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ibx/trunk/fbintf/testsuite/FB3reference.log (file contents), Revision 353 by tony, Sat Oct 23 14:11:37 2021 UTC vs.
ibx/branches/udr/testsuite/FB3reference.log (file contents), Revision 371 by tony, Wed Jan 5 15:21:22 2022 UTC

# Line 9 | Line 9 | Firebird Conf Directory = /opt/firebird3
9   Firebird Client Library Path = /opt/firebird3.0.5/lib/
10   Running Test 1: Create and Drop a Database
11   Creating a Database with empty parameters
12 < Create Database fails (as expected): I/O error during "open O_CREAT" operation for file ""
12 > Create Database fails (as expected): Engine Code: 335544344 I/O error during "open O_CREAT" operation for file ""
13   -Error while trying to create file
14   -No such file or directory
15   Creating a Database using an SQL Statement
# Line 57 | Line 57 | Creating a Database with a DPD
57   Database ID = 4 FB = /tmp/fbintf-testsuite/testsuite1.fdb SN = zeus
58   ODS major = 12
59   ODS minor = 0
60 + Attachment ID = 6
61   DB Connect String = inet://localhost//tmp/fbintf-testsuite/testsuite1.fdb
62   DB Charset ID = 4
63   DB SQL Dialect = 3
# Line 76 | Line 77 | Dropping Database
78   ------------------------------------------------------
79   Running Test 2: Open the employee database and run a query
80 < Open Database fails Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your database administrator to set up a Firebird login
80 > Open Database fails Engine Code: 335544472 Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your database administrator to set up a Firebird login
81   Opening inet://localhost/employee
82   Database Open, SQL Dialect = 3
83   TPB: Item Count = 3
# Line 306 | Line 307 | JOB_COUNTRY = USA
307   SALARY = 64,635.00
308   FULL_NAME = Johnson, Leslie
310 + Scollable Cursors
311 + DB Connect String = inet://localhost/employee
312 + DB Charset ID = 4
313 + DB SQL Dialect = 3
314 + DB Remote Protocol = TCPv4
315 + DB ODS Major Version = 12
316 + DB ODS Minor Version = 0
317 + User Authentication Method = Srp
318 + Firebird Library Path = /opt/firebird3.0.5/lib/
319 + DB Client Implementation Version = 3.0
320 + Do Fetch Next:
321 + EMP_NO = 2
322 + FIRST_NAME = Robert
323 + LAST_NAME = Nelson
324 + PHONE_EXT = 250
325 + HIRE_DATE = 1988/12/28 00:00:00.0000
326 + DEPT_NO = 600
327 + JOB_CODE = VP
328 + JOB_GRADE = 2
330 + SALARY = 105,900.00
331 + FULL_NAME = Nelson, Robert
332 + Do Fetch Last:
333 + Remote Scrollable cursors test fails Engine Code: 335544378 feature is not supported
334   Now open the employee database as a local database
335   TPB: Item Count = 3
336    isc_tpb_read
# Line 625 | Line 650 | Running Test 3: ad hoc queries
650   Opening inet://localhost/employee
651   Database Open
652   Employee Count = 42
653 + Transaction ID = 5588
654 + Transaction is Read/Write
655 + Transaction Database Path = inet://localhost/employee
656 + Transaction ID = 5588
657 + Oldest Interesting = 5586
658 + Oldest Action = 5587
659 + Oldest Snapshot = 5587
660 + Oldest Interesting = 0
661   Employee Count = 41
662   Employee Count = 42
663   Employee Count = 41
# Line 2696 | Line 2729 | MYARRAY = Array: (0: 100) (1: 99) (2: 98
2730   MYARRAY2 = Array: (0: 01/5/2020 12:00:00) (1: 01/5/2020 12:01:00) (2: 01/5/2020 12:02:00) (3: 01/5/2020 12:03:00) (4: 01/5/2020 12:04:00) (5: 01/5/2020 12:05:00) (6: 01/5/2020 12:06:00) (7: 01/5/2020 12:07:00) (8: 01/5/2020 12:08:00) (9: 01/5/2020 12:09:00) (10: 01/5/2020 12:10:00) (11: 01/5/2020 12:11:00) (12: 01/5/2020 12:12:00) (13: 01/5/2020 12:13:00) (14: 01/5/2020 12:14:00) (15: 01/5/2020 12:15:00) (16: 01/5/2020 12:16:00)
