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Revision: 209
Committed: Wed Mar 14 12:48:51 2018 UTC (6 years, 9 months ago) by tony
Original Path: ibx/trunk/iblocaldb.lpk
File size: 2971 byte(s)
Log Message:
Fixes Merged

File Contents

# Content
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3 <Package Version="4">
4 <Name Value="iblocaldb"/>
5 <Type Value="RunAndDesignTime"/>
6 <Author Value="MWA Software"/>
7 <CompilerOptions>
8 <Version Value="11"/>
9 <SearchPaths>
10 <OtherUnitFiles Value="iblocaldb/gui"/>
11 <UnitOutputDirectory Value="iblocaldb/gui/lib/$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS)"/>
12 </SearchPaths>
13 <Other>
14 <CompilerMessages>
15 <IgnoredMessages idx5024="True"/>
16 </CompilerMessages>
17 </Other>
18 </CompilerOptions>
19 <Description Value="This package provides additional support for Personal Databases."/>
20 <License Value=" * IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express)
21 *
22 * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial Developer's
23 * Public License Version 1.0 (the &quot;License&quot;); you may not use this
24 * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
25 * of the License here:
26 *
27 *;id=idpl
28 *
29 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an &quot;AS
30 * IS&quot; basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
31 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights
32 * and limitations under the License.
33 *
34 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman.
35 *
36 * The Original Code is (C) 2014 Tony Whyman, MWA Software
37 * (
38 *
39 * All Rights Reserved.
40 *
41 * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
42 *
43 "/>
44 <Version Major="2" Minor="3" Release = "0" />
45 <Files Count="6">
46 <Item1>
47 <Filename Value="iblocaldb/gui/IBLocalDBSupport.pas"/>
48 <UnitName Value="IBLocalDBSupport"/>
49 </Item1>
50 <Item2>
51 <Filename Value="iblocaldb/gui/IBXCreateDatabaseDlg.pas"/>
52 <UnitName Value="IBXCreateDatabaseDlg"/>
53 </Item2>
54 <Item3>
55 <Filename Value="iblocaldb/gui/IBXCreateDatabaseFromSQLDlgUnit.pas"/>
56 <UnitName Value="IBXCreateDatabaseFromSQLDlgUnit"/>
57 </Item3>
58 <Item4>
59 <Filename Value="iblocaldb/gui/IBXSaveDatabaseDlg.pas"/>
60 <UnitName Value="IBXSaveDatabaseDlg"/>
61 </Item4>
62 <Item5>
63 <Filename Value="iblocaldb/gui/IBXUpgradeDatabaseDlg.pas"/>
64 <UnitName Value="IBXUpgradeDatabaseDlg"/>
65 </Item5>
66 <Item6>
67 <Filename Value="iblocaldb/gui/IBXViewLogDig.pas"/>
68 <UnitName Value="IBXViewLogDig"/>
69 </Item6>
70 </Files>
71 <RequiredPkgs Count="4">
72 <Item1>
73 <PackageName Value="ibexpress"/>
74 </Item1>
75 <Item2>
76 <PackageName Value="LCL"/>
77 </Item2>
78 <Item3>
79 <PackageName Value="iblocalnongui"/>
80 </Item3>
81 <Item4>
82 <PackageName Value="FCL"/>
83 </Item4>
84 </RequiredPkgs>
85 <UsageOptions>
86 <UnitPath Value="$(PkgOutDir)"/>
87 </UsageOptions>
88 <PublishOptions>
89 <Version Value="2"/>
90 </PublishOptions>
91 </Package>
92 </CONFIG>