27 |
{ IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express) } |
28 |
{ Contributor: Tony Whyman, MWA Software http://www.mwasoftware.co.uk } |
29 |
{ Portions created by MWA Software are copyright McCallum Whyman } |
30 |
< |
{ Associates Ltd 2011 } |
30 |
> |
{ Associates Ltd 2011 - 2018 } |
31 |
{************************************************************************} |
32 |
33 |
unit IBDBReg; |
63 |
Property editor the DataBase Name property. Brings up the Open dialog } |
64 |
65 |
TIBFileNameProperty = class(TStringProperty) |
66 |
+ |
protected |
67 |
+ |
function GetFilter: string; virtual; |
68 |
public |
69 |
procedure Edit; override; |
70 |
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override; |
71 |
end; |
72 |
73 |
+ |
{ TIBLibraryNameProperty } |
74 |
+ |
75 |
+ |
TIBLibraryNameProperty = class(TIBFileNameProperty) |
76 |
+ |
protected |
77 |
+ |
function GetFilter: string; override; |
78 |
+ |
end; |
79 |
+ |
80 |
{ TIBNameProperty |
81 |
} |
82 |
TIBNameProperty = class(TStringProperty) |
212 |
function GetVerbCount: Integer; override; |
213 |
end; |
214 |
215 |
+ |
{ TIBXServiceEditor } |
216 |
+ |
217 |
+ |
TIBXServiceEditor = class(TComponentEditor) |
218 |
+ |
public |
219 |
+ |
procedure ExecuteVerb(Index: Integer); override; |
220 |
+ |
function GetVerb(Index: Integer): string; override; |
221 |
+ |
function GetVerbCount: Integer; override; |
222 |
+ |
end; |
223 |
+ |
224 |
TIBStoredProcParamsProperty = class(TCollectionPropertyEditor) |
225 |
end; |
226 |
340 |
procedure Edit; override; |
341 |
end; |
342 |
343 |
+ |
{ TIBUpdateRefreshSQLProperty } |
344 |
+ |
345 |
+ |
TIBUpdateRefreshSQLProperty = class(TSQLPropertyEditor) |
346 |
+ |
protected |
347 |
+ |
FIBUpdate: TIBUpdate; |
348 |
+ |
FDatabase: TIBDatabase; |
349 |
+ |
function GetObjects: boolean; |
350 |
+ |
public |
351 |
+ |
procedure Edit; override; |
352 |
+ |
end; |
353 |
+ |
354 |
+ |
355 |
{ TIBEventListProperty } |
356 |
357 |
TIBEventListProperty = class(TClassProperty) |
417 |
418 |
implementation |
419 |
420 |
< |
uses IB, IBQuery, IBStoredProc, IBCustomDataSet, FBMessages, |
421 |
< |
IBSQL, IBSQLMonitor, IBDatabaseInfo, IBEvents, IBTypes, |
422 |
< |
IBServices, IBDatabaseEdit, IBTransactionEdit, |
420 |
> |
uses IB, IBQuery, IBStoredProc, IBCustomDataSet, IBMessages, |
421 |
> |
IBSQL, IBSQLMonitor, IBDatabaseInfo, IBEvents, IBInternals, |
422 |
> |
IBServices, IBXServices, IBDatabaseEdit, IBTransactionEdit, |
423 |
IBBatchMove, IBExtract,LResources, IBSelectSQLEditor, |
424 |
IBModifySQLEditor,IBDeleteSQLEditor,IBRefreshSQLEditor, |
425 |
IBInsertSQLEditor, IBGeneratorEditor, IBUpdateSQLEditor, IBDataSetEditor, |
426 |
IBSQLEditor, ibserviceeditor, LCLVersion, IBDynamicGrid, IBLookupComboEditBox, |
427 |
IBTreeView, DBControlGrid, ibxscript, IBLocalDBSupport, IBDSDialogs, |
428 |
< |
IBArrayGrid, IBVersion, IBDataOutput; |
428 |
> |
IBArrayGrid, IBVersion, IBDataOutput, IBXServiceEditor; |
429 |
430 |
const |
431 |
IBPalette1 = 'Firebird'; {do not localize} |
432 |
< |
IBPalette2 = 'Firebird Admin'; {do not localize} |
432 |
> |
IBPalette2 = 'Firebird Legacy Admin'; {do not localize} |
433 |
IBPalette3 = 'Firebird Data Controls'; {do not localize} |
434 |
< |
434 |
> |
IBPalette4 = 'Firebird Admin'; {do not localize} |
435 |
> |
436 |
resourcestring |
437 |
SInterbaseExpressVersion = 'Firebird Express for Lazarus ' + IBX_VERSION; |
438 |
SEditSQL = 'Edit SQL'; |
444 |
SIBDatabaseEditor = 'Da&tabase Editor...'; |
445 |
SIBTransactionEditor = '&Transaction Editor...'; |
446 |
SIBUpdateLayout = 'Update Layout'; |
447 |
+ |
SFBLibLoadProblem = 'IBX is unable to locate or otherwise load the Firebird Library - have you remembered to install it?'; |
448 |
449 |
procedure Register; |
450 |
begin |
451 |
< |
if not TryIBLoad then |
452 |
< |
begin |
453 |
< |
MessageDlg('IBX is unable to locate the Firebird Library - have you remembered to install it?',mtError,[mbOK],0); |