2732 < MYARRAY3 = Array: (0: 0) (1: 1.04) (2: 2.09) (3: 3.15) (4: 4.19) (5: 5.25) (6: 6.3) (7: 7.34) (8: 8.39) (9: 9.44) (10: 10.5) (11: 11.55) (12: 12.6) (13: 13.64) (14: 0.42) (15: 42.45) (16: 4269)
2732 > MYARRAY3 = Array: (0: 0) (1: 1.04) (2: 2.09) (3: 3.15) (4: 4.19) (5: 5.25) (6: 6.3) (7: 7.34) (8: 8.39) (9: 9.44) (10: 10.5) (11: 11.55) (12: 12.6) (13: 13.64) (14: 0.42) (15: 42.46) (16: 4269)
2735   Shrink to 2:10
# Line 2712 | Line 2745 | MYARRAY = Array: (0: 100) (1: 99) (2: 10
2746   MYARRAY2 = Array: (0: 01/5/2020 12:00:00) (1: 01/5/2020 12:01:00) (2: 01/5/2020 12:02:00) (3: 01/5/2020 12:03:00) (4: 01/5/2020 12:04:00) (5: 01/5/2020 12:05:00) (6: 01/5/2020 12:06:00) (7: 01/5/2020 12:07:00) (8: 01/5/2020 12:08:00) (9: 01/5/2020 12:09:00) (10: 01/5/2020 12:10:00) (11: 01/5/2020 12:11:00) (12: 01/5/2020 12:12:00) (13: 01/5/2020 12:13:00) (14: 01/5/2020 12:14:00) (15: 01/5/2020 12:15:00) (16: 01/5/2020 12:16:00)
2748 < MYARRAY3 = Array: (0: 0) (1: 1.04) (2: 2.09) (3: 3.15) (4: 4.19) (5: 5.25) (6: 6.3) (7: 7.34) (8: 8.39) (9: 9.44) (10: 10.5) (11: 11.55) (12: 12.6) (13: 13.64) (14: 0.42) (15: 42.45) (16: 4269)
2748 > MYARRAY3 = Array: (0: 0) (1: 1.04) (2: 2.09) (3: 3.15) (4: 4.19) (5: 5.25) (6: 6.3) (7: 7.34) (8: 8.39) (9: 9.44) (10: 10.5) (11: 11.55) (12: 12.6) (13: 13.64) (14: 0.42) (15: 42.46) (16: 4269)
# Line 2911 | Line 2944 | User ID = 0
2944   Group ID = 0
2947 < Licence Info: feature is not supported
2947 > Licence Info: Engine Code: 335544378 feature is not supported
2948   -feature is not supported
2950 < Licence Mask Info: feature is not supported
2950 > Licence Mask Info: Engine Code: 335544378 feature is not supported
2952   Capabilities = 6
# Line 2928 | Line 2961 | Local Backup
2964   Local Backup Complete
2966   Local Restore
# Line 3202 | Line 3234 | Écoute moi
3234   ------------------------------------------------------
3235   Running Test 16: Error handling
3236   Invalid Database Name Test
3237 < Error Handled: I/O error during "open" operation for file "Malformed Name"
3237 > Error Handled: SQLCODE: -902
3238 > Engine Code: 335544344 Unsuccessful execution caused by a system error that precludes successful execution of subsequent statements
3239 > I/O error during "open" operation for file "Malformed Name"
3240   -Error while trying to open file
3241   -No such file or directory
3242   Invalid User Name Test
3243 < Error Handled: Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your database administrator to set up a Firebird login
3243 > Error Handled: SQLCODE: -902
3244 > Engine Code: 335544472 Unsuccessful execution caused by a system error that precludes successful execution of subsequent statements
3245 > Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your database administrator to set up a Firebird login
3246   Invalid password Test
3247 < Error Handled: Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your database administrator to set up a Firebird login
3247 > Error Handled: SQLCODE: -902
3248 > Engine Code: 335544472 Unsuccessful execution caused by a system error that precludes successful execution of subsequent statements
3249 > Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your database administrator to set up a Firebird login
3250   Invalid Prepare SQL Test
3251 < Error Handled: Dynamic SQL Error
3251 > Error Handled: SQLCODE: -206
3252 > Engine Code: 335544569 Column does not belong to referenced table
3253 > Dynamic SQL Error
3254   -SQL error code = -206
3255   -Column unknown
3257   -At line 1, column 21 When Executing: Update Employee Set Unknown_Date = ? Where EMP_NO = ?
