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Revision: 81
Committed: Mon Jan 1 11:31:10 2018 UTC (6 years, 8 months ago) by tony
Content type: text/x-pascal
File size: 8133 byte(s)
Log Message:
Protect missing database name error in property editor

File Contents

# User Rev Content
1 tony 33 (*
2     * IBX For Lazarus (Firebird Express)
3     *
4     * The contents of this file are subject to the Initial Developer's
5     * Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
6     * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
7     * of the License here:
8     *
9     *
10     *
11     * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
12     * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
13     * implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights
14     * and limitations under the License.
15     *
16     * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tony Whyman.
17     *
18     * The Original Code is (C) 2011 Tony Whyman, MWA Software
19     * (
20     *
21     * All Rights Reserved.
22     *
23     * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
24     *
25     *)
27     unit IBDataSetEditor;
29     {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
31     interface
33     uses
34 tony 80 Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, ComCtrls,
35     StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, IBSQLEditFrame, IBCustomDataSet,
36     IBDatabase, IBLookupComboEditBox, IBDynamicGrid, Types;
37 tony 33
38     type
40     { TIBDataSetEditorForm }
42     TIBDataSetEditorForm = class(TForm)
43 tony 80 FieldNamesGrid: TIBDynamicGrid;
44 tony 33 GenerateParams: TCheckBox;
45 tony 80 IBSQLEditFrame1: TIBSQLEditFrame;
46     IncludeSysTables: TCheckBox;
47     PrimaryKeysGrid: TIBDynamicGrid;
48     SelectSelectAll: TCheckBox;
49     SelectTableNames: TIBLookupComboEditBox;
50 tony 33 TestBtn: TButton;
51     CancelButton: TButton;
52     FieldsPage: TTabSheet;
53     GenerateButton: TButton;
54     GroupBox1: TGroupBox;
55     IncludePrimaryKeys: TCheckBox;
56     Label1: TLabel;
57     Label2: TLabel;
58     Label3: TLabel;
59     Label4: TLabel;
60     OkButton: TButton;
61     PageControl: TPageControl;
62     QuoteFields: TCheckBox;
63     SQLPage: TTabSheet;
64     StatementType: TRadioGroup;
65 tony 80 procedure IncludeSysTablesChange(Sender: TObject);
66     procedure SelectSelectAllClick(Sender: TObject);
67 tony 33 procedure TestBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
68     procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction);
69     procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
70     procedure GenerateButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
71     procedure SQLMemoChange(Sender: TObject);
72     procedure SQLPageShow(Sender: TObject);
73     procedure StatementTypeClick(Sender: TObject);
74     private
75     { private declarations }
76     FDataSet: TIBDataSet;
77     FDirty: boolean;
78     FCurrentStatement: integer;
79     FSelectSQL: TStringList;
80     FModifySQL: TStringList;
81     FInsertSQL: TStringList;
82     FDeleteSQL: TStringList;
83     FRefreshSQL: TStringList;
84     procedure UpdateSQLMemo;
85 tony 80 procedure HandleUserTablesOpened(Sender: TObject);
86     protected
87     procedure Loaded; override;
88 tony 33 public
89     { public declarations }
90     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
91     destructor Destroy; override;
92     end;
94     var
95     IBDataSetEditorForm: TIBDataSetEditorForm;
97     function EditIBDataSet(DataSet: TIBDataSet): boolean;
99     implementation
101     {$R *.lfm}
103     function EditIBDataSet(DataSet: TIBDataSet): boolean;
104     begin
105     Result := false;
106     if assigned(DataSet) and assigned(DataSet.Database) then
107     try
108     DataSet.Database.Connected := true;
109     except on E: Exception do
110     ShowMessage(E.Message)
111     end;
113     with TIBDataSetEditorForm.Create(Application) do
114     try
115     if assigned(DataSet) then
116 tony 80 begin
117     IBSQLEditFrame1.Database := DataSet.Database;
118     GenerateParams.Checked := DataSet.GenerateParamNames;
119     end;
120     FDataSet := DataSet;
121 tony 33 Result := ShowModal = mrOK;
122     if Result and assigned(DataSet) then
123     DataSet.GenerateParamNames := GenerateParams.Checked
124     finally
125     Free
126     end;
128     end;
130     { TIBDataSetEditorForm }
132     procedure TIBDataSetEditorForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
133     var TableName: string;
134     begin
135     PageControl.ActivePage := FieldsPage;
136     FModifySQL.Assign(FDataSet.ModifySQL);
137     FInsertSQL.Assign(FDataSet.InsertSQL);
138     FDeleteSQL.Assign(FDataSet.DeleteSQL);
139     FRefreshSQL.Assign(FDataSet.RefreshSQL);
140     FSelectSQL.Assign(FDataSet.SelectSQL);
141 tony 80 GenerateButton.Enabled := (IBSQLEditFrame1.Database <> nil) and IBSQLEditFrame1.Database.Connected;
