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Comparing ibx/trunk/changelog (file contents):
Revision 43 by tony, Thu Sep 22 17:10:15 2016 UTC vs.
Revision 106 by tony, Thu Jan 18 14:37:35 2018 UTC

# Line 1 | Line 1
1 + IBX Change Log  version                                   (2.1-1) Fri, 12 Jan 2018 10:13:29 +0000
2 +
3 + 1. IBExtract: Identity columns - add addition check for null column for generator name.
4 +
5 + 2. IBCustomDataSet: Insert and Modify (Update) queries now recognise and process SQL RETURNING clauses.
6 +   The main use for this is for Firebird 3 Identity columns (see IBXDocumentation 6.6.8 for further
7 +   information). Values returned as a result of executing an Insert or Update statement
8 +   replace existing values in the current row for each corresponding column.
9 +
10 + 3. The InsertSQL property editor now shows Firebird 3 Identity columns separate from the Field List.
11 +   When InsertSQL is generated, the Identity columns are not included in the list of values to
12 +   be inserted. A RETURNING clause is added to the insert statement to return the value of
13 +   each Identity column after the insert is executed.
14 +
15 + 4. TIBGenerator: small performance improvement by not preparing query each time
16 +   a new number is generated.
17 +
18 + 5. TIBSQL: Free resources when transaction changed.
19 +
20 + 6. Property editor will now sync table name to a System Table when "Include System
21 +   Tables" is selected and the query is for a System Table.
22 +
23 + 7. Modify Property Editor now generates Update SQL with Computed By fields in Update..Returning clause.
24 +   Similarly Insert Property Editor now generates Insert SQL with Computed By fields in
25 +   Insert..Returning clause.
26 +
27 + 8. Minor Performance improvement to handling of Date/Time types in IBX datasets. Field
28 +   values are no longer converted to milliseconds from TDateTime and then back again
29 +   the TDateTime (the TDataset approach).
30 +
31 + IBX Change Log  version                            (2.1-0) Fri, 15 Dec 2017 12:20:11 +0000
32 +
33 + 1. IBCustomDataset: Minor change of PChar to PByte for compatibility with fbintf
34 +   changes.
35 +
36 + 2. IBCustomDataset: Fixed use of incorrect datasize in TIBStringField.SetAsString.
37 +   Bug could result in truncated multi-byte character set values.
38 +
39 + 3. Changes consequential on moving fbintf character set utility functions from
40 +   IFirebirdAPI to IAttachment.
41 +
42 + 4. Avoid "Object is nil" error when opening a database with DefaultSystemCodePage = true
43 +
44 + 5. IBLookupComboEditBox: avoid race condition when autocompleting text that occasionally
45 +   results in autocomplete ignoring prefix text.
46 +
47 + 6. IBLookupComboEditBox: Ensure that cursor is not reset to start of text when
48 +   entering a new name into the text box.
49 +
50 + 7. IBCustomDataset: ensure that TIBStringField uses the field size reported by
51 +   Firebird rather than recomputing it.
52 +
53 + 8. Property Editor positioning tidy up: All IBX Property editors should now be
54 +   screen centre. Previously some were "poDesigned" which may be inappropriate
55 +   for multi monitor desktops.
56 +
57 + 10. TIBTreeView.FindNode: protect against error if zero length path or empty tree node.
58 +
59 + 11. TIBTransaction: On Force Disconnect do not raise an exception when problem ending
60 +    a transaction and always reset the object.
61 +
62 + 12. TIBQuery tidyup: remove unnecessary call to GetAffectedRows.
63 +
64 + 13. TIBXScript: Allow for override of database filename in Create Database statements.
65 +
66 + 14. IBLocaldb: Support initialisation of the database from an SQL script in addition
67 +    to a gbak format archive.
68 +
69 + 15. IBLocaldb: fix problem that stopped the OnSharedDataDir event from being recognised.
70 +
71 + 16. IBLocaldb: Drop database if error creating an empty database.
72 +
73 + 17. TIBTreeView: improve performance when selecting node - avoid refreshing dataset
74 +    unless selected node not in current dataset.
