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Comparing ibx/trunk/changelog (file contents):
Revision 232 by tony, Mon Apr 16 08:49:32 2018 UTC vs.
Revision 271 by tony, Fri Jan 18 13:35:28 2019 UTC

# Line 1 | Line 1
1 + IBX Change Log  version (2.3-3 Build 11348) Fri, 28 Dec 2018 10:04:17 +0000
2 +
3 + 1. New property for TIBDatabase and TIBXServicesConnection. This is "ConfigOverrides"
4 +   and is used to override the default settings in the client side "firebird.conf" This
5 +   includes "WireCompression" and "WireCrypt". The value of this property is a "TStrings".
6 +   Each line of the string list should be a setting in the same format as "firebird.conf".
7 +   For example "WireCompression = true" in order to request wire compression on the client side.
8 +
9 +   Note: explicit settings in the client side "firebird.conf" appear to take precedence
10 +   over settings given in TIBDatabase and TIBXServicesConnection. Many client side settings
11 +   also require a compatible setting in the server side "firebird.conf". For example
12 +   "WireCompression = true" must also be set in the server's "firebird.conf" for wire
13 +   compression to be used.
14 +
15 +   Whether or not WireCompression or WireCrypt are in use can be checked using the information
16 +   returned with the Client/Server protocol version. See ibx/examples/dbadmin and
17 +   ibx/examples/dbinfo for examples of how to display this information.
18 +
19 + 2. New property for TIBDatabase and TIBXServicesConnection: "WireCompression". This
20 +   is a "convenience" property. If set the "WireCompression=true" is added to the
21 +   ConfigOverrides. If unchecked then this setting is removed.
22 +
23 + 3. TIBExtract: 64-bit integer types are now correctly extracted as "BIGINT" and
24 +   not "INT64".
25 +
26 + 4. New published properties for TIBCSVDataOut, TIBInsertStmtsOut and TIBBlockFormatOut
27 +   These are:
28 +    property TimestampFormat: string;
29 +    property DateFormat: string;
30 +    property TimeFormat: string;
31 +
32 +   Respectively, these provide the date time format templates for SQL types: TIMESTAMP,
33 +   DATETIME and TIME. The format strings use the standard FPC date/time format
34 +   characters (see
35 +
36 +   If any of the above properties are set to an empty string, then the locale default
37 +   is used. This uses the ShortDateFormat and the LongTimeFormat. In timestamp, the
38 +   locale default is extended by appending '.zzz' to include milliseconds.
39 +
40 +   TIBCSVDataOut by default sets these properties to the empty string, while the other
41 +   two use: ' hh:nn:ss.zzz', '' and 'hh:nn:ss.zzz' respectively.
42 +
43 + 5. New published property for TIBCSVDataOut:
44 +     property QuoteStrings: boolean (default true)
45 +
46 +   If false then strings are unquoted, otherwise, the QuoteChar property value is
47 +   used to delimit each and every string in the output.
48 +
49 + 6. New published properties for TIBCSVDataOut:
50 +    property FieldSeparator: string;
51 +    property HeaderSeparator: string;
52 +
53 +   Respectively, these provide the separator character(s) used to separate fields
54 +   in data and header rows. Both default to ','.
55 +
56 + 7. New published properties for TIBCSVDataOut and TIBBlockFormatOut:
57 +    TOnFormatTextString = procedure(sender: TObject; var TextString: string) of object;
58 +    property OnFormatTextString;
59 +
60 +   This event handler can be used to process text strings before they are included
61 +   in the output e.g. to replace unprintable characters with alternative strings.
62 +   This only applies to columns with an SQL Type of SQL_VARYING and SQL_TEXT.
63 +
64 + 8. TIBDataSet now raises an exception when ParamByName called with an invalid parameter name.
65 +
66 + 9. TIBQuery now uses IBX SQL Parser instead of TParams SQL parser in order to ensure
67 +   consistency with SQL queries.
68 +
69 + 10. CaseSensitiveParameterNames property added to TIBSQL, TIBDataSet and TIBQuery.
70 +    When true, SQL statement parameter names are parsed case sensitive. Note for
71 +    TIBDataSet only applies to Select query.
72 +
73 + 11. IBEvents: removing a TIBEvent component from a form should no longer result in
74 +    an IDE exception.
75 +
76 + IBX Change Log  version (2.3-2) Wed, 05 Dec 2018 12:19:23 +0000
77 +
78 + 1. Remove need to check for IsMultiThread by providing access to GUI timers via
79 +   IBGUIInterface. Note: master/detail delay timer does not apply to console
80 +   mode apps.
81 +
82 + 2. TIBCustomDataSet: SQLParser ignored if it does not contain a valid select
83 +   statement. This avoids problems if "Execute Block" is used as the Query.
84 +
85 + 3. IBSQLParser now uses the common SQL tokeniser from fbintf. This replaces the
86 +   internal SQL tokeniser routines.
87 +
88 + 4. IBSQLParser: new property NotaSelectStmt. Set to true if SQL fails to parse
89 +   as a select statement, with or without CTEs.
90 +
91 + 5. IBSQLParser: parser now recognises the "ROWS" clause.
92 +
93 + 6. TIBXScript now uses the common SQL tokeniser from fbintf. This replaces the
94 +   internal SQL tokeniser routines.
95 +
96 + 7.  Fix error in TIBXScript processing of "set" statements. This avoids exceptions
97 +    being raised for valid set statements processed by a data formatter.
98 +
99 + 8. New published property for TIBDatabase and TIBXServicesConnection. This is
100 +   FirebirdLibraryPathName: string. If not empty it is used to explicitly specify
101 +   the path of the Firebird Library used by the database/services connection.
102 +
103 + 9. New read only public property for TIBDatabase and TIBXServicesConnection. This
104 +   is FirebirdAPI and returns the IFirebirdAPI interface used by the database/
105 +   services connection.
106 +
107 + 10.SQL Property editors now quote parameter names if "Quote identifier" is selected
108 +   or param name is not a valid SQL identifier.
109 +
110 + 11. IBLookupComboEditBox: In Lazarus 2.0, TDBLookupComboBox takes a more restrictive
111 +    view of whether the text box should be editable when no DataSource is specified.
112 +    TIBLookupComboEditBox has been updated to workaround this problem. As long as
113 +    ReadOnly is false, the text box is editable when no DataSource is specified.
114 +
115 + 12. AllowUseOfFBLIB is now set to "true" at design time. This is to allow use of
116 +    the FBLIB environment variable. If you do not want to permit this then you
117 +    must modify the Register procedure in the design/IBDBReg.pas unit to remove
118 +    this setting.
119 +
120 + IBX Change Log  version                 (2.3-1) Thu, 25 Oct 2018 14:39:45 +0100
121 +
122 + 1. IBCustomDataset: replace deprecated function ValidUTF8String with call to
123 +   Utf8EscapeControlChars
124 +
125   IBX Change Log  version                (2.3-0) Mon, 16 Apr 2018 09:48:06 +0100
127   IMPORTANT: the source code tree has been re-organised for IBX 2.3. Please remove

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