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Comparing ibx/trunk/changelog (file contents):
Revision 43 by tony, Thu Sep 22 17:10:15 2016 UTC vs.
Revision 226 by tony, Tue Apr 3 10:52:43 2018 UTC

# Line 1 | Line 1
1 + IBX Change Log  version           (2.3-0) Tue, 03 Apr 2018 11:48:08 +0100
2 +
3 + IMPORTANT: the source code tree has been re-organised for IBX 2.3. Please remove
4 + all previous copies of the IBX source code tree before installing this release.
5 +
6 + The IBX packages used by most users have not changed, with one exception. The
7 + IBServices unit has been moved to the package iblegacyServices.lpk. To continue
8 + to use the IBServices unit in your applications, please add the iblegacyServices
9 + to the list of dependencies. To do this, open the Project Inspector and select
10 + Add->New Requirement and select "ibLegacyServices" from the list of available
11 + packages.
12 +
13 + 1. New unit IBXServices. The IBXServices unit is a re-architectured update of
14 +   the IBServices unit providing what is intended to be a clearer and easier to
15 +   use set of IB Services components. See Chapter 10 of the IBX User Guide for
16 +   more information and the guide to "Firebird Service Management Using IBX".
17 +   As indicated above, the legacy services components are still available and
18 +   provided in a separate package. There is no need to update working applications
19 +   using the older versions except for an additional package dependency.
20 +
21 + 2. The IBX packages and source code tree have been re-organised in an attempt to
22 +   finally get rid of the "duplicate ppu" warnings. This re-organisation should
23 +   not affect existing users. Section 2.3 of the IBX User Guide describes the
24 +   new set of IBX packages.
25 +
26 + 3. The ibx/examples/DBAdmin and the ibx/examples/services example have been
27 +   updated to use the new Services API components.
28 +
29 + 4. The iblocal package has been updated to use the new Services API components.
30 +
31 + 5. procedure SetAutoAdmin; in the new IBX Services this method is now a member of
32 +   TIBXSecurityService. It had been wrongly classified in the previous version
33 +   as a per database configuration item. It is global to a server and hence
34 +   correctly positioned as part of the Security Package. In the DBAdmin example,
35 +   the setting has moved to the mappings page.
36 +
37 + 6. TIBXScript: IgnoreCreateDatabase added. If true then CREATE DATABASE statements
38 +   are ignored.
39 +
40 + 7. TIBDatabase: DropDatabase now ensures that all transactions have been properly
41 +   closed before the database is dropped. Before and After Disconnect event handlers
42 +   are also fired.
43 +
44 + 8. TIBTransaction: OnStartTransaction event now fires every time the transaction
45 +   is started and not just the first time.
46 +
47 + 9. IBDataOutput: Use FormatFloat for all performance statistics to avoid platform
48 +   depenendency with comp type.
49 +
50 + 10. IBDataOutput: select query data output is now sent to stdout instead of stderr.
51 +
52 + 11. TIBDatabase: Remove regression. If a user login dialog changes the DatabaseName
53 +    then this is recognised and not ignored.
54 +
55 + 12. TIBDataSet, TIBQuery, TIBTable: additions:
56 +    function GetRowsAffected(var SelectCount, InsertCount, UpdateCount, DeleteCount: integer): boolean;
57 +    function GetPerfStatistics(var stats: TPerfCounters): boolean;
58 +    property EnableStatistics: boolean read FEnableStatistics write SetEnableStatistics;
59 +
60 +    GetRowsAffected returns the affected row counts from the last insert/update/delete
61 +    if EnableStatistics = true then GetPerfStatistics returns the current stats
62 +    counters for the select query. Note: stats accumulate after each fetch from
63 +    the database. To get total query cost after open, call the "Last" method
64 +    and then GetPerfStatistics.
65 +
66 +    See ibx/examples/consolemode for an example of the use of GetPerfStatistics
67 +
68 + 13. TIBExtract: Identity columns DDL. "Start with clause" now correctly encapsulated
69 +    in parenthesises.
