(* * Firebird Interface (fbintf) Test suite. This program is used to * test the Firebird Pascal Interface and provide a semi-automated * pass/fail check for each test. * * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial Developer's * Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License here: * * http://www.firebirdsql.org/index.php?op=doc&id=idpl * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights * and limitations under the License. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman. * * The Original Code is (C) 2016 Tony Whyman, MWA Software * (http://www.mwasoftware.co.uk). * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. * *) unit Test10; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} {$DEFINE WINDOWS} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF FPC} {$mode delphi} {$codepage utf8} {$ENDIF} {Test 10: Event Handling} { This test opens the employee example databases with the supplied user name/password and then tests event handling. 1. Simple wait for async event. 2. Signal two more events to show that events counts are maintained. 3. Async Event wait followed by signal event. Event Counts should include all previous events. 4. Demonstrate event cancel by waiting for event, cancelling it and then signalling event. No change to signal flag after waiting in a tight loop implies event cancelled. 5. Wait for sync Event. } interface uses Classes, SysUtils, TestApplication, FBTestApp, IB; type { TTest10 } TTest10 = class(TFBTestBase) private FEventSignalled: boolean; procedure EventsTest(Attachment: IAttachment); procedure EventReport(Sender: IEvents); procedure ShowEventReport; procedure ShowEventCounts(Intf: IEvents); public function TestTitle: AnsiString; override; procedure RunTest(CharSet: AnsiString; SQLDialect: integer); override; end; implementation { TTest10 } const sqlEvent = 'Execute Block As Begin Post_Event(''TESTEVENT''); End'; procedure TTest10.EventsTest(Attachment: IAttachment); var EventHandler: IEvents; WaitCount: integer; begin FEventSignalled := false; EventHandler := Attachment.GetEventHandler('TESTEVENT'); writeln(OutFile,'Call Async Wait'); EventHandler.AsyncWaitForEvent(EventReport); writeln(OutFile,'Async Wait Called'); sleep(500); CheckSynchronize; if FEventSignalled then begin writeln(OutFile,'First Event - usually ignored'); FEventSignalled := false; EventHandler.AsyncWaitForEvent(EventReport); sleep(100); CheckSynchronize; if FEventSignalled then begin writeln(OutFile,'Unexpected Event 1'); Exit; end; end; writeln(OutFile,'Signal Event'); Attachment.ExecImmediate([isc_tpb_write,isc_tpb_nowait,isc_tpb_concurrency],sqlEvent); while not FEventSignalled do begin Sleep(50); CheckSynchronize; end; ShowEventCounts(EventHandler); FEventSignalled := false; writeln(OutFile,'Two more events'); Attachment.ExecImmediate([isc_tpb_write,isc_tpb_nowait,isc_tpb_concurrency],sqlEvent); Attachment.ExecImmediate([isc_tpb_write,isc_tpb_nowait,isc_tpb_concurrency],sqlEvent); if FEventSignalled then begin writeln(OutFile,'Unexpected Event 2'); FEventSignalled := false end; writeln(OutFile,'Call Async Wait'); EventHandler.AsyncWaitForEvent(EventReport); writeln(OutFile,'Async Wait Called'); sleep(500); CheckSynchronize; if FEventSignalled then begin writeln(OutFile,'Deferred Events Caught'); ShowEventCounts(EventHandler); FEventSignalled := false; EventHandler.AsyncWaitForEvent(EventReport); CheckSynchronize; sleep(100); if FEventSignalled then writeln(OutFile,'Unexpected Event 3'); end; writeln(OutFile,'Signal Event'); Attachment.ExecImmediate([isc_tpb_write,isc_tpb_nowait,isc_tpb_concurrency],sqlEvent); while not FEventSignalled do; ShowEventCounts(EventHandler); FEventSignalled := false; writeln(OutFile,'Async Wait: Test Cancel'); EventHandler.AsyncWaitForEvent(EventReport); CheckSynchronize; writeln(OutFile,'Async Wait Called'); EventHandler.Cancel; writeln(OutFile,'Event Cancelled'); FEventSignalled := false; Attachment.ExecImmediate([isc_tpb_write,isc_tpb_nowait,isc_tpb_concurrency],sqlEvent); WaitCount := 100000000; while not FEventSignalled and (WaitCount > 0) do Dec(WaitCount); if WaitCount = 0 then writeln(OutFile,'Time Out - Cancel Worked!') else writeln(OutFile,'Event called - so Cancel failed'); writeln(OutFile,'Sync wait'); CheckSynchronize; Attachment.ExecImmediate([isc_tpb_write,isc_tpb_nowait,isc_tpb_concurrency],sqlEvent); EventHandler.WaitForEvent; writeln(OutFile,'Event Signalled'); ShowEventCounts(EventHandler); EventHandler := nil; CheckSynchronize; end; procedure TTest10.EventReport(Sender: IEvents); begin FEventSignalled := true; TThread.Synchronize(nil,ShowEventReport); end; procedure TTest10.ShowEventReport; begin writeln(OutFile,'Event Signalled'); end; procedure TTest10.ShowEventCounts(Intf: IEvents); var i: integer; EventCounts: TEventCounts; begin EventCounts := Intf.ExtractEventCounts; for i := 0 to length(EventCounts) - 1 do writeln(OutFile,'Event Counts: ',EventCounts[i].EventName,', Count = ',EventCounts[i].Count); end; function TTest10.TestTitle: AnsiString; begin Result := 'Test 10: Event Handling'; end; procedure TTest10.RunTest(CharSet: AnsiString; SQLDialect: integer); var Attachment: IAttachment; DPB: IDPB; begin DPB := FirebirdAPI.AllocateDPB; DPB.Add(isc_dpb_user_name).setAsString(Owner.GetUserName); DPB.Add(isc_dpb_password).setAsString(' '); DPB.Add(isc_dpb_lc_ctype).setAsString(CharSet); DPB.Find(isc_dpb_password).setAsString(Owner.GetPassword); Attachment := FirebirdAPI.OpenDatabase(Owner.GetEmployeeDatabaseName,DPB); EventsTest(Attachment); Attachment.Disconnect; end; initialization RegisterTest(TTest10); end.