3258   Invalid Open Cursor SQL Test
3259 < Error Handled: Dynamic SQL Error
3259 > Error Handled: SQLCODE: -206
3260 > Engine Code: 335544569 Column does not belong to referenced table
3261 > Dynamic SQL Error
3262   -SQL error code = -206
3263   -Column unknown
3264   -X
# Line 3243 | Line 3285 | New Transaction before Open Cursor
3285   COUNTER = 42
3287   Invalid Server Name Test
3288 < Error Handled: Unable to complete network request to host "unknown".
3288 > Error Handled: SQLCODE: -902
3289 > Engine Code: 335544721 Unsuccessful execution caused by a system error that precludes successful execution of subsequent statements
3290 > Unable to complete network request to host "unknown".
3291   -Failed to locate host machine.
3292   -The specified name was not found in the hosts file or Domain Name Services
3293   Invalid User Name Test
3294 < Error Handled: Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your database administrator to set up a Firebird login
3294 > Error Handled: SQLCODE: -902
3295 > Engine Code: 335544472 Unsuccessful execution caused by a system error that precludes successful execution of subsequent statements
3296 > Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your database administrator to set up a Firebird login
3297   Invalid password Test
3298 < Error Handled: Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your database administrator to set up a Firebird login
3298 > Error Handled: SQLCODE: -902
3299 > Engine Code: 335544472 Unsuccessful execution caused by a system error that precludes successful execution of subsequent statements
3300 > Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your database administrator to set up a Firebird login
3303   ------------------------------------------------------
# Line 3356 | Line 3404 | Skipping test for Firebird 4 and later
3405   ------------------------------------------------------
3406   Running Test 21: Exercise setting and getting of numeric data types
3407 + 1234.567 parsed to 1234567 scale = -3
3408 + As Float =  1.2345670000000000E+003
3409 + -765.4321 parsed to -7654321 scale = -4
3410 + As Float = -7.6543209999999999E+002
3411 + 0.1 parsed to 1 scale = -1
3412 + As Float =  1.0000000000000001E-001
3413 + 0.01 parsed to 1 scale = -2
3414 + As Float =  1.0000000000000000E-002
3415 + +123 parsed to 123 scale = 0
3416 + As Float =  1.2300000000000000E+002
3417 + 1.23456E308 parsed to 123456 scale = 303
3418 + As Float =  1.2345600000000001E+308
3419 + -1.2e-02 parsed to -12 scale = -3
3420 + As Float = -1.2000000000000000E-002
3421 + 10. parsed to 10 scale = 0
3422 + As Float =  1.0000000000000000E+001
3423 + .12 parsed to 12 scale = -2
3424 + As Float =  1.2000000000000000E-001
3425 + 0.12 parsed to 12 scale = -2
3426 + As Float =  1.2000000000000000E-001
3427 + Parsing of 1.2E1.2 failed
3428 + Parsing of 1,000 failed
3429 + Parsing of 1e1e1 failed
3430 + Parsing of 1.2+3 failed
3431 + Validating Numeric Interface - IFBNumeric
3432 + Value from Currency = 9999.1235
3433 + Raw Value = 99991235 Scale = -4
3434 + Value from Currency(rescaled) = 9999.12
3435 + Raw Value = 999912 Scale = -2
3436 + Value from Double = 9999.12345678
3437 + Raw Value = 999912345678 Scale = -8
3438 + Value from Integer = 9223372036854775807
3439 + Raw Value = 9223372036854775807 Scale = 0
3440 + Value from string = 9223372036854775807
3441 + Raw Value = 9223372036854775807 Scale = 0
3442 + Value from string = 9999.12345678
3443 + Raw Value = 999912345678 Scale = -8
3444 + Value from string = -0.12
3445 + Raw Value = -12 Scale = -3
3446 + Value from BCD = 9999.12345678
3447 + Raw Value = 999912345678 Scale = -8
3448 + Value from Raw Data = 9999123.456780
3449 + Raw Value = 9999123456780 Scale = -6
3450   SQL Params
3451   SQLType =SQL_LONG
3452   sub type = 0
