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Comparing ibx/trunk/changelog (file contents):
Revision 90 by tony, Mon Jan 1 11:31:34 2018 UTC vs.
Revision 266 by tony, Wed Dec 26 18:34:32 2018 UTC

# Line 1 | Line 1
1 + IBX Change Log  version                    (2.3-3) Wed, 26 Dec 2018 18:20:57 +0000
2 +
3 + This is rc1 for 2.2.3.
4 +
5 + 1. New property for TIBDatabase and TIBXServicesConnection. This is "WireCompression".
6 +   If this property is set to true then the Client will request WireCompression for
7 +   the connection. Note: "WireCompression = true" must be set in the server's
8 +   "firebird.conf". This property is overridden if "WireCompression = true" is set
9 +   in the client "firebird.conf" when wire compression is always requested by the client.
10 +
11 + IBX Change Log  version                   (2.3-2) Wed, 05 Dec 2018 12:19:23 +0000
12 +
13 + 1. Remove need to check for IsMultiThread by providing access to GUI timers via
14 +   IBGUIInterface. Note: master/detail delay timer does not apply to console
15 +   mode apps.
16 +
17 + 2. TIBCustomDataSet: SQLParser ignored if it does not contain a valid select
18 +   statement. This avoids problems if "Execute Block" is used as the Query.
19 +
20 + 3. IBSQLParser now uses the common SQL tokeniser from fbintf. This replaces the
21 +   internal SQL tokeniser routines.
22 +
23 + 4. IBSQLParser: new property NotaSelectStmt. Set to true if SQL fails to parse
24 +   as a select statement, with or without CTEs.
25 +
26 + 5. IBSQLParser: parser now recognises the "ROWS" clause.
27 +
28 + 6. TIBXScript now uses the common SQL tokeniser from fbintf. This replaces the
29 +   internal SQL tokeniser routines.
30 +
31 + 7.  Fix error in TIBXScript processing of "set" statements. This avoids exceptions
32 +    being raised for valid set statements processed by a data formatter.
33 +
34 + 8. New published property for TIBDatabase and TIBXServicesConnection. This is
35 +   FirebirdLibraryPathName: string. If not empty it is used to explicitly specify
36 +   the path of the Firebird Library used by the database/services connection.
37 +
38 + 9. New read only public property for TIBDatabase and TIBXServicesConnection. This
39 +   is FirebirdAPI and returns the IFirebirdAPI interface used by the database/
40 +   services connection.
41 +
42 + 10.SQL Property editors now quote parameter names if "Quote identifier" is selected
43 +   or param name is not a valid SQL identifier.
44 +
45 + 11. IBLookupComboEditBox: In Lazarus 2.0, TDBLookupComboBox takes a more restrictive
46 +    view of whether the text box should be editable when no DataSource is specified.
47 +    TIBLookupComboEditBox has been updated to workaround this problem. As long as
48 +    ReadOnly is false, the text box is editable when no DataSource is specified.
49 +
50 + 12. AllowUseOfFBLIB is now set to "true" at design time. This is to allow use of
51 +    the FBLIB environment variable. If you do not want to permit this then you
52 +    must modify the Register procedure in the design/IBDBReg.pas unit to remove
53 +    this setting.
54 +
55 + IBX Change Log  version                 (2.3-1) Thu, 25 Oct 2018 14:39:45 +0100
56 +
57 + 1. IBCustomDataset: replace deprecated function ValidUTF8String with call to
58 +   Utf8EscapeControlChars
59 +
60 + IBX Change Log  version                (2.3-0) Mon, 16 Apr 2018 09:48:06 +0100
61 +
62 + IMPORTANT: the source code tree has been re-organised for IBX 2.3. Please remove
63 + all previous copies of the IBX source code tree before installing this release.
64 +
65 + The IBX packages used by most users have not changed, with one exception. The
66 + IBServices unit has been moved to the package iblegacyServices.lpk. To continue
67 + to use the IBServices unit in your applications, please add the iblegacyServices
68 + to the list of dependencies. To do this, open the Project Inspector and select
69 + Add->New Requirement and select "ibLegacyServices" from the list of available
70 + packages.
71 +
72 + 1. New unit IBXServices. The IBXServices unit is a re-architectured update of
73 +   the IBServices unit providing what is intended to be a clearer and easier to
74 +   use set of IB Services components. See Chapter 10 of the IBX User Guide for
75 +   more information and the guide to "Firebird Service Management Using IBX".
76 +   As indicated above, the legacy services components are still available and
77 +   provided in a separate package. There is no need to update working applications
78 +   using the older versions except for an additional package dependency.
