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Revision: 373
Committed: Thu Jan 6 14:14:57 2022 UTC (2 years, 3 months ago) by tony
Content type: text/x-pascal
File size: 5569 byte(s)
Log Message:
Fixes Merged

File Contents

# Content
1 (*
2 * Firebird UDR Support (fbudrtested). The fbudr components provide a set of
3 * Pascal language bindings for the Firebird API in support of server
4 * side User Defined Routines (UDRs). The fbudr package is an extension
5 * to the Firebird Pascal API.
6 *
7 * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial Developer's
8 * Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
9 * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
10 * of the License here:
11 *
12 *
13 *
14 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
15 * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
16 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights
17 * and limitations under the License.
18 *
19 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman.
20 *
21 * The Original Code is (C) 2021 Tony Whyman, MWA Software
22 * (
23 *
24 * All Rights Reserved.
25 *
26 * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
27 *
28 *)
29 unit udr_test03;
33 {$ENDIF}
36 {$mode delphi}
37 {$codepage UTF8}
38 {$interfaces COM}
39 {$ENDIF}
41 interface
43 uses
44 Classes, SysUtils, IB, FBUDRController, FBUDRIntf{$IFDEF FPC}, Streamex{$ENDIF};
46 {This unit provides the implementation of selected number of UDR Select
47 procedures used to test out various aspects of the TFBUDRSelectProcedure class.
48 Note that each class is registered with the FBUDRController at initialization time.}
50 type
51 {TMySelectProcedure implements a simple select procedure to return the
52 list of employee salaries plus a line by line accumulator. The employee
53 database is assumed.
55 create or alter procedure MySelectProc ()
56 returns (FullName VarChar(36), Salary Numeric(10,2), AccSalary Numeric(10,2) )
57 external name 'fbudrtests!select_proc'
58 engine udr;
59 }
61 TMySelectProcedure = class(TFBUDRSelectProcedure)
62 private
63 FAccSalary: currency;
64 FResults: IResultset;
65 public
66 procedure open(context: IFBUDRExternalContext;
67 ProcMetadata: IFBUDRProcMetadata;
68 InputParams: IFBUDRInputParams); override;
69 function fetch(OutputData: IFBUDROutputData): boolean; override;
70 procedure close; override;
71 end;
73 {TReadTextFile is a select procedure that reads lines from a text file and
74 returns each line as successive rows.
76 create or alter procedure MyReadText (
77 path varchar(200) not null /*relative to udr directory */
78 ) returns (
79 text varchar(100) not null
80 )
81 external name 'fbudrtests!read_txt'
82 engine udr;
83 }
85 TReadTextFile = class(TFBUDRSelectProcedure)
86 private
87 FTextFile: TStreamReader;
88 public
89 procedure open(context: IFBUDRExternalContext;
90 ProcMetadata: IFBUDRProcMetadata;
91 InputParams: IFBUDRInputParams); override;
92 function fetch(OutputData: IFBUDROutputData): boolean; override;
93 procedure close; override;
94 end;
96 implementation
98 { TMySelectProcedure }
100 {open is called first and opens the cursor. The IResultset returned is saved
101 as a private property of the class, and the accumulator is initialized to zero.}
103 procedure IFBUDRExternalContext;
104 ProcMetadata: IFBUDRProcMetadata; InputParams: IFBUDRInputParams);
105 begin
106 with context do
107 FResults := GetAttachment.OpenCursor(GetTransaction,'Select Full_Name,Salary from EMPLOYEE order by EMP_NO');
108 FAccSalary := 0;
109 end;
111 {fetch is called to return each row in the OutputData. The function returns
112 false when at EOF.}
114 function TMySelectProcedure.fetch(OutputData: IFBUDROutputData): boolean;
115 begin
116 Result := (FResults <> nil) and FResults.FetchNext;
117 if Result then
118 begin
119 FAccSalary := FAccSalary + FResults.ByName('Salary').AsCurrency;
120 OutputData.ByName('FullName').AsString := FResults.ByName('Full_Name').AsString;
121 OutputData.ByName('Salary').AsCurrency := FResults.ByName('Salary').AsCurrency;
122 OutputData.ByName('AccSalary').AsCurrency := FAccSalary;
123 end;
124 end;
126 {close is called after fetch returned EOF. Here is is used to explicitly close
127 the cursor. Although this will be closed automatically when the class is
128 freed, or open called again.}
130 procedure TMySelectProcedure.close;
131 begin
132 FResults := nil;
133 end;
135 procedure IFBUDRExternalContext;
136 ProcMetadata: IFBUDRProcMetadata;
137 InputParams: IFBUDRInputParams);
138 var aFileName: AnsiString;
139 {$IFDEF FPC}F: TFileStream;{$ENDIF}
141 begin
142 context.WriteToLog('Read Text called in directory '+ GetCurrentDir);
143 aFileName := InputParams.ByName('path').AsString;
144 if not FileExists(aFileName) then
145 raise Exception.CreateFmt('Unable to find file "%s"',[aFileName]);
146 context.WriteToLog('Reading from ' + aFileName);
147 {$IFDEF FPC}
148 F := TFileStream.Create(aFileName,fmOpenRead);
149 FTextFile := TStreamReader.Create(F,8192,true);
150 {$ELSE}
151 FTextFile := TStreamReader.Create(aFileName, TEncoding.ANSI);
152 {$ENDIF}
153 end;
155 function TReadTextFile.fetch(OutputData: IFBUDROutputData): boolean;
156 begin
157 Result := not FTextFile.{$IFDEF FPC}EOF{$ELSE}EndOfStream{$ENDIF};
158 if Result then
159 OutputData.ByName('text').AsString := FTextFile.ReadLine;
160 end;
162 procedure TReadTextFile.close;
163 begin
164 if FTextFile <> nil then
165 FTextFile.Free;
166 FTextFile := nil;
167 end;
169 Initialization
170 FBRegisterUDRProcedure('select_proc',TMySelectProcedure);
171 FBRegisterUDRProcedure('read_txt',TReadTextFile);
173 end.