# Line 3406 | Line 3497 | Charset id = 0
3497   Nullable
3498   Size = 8
3500 < Expected Error - Dynamic SQL Error
3500 > Expected Error - SQLCODE: -303
3501 > Engine Code: 335544569 Incompatible column/host variable data type
3502 > Dynamic SQL Error
3503   -SQL error code = -303
3504   -conversion error from string "1,000"
3505 < Expected Error - Dynamic SQL Error
3505 > Expected Error - SQLCODE: -303
3506 > Engine Code: 335544569 Incompatible column/host variable data type
3507 > Dynamic SQL Error
3508   -SQL error code = -303
3509   -conversion error from string "10.0.0"
3510 + Test Numeric Type
3511   ROWID = 1
3512   ITYPE = 101
3513   I64TYPE = 9223372036854775807
# Line 3436 | Line 3532 | I64TYPE = 10
3532   CURRTYPE = .02300000
3533   DTYPE = .00110000
3534   FIXEDPOINT = 233.45600000
3535 + ROWID = 7
3536 + ITYPE = 1
3537 + I64TYPE = 1234567
3538 + CURRTYPE = .02300000
3539 + DTYPE = .00110000
3540 + FIXEDPOINT = 1,234.25000000
3541 +
3542 +
3543 +
3544 + ------------------------------------------------------
3545 + Running Test 22: Journalling
3546 + Start Journaling. Session ID = 0
3547 + 1234.567 parsed to 1234567 scale = -3
3548 + As Float =  1.2345670000000000E+003
3549 + -765.4321 parsed to -7654321 scale = -4
3550 + As Float = -7.6543209999999999E+002
3551 + 0.1 parsed to 1 scale = -1
3552 + As Float =  1.0000000000000001E-001
3553 + 0.01 parsed to 1 scale = -2
3554 + As Float =  1.0000000000000000E-002
3555 + +123 parsed to 123 scale = 0
3556 + As Float =  1.2300000000000000E+002
3557 + 1.23456E308 parsed to 123456 scale = 303
3558 + As Float =  1.2345600000000001E+308
3559 + -1.2e-02 parsed to -12 scale = -3
3560 + As Float = -1.2000000000000000E-002
3561 + 10. parsed to 10 scale = 0
3562 + As Float =  1.0000000000000000E+001
3563 + .12 parsed to 12 scale = -2
3564 + As Float =  1.2000000000000000E-001
3565 + 0.12 parsed to 12 scale = -2
3566 + As Float =  1.2000000000000000E-001
3567 + Parsing of 1.2E1.2 failed
3568 + Parsing of 1,000 failed
3569 + Parsing of 1e1e1 failed
3570 + Parsing of 1.2+3 failed
3571 + SQL Params
3572 + SQLType =SQL_LONG
3573 + sub type = 0
3574 + Field Name =
3575 + Scale = 0
3576 + Charset id = 0
3577 + Not Null
3578 + Size = 4
3579 + Value = 0
3580 +
3581 + SQLType =SQL_LONG
3582 + sub type = 0
3583 + Field Name =
3584 + Scale = 0
3585 + Charset id = 0
3586 + Nullable
3587 + Size = 4
3588 +
3589 + SQLType =SQL_INT64
3590 + sub type = 0
3591 + Field Name =
3592 + Scale = 0
3593 + Charset id = 0
3594 + Nullable
3595 + Size = 8
3596 +
3597 + SQLType =SQL_INT64
3598 + sub type = 0
3599 + Field Name =
3600 + Scale = -4
3601 + Charset id = 0
3602 + Nullable
3603 + Size = 8
3604 +
3605 + SQLType =SQL_DOUBLE
3606 + sub type = 0
3607 + Field Name =
3608 + Scale = 0
3609 + Charset id = 0
3610 + Nullable
3611 + Size = 8
3612 +
3613 + SQLType =SQL_INT64
3614 + sub type = 0
3615 + Field Name =
3616 + Scale = -6
3617 + Charset id = 0
3618 + Nullable
3619 + Size = 8
3620 +
3621 +
3622 + Text Tests
3623 + SQL Params
3624 + SQLType =SQL_LONG
3625 + sub type = 0
3626 + Field Name =
3627 + Scale = 0
3628 + Charset id = 0
3629 + Not Null
3630 + Size = 4
3631 + Value = 0
3632 +
3634 + sub type = 0
3635 + Field Name =
3636 + Scale = 0
3637 + Charset id = 4
3638 + Nullable
3639 + Size = 1024
3640 +
3641 + SQLType =SQL_BLOB
3642 + sub type = 1
3643 + Field Name =
3644 + Scale = 0
3645 + Charset id = 4
3646 + Nullable
3647 + Size = 8
3648 +
3649 +
3650 + Binary Blob Tests
3651 +
3652 + Array Test
3653 + SQL Params
3654 + SQLType =SQL_LONG
3655 + sub type = 0
3656 + Field Name =
3657 + Scale = 0
3658 + Charset id = 0
3659 + Not Null
3660 + Size = 4
3661 + Value = 0
3662 +
3663 + SQLType =SQL_ARRAY
3664 + sub type = 0
3665 + Field Name =
3666 + Scale = 0
3667 + Charset id = 0
3668 + Nullable
3669 + Size = 8
3670 +