70 +
71 + 14. TIBExtract: new published property "AlwaysQuoteIdentifiers". If true then in dialect 3
72 +    SQL identifiers are always delimited by double quotes. If false, then they are
73 +    only delimited if the identifier is a reserved word, contains lower case or special
74 +    characters. Set this property to true to retain previous behaviour.
75 +
76 + 15. Insert SQL Property Editor. In Insert Returning Clause, Identity column names
77 +    are now inserted in double quotes if not Reserved Words or valid SQL Identifiers.
78 +
79 + 16. TIBDataSet, TIBQuery, TIBTable: addition:
80 +       property MasterDetailDelay: integer {defaults to zero}
81 +
82 +    When non-zero and the dataset is a detail table referencing a master table
83 +    through either a MasterSource (TIBTable) or a DataSource (TIBDataSet, TIBQuery)
84 +    then a synchronisation delay is added (in milliseconds) between the master
85 +    row changing and the detail dataset being re-opened. If the master dataset
86 +    is scrolled before the delay expires then the delay is reset. This can be used
87 +    to avoid performance overheads when scrolling through a large master dataset.
88 +
89 +    Note: uses fptimer and hence requires a thread manager. Under Linux the
90 +    chreads unit must be included in your project. TTimer is not used in order
91 +    to avoid an LCL dependency. Requires FPC 3.0.2 or later.
92 +
93 + 17. TIBExtract: User role grants now excluded when etGrantsToUser not specified
94 +    with Extract Option eoDatabase.
95 +
96 + 18. TIBLookupComboEditBox: Workaround added for
97 +    When a deLayoutChanged event is reported on the ListSource dataset, the
98 +    combobox text is updated. This allows a listsource (detail) to be in a Master/Detail
99 +    relationship with the control's datasource (master).
100 +
101 + 19. TIBExtract: Full BigInt value range now supported for Generators/Sequences.
102 +
103 + 20. TIBExtract: Select Procedures (Procedure type 1) now include "SUSPEND;" clause in their
104 +    stubs. Pedantic fix really, as procedures output in dependency order anyway.
105 +
106 + 21. TIBExtract: Package Headers and Package Bodies are now included in the extracted
107 +    DDL (Firebird 3 and later only).
108 +
109 + 22. TIBLookupComboBox Autocomplete Fixes:
110 +    i. Only appended text is now selected after autocomplete.
111 +    ii. Uppercase keys no longer ignored for autocomplete.
112 +    iii. Retain Prefix case is now honoured correctly.
113 +    iv. When a DataSource is assigned, typing after autocomplete now extends prefix
114 +        before autocomplete performed. i.e. behaviour now the same as when
115 +        no DataSource assigned.
116 +
117 + 23. TIBXScript: Single Line Comments starting with '--' are now ignored when occurring
118 +    between SQL statements.
119 +
120 + 24. TIBExtract: New published property CaseSensitiveObjectNames. If false (default) then
121 +    ObjectNames are converted to upper case before matching against metadata object
122 +    names, unless the objectname is delimited by double quotes, in which case, the
123 +    double quotes are removed and the remaining string is used (unmodified) to match
124 +    against the metadata object name.
125 +
126 +    If true then the ObjectName is used as is without modification and matched
127 +    against the metadata object name. No attempt is made to remove double quotes.
128 +
129 + 25. TIBExtract: New Extract Types: etDatabaseTriggers and etDDLTriggers. When used
130 +    with eoTrigger, these extract types can be used to select only Database Triggers,
131 +    or DDL Triggers or both. Ignored when etTable or etTrigger included in Extract Types.
132 +
133 + IBX Change Log  version  (2.2-0) Wed, 28 Feb 2018 10:57:45 +0000
134 +
137 + RELEASE.
138 +
140 +
141 + 1. IBExtract: Identity columns - add additional check for null column for generator name.
142 +
143 + 2. IBCustomDataSet: Insert and Modify (Update) queries now recognise and process SQL RETURNING clauses.
144 +   The main use for this is for Firebird 3 Identity columns (see IBXDocumentation 6.6.8 for further
145 +   information). However, this is also a very useful mechanism for returning updated computed by
146 +   column values. Values returned as a result of executing an Insert or Update statement
147 +   replace existing values in the current row for each corresponding column.