454 |
< |
Exit; |
451 |
> |
AllowUseOfFBLIB := true; |
452 |
> |
try |
453 |
> |
if not TryIBLoad then |
454 |
> |
begin |
455 |
> |
MessageDlg(SFBLibLoadProblem,mtError,[mbOK],0); |
456 |
> |
Exit; |
457 |
> |
end; |
458 |
> |
except on E: Exception do |
459 |
> |
begin |
460 |
> |
MessageDlg(SFBLibLoadProblem + ' - ' + E.Message,mtError,[mbOK],0); |
461 |
> |
Exit; |
462 |
> |
end; |
463 |
end; |
464 |
465 |
RegisterNoIcon([TIBStringField, TIBBCDField, TIBMemoField, TIBArrayField, |
466 |
< |
TIBSmallintField, TIBIntegerField, TIBLargeIntField]); |
466 |
> |
TIBSmallintField, TIBIntegerField, TIBLargeIntField, TIBDateTimeField, |
467 |
> |
TIBTimeField]); |
468 |
{$if lcl_fullversion < 01010000} |
469 |
{see http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=19035 } |
470 |
RegisterNoIcon([TIntegerField]); |
475 |
TIBStoredProc,TIBBatchMove, TIBTable,TIBExtract, TIBXScript, TIBLocalDBSupport, |
476 |
TIBBlockFormatOut,TIBCSVDataOut,TIBInsertStmtsOut]); |
477 |
if FirebirdAPI.HasServiceAPI then |
478 |
+ |
begin |
479 |
+ |
RegisterComponents(IBPalette4, [TIBXServicesConnection, TIBXConfigService, |
480 |
+ |
TIBXClientSideBackupService, TIBXServerSideBackupService, |
481 |
+ |
TIBXClientSideRestoreService, TIBXServerSideRestoreService, |
482 |
+ |
TIBXValidationService, TIBXOnlineValidationService, TIBXStatisticalService, |
483 |
+ |
TIBXLogService, TIBXSecurityService, TIBXServerProperties, |
484 |
+ |
TIBXLimboTransactionResolutionService,TIBXServicesUserList, TIBXServicesLimboTransactionsList]); |
485 |
RegisterComponents(IBPalette2, [TIBConfigService, TIBBackupService, |
486 |
< |
TIBRestoreService, TIBValidationService, TIBStatisticalService, |
486 |
> |
TIBRestoreService, TIBValidationService, |
487 |
> |
TIBOnlineValidationService, TIBStatisticalService, |
488 |
TIBLogService, TIBSecurityService, TIBServerProperties]); |
489 |
< |
489 |
> |
end; |
490 |
491 |
RegisterComponents(IBPalette3,[TIBLookupComboEditBox,TIBDynamicGrid,TIBTreeView,TDBControlGrid, TIBArrayGrid]); |
492 |
+ |
493 |
RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TIBFileName), TIBDatabase, 'DatabaseName', TIBFileNameProperty); {do not localize} |
494 |
+ |
RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TIBFileName), TIBDatabase, 'FirebirdLibraryPathName', TIBLibraryNameProperty); {do not localize} |
495 |
+ |
RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TIBFileName), TIBXServicesConnection, 'FirebirdLibraryPathName', TIBLibraryNameProperty); {do not localize} |
496 |
RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(string), TIBStoredProc, 'StoredProcName', TIBStoredProcNameProperty); {do not localize} |
497 |
RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(string), TIBStoredProc, 'PackageName', TIBPackageNameProperty); {do not localize} |
498 |
RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TParams), TIBStoredProc, 'Params', TIBStoredProcParamsProperty); |
513 |
RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TStrings), TIBUpdateSQL, 'ModifySQL', TIBUpdateSQLUpdateProperty); {do not localize} |
514 |
RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TStrings), TIBUpdateSQL, 'InsertSQL', TIBUpdateSQLInsertSQLProperty); {do not localize} |
515 |
RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TStrings), TIBUpdateSQL, 'DeleteSQL', TIBUpdateSQLDeleteProperty); {do not localize} |
516 |
+ |
RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TStrings), TIBUpdate, 'RefreshSQL', TIBUpdateRefreshSQLProperty); {do not localize} |
517 |
RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TStrings), TIBEvents, 'Events', TIBEventListProperty); {do not localize} |
518 |
RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TPersistent), TIBDataSet, 'GeneratorField', TIBGeneratorProperty); {do not localize} |
519 |
RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TPersistent), TIBQuery, 'GeneratorField', TIBGeneratorProperty); {do not localize} |
