumnLabelFont(AValue: TFont);
444 begin
445 if FColumnLabelFont = AValue then Exit;
446 FColumnLabelFont.Assign(AValue);
447 Invalidate;
448 end;
450 procedure TIBArrayGrid.SetColumnLabels(AValue: TStrings);
451 begin
452 if FColumnLabels <> AValue then
453 FColumnLabels.Assign(AValue);
454 end;
456 procedure TIBArrayGrid.SetDataField(AValue: string);
457 begin
458 FDataLink.FieldName := AValue;
459 if csDesigning in ComponentState then
460 UpdateLayout;
461 end;
463 procedure TIBArrayGrid.SetDataSource(AValue: TDataSource);
464 begin
465 if FDataLink.DataSource = AValue then exit;
466 if FDataLink.DataSource <> nil then
467 FDataLink.DataSource.RemoveFreeNotification(self);
468 FDataLink.DataSource := AValue;
469 if FDataLink.DataSource <> nil then
470 FDataLink.DataSource.FreeNotification(self);
471 if csDesigning in ComponentState then
472 UpdateLayout;
473 end;
475 procedure TIBArrayGrid.SetReadOnly(AValue: Boolean);
476 begin
477 FDataLink.ReadOnly := AValue;
478 end;
480 procedure TIBArrayGrid.SetRowLabelAlignment(AValue: TAlignment);
481 begin
482 if FRowLabelAlignment = AValue then Exit;
483 FRowLabelAlignment := AValue;
484 UpdateLabels;
485 end;
487 procedure TIBArrayGrid.SetRowLabelColumnWidth(AValue: integer);
488 begin
489 if FRowLabelColumnWidth = AValue then Exit;
490 FRowLabelColumnWidth := AValue;
491 if (csLoading in ComponentState) or (FixedCols = 0) then Exit;
492 ColWidths[0] := AValue;
493 Invalidate;
494 end;
496 procedure TIBArrayGrid.SetRowLabelFont(AValue: TFont);
497 begin
498 if FRowLabelFont = AValue then Exit;
499 FRowLabelFont.Assign(AValue);
500 Invalidate;
501 end;
503 procedure TIBArrayGrid.SetRowLabels(AValue: TStrings);
504 begin
505 if FRowLabels <> AValue then
506 FRowLabels.Assign(AValue);
507 end;
509 procedure TIBArrayGrid.UpdateLabels;
510 var i: integer;
511 begin
512 Clean;
513 for i := 0 to FColumnLabels.Count - 1 do
514 if i < ColCount - FixedCols then
515 Cells[i+FixedCols,0] := FColumnLabels[i];
517 for i := 0 to FRowLabels.Count - 1 do
518 if i < RowCount - FixedRows then
519 Cells[0,i+FixedRows] := FRowLabels[i];
520 end;
522 procedure TIBArrayGrid.UpdateData(Sender: TObject);
523 begin
524 EditorHide;
525 end;
527 procedure TIBArrayGrid.UpdateLayout;
528 var i: integer;
529 begin
530 if csLoading in ComponentState then Exit;
531 if (DataSource <> nil) and (DataSet <> nil) and (DataField <> '') then
532 try
533 ResetDefaultColWidths;
534 DataSet.FieldDefs.Update;
535 if DataSet.FieldDefs.Count > 0 then
536 for i := 0 to DataSet.FieldDefs.Count - 1 do
537 if (DataSet.FieldDefs[i] <> nil) and (DataSet.FieldDefs[i].Name = DataField)
538 and (DataSet.FieldDefs[i] is TIBFieldDef) and (DataSet.FieldDefs[i].DataType = ftArray) then
539 with TIBFieldDef(DataSet.FieldDefs[i]) do
540 begin
541 case ArrayDimensions of
542 1:
543 RowCount := 1 + FixedRows;
545 2:
546 with ArrayBounds[1] do
547 RowCount := UpperBound - LowerBound + 1 + FixedRows;
549 else
550 raise Exception.CreateFmt(sArrayDimensionsOutofRange,[ArrayDimensions]);
551 end;
552 with ArrayBounds[0] do
553 ColCount := UpperBound - LowerBound + 1 + FixedCols;
554 UpdateLabels;
555 Exit;
556 end;
557 raise Exception.CreateFmt(sNotAnArrayField,[DataField]);
558 except
559 DataField := '';
560 raise;
561 end;
562 end;
564 procedure TIBArrayGrid.WriteColCount(Writer: TWriter);
565 begin
566 Writer.WriteInteger(ColCount);
567 end;
569 procedure TIBArrayGrid.WriteRowCount(Writer: TWriter);
570 begin
571 Writer.WriteInteger(RowCount);
572 end;
574 procedure TIBArrayGrid.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler);
575 begin
576 with Filer do
577 begin
578 DefineProperty('ColCount', @ReadColCount, @WriteColCount, true);
579 DefineProperty('RowCount', @ReadRowCount, @WriteRowCount, true);
580 end;
581 inherited DefineProperties(Filer);
582 end;
584 procedure TIBArrayGrid.DefineCellsProperty(Filer: TFiler);
585 begin
586 //Do Nothing
587 end;
589 procedure TIBArrayGrid.DrawCellText(aCol, aRow: Integer; aRect: TRect;