148 +
149 +   Previously, if a dataset's select query included read only (computed by) fields then
150 +   an automatic row refresh was performed after an insert or update query had been processed,
151 +   irrespective of the setting of the "ForcedUpdates" property. This has changed such
152 +   that an automatic refresh is no longer performed if an insert or update query contains
153 +   a returning clause that updates one or more fields on the current row. A full row
154 +   refresh is only performed if (a) ForcedRefresh is true or (b) the query does not return any
155 +   field values and the select query contains read only fields. Use of Insert/update
156 +   returning should be significantly more efficient than executing a refresh query.
157 +
158 +   This behaviour change is intended to be backwards compatible and there should be no need to change
159 +   existing programs, other than to improve performance by using the new capability.
160 +
161 + 3. IBCustomDataSet: DELETE...RETURNING queries are now also recognised. However, as
162 +   they are called when the dataset row is being deleted, there is no value in
163 +   updating the current record from the query result. Instead, a new event handler
164 +   "OnDeleteReturning" is provided. If a DELETE...RETURNING query is execute and
165 +   an OnDeleteReturning event handler is provided then it is called with the IResults returned
166 +   by the query. The event handler can then interrogate the query results and
167 +   perform whatever action is necessary. For example to confirm, to the user,
168 +   the deletion of a row with the returned values.
169 +
170 + 4. TIBTable: generated Insert and Update SQL now include a RETURNING clause for
171 +   any Computed By or Identity Columns. The IBTables example has been updated to
172 +   illustrate the computation of the employee Full Name on update.
173 +
174 + 5. TIBTable: The GeneratorField property is now published.
175 +
176 + 6. The InsertSQL property editor now shows Firebird 3 Identity columns separate from the Field List.
177 +   When InsertSQL is generated, the Identity columns are not included in the list of values to
178 +   be inserted. A RETURNING clause is added to the insert statement to return the value of
179 +   each Identity column after the insert is executed.
180 +
181 + 7. The Modify Property Editor now generates Update SQL with Computed By fields in Update..Returning clause.
182 +   Similarly Insert Property Editor now generates Insert SQL with Computed By fields in
183 +   Insert..Returning clause.
184 +
185 + 8. TIBGenerator: small performance improvement by not preparing query each time
186 +   a new value is generated.
187 +
188 + 9. TIBSQL: Free resources when transaction changed - ensures new transaction is used.
189 +
190 + 10. Property editors will now sync table name to a System Table when "Include System
191 +    Tables" is selected and the query is for a System Table.
192 +
193 + 11. Minor Performance improvement to handling of Date/Time types in IBX datasets. Field
194 +    values are no longer converted to milliseconds from TDateTime and then back again
195 +    to TDateTime (the conversion to milliseconds is the default TDataset approach).
196 +
197 + 12. Property Editors handling of Stored Procedures.
198 +    * Select and Refresh: only show a list of stored procedures that return multiple rows (proc type 1) and
199 +      which have a non-empty list of output parameters (i.e. stored procedures that may be used in a select
200 +      query).
201 +    * Modify and Insert: only show a list of stored procedures that return at most a singleton row (proc type 2).
202 +
203 + 13. IBStoredProc: Now supports Firebird 3 Package Names. A new published property PackageName
204 +    can be used to select a package. If non-empty, the stored procedure name is
205 +    expected to be a stored procedure defined in the specified package and the
206 +    generated SQL will be as required for a stored procedure located in a package.
207 +
208 + 14. Select, Refresh, Insert, Modify, Delete and TIBSQL SQL Property Editors now include
209 +    a "Package Name" drop down box to allow selection of a Firebird 3 Package from
210 +    which a stored procedure can be selected. With no package name selected, non-package
211 +    stored procedures are listed.
212 +
213 + 15. TIBXScript: turn off database login prompt when reconnecting - this avoids prompting
214 +    for password on reconnect.
215 +
216 + 16. TIBDatabase: use IAttachment for connection default character set id, code page
217 +    and character set name.