3671 + ROWID = 1
3672 + ITYPE = 101
3673 + I64TYPE = 9223372036854775807
3674 + CURRTYPE = 10,000.12340000
3675 + DTYPE = 9,999.12345678
3676 + FIXEDPOINT = 1,234,567,890.12345700
3677 + STR = NULL
3681 + ROWID = 2
3682 + ITYPE = -32457
3683 + I64TYPE = -9223372036854775808
3684 + CURRTYPE = 1,000,001.12000000
3685 + DTYPE = 1.7E308
3686 + FIXEDPOINT = -1,234,567,890.12345700
3687 + STR = NULL
3691 + ROWID = 4
3692 + ITYPE = 1
3693 + I64TYPE = 10
3694 + CURRTYPE = .02300000
3695 + DTYPE = .00110000
3696 + FIXEDPOINT = 233.45600000
3697 + STR = NULL
3701 +
3702 + Journal Table
3703 + IBX$SESSIONID = 1
3706 + IBX$USER = SYSDBA (Charset Id = 4 Codepage = 65001)
3707 + IBX$CREATED = 2022/01/02 13:51:28.9780
3708 + IBX$SESSIONID = 1
3711 + IBX$USER = SYSDBA (Charset Id = 4 Codepage = 65001)
3712 + IBX$CREATED = 2022/01/02 13:51:29.3510
3713 +
3714 + Journal Entries
3715 + Journal Entry = jeTransStart(Transaction Start)
3716 + Timestamp = yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.zzzz
3717 + Attachment ID = 6
3718 + Session ID = 1
3719 + Transaction ID = 9
3720 + Transaction Name = "Transaction_29_1"
3721 + TPB: Item Count = 3
3722 +  isc_tpb_write
3723 +  isc_tpb_nowait
3724 +  isc_tpb_concurrency
3725 +
3726 + Default Completion = TACommit
3727 +
3728 + Journal Entry = jeQuery(Query)
3729 + Timestamp = yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.zzzz
3730 + Attachment ID = 6
3731 + Session ID = 1
3732 + Transaction ID = 9
3733 + Query = Insert into TestData(RowID,iType,i64Type,CurrType,dType,FixedPoint) Values(1,101,9223372036854775807,10000.1234,9999.12345678,1234567890.12346)
3734 +
3735 + Journal Entry = jeQuery(Query)
3736 + Timestamp = yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.zzzz
3737 + Attachment ID = 6
3738 + Session ID = 1
3739 + Transaction ID = 9
3740 + Query = Insert into TestData(RowID,iType,i64Type,CurrType,dType,FixedPoint) Values(2,-32457,-9223372036854775808,1000001.12,1.7E308,-1234567890.12346)
3741 +
3742 + Journal Entry = jeTransCommitRet(Commit Retaining)
3743 + Timestamp = yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.zzzz
3744 + Attachment ID = 6
3745 + Session ID = 1
3746 + Transaction ID = 10
3747 + Old TransactionID = 9
3748 +
3749 + Journal Entry = jeQuery(Query)
3750 + Timestamp = yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.zzzz
3751 + Attachment ID = 6
3752 + Session ID = 1
3753 + Transaction ID = 10
3754 + Query = Insert into TestData(RowID,iType,i64Type,CurrType,dType,FixedPoint) Values(3,0,0,0,0,0)
3755 +
3756 + Journal Entry = jeTransRollbackRet(Rollback Retaining)
3757 + Timestamp = yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.zzzz
3758 + Attachment ID = 6
3759 + Session ID = 1
3760 + Transaction ID = 11
3761 + Old TransactionID = 10
3762 +
3763 + Journal Entry = jeQuery(Query)
3764 + Timestamp = yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.zzzz
3765 + Attachment ID = 6
3766 + Session ID = 1
3767 + Transaction ID = 11
3768 + Query = Insert into TestData(RowID,iType,i64Type,CurrType,dType,FixedPoint) Values(4,1,10,0.023,0.0011,233.456)
3769 +
3770 + Journal Entry = jeTransStart(Transaction Start)
3771 + Timestamp = yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.zzzz
3772 + Attachment ID = 6
3773 + Session ID = 1
3774 + Transaction ID = 12
3775 + Transaction Name = "Transaction_29_2"
3776 + TPB: Item Count = 3
3777 +  isc_tpb_write
3778 +  isc_tpb_nowait
3779 +  isc_tpb_concurrency
3780 +
3781 + Default Completion = TARollback
3782 +
3783 + Journal Entry = jeTransCommit(Commit)
3784 + Timestamp = yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.zzzz
3785 + Attachment ID = 6
3786 + Session ID = 1
3787 + Transaction ID = 11
3788 +
3789 + Journal Entry = jeQuery(Query)
3790 + Timestamp = yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.zzzz