79 +
80 + 2. The IBX packages and source code tree have been re-organised in an attempt to
81 +   finally get rid of the "duplicate ppu" warnings. This re-organisation should
82 +   not affect existing users. Section 2.3 of the IBX User Guide describes the
83 +   new set of IBX packages.
84 +
85 + 3. The ibx/examples/DBAdmin and the ibx/examples/services example have been
86 +   updated to use the new Services API components.
87 +
88 + 4. The iblocal package has been updated to use the new Services API components.
89 +
90 + 5. procedure SetAutoAdmin; in the new IBX Services this method is now a member of
91 +   TIBXSecurityService. It had been wrongly classified in the previous version
92 +   as a per database configuration item. It is global to a server and hence
93 +   correctly positioned as part of the Security Package. In the DBAdmin example,
94 +   the setting has moved to the mappings page.
95 +
96 + 6. TIBXScript: IgnoreCreateDatabase added. If true then CREATE DATABASE statements
97 +   are ignored.
98 +
99 + 7. TIBDatabase: DropDatabase now ensures that all transactions have been properly
100 +   closed before the database is dropped. Before and After Disconnect event handlers
101 +   are also fired.
102 +
103 + 8. TIBTransaction: OnStartTransaction event now fires every time the transaction
104 +   is started and not just the first time.
105 +
106 + 9. IBDataOutput: Use FormatFloat for all performance statistics to avoid platform
107 +   depenendency with comp type.
108 +
109 + 10. IBDataOutput: select query data output is now sent to stdout instead of stderr.
110 +
111 + 11. TIBDatabase: Remove regression. If a user login dialog changes the DatabaseName
112 +    then this is recognised and not ignored.
113 +
114 + 12. TIBDataSet, TIBQuery, TIBTable: additions:
115 +    function GetRowsAffected(var SelectCount, InsertCount, UpdateCount, DeleteCount: integer): boolean;
116 +    function GetPerfStatistics(var stats: TPerfCounters): boolean;
117 +    property EnableStatistics: boolean read FEnableStatistics write SetEnableStatistics;
118 +
119 +    GetRowsAffected returns the affected row counts from the last insert/update/delete
120 +    if EnableStatistics = true then GetPerfStatistics returns the current stats
121 +    counters for the select query. Note: stats accumulate after each fetch from
122 +    the database. To get total query cost after open, call the "Last" method
123 +    and then GetPerfStatistics.
124 +
125 +    See ibx/examples/consolemode for an example of the use of GetPerfStatistics
126 +
127 + 13. TIBExtract: Identity columns DDL. "Start with clause" now correctly encapsulated
128 +    in parenthesises.
129 +
130 + 14. TIBExtract: new published property "AlwaysQuoteIdentifiers". If true then in dialect 3
131 +    SQL identifiers are always delimited by double quotes. If false, then they are
132 +    only delimited if the identifier is a reserved word, contains lower case or special
133 +    characters. Set this property to true to retain previous behaviour.
134 +
135 + 15. Insert SQL Property Editor. In Insert Returning Clause, Identity column names
136 +    are now inserted in double quotes if not Reserved Words or valid SQL Identifiers.
137 +
138 + 16. TIBDataSet, TIBQuery, TIBTable: addition:
139 +       property MasterDetailDelay: integer {defaults to zero}
140 +
141 +    When non-zero and the dataset is a detail table referencing a master table
142 +    through either a MasterSource (TIBTable) or a DataSource (TIBDataSet, TIBQuery)
143 +    then a synchronisation delay is added (in milliseconds) between the master
144 +    row changing and the detail dataset being re-opened. If the master dataset
145 +    is scrolled before the delay expires then the delay is reset. This can be used
146 +    to avoid performance overheads when scrolling through a large master dataset.
147 +
148 +    Note: uses fptimer and hence requires a thread manager. Under Linux the
149 +    chreads unit must be included in your project. TTimer is not used in order
150 +    to avoid an LCL dependency. Requires FPC 3.0.2 or later.
151 +
152 + 17. TIBExtract: User role grants now excluded when etGrantsToUser not specified
153 +    with Extract Option eoDatabase.
154 +
155 + 18. TIBLookupComboEditBox: Workaround added for
156 +    When a deLayoutChanged event is reported on the ListSource dataset, the
157 +    combobox text is updated. This allows a listsource (detail) to be in a Master/Detail
158 +    relationship with the control's datasource (master).
159 +
160 + 19. TIBExtract: Full BigInt value range now supported for Generators/Sequences.
