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Revision: 367
Committed: Tue Dec 7 13:32:42 2021 UTC (2 years, 4 months ago) by tony
Content type: text/x-pascal
File size: 5819 byte(s)
Log Message:
Added IBJournal.pas

File Contents

# Content
1 unit IBJournal;
3 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
5 interface
7 uses
8 Classes, SysUtils, IB, IBDatabase, IBUtils, IBInternals;
10 { Database Journalling.
12 This component is intended to support a client side journal of all database
13 updates, inserts and deletes made by the client during a session. Support for
14 creating the Journal is provided by the fbintf package. This component is an
15 IBX front end.
16 }
18 type
19 { TIBJournal }
21 TIBJournal = class(TComponent)
22 private
23 const DefaultVendor = 'Snake Oil (Sales) Ltd';
24 const DefaultJournalTemplate = 'Journal.%d.log';
25 private
26 FApplicationName: string;
27 FBase: TIBBase;
28 FEnabled: boolean;
29 FJournalFileTemplate: string;
30 FJournalFilePath: string;
31 FOptions: TJournalOptions;
32 FRetainJournal: boolean;
33 FVendorName: string;
34 FSessionId: integer;
35 procedure EnsurePathExists(FileName: string);
36 function GetDatabase: TIBDatabase;
37 function GetJournalFilePath: string;
38 procedure SetDatabase(AValue: TIBDatabase);
39 procedure SetEnabled(AValue: boolean);
40 procedure HandleBeforeDatabaseDisconnect(Sender: TObject);
41 procedure HandleDatabaseConnect(Sender: TObject);
42 procedure HandleDatabaseDisconnect(Sender: TObject);
43 procedure StartSession;
44 procedure EndSession;
45 public
46 constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
47 destructor Destroy; override;
48 property JournalFilePath: string read FJournalFilePath;
49 property SessionID: integer read FSessionID;
50 published
51 property Database: TIBDatabase read GetDatabase write SetDatabase;
52 {When enabled is true, journaling is performed. Enabled may be set before
53 a database is opened, in which case, journaling starts as soon as
54 }
55 property Enabled: boolean read FEnabled write SetEnabled;
56 {JournalFileTemplate determines the name of the journal file and should
57 include a %d where %d is replaced with the session no at run time.}
58 property JournalFileTemplate: string read FJournalFileTemplate write FJournalFileTemplate;
59 {Journaling options - see fbintf/doc/README.ClientSideJournaling.pdf }
60 property Options: TJournalOptions read FOptions write FOptions;
61 {Vendor Name and ApplicationName determine the location of the Journal file.
62 The Journal file is saved in:
64 Unix:
65 $HOME/.<vendor name>/<application name>/
67 Windows:
68 <User Application Data Dir>\<vendor name>\<application name>\
69 }
70 property VendorName: string read FVendorName write FVendorName;
71 property ApplicationName: string read FApplicationName write FApplicationName;
72 {If RetainJournal is true then when journaling terminats Enabled := false,
73 or a normal database close, the journal file and journal table (IBX$JOURNALS)
74 entries are retained. Otherwise, they are discarded. Note: always retained
75 on a Force Disconnect or a lost connection}
76 property RetainJournal: boolean read FRetainJournal write FRetainJournal;
77 end;
80 implementation
82 uses IBMessages {$IFDEF WINDOWS}, Windows ,Windirs {$ENDIF};
84 { TIBJournal }
86 procedure TIBJournal.EnsurePathExists(FileName: string);
87 var Path: string;
88 begin
89 Path := ExtractFileDir(FileName);
90 if (Path <> '') and not DirectoryExists(Path) then
91 EnsurePathExists(Path);
92 CreateDir(Path);
93 end;
95 function TIBJournal.GetDatabase: TIBDatabase;
96 begin
97 Result := FBase.Database;
98 end;
100 function TIBJournal.GetJournalFilePath: string;
101 begin
102 Result := Format(FJournalFileTemplate,[Database.Attachment.GetAttachmentID]);
103 if FApplicationName <> '' then
104 Result := ApplicationName + DirectorySeparator + Result
105 else
106 if Sysutils.ApplicationName <> '' then
107 Result := Sysutils.ApplicationName + DirectorySeparator + Result
108 else
109 Result := ExtractFileName(ParamStr(0));
110 if VendorName <> '' then
111 Result := VendorName + DirectorySeparator + Result
112 else
113 if Sysutils.VendorName <> '' then
114 Result := SysUtils.VendorName + DirectorySeparator + Result;
116 Result := GetUserDir + '.' + Result;
117 {$ENDIF}
119 Result := GetWindowsSpecialDir(CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA) + Result;
120 {$ENDIF}
121 end;
123 procedure TIBJournal.SetDatabase(AValue: TIBDatabase);
124 begin
125 if AValue = FBase.Database then Exit;
126 FBase.Database := AValue;
127 end;
129 procedure TIBJournal.SetEnabled(AValue: boolean);
130 begin
131 if FEnabled = AValue then Exit;
132 FEnabled := AValue;
133 if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and Database.Connected then
134 begin
135 if FEnabled then
136 StartSession
137 else
138 EndSession;
139 end;
140 end;
142 procedure TIBJournal.HandleBeforeDatabaseDisconnect(Sender: TObject);
143 begin
144 if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and Enabled then
145 EndSession;
146 end;
148 procedure TIBJournal.HandleDatabaseConnect(Sender: TObject);
149 begin
150 if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and Enabled then
151 StartSession;
152 end;
154 procedure TIBJournal.HandleDatabaseDisconnect(Sender: TObject);
155 begin
156 EndSession;
157 end;
159 procedure TIBJournal.StartSession;
160 begin
161 FJournalFilePath := GetJournalFilePath;
162 EnsurePathExists(FJournalFilePath);
163 FSessionID := Database.Attachment.StartJournaling(JournalFilePath,Options);
164 end;
166 procedure TIBJournal.EndSession;
167 begin
168 FSessionID := -1;
169 Database.Attachment.StopJournaling(RetainJournal);
170 end;
172 constructor TIBJournal.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
173 begin
174 inherited Create(AOwner);
175 FBase := TIBBase.Create(Self);
176 FBase.BeforeDatabaseDisconnect := @HandleBeforeDatabaseDisconnect;
177 FBase.AfterDatabaseConnect := @HandleDatabaseConnect;
178 FBase.BeforeDatabaseDisconnect := @HandleDatabaseDisconnect;
179 FVendorName := DefaultVendor;
180 FJournalFileTemplate := DefaultJournalTemplate;
181 FOptions := [joReadWriteTransactions,joModifyQueries];
182 end;
184 destructor TIBJournal.Destroy;
185 begin
186 Enabled := false;
187 FBase.Free;
188 inherited Destroy;
189 end;
191 end.