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Revision: 379
Committed: Mon Jan 10 10:08:03 2022 UTC (2 years, 3 months ago) by tony
Content type: text/x-pascal
File size: 5335 byte(s)
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File Contents

# Content
1 (*
2 * Firebird Interface (fbintf). The fbintf components provide a set of
3 * Pascal language bindings for the Firebird API.
4 *
5 * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial Developer's
6 * Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
7 * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
8 * of the License here:
9 *
10 *
11 *
12 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
13 * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
14 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights
15 * and limitations under the License.
16 *
17 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman.
18 *
19 * The Original Code is (C) 2016 Tony Whyman, MWA Software
20 * (
21 *
22 * All Rights Reserved.
23 *
24 * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
25 *
26 *)
27 unit FB30Services;
30 {$ENDIF}
33 {$mode delphi}
34 {$interfaces COM}
35 {$ENDIF}
37 interface
39 uses
40 Classes, SysUtils, Firebird, IB, FB30ClientAPI, FBParamBlock, FBOutputBlock,
41 FBServices;
43 type
44 { TFBServiceManager }
46 { TFB30ServiceManager }
48 TFB30ServiceManager = class(TFBServiceManager,IServiceManager)
49 private
50 FServiceIntf: Firebird.IService;
51 FFirebird30ClientAPI: TFB30ClientAPI;
52 procedure CheckActive;
53 procedure CheckInactive;
54 protected
55 procedure InternalAttach(ConnectString: AnsiString); override;
56 public
57 constructor Create(api: TFB30ClientAPI; ServerName: AnsiString; Protocol: TProtocol; SPB: ISPB; Port: AnsiString = '');
58 property ServiceIntf: Firebird.IService read FServiceIntf;
60 public
61 {IServiceManager}
62 procedure Detach(Force: boolean=false); override;
63 function IsAttached: boolean;
64 function Start(Request: ISRB; RaiseExceptionOnError: boolean=true): boolean;
65 function Query(SQPB: ISQPB; Request: ISRB; RaiseExceptionOnError: boolean=true): IServiceQueryResults; override;
66 end;
68 implementation
70 uses FBMessages;
72 { TFBServiceManager }
74 procedure TFB30ServiceManager.CheckActive;
75 begin
76 if FServiceIntf = nil then
77 IBError(ibxeServiceActive, [nil]);
78 end;
80 procedure TFB30ServiceManager.CheckInactive;
81 begin
82 if FServiceIntf <> nil then
83 IBError(ibxeServiceInActive, [nil]);
84 end;
86 procedure TFB30ServiceManager.InternalAttach(ConnectString: AnsiString);
87 begin
88 with FFirebird30ClientAPI do
89 if FSPB = nil then
90 begin
91 FServiceIntf := ProviderIntf.attachServiceManager(StatusIntf, PAnsiChar(ConnectString), 0, nil);
92 Check4DataBaseError;
93 end
94 else
95 begin
96 FServiceIntf := ProviderIntf.attachServiceManager(StatusIntf,
97 PAnsiChar(ConnectString),
98 (FSPB as TSPB).getDataLength,
99 BytePtr((FSPB as TSPB).getBuffer));
100 Check4DataBaseError;
101 end;
102 end;
104 constructor TFB30ServiceManager.Create(api: TFB30ClientAPI;
105 ServerName: AnsiString; Protocol: TProtocol; SPB: ISPB; Port: AnsiString);
106 begin
107 FFirebird30ClientAPI := api;
108 inherited Create(api,ServerName, Protocol, SPB, Port);
109 end;
111 procedure TFB30ServiceManager.Detach(Force: boolean);
112 begin
113 if FServiceIntf = nil then
114 Exit;
115 with FFirebird30ClientAPI do
116 begin
117 FServiceIntf.detach(StatusIntf);
118 if not Force and InErrorState then
119 IBDataBaseError;
120 FServiceIntf := nil;
121 end;
122 end;
124 function TFB30ServiceManager.IsAttached: boolean;
125 begin
126 Result := FServiceIntf <> nil;
127 end;
129 function TFB30ServiceManager.Start(Request: ISRB; RaiseExceptionOnError: boolean
130 ): boolean;
131 begin
132 Result := true;
133 CheckActive;
134 with FFirebird30ClientAPI do
135 begin
136 FServiceIntf.Start(StatusIntf,
137 (Request as TSRB).getDataLength,
138 BytePtr((Request as TSRB).getBuffer));
139 if RaiseExceptionOnError then
140 Check4DataBaseError
141 else
142 Result := not InErrorState;
143 end;
144 end;
146 function TFB30ServiceManager.Query(SQPB: ISQPB; Request: ISRB;
147 RaiseExceptionOnError: boolean): IServiceQueryResults;
148 var QueryResults: TServiceQueryResults;
149 begin
150 CheckActive;
151 QueryResults := TServiceQueryResults.Create(FFirebird30ClientAPI);
152 Result := QueryResults;
153 with FFirebird30ClientAPI do
154 begin
155 if SQPB <> nil then
156 begin
157 FServiceIntf.query(StatusIntf,
158 (SQPB as TSQPB).getDataLength,
159 BytePtr((SQPB as TSQPB).getBuffer),
160 (Request as TSRB).getDataLength,
161 BytePtr((Request as TSRB).getBuffer),
162 QueryResults.getBufSize,
163 BytePtr(QueryResults.Buffer));
164 if RaiseExceptionOnError then
165 Check4DataBaseError
166 else
167 if InErrorState then
168 Result := nil;
169 end
170 else
171 begin
172 FServiceIntf.query(StatusIntf, 0, nil,
173 (Request as TSRB).getDataLength,
174 BytePtr((Request as TSRB).getBuffer),
175 QueryResults.getBufSize,
176 BytePtr(QueryResults.Buffer));
177 if RaiseExceptionOnError then
178 Check4DataBaseError
179 else
180 if InErrorState then
181 Result := nil;
182 end;
183 end;
184 end;
186 end.


Name Value
svn:eol-style native