161 +
162 + 20. TIBExtract: Select Procedures (Procedure type 1) now include "SUSPEND;" clause in their
163 +    stubs. Pedantic fix really, as procedures output in dependency order anyway.
164 +
165 + 21. TIBExtract: Package Headers and Package Bodies are now included in the extracted
166 +    DDL (Firebird 3 and later only).
167 +
168 + 22. TIBLookupComboBox Autocomplete Fixes:
169 +    i. Only appended text is now selected after autocomplete.
170 +    ii. Uppercase keys no longer ignored for autocomplete.
171 +    iii. Retain Prefix case is now honoured correctly.
172 +    iv. When a DataSource is assigned, typing after autocomplete now extends prefix
173 +        before autocomplete performed. i.e. behaviour now the same as when
174 +        no DataSource assigned.
175 +
176 + 23. TIBXScript: Single Line Comments starting with '--' are now ignored when occurring
177 +    between SQL statements.
178 +
179 + 24. TIBExtract: New published property CaseSensitiveObjectNames. If false (default) then
180 +    ObjectNames are converted to upper case before matching against metadata object
181 +    names, unless the objectname is delimited by double quotes, in which case, the
182 +    double quotes are removed and the remaining string is used (unmodified) to match
183 +    against the metadata object name.
184 +
185 +    If true then the ObjectName is used as is without modification and matched
186 +    against the metadata object name. No attempt is made to remove double quotes.
187 +
188 + 25. TIBExtract: New Extract Types: etDatabaseTriggers and etDDLTriggers. When used
189 +    with eoTrigger, these extract types can be used to select only Database Triggers,
190 +    or DDL Triggers or both. Ignored when etTable or etTrigger included in Extract Types.
191 +
192 + 26. TIBXScript: If an exception occurs during the processing of a statement, the
193 +    statement separate character is now reset to the default (';').
194 +
195 + 27. TIBDatabase: Reconnect method added and used by TIBXScript for reconnect.
196 +
197 + 28. TIBXScript: Transaction is no longer automatically reactivated immediately processing
198 +    a commit or reconnect statement and instead activated only when next SQL statement
199 +    is executed.
200 +
201 + 29. TIBSQL.HasField should no longer generate and exception when the field does not exist.
202 +
203 + 30. TIBXScript: case insensitive regex now used when matching statements instead of
204 +    converting statement to upper case.
205 +
206 + 31. TIBExtract: metadata comments now supported. New published property
207 +    IncludeMetaDataComments (default true). If true then metadata comments included
208 +    in extracted DDL. New Extract Object member eoComments. This may be used with
209 +    ExtractObject method to list all metadata comments.
210 +
211 + 32. TIBExtract: ListObjectNames method added.
212 +
213 + 33. Updated Database component editor to support additional connection string
214 +    types.
215 +
216 + IBX Change Log  version  (2.2-0) Wed, 28 Feb 2018 10:57:45 +0000
217 +
220 + RELEASE.
221 +
223 +
224 + 1. IBExtract: Identity columns - add additional check for null column for generator name.
225 +
226 + 2. IBCustomDataSet: Insert and Modify (Update) queries now recognise and process SQL RETURNING clauses.
227 +   The main use for this is for Firebird 3 Identity columns (see IBXDocumentation 6.6.8 for further
228 +   information). However, this is also a very useful mechanism for returning updated computed by
229 +   column values. Values returned as a result of executing an Insert or Update statement
230 +   replace existing values in the current row for each corresponding column.
231 +
232 +   Previously, if a dataset's select query included read only (computed by) fields then
233 +   an automatic row refresh was performed after an insert or update query had been processed,
234 +   irrespective of the setting of the "ForcedUpdates" property. This has changed such
235 +   that an automatic refresh is no longer performed if an insert or update query contains
236 +   a returning clause that updates one or more fields on the current row. A full row
237 +   refresh is only performed if (a) ForcedRefresh is true or (b) the query does not return any
238 +   field values and the select query contains read only fields. Use of Insert/update
239 +   returning should be significantly more efficient than executing a refresh query.
240 +
241 +   This behaviour change is intended to be backwards compatible and there should be no need to change
242 +   existing programs, other than to improve performance by using the new capability.
243 +
244 + 3. IBCustomDataSet: DELETE...RETURNING queries are now also recognised. However, as
245 +   they are called when the dataset row is being deleted, there is no value in
246 +   updating the current record from the query result. Instead, a new event handler
247 +   "OnDeleteReturning" is provided. If a DELETE...RETURNING query is execute and
248 +   an OnDeleteReturning event handler is provided then it is called with the IResults returned
249 +   by the query. The event handler can then interrogate the query results and
250 +   perform whatever action is necessary. For example to confirm, to the user,
251 +   the deletion of a row with the returned values.