3791 + Attachment ID = 6
3792 + Session ID = 1
3793 + Transaction ID = 12
3794 + Query = Insert into TestData(RowID, Str, TextBlob) Values(5,'It''s the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog','To be or not to be-that is the question:
3795 + Whether ''tis nobler in the mind to suffer
3796 + The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
3797 + Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
3798 + And, by opposing, end them. To die, to sleep-
3799 + No more-and by a sleep to say we end
3800 + The heartache and the thousand natural shocks
3801 + That flesh is heir to-''tis a consummation
3802 + Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep-
3803 + To sleep, perchance to dream. Aye, there''s the rub,
3804 + For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
3805 + When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
3806 + Must give us pause. There''s the respect
3807 + That makes calamity of so long life.
3808 + For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
3809 + Th'' oppressor''s wrong, the proud man''s contumely,
3810 + The pangs of despised love, the law’s delay,
3811 + The insolence of office, and the spurns
3812 + That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
3813 + When he himself might his quietus make
3814 + With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,
3815 + To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
3816 + But that the dread of something after death,
3817 + The undiscovered country from whose bourn
3818 + No traveler returns, puzzles the will
3819 + And makes us rather bear those ills we have
3820 + Than fly to others that we know not of?
3821 + Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
3822 + And thus the native hue of resolution
3823 + Is sicklied o''er with the pale cast of thought,
3824 + And enterprises of great pitch and moment,
3825 + With this regard their currents turn awry,
3826 + And lose the name of action.-Soft you now,
3827 + The fair Ophelia.-Nymph, in thy orisons
3828 + Be all my sins remembered
3829 + ')
3830 +
3831 + Journal Entry = jeQuery(Query)
3832 + Timestamp = yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.zzzz
3833 + Attachment ID = 6
3834 + Session ID = 1
3835 + Transaction ID = 12
3836 + Query = Insert into TestData(RowID,OtherBlob) Values (6,<blob subtype="0">
3837 + FFD8FFE000104A46494600010101004800480000FFE11E0545786966000049492A00080000000C00
3838 + 0E010200200000009E0000000F01020014000000BE0000001001020008000000D200000012010300
3839 + 01000000010000001A01050001000000DA000000
3840 + </blob>
3841 + )
3842 +
3843 + Journal Entry = jeQuery(Query)
3844 + Timestamp = yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.zzzz
3845 + Attachment ID = 6
3846 + Session ID = 1
3847 + Transaction ID = 12
3848 + Query = Insert into TestData(RowID,MyArray) Values (7,<array dim = "1" sqltype = "496" length = "4" relation_name = "TESTDATA" column_name = "MYARRAY" scale = "0" bounds="0:16">
3849 + <elt ix="0">100</elt>
3850 + <elt ix="1">99</elt>
3851 + <elt ix="2">98</elt>
3852 + <elt ix="3">97</elt>
3853 + <elt ix="4">96</elt>
3854 + <elt ix="5">95</elt>
3855 + <elt ix="6">94</elt>
3856 + <elt ix="7">93</elt>
3857 + <elt ix="8">92</elt>
3858 + <elt ix="9">91</elt>
3859 + <elt ix="10">90</elt>
3860 + <elt ix="11">89</elt>
3861 + <elt ix="12">88</elt>
3862 + <elt ix="13">87</elt>
3863 + <elt ix="14">86</elt>
3864 + <elt ix="15">85</elt>
3865 + <elt ix="16">84</elt>
3866 + </array>
3867 + )
3868 +
3869 + Journal Entry = jeTransRollback(Rollback)
3870 + Timestamp = yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.zzzz
3871 + Attachment ID = 6
3872 + Session ID = 1
3873 + Transaction ID = 12

Diff Legend

Removed lines
+ Added lines
< Changed lines
> Changed lines