218 +
219 + 17. TIBDatabaseInfo: cache ODS Version information on first request in order to minimise
220 +    DB info lookups"
221 +
222 + 18. IBExtract: now supports DDL Triggers and Grants to DDL objects.
223 +
224 + 19. Add a property Editor for TIBUpdate.RefreshSQL.
225 +
226 + 20. IBUpdate: Ignore non-data (e.g. calculated) fields when assembling list of input
227 +    parameters. This stops an exception being raised when the field cannot be
228 +    located in the record buffer.
229 +
230 + 21. Property Editors now automatically include System Tables when opened and when the query table
231 +    is a System Table.
232 +
233 + 22. IBServices: SQRB and SRB buffers are now reset when service query throws an exception.
234 +    This avoids errors due to a stale SQRB or SRB being used for the next query.
235 +
236 + 23. IBServices: Service attach parameters now include "expected_db". This is used to
237 +    add the SPB item isc_spb_expected_db. This names a database using
238 +    an alternative Security Database (FB3 onwards) and allows (e.g. backup/restore) using such a
239 +    database. examples/services re-written to illustrate use of "expected_db".
240 +
241 + 24. IBServices: TIBControlAndQueryService.WriteNextChunk no longer ignores isc_info_svc_timeout.
242 +    This avoids truncated backups when the server returns a timeout (busy) response.
243 +
244 + 25. TIBDatabase: isc_dpb_page_size now supported as a database parameter when using TIBDatabase.CreateDatabase.
245 +
246 + 26. TIBDatabase: DatabaseName property may now be prefixed by $TEMP$ or $DATADIR$ for local
247 +    databasenames. These are respectively expanded to the local system's temp directory
248 +    (including trailing delimiter) or to a prescribed data directory (including
249 +    trailing delimiter). Under Unix systems the data directory is a hidden directory
250 +    in the user's home directory. The hidden directory name is either the string returned
251 +    from the SysUtils "Vendor Name" or "IBX" if empty. In either case prefixed by a '.'.
252 +    Under Windows, the directory is the same as the Data Directory as decribed
253 +    above but instead prefixed by the User's application data path. These may be
254 +    used to improve application portability for Personal Databases.
255 +
256 + 27. TIBTable: FieldDefs property is no longer published. Due to the use of TIBFieldDef
257 +    this has not worked for a long time and is not useful either. FieldDefs should be
258 +    managed using the Fields Editor as with any other dataset. To access the fields
259 +    editor for a TIBTable component, double click on the component. The fields editor
260 +    is then displayed.
261 +
262 + 28. TIBDatabaseInfo: new properties/function
263 +     * DateDBCreated (returns date/time database created)
264 +     * TransactionCount (returns no. of active transactions)
265 +     * GetDatabasePage(PageNo: integer) (returns contents of specified database page - SYSDBA only).
266 +     * PagesFree (Firebird 3 or later)
267 +     * PagesUsed (Firebird 3 or later)
268 +     * Encrypted (returns true if database encrypted. (Firebird 3.0.3 or later only)
269 +     * EncryptionKeyName (returns the name of the encryption key if any (Firebird 3.0.3 or later only)
270 +
271 + 29. IBServices classes now provided the decoded release number in the (array) property ServerVersionNo.
272 +
273 + 30. TIBSecurityService now supports display/modification of the User Admin Role (Firebird 2.5 and later).
274 +
275 + 31. TIBConfigService now has a procedure SetAutoAdmin(Value: boolean) to enable/disable
276 +    the automtic mapping of privileged OS users to the RDB$ADMIN role (Firebird 2.5 and later).
277 +
278 + 32. TIBBackupService: New Option - NoDBTriggers equivalent to -nodbtriggers switch introduced
279 +    in the gbak utility at V.2.1 to prevent database-level and transaction-level triggers from
280 +    firing during backup and restore.
281 +
282 + 33. Both TIBBackupService and TIBRestoreService now support backup/restore statistics options
283 +    for verbose output using the new property "StatisticsRequested".
284 +    see
285 +
286 + 34. TIBRestoreService: now supports new options RestoreMetaDataOnly (Firebird 2.5 and later).
