418 |
implementation |
419 |
420 |
uses IB, IBQuery, IBStoredProc, IBCustomDataSet, IBMessages, |
421 |
< |
IBSQL, IBSQLMonitor, IBDatabaseInfo, IBEvents, IBTypes, |
421 |
> |
IBSQL, IBSQLMonitor, IBDatabaseInfo, IBEvents, IBInternals, |
422 |
IBServices, IBXServices, IBDatabaseEdit, IBTransactionEdit, |
423 |
IBBatchMove, IBExtract,LResources, IBSelectSQLEditor, |
424 |
IBModifySQLEditor,IBDeleteSQLEditor,IBRefreshSQLEditor, |
444 |
SIBDatabaseEditor = 'Da&tabase Editor...'; |
445 |
SIBTransactionEditor = '&Transaction Editor...'; |
446 |
SIBUpdateLayout = 'Update Layout'; |
447 |
+ |
SFBLibLoadProblem = 'IBX is unable to locate or otherwise load the Firebird Library - have you remembered to install it?'; |
448 |
449 |
procedure Register; |
450 |
begin |
451 |
AllowUseOfFBLIB := true; |
452 |
< |
if not TryIBLoad then |
453 |
< |
begin |
454 |
< |
MessageDlg('IBX is unable to locate the Firebird Library - have you remembered to install it?',mtError,[mbOK],0); |
455 |
< |
Exit; |
452 |
> |
try |
453 |
> |
if not TryIBLoad then |
454 |
> |
begin |
455 |
> |
MessageDlg(SFBLibLoadProblem,mtError,[mbOK],0); |
456 |
> |
Exit; |
457 |
> |
end; |
458 |
> |
except on E: Exception do |
459 |
> |
begin |
460 |
> |
MessageDlg(SFBLibLoadProblem + ' - ' + E.Message,mtError,[mbOK],0); |
461 |
> |
Exit; |
462 |
> |
end; |
463 |
end; |
464 |
465 |
RegisterNoIcon([TIBStringField, TIBBCDField, TIBMemoField, TIBArrayField, |
466 |
< |
TIBSmallintField, TIBIntegerField, TIBLargeIntField]); |
466 |
> |
TIBSmallintField, TIBIntegerField, TIBLargeIntField, TIBDateTimeField, |
467 |
> |
TIBTimeField]); |
468 |
{$if lcl_fullversion < 01010000} |
469 |
{see http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=19035 } |
470 |
RegisterNoIcon([TIntegerField]); |