32 |
33 |
uses |
34 |
Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, |
35 |
< |
StdCtrls, IBSystemTables, IBDatabase; |
35 |
> |
StdCtrls, ComCtrls, IBSystemTables, IBDatabase, IBCustomDataSet, IB; |
36 |
37 |
type |
38 |
41 |
TIBModifySQLEditorForm = class(TForm) |
42 |
Button1: TButton; |
43 |
Button2: TButton; |
44 |
+ |
FieldList: TListBox; |
45 |
GenerateBtn: TButton; |
46 |
< |
TestBtn: TButton; |
46 |
< |
IBTransaction1: TIBTransaction; |
46 |
> |
GenerateParams: TCheckBox; |
47 |
IncludePrimaryKeys: TCheckBox; |
48 |
– |
FieldList: TListBox; |
48 |
Label1: TLabel; |
49 |
+ |
Label16: TLabel; |
50 |
+ |
Label17: TLabel; |
51 |
+ |
Label18: TLabel; |
52 |
Label2: TLabel; |
51 |
– |
Label3: TLabel; |
53 |
Label4: TLabel; |
54 |
+ |
ExecuteOnlyIndicator: TLabel; |
55 |
+ |
PageControl: TPageControl; |
56 |
PrimaryKeyList: TListBox; |
57 |
+ |
ProcedureNames: TComboBox; |
58 |
+ |
ProcInputList: TListBox; |
59 |
+ |
ProcOutputList: TListBox; |
60 |
+ |
TableNamesCombo: TComboBox; |
61 |
+ |
ModifyPage: TTabSheet; |
62 |
+ |
ExecutePage: TTabSheet; |
63 |
+ |
TestBtn: TButton; |
64 |
+ |
IBTransaction1: TIBTransaction; |
65 |
+ |
Label3: TLabel; |
66 |
QuoteFields: TCheckBox; |
67 |
SQLText: TMemo; |
68 |
< |
TableNamesCombo: TComboBox; |
68 |
> |
procedure ExecutePageShow(Sender: TObject); |
69 |
procedure GenerateBtnClick(Sender: TObject); |
70 |
+ |
procedure ModifyPageShow(Sender: TObject); |
71 |
+ |
procedure ProcedureNamesCloseUp(Sender: TObject); |
72 |
procedure TestBtnClick(Sender: TObject); |
73 |
procedure FieldListDblClick(Sender: TObject); |
74 |
procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); |
87 |
var |
88 |
IBModifySQLEditorForm: TIBModifySQLEditorForm; |
89 |
90 |
< |
function EditSQL(Database: TIBDatabase; SelectSQL: TStrings): boolean; |
90 |
> |
function EditSQL(DataSet: TIBCustomDataSet; SelectSQL: TStrings): boolean; |
91 |
92 |
implementation |
93 |
94 |
{$R *.lfm} |
95 |
96 |
< |
function EditSQL(Database: TIBDatabase; SelectSQL: TStrings): boolean; |
96 |
> |
function EditSQL(DataSet: TIBCustomDataSet; SelectSQL: TStrings): boolean; |
97 |
begin |
98 |
Result := false; |
99 |
< |
if assigned(Database) then |
99 |
> |
if assigned(DataSet) and assigned(DataSet.Database) then |
100 |
try |
101 |
< |
Database.Connected := true; |
101 |
> |
DataSet.Database.Connected := true; |
102 |
except on E: Exception do |
103 |
ShowMessage(E.Message) |
104 |
end; |
105 |
106 |
with TIBModifySQLEditorForm.Create(Application) do |
107 |
try |
108 |
< |
SetDatabase(Database); |
108 |
> |
if assigned(DataSet) then |
109 |
> |
begin |
110 |
> |
SetDatabase(DataSet.Database); |
111 |
> |
GenerateParams.Checked := DataSet.GenerateParamNames; |
112 |
> |
end; |
113 |
SQLText.Lines.Assign(SelectSQL); |
114 |
Result := ShowModal = mrOK; |
115 |
if Result then |
116 |
< |
SelectSQL.Assign(SQLText.Lines) |
116 |
> |
begin |
117 |
> |
SelectSQL.Assign(SQLText.Lines); |
118 |
> |
if assigned(DataSet) then |
119 |
> |
DataSet.GenerateParamNames := GenerateParams.Checked |
120 |
> |
end; |
121 |
finally |
122 |
Free |
123 |
end; |
126 |
{ TIBModifySQLEditorForm } |
127 |
128 |
procedure TIBModifySQLEditorForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject); |
129 |
< |
var TableName: string; |
129 |
> |
var IsProcedureName: boolean; |
130 |
> |
SQLType: TIBSQLStatementTypes; |
131 |
begin |
132 |
GenerateBtn.Enabled := (IBTransaction1.DefaultDatabase <> nil) and IBTransaction1.DefaultDatabase.Connected; |
133 |
TestBtn.Enabled := (IBTransaction1.DefaultDatabase <> nil) and IBTransaction1.DefaultDatabase.Connected; |
134 |
< |
TableNamesCombo.Items.Clear; |
112 |
< |
try |
113 |
< |
FIBSystemTables.GetTableNames(TableNamesCombo.Items); |
114 |
< |
if TableNamesCombo.Items.Count > 0 then |
134 |
> |
if Trim(SQLText.Text) <> '' then |
135 |
begin |
136 |
< |
TableNamesCombo.ItemIndex := 0; |
137 |
< |
if Trim(SQLText.Text) <> '' then |
138 |
< |
begin |
139 |
< |
FIBSystemTables.GetTableAndColumns(SQLText.Text,TableName,nil); |
140 |
< |