590 aState: TGridDrawState; aText: String);
591 var Style: TTextStyle;
592 oldAlignment: TAlignment;
593 begin
594 Style := Canvas.TextStyle;
595 oldAlignment := Style.Alignment;
596 if (aRow < FixedRows) then
597 begin
598 Style.Alignment := ColumnLabelAlignment;
599 Canvas.Font.Assign(ColumnLabelFont);
600 end
601 else
602 if aCol < FixedCols then
603 begin
604 Style.Alignment := RowLabelAlignment;
605 Canvas.Font.Assign(RowLabelFont);
606 end
607 else
608 Style.Alignment := TextAlignment;
609 Canvas.TextStyle := Style;
610 try
611 inherited DrawCellText(aCol, aRow, aRect, aState, aText);
612 finally
613 Style.Alignment := oldAlignment;
614 Canvas.TextStyle := Style;
615 end;
616 end;
618 procedure TIBArrayGrid.EditorHide;
619 var k, l: integer;
620 begin
621 inherited EditorHide;
622 try
623 if not FTextChanged or (FArray = nil) then Exit;
625 with TIBArrayField(Field) do
626 begin
627 k := Col + ArrayBounds[0].LowerBound - FixedCols;
628 if ArrayDimensions = 1 then
629 try
630 FArray.SetAsString([k],Cells[Col,Row])
631 except
632 Cells[Col,Row] := FArray.GetAsString([k]);
633 raise;
634 end
635 else
636 try
637 l := Row + ArrayBounds[1].LowerBound - FixedRows;
638 FArray.SetAsString([k,l],Cells[Col,Row]);
639 except
640 Cells[Col,Row] := FArray.GetAsString([k,l]);
641 raise;
642 end;
643 end;
644 finally
645 FTextChanged := false;
646 end;
647 end;
649 function TIBArrayGrid.EditorIsReadOnly: boolean;
650 begin
651 Result := FActive and inherited EditorIsReadOnly;
653 if not Result then
654 begin
655 if assigned(Field) then
656 begin
657 // if field can't be modified, it's assumed readonly
658 result := not Field.CanModify;
660 // if it's not readonly and is not already editing, start editing.
661 if not result and not FDatalink.Editing then
662 Result := not FDataLink.Edit;
663 end
664 else
665 result := true; // field is nil so it's readonly
666 end;
667 end;
669 procedure TIBArrayGrid.Loaded;
670 begin
671 inherited Loaded;
672 RowLabelChanged(nil);
673 ColumnLabelChanged(nil);
674 UpdateLabels;
675 end;
677 procedure TIBArrayGrid.Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
678 Operation: TOperation);
679 begin
680 inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
681 if (Operation = opRemove) then
682 begin
683 if (FDataLink <> nil) and (AComponent = DataSource) then
684 DataSource:=nil;
685 end;
686 end;
688 procedure TIBArrayGrid.ResetSizes;
689 begin
690 inherited ResetSizes;
691 if FixedCols > 0 then
692 begin
693 ColWidths[0] := RowLabelColumnWidth;
694 VisualChange;
695 end;
696 end;
698 procedure TIBArrayGrid.SetEditText(aCol, aRow: Longint; const aValue: string);
699 begin
700 inherited SetEditText(aCol, aRow, aValue);
701 if not EditorIsReadOnly then
702 begin
703 FDataLink.Modified;
704 FTextChanged := true;
705 end;
706 end;
708 constructor TIBArrayGrid.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
709 begin
710 inherited Create(AOwner);
711 FDataLink := TFieldDataLink.Create;
712 FDataLink.Control := Self;
713 FDataLink.OnDataChange := @DataChange;
714 FDataLink.OnActiveChange := @ActiveChange;
715 FDataLink.OnUpdateData := @UpdateData;
716 FRowLabels := TStringList.Create;
717 TStringList(FRowLabels).OnChange := @RowLabelChanged;
718 FColumnLabels := TStringList.Create;
719 TStringList(FColumnLabels).OnChange := @ColumnLabelChanged;
720 FixedRows := 0;
721 FixedCols := 0;
722 FColumnLabelAlignment := taCenter;
723 FTextAlignment := taLeftJustify;
724 FRowLabelAlignment := taLeftJustify;
725 FRowLabelFont := TFont.Create;
726 FColumnLabelFont := TFont.Create;
727 FRowLabelColumnWidth := DefaultColWidth;
728 Options := Options + [goEditing];
729 end;
731 destructor TIBArrayGrid.Destroy;
732 begin
733 if assigned(FColumnLabelFont) then FColumnLabelFont.Free;
734 if assigned(FRowLabelFont) then FRowLabelFont.Free;
735 if assigned(FColumnLabels) then FColumnLabels.Free;
736 if assigned(FRowLabels) then FRowLabels.Free;
737 if assigned(FDataLink) then FDataLink.Free;
738 inherited Destroy;
739 end;
741 end.