252 +
253 + 4. TIBTable: generated Insert and Update SQL now include a RETURNING clause for
254 +   any Computed By or Identity Columns. The IBTables example has been updated to
255 +   illustrate the computation of the employee Full Name on update.
256 +
257 + 5. TIBTable: The GeneratorField property is now published.
258 +
259 + 6. The InsertSQL property editor now shows Firebird 3 Identity columns separate from the Field List.
260 +   When InsertSQL is generated, the Identity columns are not included in the list of values to
261 +   be inserted. A RETURNING clause is added to the insert statement to return the value of
262 +   each Identity column after the insert is executed.
263 +
264 + 7. The Modify Property Editor now generates Update SQL with Computed By fields in Update..Returning clause.
265 +   Similarly Insert Property Editor now generates Insert SQL with Computed By fields in
266 +   Insert..Returning clause.
267 +
268 + 8. TIBGenerator: small performance improvement by not preparing query each time
269 +   a new value is generated.
270 +
271 + 9. TIBSQL: Free resources when transaction changed - ensures new transaction is used.
272 +
273 + 10. Property editors will now sync table name to a System Table when "Include System
274 +    Tables" is selected and the query is for a System Table.
275 +
276 + 11. Minor Performance improvement to handling of Date/Time types in IBX datasets. Field
277 +    values are no longer converted to milliseconds from TDateTime and then back again
278 +    to TDateTime (the conversion to milliseconds is the default TDataset approach).
279 +
280 + 12. Property Editors handling of Stored Procedures.
281 +    * Select and Refresh: only show a list of stored procedures that return multiple rows (proc type 1) and
282 +      which have a non-empty list of output parameters (i.e. stored procedures that may be used in a select
283 +      query).
284 +    * Modify and Insert: only show a list of stored procedures that return at most a singleton row (proc type 2).
285 +
286 + 13. IBStoredProc: Now supports Firebird 3 Package Names. A new published property PackageName
287 +    can be used to select a package. If non-empty, the stored procedure name is
288 +    expected to be a stored procedure defined in the specified package and the
289 +    generated SQL will be as required for a stored procedure located in a package.
290 +
291 + 14. Select, Refresh, Insert, Modify, Delete and TIBSQL SQL Property Editors now include
292 +    a "Package Name" drop down box to allow selection of a Firebird 3 Package from
293 +    which a stored procedure can be selected. With no package name selected, non-package
294 +    stored procedures are listed.
295 +
296 + 15. TIBXScript: turn off database login prompt when reconnecting - this avoids prompting
297 +    for password on reconnect.
298 +
299 + 16. TIBDatabase: use IAttachment for connection default character set id, code page
300 +    and character set name.
301 +
302 + 17. TIBDatabaseInfo: cache ODS Version information on first request in order to minimise
303 +    DB info lookups"
304 +
305 + 18. IBExtract: now supports DDL Triggers and Grants to DDL objects.
306 +
307 + 19. Add a property Editor for TIBUpdate.RefreshSQL.
308 +
309 + 20. IBUpdate: Ignore non-data (e.g. calculated) fields when assembling list of input
310 +    parameters. This stops an exception being raised when the field cannot be
311 +    located in the record buffer.
312 +
313 + 21. Property Editors now automatically include System Tables when opened and when the query table
314 +    is a System Table.
315 +
316 + 22. IBServices: SQRB and SRB buffers are now reset when service query throws an exception.
317 +    This avoids errors due to a stale SQRB or SRB being used for the next query.
318 +
319 + 23. IBServices: Service attach parameters now include "expected_db". This is used to
320 +    add the SPB item isc_spb_expected_db. This names a database using
321 +    an alternative Security Database (FB3 onwards) and allows (e.g. backup/restore) using such a
322 +    database. examples/services re-written to illustrate use of "expected_db".
323 +
324 + 24. IBServices: TIBControlAndQueryService.WriteNextChunk no longer ignores isc_info_svc_timeout.
325 +    This avoids truncated backups when the server returns a timeout (busy) response.
326 +
327 + 25. TIBDatabase: isc_dpb_page_size now supported as a database parameter when using TIBDatabase.CreateDatabase.