75 +
76 + 18. IBServices: SetDBParams method moved from TCustomIBLocalDBSupport (in IBLocalDB package)
77 +    to TIBCustomService, and IBlocalDB code tidy up.
78 +
79 + 19. IBTreeView: Initialise TIBTreeNode KeyValue to null to avoid unpredictable
80 +    behaviour due to uninitialised variable.
81 +
82 + 20. IBServices: Correct encoding of isc_spb_prp_write_mode in TIBConfigService from
83 +    integer to byte. Ditto isc_spb_prp_reserve_space and isc_spb_prp_access_mode.
84 +
85 + 21. IBSQL: When Database changed ensure that all resources are freed.
86 +
87 + 22. IBCustomDataset: When database changed ensure that queries an unprepared.
88 +
89 + 23. SQL Property Editors now use SynEdit with SQL Highlighter. New features include:
90 +    * Line Wrap on SQL Token boundaries (on user command)
91 +    * auto-complete table names in drop down list of table names
92 +    * Double click on tablename or field name adds to SQL text
93 +
94 + 24. IBDataOutput: print statistics using float (%f) format instead of decimal (%d).
95 +
96 + 25. IBTreeView: Call to FindNode: param type change from "array of Variant" to
97 +    TVariantArray. Seems to avoid memory corruption in Windows (probably a
98 +    workaround for a problem in fpc 3.0.4 win64).
99 +
100 + 26. IBDatabaseInfo: Code tidy up. Add check for database not assigned or not open.
101 +
102 + 27. IBDatabaseInfo: Remove memory leak when accessing database operation counts.
103 +
104 + IBX Change Log  version                   (2.0-2) Fri, 24 Feb 2017 12:17:53 +0000
105 +
106 + 1. TIBDatabase.CreateDatabase: extract full DB Name from SQL using reg ex in order to
107 +   include remote system name.
108 +
109 + 2. TIBExtract: No longer include comment header and COMMIT statement for empty
110 +   tables when data included in output.
111 +
112 + 3. Profiling: IBSQL now has conditional compilation flags to enable query performance
113 +   and timing information to be written to stdout. This may be used to locate
114 +   performance bottlenecks.
115 +
116 + 4. SQLParser: only call "OnChanging" event handler when value is different.
117 +
118 + 5. IBDynamicGrid: Update handling of navigation keys for a TDateEdit
119 +
120 + 6. IBCustomDataset: Set internalunprepared flag when transaction ends. This ensures
121 +   that BindFields is called when the query is next activated. Avoids FieldName
122 +   not found error.
123 +
124 + 7. IBUpdate: This is a new IBX component similar to TIBUpdateSQL. It is more general
125 +   purpose and allows the programmer to define any action they want for Update, Insert
126 +   or Delete. This may be complex SQL (similar to a Trigger), application specific
127 +   filtering of updates, or use of statements such as Grant or Revoke instead of
128 +   normal DML. See User Manual for more information.
129 +
130 + IBX Change Log  version                  (2.0-1) Mon, 09 Jan 2017 15:31:49 +0000
131 +
132 + 1. TIBEvents: Fix uninitialised variable that could result in lost events.
133 +
134 + 2. TIBExtract: Added support for FB3 "USAGE" privilege.
135 +
136 + 3. TIBExtract: data formatted as Charset set "octets" is now output using
137 +   hexadecimal notation.
138 +
139 + 4. TIBExtract: Binary Blobs and array data can now be embedded in INSERT statements
140 +   using a simple XML format.
141 +
142 + 5. TIBExtract: extract of individual Triggers and Stored Procedures can now include
143 +   grants to these objects.
144 +
145 + 6. TIBExtract: Stored Procedures and Views output in dependency order to avoid
146 +   dependency problems restoring complex databases.
147 +
148 + 7. TIBXScript: This component has been restructured to allow for the processing of
149 +   embedded XML in INSERT statements and to support interactive sources in addition
150 +   to non-interactive data sources such as files.