287 +
288 + 35. TIBOnlineValidationService component added to the IBServices and the "Firebird Admin"
289 +    palette. This uses the online validation feature added in Firebird 2.5. The
290 +    services's properties enable inclusion/exclusion of tables and indexes using
291 +    regular expressions. See.
292 +
293 +
294 + 36. IBServices: procedure TIBConfigService.SetNoLinger added to set no linger
295 +    option on a database.
296 +
297 + 37. TIBCustomService: Assign method implemented to allow copying of service login
298 +    context between service API components. "Detach" method now only detaches
299 +    service when last reference to the service interface detaches. Tidy up of
300 +    code for SetActive and Attach methods including password hiding.
301 +
302 + 38. TIBDatabase: new properties: AuthenticationMethod and RemoteProtocol. Read only
303 +    and used to determine the auth method and protocol used for the connection.
304 +
305 + 39. TIBDatabase: ensure that SQLDialect setting is used when creating a database using
306 +    a Create Database Statement generated by IBX.
307 +
308 + 40. All IBServices now have an additional published property "PortNo". This may
309 +    be set to a non-standard port number when necessary. If zero then the default
310 +    port number is used.
311 +
312 + 41: TIBLookupComboeditBox: Ensure dataset updated when change selected with the keyboard
313 +    and not just the mouse.
314 +
315 + 42. TIBCustomDataset: reopen query if already active when a TIBControlLink is added.
316 +
317 + 43. TIBTreeview: new ImageIndexField and SelectedIndexField Property allows the
318 +    image index and selected image index for each node to be set from a database field.
319 +
320 + 44. TIBExtract: new extract type (etGrantsToUser) for use with eoDatabase. If included
321 +    then database schema includes grants to all users. If not present then the
322 +    only user grants included are those to User PUBLIC.
323 +
324 + 45. TIBTreeView: performance improvement. When expanding include both expanded node
325 +    and child nodes in dataset.
326 +
327 +
328 + IBX Change Log  version                            (2.1-0) Fri, 15 Dec 2017 12:20:11 +0000
329 +
330 + 1. IBCustomDataset: Minor change of PChar to PByte for compatibility with fbintf
331 +   changes.
332 +
333 + 2. IBCustomDataset: Fixed use of incorrect datasize in TIBStringField.SetAsString.
334 +   Bug could result in truncated multi-byte character set values.
335 +
336 + 3. Changes consequential on moving fbintf character set utility functions from
337 +   IFirebirdAPI to IAttachment.
338 +
339 + 4. Avoid "Object is nil" error when opening a database with DefaultSystemCodePage = true
340 +
341 + 5. IBLookupComboEditBox: avoid race condition when autocompleting text that occasionally
342 +   results in autocomplete ignoring prefix text.
343 +
344 + 6. IBLookupComboEditBox: Ensure that cursor is not reset to start of text when
345 +   entering a new name into the text box.
346 +
347 + 7. IBCustomDataset: ensure that TIBStringField uses the field size reported by
348 +   Firebird rather than recomputing it.
349 +
350 + 8. Property Editor positioning tidy up: All IBX Property editors should now be
351 +   screen centre. Previously some were "poDesigned" which may be inappropriate
352 +   for multi monitor desktops.
353 +
354 + 10. TIBTreeView.FindNode: protect against error if zero length path or empty tree node.
355 +
356 + 11. TIBTransaction: On Force Disconnect do not raise an exception when problem ending
357 +    a transaction and always reset the object.
358 +
359 + 12. TIBQuery tidyup: remove unnecessary call to GetAffectedRows.
360 +
361 + 13. TIBXScript: Allow for override of database filename in Create Database statements.
362 +
363 + 14. IBLocaldb: Support initialisation of the database from an SQL script in addition
364 +    to a gbak format archive.
365 +
366 + 15. IBLocaldb: fix problem that stopped the OnSharedDataDir event from being recognised.
367 +
368 + 16. IBLocaldb: Drop database if error creating an empty database.