528 |
RegisterComponentEditor(TIBSQL, TIBSQLEditor); |
529 |
RegisterComponentEditor(TIBCustomService, TIBServiceEditor); |
530 |
RegisterComponentEditor(TIBArrayGrid, TIBArrayGridEditor); |
531 |
+ |
RegisterComponentEditor(TIBXServicesConnection, TIBXServiceEditor); |
532 |
533 |
534 |
{Firebird Data Access Controls} |
540 |
RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(string), TIBTreeView, 'TextField', TIBTreeViewFieldProperty); |
541 |
RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(string), TIBTreeView, 'ParentField', TIBTreeViewFieldProperty); |
542 |
RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(string), TIBTreeView, 'HasChildField', TIBTreeViewFieldProperty); |
543 |
+ |
RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(string), TIBTreeView, 'ImageIndexField', TIBTreeViewFieldProperty); |
544 |
+ |
RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(string), TIBTreeView, 'SelectedIndexField', TIBTreeViewFieldProperty); |
545 |
546 |
IBGUIInterface := TIBDSLCLInterface.Create; |
547 |
end; |
568 |
end; |
569 |
end; |
570 |
571 |
+ |
{ TIBLibraryNameProperty } |
572 |
+ |
573 |
+ |
function TIBLibraryNameProperty.GetFilter: string; |
574 |
+ |
begin |
575 |
+ |
Result := SLibraryNameFilter; {do not localise} |
576 |
+ |
end; |
577 |
+ |
578 |
+ |
{ TIBXServiceEditor } |
579 |
+ |
580 |
+ |
procedure TIBXServiceEditor.ExecuteVerb(Index: Integer); |
581 |
+ |
begin |
582 |
+ |
if Index < inherited GetVerbCount then |
583 |
+ |
inherited ExecuteVerb(Index) else |
584 |
+ |
begin |
585 |
+ |
Dec(Index, inherited GetVerbCount); |
586 |
+ |
case Index of |
587 |
+ |
0 : if IBXServiceEditor.EditIBXService(TIBXServicesConnection(Component)) then Designer.Modified; |
588 |
+ |
end; |
589 |
+ |
end; |
590 |
+ |
end; |
591 |
+ |
592 |
+ |
function TIBXServiceEditor.GetVerb(Index: Integer): string; |
593 |
+ |
begin |
594 |
+ |
if Index < inherited GetVerbCount then |
595 |
+ |
Result := inherited GetVerb(Index) else |
596 |
+ |
begin |
597 |
+ |
Dec(Index, inherited GetVerbCount); |
598 |
+ |
case Index of |
599 |
+ |
0: Result := SIBServiceEditor; |
600 |
+ |
1 : Result := SInterbaseExpressVersion; |
601 |
+ |
end; |
602 |
+ |
end; |
603 |
+ |
end; |
604 |
+ |
605 |
+ |
function TIBXServiceEditor.GetVerbCount: Integer; |
606 |
+ |
begin |
607 |
+ |
Result := inherited GetVerbCount + 2; |
608 |
+ |
end; |
609 |
+ |
610 |
+ |
{ TIBUpdateRefreshSQLProperty } |
611 |
+ |
612 |
+ |
function TIBUpdateRefreshSQLProperty.GetObjects: boolean; |
613 |
+ |
begin |
614 |
+ |
Result := false; |
615 |
+ |
FIBUpdate := GetComponent(0) as TIBUpdate; |
616 |
+ |
if not assigned(FIBUpdate) or not assigned(FIBUpdate.DataSet) then |
617 |
+ |
Exit; |
618 |
+ |
FDatabase := nil; |
619 |
+ |
if FIBUpdate.DataSet is TIBQuery then |
620 |
+ |
begin |
621 |
+ |
FDatabase := (FIBUpdate.DataSet as TIBQuery).Database; |
622 |
+ |
Result := true |
623 |
+ |
end; |
624 |
+ |
end; |
625 |
+ |
626 |
+ |
procedure TIBUpdateRefreshSQLProperty.Edit; |
627 |
+ |
begin |
628 |
+ |
GetObjects; |
629 |
+ |
if IBRefreshSQLEditor.EditSQL(FIBUpdate.DataSet,FIBUpdate.RefreshSQL) then Modified; |
630 |
+ |
end; |
631 |
+ |
632 |
{ TIBPackageNameProperty } |
633 |
634 |
procedure TIBPackageNameProperty.GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); |
791 |
Result := inherited GetVerbCount + 2; |
792 |
end; |
793 |
794 |
+ |
function TIBFileNameProperty.GetFilter: string; |
795 |
+ |
begin |
796 |
+ |
Result := SDatabaseFilter; {do not localize} |
797 |
+ |
end; |
798 |
+ |
799 |
{ TIBFileNameProperty } |
800 |
procedure TIBFileNameProperty.Edit; |
801 |
begin |
802 |
with TOpenDialog.Create(Application) do |
803 |
try |
804 |
InitialDir := ExtractFilePath(GetStrValue); |
805 |
< |
Filter := SDatabaseFilter; {do not localize} |
805 |
> |
Filter := GetFilter; |
806 |
if Execute then |
807 |
SetStrValue(FileName); |
808 |
finally |