TableNamesCombo.ItemIndex := TableNamesCombo.Items.IndexOf(TableName) |
141 |
< |
end; |
142 |
< |
FIBSystemTables.GetFieldNames(TableNamesCombo.Text,FieldList.Items,IncludePrimaryKeys.checked,false); |
143 |
< |
FIBSystemTables.GetPrimaryKeys(TableNamesCombo.Text,PrimaryKeyList.Items); |
144 |
< |
end; |
145 |
< |
except {ignore} end; |
136 |
> |
try |
137 |
> |
SQLType := FIBSystemTables.GetStatementType(SQLText.Text,IsProcedureName); |
138 |
> |
except end; |
139 |
> |
if SQLType = SQLExecProcedure then |
140 |
> |
PageControl.ActivePage := ExecutePage |
141 |
> |
else |
142 |
> |
PageControl.ActivePage := ModifyPage; |
143 |
> |
end |
144 |
> |
else |
145 |
> |
PageControl.ActivePage := ModifyPage; |
146 |
end; |
147 |
148 |
procedure TIBModifySQLEditorForm.PrimaryKeyListDblClick(Sender: TObject); |
160 |
procedure TIBModifySQLEditorForm.GenerateBtnClick(Sender: TObject); |
161 |
var FieldNames: TStrings; |
162 |
begin |
163 |
< |
FieldNames := FIBSystemTables.GetFieldNames(FieldList); |
164 |
< |
try |
165 |
< |
FIBSystemTables.GenerateModifySQL(TableNamesCombo.Text,QuoteFields.Checked, |
163 |
> |
if PageControl.ActivePage = ExecutePage then |
164 |
> |
FIBSystemTables.GenerateExecuteSQL(ProcedureNames.Text,QuoteFields.Checked,true, |
165 |
> |
ProcInputList.Items,ProcOutputList.Items,SQLText.Lines) |
166 |
> |
else |
167 |
> |
begin |
168 |
> |
FieldNames := FIBSystemTables.GetFieldNames(FieldList); |
169 |
> |
try |
170 |
> |
FIBSystemTables.GenerateModifySQL(TableNamesCombo.Text,QuoteFields.Checked, |
171 |
FieldNames,SQLText.Lines) |
172 |
< |
finally |
173 |
< |
FieldNames.Free |
172 |
> |
finally |
173 |
> |
FieldNames.Free |
174 |
> |
end; |
175 |
> |
end; |
176 |
> |
end; |
177 |
> |
178 |
> |
procedure TIBModifySQLEditorForm.ExecutePageShow(Sender: TObject); |
179 |
> |
var ProcName: string; |
180 |
> |
IsProcedureName: boolean; |
181 |
> |
begin |
182 |
> |
FIBSystemTables.GetProcedureNames(ProcedureNames.Items,false); |
183 |
> |
if ProcedureNames.Items.Count > 0 then |
184 |
> |
begin |
185 |
> |
if (FIBSystemTables.GetStatementType(SQLText.Text,IsProcedureName) = SQLExecProcedure) or IsProcedureName then |
186 |
> |
begin |
187 |
> |
FIBSystemTables.GetTableAndColumns(SQLText.Text,ProcName,nil); |
188 |
> |
ProcedureNames.ItemIndex := ProcedureNames.Items.IndexOf(ProcName) |
189 |
> |
end |
190 |
> |
else |
191 |
> |
ProcedureNames.ItemIndex := 0; |
192 |
> |
end; |
193 |
> |
ProcedureNamesCloseUp(nil); |
194 |
> |
end; |
195 |
> |
196 |
> |
procedure TIBModifySQLEditorForm.ModifyPageShow(Sender: TObject); |
197 |
> |
var TableName: string; |
198 |
> |
begin |
199 |
> |
TableNamesCombo.Items.Clear; |
200 |
> |
try |
201 |
> |
FIBSystemTables.GetTableNames(TableNamesCombo.Items); |
202 |
> |
if TableNamesCombo.Items.Count > 0 then |
203 |
> |
begin |
204 |
> |
TableNamesCombo.ItemIndex := 0; |
205 |
> |
if Trim(SQLText.Text) <> '' then |
206 |
> |
begin |
207 |
> |
FIBSystemTables.GetTableAndColumns(SQLText.Text,TableName,nil); |
208 |
> |
TableNamesCombo.ItemIndex := TableNamesCombo.Items.IndexOf(TableName) |
209 |
> |
end; |
210 |
> |
FIBSystemTables.GetFieldNames(TableNamesCombo.Text,FieldList.Items,IncludePrimaryKeys.checked,false); |
211 |
> |
FIBSystemTables.GetPrimaryKeys(TableNamesCombo.Text,PrimaryKeyList.Items); |
212 |
end; |
213 |
+ |
except {ignore} end; |
214 |
+ |
end; |
215 |
+ |
216 |
+ |
procedure TIBModifySQLEditorForm.ProcedureNamesCloseUp(Sender: TObject); |
217 |
+ |
var ExecuteOnly: boolean; |
218 |
+ |
begin |
219 |
+ |
FIBSystemTables.GetProcParams(ProcedureNames.Text,ExecuteOnly,ProcInputList.Items,ProcOutputList.Items); |
220 |
+ |
ExecuteOnlyIndicator.Visible := ExecuteOnly; |
221 |
end; |
222 |
223 |
procedure TIBModifySQLEditorForm.TestBtnClick(Sender: TObject); |
224 |
begin |
225 |
< |
FIBSystemTables.TestSQL(SQLText.Lines.Text) |
225 |
> |
FIBSystemTables.TestSQL(SQLText.Lines.Text,GenerateParams.Checked) |
226 |
end; |
227 |
228 |
procedure TIBModifySQLEditorForm.TableNamesComboCloseUp(Sender: TObject); |
250 |
end; |
251 |
252 |
end. |
182 |
– |