151 +
152 + 8. TIBXScript: CREATE DATABASE, DROP DATABASE, CONNECT statements are now supported.
153 +
154 + 9. TIBXScript: ISQL compatiable Set statements are now supported:
156 +   SET TERM
158 +   SET BAIL
159 +   SET ECHO
160 +   SET COUNT
161 +   SET STATS
162 +   SET NAMES <character set>
163 +
164 + 10. IBVersion unit added to hold current IBX Version Number information.
165 +
166 + 11. TIBExtract: Use character rather than byte length for VarChar procedure arguments.,
167 +    and domain definitions.
168 +
169 + 12. TIBExtract: Triggers now use SQL2003 syntax and database and transaction triggers
170 +    fully supported.
171 +
172 + 13. TIBExtract: when a database dump includes data, the generator values are now also set.
173 +
174 + 14: IBSQLEdit: Unit LCLPlatformDef added to uses clauses for lazarus 1.7 and later.
175 +
176 + IBX Change Log  version     (2.0-0) Tue, 06 Dec 2016 10:33:44 +0000
177 +
178 + See also doc/IBX4LazarusGuide.pdf for important information on
179 + upgrading to IBX2.
180 +
181 + 1. Size property of TIBStringField is now the width in characters of the field
182 +   and not the byte length. This applies only to multi-byte character sets such
183 +   as UTF8. The original approach aligned with TStringField. However, the TStringField
184 +   code is not recognised as a bug and hence this change to align the behaviour.
185 +   The TStringField change is expected in fpc 3.2.0.
186 +
187 + 2. A new property AutoFieldSize: boolean has been added to TIBStringField. When
188 +   true (default) then Size property value saved in the lfm is ignored. Size is
189 +   always set from the dynamic information read from the database. It is unclear
190 +   why anyone would want to override this and set Size to false.
191 +
192 + 3. ibxscript: should now handle correctly a Case..End statement within a procedure
193 +   block.
194 +
195 + 4. IBDatabase: new property - CreateIfNotExists. If true and database does not
196 +   exist when an attempt is made to connect to it (run time only) then an attempt
197 +   is made to create the database.
198 +
199 + 5. IBDatabase: new event - OnCreateDatabase. This event is called after a database
200 +   has been successfully created as a result of a call to CreateDatabase or when
201 +   creating a database after it was found not to exist.
202 +
203 + 6.  DBControlGrid: a race condition could result in the wrong row image being
204 +    written to the cache. This has been avoided by a trip round the message
205 +    loop before rendering the row image.
206 +
207 + 7.  DBControlGrid: It is strongly recommended not to open the source DataSet for
208 +    a DBControlGrid during a Form's "OnShow" event handler. Under GTK2 this is
209 +    known to risk corrupt rendering of row images when the control is first
210 +    displayed. If necessary use "Application.QueueAsyncCall" to delay opening
211 +    of the dataset (see DBControlGrid examples) until the Form's Window has been created.
212 +
213 + 8.  DBControlGrid & IBDynamicGrid: Navigation keys should now work correctly with
214 +    a TDateEdit control located on an editor panel.
215 +
216 + 9.  TIBExtract: brought up-to-date plus many bug fixes.
217 +
218 + 10. DBControlGrid: Removed memory leak when updating rows.
219 +
220 + 11. TIBCMLocalDBSupport: fixed invalid free on upgrade.
221 +
222   IBX Change Log  version                                           (1.4-3) Thu, 22 Sep 2016 18:10:15 +0100
224   1. IBCustomDataset: When calling SetCodePage, no longer request transliteration
# Line 19 | Line 240 | IBX Change Log  version
240     regardless of the database character set or connection character set. This
241     is for compatibility with the LCL.
243 < IBX Change Log  version                                     (1.4-2) Sat, 16 Jul 2016 13:25:48 +0100
243 > IBX Change Log  version  (1.4-2) Thu, 22 Sep 2016 15:25:27 +0100
245   1. IBBlob: Defer reading of blob until read method called. This avoids having to
246     read in an entire blob just to get the size of the blob. General performance

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