369 +
370 + 17. TIBTreeView: improve performance when selecting node - avoid refreshing dataset
371 +    unless selected node not in current dataset.
372 +
373 + 18. IBServices: SetDBParams method moved from TCustomIBLocalDBSupport (in IBLocalDB package)
374 +    to TIBCustomService, and IBlocalDB code tidy up.
375 +
376 + 19. IBTreeView: Initialise TIBTreeNode KeyValue to null to avoid unpredictable
377 +    behaviour due to uninitialised variable.
378 +
379 + 20. IBServices: Correct encoding of isc_spb_prp_write_mode in TIBConfigService from
380 +    integer to byte. Ditto isc_spb_prp_reserve_space and isc_spb_prp_access_mode.
381 +
382 + 21. IBSQL: When Database changed ensure that all resources are freed.
383 +
384 + 22. IBCustomDataset: When database changed ensure that queries an unprepared.
385 +
386 + 23. SQL Property Editors now use SynEdit with SQL Highlighter. New features include:
387 +    * Line Wrap on SQL Token boundaries (on user command)
388 +    * auto-complete table names in drop down list of table names
389 +    * Double click on tablename or field name adds to SQL text
390 +
391 + 24. IBDataOutput: print statistics using float (%f) format instead of decimal (%d).
392 +
393 + 25. IBTreeView: Call to FindNode: param type change from "array of Variant" to
394 +    TVariantArray. Seems to avoid memory corruption in Windows (probably a
395 +    workaround for a problem in fpc 3.0.4 win64).
396 +
397 + 26. IBDatabaseInfo: Code tidy up. Add check for database not assigned or not open.
398 +
399 + 27. IBDatabaseInfo: Remove memory leak when accessing database operation counts.
400 +
401 + IBX Change Log  version                   (2.0-2) Fri, 24 Feb 2017 12:17:53 +0000
402 +
403 + 1. TIBDatabase.CreateDatabase: extract full DB Name from SQL using reg ex in order to
404 +   include remote system name.
405 +
406 + 2. TIBExtract: No longer include comment header and COMMIT statement for empty
407 +   tables when data included in output.
408 +
409 + 3. Profiling: IBSQL now has conditional compilation flags to enable query performance
410 +   and timing information to be written to stdout. This may be used to locate
411 +   performance bottlenecks.
412 +
413 + 4. SQLParser: only call "OnChanging" event handler when value is different.
414 +
415 + 5. IBDynamicGrid: Update handling of navigation keys for a TDateEdit
416 +
417 + 6. IBCustomDataset: Set internalunprepared flag when transaction ends. This ensures
418 +   that BindFields is called when the query is next activated. Avoids FieldName
419 +   not found error.
420 +
421 + 7. IBUpdate: This is a new IBX component similar to TIBUpdateSQL. It is more general
422 +   purpose and allows the programmer to define any action they want for Update, Insert
423 +   or Delete. This may be complex SQL (similar to a Trigger), application specific
424 +   filtering of updates, or use of statements such as Grant or Revoke instead of
425 +   normal DML. See User Manual for more information.
426 +
427 + IBX Change Log  version                  (2.0-1) Mon, 09 Jan 2017 15:31:49 +0000
428 +
429 + 1. TIBEvents: Fix uninitialised variable that could result in lost events.
430 +
431 + 2. TIBExtract: Added support for FB3 "USAGE" privilege.
432 +
433 + 3. TIBExtract: data formatted as Charset set "octets" is now output using
434 +   hexadecimal notation.
435 +
436 + 4. TIBExtract: Binary Blobs and array data can now be embedded in INSERT statements
437 +   using a simple XML format.
438 +
439 + 5. TIBExtract: extract of individual Triggers and Stored Procedures can now include
440 +   grants to these objects.
441 +
442 + 6. TIBExtract: Stored Procedures and Views output in dependency order to avoid
443 +   dependency problems restoring complex databases.
444 +
445 + 7. TIBXScript: This component has been restructured to allow for the processing of
446 +   embedded XML in INSERT statements and to support interactive sources in addition
447 +   to non-interactive data sources such as files.