142     TestBtn.Enabled := (IBSQLEditFrame1.Database <> nil) and IBSQLEditFrame1.Database.Connected;
143 tony 33 FCurrentStatement := -1;
144 tony 81 if (IBSQLEditFrame1.Database <> nil) and IBSQLEditFrame1.Database.Connected then
145     begin
146     IBSQLEditFrame1.UserTables.Active := true;
147     IBSQLEditFrame1.SyncQueryBuilder(FSelectSQL);
148     end;
149 tony 33 end;
151     procedure TIBDataSetEditorForm.FormClose(Sender: TObject;
152     var CloseAction: TCloseAction);
153     begin
154     if ModalResult = mrOK then
155     begin
156     UpdateSQLMemo;
157     FDataSet.ModifySQL.Assign(FModifySQL);
158     FDataSet.InsertSQL.Assign(FInsertSQL);
159     FDataSet.DeleteSQL.Assign(FDeleteSQL);
160     FDataSet.RefreshSQL.Assign(FRefreshSQL);
161     FDataSet.SelectSQL.Assign(FSelectSQL);
162     end;
163     end;
165     procedure TIBDataSetEditorForm.TestBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
166     begin
167 tony 80 IBSQLEditFrame1.TestSQL(GenerateParams.Checked);
168 tony 33 end;
170 tony 80 procedure TIBDataSetEditorForm.IncludeSysTablesChange(Sender: TObject);
171 tony 33 begin
172 tony 80 IBSQLEditFrame1.IncludeSystemTables := IncludeSysTables.Checked;
173     end;
174 tony 33
175 tony 80 procedure TIBDataSetEditorForm.SelectSelectAllClick(Sender: TObject);
176     begin
177     IBSQLEditFrame1.SelectAllFields(SelectSelectAll.Checked);
178 tony 33 end;
180 tony 80 procedure TIBDataSetEditorForm.GenerateButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
181     begin
182     IBSQLEditFrame1.GenerateSelectSQL(QuoteFields.Checked,FSelectSQL);
183     IBSQLEditFrame1.GenerateRefreshSQL(QuoteFields.Checked,FRefreshSQL);
184     IBSQLEditFrame1.GenerateDeleteSQL(QuoteFields.Checked,FDeleteSQL);
185     IBSQLEditFrame1.GenerateInsertSQL(QuoteFields.Checked,FInsertSQL);
186     IBSQLEditFrame1.GenerateModifySQL(QuoteFields.Checked,FModifySQL, not IncludePrimaryKeys.Checked);
187     FDirty := false;
188     PageControl.ActivePage := SQLPage;
189     end;
191 tony 33 procedure TIBDataSetEditorForm.SQLMemoChange(Sender: TObject);
192     begin
193     FDirty := true
194     end;
196     procedure TIBDataSetEditorForm.SQLPageShow(Sender: TObject);
197     begin
198     UpdateSQLMemo
199     end;
201     procedure TIBDataSetEditorForm.StatementTypeClick(Sender: TObject);
202     begin
203     UpdateSQLMemo
204     end;
206     procedure TIBDataSetEditorForm.UpdateSQLMemo;
207     begin
208     if FDirty then
209     case FCurrentStatement of
210     0: // Select
211 tony 80 FSelectSQL.Assign(IBSQLEditFrame1.SQLText.Lines);
212 tony 33 1: //Modify
213 tony 80 FModifySQL.Assign(IBSQLEditFrame1.SQLText.Lines);
214 tony 33 2: //Insert
215 tony 80 FInsertSQL.Assign(IBSQLEditFrame1.SQLText.Lines);
216 tony 33 3: // Delete
217 tony 80 FDeleteSQL.Assign(IBSQLEditFrame1.SQLText.Lines);
218 tony 33 4: //Refresh
219 tony 80 FRefreshSQL.Assign(IBSQLEditFrame1.SQLText.Lines);
220 tony 33 end;
221     FDirty := false;
222     case StatementType.ItemIndex of
223     0: //Select
224 tony 80 IBSQLEditFrame1.SQLText.Lines.Assign(FSelectSQL);
225 tony 33 1: // Modify
226 tony 80 IBSQLEditFrame1.SQLText.Lines.Assign(FModifySQL) ;
227 tony 33 2: //Insert
228 tony 80 IBSQLEditFrame1.SQLText.Lines.Assign(FInsertSQL) ;
229 tony 33 3: // Delete
230 tony 80 IBSQLEditFrame1.SQLText.Lines.Assign(FDeleteSQL) ;
231 tony 33 4: //Refresh
232 tony 80 IBSQLEditFrame1.SQLText.Lines.Assign(FRefreshSQL) ;
233 tony 33 end;
234     FCurrentStatement := StatementType.ItemIndex;
235     end;
237 tony 80 procedure TIBDataSetEditorForm.HandleUserTablesOpened(Sender: TObject);
238     begin
239     SelectSelectAll.Checked := true;
240     end;
242     procedure TIBDataSetEditorForm.Loaded;
243     begin
244     inherited Loaded;
245     if IBSQLEditFrame1 <> nil then
246     begin
247     IBSQLEditFrame1.OnUserTablesOpened := @HandleUserTablesOpened;
248     if SelectTableNames <> nil then
249     SelectTableNames.ListSource := IBSQLEditFrame1.UserTableSource;
250     if FieldNamesGrid <> nil then
251     FieldNamesGrid.DataSource := IBSQLEditFrame1.FieldsSource;
252     if PrimaryKeysGrid <> nil then
253     PrimaryKeysGrid.DataSource := IBSQLEditFrame1.PrimaryKeySource;
254     end;
255     end;
257 tony 33 constructor TIBDataSetEditorForm.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
258     begin
259     inherited Create(TheOwner);
260     FModifySQL := TStringList.Create;
261     FInsertSQL := TStringList.Create;
262     FDeleteSQL := TStringList.Create;
263     FRefreshSQL := TStringList.Create;
264     FSelectSQL := TStringList.Create;
265     end;
267     destructor TIBDataSetEditorForm.Destroy;
268     begin
269     if assigned(FModifySQL) then FModifySQL.Free;
270     if assigned(FInsertSQL) then FInsertSQL.Free;
271     if assigned(FDeleteSQL) then FDeleteSQL.Free;
272     if assigned(FRefreshSQL) then FRefreshSQL.Free;
273 tony 80 if assigned(FSelectSQL) then FSelectSQL.Free;
274 tony 33 inherited Destroy;
275     end;
277     end.