328 +
329 + 26. TIBDatabase: DatabaseName property may now be prefixed by $TEMP$ or $DATADIR$ for local
330 +    databasenames. These are respectively expanded to the local system's temp directory
331 +    (including trailing delimiter) or to a prescribed data directory (including
332 +    trailing delimiter). Under Unix systems the data directory is a hidden directory
333 +    in the user's home directory. The hidden directory name is either the string returned
334 +    from the SysUtils "Vendor Name" or "IBX" if empty. In either case prefixed by a '.'.
335 +    Under Windows, the directory is the same as the Data Directory as decribed
336 +    above but instead prefixed by the User's application data path. These may be
337 +    used to improve application portability for Personal Databases.
338 +
339 + 27. TIBTable: FieldDefs property is no longer published. Due to the use of TIBFieldDef
340 +    this has not worked for a long time and is not useful either. FieldDefs should be
341 +    managed using the Fields Editor as with any other dataset. To access the fields
342 +    editor for a TIBTable component, double click on the component. The fields editor
343 +    is then displayed.
344 +
345 + 28. TIBDatabaseInfo: new properties/function
346 +     * DateDBCreated (returns date/time database created)
347 +     * TransactionCount (returns no. of active transactions)
348 +     * GetDatabasePage(PageNo: integer) (returns contents of specified database page - SYSDBA only).
349 +     * PagesFree (Firebird 3 or later)
350 +     * PagesUsed (Firebird 3 or later)
351 +     * Encrypted (returns true if database encrypted. (Firebird 3.0.3 or later only)
352 +     * EncryptionKeyName (returns the name of the encryption key if any (Firebird 3.0.3 or later only)
353 +
354 + 29. IBServices classes now provided the decoded release number in the (array) property ServerVersionNo.
355 +
356 + 30. TIBSecurityService now supports display/modification of the User Admin Role (Firebird 2.5 and later).
357 +
358 + 31. TIBConfigService now has a procedure SetAutoAdmin(Value: boolean) to enable/disable
359 +    the automtic mapping of privileged OS users to the RDB$ADMIN role (Firebird 2.5 and later).
360 +
361 + 32. TIBBackupService: New Option - NoDBTriggers equivalent to -nodbtriggers switch introduced
362 +    in the gbak utility at V.2.1 to prevent database-level and transaction-level triggers from
363 +    firing during backup and restore.
364 +
365 + 33. Both TIBBackupService and TIBRestoreService now support backup/restore statistics options
366 +    for verbose output using the new property "StatisticsRequested".
367 +    see
368 +
369 + 34. TIBRestoreService: now supports new options RestoreMetaDataOnly (Firebird 2.5 and later).
370 +
371 + 35. TIBOnlineValidationService component added to the IBServices and the "Firebird Admin"
372 +    palette. This uses the online validation feature added in Firebird 2.5. The
373 +    services's properties enable inclusion/exclusion of tables and indexes using
374 +    regular expressions. See.
375 +
376 +
377 + 36. IBServices: procedure TIBConfigService.SetNoLinger added to set no linger
378 +    option on a database.
379 +
380 + 37. TIBCustomService: Assign method implemented to allow copying of service login
381 +    context between service API components. "Detach" method now only detaches
382 +    service when last reference to the service interface detaches. Tidy up of
383 +    code for SetActive and Attach methods including password hiding.
384 +
385 + 38. TIBDatabase: new properties: AuthenticationMethod and RemoteProtocol. Read only
386 +    and used to determine the auth method and protocol used for the connection.
387 +
388 + 39. TIBDatabase: ensure that SQLDialect setting is used when creating a database using
389 +    a Create Database Statement generated by IBX.
390 +
391 + 40. All IBServices now have an additional published property "PortNo". This may
392 +    be set to a non-standard port number when necessary. If zero then the default
393 +    port number is used.
394 +
395 + 41: TIBLookupComboeditBox: Ensure dataset updated when change selected with the keyboard
396 +    and not just the mouse.
397 +
398 + 42. TIBCustomDataset: reopen query if already active when a TIBControlLink is added.
399 +
400 + 43. TIBTreeview: new ImageIndexField and SelectedIndexField Property allows the
401 +    image index and selected image index for each node to be set from a database field.
402 +
403 + 44. TIBExtract: new extract type (etGrantsToUser) for use with eoDatabase. If included
404 +    then database schema includes grants to all users. If not present then the
405 +    only user grants included are those to User PUBLIC.
406 +
407 + 45. TIBTreeView: performance improvement. When expanding include both expanded node
408 +    and child nodes in dataset.
409 +
410 +
411   IBX Change Log  version                            (2.1-0) Fri, 15 Dec 2017 12:20:11 +0000
413   1. IBCustomDataset: Minor change of PChar to PByte for compatibility with fbintf

Diff Legend

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