448 +
449 + 8. TIBXScript: CREATE DATABASE, DROP DATABASE, CONNECT statements are now supported.
450 +
451 + 9. TIBXScript: ISQL compatiable Set statements are now supported:
453 +   SET TERM
455 +   SET BAIL
456 +   SET ECHO
457 +   SET COUNT
458 +   SET STATS
459 +   SET NAMES <character set>
460 +
461 + 10. IBVersion unit added to hold current IBX Version Number information.
462 +
463 + 11. TIBExtract: Use character rather than byte length for VarChar procedure arguments.,
464 +    and domain definitions.
465 +
466 + 12. TIBExtract: Triggers now use SQL2003 syntax and database and transaction triggers
467 +    fully supported.
468 +
469 + 13. TIBExtract: when a database dump includes data, the generator values are now also set.
470 +
471 + 14: IBSQLEdit: Unit LCLPlatformDef added to uses clauses for lazarus 1.7 and later.
472 +
473 + IBX Change Log  version     (2.0-0) Tue, 06 Dec 2016 10:33:44 +0000
474 +
475 + See also doc/IBX4LazarusGuide.pdf for important information on
476 + upgrading to IBX2.
477 +
478 + 1. Size property of TIBStringField is now the width in characters of the field
479 +   and not the byte length. This applies only to multi-byte character sets such
480 +   as UTF8. The original approach aligned with TStringField. However, the TStringField
481 +   code is not recognised as a bug and hence this change to align the behaviour.
482 +   The TStringField change is expected in fpc 3.2.0.
483 +
484 + 2. A new property AutoFieldSize: boolean has been added to TIBStringField. When
485 +   true (default) then Size property value saved in the lfm is ignored. Size is
486 +   always set from the dynamic information read from the database. It is unclear
487 +   why anyone would want to override this and set Size to false.
488 +
489 + 3. ibxscript: should now handle correctly a Case..End statement within a procedure
490 +   block.
491 +
492 + 4. IBDatabase: new property - CreateIfNotExists. If true and database does not
493 +   exist when an attempt is made to connect to it (run time only) then an attempt
494 +   is made to create the database.
495 +
496 + 5. IBDatabase: new event - OnCreateDatabase. This event is called after a database
497 +   has been successfully created as a result of a call to CreateDatabase or when
498 +   creating a database after it was found not to exist.
499 +
500 + 6.  DBControlGrid: a race condition could result in the wrong row image being
501 +    written to the cache. This has been avoided by a trip round the message
502 +    loop before rendering the row image.
503 +
504 + 7.  DBControlGrid: It is strongly recommended not to open the source DataSet for
505 +    a DBControlGrid during a Form's "OnShow" event handler. Under GTK2 this is
506 +    known to risk corrupt rendering of row images when the control is first
507 +    displayed. If necessary use "Application.QueueAsyncCall" to delay opening
508 +    of the dataset (see DBControlGrid examples) until the Form's Window has been created.
509 +
510 + 8.  DBControlGrid & IBDynamicGrid: Navigation keys should now work correctly with
511 +    a TDateEdit control located on an editor panel.
512 +
513 + 9.  TIBExtract: brought up-to-date plus many bug fixes.
514 +
515 + 10. DBControlGrid: Removed memory leak when updating rows.
516 +
517 + 11. TIBCMLocalDBSupport: fixed invalid free on upgrade.
518 +
519   IBX Change Log  version                                           (1.4-3) Thu, 22 Sep 2016 18:10:15 +0100
521   1. IBCustomDataset: When calling SetCodePage, no longer request transliteration
# Line 19 | Line 537 | IBX Change Log  version
537     regardless of the database character set or connection character set. This
538     is for compatibility with the LCL.
540 < IBX Change Log  version                                     (1.4-2) Sat, 16 Jul 2016 13:25:48 +0100
540 > IBX Change Log  version  (1.4-2) Thu, 22 Sep 2016 15:25:27 +0100
542   1. IBBlob: Defer reading of blob until read method called. This avoids having to
543     read in an entire blob just to get the size of the blob. General performance

Diff Legend

Removed lines
+ Added lines
< Changed lines
> Changed lines